Distant Horizon > Season One > 1.5 - "Reflective Pity, Part I" |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Sep 21 2005, 07:03 PM |
I'm detecting elevated power readings from the Cargo Bay." Lieutenant Jalovel said from the aft science console. "It's the Karcsis." Ryan interjected. "Not again." Anil sighed. "Damn thing is always raring its ugly head at the most inappropriate times." The closest warbird shimmered on the viewscreen. Anil and Ryan stared at it curiously. "Looks like they're trying to cloak." "Sir, sensors are detecting a massive amount of chronotons particles emitting from the warbird -" Lieutenant Jalovel reported "Navigation is down!" "What the hell is going on?" Ryan blared “Kassan – lock onto the Karcsis and beam it off the ship, NOW!” Reyan barked – but it was too late - the bridge lights flickered and dimmed, and an feeling of vertigo overwhelmed him, bringing unconsciousness, darkness and oblivion. // 1 hour later // Reyan awoke, his head pounding. The Bridge lights had reactivated, and the consoles were all active, with various officers either slumped over or in front of them. “Report” he called, as he slowly attempted to stand No reply was forthcoming Reyan staggered over to the Helm console, intending to confirm the position of the Romulan ships, and the USS Hood, which had been on an intercept course. Nothing – no ships within immediate range. Commander Orlan pulled himself up and sat himself in his chair “What the hell was that?” he exclaimed By this time, a few of the other Officers were beginning to revive “No idea – but nothing appears to be amiss, aside from the fact that the Titan and the Romulan’s are no longer in sensor range” Reyan replied, as he hurried over to the tactical station to check Kassan “Kassan…are you ok?” he stated, his voice betraying a level of concern beyond the concern of a Captain for one of his Officers. Kassan blinked and tried to stand “What happened?” she asked “Wish I knew” Reyan answered truthfully, as he helped Kassan to her feet. The two Officers stared at each other for a moment, lost in each other’s eyes, before they both composed themselves Commander Orlan looked confused for a moment, but his expression quickly changed to one that resembled that of a man who had just discovered his best friends secret and was not too pleased about it – Reyan, not knowing what to say, simply shrugged. By now, all of the bridge crew were conscious and back at their stations “Lieutenant Xandra – I take it that the Karcsis is still aboard?” Reyan asked “Yes Sir – I didn’t have time to beam it off the ship” she replied “Captain – picking up weapons-fire on long-range sensors” Lieutenant Jalovel called “The Romulan’s and the Titan?” Commander Orlan asked “Unable to be absolutely certain, Sir, as the long range sensors are not performing at their best at the moment – I’m reading what definitely appears to be faint phaser and disruptor fire. The phaser fire has a Starfleet signature, although there is an unusual phase variance in it. I can’t get an accurate reading on the disruptor signature from this distance though” Lieutenant Jalovel reported “It could be the Titan and the Hood” Reyan stated “Is the warp drive online?” Ryan asked, noting that there was currently no-one at the Helm “Aye Sir – no problem reported with the warp drive” Korbin at the operations console replied “Good – Lieutenant Jalovel – take the Helm until Lieutenant Revolone finds his way to the Bridge” Reyan ordered “We’re going in?” Ryan asked, already aware of the answer “Damned right we are – Lieutenant Jalovel – intercept course, maximum warp – Engage” reply anyone |
Posted by: Kassan Xandra Sep 24 2005, 05:31 AM |
"What the hell is going on?" Ryan blared “Kassan – lock onto the Karcsis and beam it off the ship, NOW!” Reyan barked Kassan looked down at her panel, everything started to spin and blur. She reached out her hand, but everything disappeared into blackness. Kassan opened her eyes, she had no idea what had happened or how long she had been unconcious, but she pulled herself up to a sitting position, leaning against the consol. She sat for a moment, rubbing her elbow and then she felt a sharp pain in her head. She reached up, there was a slight bump and a trickle of blood. She winced as she touched it and looked at her fingers. She looked around the Bridge, her first thoughts of Anil. Then she saw others slumped, beginning to come too as well. Commander Orlan pulled himself up and sat himself in his chair “What the hell was that?” he exclaimed Kassan let out a sigh of relief when she saw Anil hurrying over to her as she tried to pull herself up. He is ok, ohh he is ok. she thought, holding back tears of relief. “No idea – but nothing appears to be amiss, aside from the fact that the Titan and the Romulan’s are no longer in sensor range” Reyan replied, as he hurried over to the tactical station. “Kassan…are you ok?” he stated, his voice betraying a level of concern beyond the concern of a Captain for one of his Officers. Kassan blinked and tried to stand “What happened?” she asked “Wish I knew” Reyan answered. He put one arm around her and the other under her arm and helped her to her feet. Kassan looked into his eyes and his locked on hers. His nearness to her, set her heart to racing and for the moment the world melted away, leaving only the two of them. Then she realised at the same time as him that they had been staringingot each other eyes and both composed themselves. Kassan noticed a look exchanged between Anil and Commander Orlan. Commander Orlan, did not look at all happy and Reyan in return shrugged. By now, all of the bridge crew were conscious and back at their stations “Lieutenant Xandra – I take it that the Karcsis is still aboard?” Reyan asked “Yes Sir – I didn’t have time to beam it off the ship” she replied “Captain – picking up weapons-fire on long-range sensors” Lieutenant Jalovel called “The Romulan’s and the Titan?” Commander Orlan asked “Unable to be absolutely certain, Sir, as the long range sensors are not performing at their best at the moment – I’m reading what definitely appears to be faint phaser and disruptor fire. The phaser fire has a Starfleet signature, although there is an unusual phase variance in it. I can’t get an accurate reading on the disruptor signature from this distance though” Lieutenant Jalovel reported “It could be the Titan and the Hood” Reyan stated “Is the warp drive online?” Ryan asked, noting that there was currently no-one at the Helm “Aye Sir – no problem reported with the warp drive” Korbin at the operations console replied “Good – Lieutenant Jalovel – take the Helm until Lieutenant Revolone finds his way to the Bridge” Reyan ordered “We’re going in?” Ryan asked, already aware of the answer “Damned right we are – Lieutenant Jalovel – intercept course, maximum warp – Engage” Kassan began to scan as she quickly checked the tactical station and ran a quick diagnostic check. She sighed deeply, she had no idea what had happened or what this Karcsis had done, but she was concerened. She quickly gave her report and continued, her fingers dancing over the consol. Every now and then she glanced over at Anil. Their evening had been again cut short and she was looking forward to more time with him. She bought her mind back to the job at hand. She watched the readouts on her consol, her fingers dancing quickly over it. There were small phase varients but nothing to much out of the ordinary, that might indicate what had happened to them. She noticed the chronometer on the consol had stopped, this surprised her, but it was a minor function and a small annoyance, everything else seemed to be working and checked out well. She looked again at the command chairs, a whistful smile tilting the corner of her lips. |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Sep 24 2005, 09:58 AM |
Eranys stirred with a tongue grating across her nose; something immense and furry sprawled across her chest. Despite an impressive headache, she found herself reluctant to hold back a smile, short-lived as it was, and sat up with a hand placed gingerly to one pulsating eye-ridge. What had happened? The last thing she remembered…going for a bagel from the replicator, and the floor was falling up. She pushed a concerned Blue from her lap and stood, glancing at red fluid on fingertips. Closer examination revealed what she already knew; upon her ridge was a superficial cut, probably sustained from a violent encounter with the bedpost, and the bleeding had already ceased. “Merrrrow!” “Oh, shut it, cat.” Suddenly mild bemusement became apprehension. What had happened? Why had she suddenly lost consciousness? Was this a ship-wide incident? If her hearing had been any keener, she might have picked up on the soft structural hum indicating a sudden increase in warp speed. Blue darted ‘neath the couch. So Eranys checked to see she still had her comm.. badge on her and headed out through yielding doors. Yet her departure was cut short as she nearly stumbled across a semi-conscious Ensign in the corridor. Some previous medical training allowed her to stoop and administer aid accordingly. She helped the young Bolian sit up. The Labs could wait…for now. |
Posted by: Elijah_Dolton Sep 24 2005, 11:29 AM |
Elijah was in a corridor when he lost conciousness. He finally woke up and tried to get up. His head was pounding and his legs were weak. He quickly composed himself and hurried to the bridge. He came in just as everyone else got up. His head was still pounding and his legs were still weak. He grabbed onto some railing to help support himself. What happened? He thought to himself. He looked around the bridge and noticed a couple of officers were bleeding. His headache was getting unbearable so he ran out of the bridge and to sickbay. "Nurse." he said. One of the nurses came to him. "What's the problem?" she replied. "My head is in a lot of pain. It's been like that ever since I regained conciousness." She walked to a desk and took out a couple of pills. "Here these should clear up that headache in no time." She said as she handed me the pills and a glass of water. I walked back to the bridge feeling a lot better. When I got there I heard Captain Reyan telling Lieutenant Jalovel to go to maximum warp. "Captain what's going on?" I asked. "We detected faint phaser fire from Starfleet ships." He quickly answered. OOC: Am I the Cheif Operations Officer now? |
Posted by: Tolar Jalovel Sep 24 2005, 12:35 PM |
We’re going in?” Commander Orlan asked the Captain “Damned right we are – Lieutenant Jalovel – intercept course, maximum warp – Engage” the Captain replied Tolar entered the course into the Helm, and the Intrepid jumped to warp heading toward the coordinates of the weapons fire that he had traced He was enjoying his time at the Helm, a station that he would not normally find himself using. Of course, the circumstances had meant that whoever was available had to take it. "Lieutenant, you seem comfortable there. fancy a transfer to helm?" the Captain asked "Actually, Sir.... I wouldn't mind trying" Tolar replied nervously "Well, the Assistant Helm Officer post is free, and the Science department is filled. I don't see why not" the Captain replied Tolar smiled, and stood as an Ensign from Lt Revolone's team appeared to relive him. As he walked to the turbolift he was joined by the Captain and Lt Xandra, who both seemed amused by somthing. *Oh well, I'm sure I'll find out what they think is so funny sooner or later. Better find myself a Red uniform* he absently thought to himself as the turbolift doors closed. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Sep 24 2005, 01:53 PM |
Reyan stepped into the Turbolift, along with Kassan and Lieutenant Jalovel, who was looking somewhat preoccupied. Reyan glanced at Kassan, who smiled at him. "Deck 7" Lieutenant Jalovel stated "Deck 4" Kassan continued Reyan said nothing, choosing to wait until the turbolift dropped Lieutenant Jalovel at his destination. As soon as Jalovel stepped out of the turbolift, Reyan moved closer to Kassan "Sorry Kassan - didn't think we'd ever get any personal time" he quickly said, enjoying their closeness "It's not your fault" she replied, smiling "I think that Commander Orlan may have figured us out" Kassan continued "Perhaps - I'm not so sure - and knowing him, I don't think he'll say anything until he has somthing a little more concrete anyway" Reyan replied Kassan didn't reply, instead giving Anil a nodd of aknowledgement "How about Dinner?" Reyan asked "Thought you'd never ask" Kassan replied The turbolift doors wispered open and the two officers made their way to share some time together. |
Posted by: Fallax Trell Sep 25 2005, 10:58 AM |
The barage was unrelenting. Fallax growled deep in her throat. She no longer sat in her chair but stood, her hands on her hips, legs slightly spread, trying to keep balance, as the ship shook. The Bridge was bathed in an eary red glow and the faces of the crew were set and determined. "Report!" she yelled. "Sheilds at 80% and holding." Reports started to come in from all stations. Things were not looking good. She paced for a moment, an ensign approached her and handed her a PADD. She took it and read. The casualties were growing. Her face darkened as she turned on the ensign and hit him a hard back hander across the face, knocking him to the ground. "Target and fire at will!" she barked the order to tactical. "Aye Ma'am". Travers replied. Again the ship rocked. "Sheilds down 70% ....60%..........50%" Fallax swore in Klingon, she looked at the main screen. "Damage to decks 10 through 12." Fallax again swore. |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Sep 25 2005, 01:12 PM |
"Fire another volley against their dorsal phaser array, Geo -- down z-four, y-seventy-two." Geo put in the coordinates, even as another volley of explosive photon torpedos ricocheted off of the hull, causing the bridge to sparkle with life, blowing several of the circuits and tossing the Captain from his chair, injured and unconcious. "Tactical, aim for their warp core, Science! I need a way to get through their shields," Geo called, being the only officer of high enough rank -- Lieutenant Command -- to assume command of a vessel on the bridge. The Science station cracked, but the vulcan manning it stayed at his post, likewise tactical seemed rather hectic, but Shamor seemed adequate for the task. Another volley hit the shields, shattering the bridge, bulkheads falling to the floor, several of the crewmen knocked from their stations, Shamor killed. "Science!" Geo screamed again, his forehead felt warm, his fingers probbing the fresh wound on his head before he looked over at Artim. "So help me god Artim, I will kill you in a minute," "I've got it! I've got it! Chronometre is reading at a point seven variance, helm to manual, bring her up on the sternside, if I'm right, I can bring the ship from temporal flux, and destroy it with our ventral torpedo tubes." "You got it, we are about to get ugly with them." The Ambassador ship lurched upward, moving directly back for the enemy, charging along her sternside, volley after volley of torpedo's hitting the shields, until they were depleted and three impacted directly on the hull. "Hull breach on decks 13 through 17, forcefields in place, twenty dead, thirteen wounded." "Now," the ship completely reemerged, two torpedo's simultaneously impacting against the unprotected ships warp naucelles, rendering a warp field distabilization, and causing it to implode, "get us out!" "Hold on!" Geo keyed in the new coordinates, inputting the manual drive as the ship shot directly upward... Seizmic vibrations were hardly something that Geo had anticipated, and with the sudden jolt he woke from his dreamy state, gazing groggily about the room before offering a groan and easing to his feet. Why was it no one on this bloody ship could ever just sleep? "Computer, lights to fourty-percent, bring the atmospheric readings up another ten degrees, and display messages." The computer offered a beep of agreeance, complying with his demand and bringing up the roster update for his crew manifest, since it was a requirement of the chief positions to clear a position transfer. While dressing the Hermekian reviewed the contents, his lips pursed thing as he watched the console. They think I need help at Helm! I'm a damn good pilot he thought angrily, but cleared the transfer nonetheless. Another vibration knocked him to his senses, and he almost didn't catch the desk before nearly falling to his knees -- but conciousness returned to him rather quickly, and he was already starting for his door. He had a ship to fly. Unfortunately, the good doctor intercepted him at the door. "Where are you going? I ordered you to your bed?" "I can't stay in bed!" Geo interjected, trying to move around the Doctor, who moved to intercept and blocked him from leaving. She pulled out a tricorder, beginning the intertial scans of his vital signs before she sighed. "Fine you can go -- but only if I get a kiss," Geo quirked a brow, but his lips worked a gentle smile before he leaned forward and indulged her in one of those kisses. Afterwards, he moved her to the side, beginning down the corridor. "Will I live doctor?" Geo asked. "Oh you're fully recovered," she replied. "Why did I just kiss you!?" "Because I wanted one," their was the typical woman, rolling her eyes and leaving in a huff of planned movement. Sometimes they were too confusing really. ~ ~ ~ ~ BRIDGE // USS INTREPID ~ ~ ~ ~ The turbolift doors swished open, Geo strolling out even as he placed the last of his pips unto his collar, glancing towards the helmsmen that had relieved Mr. Jalovel. "Did someone need a pilot?" He asked gently, giving a clear indication to the Ensign whom had replaced him to get the hell out; which the man promptly did. For the moment Geo retook his seat, setting up the console to read for his profile, and inputting the changed controls into the Helms station. Always the daredevil, Geo perferred manual input to the automatic variances, but it was nothing he could handle. Not like the Reaent he reminded himself. No, not at all... |
Posted by: Kassan Xandra Sep 25 2005, 10:09 PM |
Kassan, Anil and Jalovel stepped into the turbolift, nobody spoke for a moment. She glanced at Anil and smiled at him when she saw him looking at her. Kassan stood next to Anil, her heart beating, and looked straight ahead trying not to appear flustered. How can he have this affect on me. "Deck 7" Lieutenant Jalovel stated Breaking Kassan from her reverie. "Deck 4" Kassan said. Anil stood silent as the turbo lift wooshed to silent life. Finally it stopped and Jalovel exited, the doors closed and Anil smiled at Kassan and moved closer. "Sorry Kassan - didn't think we'd ever get any personal time" he quickly said. "It's not your fault" she replied, smiling "I think that Commander Orlan may have figured us out" Kassan replied, a little concern creeping into her voice. "Perhaps - I'm not so sure - and knowing him, I don't think he'll say anything until he has somthing a little more concrete anyway" Anil replied. Kassan looked at Anil and nodded. "How about Dinner?" Reyan asked "Thought you'd never ask" Kassan replied The turbolift doors wispered open, Kassan and Anil walked quietly through the corridors. His hand brushed hers as they walked and again Kassans heart beat wildly. "I never thought, but would you prefer to eat out or to perhaps eat at my place?" he asked suddenly stopping dead in his tracks. "I think your quarters," she replied, her face colouring. They continued to his door and she stood quietly as he coded it. The doors wooshed silently open and they stepped inside. "Have a seat. What would you like to drink?" he asked. "I think for now a coffee." she replied. She watched as Anil walked over to the replicator and returned with two steaming mugs, placing one in front of her and sitting down next to her on the sofa with his own. "I have been wanting some time alone with you," he said quietly. "But circumstances seem to be against it." "I know." she replied. "I have been feeling the same way." She held the mug to her lips and took a tentative sip, enjoying the aroma of the coffee blend. "This is really nice." she said. "What is it?" "It is a rare Arama blend." he replied. "I quite like it and got a store of it bought aboard, last time we docked." They sat quietly for a few minutes just enjoying the silence and the peace. Then as Kassan put her mug on the table, so did Anil. Anil took Kassans hand and they looked deeply into each others eyes. "Kassan, I know this has happened awfully fast and if you are at all uncomfort........" Before he could finish his sentence, she leaned into him and silenced him as she sealed her lips against his and kissed him. He pulled her gently closer to him wrapping his arms around her and returned the kiss. Her lips slightly parted as he probed her mouth with his tongue, her own exploring him, her breath coming heavier as her whole body responded to his touch. Time escaped them as they explored each other. The meal for the moment again forgotton as he stood, picked her up in his arms and carried her through to his bedroom and layed her gently on the bed. |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Sep 26 2005, 01:40 AM |
"Ryan," Geo's voice sounded in Ryan's ears as he was about to enter his quaters for some much needed rest. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the holodeck after my shift on the Bridge. I managed to find that progam I was telling you about - the NX-01 reinactment." "Excellent, I look foward to it, Geo." He grinned and returned Geo's colloquial uniqueness. "Just hope we don't need to reschedule again." "Indeed. Besides, I want to catch up on what is happening with you and Gaia." "How do you... there's nothing happening. I doubt she'll want to even remain friends now." "It'll work out." Geo said reassuringly and clapped a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Anyhow, I'm under the impression that this ship needs an experienced pilot." Ryan watched Geo continue down the corridor and dissapear around a corner. He stood there for a moment trying to cypher how Geo could have known that something had happened between him and Gaia. The temptation to follow him around the corner and subject the man to an interrogation of what he knew about Gaia and what she might have said after Ryan had left Sickbay, was almost too much to pass up. It wouldn't help anyhow. He thought, quelling the temptation in it's infancy. It was right to think it wouldn't be beneficial, Geo probably wouldn't tell him anything Gaia said anyway. "Black Hole." Ryan instructed the replicator after entering his quaters. Taking the glass from the tray he sat down on the lounge and gazed out at the warping stars. What a mess... He thought, taking a long sip that emptied his glass of the Ferengi beverage. His mind began to wander in circles, questioning everything he had said and done over the past couple of days untill it finally relinquished to much needed sleep. Ryan woke with a start, another disturbing nightmare jerking him back to reality. He couldn't keep going on like this. He needed to somehow sort out the mess with Gaia or get as far away from her as possible so he could clear his head. But I don't really want to leave her... ![]() ![]() Ryan let out a quiet sigh and tapped his commbadge. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Entering the Cargo Bay, Ryan soon found himself standing along side Lieutenant O'Sullivan and an exhausted looking Valorin; a data PADD in his hands. "Apparently it was some kind of sub-routine embedded into the file structure of that treaty." "And you think that the Karcsis located this sub-routine in the auxiliary computer after you downloaded it from the Data rod?" "It seems that way, given what happened to the crew shortly after the file was transfered." Valorin said. "Where realms collide, acid and alkali now combine." He said, reading aloud from the PADD. "The Neutral Zone?" When neither of the officers commented Ryan continued to read. He'd read the riddle before when the computer had found it, but untill now it had remained quite insignificant to their current situation. "'A Kirk depiction of worlds alike.' Could that be the Mirror Universe?" "We believe so and sensors recorded some kind of Isodimentional Rift had been emmited from the Karcsis." "Brilliant! I'm really starting to regret bringing this damn thing onboard. Should have let Admiral Cartel keep it right from the beginning!" Ryan's fist lightly thudded against the solid casing of the Karcsis. "It's plausible that the file is some kind of activation program. Maybe we are ment to be here." Heather volunteered. "What do you think the rest of this riddle means?" Valorin asked breaking the dispiriting silence that had downed itself upon them. "A location. Cartel and Captain Riker mentioned that these riddles lead to the next key." He looked at the PADD again. "Where realms collide, acid and alkali now combine. When acid and alkali mix, it becomes neutral. So the realms that collide could be Federation and the Romulan space." "So the location of the next key is in or near the Neural Zone." O'Sullivan said thoughtfully. "Past and present called would suggest that where it is, the place is abandoned." "Indeed, try searching the Xenobiology database for anything that might match some of these lines." Ryan guided. "Were their any other anomalous sensor readings about the time that we lost consciousness?" "Asside from the battle, no. Although, one of the warbirds emitted a mass amount of chronitron particles..." "I need to inform the Captain." He responded, and quickly strode from the Cargo Bay. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Sep 26 2005, 04:25 PM |
Reyan woke slowly, the sound of movement rousing him from his deep sleep. He smiled to himself, pleased that he had finally had been granted time to spend with Kassan. They had definitely not wasted it either, several hours having passed since he had carried her into the bedroom and they had shared those very intimate hours together. He noticed that the space next to him, which had been occupied by Kassan, was now empty. He sat up suddenly, concerned that Kassan had left, but then noticed her uniform and underwear laid neatly on one of his chairs oposite the door. He could also hear the sonic shower. He quickly slipped out of the bed, and dressed into a pair of shorts, and crept into his bathroom. Kassan was indeed stood in the sonic shower, and Reyan could not help but admire her fine figure. He slowly crept up behind her and began kissing her neck. Kassan, clearly taken a little by surprise, turned around, but simply smiled and allowed Reyan to continue. He pulled her closer and kissed her deeply. "You know, Kas, I think that your transfer to the Intrepid was possibly the best thing that ever happened to me" Reyan whispered, breaking the kiss for a brief moment "I have to admit that I'm rather fond of this assignment too" she replied They both moved back out to the bedroom, and fell onto the bed in each others arms, their bodies pressed against each other, and they again shared a long and passionate kiss - Reyan was about to pull the sheets over them when the door chime sounded. "Damn - one second!" Reyan called urgently - Kassan immediately pulled the covers over herself, and Reyan leapt out of the bed, still dressed only in his shorts. He grabbed a towel, using it to cover himself, and walked over to the door, not thinking to conceal Commander Xandra's clothing before he answered it. Reply Commander Orlan |
Posted by: Keldorn Reefs Sep 26 2005, 05:56 PM |
"Quite alright, bring the dampeners up another fourty points, and divert the isofrequency to three-four-seven, with a variance to the point four of a micron; that should be enough to stabalize the warp field while the plasma conduits are being cleared. Cremen Chang -- thank you for volunteering, you are now heading the Plasma injector cleaning crew, here's a list -" Keldorn tossed the PADD to the floor below, "of available candidates. It is a fairly straightforward job Crewmen, I believed several of the Security officers who were slowest on their mandatory training have been nominated to partake in these events." For the most part of entering through the rift, Keldorn couldn't remember. At first he had been climbing a ladder, and the next moment he was at the bottom of it -- his blue forehead slightly bruised with the fall. Now that everyone was back on task and continuing with minor repairs and maintenance, the Benzite had taken all the opportunity to work the Engineering crew to their limits. Even now several crews were established to the power grids on deck four and five, running routine maintenance. Various of the Service and Engineering assistants were likewise moving about the ship, monitoring the power field generators and the flux converters as the Engineering crew went about their business. Keldorn glanced about the room, watching the remaining three as they walked to each console in the Engineering room -- two of whom were comglomerating together to work on a problem together. "It doesn't take two to answer a problem Ensign Atarai, Crewmen Jeeves can manage on his own. The antimatter storage pods could use some maintenace, run a level four check on the deuterium cells." Keldorn turned on his heels without another word, tucking the four PADDs underneath his arm as he strolled into Gaia's office and then took a seat -- he had to finish these reports soon anyway. "Where are the good old days," Keldorn muttered, scrawling out the reports on paper to be transfered to the PADD for a later time. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Sep 27 2005, 02:02 PM |
Mild head trauma, bruises, strained tendons....it was the worst that Kaoru and her team saw as a result of that loss of consciousness. It was wonderful, a welcome respite. The CMO actually heard Lieutenant Marix laugh. Shaking her head the doctor ducked quickly into the room where Gaia lay. Kaoru's smile did not fade as it normally did, and before she even checked the biobed readings she smoothed her friend's soft gold hair, "How are you today?" Gaia's eyes opened at Kaoru's touch, but she did not return the smile. Her face was pale, drawn, lined from pain and stress, much of it was from being in sickbay, Kaoru understood Gaia well enough to know that. "Have you heard the story of the hero who hated sickbay?" Kaoru drew up a chair and settled in near Gaia, crossing her legs and tapping idly at the PADD in her hand, occasionally taking a reading from the biobed. She didn't wait for Gaia to respond, she wasn't sure if the woman would or not, but she noted that she had Gaia's attention. "This hero saved the life of several members of an away team, on a mission that really none of them should have been sent on. The hero was an engineer you understand...not an elite soldier. Oh, she had the best training of course, but I don't think anyone would argue the effectiveness of combat trained troops versus officers who serve aboard a science vessel." "Anyway...this engineer saved a handsome Hermekian, and then the rest of the away team..." Gaia lifted her hand, covering her eyes, "What's the point of this Kaoru?" Kaoru laughed, a genuine and heartfelt sound, and rose from her seat, placing her hand on Gaia's shoulder, "What's the point of any story? The happy ending of course. And this story has one too. The engineer's injuries were very grave, and it looked as though she might never walk again, but she was strong, and patient, and though she hated sickbay she was as cooperative as she could be, and she was released to her quarters for physical therapy." Kaoru leaned over Gaia and smiled warmly, "You are going to be fine Gaia. The latests scans show that your damaged vertebrae are completely regenerated." Kaoru touched a few keys on the biobed, a holographic image appeared showing the scan of Gaia's damaged back, "This is our first scan here." She touched another key, summoning another hologram, showing the difference, "This is today." There was much more to the treatment, anabolic protoplasers had been used to regenerate the damaged vertebrae, but scar tissue had built around them and Kaoru had had to operate more than once to remove the tissue. It had been touch and go for a long while, for every step forward Gaia seemed to make, there had been an equal or greater step back. But neither of them had given up, and the latest readings indicated no traces of scar tissue. "You'll have some scarring on your lower back, from all the surgeries, but once you're completely back to full health, we'll be able to see to them as well." Gaia's blue eyes studied the hologram, it seemed too good to be true. "Why can't I move?" "Your muscles are still damaged, weakened, it will take some intense physical therapy to retrain them." Kaoru leaned a little closer, "Physical therapy you'll be able to undergo in your own quarters." "You mean..." Gaia could not bring herself to voice the words. "I mean...you'll be released from sickbay tomorrow at the earliest, and you begin physical therapy today." Kaoru's sapphire blue eyes studied Gaia carefully, "You realize of course, that this is sooner than I would ideally like to see you go...but I know you'll heal better if you're not here. However, I plan on spending the first few nights in your quarters with you...for the sake of my own sanity mind you. I don't think I'd get any rest if I didn't." Gaia swallowed, blinking past sudden tears, "I'll be...all right?" Kaoru nodded, "You'll be just fine. In fact, it's not too early to start you on your physical therapy." |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Sep 28 2005, 01:22 AM |
Ryan thumbed the panel next to the door of the Captain's quaters. He waited patiently for several moments before the doors hissed appart and Anil's half naked figure filled the gap. He didn't move, ostensibly determined not to let his First Officer into his quaters. Since Anil had taken possession of the previous Captains quaters Ryan hadn't seen inside. He descretely looked over Anil's shoulder trying to hide his Offensive curiousity at how the Captain had decorated his quaters. "Sorry to disturb you Captain, it's just that..." His voice promptly trailed off when he spotted the pair of women's lingerie and yellow tunic neatly folded on one of Anil's loungeroom chairs. "Oh, I see, this is a bad time." It felt to Ryan that the awkward moment was lingering for an eternity when Anil finally spoke. "What did you need to report, Ryan?" "Ah, yeah. We have a problem." He said recapturing his train of thought. "We think we're in the Mirror Universe. The Karcsis -" "What?" Anil exclaimed and groaned. "Your sure?" "Almost positive. When Valorin scanned the treaty document into the computer the Karcsis apparently found some kind of initiation program." "Assemble the senior staff. If this battle we are on course towards is not the Titan or Hood - which evidence predicts it's not then I want a plan devised and ready to carry out." Anil paused and glanced over his shoulder. "I'll be on the Bridge shortly." Without another word the doors hissed closed and Ryan wasted no time in activating his communications badge and instructed all the senior staff to report to the Conference Room. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Phaedra Rain Sep 28 2005, 04:08 AM |
Phaedra stared at the monitor,having just finished her personal log entry.Moving to the replicator she asked for chi tea.The hum of the replicator soothed her after what had been a long day of reports,appoinments and her visit to sickbay.![]() "Concellor this is Commander Ryan"Ryan Stated. Phaedra tapped her com badge "Counsellor Rain Sir" Phaedra replied. "Counsellor Please Report to the Conference Room"Ryan requested. "On my way Sir"Phaedra replied. Gulping a quick sip of tea,phaedra stepped out through her office doors and made her way to the conference room.Collecting her thoughts she focused on the senior staff.Hoping not only that she would sense something,but that it would make sense to her.Pushing through her nerves she centered herself and walked through the ships conference room doors and took a seat. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Sep 28 2005, 05:47 AM |
Reyan sighed as the doors closed - Ryan had seen Kassan's belongings on the chair. The rank pips on the collar of her tunic were visible, and he had to assume that Ryan likely had a very good idea of whom Reyan had spent his time with. But the information that Ryan had delivered bothered him more "The Mirror universe" Reyan cursed, as he dressed into his uniform, trying to distract himself from watching Kassan, who was dressing at the same time "Who'd have thought" Kassan replied Reyan smoothed back his hair, in an attempt to make himself look a little more presentable "And, again, my time with you is cut short" he complained "Well - we had a good few hours together, and we certainly didn't waste them" Kassan replied, grinning Reyan walked over to her and kissed her "No - we sure didn't" he replied "Do you want to head out first, or should I?" Reyan asked her "You should - can't have the Captain being late" Kassan teased "I just wish we didn't have to act so secretively about our relationship" Reyan complained, as he pulled on his boots and walked over to her "We don't, Anil, you know that" she replied, not meeting his gaze Reyan sighed, not knowing how to answer her simple statement "I'll see you in the conference room" he finnally stated CONFERENCE ROOM Despite having left before Kassan, Reyan walked into the conference room to find her already sat behind the table - she looked over to him and grinned, but then turned her attention back to the coversation that she was having with Counsellor Rain. Commander Orlan was also already sat at his seat, and threw a disapproving look at him. Reyan cleared his throat, and sat himself down "Okay - the reason that I called this meeting was to establish a plan of action. As some of you may or may not know, we have established that the Karcsis has transported us to the Mirror universe....." the statement prompted some muttering from some of the assembled officers, but Reyan ignored it and continued ...."which suggests that the ships that we are heading for cannot be either the Hood or the Titan" "So, if I may ask, why are we still heading toward them?" Lieutenant Revolone asked "Because our being here presents questions, Lieutenant, and they may have some answers" Reyan replied Commander Orlan, who had remained silent, spoke up "Bear in mind that this is the mirror universe - I doubt we'll be too popular here" "Captain - I have some data that may be of interest too" Lieutenant Valorin stated "Go ahead" Commander Orlan said, indicating for him to continue "Well - I've been studying the Karcsis, and the method it employed to bring us here - it was emitting chronitons, which appear to have interacted with the singularity from the Romulan ship" "Go on" Reyan asked "That's how we were transported here, Sir - and we know from experience that the Karcsis does not do such things without reason" "So there must be a key here somewhere?" Ryan asked "I would assume so, yes - the Karcsis activated and brought us here very shortly after we inserted the key obtained by the recent away mission" Valorin finnished "All the more reason to intercept those ships - another question that we need answered" Reyan noted ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Meeting dismissed - report to your stations" Reyan ordered as he strode out of the room "Report, Lieutenant" he demaned as he walked back onto the Bridge "Distress call is coming from a ship identified as the I.S.S Scavenger, Sir" Lieutenant Jalovel stated On speakers ![]() "Geo - ETA?" Reyan asked "Approximately one hour at current speed" Geo replied "You do realise that we could be breaching the prime directive if we involve ourselves with any events in this universe" Ryan whispered "I realise that, but what choice do we have?" Reyan replied "None I guess" Ryan replied "I'm confused though - I'm sure that Doctor Bashir and Captain Sisko's reports on the Mirror universe stated that Starfleet ceased to exsist in this universe - so how is that we are receiving a distress call from a Mirror starfleet Starship?" Neither officer had an answer, and they turned to the viewscreen, wondering what awaited them. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Sep 28 2005, 09:08 PM |
Purple eyes matched the stars for a moment, reflecting on the anger that registered so clearly on his face. Weapons fire, battle -- something just didn't click about this whole encounter. In that moment, the comm system crackled to life, the very vibrant voice of the first officer coming through.![]() ![]() Finally, some answers, Geo thought, setting the profile for neutral on the console before he rose to his feet. The power would be slaved to Lieutenant Jalovel, whom would assume control in the Chief Helmsmen stead. ~ ~ ~ ~ BRIEFING ROOM // SOMETIME LATER ~ ~ ~ ~ "Okay - the reason that I called this meeting was to establish a plan of action. As some of you may or may not know, we have established that the Karcsis has transported us to the Mirror universe....." the statement prompted some muttering from some of the assembled officers, but Reyan ignored it and continued ...."which suggests that the ships that we are heading for cannot be either the Hood or the Titan" The Hood and the Titan can't be found? Maybe they were sent into different quadrants of this zone, or perhaps it's the fact that we were brought here alone by the Karcsis. Why would it send us here in the first place? I'm no stickler for the Science division, but I sure wish they would get me some damned answers -- this briefing doesn't do more but raise questions. Speaking of which- "So, if I may ask, why are we still heading toward them?" Lieutenant Revolone asked "Because our being here presents questions, Lieutenant, and they may have some answers" Reyan replied Geo nodded, leaning back in his chair as he listened to the rest of the report and debate as it unfolded -- a key being inserted -- us travelling here -- but didn't the Federation cease to exist in this time? Then why were their starfleet ships in the area. "Report Lieutenant," Geo heard from infront of him, instantly moving for his console even as Jalovel gave out the report -- though for the moment Geo's head swung directly towards the man as he said Fallax Trell. Fallax! it was like several of the warning alarms simultaneously exploded in his head, but Geo simply reset the command codes for Helm to his liking, "Geo - ETA?" Reyan asked "Approximately one hour at current speed" Geo replied, his voice was slightly sidetracked as he thought about what was happening. The two commanding officers failed to notice, as they were already considering the complications they would have on events. "Put it this way," Geo finally stated, "we're about to get real friendly with those ships." He caught a faint chuckle from Orlan. |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Sep 28 2005, 10:41 PM |
“Are you alright Ensign?” “I believe so, sir. Thank you” Eranys nodded and offered him a hand, which he politely dismissed before arising under his own power. “What happened?” She shook her head. “That I do not know. But I plan t’ find out.” Her temple gave a particularly nasty throb. “Get to…to wherever you need to be, now, Ensign,” wincing. He flashed her a weak smile and walked off, soon lost amongst a small crowd of jogging engineers, none the wiser. Eranys continued on her swift way. Such an odd situa – The hail. It was unexpected and yet expected enough as to cause a lull in the hominid’s stride. There was an echo in her mind: the senior staff were to report to the Conference Room…Now where was that? Her feet had already resumed their prior pace, carrying her forward. But to where? Era began to panic. The Conference Room. Where is the Conference Room?? Before transferring over she had taken the time to review some of the Intrepid’s schematics. She had known where the Conference Room was. Had. “Damn it. Damn it.” A passerby gave her shot her an inquiring look. Alright. Calm down. Just use common sense…you're on an Intrepid class... Tendrils of memory. Of course; she remembered now. Era stepped into the nearest turbolift along with another person who had been silently treading her steps. “Deck Three,” said the other person. “Bridge,” stated Eranys Trusa. Moments later the lieutenant found herself at her destination. Stepped out, started walking starboard (then with a small intake of breath) walked port; quietly entered the Conference Room and took her seat. A few moments later Captain Anil Reyan began to speak. "Okay - the reason that I called this meeting was to establish a plan of action. As some of you may or may not know, we have established that the Karcsis has transported us to the Mirror universe....." the statement prompted some muttering from some of the assembled officers, but Reyan ignored it and continued ...."which suggests that the ships that we are heading for cannot be either the Hood or the Titan" Eranys couldn’t help but close her eyes for a wee moment. The Mirror Universe? It couldn’t be – well, actually it could, as has been demonstrated by others in the past. As for the Karcsis… Intriguing. And so now we’re here. She leaned forward slightly, hands clasped over the table. "So, if I may ask, why are we still heading toward them?" Lieutenant Revolone asked "Because our being here presents questions, Lieutenant, and they may have some answers" Reyan replied Got that right. Commander Orlan, who had remained silent, spoke up "Bear in mind that this is the mirror universe - I doubt we'll be too popular here" "Captain - I have some data that may be of interest too" Lieutenant Valorin stated "Go ahead" Commander Orlan said, indicating for him to continue "Well - I've been studying the Karcsis, and the method it employed to bring us here - it was emitting chronitons, which appear to have interacted with the singularity from the Romulan ship" "Go on" Reyan asked "That's how we were transported here, Sir - and we know from experience that the Karcsis does not do such things without reason" "So there must be a key here somewhere?" Ryan asked Eranys composed several mental notes. "I would assume so, yes - the Karcsis activated and brought us here very shortly after we inserted the key obtained by the recent away mission" Valorin finnished "All the more reason to intercept those ships - another question that we need answered" Reyan noted "Bridge to Captain Reyan" came the voice of Lieutenant Jalovel, who had been left in charge whilst the meeting was taking place "Go ahead Lieutenant" Anil replied "We're receving a distress call, Sir" "I'm on my way" Reyan called "Meeting dismissed - report to your stations" Reyan ordered as he strode out of the room Eranys rose and departed, heading to her station sitting opposite that of the Chief Engineer’s. Fiddled with her seat, one seasoned eye instinctively sweeping the current read-outs. Adjustments made. She swiveled to glance at the view screen, and at the Captain, feeling more than a bit apprehensive. |
Posted by: Trance Modisette Sep 29 2005, 12:00 AM |
Trance had already reported to post when the meeting was called. As he stood there, he watched several of the team pour in, with one giving a quick, but some what seemingly hectic sigh. "Nerves." Trance muttered. "Excuse me?" An ensign asked. "Talking about nerves ensign, how people get nervous in front of others." Trance replied. "I see.. I think." The ensign replied. "Take a close look on life ensign, you'll see the differences on how every single person acts differently in the same situation. Take this meeting for example. The first person to walk in..head was high. He was confident, ready to burst forth into duty. The second person to walk in, head was casuall. She had a casuall step, meaning she was relaxed, willing to go into duty at a moments notice, but not overly enthused, such as the case of the first person. And then the last person. She walked in, head turning back and forth looking around the room. The sigh that she gave meaning she's nervous.. about something, so therefore will be nervous in the meeting." Trance stated giving an explanation. By now the bridge crew currently on duty was looking at Trance as he gave the explanation. "So by you standing straight with head held eye, you're niether looking up to any one, nor looking down on anyone. Rather a respectful sense. You're not nervous, ready for action, yet your calming manner suggest relaxation, but quite aware of your surroundings?" A Lieutenant stated. "Indeed. Take yourself Lieutenant. The posture that you're sitting in. Now, take no offence. But the way your head goes forward, and yet sulks down...by which can also make you hump-backed...suggest being to lax. Slow to respond to sudden orders, and not as prepared to take action at a moment notice. The ensign here on the other hand has a straight back, head snapped into placement. His panel is just less then arms length away, and can tapp those buttons in a split second. So long as he know's where those buttons are." Trance said. The last statement got a little giggle from the crew, and Trance continued. "So you see Lieutenant, it's by body style, mood... just watching how people act and react will tell you countless things. It will also tell you about their personalities. You for instance Engsign, your easy and out going, yet stand firm in your decisions, and don't back don't from any sort of challenege. Where-as the Lieutenant here is lax, willing to take what ever life throws at you. You have the keen ability to fight, but in a more monotone sense. Your room is probably clean, yet cluttered. You have many friends, and are very patient." Trance stated. The Ensign and Leiutenant both looked at the consoles, as if deep in thought. "So you see, it's more or less all about watching, studying people." Trance stated As Trance was talking he received a light blinking on his console. Operations spoke up. "Sir, distress call." Operations stated. "Lets hear it" Lieutenant Jalovel finally spoke up. After the report was issued, Leiutenant Jalovel contacted the Captain, and advised him of the distress call. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Trance began monitoring all activity around the area. "No other ships detected in the surrounding areas, how-ever the armada is still in tactical sensor range." Trance stated. "Report Lieutenant," Trance heard. Trance looked up and saw the senior officers pouring out. "Geo - ETA?" Reyan asked. "Approximately one hour at current speed" Geo replied, his voice semmingly sidetracked. Trance worried suddenly about Geo, but thought it best to put that away for now. "Put it this way," Geo finally stated, "we're about to get real friendly with those ships." He caught a faint chuckle from Orlan. |
Posted by: Phaedra Rain Sep 29 2005, 05:20 AM |
Phaedra smiled lightly and took in the senior staff at the briefing.She was seated to the captains left and was able to view the assembled staff without effort.The Captain Began.... "Okay - the reason that I called this meeting was to establish a plan of action. As some of you may or may not know, we have established that the Karcsis has transported us to the Mirror universe" the statement prompted some muttering from some of the assembled officers, but Reyan ignored it and continued ..."which suggests that the ships that we are heading for cannot be either the Hood or the Titan" Phaedra could feel the mood in the room elevate,she dropped her folded arms to her lap in an effort to remain open.She leaned forward to absorbe this information and observe the overall reaction.From her peripheral vision she could see the crew's unwavering eye contact with the captain.He had there undivided attention.Phaedra searched deeper,there was more....There was worry in the room,but not of the mission or situation ,it was of..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Captain stood and nodded at Commander Orlan.The Commander stood and in turn nodded at the Security Chief and Counsellor. Phaedra arose and joined the bridge crew to answer the distress call. |
Posted by: Elijah_Dolton Sep 29 2005, 07:22 AM |
Elijah started to go to the conference room. When he got there Captain Reyan said "I know you are Acting Chief Operations Officer but you still can't attend the meeting." He walked off a little upset. He got to his station just in time to hear one Lieutenant babbling about posture and how you can tell someone's personality from the way they held themselves. "So you see Lieutenant, it's by body style, mood... just watching how people act and react will tell you countless things. It will also tell you about their personalities. You for instance Engsign, your easy and out going, yet stand firm in your decisions, and don't back don't from any sort of challenege. Where-as the Lieutenant here is lax, willing to take what ever life throws at you. You have the keen ability to fight, but in a more monotone sense. Your room is probably clean, yet cluttered. You have many friends, and are very patient." Trance stated. Then we all heard the distress call from the ISS Scavenger. "Captain, I've done a lot of reading on the Mirror Universe. Most of it was mandantory, but then I got really interested in it. Most of the people in the Mirror Universe are cold, heartless, and ruthless. Even if we do help them there's no gaurantee they will be friendly with us." OOC: Sorry for the shortness didn't have too much time. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Sep 29 2005, 10:32 AM |
The bridge Officer's were all at their stations, and the atmosphere was tense, a sense of anticipation presiding over everyone present. Reyan had chosen not to answer the distress signal that the Intrepid had received. Not that he hadn't wanted to, but the Mirror universe had a reputation for being unpredictable, and the Terran Empire that once ruled it were known to be ruthless, agressive and violent. Reyan had briefly discussed the matter with Ryan and Counsellor Rain, who had both agreed. And now, the Intrepid was entering visual range of the battle that her sensors had detected "All stop" Reyan ordered "Answering All-stop" Geo replied instantly, as the Intrepid burst out of warp and came to a standstill "Report" Reyan stated as he turned. Lieutenant Modisette was now operating the Security station behind Commander Xandra who had taken over at Tactical "We are within visual range of the battle, Captain - they should not be able to detect us at this range" Kassan stated, her voice making Reyan's heart skip a beat for a second "Captain, I've done a lot of reading on the Mirror Universe. Most of it was mandantory, but then I got really interested in it. Most of the people in the Mirror Universe are cold, heartless, and ruthless. Even if we do help them there's no guarantee they will be friendly with us" Lieutenant Dolton called from behind Reyan, at the Operations console "Sufficent cause for concern, I would say" Commander Olan replied ![]() ![]() The viewscreen image changed from a barely discernable colleciton of dots, occasionally illuminated by weaponsfire, to a close image of approximately 30 Starfleet ships, and countless Klingon/Cardassian vessels A stunned silence hung over the bridge for a few moments - Mirror universe or not, the Starfleet ships were all designs familiar to the Intrepid crew, and those ships were loosing, badly. Reyan sat foward in his chair, watching as three Cardassian Galor class ships chased a Miranda class ship, taking lazy, random shots at it, picking it off at their leisure. An old Consitution class was trying very hard to fend them off, but that ship itself also had a Klingon K'Vort class to contend with. In another area, an Excelsior class was doing quite well for itself, managing to avoid being hit, and lashing out angrily against the ships that were attacking. But it was clear that her relative sucess would not last. "It's a massacre" Reyan whispered. Ryan nodded in silent agreement "We have to do somthing Captain!" Counsellor Rain called from behind "We can't......we.....Can't....interfere" Reyan stated, trying to mask his upset as the viewscreen showed the Miranda class ship finally surrender the the onslaught, her weakened shields collapsed and she burst into a small and unspectacular fireball. "Captain - trouble!" Lieutenant Xandra called from Tactical "Lieutenant?" Reyan asked, finding it hard not to watch the events taking place on the viewscreen "I don't know how, but our sensors are picking up radiation - the type of radiation that is emitted only by ships employing cloaking devices" Reyan didn't need to be told twice ![]() ![]() "Do they know that we can see them?" Commander Orlan asked "It's possible - we were not intentionally scanning for them, and they might have traced our scan" Lieutenant Dolton replied "Circling us, like vultures" Commander Orlan muttered "Captian - the ISS Scavenger is signalling again" Kassan called "On screen" Reyan ordered An attractive, woman, clearly Human but with hints of Klingon heritage appeared on the viewscreen, her bridge a scorched wreck, and members of her crew lying lifeless on it's ruined floor "Scavenger to the Fleet - fall back - we need to......" the transmission ended, and the viewscreen showed the reason A Klingon K'Vort class and a Cardassian Keldon class had turned their attention to the Scavenger. The Scavenger fired a number of shots off at them, but she was clearly weakened, her weapons well below their capacity. A stray shot from the K'Vort tore into the unprotected hull of the wounded Excelsior class ship, leaving a gaping hole in it's wake "She's down Sir - one more hit and she's finnished" Lieutenant Rain stated, a hint of anger in her voice Reyan took a deep breath "Geo - full impulse on my mark - Kassan, return fire at any ship that attacks - as soon as we are in range of the Scavenger, drop the shields and beam the remaining crew off" Kassan, looking as if she wanted to object, instead nodded "Mark!" Reyan called The Intrepid surged foward - a Klingon Bird of Prey moved to attack, and managed to fire a small round of disruptor bolts before the Intrepid's phasers destroyed it's shields and weapons bank similtaniously, leaving the ship floating uselessly. But the Intrepid had the Klingon/Cardassian fleet's attention now, and several ships moved to intercept, firing as they came The intrepid rocked, her shields managing to absorb most of the enemy fire "I don't understand how it is that our weapons are so effective against these ships" Commander Orlan stated At that moment, the K'Vort class that had been harassing the Scavenger fired a torpedo at the wounded ship, and the starboard nacelle of the damaged hulk was blown to pieces. The Scavenger began to list, her lights flickering, plasma leaking absently from various holes and wounds within her ruined hull. The Intrepid launched a volley of photon torpedoes at the K'Vort class, which almost instantly exploded Reyan leapt out of his chair "NOW!" he shouted The Intrepid's shields dropped momentarily as the ship swooped over the ruined hulk of the Scavenger. "Got them" Kassan called triumphantly "Shields back up Captain!" Lieutenant Modisette called And then, the assembled officers watched the Scavenger disappear, her overloaded and overburdended warpcore claiming it's final release The remainder of the Terran ships were retreating, clearly having lost all sense of purpose with their Command ship destroyed Reyan sighed, and moved back to his chair - he was about to sit, when the doors of the turbolift whispered open, and the Woman that he had seen in the distress called Fallax strode onto the Bridge, looking furious, two bloodied and bruised security guards trailing hesitantly behind her "Who do you think you are!?" she roared OOC - sorry, I realise that this is a long one, but we need to proverbial ball rolling, as well as introducing our old old friend, guest Star for this episode only, and excellent simmer, Fallax ![]() Reply Commodore Trell/Anyone |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Sep 29 2005, 02:57 PM |
The mirror universe...Kaoru had studied it, she had never actually expected to be there. The Doctor was silent during the briefing, following the rest of the officers out to the bridge and watching the firefight, having no actual part. Something didn't sit well though...the Intrepid was not a galaxy class starship, it was not meant to be a warship. It shouldn't have been as effective as it was. Nothing she knew about the mirror universe never hinted at a lack of technology...or firepower for that matter. Kaoru leaned over Trusa's shoulder, considering the sensor readings, moving to man a vacant science station. "I think we have to consider the possibility that we are not the only ship here on this particular mission." She tapped the console, glancing at Trusa, "How many other ships, in our universe, carry some data regarding the Karcis?" Eranys considered the question, but her answer was cut off by Reyan. "Geo - full impulse on my mark - Kassan, return fire at any ship that attacks - as soon as we are in range of the Scavenger, drop the shields and beam the remaining crew off." Kaoru nodded to Eranys, "Something to consider..." Touching her commbadge Kaoru opened a channel. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() She did not leave the science station right away, scanning the other Federation ships, her fingers flying over the console. Nothing broke her concentration until the turbolift doors opened and the lovely woman that he had seen in the distress called Fallax strode onto the Bridge, looking furious, two bloodied and bruised security guards trailing hesitantly behind her "Who do you think you are!?" she roared. Kaoru stood then, knowing the survivors of the Scavenger were aboard and some would need to be treated, but she did not leave the bridge just yet, intrigued by this forceful captain. |
Posted by: Trance Modisette Sep 30 2005, 12:47 AM |
Trance was manning Security console when the reports beggan surfacing about how this Captain had just taken down two officers. They were no heading toward the bridge. By the time the reports came in, it was done too late. The Captain done slammed onto the bridge. Trance instinctly grabbed his phaser, and moved toward the Captain, but Xandra placed her arm in front of him, and Anil rose his hand oup signaling to stop. Trance didn't like the fact that he now had two injured officers, and he was sure Xandra didn't like that fact either. What ever reason Xandra had to stop Trance, he figured it was one heck of a good one. Trance now remained at his post, watching the Captain begin her ranting. |
Posted by: Phaedra Rain Oct 1 2005, 03:03 AM |
Phaedra's head spun to the bridge doors as a human/klingon female charged through them.Two male guards battle worn,trailed in after her. "Who do you think you are!?" she roared Phaedra jumped up from her seat,out of the corner of her eye she could see Commander Orlan ,Security Chief Xandra and Lt.Modisette heading the female off. "The one who saved your lives"Captain Reyan replied calmly.Motioning ever so slightly with his right hand ,for his bridge crew to stand down. Phaedra held her place and never broke eye contact with the female.The stranger emanated anger,and phaedra picked out the one word hanging in the air... bIHnuch.She did not have to be an empath to know that for a klingon to die in battle was honourable ,to be viewed as bIHnuch ,a coward,for that someone would pay. All eyes were on the captain and the female. |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Oct 1 2005, 01:20 PM |
"My ship was doing fine till you interfered!" The woman continued to rant. "You had no right!" Anil calmly stepped foward and leaned on the handrail that divided the rear Bridge section from the Command area. "Commodore, if you will just calm down..." He paused. "I'm sure you were aware that your warpcore was about to breach -" "Of course I was aware! Don't you get it? We're tired of fighting! I could have crippled several of their ships if you hadn't of interfered!" Anil let her words sink in. "You were prepared to sacrifice you and your crew's lives just to dissable a few ships?" "I take it your Starfleet. I've heard of your kind" She hissed, unwilling to obscure her resentment. "You wouldn't understand half of what my people have gone through!" "You don't know that - you assume we've had an easy ride? Well, you are very wrong. We've had our fair share of hardships - hell, we've not long come out of a war with a species from another quadrant. So don't assume that we don't understand what you've been through." Fallax glanced around the Bridge as though it were the first time she'd taken in her surroundings. "Are all your ships this prestigious?" Ryan's attention had concisely wondered away from Fallax when he noticed Geo was staring unblinkingly at her. It wasn't a look of fear or mistrust, but one of passion and disbelief. "Not exactly. During the war with the Dominion, many of the classic classes of ships were brought back into service." "Dominion?" She said approaching the MSD console. She reached out to tap at the controls, causing Kassan to take several precautionary steps foward. "Hopefully you will never have the misfortune of making their acquaintance." "Captain," Lieutenant Dolton courteously interupted. "we are being hailed by a Klingon Bird Of Prey - K'Tinga Class." Reyan turned about faced and strode foward, stopping just short of the viewscreen. "On screen." The viewscreen deviated from the view of floating debris to one of a Klingon woman. "This is Colonel Martek from the IKS G'rel - state your purpose in our space." "Captain Anil of the Federation Starship USS Intrepid representing the UFP." "I've heard enough excuses, surrender your vessel for inspection!" Ryan stared at her. The resemblance was compelling to say the least. His mind focused on Lieutenant Martek in her Starfleet uniform, but this wasn't the kind, protective officer that had served aboard the Intrepid for a mere two weeks, this Kayla would obliterate them with her first chance. Anil looked to be frozen to the spot, his unblinking eyes drilled back at the Colonel's. Suddenly he seemed to stabilise his composure and spoke. "If you would cease your pointless display of misdirected rage, I believe you have found that the Intrepid has considerable fire power." He said in a condescending manner. "It would be a significant shame if some of your remaining ships were to be damaged at the height of such a fierce battle that you appear to be involved in." Kayla grunted and Ryan noticed her heavyset knuckles tighten around the arm of her chair. "Very well." She growled. "However, you do have several Klingon prisoners onboard. I would like them returned, now." "We have no such prisoners." Ryan said defensively. "Who is this, Anil? Your pet targ?" She said, scrutinising Ryan now that he had moved to Anil's side, but she gave neither of them time to retort. "You a carrying four Klingon and one Cardassian prisoners of war." "From the Scavenger." "Then I can expect them to be transported in five minutes?" "Agreed." Anil nodded before notioning Lieutenant Dolton to terminate the communications channel. "Kassan," He said turning to face her. "I'd like you to escort our Klingon and Cardassian guests to transporter room two." "Aye sir." She said smiling and entered the turbo lift. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Fallax Trell Oct 2 2005, 10:26 AM |
Fallax stood, her face set in a snarl, glaring at the view screen. "Corana Manouver NOW!!!" The ship lurched and then went through a series of complicated manouvers. "Fire at will." Fallax yelled. The ship rocked as another barrage hit her. Fallax swore beneath her breath. Reports were coming in from all stations. She looked through the smoke filled, Bridge at the bodies that lay scattered, but there was no time to deal with the wounded now and the dead were beyond anything but their gods. The few remaining officers, had taken essential stations and stoically continued, transferring controls from the now empty unmanned stations. The fight continued, they were putting up a good fight but Fallax knew it was hopeless, the damage they were doing against the odds were neglegable. "Fleet status." Fallax snarled. "Ma'am three more ships lost." Kessler yelled. The smoke was becoming thicker and her lungs burned and her eyes watered. "Open hailing frequencies." Fallax ordered. "Scavenger to the Fleet - fall back - we need to......" Just then another barrage of fire hit the Scavanger, knocking Fallax to the deck. She pulled herself up and touched her head, feeling the blood running down her face. "A Klingon K'Vort class and a Cardassian Keldon Ma'am." Kessler yelled, before Fallax had time to ask. "Fire all torpedo's and Phasers, they want us then they are going to have to fight, we arnt giving up without a battle." she snarled. Fallax swore as more reports came in, the weapons were way below capacity and most of engineering were now dead. The ship was in a weakened position. They continued to manouver and fire, but were making little headway. The ship was rocked by another volley of fire. The hull receiving a gaping wound in its side. "Ma'am, *cough* we have a warp core breach." Tranar yelled. "Take us in, I want us as close as we can get to the greatest mass of ships. If we cant, take them out one way, we will do it another." Fallax snarled. "Today is a good day to die." The ship again manouvered as they head on a colission course towards the ship in front of them. "Someone *cough* is drawing fire and *cough* has there attention. Ma'am." "Make use of them and take her in. We if we die...we die with honour." Fallax yelled. At that moment, the K'Vort class fired a torpedo at the wounded ship, and the starboard nacelle of the damaged hulk was blown to pieces. The Scavenger began to list, her lights flickering, plasma leaking absently from various holes and wounds within her ruined hull. Fallax watched as the Smoke filled bridge disolved in a sparkle of transporter beam. Then a transporter room came into view. Two guards stepped up and moved towards her. Fallax had no idea where she was, all she knew was she was no longer on the bridge of her ship. Honour had been stolen from her grasp. She had been forced to leave, to run like a snivelling Garansara. She saw red, with no thought past the anger that blazed within her, she pulled a blade from her belt and lunged at the nearest guard, similtaniously kicking out at the other with all the force she could muster. One guard hit the far wall, with a thud and slid down to the ground. The other dodged her blade and brung his arm down hard on hers, dislodging the knife from her grasp...She swore as she crouched swinging her leg around catching him behind the knees, dropping him to the ground. She pounced on him as he toppled off balance catching him with a straight right to the chin. She felt a pair of arms come from behind and grab her before she could throw another punch. She was pulled from behind to her feet and she kicked backwards into her attackers kneecap hard hearing a scream of pain from him as he dropped. She turned and kicked hard into his groin as he hit the ground and curled into a ball of agonised pain. "Security to transporter room three." Moaned the first guard. Before she could stop him, the air shimmered and she was surrounded. She growled and began to fight hard and fast, but before long they had subdued her, but not before she had inflicted as much damage as she could on her captors. "Stop, for crying out loud, we are on your side." One of the guards yelled at her. She snarled but discontinued her struggle. "Then take me to your commander NOW!!" she ordered. Two of the guards followed her, not getting too close as they walked briskly to the bridge. The turbo doors opened and Fallax strode out, a snarl on her face. Looking round quickly she made her way to the command chairs and the man sitting there. "Who do you think you are!?" she roared Fallax could see crew out of the corner of her eye, move defensively, but ignored them as she stared straight at the ships commanding officer. "The one who saved your lives" The Captain replied calmly.Motioning ever so slightly with his right hand ,for his bridge crew to stand down. bIHnuch. "My ship was doing fine till you interfered!" Fallax roared. "You had no right!" The Commander of the vessel calmly stepped foward and leaned on the handrail that divided the rear Bridge section from the Command area. "Commodore, if you will just calm down..." He paused. "I'm sure you were aware that your warpcore was about to breach -" What does he think I am...a simpering Ra'lear. "Of course I was aware! Don't you get it? We're tired of fighting! I could have crippled several of their ships if you hadn't of interfered!" Anil let her words sink in. "You were prepared to sacrifice you and your crew's lives just to dissable a few ships?" She looked at him with scorn and disdain. "I take it your Starfleet. I've heard of your kind" She hissed, unwilling to obscure her resentment. "You wouldn't understand half of what my people have gone through!" "You don't know that - you assume we've had an easy ride? Well, you are very wrong. We've had our fair share of hardships - hell, we've not long come out of a war with a species from another quadrant. So don't assume that we don't understand what you've been through." Fallax glanced around the Bridge as though it were the first time she'd taken in her surroundings. "Are all your ships this prestigious?" "Not exactly. During the war with the Dominion, many of the classic classes of ships were brought back into service." "Dominion?" She said approaching the MSD console. She reached out to tap at the controls, noticing an officer take several precautionary steps foward. "Hopefully you will never have the misfortune of making their acquaintance." "Captain," Lieutenant Dolton courteously interupted. "we are being hailed by a Klingon Bird Of Prey - K'Tinga Class." Fallax growled deep in her throat. Reyan turned about faced and strode foward, stopping just short of the viewscreen. "On screen." "This is Colonel Martek from the IKS G'rel - state your purpose in our space." "Captain Anil of the Federation Starship USS Intrepid representing the UFP." "I've heard enough excuses, surrender your vessel for inspection!" Fallax noted that the commander of the vessel she was now a guest upon paled visibly and appeared shaken, then just as suddenly he seemed to stabilise his composure and spoke. "If you would cease your pointless display of misdirected rage, I believe you have found that the Intrepid has considerable fire power." He said in a condescending manner. "It would be a significant shame if some of your remaining ships were to be damaged at the height of such a fierce battle that you appear to be involved in." "Very well." She growled. "However, you do have several Klingon prisoners onboard. I would like them returned, now." "We have no such prisoners." Ryan said defensively. "Who is this, Anil? Your pet targ?" She said, scrutinising Ryan now that he had moved to Anil's side, but she gave neither of them time to retort. "You a carrying four Klingon and one Cardassian prisoners of war." "From the Scavenger." "Then I can expect them to be transported in five minutes?" "Agreed." Anil nodded before notioning Lieutenant Dolton to terminate the communications channel. "Kassan," He said turning to face her. "I'd like you to escort our Klingon and Cardassian guests to transporter room two." "Aye sir." She said smiling and entered the turbo lift. "NO!!!" Fallax yelled, her face contorting with rage. |
Posted by: Elijah_Dolton Oct 2 2005, 01:56 PM |
The Captain ordered Kassan to take the prisoners to the Klingon vessel. "NO!!" Fallax yelled. "Sir, with all due respect we can't just hand over these 'criminals'. We have no proof they did anything wrong. All we have is someone that can't even be trusted saying they're criminals. I think we should hear them out. Even if worst comes to worst we always have enough fire power to destroy them. Of course that would be a last resort. Also if they request asylum don't we have to grant it? Isn't that part of the Prime Directive? Although I think we already threw the Prime Directive out the airlock." "Yes listen to your crewman!" Fallax said. |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Oct 2 2005, 09:53 PM |
Sighed faintly, retaking his seat once he was sure their was no real violence to be done here. Fallax... it was like a pale memory on the edge of his mind, constantly shoving him even as he inputted the next set of vector coordinates. "NO!!" Fallax yelled. "Sir, with all due respect we can't just hand over these 'criminals'. We have no proof they did anything wrong. All we have is someone that can't even be trusted saying they're criminals. I think we should hear them out. Even if worst comes to worst we always have enough fire power to destroy them. Of course that would be a last resort. Also if they request asylum don't we have to grant it? Isn't that part of the Prime Directive? Although I think we already threw the Prime Directive out the airlock." "Yes listen to your crewman!" Fallax said. "These criminals... Mr. Dolton, are members of the opposite faction that was attempting to destroy Commodore Fallax's ship, as such -- they were prisoners of war to Commodore Fallax, and since they fall under our jurisdiction, they are thus far our prisoners of war, in a war we are not part of. Thus, we return them," Geo didn't even so much as turn when he said that, but Anil hid a brief laugh as he turned towards the Commodore. "I'm not looking for a war Commodore, we have no right to hold your prisoners, nor shall we attempt to," ![]() ![]() "Then maybe we could find out just what is happening in this quadrant? We can use the 'prisoners' to gain knowledge, something of value in this quadrant." "Yes we could Mr. Dolton," Geo agreed, but it was Anil who finished it, "but we are representing the United Federation of Planets, and I will not have that name tarnished because we went to extremes to hold unto members who do not belong to us." "With all due respect sir, I don't think the United Federation of Planets really has much of a say in the Mirror Universe," "Agreed Lieutenant, prepare to get us underway -- as quickly as possible," the Captain offered a look that he had a feeling events were going to escilate the longer they remained here; Geo only nodded. "Commodore," The Captain motioned to his ready room, "I believe we have a great deal to discuss." Geo only shook his head... it was going to be a long day... |
Posted by: Fallax Trell Oct 3 2005, 07:11 AM |
"Commodore," The Captain motioned to his ready room, "I believe we have a great deal to discuss." Fallax snarled, she did not believe in discussion, she believed in action. Action was the only reliable proof of intent. Discussion was for paper pushers and Bra'acq. A time waster. But this was not her ship and if she must, she would aquiesque to the Captain for the moment until she had a plan of action. She watched the Captain handed handed over the bridge and for the first time saw him for what he was. A tall man of good physique, who obviously took pride in his appearance and health. He looked strong physically and had a firm jaw that spoke of an internal strength. She admired strength. Not only physical but also of character. The door slid silently open and then closed, leaving the noise of the Bridge behind them. Her head throbbed from the bang she had taken earlier, but she ignored it stoically as was her way. "A drink Commadore?" the Captain asked. "Raktajino." Fallax replied, looking around the sparcely decorated room. She liked this also. She did not believe in overly dressed rooms, littered with oddities and ornamentation. It bespoke of clutter and was an indication of a cluttered mind. Distractions on a War Vessel, was not only unnecessary, but also down right dangerous. "There," he said, handing her, her drink. "Please take a seat." Fallax didnt want to sit, she wanted action, but again she was a warrior and a fighter, not a damn diplomat, but she was not, without manners. She took the offered seat and sipped her drink, waiting for the Captain to speak. |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Oct 3 2005, 09:19 AM |
Kaoru was called away to tend to a meeting and Gaia's blood boiled as she knew she would be unable to join in or be filled in on what was happening. She just hoped that her deputy was doing a good job of holding the ship together when she was unable to even check reports because all comings and goings were being monitored. Anyone would have thought that Kaoru didn't trust Gaia to rest! Gaia smirked at the thought, likely that was exactly the reason all visits and PADDs were screened before being allowed anywhere near her. The male nurse, she had found out his name was Gervace, an Ensign in medical, who had helped Kaoru usher Ryan out of sickbay not long ago, came striding up to her biobed. She noticed his strong jaw, broad shoulders and cropped hair, his eyes intrigued her. Though he smiled warmly, his eyes seemed worn, almost cold. Gaia put it down to him being overworked and still angry with Ryan's little visit. "And how's our resident patient doing today?" The word resident seemd to put Gaia on edge, she hated the thought that she had already been in sickbay longer than she would like, but the news she could be transferred to quaters had put colour in her cheeks and a renewed spirit that surprised even Gaia. "Doing pretty good thank you. I never got chance to thank you properly before...... with the Commander." "No thanks needed, anything for a pretty lady." His smile widened as Gaia's cheeks flushed pink. "I can't wait to get out of here, I need to be on the bridge, I need to be in Engineering, I need to-" "You need to rest" Ensign Gervace interrupted as he continued looking down at her repeating what Kaoru had obviously told him to say. Gaia noticed however that he had made no move to look at the readings for her biosigns. Gaia smiled, he hadn't come to check on her readings, he was checking on the woman, not the patient. It was unproffessional of him, but Gaia's smile widened none-the-less as she realised that was the case. the cheek of him.....too self confident for his own good! In that way, he was much like Rya- Gaia's smile vanished at the thought of him. She became saddened, but tried not to let it show. An idea came to her then, it was manipulative and cold almost, but maybe........could she use his affections somehow, to get her out of sickbay? "Okay, Kaoru is going to kill me for this, but....." Gaia was curious as to what he was going on about as he continued "If, and I mean IF I accompany you, support you into the turbolift......you can maybe visit the bridge briefly, Engineering too if Kaoru doesn't catch us first that is. Oh she's going to have my hide for doing it!" Gaia was stunned, he could be reprimanded, he was only an Ensign, yet he was willing to do that for her. He barely knew her, she barely knew him.......but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth as her mother used to say. He was offering her a way out! Gaia smiled and nodded her acceptance of his offer. "There's one catch, you need this support units, your legs will just collapse under the strain so soon after your injury." Gaia stared at the brace-like-metallic supports he was now holding, she agreed to have them in place, anything to get out of sickbay. Once they were on however there was another story. "I'm not wearing these!" Gaia said through gritted teeth "Not like some Borg drone! They look rediculous!" "It's either that, or you don't go anywhere, I'm in enough trouble as it is, you weren't supposed to have these until you had done at least half your prescribed Physio, I'm trying to help you, but if you don't want it......." He trailed off, knowing full well what was going to happen next. "Alright!" Gaia said fiercely "Alright" She said a little softer "If it's the only way to get out of here and to the bridge........Then I'll do it" She was resigned, she hated the look of them, she'd be laughed at, but even that was better than what she was going through here in sickbay. She used her arms to swing her legs around and over the end of the biobed. She couldn't feel much, but when the Ensign supported her by her arms she was standing. "Obstacle one complete. Gaia thought to herself, taking deep, determined breathes to go further. Gaia absently noted that the Ensign's arms were strong, she was using very little of her weight on her feet. "Now, take this one step at a time Gaia.....If you rush this, you'll end up back where you started and you don't want that!" She felt like scolding him for using her name, not her rank, but she let it slide, right now, she needed his help. One step, then two, a third......she was doing it! Slowly but surely, she was walking, stiffly as she was, she was walking....She stumbled stiffly, almost falling, but Gevace was there before she could fall a few microns. She smiled and concentrated even harder, after what seemed an age and after a short conversation with Merix about Gaia leaving, they were at the turbolift and Gaia couldn't help but smile, she was nearly laughing. It wasn't from mirth, it was from pure relief that she had made it. The turbolift doors opened and she saw an activity about the bridge, and of tension. With the help of Ensign Gevace, she walked slowly towards the centre of the bridge, but she was intercepted by Kaoru looking daggers at her and then pure fire at her companion. Ryan looked over, seeing Gaia his face changed, but from that distance, Gaia couldn't tell in what way it had changed.....He walked over quickly and made eye contact with her. There was no fast retreat for her this time, she was in deep, deep trouble and she knew it. Before he could speak, gaia spoke up angrily. "Before you even start on me Ryan......I want to know why I haven't been kept informed, where the hell are we? What's happening with Engineering, my deputy hasn't once come to inform me and I don't like being kept in the dark about things I should know!" There was heat in her voice and her green eyes were as cold and icey as the ocean they resembled. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Oct 3 2005, 12:48 PM |
Reyan watched as Commodore Trell moved to sit down. He could not help but be impressed by her determination, and he also had to admit that, in the circumstances that she had been in, he probably would have done the same as she had planned. He took a breath, and decided to press ahead "May I ask a few questions?" he asked She snorted, a gesture that Reyan took as *do I have a choice* "So how is it that Terran empire ships are still operational - I thought that the reforms that Captain Spock made led to the empire fleet being mothballed?" he asked "Spock may have desired peace, but there was, initally, resistance to that peace. Some of the Fleet was retained for defense purposes, and unbeknowst to Spock, were using SOME of the Empire's policies in order to protect Spock's new regime. The older classes were placed in mothballs, to be preserved for use incase of an attack - the attack eventually came, and what remained of the Terran Empire's ship fleet has proved NO match for the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance" Commodore Trell explained "What about the Defiant?" Reyan asked, recalling information that he had read in the reports made by Captain Sisko pertaining to his visits to the Mirror Universe "The Defiant?" she asked, confused "Yes - your universe's counterpart to a ship from my universe - commanded by a man known as Smiley O'Brien, it has pulse phaser technology - you must know of it" Reyan stated "I know of only one Starship Defiant - a Consitution class - in fact, she was the first Consitution class ship that the Empire obtained. And although she did aledgedly arrive in my universe from yours, she was pulled back in time from the 22nd century and commandeered by the famous Captain Archer" Fallax explained "That's odd - from what I understood, the Terran resistance were using the Defiant, modelled on our Defiant and had used it to retake Terok Nor" Reyan stated, trying not to sound too confused "Terran rebellion? Tell me more of this" she asked, clearly very interested Reyan frowned, a thought suddenly dawning on him "Commodore - what year is it?" he asked |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Oct 3 2005, 12:55 PM |
Her head was going to explode, Kaoru was deadly sure of it. She could not remember ever being so violently angry. To say Ensign Gervace had overstepped his bounds was an understatement. He had endangered Gaia's recovery...could potentially have set her back weeks, perhaps irrevocably. "Ensign Gervace." The doctor's voice was sharp, whip-like. The ensign winced a bit, but faced her. "Yes doctor." But Kaoru wasn't sure exactly how to approach this. She would not dress him down before the entire bridge crew, and certainly there were more important matters at hand. "Return to sickbay...you might want to consider your explanation for this...I'll expect a damn good one." "Yes doctor." Gervace looked apologetically at Gaia and retreated for the turbolift. Kaoru angry blue eyes turned to Gaia then, softening only slightly. Gaia met Kaoru's eyes, looking slightly bashful, knowing she had been caught and Kaoru nodded in return, confirming that knowledge. However, Ryan beat her to the chief engineer. She would have to stand in line if she wanted to lecture Gaia. She almost did, it was certainly a tempting idea. But she chose to wait, knowing she'd have lots of time to impress the gravity of Gaia's injuries into the woman's stubborn mind. "I have wounded to tend to." Kaoru growled low, walking towards the turbolift. |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Oct 4 2005, 10:34 AM |
Ryan's attention was drawn to the turbolift when the doors hissed open. His eyes fell on the last thing he expected to see... Gaia and an Ensign ushering her onto the upper level of the Bridge. He felt anger rise, but stamped it down, now was not the time for that. He made his way over to the two newcomers. Kaoru was already there, finishing with the Ensign. He couldn't help but notice how close the pair seemed, closer than perhaps needed for support. He wanted to go over and rip Gaia away from him, he lightly clenched a fist closed and allowed it to ease away some of his aggravation. He needed to talk to her, straighten things out, now was as good a time as any to do it. "Before you even start on me Ryan... I want to know why I haven't been kept informed, where the hell are we? What's happening with Engineering, my deputy hasn't once come to inform me and I don't like being kept in the dark about things I should know!" Gaia's perfervid words struck out at Ryan like a fiery whip had lashed out at his face. He felt many of the crew around the Bridge staring at them, his and Gaia's lives on public display. "Lieutenant, I'd like to speak to you in the Briefing Room." He said rather coolly and gave her little help down the few steps that led into the Briefing Room. The doors closed sealing out the noise of consoles and the stares from their prying co-workers. "Gaia - I don't appreciate you storming onto the Bridge demanding answers and given our situation I think it will be more appropriate if you only refer to me by my first name when we are off duty, not in front of other officers like that spectacle." "Yes, Commander." Ryan stared into her emerald eyes. Something about those eyes told him that they wanted desperately to shed tears, but he knew Gaia's stubborness wouldn't allow him to see her cry. "Gaia..." He said slowly feeling his irritation melt away. Part of him wanted to flee, leave her standing there, but they needed to sort this out now, not keep putting it off. "about what happened... I'm sorry, it's -" "Your sorry?" She said, her face flexing with disbelief. "I'm just sorry I ever kissed you!" "It wouldn't be appropriate for me to be involved with you. I lost my objectivity on that away mission, you could have been killed." "Right, that explains everything. Thank you very much, Ryan." Not knowing what to say, Ryan felt numb. He avoided looking at Gaia, instead pretending to study a mass of Cardassian debris drifting against the field of stars. Alliance ships still scoured the area, searching for stray Terran vessles. He could feel Gaia's eyes drilling into the side of his face, trying to read his expression. He didn't want to argue, but how could he make her understand why he had reacted that way in Engineering several days earlier? "Ryan, you clearly have nothing more to say to me." She said, the anger in her voice had seemed to have evaporated. "I suppose I will see you around. It's not exactly easy to avoid each other." Before he could turn and follow her, she was limping through the Briefing Room doors and back onto the Bridge. He didn't want to return to the Bridge, where people could stare and ponder about what the two had discussed. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Fallax Trell Oct 5 2005, 02:28 AM |
"Terran rebellion? Tell me more of this" she asked. The Captain frowned. "Commodore - what year is it?" he asked. What year is this? Is he mad.........she thought, looking at him like he had lost his mind. Then it dawned on her. She placed her fingers to the gash on her head. "I am in complete control of my faculties, you do not need to concern yourself. I am completely conversant with the date." she stated flatly. This time it was the Captains turn to look completely confused. She looked at the confused look on his face and returned it in kind. "I am sorry, Commodore, but I dont understand.... In complete control of your faculties?" The Captain asked looking completely confused. "Yes.." Fallax replied, beginning to feel agitated. "I am in complete control of my faculties." "I am sorry, I dont understand." he replied, seeming to become a little agitated himself. "Do I have to spell this out to you. I know the date...I am fine..." she snarled, her temper now frayed. "That is bloody great, now will you do me the curtisy of giving me a straight answer." he snapped. Fallax stood, her face now a mask of anger. "I have played your infantile games long enough. "You are now beginning to anger me." "Infantile games?" he snapped back, banging his fist down on the desk, his face now mirroring hers. "I asked a perfectly reasonable question and all I get in reply is garbage." "I believe I have been perfectly reasonable up until now Captain, but when you start asking questions and questioning my mental capacity, just because I have sustained injuries and then get angry when I respond. I am sorry, I will not be treated like this." she snarled as she paced. "Just answer my question, will you?" he fumed. "What question? I told you, I am fine." she growled back, clearly getting sick of this line of questioning, her head now throbbing. "The date? for heaven sake, I think you have lost your mental grip." he replied, his hand going to his head, as if he too was now suffering from a headache. She looked at him, her face twisted with anger. "It is 2352. Are you satisfied." He stopped and looked at her, his mouth seeming to drop in surprise and then as quickly regained his composure. But not before she had seen his slip. "2352?" he asked. "2352" she replied. "I dont get it...2352?" he again asked. "Yes...2352" she replied, now looking at him, like he was the one who had lost his senses. "2352" he said again, this time quietly as if to himself. "2352. oh god...2352" "Yes. So as you can see, the head injury has not robbed me of my faculties, I believe I am not suffering concussion or any side affects." she replied, calming somewhat, but moving a little further from him. "I do remember the date..as you can see." He looked at her as if seeing her for the first time and then noticed her hand touching the gash on her forehead. "You are wounded? Oh hell...ok we need to get that seen too. I am so sorry I hadnt even........." "Yes I recieved a wound, it is nothing." she cut in. "I have already told you....." "I hadnt even realised...With everything that had happened, I...." "It is fine." she replied, the anger returning as she cut him short. They stood staring at each other for a moment and then it dawned on both that they had been miscommunicating and both suddenly laughed. |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Oct 5 2005, 10:16 PM |
[Computer:] Microscopic algorythm complete, resident value of a 0.003 micron variance in helm input, report to engineering immediately. The message continued to flash on his screen, and finally Geo simply double tapped the LCAR display to get rid of it. Blasted Helm, it was beginning to get sluggish, but the problem had been logged to be checked out by Engineering Teams when they had a moment. Almost subconciously he glanced towards the ready room, but caught himself halfway through the act and turned to face the operations station instead, glancing at Mr. Dolton. "The new set of telemetry is coming you way now sir," the Lieutenant offered hurriedly, glancing from science over to Helm even as he Geo turned back to face his console. Like waking from a bloody dream -- you don't know what you're going to face, and you don't really want to face it. Hm, another microvariance, adjusting the pitch and angle of the field to compensate, the inertial dampeners would hide all movement from being detected, but the same blasted message popped up unto the screen away. Almost angrily Geo clicked it away, sending a text message to the operations console. txt msg: New set of telemetry as soon as is possible, adjust deflector to compensate for microvariances within subspace, transfer the telemetry to the helm station for course correction This was all routine to Geo, doing the same thing over and over again; where was the combat that he longed for? Yet again he snapped to reality in time to realize he had glanced over at the ready room a second time, and shook his head angrily, glancing at his controls. re:txt msg: New telemtry incoming... Computer: Uplink established. The Hermekians fingers roved over the console, bringing up a portion of the astrochart to his left panel system, and using it to plot a new set of course corrections. Absently, he glanced over his shoulder, nodding his head towards Operations in thanks, then got back to work. I was trying to illustrate how Helm really functions :P... at least partially, otherwise it would seem their is no cooperation yes? Well, I hope I did well, edit as needed. |
Posted by: Keldorn Reefs Oct 5 2005, 10:25 PM |
"No, that isn't the fun part is it. Now, get down to service junction C, on deck 2, and see to the eps relays that blew. I want the isolinear chips to be tested as well, and while your at it have Beta shift examine the bioneural packs on Junction F. Crewmen Marks! You just voted yourself liable for duty -- grab a kit and head down to Deck 8, we are having a minor fluctation in the replicators; Crewmen Laurenso, you're going to the mess hall, I hear theirs a problem with the chefs boiler, fix that immediately -- then help out on Deck 2." Keldorn glanced at the group of six assembled around him, nodding his head in angry satisfaction -- causing tendrils of vapor to rise as he breathed -- before finally dismissing the lot of them to go about their business. Always keep them busy or else things begin to break down; something my father always told me he thought to himself, muttering something in Benzite as he snatched a kit from the service drawer next to the Main console, then starting from Engineering. Most of the repairs had been completed with little to no trouble, now they were just in the process of maintaining the ship, which seemed to be breaking down mysteriously. Mostly the Keldorn was attempting to keep everyone busy, that way they didn't have time to consider much. Luckily, the reports of malfunctions were limited, and Keldorn didn't have to spend as much time repairing things as he did running maintenance to them. "Crewmen Laurenso, make a stop at the bridge and see to what Lieutenant Revolone wants -- something with the helm station. I want one of you," he wasn't looking at who was in Main Engineering anymore, "to run a low level scan of the Operations power distribution net, make sure no telemetry is being lost between all bridge stations. I'll be in Holodeck 2." With that -- Keldorn left; heading to run a regular maintenance check on Holodeck 2. I wonder how Gaia is doing, he thought to himself, shaking his head and hissing in amusement; more tendrils rising with the action. Never a dull moment on the Intrepid. |
Posted by: Kassan Xandra Oct 6 2005, 09:50 AM |
You a carrying four Klingon and one Cardassian prisoners of war." "From the Scavenger." "Then I can expect them to be transported in five minutes?" "Agreed." Anil nodded before notioning Lieutenant Dolton to terminate the communications channel. "Kassan," He said turning to face her. "I'd like you to escort our Klingon and Cardassian guests to transporter room two." "Aye sir." She said smiling and entered the turbo lift. Kassan quickly made her way through the ship, she knew the prisoners were already under heavy guard so she did not bother to contact security for backup. Suddenly she felt a little dizzy and stopped, leaning against a bulkhead for support for a moment until the wave of dizzyness and accompanying nausia, subsided. Strange, she thought and then shrugged it off, perhaps I am a little light headed, I have missed a few meals lately. One cannot live on love alone, she giggled at the thought, but one can give it a good shot. Taking a deep breath and straightening, she stood for a moment, making sure hr equelibrium had returned. Feeling fine again she moved off. Entering the confinement area she ordered the guards to take the prisoners to the transporter room. She walked out behind them, phaser drawn. The prisoners didn't utter one sound as they were escorted through the ship. This surprised Kassan, she was expecting them to at least put up a token fight. Finally they were in position on the transporter pad. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Kassan watched as the prisoners disappeared in a sparkle of the transporter beam. Having completed her assignment she started back towards the Bridge. |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Oct 7 2005, 10:44 AM |
"Report!" The Commander and Captain said in unison as they both appeared on the Bridge from opposite sides. The lighting was substantially dimmed and the red alert klaxon's sounded in his ears. Kaoru was kneeling down beside the unmoving form of Lieutenant Ryder. Gaia leaned against a pillar near the turbo lift, apparently the Doctor hadn't yet returned her to sickbay when Kayla's attack began. Ryan wanted to run to her, help her into his command chair, but resisted. "Sir, Lieutenant Valorin just beamed himself off the ship and the G'rel opened fire - with our shields down." Dolton said answered. "What? Why would he -?" Anil began to ask, but broke off his question as it dawned on him Valorin's motives were to be with Kayla again. "Damage?" "Hull breach on deck two - section five, forcefields are in place." "Open a channel to the G'rel." "No need sir - they are hailing us." Modisette responded from the Tactical console. "Fine, onscreen!" Anil barked. "You dishonorable P'tak! Sending one of your Starfleet pet targs to spy on my vessel!" Kayla roared with fury and spat on the floor of her Bridge. "I won't rest 'till you drown in your own blood!" "Colonel, Mr. Valorin did not leave with my permission, if you would just return him, I assure you he will be severely reprimanded." "Hand him back?" She bellowed with laughter. "He is mine now! He shall be invaluable. I assume you have all of your personnel adaquately trained in basic weapons fabrication?" Anil remained silent, but Ryan could see his jaw muscles flexing with irritation and contempt for this Kayla. Clearly the Captain wanted to retort but something was causing him to think carefully about his response. "Perhaps we can come to another exchange?" "No, I think I have all that I need. Unless you are willing to offer your ship." Kayla laughed again before thumping her fist down on the command panel on the side of the chair, causing the channel to close. "Captain, what is going on?" Ryan asked moving into the command area. "We're not in our own time. Somehow we arrived here in the past, 2352 to be precise." "She told you this?" He said in a lowered voice and nodded his head in Fallax's direction. "Can we actually trust her? We've both read the reports on the mirror -" "Her story seems to be true." "Sir, the Klingon and Cardassian vessels are going to warp." "Geo, pursuit coarse." Ryan instructed. "Delay that - we won't be pursuing." Anil interjected and turned to look at Fallax. "Captain, we need to get him back." "We can't interfere with the timeline anymore than we have." "Exactly, if we don't get him back, then who knows what changes he could cause... He clearly wasn't thinking when he left!" Ryan argued. "Commander, we -" Anil suddenly lowered his voice to a whisper so that no-one else would hear. "we already know who wins this war." "Then this could be a pre-distination paradox, maybe the Terrans should have won." "My decission is final, for now." Anil said, raising the level of conversation again. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Oct 8 2005, 07:10 AM |
"Ryan, you clearly have nothing more to say to me." She said, the anger in her voice had seemed to have evaporated. "I suppose I will see you around. It's not exactly easy to avoid each other." With that, she turned her back on him, tears seriously threatening to fall. She gathered herself up straight and limped out onto the bridge. She knew he wouldn't follow her. Still those words echoed in her mind, "It wouldn't be appropriate for me to be involved with you." The part after that lost in her mind, so what if she could have been killed, it was her life, it was her choice whether to take that risk and it just seemed he was taking that choice away from her, he was taking everything away from her....including her heart. Gaia had to take deep, long breathes to control how she felt right then. She knew he didn't care about her, but to be this cold hearted, to be this.....It didn't matter anyway, not fo what she had decided on doing, and that choice, even Ryan couldn't do anything about. She limped up the few steps back to the Bridge, and decided to approach Kaoru, she needed to explain and to apologise, Kaoru was her friend after all. She smiled and nodded as she caught Kaoru looking at her, then limped to where Kaoru was still. "Kaoru, I'm sorry. I accept I shouldn't have come but I know absolutely nothing about what's been going on and not to mention Keldorn hasn't given me one report since being in sickbay. I have a feeling that might be your doing, but still, I need to know what's happening or I'll go crazy! I was going crazy in sickbay, it felt like I was just being locked up and not allowed to leave." Then confusion broke out, Kaoru didn't have a chance to respond. She had only placed her hand on Gaia's shoulder to assist her into the turbo lift when the Bridge pounded. The next thing she knew, she was on the floor. Something that seemed to be happening all too frequently for Gaia's liking. Gaia caught sight of someone with the Captain. Somewhere in the back of Gaia's mind, the woman's face seemed familair, but she would have remembered that face, that kind of air of respect and authority. She'd have stayed as far away as she possibly could, something she absently thought she should have perhaps done with Ryan. Their eyes met and the strange woman's face turned pale, like she'd seen a ghost. Which, not knowing what had happened since being in sickbay, and this being the Intrepid, was entirely possible. Gaia glanced back to see if Ryan had emerged yet, he had, but slowly. Gaia also noticed the woman was still looking at her, but not pale now, just......contemplative and puzzled perhaps? Who was she and why was she looking at Gaia like she'd never seen a woman on support units before? |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Oct 9 2005, 01:55 AM |
~It's not her...it's not Kayla...~ Kaoru repeated the mantra over and over in her mind, and she knew it was true, but her blue eyes remained riveted to the screen, unable to look away. ~It's not her, but it could be her.~ Just then Gaia emerged upset from her meeting with Ryan and Kaoru tensed, even going so far as to take a half step towards where she pictured Ryan cowering in the conference room after breaking Gaia's heart. Kaoru let it go, though she muttered something barely intelligible under her breath, earning her a shocked look from Ensign Ryder. Pausing outside of the turbolift, Kaoru waited for Gaia, opening her mouth to speak, but Gaia beat her to it. "Kaoru, I'm sorry. I accept I shouldn't have come but I know absolutely nothing about what's been going on and not to mention Keldorn hasn't given me one report since being in sickbay. I have a feeling that might be your doing, but still, I need to know what's happening or I'll go crazy! I was going crazy in sickbay, it felt like I was just being locked up and not allowed to leave." Kaoru lifted her hand to Gaia's shoulder, all the lectures she had wanted to give her friend quite gone from her head. She was about to tell her a joke when the floor of the bridge suddenly leaped up and whalloped her. The sound of the snap was so loud, so easily recognizable. Kaoru was looking for the source before she pushed herself up with her hands, kneeling and rubbing her jaw where it had smacked the floor, feeling the beginning of a bruise. Sally Ryder lay nearby and Kaoru moved to her side quickly, but she knew already that it was too late. The angle of the neck was wrong, and that snap still seemed to echo in her ears. Kaoru bowed her head briefly, a thousand thoughts flashing through her mind, Ryder and her pet in sickbay, Ryder helping treat the bridge crew during the boarding of the Intrepid. "Dammit." Kaoru muttered, checking for a pulse. She lifted her hand and brushing the woman's eyelids closed, touching the commbadge on her shoulder. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The body of Ensign Ryder shimmered and was gone from the bridge, and Kaoru turned to help Gaia to her feet, noting how Gaia and the captain of the Scavenger stared at each other. Once Gaia was steadied, Kaoru gave the rest of the bridge crew a cursory examination, finding a few bumps and bruises, one particularly nasty cut on Lieutenant Modisette's arm and a good sized bruise on Lieutenant Trusa's temple. She managed to catch Geo's eye once and nodded, "Holding up all right Revelone?" The Hermekian nodded in return, glancing towards the ready room. "I'm fine doctor, why wouldn't I be fine?" He looked at her almost suspiciously, before he looked towards his console, muttering, "Perfectly fine." Kaoru blinked, following his gaze to the ready room, unsurprised to see the Scavenger captain...again. She said nothing though, her own jaw was beginning to feel stiff, it needed ice. |
Posted by: Valorin Oct 9 2005, 04:34 PM |
"Colonel, Mr. Valorin did not leave with my permission, if you would just return him, I assure you he will be severely reprimanded." "Hand him back?" She bellowed with laughter. "He is mine now! He shall be invaluable. I assume you have all of your personnel adaquately trained in basic weapons fabrication?" Anil remained silent, but I could see his jaw muscles flexing with irritation and contempt for this Kayla. Clearly the Captain wanted to retort but something was causing him to think carefully about his response. "Perhaps we can come to another exchange?" "No, I think I have all that I need. Unless you are willing to offer your ship." Kayla laughed again before thumping her fist down on the command panel on the side of the chair, causing the channel to close. the klingon guards pushed me forwards towards Kayla, "on your knees" one of them sneered kicking the back of my knees sending me to the floor. "what do you want of me" i shouted "exactly what i have just told your captain you will suply details of how to make weapons". "and if i refuse" "that is not an option" she stated "you came aboard this vessel of you own free will?" "I did" "why?, did you think i would let anyone aboard other than on my terms?" "the thought had crossed my mind" i replied "that is not the answer i was looking for , you will tell me what i want to know, one way or another". If i could have a moment of you time in private i will tell you anything that you require" i announced Kayla stood proud, untouchable less than a metre in front of me. looking around she grabbed her dagger from her belt and motioned to leave the bridge. set course and engage engines she shouted as we left the bridge. moments later the ship jumped to warp. "you asked for this time, what is it you think you can say that will change my mind about you being here" she said it took about ten minutes to explain the things that my Kayla would have done and the sort of person she was,before i noticed any sort of change in the demeanor of her attitude. "weak, but true she was an honable Klingon she will have her time in stovokor, but you must realise that i am not this person and would never be that is not the way things work here." "all i ask is that i be able to prove myself to you" i replied." the doors opened and two female Klingons entered both carrying batleths. " so my time is up then and i have failed " "what did you expect i would crumble in to the person you want" on that not i lunged for one of the batleths taking the guards by surprise. Kayla had taught me a long time ago how to use these and now i had no choice but to do so. the blade came up and over the top of my head round my back and into the chest of one of the klingons, the other had taken a defensive stance and was in motion to repeat the move i had just used. bloking the move the blades clanged, she span bringing the blade across my chest slicing my tunic, again i moved but over stepped and lost balance. Falling to my knees again i brought the blade up and managed to block the descent of the other batleth. a quick flick and the blade left her hands and went spinning towards Kayla. the klingon span before i could make contact with my batleth. Kayla moved and picked up the other blade, distacting me. a severe pain went through my mind telling me that this klingon had more than just a batleth as blood ran down my arm from the slice she had just made. standing i thrust my batleth backwards into the torso of the klingon guard. paused and then retacted the blade. Kayla made her move, i was expecting this sort of action from her and i manged to block the batleth as it came down from above. in that instant pain shot through every part of my body, the batleth fell to the floor, Kayla stood tall smiling at me a warm smile, a friendly smile, a vicorious smile. I looked down to see the tripple edged blade potruding from my chest. the pain grew and my vision faded as i colapsed on the floor. the last thing i heard was Kayla saying you fought with honour............... Phil, Andy edit or delete as needed |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Oct 11 2005, 10:05 PM |
Eranys tenderly lifted a hand to explore her aggrieved temple. This assignment was quickly proving itself to be one she'd not likely forget. The lieutenant returned momentarily displaced attention to her console, feeling more than a little out of place as she reflected upon recent drama. The death was certainly unfortunate, to say the least. Nothing could be done. It wasn't exactly her place to comment, she deduced, on anything which involved the crew's inter-personal affairs either...nor could she really offer any assistance when it came to the Mirror Universe. Of course the subject had been covered in one of her academy courses, but Eranys doubted that such exiguous information would come to be of much use here. A sudden flare of pain surged unbidden through her skull. The Cardassian tensed and shut her eyes for a second as she willed the throbbing to cease, perhaps not so unbidden after all. Stillness. And then it was dispersed into warm tendrils which tickled threateningly into battered tissue. Not a serious injury; mild discomfort easily pushed aside. She may have not been particularly useful at the moment, but she'd be damned if she let such an insignificant little pang draw her from her duties, however small a setback that might be. Lieutenant Trusa merely gritted her teeth and continued to monitor her readings. Nothing too unusual, all considering. |
Posted by: Nathan Daniels Oct 12 2005, 01:20 AM |
I had beenin my quarters for a good portion of my offduty time when my new posting had been transmitted to my console in my quarters, New Assignement: effective immediately: report to head of science: I hated these sort of messages they were emotionless but i suppose that ws the intention. science eh best do some research into who i am working with. clearing the message from the screen i stated the research i needed. Valorin: Cheif Science Officer USS Intrepid, position at present missing (classified) Eranys Trusa: Acting Chief science officer USS Intrepid (active) well at leaset i know who to report to "computer where is Lt Trusa" -Lt trusa is currently on the bridge- ok best i go introduce myself, i grabbed my tunic top and left for the bridge. please edit as needed |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Oct 12 2005, 05:32 AM |
Lieutenant Valorin's depature had been a nasty surprise, and Reyan was still pondering it. Commodore Trell had sensed this and had made her opinion very clear "Colonel Martek will not be amused - I would very strongly assume that your Officer is already dead. From what I gather, she has a very short temper AND attention span" "My readyroom please" Reyan idicated to Commodore Trell. As he stood he noticed Lieutenant Xandra step out of the turbolift, looking noticably plale "One second" he asked Commodore Trell, who simply muttered a reply that could not be heard "Kassan - you look terrible!" Reyan stated "I'll be ok - it's....just a headache" she replied "Well - if it persists, report to sickbay please" Reyan replied, not completely convinced by her self-diagnosis "You should relive her of duty if she is not fit enough to perform her duties" Commodore Trell stated "Yeah - thanks - Command advice from a Mirror-universe Commodore who probably would have killed any officer who complained of a headache" Reyan replied, trying to be equally as sarcastic The two Officer's stepped into Reyan's ready-room, still bickering "It's no wonder your Starfleet is so weak, with Captain's like yourself being so lenient toward your Officers" Commodore Trell finnished Reyan simply sighed, no longer seeing the value of continuing the argument. He noted with interest that Commodore Martek didn't seem interested in the convestaion either - she was instead viewing Reyan's display cabinet which contained minature models of each Starfleet ship to carry the name Intrepid, starting with the NY-01 from Captain Archer's time to the one that Reyan now Commanded. "Interesting" she stated quietly "What is?" Reyan asked, wondering what had gotten her attention "Well - each of these ships, aside from the one on which we are now stood, had a contemporary in my universe" she explained "Really?" Reyan asked, genuinely interested in what he was being told "Yes - the Intrepid of Captain Archer's timeframe was destroyed when they fought the Romulans, the Consitution-Class Intrepid was obliterated trying to destroy a massive space-dwelling amoeba, and the Excelsior-Class Intrepid is drifting, dead, at the site of one of our inital battles against the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance" A thought suddenly entered Reyan's mind "Where is that ship at the moment?" he asked "The Chin-Toka system - the site of our worst defeat to date" she replied, regret evident in the tone of her voice ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Commodore Trell, still viewing Reyan's collection of Intrepid's, spoke quietly "I don't know why you want to go there, Captain, but a word of advice - our Fleet entered that sector to attempt to stop an Alliance invasion Fleet that was headed toward the Terran system, and only three ships survived the encounter" "I'm guessing that the Scavenger was one of them?" Reyan replied sympathetically "Yes, it was - the other two were the ISS Constellation and the ISS Enterprise-B, our flagship - and all but six of her crew were dead. If nothing else, the Alliance proved that we have nothing in our fleet that is any real match for their warships. Spock's reforms mean that we were not utilising our ship-building technology - we clearly fell behind, somthing that the Alliance used to their advantage" she replied, still not turing to face Reyan "Well - the Intrepid. my Intrepid can't get too involved in what happens in this universe. We're here to try and find an alien artifact, a key if you will" Reyan explained, not wishing to elaborate too much "A key?" Commodore Trell asked, finally turning away from the display that had held her interest "Yes - and I am hoping that the information we seek is in the database of either your Excelsior-class Intrepid, or one of the other ships that fought in the battle you referred to" Reyan finnished "Well - do what you must, Captain - but I have to say that you are walking a dangerous path, even with a ship as powerful as yours" Commodore Trell stated - "I just hope that you don't plan to keep me here too long - I need to report back to my Starfleet - they are amassing a Fleet at Wolf-359 due to intelligence that the Alliance is planning an attack on Earth" Reyan turned away from Commodore Trell - the words - the very name - Wolf-359..... He was about to address Commodore Trell again, but only saw the doors whisper closed, Commodore Trell had gone, and had left quite an atmosphere behind her, and Reyan was left contemplating what she had said. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Oct 13 2005, 05:06 PM |
At first she thought she heard wrong. But that was only wishful thinking. Reyan had actually ordered a change in course. ![]() ![]() Kaoru glanced around the bridge incredulously, shaking her head and going to the science station, her fingers dancing quickly over the keys. She downloaded something into a PADD and walked into Reyan's ready room. Fallax had already left. Geo gave her another odd look as she passed, but Kaoru assumed he was only wondering what she was doing. "Captain...I must object." She spoke before Reyan had a chance to, as soon as the doors had shut behind her. She handed him the data padd, it listed all the wounded and deceased crew members of the Intrepid. "Of the 152 personnel aboard this vessel, only 76 have not needed some sort of medical attention in last 30 days." She was not angry, but she was earnest, hoping he would see reason. "Those are terrible statistics Captain...and in the mirror universe they are not likely to improve." Reyan looked at the PADD, he knew what she said was true. "We think there's another key here Lieutenant." "I am not proposing that we drop this exploration Captain. I am only recommending...strongly recommending...that we fall back and allow another federation ship to take the lead on this wild goose hunt. At least until we've managed to regroup." She sat, leaning closer to him, trying desperately to make him see. It was very clear by the expression on his face that he did not like her suggestion in the slightest. Reyan was the captain of an exploration vessel, it was in his blood. The idea of pulling back from such an amazing discovery was out of the question, and he was about to tell her so when Ryan entered the ready room. Kaoru glanced at Ryan, straightening, then getting to her feet. She did not have the same comradery with Ryan as she did with Anil, the XO had to be approached differently. "I'm glad you're here Commander. I was just explaining to the Captain why I think the Intrepid must pull back from this mission." The Captain and XO exchanged glances, but Kaoru said nothing, showing Ryan the PADD she had shown Reyan. "Doctor..." Ryan was the first to speak. "The personnel aboard this vessel are all explorers at heart. They wouldn't want to pull back any more than Reyan and I do. We are close to something...something that might change the universe." Kaoru sighed, leaning against Reyan's desk, her arms crossed, "I know...I've been listening to the talk about what the Karcis might be for weeks now. And as I said, I'm not recommending that the Federation pull back from this...just the Intrepid. And for very good reasons. But...can either of you tell me with absolute certainty that the Karcis is not a weapon of some sort?" Her sapphire blue eyes looked from one to the other steadily, seeing the chagrin on their faces. She was right, they could not say what it was or wasn't...not with certainty. "You are risking your ship and crew chasing after a device you know next to nothing about. And I hope I've clearly shown that the chase itself is wreaking havoc on this ship. I can't stop you...I won't...at least not yet. But I am asking you to consider what I've said carefully. I've done too many autopsies on friends." She was done, letting her words sink in, watching them both. Reyan nodded, "Your concerns are noted doctor. Thank you." "Aye sir." She left the ready room, wondering if she had gotten through to either of them. |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Oct 14 2005, 02:36 AM |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Geo was not a particular fan of the Cardassians, knowing well their occupation of Bajor -- reminded him too much of the Thallonians before their planet was destroyed and their regime collapsed. Nevertheless the officer manning Science was just that; a federation offcer, which meant that the Helmsmen -- no matter how distrusting -- would endeavor to see to bridge functions (being the senior official on the bridge). The Hermekian was neither a fan of the Captains chair, nor enjoyed sitting in it. In his opinion it was too far from the viewscreen, but the helms station was in ample room for him to catch sight of the Cardassians pain, and comment on it. "Our ETA is nearly three hours lieutenant, take sometime to get some rest -- or have the good old Doctor take a look at you," Geo was already spinning his chair back to face forward, glancing up at the stars as they zagged forward against the viewscreen projection. Their was a grunt from behind him, perhaps an indication that the Science officer had heard him, but at that moment he was engrossed with the technical readout on the Chin-Toka system. Always good to know where you are going, he thought to himself, reading the systems and planets in the quadrant, though the information was weak compared to what the mirror universe would have had in their historical database. If only I could get a hold of the database, he continued to think, reclining in his seat leisurely to think about it. Getting a hold of the timeline and historical database of the mirror universe would undoubtable hold implications for the timeline of their universe; which in the end could affect the production of the Federation. Easy dog, you might go too far, he sighed to himself, sitting back up and turning in his chair as a second Science officer stepped unto the bridge. It seemed to stretch for moments, with Nathan regarding the helmsmen and the helmsmen likewise staring back, before he began for turned for the Science station. "Welcome to the bridge," exclaimed Mr. Revolone, not bothering to conceal the sarcasm as he spun back to face forward -- already thinking of perhaps harassing Gaia enough to oil the seat of the chair. Geo sighed one more time, watching the stars as they continued to shoot by the ship travelling at warp. "... what are you hiding?" He couldn't decide to whom he had meant it. The Chin-Toka system, the Karcsis, Fallax... or himself? |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Oct 15 2005, 03:52 PM |
Reyan sat, contemplating Doctor Ele's words - Ryan was still sat oposite him, and appeared to be digesting the information too, and was probably reaching the same conclusions as Anil You are risking your ship and crew chasing after a device you know next to nothing about. And I hope I've clearly shown that the chase itself is wreaking havoc on this ship. I can't stop you...I won't...at least not yet. But I am asking you to consider what I've said carefully. I've done too many autopsies on friends The problem was that neither Anil or Ryan could disprove her - she was absoulutely right. They knew very little about the Karcsis, and certainly had no understanding of how it worked - and Reyan found himself asking - what would he do if the Karcsis did prove to be some kind of weapon - certainly, no-one in his crew understood how to deactivate it, and it seemed to have it's own agenda anyway - an agenda that had already caused problems for the Intrepid and her crew. "She's right you know" Reyan finally spoke, noticing that Ryan seemed to have expected him to say those very words anyway "I know - and I wish we could prove that the Karcsis isn't a weapon, but she is right - we really don't know enough about it" Ryan replied thoughtfully Reyan stood and walked over to the display cabinet with the Intrepid models secured inside, and could not help but wonder if the Captain's of the previous Starship's to bear the name had been faced with similar dilema's to the one that Reyan himself was now facing. He turned to Ryan "You know, I can almost hear my Father - he'd say that no mission is worth the loss of life and the sacrifice that we've endured" "Your Father is in the Bajoran milita, isn't he?" Ryan asked "Yes - he's a Major now. he never really understood Starfleet's desire to explore and he didn't approve when I told him that I had been accepted into the academy" Reyan stated, walking over to one of the shelves in the office, and picking up a holo-image of himself, wearing his first Cadet Uniform, with his Father wearing the uniform of a Captain of the Bajoran militia "Where is he based?" Ryan asked Reyan grinned "Ironically, Deep Space Nine, with all those Starfleet personel that he doesn't understand" he replied "You haven't spoken of him before" Ryan stated sympathetically "We don't get on too well these days - especially since he received news of my promotion, and although he is undoubtedly proud of my acheivements, I can't help but notice that he seems a little bitter about it too, especially since my Starfleet rank is higher than his Bajoran one" Reyan replied, placing that holoimage back on it's shelf Ryan sighed "Back to the matter at hand, Anil - what do we do about the Karcsis?" Reyan moved back to his chair and sat "I don't see that there is a great deal that we can do at present - we don't know how that damned device works, we don't know how to get back to our universe, we don't know that we can fully trust Commodore Trell, regardless of how sincere she appears to be, and we don't know for certain that obtaining the key that is somewhere in this universe is going to be the answer to all of our problems - one thing we do unfortunately know is that the Terran's loose this war, and it looks like their final stand is going to be at Wolf-359" Ryan visibly shuddered at the name, an ara of space that all Starfleet Officer's from their universe had come to regard as a graveyard - and for all intents and purposes, was also about to become one in this universe. He and was about to reply, when Lieutenant Revolone's voice filtered through the comm system ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Commander Orlan frowned "I just hope that we can trust Commodore Trell" he stated "I think we can on this one - what could she gain by giving us details of the site of one of her Fleet's worst defeats?" Anil replied "Anil - you are too trusting - you ask what she could gain? How about an Intrepid class Starship that is a match for the best warship's that the Alliance of this timeframe in this universe have to offer?" Reyan frowned "Hm - hadn't thought of that" he replied solemly, as they both stepped onto the Bridge. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Oct 17 2005, 09:49 AM |
Gaia had just got up from her feet when she saw Kaoru entering the ready room in hot persuit of the Captain, a data PADD in hand. Ryan soon followed, the sight of him made her look away. If no-one was going to help her back to sickbay, or to her quarters, then she'd struggle on her own. It's what she'd have to learn to do if she couldn't be fixed up as Geo would say. The thought of Geo made her look in the Hermekian's direction. Gaia noticed something about the way he looked at the strange woman, the same way Gaia had once looked at Korbin. A flare of anger drifted up from inside her. "How dare he! He knows Kaoru likes him that flirty, purple eyes womaniser of a......." A voice broke her concentration and Gaia spun instinctively, then grimaced. Recovering quickly, Gaia's eyes fell on the Commodore. She had that same expression of contemplation on her face, but why was anyone's guess. To Gaia's surprise, the Commodore helped Gaia into the turbolift, she had a firm, but gentle grip, surprising in itself really. "So, to sickbay with you then?" "Not likely, I just came from there, I'm off to my quarters til Kaoru says different!" Gaia stated in a stubborn and even a little authoritive voice. The woman laughed. "You even sound like her!" The smile changed the shape and effect of her face, it was almost like she was familiar with Gaia. There was something about her face Gaia supposed, it did look a little familiar, but Gaia would have known if she'd met this particular woman before. "Sound like who?" Gaia's voice was full of curiosity. Who was this woman? If people would just tell her what was going on, then maybe she wouldn't have to be wondering and guessing at so many things. "It doesn't matter, what's your name?" "My name is Gaia, I am-" Gaia's face lowered to stare at the support units on her legs. "-was the Chief Engineer" "Hmmm, well. The woman I knew, looked exactly like you, different name mind, but same mannorisms. Always wondered if she had a sister.....turns out she had a doppleganger in another universe!" This caused another bout of laughter from the woman. "Well, that would explain your looks on the Bridge, thought it was just these things." Gaia said indicating her support units. Soon they arrived at Gaia's quarters and Fallax as Gaia had come to know as the woman's name assisted her in sitting on her bed. Likely with all the strain she'd been putting on her legs, Gaia would be unable to move for much longer. Fallax said her goodbyes and excused herself, smiling until leaving Gaia's quarters, where she again put on the mask of a stern woman. "That woman has many secrets, and many mysteries about her" Gaia thought to herself as she tapped her comm badge. ![]() ![]() Gaia awaited the arrival of her deputy with folded arms, she would be filled in, no more excuses! |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Oct 18 2005, 12:51 PM |
Anil and Ryan stepped back onto the Bridge - Geo stood from the Command chair and made his way back to the Helm "Report" Ryan asked "Approaching the coordinates Sir" Geo replied, as on the viewscreen, a number of derelict Starships came to sight "Damn..." Anil heard someone mutter from behind As the Intrepid crept closer, the viewscreen filled with images of ruined and derelict Starships, floating useless and defeated "Must have been some battle" Anil voiced out loud, as the burnt hulk of a Miranda class Starship appeared on the screen" "It was" Commodore Trell stated bitterly,staring forcefully at the screen, her fists clenched Anil had not noticed her return to the Bridge, and it appeared Ryan handn't either "I'm sorry Commodore - but we need answers, and this appears to be our only option" Anil stated sympathetically "Which one should we board?" Ryan asked "Whichever one has it's computer core intact and adequate life support, beyond that your sensors can tell you more that I can" she replied, still staring at the screen "Lieutenant Trusa, scan the derelicts - we need to know which ones have their computer cores relatively intact, and active life support" Anil said, turning to his new Chief Science Officer, who had been quietly sat at the Science station, studying data regarding the Karcsis "Aye Sir" she replied, and set to work "Geo - Dolton - scan the area for Cardassian or Klingon ship signatures - scan for cloaked vessels too - I don't want to be caught off guard" "Captain - I've narrowed the search down to three ships - the ISS Intrepid, which has 4% life support and a fairly intact computer core, the ISS Domination, which has only 2% life support and a reasonable-condition computer core, and the ISS Superior - computer core damaged, but functional - life support offline" Lieutenant Trusa reported "Can we uplink with the computers from here?" Ryan asked hopefully "No - none of the ships have a computer core that any condition to manage that - the information needs to be downloaded manually" Trusa replied "Looks like it'll have to be the ship that carried the same name as ours" Anil stated, turing to Commander Orlan "Commander, Lieutenant Trusa - assemble an away team, and transport over there - access their computer and see what you can find out about the Karcsis and the keys, pertaining to THIS universe" he finnished Commander Orlan nodded and set to work assembling a team, and arguing with Commodore Trell, who was demanding that she be allowed to join the team - Anil, grinned at Commander Orlan's forceful reply to her, and then sat down and stared at the image of the ISS Supeior, drifting helplessly, dead derelict and defeated and a direct contradiction of it's own name. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Oct 18 2005, 01:51 PM |
Eranys glared at the Karcsis read-outs; somewhere, it gleamed impeccant. Two lines systematically pulsing through the terminal screen. Eranys recognized this for what it represented. "It only has one vector..." Vector E, to be precise. But this was impossible. It couldn't be missing a magnetic field. "Oh, but it is." Eranys felt her lips pull marginally in what was a very vague smile. Oddness cheered her. Usually, electromagnetic fields possessed two vectors -- two defining points in space and time. E and B. E constituted as the electrostatic field, whilst B represented the magnetic field. But this...device...which had supposedly been admitting a feint electromagnetic field moments before, as registered by their instruments, now appeared to be admitting something completely unknown to any identifiable laws of physics. It was time for a Lenz scan. Eranys highly doubted that the Lenz scan would yeild anything helpful at this point. After all, without a magnetic field the chances were incredibly small that the scan would even work. But something nagged at her. The lieutenant began to rise from her chair and ask to head for the main science lab, as so to better utilize her resources, when the ship entered Yellow Alert. Cursing mentally, Era lowered herself back into her seat. The Lenz scan could wait, for now. At least her temple wasn't throbbing anymore. The Intrepid arrived shortly at the apparent ship graveyard. Eranys glanced at the viewscreen, suppressing a shudder despite herself. Creepy, that. Anil and Ryan stepped back onto the Bridge - Geo stood from the Command chair and made his way back to the Helm "Report" Ryan asked "Approaching the coordinates Sir" Geo replied, as on the viewscreen, a number of derelict Starships came to sight "Damn..." Anil heard someone mutter from behind As the Intrepid crept closer, the viewscreen filled with images of ruined and derelict Starships, floating useless and defeated "Must have been some battle" Anil voiced out loud, as the burnt hulk of a Miranda class Starship appeared on the screen" "It was" Commodore Trell stated bitterly,staring forcefully at the screen, her fists clenched The Captain had not noticed her return to the Bridge, and it appeared Commander Orlan handn't either "I'm sorry Commodore - but we need answers, and this appears to be our only option" the Captain stated sympathetically "Which one should we board?" Commander Orlan asked "Whichever one has it's computer core intact and adequate life support, beyond that your sensors can tell you more that I can" she replied, still staring at the screen "Lieutenant Trusa, scan the derelicts - we need to know which ones have their computer cores relatively intact, and active life support" Anil said, turning to his new Chief Science Officer, who had been quietly sat at the Science station, studying data regarding the Karcsis "Aye Sir" she replied, and set to work Fairly simple. And then --- "Captain - I've narrowed the search down to three ships - the ISS Intrepid, which has 4% life support and a fairly intact computer core, the ISS Domination, which has only 2% life support and a reasonable-condition computer core, and the ISS Superior - computer core damaged, but functional - life support offline" Lieutenant Trusa reported "Can we uplink with the computers from here?" Commander Orlan asked hopefully "No - none of the ships have a computer core that any condition to manage that - the information needs to be downloaded manually" Trusa replied "Looks like it'll have to be the ship that carried the same name as ours" Captain Anil stated, turing to Commander Orlan "Commander, Lieutenant Trusa - assemble an away team, and transport over there - access their computer and see what you can find out about the Karcsis and the keys, pertaining to THIS universe" he finnished Eranys quickly alerted Science Lab 1 to continue on with their studies before rising and looking inquiringly at the Commander. |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Oct 20 2005, 07:44 AM |
"All right, let's get to work." Ryan said after the transporter had deposited the five officers into the center of the ISS Intrepid's Bridge. The beams of their wrist lights darted about as they spread out. Trusa and the two security officers moved toward one of the science consoles and began their efforts to retrieve any information about the Karcsis. It took only moments for the pair to have reserve power online. Geo moved foward, his purple eyes shifted eagerly; attempting to inspect every detail of the Excelsior Class Bridge. "Astounding isn't it?" He said. "I thought you of all people would have been on an Excelsior Class starship before." "Of course. She's no Ambassador Class, but she is still a beauty!" Ryan smiled weakly and watched him walk around, touching the few consoles that were still working. He had to admire Geo's fondness for superannuated vessels. Superannuated? Excelsior's were the backbone of the fleet... "Lieutenant, I'll be in the Ready Room." Geo nodded in acknowledgment and returned his attention to the Helm console. He sat down in the seat, apparently trying to get a feel of what it would be like to pilot this ship. Probably has piloted an Excelsior before. Ryan thought as he approached the doors to the Captain's ready room. An overpowering stench of death suddenly reached Ryan's nostrills when he entered the room. His hand instinctively went to his face and covered his mouth and nose. He looked around the room, searching for the source. An officer sat slouched in the chair behind the desk. His head cocked sideways, his flesh a pale shade of grey. "Computer - lights." He said, searching the rest of the dark room with his eyes, but the computer didn't respond Ryan approached the front of the desk and turned the computer terminal around to face him. On the screen was a list of logs. He selected the most recently created entry and tapped a button to play the recording. "First Officer's log, suplemental. This is probably my last log. It's been atleast an hour since the attack. The crew is all dead, most of the ship's systems are off-line, inclduing weapons - not even enough power to ram the ship into one of the enemy vessels." The man in the recording paused and took a slow shallow breath of air. Ryan gave the dead officer another glance. He hadn't even noticed till the recording that this man wasn't the Captain. "It won't be too long now... the wound is too deep - I can't stop the bleeding. I don't think I can even make it to Sickbay. There is one thing that should noted... the crew fought with pride, no matter who finds this, the Terran Empire should be proud!" The playback ended without another word and the display returned to the listing of logs. Ryan stood upright. He doubted that there would be anything else worth viewing in the other previous logs as the recorded dates were conciderabally ealier than the one he had just viewed. They could all be downloaded and viewed later and it ment he could leave the stench of this room. He strode back onto the Bridge and filled his lungs with non-stagnant air. Kaoru and Geo were now huddled closely together, talking in low voices. Her tricorder open and monitoring the lifesigns of the away team. "Any progress?" He said approaching the Science console where Dolton and Trusa stood. "The computer is not responding to voice commands, it's made the search a little more difficult, we're still searching the various databases. We've downloaded the crew and ships logs. " "Good." "Commander," Kaoru said and Ryan turned around to face her. "there appears to be a radiation leak on deck three. It's interfereing with my tricorder scans." "And?" "I'd like to clear the radiation, I want to make certain that there is nobody down there." "Is life support still functioning on that deck?" "Just enough ." A skeptical look suddenly inscribed itself onto Kaoru's face. Clearly she too remembered the incident on a previous away mission where he'd overruled her professional judgement and duty to the team - the repercussion of which was still vivid in Ryan's mind and ever since a barrier of animosity had remained between them. "How much longer can we stay here?" "So if we divert power and increase life support to deck three just so we can determine if there is someone alive down there - we'll only have ten minutes of life support here on the Bridge." "And if we don't and their is someone down there, they will die. Besides, we can come back with environmental suites if the computer hasn't been downloaded before life support is depleted." Kaoru was right. He had no choice but to yeild to her request. For all he knew, there could be survivors in that section. His mind recalled the Executive Officer's words about the crew being dead. What if he was wrong though? They had a duty to be sure that no one was alive. "Okay, proceed." REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Oct 20 2005, 07:56 PM |
Geo moved foward, his purple eyes shifted eagerly; attempting to inspect every detail of the Excelsior Class Bridge. "Astounding isn't it?" He said. "I thought you of all people would have been on an Excelsior Class starship before." "Of course. She's no Ambassador Class, but she is still a beauty!" That is an understatement Geo thought to himself, moving towards the Helm station and letting his hand graze against the dampened and destroyed LCARs menu screen, then to the chair. It didn't look as comfortable as the ones he was used to. "Lieutenant, I'll be in the Ready Room." Geo glanced towards the Commander, nodding his head before returning his glance towards the Helm station. This thing was a beauty. Most took pride in the antiques, but Geo was more into vessels. The Ancient Thallonian vessels were almost as magnificent as the Ancient Earth vessels. The NX-01, the TJ-45's -- particularly the TJ-45's, as they were one of the first terran vessels used in the Romulan-Earth war (before torpedo technology was created). "Some of these decks have flooded radiation, I can't get an accurate reading about it." "What?" Geo turned towards Kaoru, who glanced back to him in time to repeat her last statement. Nodding, the lieutenant strolled from Helm, dismantling his brief flight of fancy to indulge in the current. "See, these readings are miniscule, and since the radiation leak is prominent, it's interfering." "Science lady," Geo glanced towards her, "try and isolate the radiation, see if it's being caused by a breach or if it's artificially created." Eranys quirked a brow, "created artificially?" Kaoru likewise regarded Geo with a skeptical look. It may have been his imagination, but the paranoid Hermekian was used to occupational situations, and as such suspected everything as a trap. Plan for the worst and all surprises are pleasant, he reminded himself, but at that moment Ryan strolled from the ready room. Kaoru and Geo were now huddled closely together, talking in low voices. Her tricorder open and monitoring the lifesigns of the away team. "Any progress?" Chirped the Commmander "We're still searching the various databases. We've downloaded the crew and ships logs." Geo stated rather blandly, moving over towards one of the rear LCAR screens to check on the radiation himself, only to be joined by the good old Science officer. "Good." "Commander," Kaoru said and Ryan turned around to face her. "there appears to be a radiation leak on deck three. It's interfereing with my tricorder scans." Geo stopped paying attention, instead bringing to Eranys' attention that several of the ruptured bulkheads and circuitry had lead to the radiation leak. "Do you know how they could have been caused?" "A great deal of things," stated the science officer, "and it's Lieutenant Trusa." "What?" The Hermekian was left blinking. "You referred to me as 'Science lady', you may address me as Lieutenant Trusa." "I'll be damned," Geo cursed in reply, his classic grin starting to show, "and here I thought science folk had no backbone." Offering a wink in such a nature as to incite he was joking the Helmsmen wheeled around in time to catch the end bit of the Commander and Doctors discussion. "And if we don't and their is someone down there, they will die. Besides, we can come back with environmental suites if the computer hasn't been downloaded before life support is depleted." "Okay, proceed." "I think it maybe a fair bet to assume that maybe some of these personel might not want to be found. Radiation messing up with the tricorders, seems like a good enough plot to snag some Federation doctors," "which is percisely why you will be going with her Lieutenant." Geo shared a brief chuckle with the commander. "I would advise," the Science officer glanced to the two, "caution. At the least it might quell the Helmsmens suspicions." "Ah she's a softy at heart," Geo continued, "but we'll need the Lieutenant here to monitor the controls on the bridge." "Thank you for calling the shots Lieutenant," Ryan frowned at Geo, but Geo only grinned back, before the Commander motioned for the jefferies tubes that lead to the lower decks. "Fair bet to assume the turbolifts are a bit out of place. Lieutenant Trusa, see if you can access the enviromental controls to vent as much of the radiation -- if not all -- and Doctor, I would suggest inoculations against gamma radiation. Geo -- thanks for volunteering, take point." The Hermek only glanced stupidly towards Ryan, before laughing. "Wait until the holodeck Commander, just wait..." The away team moved for the turbolift, Geo taking point, followed by a a security officer, then Kaoru, and then the good old Commander. With the help of the security officer Geo managed to pry the jefferies door apart, then began his descent. ~ ~ ~ ~ DECK THREE // ISS INTREPID ~ ~ ~ ~ "Then their was the time I stepped into that Grolm dung, that had to be the most disgusting thing I have ever stepped into, but I think the most humiliating time I had was during the physical training --" Ryan paused as they clamoured over ruptured bulkheads. So far their had been no sign of life, the Doctor had taken point, moving through the hazy mist of radiation residue left on oxygen cells -- kind of pretty, in the eerie sense. "Commodore Hughes thought it would be funny to pair me up against a Klingon. I don't think I ever got knocked around so much in my life," they ducked under another portion of rubble. "This place is a mess," Kaoru commented, but she seemed half out of her mind as she stated it. Geo stiffled a cough, purple oculars shifting about the greenish hue almost in paranoia. "You're sure this radiation won't affect us?" "It's a residue, pretty much all color and no discharge, the inoculation will protect you, but even so it's too weak to do much harm." "I have a sensitive nose!" Ryan exclaimed, tapping the bridge of his nose for emphasis. "No wonder the Klingon beat you -- his stenched knocked you out." The two chuckled again, even the security officer shared a laugh, but Kaoru's random speech once more interupted them. Only this time a seriousness grew afterwards. "I think I've found someone..." I tried, I might have failed, but I tried |
Posted by: Keldorn Reefs Oct 20 2005, 09:36 PM |
![]() ![]() Keldorn rose sharply from where he had been knelt, nearly colliding with the console before he he adjusted himself. "Computer deactivate console, remove console, and disable console output --" with that the Engineer partook in a moment of collecting himself enough to talk, then tapped his badge. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [ QUARTRES ] [ USS INTREPID ] Keldorn stroked his chin, feeling the smooth surface of an almost icey complexion even as he regarded the door. The Crewmen and Ensign met him their, where he dismissed them with more duties while taking seven of the ten PADDs and then ringing the chime. "ENTER!" It was an almost roaring bellow, but Keldorn figured that perhaps the Chief was testing her voice. Or preparing to yell at me, he reminded himself. "The reports you were request. Repairs are fully complete, maintenance is running normally, and several of the personel have been allocated for duties -- mostly security personel who weren't up to par with their latest training, I think the chief of security might be running them a little hard," he chuckled at the comment. "These comments should have gotten to me earlier," Keldorn placed them on the table as she spoke, shrugging his shoulders. "I thought it best to let you recu--" "You thought it best to leave it all until later." "Ma'am! With all due respect, I thought perhaps it would be best -- as your Deputy Officer -- that I take all your workload until such a time as you have recovered. If you feel that you have recovered, here are all the reports that need your attention." Keldorn inclined his head arrogantly. Gaia continued to stare at him, before nodding. "I suppose that as a Deputy -- you did well. Thank you Mr. Reefs, dismissed..." "Pleasure Chief," Keldorn murmured, once more sounding sarcastic as he said so -- his very breath wafted in cold vapor as he spoke, but at the next moment he smiled. An odd, eerie smile, "I hope you get well soon Chief, we need you..." Perhaps it was the sentiment of Keldorn caring, or the fact that he had smiled so humorously, or perhaps because he was finally leaving... either way, she smiled back... |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Oct 21 2005, 07:54 AM |
"I thought it best to let you recu--" "You thought it best to leave it all until later." "Ma'am! With all due respect, I thought perhaps it would be best -- as your Deputy Officer -- that I take all your workload until such a time as you have recovered. If you feel that you have recovered, here are all the reports that need your attention." Keldorn inclined his head arrogantly. Gaia continued to stare at him, before nodding. "I suppose that as a Deputy -- you did well. Thank you Mr. Reefs, dismissed..." "Pleasure Chief," Keldorn murmured, once more sounding sarcastic as he said so -- his very breath wafted in cold vapor as he spoke, but at the next moment he smiled. An odd, eerie smile, "I hope you get well soon Chief, we need you..." The sentiment of what her deputy had just said touched her. Even under that shell of his, he was a softie, much like Gaia considered herself to be. She couldn't suppress the smile that was now showing on her face. Kedorn turned away but just before he reached the door to Gaia's quarters Gaia spoke up. "Keldorn" She said loudly, but without shouting, she knew she looked hesistant and she felt it. But she knew there was no hope for her and Ryan. "I was wondering if perhaps.......you would consider......having a drink with me tonight, non-aloholic of course!" Gaia added quickly "I'd like to go over these reports with you. From the look of what I've seen so far, you're doing a reasonable job in Engineering since I've been.....indesposed." Her deputy seemed to be taken aback by her statement, obviously not expecting it, but he was now facing her. Gaia was getting a feeling of awkwardness now. Perhaps she shouldn't have....... "I'll see how the repairs are going Ma'am, but if all goes well, I should see you tonight, for company" "Thank you Keldorn, and by the way.....didn't I say you were dismissed?" Gaia said more harshly, but with a smile on her face, she was joking around with him. He smiled in a way that said he knew. For the first time, she actually felt like she could rest. Engineering she felt, was in good hands. Gaia didn't even bother getting under the covers, she took out the band holding her braid and let it loose, it was wavy because of the braid, she didn't like it that way, but it didn't matter. Gaia rolled onto her side, closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, the first comfortable sleep since the row with Ryan.......and the accident. |
Posted by: Fallax Trell Oct 22 2005, 07:34 AM |
Fallax paced around the Bridge, this ship, the faces some so well known to her others so foreign and yet none of them really hers. They all thought they knew so much, but did they. They were like children, playing in the dark. She stopped again staring out at the graveyard on the view screen. These were her people, dead..all dead... She thought of Gaia, a sad smile flitted across her face. Yes even she...dead..the war had taken its toll and now these upstarts, these, people..they come and they act like... She turned and kicked at the nearest consol. I should have been on that ship with them. These were my people, these were my comrades, these graves that are now being desicrated. She growled deep in her throat as a security ensign aproached her. Fallax looked at him and then looked again at the screen. Her head now throbbed from the gash and she had not had a chance to clean up. "Captain, I need temporary quarters. I wish to clean up." Fallax snarled. Reyan looked surprised but nodded to an ensign. "Certainly, forgive my rudeness, you have been through a lot and I had not thought." Fallax nodded and followed the ensign from the Bridge. She followed him silently to the crews quarters and he gave her a code for the door they stood in front of. The door slid open and Fallax walked in and looked round. "Anything you require can be replicated," the ensign told her. "Thank you ensign that will be all." she replied. "I will be standing guard outside the door, Ma'am, if you should need me." he replied as he left. Guard me, more like keep me prisoner, she thought. She walked to the replicator and within a few minutes had a fresh uniform. Not exactly her style, but it would do for the moment. She then replicated other things she required and walked into the bedroom and through to the ensuite. They sure know how to live. she thought looking around her at what to her seemed like opulance.It makes them soft. She quickly showered and dressed and headed back to the sitting area, where she replicated a drink and food. She sat down and picked listlessly at the bowl of gagh, her mind wandering as she formulated a plan. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Oct 22 2005, 02:20 PM |
"This place is a mess," Kaoru commented, but she seemed half out of her mind as she stated it. She kept her eyes on her tricorder, watching the readings intently, mulling over the events on the bridge of the crippled craft. The idea that the radiation flooding some of the decks might have been intentional had never occured to her, but it had been the first thing Geo had thought of. That was interesting, to say the least. Behind her Geo coughed, asking in a slightly worried voice. "You're sure this radiation won't affect us?" "It's a residue, pretty much all color and no discharge, the inoculation will protect you, but even so it's too weak to do much harm." The two of them, Geo and Ryan, went on with their banter, but Kaoru wasn't listening. The beam of her wrist light illuminated little really, it reflected off the haze in the air with sometimes dazzling effects, but it was still better than fumbling around in the dark. She ducked under a bay door stuck partway open, moving a little more quickly now, the readings on the tricorder hurrying her steps. "I think I've found someone..." The corridor they were in was littered with debris and she nearly tripped over a panel that had fallen from its place. "Slow down!" She might have been mistaken, but Geo sounded slightly frustrated. Kaoru did slow, but only to turn towards a door, her eyes still intent on her tricorder. The door, like many others, was askew, and cocked at an off angle, leaving a triangle shaped opening the bottom just wide enough for her to wriggle through, though it was tight. The room inside was someone's quarters, and Kaoru suddenly felt like an intruder. She heard a noise, and such thoughts were forgotten. Without waiting for Geo and Ryan to catch up, she walked into an adjoining room, "In here." The room was small, furnished with a little bed, a nightstand and a desk, colorful children's drawings, scribbles more like, adorned the walls, none of them placed any higher than Kaoru's waist. She heard a small whimper from behind the bed and she lowered her tricorder, crossing the room and crouching near a huddled, trembling mass of blankets. Slowly she tugged the blankets aside, revealing a small boy of no more than six. He had sandy blonde hair that framed his cherubic face in a mass of unruly curls, and wide eyes that were the palest blue Kaoru had ever seen. She smiled warmly, speaking softly, trying to ease his terror. "Well hello little one...what's your name?" The boy swallowed, his eyes fixed on her own, looking up when Geo and Ryan entered, answering in a tremulous voice. "Jakob." He was trembling and pale, his small muscles spasming. Kaoru scanned the child, consulting her tricorder. Her sensors indicated increased levels of radiation in his system, he was likely suffering from radation poisoning, as well as being malnourished and slightly dehydrated. She opened her medkit and prepared a hypospray of hyronalin, ignoring Jakob's terrified spasms. She administered the hypospray, smoothing the boy's dirty curls from his forehead, "It's all right." She murmured to him softly. "You're all right now." "Jakob has some mild exposure to radiation, but other than that, he seems fine." She spoke to Ryan and Geo, not taking her eyes from the child. Holding out her hand to the terrified, dirty child she smiled again, "My name is Kaoru. Would you like to come with us Jakob?" [[hope this suits...edit as needed]] |
Posted by: Kassan Xandra Oct 22 2005, 09:59 PM |
Kassan stood station, her hands running over the PADD, she was feeling slightly off color and she wasnt sure why. She sighed deeply as she tried to concentrate on the job at hand. Suddenly the bridge seemed to her to tilt at a strange angle and she gripped the station consol, then the room began to spin. "Oh..I must have caught a virus or something," she thought. The next minute her stomach lurched and it was all she could do to not throw up, there and then on the Bridge. She murmered something almost inarticulate to a security ensign standing nearby and rushed off to the head. The door closed behind her and she kneeled on the floor her head over the bowl, her stomach heaving. Her hair hung limply as the contents of her stomach, such as was there, emptied itself into the bowl. She moaned as another spasm wracked her and again she heaved. This went on for a good few minutes, the sweat beading her forhead, her hair now wet from sweat also. Finally she sat back, her back against the bulkhead, her face pale, unable to move from exhaustion and too scared to leave the head, incase she should start again. Finally she stood, pulling herself to the hand basin and washed cold water over her face and looked at the large eyed pale visage that stared back at her from the mirror. She moaned. Eventually, her stomach having settled some she walked back on to the bridge. |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Oct 25 2005, 11:16 AM |
ooc - Be forwarned -- this post is going to be really short. I'm using a library pc right now and there's quite a line behind me. Don't want people to get anal. I decided that I needed to jump in here though... ic - The small boy sniffed, contemplating an answer, before noticing Eranys who was looking curiously over Kaoru's shoulder. With a squeak he made an attempt to scoot back further in the bed. The Science Officer seemed perplexed for a moment before realization dawned. "Oh. No, don't be afraid," she said calmly, taking a step backwards. "I'm a friend." She attempted a smile before moving off and beginning to scan a nearby bulkhead with her 'corder. Children were...intimidating, though the Cardie'd never admit it. And perhaps it would be best that she keep her distance until more trust was gained. Eranys shot a glare in Geo's direction as she sensed his soft laugh, and continued on with her scanning. |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Oct 25 2005, 11:20 PM |
Geo offered a warm smile towards Eranys, stiffling laughter before it formed. For the moment the Hermekian found his eyes drifting towards the child; of whom both Geo and Ryan were now watching curiously. For the most part Ryan seemed to wonder what a Terran ship -- a Terran warship -- would be doing with a little child aboard, Geo on the other hand -- was wondering how to get away from the child. Too many regards Geo felt a similar need to remain away from the child as Eranys, and even endeavoured to stroll towards the Cardassian woman, helping her inspect the remainder of the location; but in the end his questions were directed towards Ryan. "What's a child doing onboard?" "That's a good question," Ryan asked, frowning uncertainly and raising his head to look at Kaoru, "speculation?" "I can only assume that -- according to logs and such written about Captain Kirks, Captain Picards, and Commander Sisko's exploits -- the primal urges (of which we find violence and paranoia as strong as sexual tendancies) were enough to give birth to the little boy." "I don't care what spawned it," Geo began, but chose his words more carefully otherwise, "no ship -- no warship would have a boy on it -- or any children for that matter." "What are you saying Geo?" Kaoru asked, and the Hermekian offered her a heated look in return -- children shouldn't be here! It was wrong, and he knew it; every sense about him telling him that something was out of place it. "I don't know," "I beg to differ," Ryan injected before Geo had said three words. "I believe," the Cardassian turned around, offering a cool and collect look towards the Helmsmen before continuing her observation, "that the Lieutenant was trying to acknowledge the possibility that something else is living here besides this -- child." Kaoru and Ryan shared a glance, then looked towards Geo. "It's plausible -- just think about it; first theirs a high concentration of radiation, enough to hamper all tracers with a tricorder, and next we find a boy on the lower decks where the boy shouldn't be. In all likeness it would be safe to assume that more people are hiding here." "On what evidence?" Ryan didn't sound at all pleased, motioning one of the security guards to move down the corridor and secure the immediate location. "Simple deduction really, as I'm sure our science friend here will agree," Geo glanced towards Eranys, then back to Ryan. "If this is a graveyard, then maybe it meant that everyone had to survive on other means. They disassembled some ships, and formed a collective hub to survive. It would be --" "-- a fair assumption to assume that this graveyard is now a community of former Terran leaders, one of which gave birth to this child," finished the science officer. "Or..." Kaoru trailed off. "Or?" Now it was Geo's turn to look perplexed, but the trusty doctor was not one to not explain herself. "Or the Karcsis meant for us to find the child, that maybe their was a lesson or something to learn from this." All three other members quirked their brows. "Think about it; the Karcsis has been leading us right? Then it could be safe to assume that along the way we collect adventures, and morals of stories, or perhaps something." "It's a safe bet -- according to the history of artifacts, their is usually a moral of a story. Even the orbs that Commander Sisko went in search of were revealing of some deeper meaning." "That does not necessarily mean that this child is a Karcsis creation. I don't think it has the power to simply create life to serve it's purpose." "We don't know that for certain sir," Eranys pointed out, but at that moment a sudden thud pulled all of them towards the end of the corridor, where the security officer was leaning against the wall -- his head thrown back as if he were gagging; The doctors tricorder beeped. "The radiation levels have spiked another 78%. That's not possible." "Doctor!" Ryan glanced towards Kaoru, the room beginning to fill with more of the green mist. "I believe it might be to prudent to get off this deck," Eranys pointed out. "I think it might be prudent to agree with the science officer -- have to save that sensitive nose anyway Ryan..." Edit as needed... I know it's slightly off topic, but perhaps it works aye? |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Oct 26 2005, 02:52 AM |
Reyan turned to see Kassan dash into the turbolift - part of him wanted to chase her, to find out what the problem was, but he resisted the temptation to do so - his first duty was to be on the Bridge, especially whilst the away team were scouting a derelict Starship He turned to the Ensign who had taken over Tactical from Kassan "Ensign - hail the away team - they are overdue for reporting their progress" Ensign Saunders nodded, and worked her console quickly - she then looked up, looking slightly concerned "Captain - I'm having problems getting a fix on the away team - raditional levels on the deck that they are on has increased by approximately 78%!" "What?!" Reyan said, leaping out of his seat and making his way to Tactical He read the readouts "Damn - that rules out a transporter lock too" he stated He walked over to the Lieutenant standing at the Ops console "Lieutenant - advise the duty shuttlebay officer of the situation, and have a shuttle launch and dock with the other Intrepid" he ordered "Aye Sir" The officer replied Moments later, a shuttle from the Intrepid streaked toward the older, derelict ship - the shuttlebay doors on the older ship struggled open, courtesy of a remote command from the shuttle, and the shuttle landed itself "Good - all we need to do now is make the away team aware of the fact that the shuttle is there" Reyan stated "Keep trying to hail them - and call Commodore Trell back to the Bridge" He walked back over to his chair and sat, wondering what exactly was happening on the mysterious derelict ship |
Posted by: Phaedra Rain Oct 27 2005, 01:09 AM |
Phaedra Strode restlessly in her cabin.Her duties had been attended to that day.She had only a few crew members left to see,regarding the unfortunate events in this mission.Very possible a few senior members were even being a bit evasive ,not yet ready to talk about the tragedy that this mission held.That was understandable everyone dealt with loss and grief in a different way.That was not it she decided,and yet her uneasiness remained. Phaedra tapped her com badge,she just had to know... "Counsellor Rain to the Captain" Phaedra said. "Reyan here,what is it Counsellor?" The Captain asked. "Sir,is everything...alright...?" Questioned Rain. "Counsellor?" The Captain said,his voice arched over her title. Phaedra collected her thoughts ready to give a brief explanation,of her feelings.When the captain interrupted her beginning. "Join me on the bridge please Counsellor" The Captain requested. "Aye,Sir on my way" Phaedra replied. Leaving her quarters,she made her way to the bridge,lost in thought...the turbo doors opened onto the bridge. The Captain was seated in his chair.Phaedra took her seat next to him.Turning her body to the Captain she studied him.He was tense yet portrayed a look of calmness,his one arm resting at his side,the other lightly gripping the arm rest.The Captain raised an eyebrow in question to her.Phaedra began speaking. "Sir,I understand that a away team has beamed over to the derelict ship.Have we heard from them?"Phaedra asked. "No,we are still awaiting an update,they are overdue,as well the radiation levels on the deck that they are on has increased .We have been unable to beam them aboard so I have sent a shuttle craft to retrieve them" The Captain responded.Looking at her steadily. "Are they alright?" The Captain rushed to ask. "For the moment" Phaedra answered. "Captain there is someone else with them" Phaedra stated,and lifted her shoulder ever so slight.Denoting that she knew no more,only that was enough,was it not? The statement hung in the air,both knowing that she would not have mentioned it if it were nothing. "Lieutenant any word yet on the away team?" Phaedra asked. "Negative Counsellor,nothing yet" The lieutenant stated. The Captain whipped around and barked out" Lieutenant keep trying to hail them" Just then Commodore Trell Stepped from the turbo lift doors onto the Bridge. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Oct 29 2005, 04:52 AM |
Jakob’s small hand wound into hers as she stood, conversing with the others. She glanced down at the child when he did so, smiling reassuringly, forgetting Geo’s heated look. No matter how the child had come to be there, the fact remained that he *was* there. Whether borne of the Karcis or some collection of survivors mattered little just then. Her tricorder beeped at the same time she heard the thud at the end of the corridor, already starting towards the security officer, tilting the machine so she could read it, her eyes widening, "The radiation levels have spiked another 78%. That's not possible." "Doctor!" Ryan glanced towards her, the room beginning to fill with more of the green mist. Kaoru glanced over her shoulder, “It’s deliberate, and spiking too fast to avoid.” It felt an awful lot like a trap to her. Geo had been right. The thought flashed in her mind during the second it took to slipt back out into the hall, moving towards the security officer who still seemed to be choking at the end of the hall. “The inoculations will help slow down the radiation poisoning. We have five minutes…tops. ” She tried to remember the pattern of the radiation flooded decks, but she could not…not exactly. "I believe it might be to prudent to get off this deck," Eranys pointed out. "I think it might be prudent to agree with the science officer -- have to save that sensitive nose anyway Ryan..." Geo was still joking, though his next statement was quite serious, “The deck directly above was free of radiation, the Jeffries tube is this way.” He pointed in the opposite direction Kaoru had gone, waiting while Eranys and Ryan moved past him Jakob followed Kaoru, or meant to, but Ryan scooped up the child. The little boy struggled and began screaming, a bloodcurdling, piercing sound. Kaoru ignored the screams, aware of Geo following right behind her. The hallway seemed longer than she remembered, but she finally reached the guard, taking his arm and turning him towards her…or trying to. He would not budge, it was as if he were stuck…frozen in place. Geo was right behind her, trying to help her drag the man into the hall, towards the Jeffries tube, Jakob still screaming in Ryan’s grasp, the screams echoing in her ears. Kaoru felt a sharp sting on her leg and almost fell, catching herself against a wall and looking down, struggling to focus on a dart that had somehow appeared in her thigh. She pulled it out with clumsy fingers, reeling unsteadily. Geo tried to help her, “Kaoru!” “Run.” She tried to push him away, her strength draining as darkness claimed her. Geo picked her up, turning towards the direction Ryan and Trusa had taken the boy, staggering just as she had, feeling the sharp sting of a dart in his back. He fell, dropping her, wincing when she hit the ground, knowing it had been less than gentle, and then knowing no more. Ryan wrestled the screaming child into the Jeffries tube, Trusa just behind him. “Sir…” Trusa’s eyes were near panicked, “Did you see that?” Ryan nodded grimly, Jakob having fallen eerily silent as soon as the entered the Jeffries tube. “We’ll get them back.” “No you won’t.” Jakob’s child like voice was chilling. Ryan and Trusa exchanged glances, but said nothing. The boy continued, “No one leaves alive. That’s the rule. You’re dead….you’re both dead.” His voice rose steadily as he spoke. “Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead DEAD!!!” Until at last he was screaming. “Stop it!” Trusa shouted. Ryan clapped his hand over the boy’s mouth, holding it there for a few seconds, swearing viciously and pulling his hand away, shaking it, “You bit me!” Jakob grinned, his pale blue eyes glimmering in the dim light of the Jeffries tube, mimicking Ryan. “You bit me!” Kaoru dreamed she was laying on a beach listening to the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. Suddenly, the sky darkened and sinewy black tentacles slithered out of the waves, wrapping around her ankles, dragging her into the water. Her blue eyes fluttered open just as the water in her dream closed over her head, she coughed, gasping for breath, expecting to find her mouth full of seawater, surprised when air came easily to her lungs. The ceiling above her was moving, she narrowed her eyes, trying to force her eyes to focus, feeling the effect of whatever had been in that dart rather heavily, only realizing that she was being dragged when her shoulder struck the corner of a hall she was dragged down. She looked then, trying to see who dragged her, her eyes at first seeing only shadow, finally focusing enough to see a tall figure cloaked in black. “No..” She tried to pull away, but her muscles responded clumsily. The figure however, noticed it, turning back towards her. For a second she could see into the deep cowl the figure wore, she caught a glimpse of bone white skin, a mouth full of sharp uneven teeth, and eyes that gleamed ferally in the shadow. She tried to scream, tried to look for Geo, but she could do nothing. |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Oct 29 2005, 01:15 PM |
“Kaoru!” “Run.” She tried to push him away, her strength draining as darkness claimed her. Geo picked her up, turning towards the direction Ryan and Trusa had taken the boy, staggering just as she had, feeling the sharp sting of a dart in his back. He fell, dropping her, wincing when she hit the ground, knowing it had been less than gentle, and then knowing no more. Ryan wrestled the screaming child into the Jeffries tube, Trusa just behind him. “Sir…” Trusa’s eyes were near panicked, “Did you see that?” Ryan nodded grimly, Jakob having fallen eerily silent as soon as the entered the Jeffries tube. “We’ll get them back.” “No you won’t.” Jakob’s child like voice was chilling. Ryan and Trusa exchanged glances, but said nothing. The boy continued, “No one leaves alive. That’s the rule. You’re dead….you’re both dead.” His voice rose steadily as he spoke. “Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead DEAD!!!” Until at last he was screaming. “Stop it!” Trusa shouted. Ryan clapped his hand over the boy’s mouth, holding it there for a few seconds, swearing viciously and pulling his hand away, shaking it, “You bit me!” Jakob grinned, his pale blue eyes glimmering in the dim light of the Jeffries tube, mimicking Ryan. “You bit me!” Then with an eerie cackle few other children would have found possible to duplicate, he attempted to shove past Trusa back the way they'd come, to where Geo and Kaoru had fallen. Despite being elbowed violently in the ribcage Trusa still managed to grab Jakob by one of his ankles and prevent his escape. The boy immediately began to shriek as she forced him in front of her. There were no words; only snarls and incomprehensible gibberish. Ryan grabbed Jakob's arm and attempted to pull the boy along, who then began to kick the curving metal interior of the tube, causing loud bangs and vibrations to echo along with his screams, now grown to ear-shattering frequencies. "We need to shut him up!" Trusa called as she attempted to apprehend one of the flailing limbs. "Do you think I don't know that?" growled Ryan, neatly dodging a foot in the face. But it was already too late. All available illumination within the tube suddenly dimmed, and there was a heavy thud accompanied with the hollow, rattling sound of breath-intake behind them... Edit as needed. I'm still kind of new at this. |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Nov 1 2005, 05:16 AM |
"Do you think I don't know that?" growled Ryan and snapped his head to the left when he saw one of the boy's shoes lash out towards his face, but it was too late. He felt the side of the shoe scrape along his jaw line, it's sole collided with his ear. Ryan seized the opitunity and wrapped his hand around Jakob's leg, just above his ankle. If only I had a hypospray... He thought as he used Jakob's leg as leverage to push him further along. Suddenly the jefferies tube turned dark and Jakob fell silent almost instantly, his thrashing limbs went eerily rigid. Then Ryan too noticed what Jakob had heard, the reason he had stopped fighting to free himself. A dull thud and raspy breathing entered his ears from somewhere behind them. It was gaining on them with great speed, closing the gap. One of his hands released the boy's back and leapt to the phaser at his waist. Why didn't we just stun Jakob? Would have saved us alot of trouble... Ryan thought, but as quickly as the idea occured to him he forced it aside. Now wasn't the time to be concerned with silencing Jakob, but to save the three of them from whatever it was pursuing them. Ryan was poised, ready to fire his phaser. A scuffling sound resonated from around the previous turn in the tube. He about faced and nudged Jakob, indicating for him to keep moving. "Come on. Quickly..." Jakob scrambled foward willingly, without Trusa encouraging him. It seemed he was now as anxious to get out of the dark tunnel as Ryan was. "We're nearly there." Trusa said, comming to a stop. The hissing-click of the opening door allowed light to spill in. She crawled out into the corridor, turning around she stretched out her arms and lifted Jakob down. The shuffling sounds from their pursuer became faster and louder. Ryan leapt out, his feet pounded the carpeted floor. He glanced into the opening. A hooded figure was scurrying towards them, it's breathing arrhythmic. It's hand was grasped around the handle of a Klingon meqleH, the clinking of the heavy blade now easily heard. Realising that the chaser was only several metres from the exit, he slammed the hatch closed. He raised his phaser and aimed it at the door. The orange stream of energy sprang forth and intercected with the hatch and the supporting frame. A yellowish-brown stain appeared. "Dammit!" Ryan cursed and hurled his back against the hatch and rappidly changed the setting of the phaser. He felt the heat of the scortched duranium seep through his uniform. A sharp clunk sounded from the hatch when it was walloped with something heavy from the other side; the force sending a shockwave through Ryan's back and out of his chest. He'd run out of time to move away from the hatch and seal it closed with the proper setting of his phaser. "Here!" He said, tossing the phaser to the Cardassian woman. "I can't fire while your still standing -" "Move closer - just do it." Ryan said, trying to keep his voice low so the being on the other side of the hatch hopefully wouldn't know what they were about to do. "And don't hit me." "Of course, no pressure..." Eranys muttered. She stepped closer, took aim and fired. His eyes followed the beam closely as it accurately traced the edge of the hatch, two surfaces momentarally melted then fused together. He moved to the side when he was cofident the seal would holdfast the force of the chaser's desire to break it open and slaughter the three of them. "We need to get to the Bridge. It'll be a difficault climb." He said, descretely shifting his eyes in Jakob's direction. "We're clear of the radiation..." Trusa said, reminding Ryan that they could now use communications. He tapped his comm badge. ![]() ![]() OOC: Your post was great Eranys! Infact everyones posts so far in this episode have been brilliant! Thank you to those that have contributed. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Fallax Trell Nov 2 2005, 12:19 AM |
Fallax stormed out onto the bridge she was not use to being treated like a common ensign and being summond to the bridge had made her blood boil. She snarled as she stepped out onto the Bridge. Some eyes turned to her and she glared back at them as she made her way to the command seats. "This had better be good." she glared at the Captain. "You will speak to me with respect on MY bridge." he replied. "Then you will treat me with the respect of my Rank,"she replied back, her face reflecting her anger. "I am not hear to debate with you." he replied. "we have a problem." "You do...it is your lack of respect." she snarled. "Look, we can go into this later. For now, I am serious. We have a problem." he replied. Fallax looked at him. "What is going on." She waited for him to reply. |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Nov 2 2005, 09:18 AM |
Gaia was stood in a desolate ship, identical to that which she knew to be the USS Intrepid. There were few people on board and for a brief moment, Gaia caught sight of a shadow, too large to be human....This peaked her interest. The thought that she was now running towards this creature was fleeting inher mind, but she knew. When she reached what appeared to be a dead end, confusion set in, "where could that thing have gone" Gaia thought to herself.....whatever 'that thing' was. A shadow overcast her form, she could see an outline, but it was a shadow of something behind her.....she turned and saw what created the massive shadow. HEr hands moved defensively as she screamed...... Gaia awoke with a start, sweat beading her forehead. She took a moment to reorient herself before looking down at her legs. She didn't know whether to feel pleased to see the support units once again on her legs, or disapointed. She wondered what could have woken her, she was thankful, but curious. Her door chimed once again, Gaia took a towel and wiped the moist sweat from her face, her hair still wavy, but slightly wet and matted around her face. "Come!" Gaia shouted To her surprise, Ensign Gervace walked through the door, she was expecting Keldorn.......but Gervace? What could he want at this time? She supposed she would find out soon enough. Gaia felt relieved she had chosen not to change into her nightdress before falling asleep, she was still in her uniform, but with her hair down, instead of in it's usual braid. "Ensign, what is it?" He seemed frozen, his mouth slightly open, his eyes unmoving. She wondered if it was just her, but he shook his head and seemed to recover. "I ummm.....I eeeeer" Gaia laughed, if this was how he communicated what he wanted to people, Gaia thought he wouldn't get much farther than his current rank. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Nov 4 2005, 05:35 AM |
"What is going on?" Commodore Trell demanded Anil sighed, and took a deep breath "We transported an away team over to the ISS Intrepid over there - we lost contact due to some very strange and somewhat radiation radiation leaks" he explained, watching for reactions Commodore Trell remained silent, her face expressionless - after a few moments silence, Anil continued "Any thoughts, Commodore?" he asked Traces of a faint grin played on her mouth "I wouldn't have been fool enough to have sent a team over there in the first place Captain, but then you were probably too worried about your sickly tactical officer to pay adequate attention" she finally replied sarcastically "I appreciate your vote of confidence - care to elaborate?" Anil replied, the thought of Kassan and his currently inability to check if she was okay suddenly cause a twinge of concern Commodore Trell visibly grinned this time, her posture changed to one of someone about to relay information that she was very proud of "Some of the crew of the Intrepid - my universe's Intrepid, may have survived - I would surmise that they are not too pleased about your team's presence on their ship" "So they are trying to poison both my away team and themselves?" Anil stated, making no attempt to hide the mixture of surprise and disgust at her statement "Surely it is better to reach Sto'Vo'Kor with the knowledge that your foe was defeated" she replied "Perhaps better not to die at all, especially when the people whom are considered the foe are actually trying to help" Anil barked angrily Commodore Trell raised an eyebrow at Anil - Anil was about to continue when the Ensign manning Tactical called "Captain - incoming message - it's Commander Orlan" "On speakers" Anil replied, barely giving the Ensign time to finnish his report ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reyan turned to the Ensign at Tactical, almost forgetting that it wasn't Kassan stood there "Ensign - do as the Commander says - and beam a set of transport pattern enhancers over there too" "Aye Sir" replied the Ensign eagerly ![]() ![]() Moments later the Ensign reported the completion of the transporter cycle ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() He turned to Commodore Trell, who seemed fairly amused by the situation "Look, Commodore - regardless of your opinion, there could be some of your Officers over there as well as mine - so do me a favor and coordinate with my Science officer and try and locate lifesigns other than those of my away team" Anil snapped Commodore Trell frowned, and looked as if she were about to reply, but finally shrugged and moved to the auxiliary console behind the Command chair "I suppose that I do have a better idea of the layout of that ship" she replied, sounding smug "I guess you do" Anil muttered, hoping that Ryan and the team were safe, and curious about Commodore Trell's true intentions and loyalties. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Kassan Xandra Nov 5 2005, 04:42 AM |
Kassan moaned, now was not the time to catch a bug. She pulled her hair back from her face and looked in the mirror. The face that looked back at her was pale and drawn. Her stomache at least had stopped churning and she had stopped vomiting. She walked out into the corridor and leaned against the bulkhead for a moment taking deep breaths. Should I go to the sickbay, she wondered. She decided she was feeling somewhat better and headed up to the Bridge. She stepped out of the turbolift and tried to unobtrusively take her station again. But she noted Anil looking at her, his face worried. Oh great, here I am in love with a man and he has to see me looking like this. She sighed as he walked towards her. "Are you alright?" he whispered so only she could hear. "I'm fine, I think it is just a bug." she quietly replied. "Look, I think you should go down to sickbay." he told her. "I dont want to make this an order, but you look really sick and even if you dont want to for yourself, think of the others. It might be something catching." "What if I just lay down for a while" she asked. "Look .." he sighed. "ok...lay down but I am checking on you when I am off duty and if you are no better I am personally taking you to sickbay. Kicking and screaming if I must." Kassan smiled and did as she was told, heading for her quarters. |
Posted by: Phaedra Rain Nov 6 2005, 03:33 AM |
Phaedra watched the conversation between the Commodore and the Captain unfold.Stifling a grin at the Commodore acerbic wit and uncanny ability to push every one of the Captain's buttons simultaneously. All conversation ended with an incoming message from Commander Orlan.Commander Orlan and the away team needed to be beamed to the Intrepid bridge.Upon completion the captain was informed that an active comm-channel would allow for us to monitor them. Now that the away team had been heard from the mood on the bridge lifted a bit.From the corner of her eye Phaedra saw the Captain head to Kassan and speak in hushed tones.Phaedra felt ill, nauseous really.It was Kassan,not only did she look poorly she really emoted illness.Phaedra saw her preparing to leave the bridge. Phaedra stepped over to the Captain "Permission to leave the bridge sir?" Asked the Counsellor. "Granted" Said The Captain.Raising an eyebrow. Phaedra turned to Kassan. "Here let me escort you" Spoke Phaedra "No,really its fine" Stated Kassan,trying to pry off the Counsellor's vice like grip on her upper arm. "Uh huh,Fine,as in i will fall down at any moment,fine"Smiled Phaedra Kassan laughed,as they made their way into the turbo lift.Still trying to wiggle free from the grip. "Its no use,trying to break free,i have four older brothers,oh that and you are sick as a dog so either way you are out of luck" Phaedra said. "Ok,where is the reserved Counsellor that i know ?"Asked Kassan. "It's the medication your on"Said Phaedra"Makes me funnier" They turbo lift opened to Crew quarters deck.Phaedra and Kassan weaved their way to Kassan's cabin. "Thank-you,really..."Kassan said "Your Welcome" Phaedra smiled. She poured Kassan into her bed.Kassan mumbled something about it had been years since she was little,that she had been tucked in.Phaedra responded that she was not singing no matter how hard she begged.Kassan drifted off to sleep a smile splayed on her lips. Phaedra walked out of her room towards the turbo lift .... |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Nov 6 2005, 11:23 PM |
Kaoru tried to scream, tried to look for Geo, but found herself doing nothing but being dragged -- darkness continued to swoon about them. Geo was unconcious, his head dragging against the floor of the corridors they were being dragged through -- which initially startled him enough to wake, but his eyes wouldn't rightly focus. The radiation should have affected them by all means -- it should have killed them with the levels they had endured -- yet Kaoru and Geovanie were still alive, being dragged through the bowels of the ship further and further from the bridge. ~ ~ ~ ~ MAIN ENGINEERING ~ ~ ~ ~ Eyes gently fluttered, suffering from the spastic relapse of his waking moments. Bright lights filtered into his eyes, causing him to wake abruptly; heading colliding with the upper portion of the bulkhead that he had been placed near. Something moved just out of his range, Geo caught a faint glimpse of something black as he moved -- like a wraith easing across his field of vision. That's not right -- I'm way past the ghouls and goblins stage of my life he reminded himself, groaning and looking about. Directly opposite of them was the main relay node -- connecting the main computer to the rest of the ship, but attached to it's side was a servoaccess panel that had been added to keep the mainframe separate from the rest of the ship. A secondary mainframe? Or perhaps something else. He spotted Kaoru, unconcious at his right -- easily managing to squirm towards her; followed by the oddest of scraping sounds. His hand clamped around her mouth, a second brought around to shake her shoulder lightly to wake her up; which she did with a scream -- save his mouth blocked it out. It must have taken her a moment to regain her barings, since Geo sustained a hefty slap to the face followed by a light punch -- but it was nowhere near effective enough to rid him of her just yet. "Where are we?" Kaoru asked as his hand disappeared -- something shifted in the shadows, Geo glanced towards it to notice the power coupling directly behind them. "Main Engineering by the looks of it. The radiation levels here are almost completely toxic to a normal human being, it should have killed us already." "But it hasn't? That... That thing that was dragging us -- he was pale, he had horrendous teeth -- like a --" "Fairytale goblin or something. Effects from the radiation?" "Possibly prolonged exposure to it," Kaoru started, but Geo shook his head. "I've been around people who had it worse then what was flooding that deck. I've seen what radiation poisoning does to people -- that thing is not a product of it. We should try and contact the away team." "Our communicators?" "Taken away by your friendly neighbourhood attacker." Geo smirked, forcing a somewhat doubtful smile to Kaoru's face. Good, smiles mean you aren't afraid, or at least less so. Now, to get out of here.... "We are still in Main Engineering," he raised his head slightly to look over the console they had been deposited near, Main Engineering was empty now. "Why would they have left us unattended?" Kaoru queried, and Geo shook his head, catching something else that had lingered in the shadows. He eased back on his feet. "They didn't," he managed to say -- before two hands impacted on his chest, sending clear across Main Engineering into the servopanel he had noticed earlier, knocking him unconcious almost instantly. Luckily, the impact also found the commbadges for the two missing crewmen, which had been depressed when Geo fell. ~ ~ ~ ~ Bridge ~ ~ ~ ~ Eranys and Ryan were both on the bridge, along with two of the remaining security personel. The Cardassian was in the process of downloading the main computer core when the science station rang off -- and then she turned her attentions towards her. "I'm getting an extremely weak signal from multichannels. I think it's Lieutenant Revolone and Lieutenant Ele." "What?" Ryan wheeled on his heels. "Try and clear it up, let's see if we can establish a trace with the pattern enhancers." "And what sir? Beam them through the radiation on those decks? We might lose their molecular structure with all that excess pattern." "It's a start!" Ryan exclaimed, entering in a series of codes into the operations console. "Locate them, maybe we can send a team down to rescue them." "The decks are still flooded with radiation," "Which we can easily vent before moving into. You can stay on the bridge and keep us from dying." Ryan ordered. "Commander, may I state that as the leader of this mission your life is too valuable to be launched on some foolhardy rescue mission. We should accept that perhaps we are being lured their by whatever is trying to kill us." Eranys concluded. "Not whatever, whoever. I'm starting to think that maybe Geo is right. Maybe the crew of the Intrepid is still alive, and they don't like us being here." "A possibility, and most likely the reason why my analysis is correct. A trap." Eranys continued. "As Geo would say: the best way to get around a trap, is to spring the trap." Both of them looked at one another for a moment before getting down to work. |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Nov 7 2005, 05:11 AM |
Gervace was utterly tongue tied, staring at her, his dark eyes wide. "I uuuhhh...errrr." "I don't think I've got a cat, but it's got your tongue.......Are you okay?" He nodded, swallowing, trying to gather his wits. He had never seen her hair down, it looked like a halo around her face. "Ummm...yes?" Gaia inclined her head forward slightly in an attempt to get him to talk "You....came to see me for a reason?" Gaia said trying to get a reaction. He had...of course he had. He wracked his brain trying to figure out what that reason had been. "Mmm...to see how you were feeling." He nodded, that was one. "Oh! And to tell you that Doctor Ele didn't come down on me all that hard." Gaia smiled warmly "Not half as hard as she's going to come down on me I can tell you! I wanted to thank you, for risking what you did for me. You want to come in?" He nodded, "I'd love to." He could not seem to tear his eyes from her face, framed with that halo of gold hair. "You may not be able to stay long though, I know how busy you are. I'm expecting company this evening." Gaia saw hesitation in Gervace's face at the mention of other company. He winced inwardly, feeling stupid, staring down at his boots now, mumbling. "Yeah...busy." He waved his hand, "And the doc'll take it easy on you. Sooo...who's coming by? A girlfriend?" Secretly, he prayed that it was. "Oh, it's Lieutenant Reefs. He dropped off some PADDs earlier for me to look at, keep up to date you know? Kaoru would kill me if she found out, but I was in the dark before. He's coming round to go over them with me." Gaia smiled again lighting her face, she enjoyed the company. No-one seemed to wonder how she was with everything else going on. He seemed relieved to hear it was one of her subordinates. "That's good...it's important for you to keep your mind occupied." In medical mode, he was a bit more confident. "That's actually another reason why I stopped by. I wanted to offer help with your physical therapy." Gaia laughed a little "And what would Kaoru say to that? If I know Kaoru, what she said to you was more severe than you're letting on. Not that I wouldnt be glad of the help.....What did you have in mind? I'm open to suggestions of anything right now" Gaia sat on her bed and smiled, she knew Gervace was going to a lot of trouble for her, even though she didn’t know why. He was more at ease now, taking a few steps closer to her, crouching before her, his hands smoothing over her legs. "Just...I've seen the regiment that she's prescribing for you, and I think, given your determination and will, it can be stepped up a bit." Kaoru would skin him alive if she heard him say that. Gaia smiled and let him smooth his hands over her leg, closing her eyes "So..... what does this do? I mean, it's nice and everything, much better than sport's massage, but.....what?" Gaia noticed Gervace looking up at her "Hey, Im not a doctor, you can't blame me for not knowing!" Blushing slightly, feeling embarassed at having admitted not knowing much about the treatment she was supposed to be undergoing. Gaia found his hands to be warm and discovered with each application of pressure, her muscles unknotted themselves slightly painfully but bearable. Gervace reached a muscle on Gaia’s calf and she winced sucking in air in a short breath. Gervace looked up at Gaia concern evident in his eyes and face. Realising she had let out evidence of pain, Gaia blushed, she hated showing weakness. “It helps the muscles unknot, but also to heal. It basically relaxes the muscles and speeds up the healing process, it hurts because the muscles have knitted together. To help them heal, I have to separate them by pulling them apart and away from each other. You must tell me if it hurts too much. I could do it too much and make things worse, it needs to be done slowly and gradually. Though faster than what Kaoru has planned for you.” Gervace looked up at her then and she saw his eyes. Gaia knew that look, it was how Ryan used to look at her, when he cared about her. The phrase ‘used to’ seemed to be louder than the others in her mind. Gaia could feel herself getting angry and upset, she wasn’t about to let Gervace see her that way, not when she had already shown weakness. “Gaia, are you okay?” She could see concern in his eyes now. “I’m fine….. honestly, just the pain caught me off guard that’s all. Maybe we should finish this session of physio today, you look exhausted and as I said before you are busy.” She was trying to get rid of him now, she couldn’t deal with this many things at once! She could multitask, but this was ridiculous! “Oh, okay. Well, I ummm I guess I’ll come round soon?” He sounded both disappointed and hopeful. Gervace was weird, even for a man. “Sure, yeah. Thanks for the extra physio, it does feel a bit better.” Gaia managed a weak smile as Gervace turned to leave. As he reached the door, he looked back at Gaia. A look of sadness and of sympathy in his eyes, the doors closed hiding him from view leaving Gaia once again alone in her quarters. She twisted her hips and buried her face in her pillow. “Ryan” the single word seemed to break Gaia, she couldn’t control the flow of tears from her eyes. “Why don’t you care anymore?” “It’s just as well” Gaia thought to herself “That he won’t be in my life much longer....” Gaia lay there in the dark, her hair flowing over her back and around her face. She lay there alone and unable to stem the flow of tears as she slipped again into an uneasy sleep. |
Posted by: Keldorn Reefs Nov 7 2005, 11:07 PM |
"Did the Chief express sexual innuendo when she was talking to me?" Keldorn asked himself as he walked down the corridor towards her quarters. It was after the basic shift, and with almost everything done in Main Engineering -- and others falling behind with the rigorous schedule that Keldorn had set -- he had found himself with an increasingly small number of things to do. That is to say, soon he would have to give some leniency to his repair and maintenance formula. He stopped just outside her quarters, waiting patiently as the chime was pushed, then pushed again -- a large portion of the PADDs he had earlier stored in her office now tucked under his arm. Their was a faint 'be right their' and the next moment the doors swished open. "I was just in the midst of sleeping. It would seem everyone wants to disrupt my sleep." "Chief?" Keldorn asked, but Gaia only laughed and waved him in. It seemed like she had been crying previously -- her eyes were still rather red. Still, humans tended to tear at the eye for no apparent reason, thanks be to no tear drops in the Benzite physiology. "Never mind that, I see you've brought the remainder of the PADDs for me to look at," Gaia concluded, and Keldorn lightly handed three or four to her, setting down another six unto the coffee table and then nodding. "Everything has been catagorized and logged -- should be easy to understand as I take it Ma'am, you should have no troubles understanding it." "Anything to drink?" Gaia asked, heading for the replicator to get something. "Java Bug Juice if you wouldn't mind," Keldorn answered -- as if he were in his own quarters and didn't really want this person their. It wasn't entirely the way he had meant it, but it was the way it had come out, the universal translator often made Benzites appear more -- arrogant then normal. "Of course," she seemed kind of weirded out by the beverage, but such was to be expected. After replicating the almost jello like substance, she would hand it to him, and the two would sit on the couch and remain silent for a time. "We should get started ma'am, this might take sometime." "Of coruse of course," Gaia muttered, sounding almost distracted. "Ma'am?" "Yes?" She turned towards him. "Clearly this not the best time to ask it, but are you alright?" "First, it's Gaia, stop calling me Ma'am, it gets annoying," she smiled slightly, but it slipped as he continued, "and everything is fine." "With all due respect Gaia, I don't believe you." "You don't?" Gaia asked. "No Ma'am, as your assistant and acting Chief -- I think I've come to know you quite well Ma'am. So how about we stop playing and you just tell me what's wrong?" "Your pretty commanding for an Assitant Engineer." "And your pretty stubborn for a Chief Engineer." Both of them smiled... |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Nov 8 2005, 02:55 PM |
<<8.5 Minutes Later>> "I believe I have located them." Ryan's head snapped up from where he had been working., while the CSO was silent for a moment as she further defined what she believed to be small set of lifesigns clustered around the feint signal. "Yes..." she muttered. "Yes. There's definitely a Hermekian and what I believe to be Lt. Ele's lifesign, although I'm picking up five others...strange, the computer's having a difficult time identifying them." Ryan was already at her side, eyes scanning the readouts. "Looks like they're in the Main Engineering section." He had barely finished his observation when the signal went out. Eranys cursed under her breath. "I've lost them; too much interference from the radiation. Damn it. It's amazing they're even still alive down there." She cursed again. Ryan ignored her and turned from the console. "You're not still thinking of beaming down there with a team from our Intrepid are you?" said Eranys incredulously. "I'll do what I have to," the first officer responded coldly. "And unless a secure lock on them can't be made I don't see any other alternative, Lieutenant." ooc: Assuming Jakob was beamed up as well I guess he's in the Infirmary...? EDIT: Sorry Eranys, just added/modified a couple of words. It wasn't very clear in Anil's and my posts that you, Jakob and myself were beamed to the old Intrepid's Bridge, not our Intrepid. Therefore Jakob would still be on the Bridge with us. Sorry for the confusion. ~ Ryan ![]() |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Nov 10 2005, 09:31 PM |
~ ~ ~ ~ Main Engineering ISS Intrepid ~ ~ ~ ~ The first thing she was aware of when she woke was being held tightly, a hand clamped over her mouth, muffling her scream. She lashed out, her hands connecting with something...someone, her eyes finally focusing and finding Geo hovering over her. The Hermekian seemed to know somehow that he had been recognized and he pulled his hand away. Whatever drug had been given to them was still affecting her, and the first few moments of their speech were a blur. "Our communicators?" "Taken away by your friendly neighbourhood attacker." Geo smirked, and Kaoru smiled in return, her head clearing more and more each moment. "We are still in Main Engineering," he raised his head slightly to look over the console they had been deposited near, Main Engineering was empty now. "Why would they have left us unattended?" Kaoru queried, and Geo shook his head, catching something else that had lingered in the shadows. He eased back on his feet. This time Kaoru saw it too, getting up slowly beside him, crouching, her hands seeking a weapon of some kind, closing on a pipe. Geo was knocked across Main Engineering by the shadow figure and Kaoru raised her pipe, bringing it down across the figure's back, where kidneys would be on most humanoids. The thing shrieked, an ungodly sound, whirling and running at her. Kaoru backed up, bringing her arms back to take another swing with the pipe, this time for the thing’s head. He lifted his hand to block her blow, shrieking again when the pipe broke his arm. Kaoru heard the bones give, saw the white arm bend at an unnatural angle. It was so strange…the moment could not have been more than a partial second, but so much went through her mind. She considering how best to treat the broken arm, wondered if Geo was all right, wondered where their commbadges were, and wondered if Jakob, Eranys and Ryan had escaped. At the same time, she stepped closer to the shrieking creature, bringing up the pipe again, coldly calculating the angle that would break the thing’s neck. Never once did she hesitate, but before she could land the blow another shadowy figure tackled her from behind, bearing her to the ground. Her head hit the floor hard and she saw stars, but did not let go of the pipe, jabbing backwards with it, satisfied to hear the new attacker grunt in pain, but he did not let her go. Her struggles increased, but the thing outweighed her easily, keeping her pinned to the floor. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as he hissed softly against her ear, growling some strange coarse language she did not know. She never saw the third figure, but she screamed again at the pain of the dart as he bent, stabbing it into her neck, thinking at first that it was not a dart but a blade. She knew no more after that, was not awake as she and Geo were bound back to back at the bottom of a service ladder. ~ ~ ~ ~ Bridge ISS Intrepid ~ ~ ~ ~ Eranys was working on cleaning up the signal from the commbadges, trying to pinpoint their exact locations in the radiation riddled decks of the ghost ship. Jakob sat eerily quiet in the captain’s chair, looking down at the diagram of the ship’s interior, his small finger idly tapping Main Engineering. “That’s where they’re going to die.” His voice was small, he was speaking to himself, but it was certain. One of the security officers looked to Ryan, almost on the verge ofasking his permission to silence the child. Ryan had no patience with squeamish officers, he didn’t care how creepy the boy was. “Ignore him.” Jakob’s small dirty finger tapped the bridge area on the diagram. “And here’s where you’re going to die.” His angelic face tipped up towards Ryan, “They’re really mad now. She shouldn’t have hurt his arm.” |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Nov 13 2005, 11:52 PM |
"Broken his arm? What do -" "Your doctor... she attacked them." Ryan stepped closer and crouched down infront of the Command chair where Jakob was balancing on the edge, his legs swaying slightly. "Jakob," Ryan began, speaking softly. "you've been hiding from them for a long time haven't you?" The boy nodded passably and his face seemed to turn paler, causing the smudges of filth to be more prominant. "You don't know what they will do to us..." "Do you hear them... in your mind?" "Yes." Jakob answered slowly. "They'll be comming for you soon." Ryan looked around at Trusa, whose eyes were fixed upon the boy. Was it that she was thinking the same as Ryan? Did Jakob have telepathic abillities? He unholstered and thumbed open his tricorder, it promptly confirmed his suspicions. "We can get out of here, if you help us find them." "No!" Jakob screamed and jumped to his feet. He looked as though he wanted to hide again, shut out the world. A part of Ryan couldn't blame him for wanting to hide. To forget all that was happening, but that wasn't an option. He needed answers and quickly. He forcefully ushered Jakob back into the Command chair and paced several times infront of the seated boy. He didn't know where to begin. What questions should he ask? He got to his feet and approached Trusa, handing her his tricorder, it's screen still displaying Jakobs lifesigns. "Betazoid." She said flatly as Ryan kneaded his hand where Jakob had bitten him. The makeshift bandage he'd made by tearing away part of his uniform now showed several spots of blood. "It's just a case of having him tell us what he knows. We have to get him to trust us." "I'm Cardassian. My kind arn't exactly trusted by Terrans. That leaves you, sir." "Something tells me that he knows your no threat to -" ![]() ![]() The voice broke into Ryan's sentence. He didn't answer immediately. He looked again at Trusa, she had the same comfused expression. It had been their understanding that Darden had died on the lower deck, right before Geo and the Doctor were attacked. Had he somehow survived? Did Ele even have a chance to treat him? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ryan waved his hand at the console where Trusa stood, indicating for her to scan the ship with the internal sensors and locate Darden. "He's not far from where we left him. He appears to have moved out of the radiation effected area." She said. "Is there enough power to get him here?" Ryan asked Trusa. "I think I can do it..." ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Trusa worked the console, rerouting power to the site to site transporters. Moments later Ensign Darden stood before them, they looked at each other briefly before Ryan returned his attention to Jakob and once again crouched down infront of him. He hoped that positioning himself lower than Jakob would appear less intimidating. "Enough is enough." He said softly, but with a fierce tone. Jakob suddenly flinched as Ryan's hand came towards the chair, the boy's face growing fearful as though Ryan was about to loose his temper and beat him into submission. Instead the Commander's non-bitten hand reached across Jakobs arm and tapped a button on the Command console. "This is Commander Orlan of the United Federation of Planets. You are holding two of my crew. I would advise you to return them immediately. Once they have been returned, we will leave. You have five minutes to comply." He thumbed the button again to deactivate the shipwide announcement. "It's worth a try." He said to Trusa, pushing himself to his feet. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Nov 16 2005, 07:15 PM |
Jakob flinched again from where he sat and shot a venomous look at Ryan. "They DID NOT like that MISTER!" He then gave a soft yelp as Ensign Darden began to dematerialize before turning back to the Intrepid's First Officer incredulously. "And that was a stupid trick!" Trusa sighed loudly from where she stood at the console. Hadn't this kid ever seen a transporter in work before? Then... Movement in the shadows. Near the turbolift. Both officers had their phasers whipped out in mere seconds -- the product of thorough training sessions, perhaps paranoia. But who wouldn't be nervous here in this...ship. "Who is there?" Ryan called out toward the now constant shuffling. The terrible, acrid stench. Trusa had positioned herself nearer to Jakob, who had gone quiet and stiff. His solid black eyes were as soot-pricks. "Get...offff... my shhhip...." came a rasping voice. Still, no body could be easily seen. Just a massive hunched mass. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Nov 17 2005, 05:30 PM |
Anil paced the bridge, and turned to the still pale-looking Kassan "Anything?" he asked aware that it had only been two minutes since he had last asked Kassan shook her head "Damn - what is going on over there?" Anil cursed No-one answered, but he hadn't expected an answer "Captain - incoming message from the Shuttle we sent over there" Kassan suddenly stated "Let's hear it" Anil ordered "Captain - this is Tolar - I don't know why, but the power systems of my shuttle just shut down - I still have communications and life support, but everything else is offline - I.......*" Anil whirled around to Kassan "Signal died, Sir" she stated, working her console frantically "Get him back!" Anil barked, although he knew that Kassan was already working on that particular task, and his order hadn't really been required After a few moments, Kassan looked up from her console "Sorry Captain - I can't raise the shuttle" "I am starting to really hate that ship" Reyan stated, staring at the old Excelsior class ship which shared names with his ship His attention was suddenly focused on the shuttlebay of the older Intrepid - a glow seemed to be eminating from it "Computer - zoom in on grid 373, 10 time magnification" Anil requested The computer obliged, and the viewscreen switched to display the raging inferno which had been the older-Intrepid's shuttlebay "Damn" someone from behind muttered - Anil didn't bother to turn around to find out who had spoken "Helm - take us in closer - whether they have the information they were sent to retrive or not, we're pulling our people out of that wreck" Anil stated with determination, and without doubt that his Officer's would appreciate being transported off the deathtrap that was the ISS Intrepid. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Nov 19 2005, 04:09 AM |
"Get... offff... my shhhip...!" The raspy voice repeated, this time more ferociously. "And I said no bargain." Ryan retorted. "Return my crew or I'll flood every deck of this ship with anesthesine gas!" He felt a violent rumble vibrate through the floor of the ship, But before he had time to concider what could be happening to the ship, a low scratchy hiss filled the air and without warning the bulky covered figure rappidly lumbered towards them from out of the shaddows. Its black cloak flapping around its squatty legs. Trusa surged foward, stepping between Ryan and the approaching creature, her phaser at the ready. "DON'T MOVE!" She bellowed. The cloak stopped dead in its tracks, its occupant dropped to his knees and a prolonged, high pitched howl filled Ryan's ears. "Thanks." Ryan said to Trusa when he appeared beside her. His eyes glared suspiciously at the black cloak. He reached down and threw the hood off its head. "What the...?" Trusa said, lowering the phaser slightly. The Ferengi at their feet continued to kowtow. Its quivering head covered with pallid, flaking skin. One of the mans hands slipped into a pocket and withdrew some kind of communicator. "GIVE ME BACK MY CREW!" Ryan roared mere seconds before the Ferengi was beamed away. "I guess we know who we are dealing with now." Eranys stated. "The question is why... and what the hell was that vibration?" Darden opened his tricorder, holding it out in front of him. "There appears to have been some kind of explosion in the Shuttle Bay - multiple hull breaches." "The sooner we get out of here the -" "- Commander, that radiation... for a moment it just vanished." Darden said, tapping his tricorder. "What do you mean it vanished?" "It fluctuated. One moment it was there, then the readings disappeared... like a malfunctioning holodeck." "Keep an eye on it, send a message to the Intrepid updating them on our situation. The Captain's probably pacing, wearing a hole in the carpet." The Bridge had remained silent for several minutes. None of them seemed to know what to say. Jakob now refused to speak. "Something isn't right here. This whole mission... the radiation - the Ferengi - the explosion, and you two -" Ryan said whirling around, pointing his finger at Jakob and Ensign Darden. "How can your miraculous return be explained?" "Sir, I don't -" Darden began to speak but Ryan continued, cutting short the Ensign's sentence. "Seems like too many coincidences to me. Ever since we found Jakob this mission has gone from bad to worse." No one answered, they just stared at him. Perhaps it was a harsh or unjust thing to say, but he felt that there was a certain amount of truth to it. "Sir, the radiation is fluctuating again. I'm getting stronger sensor readings this time... seven biosignatures. I've found Lieutenant Revolone and the Doctor." "Theres five Ferengi dispersed throughout Engineering." Eranys said, quickly moving to a console. "No. There never was any Ferengi was there, Jakob?" Jakob's face shot upward, his suddenly bewildered eyes fixed upon Ryan. His head shook, mouth slightly ajar. "I... I don't know." "Oh, but I think you do. Something else that I find interesting is that before we left the Bridge to search decks saturated with radiation, these consoles were indicating that we had limited life support. So, why are we still breathing?" Ryan took several steps closer to the boy and he saw him quiver slightly. Deciding that his moves would have seemed threatening, he seated himself into the Helm chair without taking his eyes off Jakob. Suddenly Jakob's body became blurred and distorted. Ryan's hand pounced to his holstered phaser, his mind jumping to the conclusion that perhaps it was a changeling, but this being didn't look anything like the visual recording he had once seen of a Founder changing its form. "Wait!" The Commander warned to stop Ensign Dardon from swooping upon Jakob, who now looked nothing like a Betazoid boy. "I didn't intend to hurt anyone..." Jakob said, his jaw shaking. "I - I was lonely." REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Charles Nox Nov 20 2005, 05:28 AM |
Charles woke up in a fog. He looked around not knowing where he was. He knew he was aboard the ship but where. "Computer where am I?" The computer replied back. "You are in viewing lounge three Lt. Nox." *Viewing lounge three how did I get here?* At that moment he felt a violent rumble vibrate through the floor of the ship. He reached up and tapped his comm badge. =^= Lt. Nox to Engineering.=^= no responce. =^= Lt. Nox to Engineering.=^= still no responce. =^= Engineering can you hear me?=^= still no responce. It was like the comm system was dead. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Nov 21 2005, 10:37 AM |
The Intrepid moved carefully closer to the ISS Intrepid, Anil no longer willing to tolerate the danger that the away-team that he had sent over to the derelict had been placed in The Intrepid slid alongside the older Excelsior-class vessel and came to a stop "Holding position Sir - this is as close as we can get" the Helm officer reported, having brought the ship to a standstill so that her docking port was aligned with the one of the older ship oposite "Captain - sensors detecting a Cardassian Galor-class cruiser entering the area" Kassan reported "Just gets better and better - how long before it enters weapons range?" "At their current speed, 14 minutes" she replied Commodore Trell, still stood at the auxiliary station behind the Command chair looked concerned - Reyan decided to address the matter with her as soon as the chance presented itself ![]() ![]() "Hail the ISS Intrepid" he then ordered "Channel open" she replied almost instantly ![]() ![]() The comm system crackled, and Anil tapped his fingers against his chair impatiently, eager for a reply Reply anyone |
Posted by: Charles Nox Nov 23 2005, 01:25 PM |
Charles dumbfounded cause the comm systam was down. *I need to report in* Charles thought. He made his way to the bridge. He ran into some complications along the way. Low visibility and not trying to draw the attention. He finally made his way to the bridge. He saw the XO Ryan Orlan. "Charles Nox sir reporting in. I dont know how I ended up with you on the away team but I am here." |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Nov 23 2005, 06:10 PM |
The small being's body was completely fluid; a gentle blue which teamed with patterned white orbs within. He had submerged into a vaguely humanoid form whose outer extremities were constantly shifting. Bright. "I didn't intend to hurt anyone..." Jakob said, his jaw shaking. "I - I was lonely." The Science Officer began taking sweeps with her tricorder, although nothing really made sense. As Ryan glanced at her in askance she could only respond with a simple shake of her head. "Charles Nox sir reporting in. I dont know how I ended up with you on the away team but I am here." Eranys spooked. Eloquently, colourfully cursing, nearly leaping three feet in the air from surprise. She whirled at Nox with her phaser aimed point-blank at his chest, shakily lowering it from the slightly bemused gold-shirt as recognition dawned. Then, as quickly as it had come, the recognition turned toward suspicion. "Who are you?!" she asked rather shrilly as Ryan opened his mouth. The entity Jakob withdrew even deeper into the chair. Eranys had raised the phaser again as quickly as she had initially lowered it. This...this "Charles Nox" could very well be another alien, another enemy, from the bowels of the ISS Intrepid. Then, ![]() ![]() Reply Anyone. Also, edit as needed. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Nov 23 2005, 11:27 PM |
"Who are you?!" she asked rather shrilly as Ryan opened his mouth. The entity Jakob withdrew even deeper into the chair. Eranys had raised the phaser again as quickly as she had initially lowered it. This...this "Charles Nox" could very well be another alien, another enemy, from the bowels of the ISS Intrepid. Then, =^= "Ryan? we're out of time - we've got a Cardassian ship on an intercept course; we can't stay here - activate your transport pattern enhancers and prepare for immediate beam out" =^= "Dont shoot. Dont shoot. I am one of the security personnel aboard the U.S.S. Intrepid. I didnt mean to startle you. I am new. I haven't gotten aquanted with the rest of the departments yet. If you think I am alien then scan me with your tricorder. I am unarmed and are willing to go through any medical evaluations to prove I am human and I do not belong on the ship." |
Posted by: Kassan Xandra Nov 24 2005, 01:27 AM |
Kassan watched her panel as she worked occassionally looking up at Reyan. She still felt unwell but not as bad as she had. She could see he was worried and the fact that every couple of minutes he asked the same question over and over, just made it all that much clearer. "Anything?" he asked. It had only been a couple of minutes since he had asked the first time and Kassan shook her head, she could feel his tension and that of the others on the Bridge. She made no comment, they all felt the same way and they were all watching the clock. Every minute that past seemed like hours. They had no idea what was happening and it was not good. "Damn - what is going on over there?" Anil cursed That was the question, wasnt it, what was going on over there? It was uppermost on everyones mind and no one answered. Suddenly an incoming message appeared on the screen from the shuttle. "Captain - incoming message from the Shuttle we sent over there" Kassan said looking up at Anil. "Let's hear it" Anil ordered Kassan tapped on the consol and opened the linc. It was noisy and braking up and as it came in she treid to clear the signal, but it seem to get worse by the second. "Captain - this is Tolar - I don't know why, but the power systems of my shuttle just shut down - I still have communications and life support, but everything else is offline - I.......*" Anil whirled around to Kassan. "Signal died, Sir" she stated, working her console frantically, trying to get the signal back. "Get him back!" Anil barked. After a few moments, Kassan looked up from her console, she wasnt happy and she could see the frustration reflected on Anils face that she was feeling. She had never seen him so angry and it worried her. But for now there was nothing she could do to help him or dispell that anger, not even her job, it seemed. "Sorry Captain - I can't raise the shuttle" "I am starting to really hate that ship" Reyan stated. "Computer - zoom in on grid 373, 10 time magnification" Anil requested. Kassan looked up to see what he was looking at and stared mouth open, a gasp escaping her, beginning to feel more useless and hopeles by the moment. They could see an inferno raging in the area of the Intrepids shuttlebay. "Damn" someone said. Took the words out of my mouth, she thought, infact I have a few more I could add to that. "Helm - take us in closer - whether they have the information they were sent to retrive or not, we're pulling our people out of that wreck" Anil stated . Helm bought the intrepid in close along side the Intrepid to its keeping. So close she was sure they were going to scrape against her. She watched the screen as they manouevered. She took a deep breath and braced for the impact that never eventuated and when the ship stopped, she let out a deep breath. Well helm sure as hell know what they are doing, she smiled to herself. "Holding position Sir - this is as close as we can get" the Helm officer reported, having brought the ship to a standstill so that her docking port was aligned with the one of the older ship oposite. Kassan continued monitoring her consol and scanning. Suddenly there was a blip, she worked the consol and then looked up. Oh hell, could this get any worse, she wondered. "Captain - sensors detecting a Cardassian Galor-class cruiser entering the area" Kassan reported "Just gets better and better - how long before it enters weapons range?" Kassan tapped the consol and did some quick caluclations. "At their current speed, 14 minutes" she replied "Yellow alert" Reyan called - he then turned back to Kassan "Hail the ISS Intrepid" he then ordered. Kassan tapped the consol and then looked up with a nod. "Channel open" she replied. "Ryan? we're out of time - we've got a Cardassian ship on an intercept course; we can't stay here - activate your transport pattern enhancers and prepare for immediate beam out" Kassan watched Anil as he tapped his fingers against his chair as he listened to the comm system crackle. "Interference again Sir." she stated. "Trying to clean it up now." Her fingers danced over the consol as she worked on it, trying to change the frequency to get through the noise, frequencies. No luck. She continued, her fingers running quickly over the consol, the frustration showing on her face as persperation ran down her face. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Nov 24 2005, 04:48 AM |
Reyan watched Kassan anxiously, hoping that her continued attempts to hail the away team would suceed - the first message had gotten through, but they were now hindered by more interference "Any idea about the source of the interference?" Anil asked After a short pause the officer manning operations turned "The Cardassian ship sir - they're emitting focused tachyon pulses at us - it's scrambling our signals" "When will they enter weapons range?" Anil asked "4 minutes Sir" Kassan replied "Fine - I had intended to reason with them, but if this is how they want to play it, All hands ![]() ![]() The Cardassian vessel appeared on the Intrepid's viewscreen, and almost instantly opened fire - the Intrepid shuddered slightly, but her shields held "Captain - they're firing on the ISS Intrepid!" Kassan called urgently, knowing that the unshielded Excelsior class ship had absoulutely no protection "Auxiliary power to shields, and extend them around the ISS Intrepid!" Anil ordered The Intrepid's shields flashed suddenly, and then stretched to cover the ISS Intrepid, but not before a disruptor blast ripped into the derelict ship's unprotected hull "Kassan - return fire - try and disable their weapons" Anil demanded Kassan obliged, and the Intrepid's phaser arrays lashed out angrily against the Cardassian ship, which had the advantage in being able to evade some of the shots, the Intrepid being unable to move for risk of leaving the ISS Intrepid unprotected "Captain - the other Intrepid - it's loosing what little life support capability it had" Kassan called "Must have been that hit that they took - any luck hailing the away team?" Anil replied "No Sir - still trying to disable the pulse that the Cardassian ship is emitting" she replied "Fire at will Kassan - use quantum torpeodoes if you have to" he ordered Anil turned to the viewscreen and hoped that Kassan could remove the Cardassian threat before the away team died a loney death onboard the derelict ISS Intrepid. |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Nov 26 2005, 08:59 AM |
Gaia was asleep, she knew she was asleep because again the untis on her legs were gone, much to her relief. Her dream was troubled, that she knew. In front of her stood three figures, though she couldn't make out their faces. A light illuminated one face, it seemed to be a spotlight from above, the source was however unknown to her. Gaia's eyes widened with shock, it was Ryan! She involuntarily took a step forward, but stopped herself as the image of Ryan's face faded. Another light, replacing the one before shone onto the face of the second figure, it was Keldorn.....Why would Keldorn be the second....? As quickly as Ryan's face vanished, so did Keldorn's, to be replaced by a light shining on a third figure. The face was shrouded in darkness, she couldn't recognise it. When the light had appeared on her friend's faces, it had been as clear as seeing her own reflection in the mirror, but looking at this figure's face, no eye colour could be made out, no hair colour, facial features..nothing. It was as if a black hole had swollowed this stranger's face. Somehow Gaia knew she had to choose between them, but how when she didn't even know what this all meant? Why couldn't she see the figure's face? Why was she even having this dream? Suddenly, Gaia was thrown into blackness as her bodily eyes awoke to the sound of the chime of her door, a second time someone had disturbed her sleep and the second time she was thankful for it. She answered the door with her hair out of place, still flowing over her shoulders and masking some of her face. The two spoke for a while before Gaia realised why she had actually called her Deputy to her quarters. "Never mind that, I see you've brought the remainder of the PADDs for me to look at," Gaia concluded, and Keldorn lightly handed three or four to her, setting down another six unto the coffee table and then nodding. Gaia glanced over each of the PADDs, a look of concentration coming over her face. "Everything has been catagorized and logged -- should be easy to understand as I take it Ma'am, you should have no troubles understanding it." "Anything to drink?" Gaia asked suddenly, heading for the replicator to get something. She was very aware how strange her walk must look to him, more aware than perhaps she was for most of the crew. "Java Bug Juice if you wouldn't mind," Keldorn answered -- as if he were in his own quarters and didn't really want this person there. It wasn't entirely the way he had meant it, but it was the way it had come out, the universal translator often made Benzites appear more -- arrogant then normal. "Of course," Gaia looked a little odd at the request, but got the drink he had ordered. She wasn't wierded out, everyone had their own tastes and Keldorn, being a Benzite was no exception. After replicating the almost jello like substance, she would hand it to him, and the two would sit on the couch and remain silent for a time. "We should get started ma'am, this might take sometime." "Of coruse of course," Gaia muttered, she was distracted, with the dream mostly, but she just didn't know what to say. She didn't know if she really had called him to her quarters for the sole reason of updating her on the goings on, or whether she had called him to her quarters for another reason. The two combined were what made Gaia seem distracted. "Ma'am?" He seemed to ask questioningly. "Yes?" She turned towards him, eyes more alert returning to the present. "Clearly this not the best time to ask it, but are you alright?" "First, it's Gaia, stop calling me Ma'am, it gets annoying," she smiled slightly, but it slipped as he continued, "and everything is fine." "With all due respect Gaia, I don't believe you." "You don't?" Gaia asked a little surprised. "No Ma'am, as your assistant and acting Chief -- I think I've come to know you quite well Ma'am. So how about we stop playing and you just tell me what's wrong?" "Your pretty commanding for an Assitant Engineer." She noted with a slight purse to her lips as she finished, hands on hips. "And your pretty stubborn for a Chief Engineer." Both of them smiled... That seemed to have lightened the mood somewhat, but Gaia still couldn't decide what to say, should she answer his question. Tell him the real reason, well one of the reasons she had asked him there? "I can be stubborn, but my stubborness is what has made me a good Engineer. I have fought every step, every inch of my way to where I am now, repairing conduits, stabilising Warp Cores, fusing metallic hulls together, dealing with coolant that everyone else gave a wide berth because they might get burned. I have always been able to create something from nothing in stupidly treaturous conditions. I have worked so hard, for so long and finally got to where I am now......then this happens to me" Gaia's face lowered, her will was the only thing stopping her tears from truly falling. "I might not walk again, feel the smooth exterior of a bipolar torch, or the feel of the innards of what makes a starship so great! Without Engineers, there wouldn't even be a starship! It isn't easy even trying to face up to that reality Keldorn. I wish I could joing you, I wish I could work with my hands and actually do something instead of sitting here like a box of broken components." Gaia wished she knew what he was thinking then, she really did. But with Benzites, it was always hard to tell. "Well, so now you know. There, in full....." Gaia knew it wasn't, but it was plausable and it was the majority of what was wrong with her, so she hoped it would do. Out of nowhere the red alert sounded and she knew Keldorn would have to get to his station. Not be there with her. "You'd better go" "Aye, but you're not telling me everything. That much I know. I will get it out of you Gaia, likely when you least expect it too." Gaia smiled, he really did know. "Maybe Keldorn....maybe. I stand by what I said before, you're pretty commanding for an assistant Engineer." Keldorn smiled back "Same goes for you, you're stubborn for a Chief." Gaia watched as he exited her quarters, a feeling that she was actually clued in for once settled upon her. Unfortunately, it lay side by side with the unmoving thought something had happened to her friend Kaoru, Ryan and the rest of the away team, side by side with the dreams she had been having made for quite the thought process. She hoped all of them would be solved soon, for her sanity's sake. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Nov 27 2005, 06:54 PM |
Nox was pleading. "Please belive me. Check the ships manafest. Search for my record with Star Fleet. You will find I am real and I am apart of the crew of the U.S.S. Intrepid." Nox went to shift his stance to something more comfortable. "Besides I dont have a reason to lie to you. It depends on what setting you have that phaser set at. If you shoot me I will report you to star fleet. Captain Rayen wont be able to stop me. Commander Orlan I suggest you stop her before she finds out how truthful I am being." The XO spoke up. "Eranys dont. He is right. Put your phaser down. Nox you calm down. Nobody is going to do anything. Now lets calm down." He turned back to the child in the chair. ooc: I am sorry I took liberties with your Character Ryan, but I had to defuse the situation before something happened. |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Nov 29 2005, 01:32 AM |
"Geo..." He was unconcious, his rib felt cracked and bruised, enough to knock the wind out of a man and make him wish he weren't born. Kaoru nudged his rib, almost regretting it at the groan that it caused; definately not sounding too good. "What?" Geo replied, and Kaoru sighed with relief that he was still alive, the two of them shuffled about, trying to get comfortable and causing the robe to tighten on Geo's bruised rib, another grunt. "Sorry, I need to get into a better position." "Wait wait wait," Geo murmured in a near whisper, breathing heavily as he felt his inner rib force his organs tighter. "This is a service ladder, which means their is an LCAR somewhere nearby." Silence followed, Kaoru waited patiently for Geo to continue, but he didn't. "Geo!" She exclaimed, raising the Hermekian from unconciousness a second time. "Sorry, umm... This is a ser --" "After that," she was getting annoyed, the first real time she had been annoyed with the Hermekian. She wanted to treat his wound, lest he die on her; a thought that was horrific in Geo's eyes. "The LCAR," "After that," Kaoru stated again. "Electronic pulse?" "What?" Kaoru had hit the jackpot. "Cause a feedback loop, it'll blow the LCAR and we can use a shard of glass to cut the bonds." "Your a genius! I could kiss you," she used her foot to try and reach the LCAR. "I'll take you up on the off --" "I can't reach it!" She shouted again, and Geo groaned, using his feet to hoist both of them up vertically, the pressure on his ribs causing his legs to buckle from the strain. "Almost," she tried, her leg kicking at the console. It blurred, the power dimming and the second kick caused it to sputter and erupt, the shards of glass showering down on them. "I got it!" She shouted, glancing over her shoulder to try and see Geo, whom she couldn't. "I'll be out in a moment," she murmured, easing her feet back down, and heaving the heavy fall of the Hermekian body as it relaxed against her; no doubt injured by the movements. "Doctor," Geo began, his conciousness beginning to slip again. "Almost Geo, almost." His ribs were throbbing, his head seemed to pulse on it's own, and he was beginning to see green and blue at the edge of his vision, never a good sign. The rope suddenly laxened, and in the next moment they were both free. "Geo!" She turned, happy that she had freed them. "Never say that you can't do anything Doctor," Geo murmured, his arms wrapping the woman in a most appreciative hug, before he fell limp in her arms, collapsing beneath the strain of having remained awake for so long. Thus far the creature had been unseen, which meant that the good doctor could now get them both back to safety. Originally I had not wanted to post because of an unconcious character, but I guess things have grown stagnant and I wanted to give it some fresh blood. Excellent posting those whom have been posting. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Nov 30 2005, 09:47 PM |
[Main Engineering, ISS Intrepid] Geo was a genius...hadn't she thought that to herself often enough? He was however, a heavy genius...and an unconscious one. She could barely support his weight to keep them both from falling over, much less carry him anywhere. Even so, she could not help but offer him an affectionate smile, "You are lucky to have two sets of ribs at the rate you injure yours." He would have found that at least amusing, had he been awake. Getting down to business, Kaoru glanced around. There was no way she could carry or drag Geo anywhere without a litter of some sort, but before she tried that, she stretched, reaching for a comm button on the next nearest LCAR panel, feeling Geo slip further against her. ![]() ![]() There was a pause, a long one, but then she heard a voice she thought she'd never be happy to hear. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [Bridge, ISS Intrepid] Ryan's relief at hearing Kaoru's voice, at knowing that she and especially Geo were all right, was very evident. He relaxed slightly, looking between Trusa and Nox before he answered Kaoru. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ryan straightened, "Trusa, you and Nox go down, take pattern enhancers with you. We'll beam you all straight back to the Intrepid from Engineering." Jakob had not moved through this exchange, and Ryan looked at him. "The security officer and I will stay here, and beam back once you've all reached safety." He still wasn't quite sure what to do with Jakob. [Main Engineering, ISS Intrepid] Leaving the channel open, Kaoru tried to adjust Geo's weight, ending up tumbling to the ground with both of them, hissing sharply as she landed on his ribs, knowing that it was going to hurt later. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It helped to hear Ryan's voice, to be able to banter a bit. ![]() ![]() Kaoru chuckled, opening Geo's tunic, running her fingers lightly over the ugly bruises. ![]() ![]() Without her tricorder, she could not tell for sure if any of his organs had been damaged by the broken rib. Certainly there was enough bruising and swelling for that to be the case. Peeling back his eyelids she examined his eyes, checking his pulse and his breathing, finally leaning over and whispering to him, too low for the people on the bridge to hear, "You had better not die." She used another shard of glass to cut a small tear in the hem of his undershirt so that she could rip it the rest of the way off, using it to wind around his chest and bind his ribs tightly. After that, she had done all she could. There was nothing else to do but wait, holding the same piece of pipe in her hands, guarding Geo as he slept. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 1 2005, 01:33 AM |
Ryan straightened, "Trusa, you and Nox go down, take pattern enhancers with you. We'll beam you all straight back to the Intrepid from Engineering." "Aye sir" Nox and Trusa said picking up the pattern enhancers on there way off the bridge. They boarded the turbolift. "Main Engineering" Nox ordered the turbolift. It sped away. They had not said a word to each other since there altercation on the bridge. The silence made him feel like he was in a room by himself. It was almost styfling. The turbo lift stopped on the floor of its destination. The door whooshed open. They stepped off the turbolift and started heading toward engineering. The silence was driving him crazy. He didnt want this women to go on and think the he was threatening her fun. He didnt know what to say but he had to try something. Nox and Trusa were walking through the corridores carrying the pattern enhancers. "Trusa I was not trying to make a enemy with you." |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Dec 1 2005, 11:45 PM |
Trusa cocked one eye-ridge -- an ever common gesture. "Listen Lieutenant," she said icily as they neared Engineering, increasing her pace so Nox practically had to jog to keep up with her. "Now is not the time. Popping out of the blue like that --" she hurrumphed. "Good way to get shot." Truth be told her frayed nerves left a lot of social eloquence to be desired. When everybody had been beamed safely off this deathtrap then, perhaps, the two could settle any misunderstandings. "Hey, guys!" came a hoarse voice. "Over here." It was Doctor Ele, supporting the unconscious, shirtless Hermekian. Nox and Trusa hurried over, their footsteps casting disturbing echoes through the open space. "Glad to see you're all in one piece," said Nox as he began setting up his share of the slender little poles. Trusa did the same. "You picked an excellent time to get kidnapped," the Cardassian mumbled. Doctor Ele merely sighed lightly. When the enhancers were in place and all four people well within the triangular perimeter, Trusa briskly tapped her communication badge. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A cool silver sensation, then dissalution. In these final moments, Eranys could have sworn she saw a pair of haunted crimson eyes shimmering mere feet before them. Through the darkness of the ISS Intrepid. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 2 2005, 01:30 AM |
Trusa cocked one eye-ridge -- an ever common gesture. "Listen Lieutenant," she said icily as they neared Engineering, increasing her pace so Nox practically had to jog to keep up with her. "Now is not the time. Popping out of the blue like that --" she hurrumphed. "Good way to get shot." Truth be told her frayed nerves left a lot of social eloquence to be desired. When everybody had been beamed safely off this deathtrap then, perhaps, the two could settle any misunderstandings. "Hey, guys!" came a hoarse voice. "Over here." It was Doctor Ele, supporting the unconscious, shirtless Hermekian. Nox and Trusa hurried over, their footsteps casting disturbing echoes through the open space. "Glad to see you're all in one piece," said Nox as he began setting up his share of the slender little poles. Trusa did the same. "You picked an excellent time to get kidnapped," the Cardassian mumbled. Doctor Ele merely sighed lightly. When the enhancers were in place and all four people well within the triangular perimeter, Trusa briskly tapped her communication badge. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A silverish beam covered them. Moments later they were back aboard the U.S.S. Intrepid. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Dec 2 2005, 07:33 PM |
"Are they aboard?" Anil asked "Aye sir" Kassan replied, clearly relieved that the transport had been sucessful Anil grinned, and the Intrepid shuddered as the Cardassian's scored another hit on her shields "No reason to protect the ISS Intrepid now - Helm - evasive manoeuvres - try and get us behind that Galor" he ordered The Intrepid's shield bubble flashed as all of it's power was concentrated around the USS Intrepid herself, and she sprinted away from the derelict. The Ensign at the Helm layed down a series of manoeuvres, allowing the Intrepid to slip in a number of good shots at the Galor-class, her disadvantage of having to protect the ISS Intrepid removed The Cardassian ship suddenly veered off and dashed toward the ISS Intrepid, caught off guard the young Ensign at the Helm, who had not anticipated this move, quickly entered a pursuit course, but not before Kassan reported "Captain - the Cardassian's are beaming some of their troops to the ISS Intrepid!" she called Anil frowned "That's not good - what could they want from that wreck?" he asked, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Ryan had just stepped out of the turbolift "Welcome back Commander" Reyan stated, smiling "Thanks - what's happening?" he asked, staring at the viewscreen "We've engaged the Cardassian ship that was attacking us and the ISS Intrepid, but they have just beamed troops onto the ISS Intrepid - reason unknown" Anil reported Ryan looked shocked "Anil - there is only one real reason that they could want to beam troops over there - to find out what we were doing over there" Anil paused for a moment to let Ryan's words sink in, but it made sense - the Cardassian's would be nautrally interested to know why a superior Starfleet ship was so interested in a derelict hulk bearing the same name as itself "Kassan - lock torpedoes on the ISS Intrepid and fire at will!" he demanded Kassan didn't need to be told twice, and the Intrepid swept around and launched a round of torpedoes at the ISS Intrepid – the torpedoes slammed into the already weak and defenceless ship, and she vanished sending a small shockwave into space “Did the Cardassian’s manage the get their crew off?” Ryan asked “Inconclusive – appears that they at least tried, but can’t tell beyond that” Kassan replied “Helm – take us out of here, maximum warp – stand down from Red alert - Let’s hope that we destroyed the ISS Intrepid before the Cardassian ship could figure out what the away team were doing there – the last thing we need is to have to compete against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance for the key” Anil complained Still stood at the auxiliary console behind the Command chair, Commodore Trell spoke up “This key of yours – is it a weapon?” she queried Anil turned and stared at her for a brief moment, not certain that divulging such information would be wise – he took a deep breath “We have been researching it’s purpose and the outcome of our investigations have been…. Inconclusive” he answered quickly; not sounding totally convinced himself he surmised that his attempt at diplomacy would sound even less convincing to Commodore Trell He was right – she rolled her eyes and sighed “How very Starfleet of you, Captain – if it were not for the fact that you have nose ridges and lack pointy ears I’d have said you were a Vulcan” she replied, before she turned her attention to the console in front of her Anil sighed and sat back down, and leaned toward Ryan who had also taken his seat “Ryan – we need to search through whatever files you managed to download from the ISS Intrepid – I don’t want to stay here a moment longer than we have to” he stated, keeping his voice low enough that no-one else would hear Ryan nodded in agreement “We already have some possible co-ordinates – I’ll feed then through to the Helm - I’d suggest we start there” he replied “Helm – alter course to the co-ordinates supplied by Commander Orlan” Anil stated, before turning back to Ryan “Right – now that all business has been taken care of, I’d suggest that you visit the sonic shower and change into a fresh uniform” he stated, grinning Ryan nodded in silent agreement and made his way to the turbolift Anil made his way over to Kassan “Commander Xandra, you have the bridge – I’ll be in my ready room if you need me” he stated, smiling at her and making a mental note to invite her for a coffee at the earliest convenience. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 2 2005, 10:48 PM |
Charles decided he had better check in with the COS. He was sure that the Chief of Security didn't know that he was over there. He hadn't planned on it hisself. He left sickbay and went down the corridore to the turbolift. I might want to find out where she is first. "Computer locate Lieutenant-Commander Kassan Xandra." The computer chimed back. "Lt. Commander Xandra is on the bridge." Charles boarded the turbolift. "Bridge." He had a pounding headache from his experiance. He didnt know how he got over to the I.S.S. Intrepid. He didnt know how he was going to explain it to the COS. All he know is he had to report in. The turbolift came to a stop at the bridge and the doors whooshed open. He stepped off. He saw the Lt. Commander working at the Security/ Tactical console. "Lt. Nox reporting maam. Somehow I ended up on the I.S.S. Intrepid and I dont know how. I figured I had to come report in." Nox said somewhat wearily. He felt tired. He figured he reflected it in his face as well. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Dec 4 2005, 12:39 AM |
A medical team was waiting with a gurney to get Geo to sickbay, Kaoru hurrying with them. They transferred the Hermekian smoothly to a biobed, Kaoru's fingers flying over the panel, setting up the scanners to see how bad the damage was. The injured rib had scored the helmsman's left lung, not puncturing, though it would have eventually. Kaoru studied the scans intently, his white blood cell levels were only slightly elevated, at that point she saw no need to operate, but Geo was going to be out of commission for a long time. She gave him something for the pain, removing the makeshift binding she had put on him on the ISS Intrepid and using a regulation binding that would keep his ribs still much more effectively. Finally, she had done all she could. "I'll be on the bridge." Lieutenant Marix stood in her way, "A moment doctor...we'd like to run a quick scan on you. Commander Orlan said that you were drugged?" Kaoru nodded, "Twice. Some strong sedative, I don't know what it was." Marix indicated a biobed, "Indulge me then...quickly, so we can make sure none of it is lingering in your system." She wanted to argue, she wanted very badly to argue, but she couldn't. Laying down on the biobed, resting one hand on her stomach. She thought she saw Marix chuckle, but surely she was mistaken... |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Dec 7 2005, 04:13 PM |
Trusa sat in silence at her respective console. “Did the Cardassian’s manage the get their crew off?” “Inconclusive – appears that they at least tried, but can’t tell beyond that” You're with Starfleet now, Era. Idne warned you against stuff like this. Forcing her eyes from the viewscreen, Trusa continued managing the station. Yet her mind was both far elsewhere and intent in the task at hand, here and there. Possibly a feat few who did not posess reptilian ancestors could accomplish. It was also entirely possible that her mind was further rather than nearer. Further... ooc: Shortness!! Argh! |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Dec 8 2005, 09:36 PM |
~ ~ ~ ~ SICKBAY // USS INTREPID ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Geo groaned lightly, shifting himself on the bed as he felt his chest nimbly compress about him, then stifled a groan. How long did he have to endure the pain? No matter, at least he had regained conciousness right? He could dimly hear someone saying something, his eyelids beginning to flutter open at the pain. The light was shielded, definately someone standing over him; and soon enough they opened to see Kaoru. That brought a smile, but she looked slightly worried about him. "... so you see, you'll need to take it easy for a little bit." "I'm always taking it easy," a smile seemed to glisten on her own lips, causing his to deepen just slightly. At least it was pleasant to see her smile, and it had definately made her happy to hear one of his sarcastic comments. Her arm hooked with his own, helping hoist him up into a sitting position. He became aware almost immediately that Ryan was in the room. "Good to see your awake, you're one heavy guy to lift," he was nursing his shoulder to give the impression of it being a long haul from the transporter to Sickbay. Undoubtably he had been directly transported. "Yeah, I can understand that," he offered him, chuckling, but he soon came to realize he was on the Intrepid, one brow inclining, "what about that thing? Did we stop it or what? What the hell happened?" "I think," Ryan paused a moment, offering a disconcerted look, "I think that Jackob was creating it, and worse yet, I think that he only wanted attention -- and we came here for no reason, no reason whatsoever." That ruined Geo's theory about the Karcsis creating problems. "Right," Geo offered; Kaoru had her head bent over a PADD paying particular attention to it. "2100 I expect to see you in the Holodeck, understand?" Ryan blinked, but then offered a grin. "What simulation are we running?" "Easy," Geo had to try and remember, "the Terran-Romulan War, back when warp 3.2 was considered fast." He could have laughed at that, but Humans had really thought it was fast. Mind you, Hermekians had only ever achieved warp 5 on there own. "Alright, I'll see you then," Ryan offered, then raised his hand -- showing off the PADD, "I have to get this to the Captain." "Go before he has your hide," Geo offered, grinning once more. "Oh I see, go off galavanting again after I told you to take it easy," Kaoru's head rose swiftly after Ryan had departed, but the affectionate smile she wore hardly showed her as being serious. "I wouldn't worry too much about it my good doctor, I expect to see you at 1800 in my quartres for dinner. I can't fight a war on an empty stomach." They both chuckled at that, and she agreed to it, BUT he had to lie down now. Almost reluctantly he agreed, easing back to the biobed. |
Posted by: Fallax Trell Dec 8 2005, 11:29 PM |
"Kassan - lock torpedoes on the ISS Intrepid and fire at will!" he demanded Fallax stood back quietly and watced. She had been observing since coming aboard and had mentally gathered a number of interesting facts. She was not sure how she would use them as yet, but she knew the time would arrive. Kassan launched a volley of torpedoes at the ISS Intrepid – the torpedoes slammed into the already weak and defenceless ship, and she vanished sending a small shockwave into space. Good shot, Fallax thought. “Did the Cardassian’s manage the get their crew off?” Ryan asked “Inconclusive – appears that they at least tried, but can’t tell beyond that” Kassan replied “Helm – take us out of here, maximum warp – stand down from Red alert - Let’s hope that we destroyed the ISS Intrepid before the Cardassian ship could figure out what the away team were doing there – the last thing we need is to have to compete against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance for the key” Anil complained “This key of yours – is it a weapon?” Fallax asked. Reyan looked surprised an suspicious, Fallax almost smiled. It seemed he was good game, to catch off guard. She watched as he tood a deep breath. Let us see what lies you can come up with on the spur of the moment, how imaginitive you can be Captain. She thought. “We have been researching it’s purpose and the outcome of our investigations have been…. Inconclusive” he answered quickly, too quickly and his hand and eye movements gave lie to his pretty little answer. Very poor, even for you, she thought, at least hoping for some amusing fabrication. But I will find out, you underestimate me. She rolled her eyes and sighed. “How very Starfleet of you, Captain – if it were not for the fact that you have nose ridges and lack pointy ears I’d have said you were a Vulcan” she replied. Fallax went back to the consol in front of her as she mulled over the implications. It had to be a weapon of some kind. There had to be a way to find out about it and perhaps it would change the flow of the war. This could mean a lot to her people. Anil sighed and sat back down, and leaned toward Ryan who had also taken his seat. She listened closely as Reyan leaned into Ryan and spoke, but could not make out what was being said. “Helm – alter course to the co-ordinates supplied by Commander Orlan” Anil stated, before turning back to Ryan Fallax watched as Ryan nodded and made his way to the turbolift and Anil walked over to Kassan. There 'relationship' intreged her. She obviously meant something to him. But what..and could she use this. “Commander Xandra, you have the bridge – I’ll be in my ready room if you need me” he stated, smiling at her. "Captain." Fallax said sharply, stopping Reyan before he entered his ready room and Ryan who was about to step into the turbo lift. "Yes?" Reyan asked. "Why do you allow a pregnant woman to be exposed to such dangers on the bridge. Her species is .........biologically weak.....the child could be easily damaged." she said, looking directly at Kassan. The bridge went silent for a moment and everyone turned and looked at Kassan and then Reyan. Kassan's face had pailed and she looked about to collapse and many emotions ran across Reyans, he did not look much better. Fallax smiled to herself...as I thought... |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Dec 10 2005, 11:02 AM |
Ryan pressed the palms of his hands against the wall of the sonic shower, his arms elongating to support his fatigued body; his thoughts reeling faster than warp. Who would take care of Jakob? What would the Captain say when he finds out that they have a new passenger, a child none-the-less...? He thumbed the panel to deactivate the sonic shower, stepped over his grimy uniform which lay disgarded on the floor and returned to his bedroom. It wasn't long and Ryan found himself stepping into the corridor again, wearing a fresh uniform. He made his way towards the nearest turbo lift; his prior concerns of what the Captain would think of Jakob resurfaced in his mind. Through the time they'd already spent in the Mirror Universe, it seemed to Ryan that Anil's plan to keep the visit as short as possible and return to where they all belonged wouldn't be as easy. "Doctor, how is he?" He said entering Sickbay and approaching Kaoru who stood beside a biobed, looking down at the sleeping Geo. Her head spun and she looked at him, then back at Geo. For an instant he had seen her eyes filled with concern but it vanished as soon as she'd seen the visitor was Ryan. "He's just waking now." Kaoru said with formality, but when she spoke again her tone had softened, perhaps even tender. "Geo, just relax. I had to put the bind back in place. So you see, you'll need to take it easy for a little bit." "I'm always taking it easy." Geo replied, his eyes now open. Ryan watched as the Doctor helped Geo into a sitting position. "Good to see your awake, you're one heavy guy to lift." Ryan said, rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, I can understand that," Geo chuckled. "what about that thing? Did we stop it or what? What the hell happened?" "I think," Ryan paused a moment, offering a disconcerted look. "I think that Jackob was creating it, and worse yet, I think that he only wanted attention - and we came here for no reason, no reason whatsoever." "Right, 2100 I expect to see you in the Holodeck, understand?" Ryan blinked, but then offered a grin. "What simulation are we running?" "Easy, the Terran-Romulan War, back when warp 3.2 was considered fast." "Alright, I'll see you then." Ryan said, then raised his hand which was still clutching the data PADD. "I have to get this to the Captain." "Go before he has your hide." Geo grinned broadly. Ryan stopped just outside of the closed Sickbay doors. He felt as though some of the tension he'd been feeling for that past few days had drained away. Perhaps it was just the prospect of being able to relax in the holodeck, away from his duties, away from Gaia... "So it appears that this child was creating these... scenarios?" Anil paused for a moment, just enough time to allow Ryan to nod. "The Ferengi... so what made the shuttle explode?" "The shuttle?" "Yes, the shuttle I had sent over to retrieve you. It exploded in the ISS Intrepid's shuttle bay." "Thats what the explosion was..." "Of course it was the shuttle, what else could it been?" Anil said, his irritation beginning to grow. He eyed Ryan closely from his side of the desk - an almost suspicious look. "Did the Doctor examine you after you returned?" "No. There didn't seem to be a need for her to." "Ryan, Kassan notified you that the shuttle would be docking in the ISS Intrepid's bay. I think perhaps you should report to Sickbay. Perhaps you are under the influence of some -" "Wait, what transmission? We only recieved one from you." "You acknowedged that I was sending a shuttle." "Captain, we never recieved those messages - Jakob." Ryan said, the idea suddenly dawning on him. "It must have been another ploy." "I see, I suppose that is how Lieutenant Nox appeared over there too." "That would be my guess." "Where is the boy now?" "I had security take him to the Counsellor's office. Theres still alot we don't know, hopefully Counsellor Rain will be able to get some answers when she talks to him." Anil sighed and tossed the PADD down onto his desk. "Now all we need to do is find the key and get the hell out of this place." OOC: Sorry I havn't posted in so long! REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Dec 12 2005, 06:52 PM |
Anil sat in the ready room, lost in thought - several hours had passed since Commodore Trell had revealed Kassan's pregnancy and Anil had a lot to think about His thoughts were broken by the door-chime, and Ryan walked in again, holding two padd's "Sorry - I've just come from sickbay - Doctor Ele's report regarding my fitness for duty, as well as more reports concerning the ISS Intrepid" he stated, moving to sit down "including some interesting records regarding the history of this universe" "I'll have a read" Anil replied, sounding too unenthusiastic for Ryan not to notice - Ryan simply gave Anil a look of curiosity, but nodded and stood, intending to make his way back to bridge, but paused for a moment, clearly expecting Anil to join him "Problem?" Anil stated, an unintentional hint of hostility in his voice "No Captain - but I could ask you the same question - you look tired and frankly, as if somthing is bothering you" Ryan simply replied, looking slightly offended Anil didn't know how to reply - he was right of course, but Ryan hadn't been on the bridge when Commodore Trell had dropped the bombshell, hadn't witnessed the embarrassment that he, and Kassan, had experienced when Commodore Trell had exposed the fact that Kassan was pregnant to everyone present on the bridge; and he hadn't seen the look of victory eched on Commodore Trell's face when she realised that she had found and explioted a weakness in the Captain of the ship that she had found herself on. And he had to be told - there was no way that anyone could have advised Ryan of this revelation yet Anil took a deep breath "Ryan - please, sit" he stated quietly Ryan looked confused for a moment, but sat anyway "I'm afraid that we have a problem...." Ryan coughed - Anil frowned, realising that he had stated the obvious, but continued anyway "Commodore Trell has discovered..... somthing of a weakness" Anil stated weakly, idlely playing with the padd he had discarded earlier, and struggling to find the words required to explain the predicament he was in Ryan looked concerned "What kind of weakness? The ship?" he quickly asked "Not the ship - one of her Officers" Anil replied, not able to meet Ryan's gaze "A spy? a sabotuer?" Ryan continued, clearly not really sure where Anil was going with this conversation "Nothing like that" Anil stated, almost whispering "Anil...... what?" Ryan stated, having given up trying to guess what Anil was trying to tell him "It's Kassan - she's........ pregnant" Anil stated, the words sounding to him like they had been spoken by someone else Ryan stared for a moment, not really understanding the relevance of what Anil had said. Anil looked up for a moment, and their eyes met. And Ryan's expression changed instantly "It's yours, isn't it?" he stated slowly Anil simply nodded, silently confirming a positive answer to Ryan's question There was a long, awkward pause, before Ryan spoke again "So where exactly does Commodore Trell come into all of this"? he asked "She knows - I don't know how she knows, but she knows" Anil replied "And Kassan?" Ryan continued, beginning to sound angry "I haven't had a chance to discuss it with her yet" Anil replied "So we only have Trell's word on this?" Ryan exclaimed "Ryan - the look Kassan gave me - her reacion - her recent sickness - there is no doubt there" Anil confirmed Ryan stood, looking more disappointed than angry "I suggest you talk to the soon-to-be Mother of your child, Captain" Ryan replied, bitterness clear in his voice as he emphasised the word Captain as a title that Anil didn't deserve. Ryan strode throught the doors, which barely parted in time to allow his quick exit Anil stood, realising that Ryan was absoulutely right - he did have to talk to Kassan, and it couldn't wait. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anil strode out of the ready room and headed for the turbolift, and couldn't help but notice that Ryan made no attempt to aknowledge him. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Hawku Dec 12 2005, 10:52 PM |
Ensign Aeon Sith sat at the helm of the U.S.S. Intrepid, as the ship sped through space. He had set the course that the Commander fed to his Helm, long ago. Now all that there was to deal with were minor course corrections, that a first year cadet could work in his sleep. As Aeon watched the viewscreen for a moment, he thought back to the Cardassian ship he had been manouvering with the Captain's command. It was an intense situation for someone relatively new to the Intrepid, but he began to realize that he handled it pretty well. At least, that's what he had hoped. "Wow. I can't believe Kassan is pregnant," he said to himself. But then he remembered that he didn't really have any personal relations with any of the senior staff, so the news was actually irrelevant. Just as the Captain left the Ready Room, a comm signal broke through to him specifically, "Commander Orlan to the Helm. Can you please come to the Conference Room?" Aeon's eyes wandered in shock as he got up and walked over to the door to the Ready Room. To his left, he saw that the Captain was entering through the Turbolift doors at the same time. ~ ~ ~ Conference Room ~ ~ ~ Aeon entered the room to find the Commander standing there. Orlan looked up at him. "According to the Captain's report, your efforts during the I.S.S. Intrepid incident have been recognized. I can't stress how much we need good officer's while we're in this Universe at the moment. You're promoted to Lieutenant," the Commander said quickly. The whole thing was so crude and seemed like it was just another work thing to get out of the way-- but it didn't faze Aeon at all. The appreciation and gratification of it all overshadowed any real quickness that presented. "Thank you, sir," Aeon said, half keeping a straight face and half looking at him weird. There was a hint of emotion in the Commander, but Aeon couldn't be too sure. Either way, it didn't matter. From now on, he wasn't an Ensign anymore, and that made him relieved for once in his life. His efforts were finally recognized and this promotion was a pretty good result. "Be sure to aquire the necessary pips. Dismissed," Orlan said. Aeon nodded-- that is, Lieutenant Aeon nodded-- in acknoledgement and left the Conference Room. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 13 2005, 12:22 PM |
Ryan asked Charles to take Jakob to the CNS office. As they entered the turbolift the boy spoke to Charles for the first time. "Why are you taking me there. I want Ryan. I want him to be accompaning me." Jakob said. "Well I have been placed in charge of taking you to the CNS's office." Charles replied back. "Thats not what I want thought. I want Ryan. I dont know you. You could hurt me. You could have malice against me." Jakob retorted. The turbolift stopped and the doors open almost scaring the boy. "I dont have malice against you. I wont hurt you. I am just escorting you to the CNS's office." Rusty replied as they stepped off the turbolift. They walked up to the CNS's office door. Rusty thumbed the chime. A couple of moments later the order came from within to enter. "I have been ordered to bring this young boy to you. His name is Jakob." Rusty told the CNS. Rusty knelt down to Jakob. "Now the CNS here is a good friend with Commander Orlan. The CNS will not hurt you ok. Stay here. The CNS will talk to you and help you feel better. OK." Rusty gave a little reassuring smile to Jakob and left the CNS's office and headed back to the bridge. REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Dec 16 2005, 12:05 AM |
"Let me guess... you two couldn't get a holodeck reservation?" Ryan said scathingly when he spotted two officers ahead of him. Their lips retreated from each other and Ryan recognised the man instantly. "O'Connor, your break must have ended twenty minutes ago, I suggest you save this encounter for your own time and report back to your duty station." "Sir, I -" "- and in future you might choose to use a little more discretion." "Yes sir." The two recruits eyed him for a moment before they nodded curtly at each other and decamped in opposite directions. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought a friend along." Ryan said stepping over the threshold of the holodeck. Geo turned around to face him and Ryan raised his hand grasping a bottle of Aldebran Whisky. "Nice one!" Geo said, breaking into a smile. "For a moment there I thought you might have invited, ah, what's his name?" "Reterson from Engineering?" "Yeah." "I don't think so." Ryan grunted and placed the bottle of whiskey on the floor near the door. "Computer, begin program -" "Revolone-54-Tango." Geo completed, grinning again. "I thought this one might be better, has several Romulan females that... well, you'll see." "If you insist. I could do with the distraction right now." The gridded walls had diminished and all around them now represented the Bridge of an early Romulan Battle Cruiser. Geo winced slightly when he lowered himself into the chair in front of the Helm console. Ryan moved to the side of the Bridge and stationed himself where he felt most comfortable, the Romulan equivilant of Ops. "Tactical - I said report!" The Romulan Commander hissed. "Nine Terran ships - intercept course, two mins!" "Charge phasers, signal the second and third squadrons to cloak and hold their position." REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 16 2005, 02:09 AM |
Before going to the bridge he thought he would stop and talk to someone first. He boarded the turbolift. "Main Engineering." The turbolift sped away reaching his destination in moments. He stepped off and went into main engineering. He saw Trusa there working at one of the terminal. She glaced his direction when he came in but didn't say anything. He walked over to Trusa and stood there a minute. "Trusa I......I am sorry for what was going on over there on that other ship. We both go caught up in the moment I guess." Charles extended his hand and offered to make up with Trusa. "Maybe we could talk about it over a cup of coffee. I dreadfully hate to make any enemies." Charles said trying to make up with her. |
Posted by: Eranys Trusa Dec 18 2005, 09:09 PM |
Eranys seemed to contemplate Nox's proffered hand before finally taking it. "There's no...real need to apologise, Lieutenant." She did not smile, although it was evident she appreciated the apology nonetheless. "I was...quite stressed. And with everything that was going on, what with that bloody...demonic...child-thing...." She shrugged, then turned back to the console. "You Terrans..." she said at length, "seem to enjoy this...'coffee'. If I remember correctly it was quite popular at the academy." Era looked at Nox, still disliking him but willing to sort things out. "My shift just ended. I would not object to talking over a...'cuppa'." |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 18 2005, 11:04 PM |
Nox laughed the thought being called a Terran was some what comical to him. "I am human, and yes many good things come out of speaking over a cup of coffee." Nox replied with a smile. "Shall we go then?" Nox replied. Charles turned to the side and allowed her to lead the way. He could tell she still disliked him but none the less the acceptance of the invitation to coffee was a step in the right direction as far as making a friend. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Dec 19 2005, 11:04 PM |
~I can't believe he went on a holosuite simulation.~ She said that over and over to herself as she made her way to Gaia's quarters, carrying two small bags. One was her medkit, the other was something else entirely. Well, it was all right that Geo was with Ryan, he was feeling better, though he'd probably be a little stiff, and it gave her a chance to catch up with her friend, have some quality girl time. Still, she couldn't help missing Geo a little. Gaia was a wonderful person, but Kaoru doubted she kissed quite the same as Geo. That thought made her chuckle, and so, when she was actually admitted into Gaia's chambers, she was already smiling. Her smile brightened though, when she saw Gaia. It had been a few days since they had seen each other, and Kaoru was pleased to see how good Gaia looked. She had gained back much of her coloring, she was not longer so pale, or so drawn looking. "Look at you! You look lovely my friend." Gaia's face brightened on seeing her friend, her eyes gaining the glow they once had. She was okay! They were all okay! A small voice inside her recognised too, that if her friend was safe, then so would Ryan be safe. That same little voice let out a relieved sigh, Gaia pushed it back again, she didn't care. He didn't care for her, she didn't care for him "You're back! I was so worried about you! You know, you're the third visitor I've had recently? I'm glad of the company" Gaia smiled once again and indicated for her friend to sit down next to her. Chuckling, Kaoru sat beside Gaia, "It was...very strange, but I'm glad to be back. How have you been Gaia? Three visitors eh? That's not exactly surprising for someone so charismatic." As she spoke, she opened her medkit, pulling out her tricorder. "I've been good, well, pretty good thanks. I had a visit from Gervace actually, he did a little therapy while you were gone, he said that as you couldn't there was no point waiting when he knew what to do. He said I had the will. He was a little.....strange though, is he always like that?" Gaia realised what she had said, maybe that wasn't the best idea to tell his superior officer. Kaoru tilted her head, one sable brow quirking, "Strange? No, he's not usually strange." She had a feeling she knew exactly why he had been though. "He's very nice...very kind and thoughtful." Exactly what Ryan wasn't...she thought to herself. Gervace would be a good match for Gaia...Kaoru knew how much he admired the engineer. "Kind and thoughtful?" Gaia felt like something was going on, something about that smile Kaoru had pasted on her face. "Okay, what are you thinking of? I know that look, I've had that look!" She watched Kaoru suspiciously. Kaoru laughed, holding the tricorder and taking readings, "Well let's see, he risked getting himself flayed by his superior to help you get to the bridge. And you know damn well how scary I am. What do you think I'm thinking of?" "Ummmm.....I dont know, that's why it's scary!" Gaia laughed a little. It felt good to laugh again, but no matter what she claimed, she really was naive when it came to matters of the opposite sex. "That Ryan would give him a talking to if he found out that Gervace was copping a feel?" Kaoru finished taking her readings, pleased to note that Gaia was doing very well. Rising, she opened the small black bag she had brought, taking out the ingredients for the chocolate martinis. Mixing them in the snifter and pouring Gaia one, offering it to her, trying another tack."Gervace does seem very taken with you." Taking a sip Gaia looked at her friend "You're serious aren't you?" Not seeing her face change Gaia continued "Kaoru, he's a nurse! Me-dic-al at that. I wouldn't even be able to look at him without seeing something of sickbay. You're different before you argue that!" Another sip while Gaia let that sink in. Kaoru laughed, pouring her own drink and sitting on the couch opposite Gaia, sipping it, "Ah well...it certainly seems as though you have your choice anyway. As long as it's not Ryan..." Her lips curved in an expression of distaste. "Ryan....Ryan he....he doesn't care about me, he never has. I've moved on." Gaia's voice sounded less firm than she meant. Her eyes downcast. "Why does he always come back into my head Kaoru? He doesn't care about me, so why does he haunt me?" Her cup lay disguarded in her hand, her eyes cast inward. Sighing, Kaoru took a big swig of her own drink, "Because however much you claim to be, you are not over him." She shook her head, "He doesn't deserve you Gaia. He can't get his head out of ass long enough to see what he has in you. I have never met a more self involved man in my life." Gaia's lips parted in a smile. "Funnily enough, I could say the same about Geo. He's a lady's man,seld absorbed and too cocky for his own good. I say that you should go with Gervace, look how much you have in common!" Kaoru seemed shocked at that, but she nodded, "If you don't know him well...perhaps it could seem that Geo is self absorbed. But...you should see him Gaia. He's so sweet, and so loving. Has Ryan ever been that way?" "He was once, in Engineering. He almost...we almost kissed mutually, but he pulled away. Ryan can be so sweet! You should have seen us before I was stupid enough to kiss him at that meal. We were so close, now I'm just getting in his way. As this shows I suppose" She indicated her support units. Kaoru could not picture Ryan being sweet. "You weren't stupid Gaia. You were expressing your feelings, and he panicked." Shaking her head, Kaoru looked at the support units too, taking another sip of her drink, "They're temporary...just like what you're feeling is. You'll get over him, you'll find someone who treats you as you should be treated, and you'll forget all about Ryan Orlan." She held up her glass, toasting that sentiment. Gaia smiled, perhaps her friend was right. She raised her glass equally. "Mark my words though, if Geo harms one hair on your head, or if he does anything to hurt you, he'll have me to deal with!" She nodded to emphasise the sentiment. Kaoru grinned, touched by Gaia's concern, thinking of Geo. "I care about him a lot Gaia." She did not tell Gaia that she loved him, that she had told him so, and that he loved her. "And I know he cares about me too...almost as much." She chuckled, her thoughts still on Geo. "There's something at least. He does care about you I suppose, but he's bound to look at you as his ball and chain you know? Just make sure he knows what a special woman he has. I still say Gervace'd be better for you though!" Kaoru's smile softened, "You've served with him longer than I have. What makes you think that will happen?" "Just, a feeling. He's flirted with every woman that's even moved. He's arrogant, impulsive.....just don't want you hurt, that's all." Kaoru nodded thoughtfully, again, she could see where someone who did not know Geo might think that way. But she truly felt she knew him better. She was sure of it actually. "I appreciate it Gaia...and it's the same for Ryan. If he hurts you again, I'll give him a lobotomy!" Finishing her drink she poured herself another, topping off Gaia's. "What shall we do now?" |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Dec 21 2005, 11:40 AM |
The holodeck session had not long ended. Geo and Ryan sat oppisite each other, the small coffee table all that seperated them. "I don't see a way out of it. When I feel I'm just about to tell her, I just freeze up." "Maybe part of you doesn't want her to know." Geo remained silent for a moment but continued after Ryans questioning expression. "What I mean is, perhaps once you have her, you won't really want her anymore." "No, thats not it..." "You need to look inside yourself to see what the reasons are. Look, you were clearly comfortable around her before she kissed you. So what changed?" "I'm..." Ryan cleared his throat. "I'm affraid of loosing her, and what if I'm the one that orders her into a situation that could... the away mission with the Tal Shiar - she could have been killed." "I don't need any reminders of how dangerous that was." Geo said, indicating his ribs which had recently been broken for the second time in the past few weeks. "We signed on for this career. We all know the risks, but shutting Gaia out and not showing how how you feel won't protect you from the hurt, if something did happen to her. If I were Vulcan I'd tell you that your being illogical. You have to tell her, or you will loose her." "You can't loose what you don't have." "Exactly my point. Your denying both of you the chance exist together. If you don't do something, it'll be too late to even salvage your friendship with her." "I guess Your right." "Of course I am." Geo said smugly, then pointed a finger at the bottle of ale. "Now, are we going to drink this or what?" Ryan smiled. He felt as though Geo had just swooped in and put all his jumbled thoughts into perspective. The reality of his betise had suddenly become clearer; his smile merging into a grin. "I think I'll go see her in the morning - if I don't have a hangover." "Thats the spirit... no pun intended." Geo chuckled as he poured ale into the two glasses on the coffe table. The ice cubes clinked and fizzed on the surface, he watched them quiver and twirl with the motion of ale as he raised it towards his mouth. Suddenly the red alert klaxans blared around the Commander's quaters. "Damn!" Ryan spat and pounded his glass down onto the table, causing amber liquid to slosh violently like a choppy ocean. The two officers rose to their feet. Geo glanced down into the half empty glass still clasped in his hand, then shot a questioning look at Ryan. "Don't worry about it for now, let's go." REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Dec 21 2005, 02:28 PM |
Anil walked down the corridor, trying to think what to say to Kassan when he arrived at her quaters. The whole concept of him being a Father was overwhelming. He couldn't help but wonder just how Kassan was feeling about it too. He finally reached her quaters, took a deep breath and pressed the call button No reply He waited a few moments, and was about to press it again when ![]() ![]() "Damn" Anil cursed to himself, and made his way at quick pace to the nearest turbolift, noting with interest that Kassan had still not left her quaters "Report" he demaned as he strode onto the Bridge, which was buzzing with activity. Ryan had already arrived and was, thankfully, ready for Anil's request "Captain - scans have detected a Klingon Bird of prey tailing us - she's under cloak, but since their technology is somewhat behind ours, we were able to spot her" "Does she know that we've found her?" he asked "Doubtful - our scan was low level and almost definitely beyond the ability of their systems detection abilities" Ryan replied "So why the Red alert?" Anil asked, trying not to sound annoyed "It isn't what's behind that is the problem - it's what is in front" Ryan replied, as he moved to press a button on his console The viewscreen changed from a view of a starfield to that of a diagram of the area of space that the Intrepid was heading toward. Clearly lit on the display were a small number of Klingon/Cardassian ships in a blockade formation "I see what you mean" Anil muttered "At current speed we'll enter the system in 28 minutes, and we'll be in weapons range of those ships in 31 minutes" Ryan reported Anil turned to Commodore Trell who was still loitering at the rear of the bridge "Any advice?" Anil asked "Never jump into muddy water" she replied sarcastically "Never ask advice from Commdore's with attitude problems" Ryan countered Anil couldn't help but laugh at Ryan's remark, especially considering the disapproving frown that Commodore Trell gave him in reward for the remark Anil cleared his throat "We need a plan - I'm certain that Intrepid can deal with some of those ships, but not all of them" Anil stated "Would a Runabout be any use as backup?" Ryan asked "Possibly - as long as the pilot can outmaneuver those ships - and if we can keep the enemy ship's occupied, the Runabout could prove useful as a hit-and-run attack vessel. And it's weapons are still more advanced than the Klingon/Cardassian's of this timeframe" Anil replied "Geo" Ryan stated simply - Anil had to agree - no-one else on the ship could pilot a runabout quite like a 300 year old Hermekian could "Fine - so we charge at them, try and take out their front flank with torpedoes, keep the rest off balance with phasers and let the runabout snipe them?" Ryan questioned "Absoulutely - get Geo up here" Anil replied, grinning "It's suicide - lets do it" Ryan stated enthusiastically ![]() ![]() |
Posted by: Hawku Dec 21 2005, 07:16 PM |
Aeon tapped at the helm on the Bridge as the view of the blockade came on screen. It was full of Klingon and Cardassian ships. He also noted the cloaked vessel following behind them. Man. This can't be good... He thought. As his Commanding Officer's came up with a plan to use a Runabout as a hit-and-run attack vessel, Aeon was thankful he wasn't chosen to pilot it. Not that I don't want to help defend the ship; I'm just not as skilled with the Helm as Geo is. He shook his head, He's good. I mean really good. Aeon Sith always admired Geovanie's ability to fly in all angles and all degrees of rotation with expert skill. He could only hope that one day, he could be nearly as good. Maybe if I didn't always distract myself with the Holodeck program..... Aeon stopped for a second. Nah. Shikel's been a good friend to me all these years. He chuckled at the thought of his life-long mentor and friend. The Lieutenant then continued his focus back into the Intrepid's direction, adjusting minor occurance after the other. Most adjustments didn't make that big of a difference, but when propped at the Helm for so long, there really was nothing else to work at but perfection. If we ever get out of this insane Mirror Universe, I could stand to put in some experimental flying. I mean, after regulation flight pattern after regulation flight pattern - there must be something more than what we're trained to know. He glanced back at the view-screen, intently. It should be something to look into. In the mean time, Aeon had a few Mirror-residents to deal with; and he wasn't going to let them down. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 22 2005, 12:09 AM |
The red alert klaxion sounded as they were walking to the lounge for a cup of coffee. "Well duty calls I have to get back to security. Situations like this are never good." He said to Trusa and quickly left her. He checked in with the security office wondering where the COS was. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Dec 28 2005, 07:21 AM |
All was silent on the Bridge, as the Intrepid sprinted toward the Cardassian/Klingon blockade, which stood between the Intrepid and the system that they were attempting to reach Geo had proved to be required on the Bridge, and Anil had decided to sent Lieutenant Aeon Sith and Commander Orlan out in the Runabout - Geo had not fully recovered from recent injuries, and Anil had received a fairly iriate message from Doctor Ele, who had been advised about his intentions ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Geo arrived on the bridge and took his place at the Intrepid's helm "We're entering weapons range Captain" Lieutenant Nox called from tactical, having just arrived on the bridge "Runabout is away" Geo informed them "Good - Lieutenant Nox- shields to maxiumum - target the lead ships in that blockade with photon and quantum torpedoes, and try and open up a gap - fire on my mark" Anil stated, sitting foward in his seat There was a long, drawn-out pause, and then "Fire at will, Lieutenant!" Anil finally called to Lieutenant Nox The Bridge crew watched as the first volley of torpedoes leapt out of the Intrepid's tubes and swept toward the enemy ships, and the Runabout sprinted out from the rear of the Intrepid, close behind the torpedoes. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 28 2005, 08:01 PM |
Charles left security and went to the bridge. He figured he could be needed up there. He did not see the COS at the tactical. So he manned it till she arrived. "We're entering weapons range Captain" Lieutenant Nox called from tactical, having just arrived on the bridge "Runabout is away" Geo informed them "Good - Lieutenant Nox- shields to maxiumum - target the lead ships in that blockade with photon and quantum torpedoes, and try and open up a gap - fire on my mark" Anil stated, sitting foward in his seat There was a long, drawn-out pause, and then "Fire at will, Lieutenant!" Anil finally called to Lieutenant Nox The Bridge crew watched as the first volley of torpedoes leapt out of the Intrepid's tubes and swept toward the enemy ships, and the Runabout sprinted out from the rear of the Intrepid, close behind the torpedoes. The first torpedo out of the first volley hit but was distroyed by the shields. Charles loaded coordinates in for the next volley watching to see what luck the rest of the torpedo's would have. |
Posted by: Hawku Dec 29 2005, 09:40 AM |
~ ~ ~ Runabout ~ ~ ~ Aeon Sith was sitting at the Helm of the Runabout as he flew it straight into the aybss of death. "It's time to put those piloting skills to the test, Lieutenant," the Commander said. Aeon nodded and remembered his Starfleet Training. A giant torpedo flew overhead past them and onto an incoming Klingon Vessel. The shields on the Klingon Vessel flickered, as Orlan used that instance to fire again at the same spot. The Klingon Vessel's shields flickered again, as the Runabout swept over it. Oh my gosh. That wasn't ever part of Starfleet Training, Aeon said in his head. The Runabout was suddenly hit by a Cardassian Disrupter beam, spinning the tiny ship over another Cardassian Vessel which had confronted the Intrepid suddenly. Aeon stabilized the spin as he and the Commander glanced at each other. "Lieutenant, I want to see some amazing tactical manouvering and I want to see it now. You know the Shumar Manouver don't you?" "Yes, sir," Aeon said. Orlan turned to his Tactical Station and the window, "Use that, but with the new Taggart Manouver at the end." Aeon almost accelerated the Runabout but stopped to process the idea. Wait-- Then he put the two concepts together in his head, and jumped the impulse over the Klingon Vessel. The Klingon Vessel started turning upwards in space to aim its fore-torpedoes at the Runabout, but as it fired shot after shot, the Runabout had flown between two Cardassian Vessels. The Klingon's shots hit the Cardassian's, as the Runabout sped around from behind and back, blasting phasers onto the Klingon Vessel over and over again at its shields' weak points. When the Runabout had passed, the Klingon Vessel's forward shields were disabled. It was clearly open. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Dec 30 2005, 12:30 AM |
Charles just sat there stunned a moment watching as roundabout made its stunning monuvers. The console in from of him chirped and he saw the shields down. "Captain" He said almost yelling but reigned himself back. "They did it. Commander Orlan disabled the shields of the Klingon ship. The Cardassian ships are down to 50% shielding Sir. Standing by for orders." Charles said excitidly. Fingers racing across the tactical screen pre-loading target designations. Just waiting for the word to fire. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Jan 1 2006, 11:57 PM |
Geo was likely angry with her. Most assuredly so, but she would have kept anyone in his condition from that mission. Kaoru strode onto the bridge, her sapphire blue eyes flashing angrily, though at what, it would have been hard for even her to say. Perhaps it had to do with Ryder's autopsy...she set the PADD that contained the results beside the captain's chair. Anil's eyes met hers and she nodded briefly, crossing her arms and turning her gaze to the view screen. She found herself holding her breath, watching the runabout, waiting for the order of "Fire." to come. Ryan was in the runabout...that thought went through her mind over and over. If Gaia knew how much danger he was in, she would....well...Kaoru did not know exactly how her friend might react, but she felt sure it would be spectacular. She knew how she would feel, if Geo were there. Inspite of everything, Gaia really did care for Ryan. Kaoru resigned herself to that fact. "Too many..." She muttered the words under her breath, drawing a look from the Trell, but Kaoru paid no attention, her eyes riveted on the view screen, watching the battle unfold. |
Posted by: Hawku Jan 3 2006, 09:34 PM |
~ ~ ~ Runabout ~ ~ ~ After a hit to the tiny ship, Aeon was forced to reset the suddenly confused deflector sensors. He pulled the Runabout up and over the first Cardassian vessel, as phasers and torpedoes were blasted into the Cardassian's shields. An opening was ripped and Commander Orlan fired directly onto thier hull. Pieces of hull exploded from inside, scattering into the Cardassian vessel's own shields from the inside. The debris and explosion opened a bigger hole and knocked out the entire Ventral shield section! "Take us back, closer, to that Cardassian vessel. I think we opened thier shields," Orlan said. Aeon nodded as he tapped quickly at the console, "Aye, sir." He flew the Runabout around and back to a close pass to the Cardassians. Orlan fired the phasers into a critical conduit of the Cardassian vessel and caused a chain-reaction explosion to the whole side of the ship. - The Runabout flew out of there as pieces and debris were launched out into space. A large chunk flew past the Runabout during a manouver, and slammed right into the second Cardassian vessel. Thier shields were immediately lost. "Excellent work, Lieutenant!" Orlan said enthusiastically. Aeon took the Runabout away from the three enemy Vessels and Intrepid and toward the rest of the Fleet in thier formation. "Are you kidding, sir? No offense, but we got extremely lucky. I don't even think I know what I'm doing!" "Don't know what you're doing? I just watched you pilot those three ships like a veteran. You may not have done this in real life before, but perhaps your not considering a hidden talent you might have." "I'm telling you, sir - Most of these moves are instinct. I haven't been watching half of the monitoring control panels I should be watching, according to Starfleet Regulations," Aeon said, scared. "That's right. And I'm ordering you to continue not following Regulations. Your instincts are exactly what we need right now. I have a feeling you can handle these next ships we're about to approach. In fact, I want you to assess the formation and decide the next manouver when we get there." "But--!?" "Make it so," Orlan insisted. Aeon restrained himself and returned his gaze to the window. There was reason the Commander entrusted him, even for a second, and he had to go with it. "Yes, sir." Orlan turned to the window aswell, "There's a gap in their formation due to those last three misplaced vessels. Let's use that." "I'm on it." As Aeon sped the Runabout toward the Cardassian and Klingon vessels, Aeon couldn't help but smile a daring glare before him. There was a certain 'fun' to this he hadn't ever experienced before. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Jan 4 2006, 10:59 AM |
Anil watched the viewscreen carefully, as the Runabout darted around and skillfully disposed of a Cardassian ship, leaving nothing more than scattered debris in it's wake He noticed Doctor Ele walk onto the Bridge, but decided to address her in a moment The problem at hand was that now the Klingon/Cardassian ships were beginning to realise that the small, but maneuverable, Runabout was more of a threat than they had given it credit to be "Lieutenant Nox - lay down cover fire for the Runabout with the phasers" Anil called Lieutenant Nox nodded in aknowledgement, clearly already working on the relevant firing pattern Anil then turned to Doctor Ele "Kaoru - with Commander Orlan being on the Runabout, I'd like you to act as my XO as you have done before" he stated, indicating for her to take a seat in the First Officer's chair "What about Kassan?" Kaoru asked, a question that Anil had to admit held merit "She hasn't reported to the Bridge, and I'm not sure we can rely on her considering her current.... condition anyway" Anil whispered in reply Kaoru didn't reply, and Anil gazed into her eyes for a moment, distracting and lost in their deepness and warmth, and he couldn't help but wonder how he had failed to notice just how beautiful she was. His thoughts were broken by a stong impact against the Intrepid's shields "Report!" Anil demaned "Two Klingon K'tinga class ships just decloaked behind us" Lieutenant Nox reported "Aft quantum torpedoes, Lieutenant - take them out" Anil ordered The viewscreen switched to an aft few, and a volley of Quantum torpedoes slammed into the Klingon ships, which promptly exploded, having no defense against torpedoes which were over two decades more advanced than their technology and hadn't yet been invented in this universe "Captain - the Runabout!" Geo called from the helm The Runabout had continued it's sniping maneuvers, but whilst the Intrepid had been distracted, had found itself with two Klingon B'Rel class birds or prey living up to their class nicknames "Focus all fire on those two Klingon ships, and fire at will" Kaoru called before Anil could issue the very same order himself The Intrepid's full arsenal of wepons slammed into the Klingon ships and destoyed them "Ever considered a career as an Executive Officer?" Anil asked Kaoru, a hint of truth in his humor She simply grinned and turned her attention back to the battle "Lieutenant Nox - continue previous tactical pattern - we have to get past these ships" Anil demanded, as the Intrepid rocked and consoles sparked from another retalatory attack from the ships ahead of them. He watched a small number of Klingon/Cadassian ships close in on the Runabout and the Intrepid Reply anyone |
Posted by: Charles Nox Jan 4 2006, 11:19 PM |
"Lieutenant Nox - lay down cover fire for the Runabout with the phasers" Anil called Lieutenant Nox nodded in aknowledgement, clearly already working on the relevant firing pattern The captain started to speak with Doctor Ele. Nox just kept working away at his terminal. His fingers flying over the buttons trying to move faster than there enemies. There was a impact rocking the ship violently. "Dang it..." He swore underneath his breath. He was so infused with what was going on in front of them that he missed the Klingon ships coming in. That was stupid. He couldn't belive he done that. "Report!" Anil demaned "Two Klingon K'tinga class ships just decloaked behind us" Lieutenant Nox reported "Aft quantum torpedoes, Lieutenant - take them out" Anil ordered "Aye, Aye sir." Charles reported and started working away at his console again. This time keeping an eye on everything he could. The viewscreen switched to an aft few, and a volley of Quantum torpedoes slammed into the Klingon ships, which promptly exploded, having no defense against torpedoes which were over two decades more advanced than their technology and hadn't yet been invented in this universe "Captain - the Runabout!" Geo called from the helm The Runabout had continued it's sniping maneuvers, but whilst the Intrepid had been distracted, had found itself with two Klingon B'Rel class birds or prey living up to their class nicknames "Focus all fire on those two Klingon ships, and fire at will" Kaoru called before Anil could issue the very same order himself The Intrepid's full arsenal of wepons slammed into the Klingon ships and destoyed them Charles started to get some of his confidence back. "Lieutenant Nox - continue previous tactical pattern - we have to get past these ships" Anil demanded, as the Intrepid rocked and consoles sparked from another retalatory attack from the ships ahead of them. Charles grew tired of getting hit by there fire. He started working fast he possibly could. He saw another bird of prey trying to close in. Before they could get a shot off he fired a well placed shot at there reactor core. The ship went instantly He placed a 180 degree dispersal on all weapons. Trying to be more flamboyent with his firing stratagy. Protected the ship and the roundabout turned out to be a pretty tough job. NEXT..... |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Jan 5 2006, 12:32 AM |
"Kaoru - with Commander Orlan being on the Runabout, I'd like you to act as my XO as you have done before" he stated, indicating for her to take a seat in the First Officer's chair. "What about Kassan?" Kaoru asked, hoping her reluctance didn't show. "She hasn't reported to the Bridge, and I'm not sure we can rely on her considering her current.... condition anyway" Anil whispered in reply. Kaoru could have kicked herself. She forgot that Kassan was pregnant. Meeting Anil's gaze steadily, she nodded, smiling warmly at him. "Yes sir." Giving her attention to the firefight then, she noted the Nox's proficiency at the weapons array. "Report on the runabout." Kaoru called out. Trusa answered her, "She's taken minimal damage sir, shields are down to 60%, but her systems are fully functional." Nodding in satisfication, Kaoru laughed at Anil's question about being an XO. "XO? My sights are set on your chair, Captain Reyan." Anil laughed at that, "I suppose I should keep an eye on you." Sapphire blue eyes looked towards the Hermekian seated at the helm station. "Someone certainly should." |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Jan 5 2006, 09:53 AM |
Gaia laughed, but then her face changed. "Kaoru, I've been thinking. Well, this has me thinking......I'm just going to be distracted by him. What would you say if I were to not be around anymore?" Kaoru did not understand, "It would be really hard to avoid him completely." "Not if I...... wasn't on this ship? Don't look at me like that! It's easiest for him. He obviously doesn't care and if I don't have to see him everyday.....maybe I can get over him" Kaoru downed the rest of her drink, "I'd be heartbroken if you left." "Some people won't be. I was offered a position a while ago, but it was mostly a desk job so I turned it down, they said it was always open......so maybe now's the time to take them up on it. I haven't told anyone Kaoru, please keep this in confidence." Kaoru looked crestfallen, completely stunned. "Gaia...are you sure...because of Ryan?" Gaia could hear the surprise and shock in her friend’s voice, suddenly she wasn’t so sure. The hurt, the jolt in her heart wasn’t to do with Ryan for once. She felt like she was responsible for Kaoru’s anger, guilt at leaving one of her closest friends because of a man. "How can he even look me in the eye? On the Bridge, we had an argument and it's clear how he feels. I don't want to go, I've been on this ship longer than I can remember! My friends are here, new and old." she said looking at Kaoru and smiling. "it won't be until we get to our own Universe anyway. Which, we don't even know when that'll be." Her reasoning was more to try and convince herself than Kaoru, but even saying it aloud didn’t fully convince her. Kaoru was angrier at Ryan than she could believe, "He's a damn infant...not fit to be XO, if he can't manage to keep things professional." Kaoru’s cheeks were starting to go flushed, somehow Gaia thought that what she said was a moderated version of what she actually had meant. "No, no! It's me who can't keep things professional. Besides, it's only a thought at the moment, the PADD's ready to go, it just depends on whether I go through with it, it has to go through him, so I guess we'll see." Gaia hoped just a little that he would feel similar to Kaoru, perhaps even miss her. "But that's in the future, now, what's in that little black bag of yours?" Gaia feigned a smile, trying to seem that she was okay. Absently, she thought that she had always done that, it was a barrier, but one she always felt she had to put up. Kaoru grinned, pulling the bag towards her, opening it and pulling out more chocolate martini fixings, and a padd with a list of ancient movies. "My mother gave me these files. They're centuries old. You watch them, sort of like plays, but they're not live. It's kind of hard to explain." Gaia looked confused, "So, these things.....they're like the teley-vision?" The word felt strange on her tongue, she had heard of the like, but the excitement of actually seeing these old movies was overwhelming. "Guess what I have?" Gaia brought out some face masks she was given, but had discarded until now "They're supposed to do wonders for the skin. I have kept them, but never used them. Hey! we could have our own old fashioned sleepover!" Kaoru grinned, "Perfect! And yes, they're like television." She sat up, excited. "We could have pedicures too...I'll replicate foot massagers for while we watch the movies." “I think for once, I’m going to forget all about men for one night and pamper myself. It’s all the better because I’m with one of my closest friends.” Gaia smiled and just hugged Kaoru, it really was going to be a girl’s night in! Suddenly, the red alert sounded. Gaia's gaze met Kaoru's and they shared the same look, obviously their sleepover would have to wait until such time as there was no more danger threatening the ship and all inside her. Gaia longed to be where the action was, but she knew that Keldorn had things under control. "Go, we can finish this another time. Just do me one favour." "What's that?" "Make sure you look after Ryan for me. But something tells me it'll be more like a mother looking after her son than an XO and an officer." Gaia smiled knowing her friend would know she meant it as a joke. But the glint in Kaoru's eyes, Gaia wondered if she wasn't going to take her statement literally. Sorry it's taken so long for me to post, the library has been closed over the Christmas holidays. Sorry again guys. |
Posted by: Hawku Jan 7 2006, 06:46 PM |
~ ~ ~ Runabout ~ ~ ~ The Runabout headed for the break in the formation, attempting to bypass the enemy-- but a sudden B'Rel class Klingon ship flew up directly blocking thier path. Aeon was forced to full-stop the tiny-ship for at least a second. "Crap!" Looking out the window's, both Aeon and Orlan could see a small number of Mirror Cardassian/Klingon ships closing in around them at nearly all angles. While dodging the odd torpedo, Aeon was forced to back the Runabout toward a bunch of burning ship's and the Intrepid. "Argghhh," Aeon gritted his teeth in anger. "Those godamm---!!!" "Watch, it Lieutenant," Orlan warned as he stared out the window aswell. "Sorry, sir," Aeon replied quickly and sincerely. Another Klingon B'Rel ship flew up beside the one infront of them and were both destroyed by torpedo fire from the Intrepid behind! Aeon and Orlan used this chance to act, as a confusion of two-sourced debris and burning plasma spread like two blooming flowers in front of them. Aeon flew the Runabout right through the debris to a bunch of Cardassian Galor ships behind, pumping phaser after torpedo after phaser into the three or four ship's upon pass. Two of the Cardassian ships lost partial shields while they attempted to take out the incessant vessel with aft disruptors. The Runabout was hit once or twice admist an attempt at turning around for a second attack. The momentum of being hit helped the rotation, but lowered an already lowered shield strength. Shields are down to 50%, Aeon noticed on the panel, knowing that Orlan knew the same thing. If this were our Universe, we'd be dead by now. Thier ships' defense systems suck! He said in his head, using a slang-term he had learned from one of his aquired Holodeck programs. In that second, Aeon glanced at the Commander, noticing his distant gaze. It looked like Commander Orlan's mind was drifting in the heat of battle; as if something emotional suddenly came to him. "Commander? Commander!" Orlan almost shook his head to snap out of it and noticed he was still with Aeon. "I'm going in!" Aeon said more determined. Orlan caught on as Aeon sped toward the three Cardassian ships. As the Runabout passed by them, Orlan fired torpedoes into the two Cardassian ships' hulls, blowing the two open sides and sending debris out into space. The third Cardassian ship's shield's caught the debris and dropped offline. --But the Runabout was too far into the Klingon B'Rel debris from before, to turn around and get them. The Runabout flew out the now thinned B'Rel debris and near the Intrepid. Other Klingon ships were exploding around the Intrepid from thier fire, causing Aeon the need to dodge confusing debris as quickly as possible. "Argh!" The Runabout ducked a giant Klingon Nacelle, but then hit an actual Klingon Soldier who immediately incinerated on thier shields. He flew the Runabout up and as high as possible, out from the debris to catch his breath and re-realize his positioning. "Ugh! Man, I've really got to watch where I'm going." "Yeah, flying into battle is one thing, but flying into explosions is another," Orlan said with partial sarcasm. Aeon nodded in agreement. "It looks like we've knocked off half the ships already," he noticed on his sensors. "Unbelievable. We really are going to defeat this whole Fleet," Orlan said as he checked the sensors for himself. "But our shields are down to 38-percent." Aeon checked that too, "That's plenty of percent." The remark surprised both him and Orlan. Just ten minutes ago, Aeon was fearing for his life, and now he was craving to get back in. Aeon didn't believe it, but something in him led him to feel as if the Klingon and Cardassian ship's weren't just their enemies, but personal enemies of his he had to defeat. Man, I'm feeling some scary Human instincts right now, he thought to himself. I'd better watch it. "Heh," Orlan replied, impressed by his attitude. "That's what I like to hear." Aeon smirked as a Bird of Prey uncloaked and began to circle them. It was the same one that had been following the Intrepid earlier... the one that had been preying and watching them. Aeon sped the tiny-ship downwards in space for the next attack. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Jan 9 2006, 01:48 AM |
Charles pulled up the sensor readings for the roundabout. "SIR, The shields for the roundabout are down to 38%." Charles read off. Sending a couple of more torpeado's towards some more of those Klingon vessels. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Jan 9 2006, 11:49 AM |
The report of the Runabout's shields being so low was certainly one of concern, but Reyan also noticed that, between them, the Runabout and the Intrepid were slowly opening a hole in the blockade "Mr Nox - advise the Runabout to fall back" Reyan ordered The viewscreen suggested that the Runabout had received the message, as it darted away from the small fleet and slipped behind the Intrepid "Lieutenant Nox, give it all we've got!" Reyan ordered Lieutenant Nox did exactly as he was told, and Anil and Karou watched torpedoes and phaser fire tear into the enemy fleet. Some of their ships exploded, and some darted away from the Intrepid's display of power, and the Intrepid swept through the gap that had been created by the fleeing ships "Warp 9, now!" Reyan called to Geo, who already had the command pending in the helm computer The Intrepid burst to warp, leaving the enemy fleet behind, and unable to catch the speed-superior Intrepid "Excellent work everyone" Reyan stated "Now, let's see if we can finnish this mission and find a way out of this backward universe" he finnished |
Posted by: Charles Nox Jan 9 2006, 02:08 PM |
"Mr Nox - advise the Runabout to fall back" Reyan ordered The viewscreen suggested that the Runabout had received the message, as it darted away from the small fleet and slipped behind the Intrepid "Lieutenant Nox, give it all we've got!" Reyan ordered "Aye sir, been waiting on that order all day." Nox replied. *Finally I can cut the ole girl loose.* Nox thought to himself. He set all the ships in the blockade in the coordinates in the computer. He set it to keep firing until he cut the sequence. He stood and watched his handy work on the screen. Ships were exploding and running into each other. On the outside he watched coldly. On the inside tho he was jumping whooping and hoolering. Tho some did seep out. A smile of satisfation crossed his face knowing that he had done a very good thing. He hadn't been a compitent member of the crew till now. He had finally arrived at the big show and he was happy about it. *Good old dad would he proud* He thought to himself. After all the ships were exploding and preoccupied with there own problems he cut the firing sequence. "Warp 9, now!" Reyan called to Geo, who already had the command pending in the helm computer The Intrepid burst to warp, leaving the enemy fleet behind, and unable to catch the speed-superior Intrepid "Excellent work everyone" Reyan stated "Now, let's see if we can finnish this mission and find a way out of this backward universe" he finnished Charles set everything to a passive scan. He knew the era of the ships they had seen thus far would be picked up very quickly. *They had there own aura about them.* He thought to himself. |
Posted by: Hawku Jan 10 2006, 01:41 AM |
Lieutenant Aeon and Commander Orlan stepped out the Runabout as it lay in the middle of the Intrepid's Shuttle Bay. The fighting had finally ceased, giving way to a certain level of shock in Aeon. It's... it's over? To the Commander, Orlan seemed unfazed. As they stepped out, Orlan nodded simply to Aeon and said, "Good work, Lieutenant." - and then he walked past, toward the arriving medics and bay-doors. Aeon was left standing next to the open Runabout, staring off into the distant vastness of the Shuttle Bay. "So I guess it's over," he said. "For moment there I really thought we were going to die." As he turned and began walking toward the doors to the hallway, the medics who had finished with the Commander ran over to scan Aeon. The Lieutenant kept walking, as if they didn't even exist, thinking to himself. ...Why am I still alive? - In fact his questioning even delved into extremes. He began thinking, What's my reason for existing? But perhaps that was going a bit too far. Umm, scratch that last one. Why am I still alive? I guess I was so caught up in that battle, I began to wrap my existence around it. Man, I had no idea I could lose myself like that. "You're okay, sir!" One of the medics closed his tri-corder and said enthusiastically. "Huh? Oh thanks," Aeon looked up and luckily remembered to smile politely. Aeon left the Shuttle Bay and checked his on-board messages at a control panel. One of them notified him that Geo had been handling the Helm and so he didn't need to return to the Bridge right away. Lieutenant Aeon decided to return to his Quarters for some much needed uniform changing. |
Posted by: Charles Nox Jan 11 2006, 10:32 PM |
Charles looked at his screen. "Captain the roundabout is secure. From looks of reading Mr. Orlan and Mr. Aeon are ok. They should be up to the bridge momentarily." Charles said reading off of his screen. ooc: sorry so short. usually i have a longer post but I am at a lack for words. I dont want to take away from Anil's and Ryan's awesome storyline. |
Posted by: Gaia Moore Jan 13 2006, 06:58 AM |
Gaia awoke from the sleep she was in to find her support units gone. For a moment, she thought she was dreaming, pinching herself she winced and rubbed her arm. Memo to self, don't pinch so hard next time! She laughed at that thought, but it felt good to have those things off her legs. She swivelled to put her feet on the floor, indulging in the sensation she could feel in her feet, wiggling her toes, she prepared to stand up. Muscles tensed and strained as she stood and, for the first time she didn't fall over which was a welcome change. Balance gained, Gaia walked to the replicator and ordered an isotonic energy drink. She planned on going to visit Reefs in Engineering, make sure her personnel weren't slacking off in her absence. They better not be slacking or they're going to wish they never passed Starfleet selection! she thought to herself and nodded reaffirming the statement to herself. Gaia walked slowly to the bridge, she wanted to make the detour to stabilise herself walking with no aids. That and to see how Kaoru and the others were getting on. She hadn't heard from her friend for a while now. Getting to the bridge, she looked around, it was full of activity and sure enough, there was Kaoru. She smiled to herself and entered the turbolift stating Engineering as her destination. Gaia was hoping to go unoticed for the time being. She should after all still be taking it easy, even though she could walk properly again. She felt like she had to learn to walk all over again, but she was determined to make it look natural, her legs were just a little stiff that was all. The turbolift doors opened to the corridor leading to Engineering. During that short walk, she could feel her heart beating furiously, wondering what she would find. Even though she knew Reefs had it covered, PADDs of information weren't the same as seeing it with your own eyes. Gaia soon reached the doors, as they parted she found a hive of activity and right in the middle of it stood Reefs. He looked up to see who could be coming through the doors at this time, seeing Gaia he came over. "Ma'am, surprised to see you here" She wasn't sure if it was concern that tinted his voice, or disappointment, it was hard to tell with Reefs. "Well I am the Chief after all. Relax, I just came to check on things, I'm still not 100%, but I'm recovered enough to do some readings and check you're not letting them slack off." She indicated the staff bustling around her, seemingly even more so now that the word had spread that she was there. "Got everything covered, diagnostics up to date and frequent monitoring of the systems is taking place hourly." Gaia took out a PADD that she had been carrying, scanning it again with her sea green eyes. She turned concerned eyes towards her deputy, her brow a little creased. "I was going through the PADDs you gave me when you visited and I noticed that there was an irregularity in the Bussard collectors." She walked with Reefs towards the front Naucelle of the Warp Core. "The electromagnetic fields aren't attracting as much Hydrogen gas as normal, this means, as you know.......that the fusion reactors aren't working to their optimum efficiency level." "Sorting that out as we speak Ma'am, unsure what the problem is at present, but we're close to finding out the cause." "Good, glad to see you saw it too. Now, it's not so much of a problem, but while we're in this Universe, we can use the time to get this ship up to scratch and optimal working efficiency. No telling what the Captain and Ryan have planned next for this ship. I want to be able to keep her together long enough to get back to our own Universe!" |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Jan 16 2006, 01:12 PM |
Engineering buzzed with an energy higher than that of the warp core itself. A cluster of officers was huddled around one of the main terminals, deciphering the screen's output. In the centre of the huddle he could make out two larger forms, moving closer, he could make out hair colour of one and breathing mask on the other. His mind knew who those two were and he wasn't happy, even that sight didn't deter him from his purpose. "I had a feeling I would find you here." "You know me, couldn't stay away for long. So what brings you in these parts Commander?" "Could I have a word?" "You already have my attention." Gaia said professionally. "I ment, alone." "I don't have time commander, I have... things to catch up on." Gaia said, her head spinning to glance around the room as though searching for a way out, obviously finding nothing. "Well, I have been gone awhile..." Ryan remained where he was, he couldn't tear himself away. He couldn't just give up and leave. All he could do is gaze at the woman he loved. She continued to avoid eye contact with him, instead she watched her repair crews go about their duties. "Alright, in here." Gaia said suddenly in a subdued whisper and without a word he followed her into the vertical jefferies tube access room nearest to the enterance of Main Engineering. "Gaia, theres something that I need to -" "Wait, I can't take anymore bomb shells Ryan so if you don't mind I'd rather say what I need to first." Gaia paused and reached into the lining of her uniform's jacket and withdrew a data PADD. "Given the... situation, I should take this to the Captain but I think in all fairness, you should see it first." Gaia slowly guided her hand towards Ryan, the PADD proded him in the chest. He stared down at it curiously before taking it from her grasp. He just held it staring into her eyes, she met his eyes for the first time then and he saw something in them he had only seen once before. When he had almost kissed her but had backed away, it hurt seeing that look again. He opened his mouth to speak, he wanted to tell her how he felt about her when she stopped him. "Ryan, please, this is hard enough as it is. I think you should read that before spouting anything you may regret later." He flipped the PADD over in his hands so the screen faced upwards, his eyes adjusting to the light eminating from the PADD. The words on the first line seemed to glow like bright embers, he couldn't tear his eyes away, they lay transfixed on the contents of what lay in his hands. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The corners of his eyes began to burn as he read the details again and again. The realisation of what Gaia was asking of him had become branded into his heart. His stomach felt shallow and as void as his frazzled mind. "Gaia, don't do this, it isn't fair!" "None of this has been fair Ryan!" "I tried to tell you -" "Tell me what?" "That I wasn't ready." "How long have we known each other Ryan? Look at what we have been through together. I would have thought that would account for something. You should have been able to just tell me." "Maybe... Yeah." Ryan paused, his irritation was starting to simmer to the surface once again. "Dammit! I can't let you do this!" "Kaoru said it would be this way..." "What?" Ryan hissed. "You spoke to her about this - ah, I see. She suggested to you that running away would solve everything." "No, she didn't. Ryan, it was my decission." "If that is how you feel about it, then I guess I can't persuade you can I?" "I'm sorry. It's just easier, I mean you..." Gaia said, breaking the few minutes silence that had gathered between them, she tilted her face downward and her voice faded away. When she lifted her head again and spoke he could barely hear her words. "What was it you wanted to say to me?" Ryan didn't respond for a moment. He felt his beating heart quicken it's pace, his scalp prickle with a faraway mixture of fear, excitement and supressed rage. How could he tell her now? She'd just made her feelings clear... she'd changed her mind about him. Is that possible, so quickly? She wants to know for sure... "I just wanted to... to see how you were couping..." He waffled. "you know, with what happened on the last away mission." "Kaoru says I should be one hundred percent by the end of the week." "Oh, right, thats great news." Ryan responded, but he didn't sound as enthusiastic as the words warrented. "I should get back to the Bridge." "Yeah." She said distractedly. Ryan paused in the open doorway, looked over his shoulder at her one last time. Gaia's head was bent down again, her hands vigorously dusting off her uniform. She'd obviously wanted to avoid looking him in the eyes again. Maybe she was right about one thing, maybe it was easier this way... The Bridge was filled with the usual sounds of beeping and low level chatter between the repair crews, a usual symptom of a starship that had recently been into battle. Ryan had never yet felt more alone than he did now. He'd somehow managed to loose his best friend in the universe. The only friend that had been there for him during the repercussions he'd had to face due to the Maquis. He stepped down into the Command area of the Bridge. Kaoru had seated herself in his chair during his absence. Surely she had had some part to play in Gaia's decission to transfer to another ship once we return to our own universe... "It would seem your away mission was a success, Commander." "Lieutenant Aeon should take the credit for that one. His service record doesn't do his piloting skills justice." Ryan said, trying hard to disguise the dark cloud of provocation hovering low over his head. Kaoru pushed her self to her feet and began climbing the few stairs to the rear level of the Bridge. "I'll be in Sickbay, no doubt I have more patients to treat as a result of this latest onslaught." Ryan watched her make her way to the turbo lift, his eyes filled with suspicion and contempt. Once the doors had closed and the Doctor had vanished he sat down in his chair. "She's ruined my groove!" He grumbled. OOC: Thanks Kaoru, I worked hard on establishing that groove. ![]() ![]() REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Jan 16 2006, 04:39 PM |
The Intrepid finally dropped out of warp, on final approach to the planet which transpired to be Iconia And Anil found himself staring at the image now displayed on the viewscreen Iconia was somthing of a legend in their universe, and despite the fact that they were in the Mirror-universe, the sight of the legendary planet was still an breathtaking sight Anil turned to Ryan, who looked troubled - a matter Anil decided that he would address later "Ryan - arrange an away team to beam down there to search for the key" Anil asked his XO Ryan checked his console ![]() ![]() Shortly, the Officers whom Ryan had summonded gathered in the Ready room, stood in front of the Captain'd desk, with Anil and Ryan stood behind the desk "As you have no doubt noticed, we are in orbit of Iconia - this universe's Iconia. The reason that I have called you here is that we have reason to beleive that there is a Karcsis Key down there" Anil explained, stopping to allow Ryan to continue "You have been selected to beam down to the surface and locate that key - as soon as it is found, it is to be transported to the Intrepid" Ryan finnished "Assemble in transporter room 2 in one hour" Anil ordered, and then dismissed them Anil made his way back to the bridge, and sat, but was quickly approached by counsllor Rain "Captain - a quick word?" she asked "What's on your miind, Counsellor?" Anil asked "Well, I heard through the grapevine that you've arranged an away mission - I would like to accompany the team, Sir" she stated "On what grounds?" Anil asked "Well, to be honest, I'm thinking more for Jakob's benefit - I've been working with him, and he's doing very well, psyhically and mentally, but he has spent so much of his life aboard a Starship that he's scarely ever actually been to the surface of a planet. It would do him a great deal of good to breath fresh air, and expend some of the pent up energy that he has" she continued "The holodeck....." Anil started to say, but stopped, knowing what the answer would be "Is no subsitute for the surface of a planet - permission granted" Anil finnished, smiling An hour later "The away team is safely on the surface, Captain" Lieutenant Nox reported "Thankyou Lieutenant - keep an eye out for any sign of Alliance ships whilst we are here - I don't think for a second we've seen the last of them" Anil replied "Aye Sir - and for the record - neither do I" Lieutenant Nox replied Anil leaned toward Ryan, and lowered his voice "This key shouldn't take long to find - our people know what to look for, from studying the key's that we already have" Ryan agreed, and they waited for a reply from the away team, which came quickly ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Transport complete" Lieutenant Nox reported At that moment, the bridge lights flickered, and then went out, only to power up again seconds later "Report!" Ryan demanded "Brief power fluctuation Sir - all decks, all systems" Lieutenant Sith reported from the Helm "Sir - transporters are offline" Lieutenant Nox called desperately "Get them back, NOW!" Anil shouted "Captain - the main deflector is being pumped full of chronitons - it can't hold them all!" Ryan exclaimed "Transporters!" Anil called again, having heard Ryan, but more concerned about the officers who were still on the surface "Chroniton release in 3 - 2 - 1" Ryan shouted The viewscreen filled with a blinding white light, and the sensation of being thrown foward resulted in anyone stood up on the bridge being thrown to the floor And then........... nothing Iconia was displayed on the viewscreen, floating majestically in space as it had been moments before "Lieutenant Sith, report" Anil demaned, as he stared at the viewscreen There was a long pause, several officers and crew having to make their way back to their stations "We're at the same co-ordinates - but we've returned to our own time" he reported "And our own universe?" Ryan asked "No sir - same universe, but our own timeframe" Lieutenant Sith replied "Captain - I've scanned the surface of the planet - no lifesigns, but signs of a makeshift settlement and reading at least one commbadge" Lieutenant Nox advised "The away team?" Ryan asked "If it was, they are not there now, and will have aged somewhat too" Lieutenant Sith said, turning to face Anil and Ryan "You should have beamed team A up first, and then team B with the key, Anil - we've abanonded them in the past of this backwater universe - I'm sure you can imagine what'll happen if the Klingon/Cardassian alliance get hold of them!" Ryan snapped Anil paused for a moment, not certain of an adequate reply "Ryan - I admit, it was a mistake, and it's one I'll probably have to live with for the rest of my days - but you will NOT address me in that way on the Bridge. Understood?" Anil replied, speaking in an intense tone, too quiet and low for anyone else to overhear Ryan simply frowned "We need to find out why the damned Karcsis transported us to our own time, but not our own universe" he complained "Experience suggests that the only times that the Karcsis has acted in that manner is when it has located one of it's keys" Anil said thoughtfully "Begin long-range scans" Anil ordered |
Posted by: Charles Nox Jan 16 2006, 06:31 PM |
"The away team is safely on the surface, Captain" Lieutenant Nox reported "Thankyou Lieutenant - keep an eye out for any sign of Alliance ships whilst we are here - I don't think for a second we've seen the last of them" Anil replied "Aye Sir - and for the record - neither do I" Lieutenant Nox replied Anil leaned toward Ryan, and lowered his voice "This key shouldn't take long to find - our people know what to look for, from studying the key's that we already have" Ryan agreed, and they waited for a reply from the away team, which came quickly "Ensign Hersae to the Intrepid - we've found the item buried in the sand - we've set up some transport pattern enhancers around it - team A is ready to beam up" "Standby for transport" Anil replied "Transport complete" Lieutenant Nox reported At that moment, the bridge lights flickered, and then went out, only to power up again seconds later "Report!" Ryan demanded "Brief power fluctuation Sir - all decks, all systems" Lieutenant Sith reported from the Helm "Sir - transporters are offline" Lieutenant Nox called desperately "Get them back, NOW!" Anil shouted "Captain - the main deflector is being pumped full of chronitons - it can't hold them all!" Ryan exclaimed "Transporters!" Anil called again, having heard Ryan, but more concerned about the officers who were still on the surface "Chroniton release in 3 - 2 - 1" Ryan shouted The viewscreen filled with a blinding white light, and the sensation of being thrown foward resulted in anyone stood up on the bridge being thrown to the floor And then........... nothing Iconia was displayed on the viewscreen, floating majestically in space as it had been moments before "Lieutenant Sith, report" Anil demaned, as he stared at the viewscreen There was a long pause, several officers and crew having to make their way back to their stations Charles mind felt fuzzy a moment much like he did when he ended up aboard that other ship. He was on the deck leaned up agains the console. A trickle of blood ran down the side of his head. The only thing he could figure is that he was standing at this station and with the bright light it had knocked him to the floor. He could see at the edge of the console where his head had hit and his blood was on it from the impact. His head pounded like a bass drum he couldn't shake it off or it would make the headache even worse. He wiped the blood from his head with his hand and cleaned his hand off on the trousers of his uniform. He could hear the helmsman and the captain talking. One of the science officers that came out a bit better helped him up. "Are you ok Lt. Nox." He asked. "Yeah, just a little fuzzy." He was still fuzzy headed but he stood his post and began scanning the planet. "Captain - I've scanned the surface of the planet - no lifesigns, but signs of a makeshift settlement and reading at least one commbadge" Lieutenant Nox advised "The away team?" Ryan asked "If it was, they are not there now, and will have aged somewhat too" Lieutenant Sith said, turning to face Anil and Ryan "You should have beamed team A up first, and then team B with the key, Anil - we've abanonded them in the past of this backwater universe - I'm sure you can imagine what'll happen if the Klingon/Cardassian alliance get hold of them!" Ryan snapped Charles head was pounding from Ryan yelling at Anil right in front of him. He put his hands on his ears to muffle it wasn't having quite the effect that he was hoping for. The same science officer saw him. "Lt. Nox are you sure your ok." The science officer spoke trying to get the attention of the Captain and XO. "Please dont yell." Nox said quietly to him. "Just....please...dont yell...I have a very bad headache from my fall. "We need to find out why the damned Karcsis transported us to our own time, but not our own universe" he complained "Experience suggests that the only times that the Karcsis has acted in that manner is when it has located one of it's keys" Anil said thoughtfully "Begin long-range scans" Anil ordered Nox didn't answer the captain. The science officer stood beside him and answered for him. "Long range scans began sir." he answered before nox could get anything out. Charles let the console support his weight. He was hurting. He felt weak. His head was starting to bleed again. Anil turned to figure out why Nox wasn't the one that answered. The science officer spoke. "I think Lt. Nox needs to go to sickbay. He took a nasty fall in the time jump." The science officer spoke. It didn't matter the volume now. Everything sounded muffled. Charles collapsed to his knees. He could tell there was a commotion around him but couldn't tell what it was. His vision got very fuzzy. Hearing was very very dismal. Like at the very far end of a tunnel. "Help me..." is all he could get out and collapsed. Everything went black......He couldn't see....He could barley tell there was people moving about him and his head hurt very badly. |
Posted by: Kith-Areth Jan 17 2006, 12:45 AM |
Dreams...dreams have a funny way of alternating between logical certainty and perplexing paradox. One might wonder in such a subjective form of existence we exist in that we might in fact be dreaming and the dreams we have are glimpses into reality our rational mind dispenses with. Our dreams give us glimpses of who we are, of memories long since past, of time in the future, in the past, in present times we cannot begin to imagine. Then again, nightmares have a way of starting innocuously enough with the familiar... ///:USS Crazy Horse:\\\ ? Time was generally relative in space, the keeping to such arcane ideas as "3 o' clock" or "half past 1" had very little meaning in the cold depths of the void. Standard regulations had time measured in the far more precise calculations of stardates. According to this particular date, it was time for him to get up, a few hours before his shift was due to begin on the bridge. Lieutenant Kith-Areth had had rather disturbing dreams as of late, mostly relating to a past he had hoped Terra would have dispensed with. After all, the refugees had been promised a new home, a place away from the unrelenting machine hive that had plagued his people for several centuries. There were few of them left now, scattered among the other races like seeds in the wind. The wind blew, and he merely followed its currents. He sat up, his weary eyes glancing to the desk besides his bed. It was a simple matter to manage to drag his feet to the replicator, and call up a mug of hot chocolate. Chocolate made one's perspective much, much more tolerable. He intoned and stared out at the depths of space: "Hot chocolate, ceramic mug, sugar." Space had always called to his people, the subtle time-space flows were like waves one sailed across. Unfortunately, "Here there be monsters" was a lot more apt in the dark... Cradling said mug, he stepped outside into the corridor in a more appropriate uniform. He was Assistant Ops aboard the Crazy Horse, having transferred over from a now doomed ship many stellar cycles ago. No matter, he had some friends aboard his new vessel and one of them would happen to pass by soon enough. He might be tempted to spar in the holodeck (sweat being a wonderful stress reliever) yet for the moment, he was a bit hungry. Sure, he might get a sandwich and the like from the replicator, but one starved sometimes for conversation as well. His mind was a morass of trivial details, which in itself was quite odd. He sensed....nothing, nothing at all. A cold mechanical certainty fell over the ship, and this bothered him to a degree he did not think it would. Emotions that should be spilling out of the walls, every hope and dream, now lay dormant. He could detect only one single emotion, and that was some manner of...curiosity? Well, to his own form of the emotion, he would succumb and indulge in his curiosity. A turbolift carried him up and into the mess/bar area of sorts, where he would take his seat. He sat alone as was his habit, though his eyes glanced about at all the people around him. Nothing, no feelings at all? They laughed, and yet....nothing? "Subject is male, age undetermined. Racial qualifications seem standard for proposed mission parameters. Prior incidents provide logical manipulation hook to draw from. Recommend priority beta-3 for assigned monitor. Be advised, subject exhibits higher than racial norms for esper rating (E). This observation proceeds despite objections. Monitor 2, report over." |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Jan 17 2006, 06:38 AM |
Long-range scans had yet to reveal anything, and the Intrepid stood static, waiting for the command to take her crew to an as-yet undecided location "Captain - can I speak to you in private?" Ryan finally stated, breaking a very long period of silence, that had begun shortly after Lieutenant Nox had been sent to sickbay "My ready-room" Anil replied The two officers strode into the ready room - Anil started to make his way toward his chair, but before he got there, Ryan spoke "Captian - I have to say, I'm starting to think that Doctor Ele was right - the Karcsis is a death-trap" Ryan said bitterly Anil did not turn aroud to face him "You know, I thought that it was just coincidental. I didn't want to think that the Karcsis was so.... deadly. I wanted to think that it was bad timing on our part. But we've lost good men and women because of that thing. It seems to have some kind of built-in intelligence that cares about nothing other than the mission that it has been programmed to complete" Anil said quietly "We should get rid of it" Ryan replied Anil turned to face his XO "I agree - as soon as we return to our universe, we'll set course to the nearest Starbase and tell Starfleet that it's all theirs" Anil stated Reply Commander Orlan |
Posted by: Ryan Orlan Jan 17 2006, 10:16 AM |
"How many more people can we afford to loose? At this rate there won't be a crew to get home." Ryan paused and picked up the data PADD off Anil's desk. "Dolton, Modisette, Trusa, Rain, Ryder, Joval... should I continue?" Ryan tossed the PADD back down with enough force that it clattered and skidded across the desk. Anil watched it spin ominously towards the edge of the desk. "Dammit Ryan - you know I agree - but we can't just leave it in this universe." "Frankly Captain I'm tired of doing whats right." He said, unintentionally raising his voice with each word. "First we help Fallax's crew, we loose crew, we continue to follow protocol - well doing whats right and by the book hasn't got us a damned thing!" "Sitdown Commander." The Captain ordered venomously. "We're not just loosing crew - we're loosing friends." Ryan leaned back in the chair. "Kassan could be next." "Enough." Anil said quickly, but his tone had rappidly become subjugated. "We just can't leave the Karcsis here, not because it could impact apon this universe, but because I think we still need it to get home." "I see." "But when we do return I'll be more than willing to hand it over to Starfleet - Cartel wanted it originally, he can have it." Ryan didn't answer, he simply nodded. The Captain was right, they may need it to get back. Atleast it would be a nice gift for Admiral Cartel. Ryan thought and almost grinned at the idea. "If thats another report I don't want to know about it." Anil sighed. He suddenly realised that Anil was staring at the PADD in Ryan's hand; the same PADD that Gaia had given to him. "Transfer request," Ryan swallowed and diverted his eyes away from Anil. "Gaia wants to leave the Intrepid." "That explains a few things." "Bidding for Councellor Rain's job already?" Ryan turned his eyes back on Anil and sighed heavily. "I'm sorry Captain. She's been a friend for many years. I don't understand why she would want to throw that away." "I wouldn't have had to be a telepath to realise that there has some conflict between you both." Anil said warmly. "It is a part of being Captain to know where your crew is in destress." When Ryan didn't reply the Captain continued. "Women are one the universe's greatest mysteries, if we always understood why they did things we may find our curiosity in them, challanged." At that moment the door chime of the Ready Room sounded and instinctively Anil summoned the visitor on the other side to come in. Ryan craned his neck to see who had entered the room. To his surprise Kassan stood just inside the door way, her gaze trained on Anil. "I was just leaving." Ryan said getting to his feet and striding towards the exit, but stopped along side Kassan. He lowered his voice so that only she could hear what he had to say. "I thought I smelt the combination of fear and baby powder." REPLY ANYONE |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Jan 17 2006, 03:42 PM |
Kaoru would like to start off this post with a big 'I told you so' to Ryan and Reyan ![]() Kaoru was in her office when the ship lurched forward, she was thrown against her desk, smacking her cheek on the smooth surface, muttering to herself as she pushed herself upright. "I am getting so sick and tired of that." "Report!" Striding out into the sickbay, she helped up Lark, who had gotten a rather nasty cut on her shoulder. "Reports coming in doctor, mild traumas, contusions." Kaoru nodded, "Gervace, you and Grant take medkits down to Engineering, those people wouldn't come to sickbay if their heads fell off." "Yes sir." The two shouldered medkits, leaving sickbay for engineering. Kaoru was treating Lark's nasty cut when Nox was brought in. He was transferred to a biobed, one of the nurses reading Kaoru his vitals, explaining his symptoms. "Sounds like a concussion." Kaoru finished Lark's dressing and moved to the biobed where Nox lay, leaning over and opening his eyes one a time, shining a light on his pupils to check their dilation. They were unresponsive, one was widely dilated, the other a pinpoint. "Definitely a concussion...2 ccs of Inpedrezine, and a cortical stimulator." The hypospray of Inpedrezine was handed to her, and she administered it, setting up the cortical stimulator as well, resting the small silver device on Nox's pale temple. "Notify me when he wakes." It should take no more than an hour for the drug to work, and the cortical stimulator to alleviate the swelling in his skull. She left then, for the bridge, stepping off the turbolift just as Kassan entered the ready room, watching Ryan exit. Sighing, she approached Ryan, she would have preferred to speak to Anil, but she did not want to interrupt him and Kassan. "Commander, what just happened?" Ryan seemed as reluctant to speak to her as she was to him, "There was a chroniton release. We are back in our time now, but still in the Mirror Universe." Kaoru nodded, knowing there was more, Ryan was too morose for there not to be. "And?" "And, doctor." he snapped at her, "We lost the away team when we time shifted, they were still on the surface of the planet." He turned towards the viewscreen. Kaoru inhaled softly, "How many?" "Seven, including Jakob." Ryan couldn't look at her, he was too angry still. "But Reyan and I have agreed, you're right, the Karcis is a death trap, we're returning it to the nearest starbase when we get back to our universe. You've gotten your way doctor." "My way?" She did not appreciate his tone, or his implication. "What about this entire mission has been my way, Ryan?" His jaw tightened, "Gaia's transfer...I'm sure you're pleased about that." His tone was acidic, his eyes turning towards her at last. "You idiot..." Her fists clenched, "I'll be heartbroken if she leaves. You're the one to blame for that." Oh...and sorry for messing with your groove Ryan ![]() |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Jan 17 2006, 05:26 PM |
Anil's heart skipped a beat as Kassan entered the ready-room, and as Ryan was leaving he whispered somthing to her, causing her to grin The ready-room doors whispered closed behind Ryan, and Kassan walked slowly foward, clutching a padd Anil groaned "Why is everyone bringing me padd's today?" he asked "Because your love of paperwork is legendary" Kassan replied "Damn this ship's overworked rumor-mill" Anil countered, smiling broadly He took the padd from Kassan. and began reading the contents And when he had finnished reading, he looked up at her disbelievingly "Kassan - I know this pregnancy has come as a shock to you, but to step-down as Chief Tactical/Security officer?" he stated, the upset evident in his tone of voice "Anil - Captain - I don't feel that I can perform my duties to the level that is required whilst I am in this..... condition" she replied, not willing to meet his gaze "Kassan - Commander - there is no reason to assume that you can't perform your duties simply because you are pregnant" Anil continued desperately "Anil..... I've spoken to Doctor Ele..." she paused, seeming to find it hard to find the words. Anil said nothing, waiting patiently for her to continue "Doctor Ele has advised me that Trill and Bajoran's are not quite as compatable as is generally beleived..... there is a 69% chance of a complication with this pregnancy - with our baby" she explained, sounding understandably upset Anil, lost for words, simply stared at her for a moment, before taking a deep breath "What kind of complications?" he asked, although he was not certain that he wanted to know "Doctor Ele didn't want to elaborate - she said that we should cross that bridge if the time comes" Kassan replied Anil stood, and walked over to the viewport, and stared for a moment at the majestic planet hanging majestically in space, silent, serene, it's secrets it's own He turned to face Kassan, trying to fight back the stinging sensation in his eyes "You do realise that I have to give the senior post to Lieutenant Nox, and when you do decide to return to duty, it could mean a demotion, and will almost definitely mean that you will serve in a assistant capacity" Anil advised her, no enthusiasm in his voice "I understand that, Sir" she replied "In that case, permission granted - for the log, I hereby releive Lieutenant-Commander Kassan Xandra from active duty, at the personal request of the named Officer - request granted due to suppporting medical issues" Anil stated Kassan managed a small smile "Thankyou Anil" she told him "Go and rest, Kassan - I promise I'll come and see you as soon as time permits" Anil advised Kassan simply nodded and left ![]() ![]() Lieutenant Nox quickly entered, which Anil assumed was because of the fact that he had been allowed to return to duty on the bridge "You wanted to see me, Captain?" the young Lieutenant asked Anil walked over to the replicator and entered a command, and, unbenknownst to Lieutenant Nox, two small boxes materalised "Lieutenant - I have to say that I've been consistently impressed with your ability and performance of your duty - the reason I called you here is that the Chief Tactical/Security Officer has relinquished her position, and I would like to offer you the position of Chief Tactical/Security Officer, if you want it" Anil explained "I would be honoured and privilaged, Sir" Nox replied "In that case, I hereby promote you to the position of Chief Tactical/Security Officer, with the rank of Full Lieutenant, and all the rights and privilages assigned to the rank" Anil stated, handing Nox the small box, which contained a single, gold, rank-pip. He shook Lieutenant Nox's hand and then dimissed the young Officer back to the bridge, and his new duties. Anil then sat himself down, realising that he had a great deal of thinking to do. Reply anyone |
Posted by: Hawku Jan 18 2006, 02:04 AM |
Geo entered the Bridge and relieved Aeon from the Helm. The Lieutenant decided he could use a diversion of sorts, so he made his way to the Holodeck. In the past, Aeon had been quite accomplished at aquiring exotic holo-simulations... especially those inconcievable to Federation computers. His family was in the holographics business, especially the holographic-trades portion. So naturally, he had a few programs he kept with him as standard. In fact, most of them he didn't even run for himself. To Aeon, it was just a natural instinct to own a list of holographic programs... even when he really didn't need them. As Aeon approached Holodeck 3, he began accessing his file. In it, were a bunch of alien to human programs. "...I never even realized-- I haven't ever had a flight simulation program." With the thought entering his mind, he chose his mentor's program and walked into the Holodeck. Inside, was a peaceful Tibetan Temple setting - where distant mountains could be seen, fazed, through open windows. The environment was breathtaking, aswell as serene. "Back for more?" an old man asked, walking over with the help of a cane. Aeon noted his presence and glanced over, "Shikel. I'm... not sure if I feel like it today." "Something distracts you, my pupil. What is it?" The Lieutenant walked to the center of the practice-space, on his way to look out at the mountains. He almost felt as he was going to fight Shikel anyway. "I flew a Runabout into a fleet of Cardassian and Klingon ships." Shikel was shocked, but patiently awaited the conflict. "They were Mirror Universe ships, but I was able to manouver them with incredible accuracy." The old man looked questionably, "For your first time?" "Well, I did fly through three debris clusters, but you know what I mean. --The thing is, I really lost myself in it... Kind of like how I lose myself in here." Shikel stepped closer, "It was inevitible that you would apply your skills in some way to piloting. I don't see the problem." "What if I-- you know, begin to forget this? To loose interest?" Shikel stabbed the cane against Aeon's back, "The human brain does not grow backward, Aeon. You must accept your Helm position, and use it to your advantage. You can learn things there that you cannot learn here." He shoved the end of the stick arrogantly into Aeon's back, provoking him. "Please don't do that," Aeon said, beginning to get annoyed. The hologram continued, "Listen. A man remains one-sided with a single interest." He continued to shove the cane at Aeon. "Stop it - Master Shikel, I'm not in th---" But the hologram shoved even harder, prompting Aeon to take action by ducking under it and spinning around. As Aeon spun around he grabbed the cane, and kicked for Shikel. But Shikel brought up his fore-arm and blocked the kick, while using his other hand to pull the cane in. Aeon was still holding onto the other end, forced to come in, and be introduced to an opposing force-palm. Aeon quickly grabbed Shikel's wrist before he could be hit, and threw it aside so he could counter-attack a jab. "Ugh!" Shikel used his free fore-arm to block and punch-- but Aeon redirected the attack and jabbed again. As the two held onto the cane, they continued to block and punch against the other's free arms with increasing speed. That is, until Shikel saw an opening and successfully force-palmed Aeon in his shoulder. "Ha!" Shikel said as Aeon was sent a few steps back, giving up the cane. Aeon regained his balance and looked up. "Very funny, old friend." "You seem slower on this U.S.S. Intrepid. When we were at Utopia Planitia, you were defeating me at nearly every sparring. Perhaps I do have a chance this time around, to redeem myself." Aeon cracked his neck and took a slight stance. Inching a smile, he began to de-prioritize his previous worry. It was as if his old mentor allowed him to realize how trivial the worry was in the first place. "Oh yeah? Well we'll just see about that." - Now ready to prove himself, once again, Aeon ran for Shikel in another attack. |
Posted by: Geovanie Revolone Jan 18 2006, 01:45 PM |
Geo got to stew over events rather pleasantly, before he was relieved of Alpha Shift and headed down to the Mess Hall. There at least no one directed whether or not he could go on a shift. Too injured to do my duty... he could have cursed three swears in every language at that moment, a pity he knew so little. Still, he ordered some Tarkalean Tea and sat alone at his table, examining the outer portion of the viewport and the stars outside. The Karcsis was an interesting piece of technology, and he felt a familiar tinge to want to see it again. It had been happening quite a bit of late, but these strange incidents that had happened did nothing to clarify events. "You look pretty down," Ensign Locarno grinned at Geo, taking a seat. Locarno was one of those officers that had been assigned to Beta shift before Mr. Sith had taken the position. He was still getting the roster finished for all shifts, but so far Aeon had Beta shift, and Locarno had Gamma shift. "Pretty down is an easy way of putting it," Geo murmured to himself, raising his glass of tea as if any fragrance of liquor were present and he could banging it against Locarno's own -- unlike Geo, Locarno didn't have a shift right away. "Not like back on the Horizon eh?" Locarno had been one of the faithfuls whom -- like Geo -- had transfered to the first ship available, the Intrepid. They were practically brothers in that regard, and Ryan too he chuckled at the thought, but even Ryan made him angry. No one had stuck up for him, his injuries had been too severe. "Shouldn't you be off in the Holodeck or finishing up your reports?" "Reports can wait, nothing beats a good drink," Locarno grinned at the comment, but Geo shook his head and downed the remainder of his tea. "How are you taking your injuries Geo?" The Hermekian almost always loathed being referred to as Sir; he wanted respect, but he didn't want to feel old. "Injuries, Bah!" He waved a hand dismissively; then rose from his seat. "I'm needed on the bridge," he had decided to go and see someone. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ENGINEERING // USS INTREPID ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Get those relays in order," Gaia shouted from somewhere in the depths of the large room, but Geo doubted he could have found him had she not promptly walked over to the main Engineering console and began her work a second time. "Good evening Chief," Geo managed to sound at least slightly cheery, despite his agitated mood towards the entire away mission. "I have lots of work to do," Gaia stated rather matter of factly. "I'm sure you do, so I won't take too long." Geo glanced around Main Engineering, shaking his head at the disarray. Engineers really knew how to organize themselves, yet they couldn't build a console that looked nicer. Smooth.... he chuckled mentally. "Has Ryan spoken to you?" Touchy subject, and she raised her head with an exasperated sigh, looking over her shoulder towards Geovanie. "Has he spoken to you about it already?" She sounded scandalized. "Spoken to me abou--" "... the transfer" Geo's brow quirked in surprise. Okay, next time I see him I am going to hit him. When I meant talk to her I didn't mean make her leave... "Why are you transfering?" "Because I feel like it." "Chief, if you can't honestly carry a decent conversation with civilized company I swear to whatever god or ameoba that you believe in I will throw you out a bloody airlock." They both stared at one another, both glares managing to best one another before the unanimous sigh. "Sorry my nerves are getting to me." "Sorry I'm just not in a good mood." They both stared at one another again, this time letting the silence surround the both of them. It was only broken by the beep that originated from the console she had been working from. "Why are you transfering?" Geo asked again. Gaia continued working on the console, ignoring him for the moment as she tried to get back to work. Hermekians were always a nuisance. Geo sighed easing closer to Gaia and very nearly picking her up before she twitched aside and raised her hands. "Alright, alright! I'm transfering because, because I just feel like I can be better used somewhere else." "So he has talked to you." Geo sighed. "Yes, he made it very clear that he wants me to remain, I'm a competant Engineer." "Nothing else?" "No, I just handed the transfer PADD to him, he tried to tell me to stay because of my Engineering skills and I said no, then asked how I was; happy now? Can I get back to work in peace?" "He didn't say anything else?" "What was he supposed to say!" She didn't yell exactly, but her hiss was a prominent sign of her anger at the moment; either that or the fist that had formed on the console as he looked at Geo. "Wait, you handed the PADD to him right away?" "Yes!" She sounded exasperated again, "I wanted to get things out of the way. Am I being interrogated or something!" "No," was all Geo said, shaking his head. "You honestly can't see past your own eyes can you? Ryan wanted to talk to you about something else, and you just shafted him by handing him a PADD. Are all women the exact same? Morons?" The glares seemed to return, and this time neither one seemed to sigh. "What are you talking about?" She didn't care that she her voice was rising. "Oh honestly, the rest of the ship knows, but you play so hard to get that even a Klingon couldn't chew through all the layers you throw up...." Geo stalked off, "women..." He had his shift right away anyway, and he had to relieve Aeon. ~ ~ ~ ~ BRIDGE // USS INTREPID ~ ~ ~ ~ "Lieutenant," Geo murmured, stepping off the turbolift and glancing towards Ryan and then the assistant Helms Officer. "Sir..." "Call me Geo Lieutenant, or else we might have some difficulties and be less one officer on the ship," both men shared a grin, then Aeon logged off the console station and Geo signed himself in, resetting the controls to how he liked it.. Bloody women... he thought to himself, bringing up the work log to find out what had happened while he had been off duty. His outer rib cage was finally healed nicely, and the inner was knitted just fine. Sincerest appologies everyone, I hope no one is made or thing I'm a cop out for not being on in the longest time. Sorry if I messed up some plots with my post, I am trying to get integrated again. ![]() |
Posted by: Charles Nox Jan 18 2006, 04:25 PM |
Charles woke in sickbay. He figured he had been transferred there when he blacked out. The nurse came and spoke to him. It was somewhat quiet but his hearing was returning to him quickly. "How do you feel Lt." The nurse asked. "Like I have been hit by Klingon." Charles replied "Your vitals are returning to normal. Lets check your balence." The nurse said to him She motioned for him to get up and stand. At first it was a funny feeling but he got his feet back quickly. "Now close your eyes and extend your arms. Fold your arms back in and touch your nose." She asked. He did as he was told. Getting easier by the moment. "Well Lt. you seem to have made a nice recovery from this one. I placing you back on temporary duty. Untill you see Dr. Ele for a checkup." the nurse told him. "Sounds good to me." Charles replied. "Lieutenant Nox to the ready room" Anil called, composing himself - upset as he was, he would not allow his personal life to interfere with his duty Lieutenant Nox quickly entered, which Anil assumed was because of the fact that he had been allwed to return to duty on the bridge "You wanted to see me, Captain?" the young Lieutenant asked Anil walked over to the replicator and entered a command, and, unbenknownst to Lieutenant Nox, two small boxes materalised "Lieutenant - I have to say that I've been consistently impressed with your ability and performance of your duty - the reason I called you here is that the Chief Tactical/Security Officer has relinquished her position, and I would like to offer you the position of Chief Tactical/Security Officer, if you want it" Anil explained "I would be honoured and privilaged, Sir" Nox replied "In that case, I hereby promote you to the position of Chief Tactical/Security Officer, with the rank of Full Lieutenant, and all the rights and privilages assigned to the rank" Anil stated, handing Nox the small box, which contained a single, gold, rank-pip. He shook Lieutenant Nox's hand and then dimissed the young Officer back to the bridge, and his new duties. Charles stepped through the doors. The whispered closed behind him. He looked at the bridge. Ryan was sitting at his chair. He glanced up and saw the new pips on his coller. |
Posted by: Kaoru_Ele Jan 18 2006, 05:46 PM |
Kaoru did not linger long on the bridge. After her confrontation with Ryan she headed back to sickbay, her blue eyes flashing with anger. The nerve of that man....blaming me for Gaia's transfer. Gaia's transfer...the thought brought a whole new set of emotions. She would miss Gaia terribly. Inhaling softly, she exited the turbolift, the sickbay doors whispering open to admit her. "Doctor." A nurse intercepted her. "Nox woke up, and was called to the bridge." "What?" Kaoru was angry. "He's not cleared for duty." Hitting her commbadge button, she spoke, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "What did I do now." Charles said to himself. Ryan just smiled and shook his head at him. He boarded the turbolift and ordered it to main sickbay. Stepping off and walking the corridore he went into sickbay. The nurse showed Charles to a biobed, and Kaoru walked out of her office, nodding in greeting to Nox, "Good to see you awake. How are you feeling?" Her sapphire blue eyes were intent on his, appraising him carefully, skillfully. "Fine, thank you. Sorry I popped out. Had to speak with the captain. He promoted me just a couple of minutes ago." Charles said smiling. Kaoru's smile was warm, genuine, "Congratulations!" Nodding, she offered her hand to shake his, "I saw you on the bridge during the firefight...your promotion is well deserved." She had been in the XO's seat during that. He shook the proffered hand. "Thank you. Sorry to have been such trouble though. Sometimes I think im superhuman the way I run around here all the time. Trying to get things done." Charles said amazed at how friendly she was. A hint of something...anger perhaps...flitted across her sapphire blue eyes. "This mission...has been difficult on all of us. But I'm glad to see your efforts rewarded." Picking up her tricorder, she held it up, beginning to take a few readings. "This won't take long, I promise." "Take all the time you need. Feels good to slow down if only for a moment. From what I hear even with this promtion things will get worse. Long hours...short on sleep. That type of stuff." He said jokingly. Kaoru smiled, blue eyes on her scans, there were many things she wanted to say, but those things were really meant for Reyan and Ryan, "We'd all better slow down soon, or we're going to fly apart." It was all she finally said. "Not if I can help it. I'm the new Chief Tac/Security officer." He said. "I'll try to help engineering keep us together." He said with a smile. That wasn't exactly the sort of flying apart she had meant, but she said nothing, setting the tricorder down, nodding in approval, "Everything looks good...the swelling is gone." Shining a light in his eyes, she examined his pupil's reactions to the light, then tracked the movement of his eye, holding up one finger and moving it back and forth slowly across his field of vision, "Follow my finger, please." He did as he was asked. "You know on the record Doc I was actually told I was temporarily released to duty." Charles said following her finger. She nodded, "I know...I was informed." Stepping back, she smiled, "And now you're cleared for duty, no restrictions. I told you it wouldn't take long." "Well thank you Doctor." Charles said hopping off the bio bed. "Now time to play superhuman again. Run run run. Is there anything else you need me for?" he asked inquisitively. Kaoru shook her head, "Not that I can think of. Sorry for any inconvenience." "None at all. By the way glad to finally make your aqcuaintance." Charles said with a smile and offered his hand. Kaoru shook his hand again, "You as well....and congratulations again Nox. It's well deserved." "Thank you." Charles replied and turned and left the sickbay and went back to the bridge. Watching him leave sickbay, Kaoru turned back to her office, wishing all the interactions she had with the crew were that pleasant. She thought of Kassan. That had been a very hard conversation. She did not think she'd ever forget Kassan's eyes as she listened to what Kaoru had to say. Going back into her office, she went over the reports she had recieved on the away team's examinations after their return, updating the medical records, reminded again of the possibility that Geo might never forgive her. Rising, she left sickbay, going to the mess, ordering an Arcturian Fizz. She had never needed a drink so badly. |
Posted by: Hawku Jan 19 2006, 05:07 PM |
Shikel jumped up and kicked Aeon in the chest, just as Aeon was leaping forward himself. The sudden change in direction knocked Aeon a few feet through the air and then onto the wooden floor. He quickly got to his feet and blocked incoming punches and kicks by a quick and accurate old man. Shikel hopped and spun a kick around to Aeon's face, but in doing so, the foot passed right through. When Shikel landed, he stopped fighting, allowing Aeon to finish a final jab into his chest. Aeon then realized his palm passing through the Hologram's structure and stopped. Panting, and out of breath, Aeon looked up at Shikel, "...What... what happened?" "I don't know," Shikel said, touching his own chest and stomach in curiosity. Aeon caught his breath and scratched his head, "Maybe we're losing power to the Holo-Emitters?" - He turned to walk toward a control panel, stuck to the wall, but stopped in his tracks when Shikel spoke out. "You are slower this time around," the Holographic old man said. "I watched where you were looking, and you saw that kick coming. I'd expect a sixth year student to miss that, but not you." The Lieutenant took a deep breath and thought of a good argurment, "Yeah but--" "No excuses! Although you took some pretty hard falls, I just want to say, you're still good. Excellent work, Aeon." Aeon nodded and smiled to himself, as his back was still facing Shikel. The old man knew Aeon wasn't in pure student status anymore, due to his responsiblities and other priorities, so there was a certain level of taking it easy on him. He had completed the training program after seven to eight years, and now pretty much met with Shikel just because he was used to it. Only this time, he began to notice the mountains in the background flickering; thier true artificial flavour showing through. Aeon turned and glanced at Shikel, both sharing looks of confusion. He turned back and approached the Starfleet control panel on the wall. "Oh man... the program is malfunctioning," Aeon said as he realized it. "I guess I'd better shut if off for now, and see what I can do." Shikel nodded understandinly, "If there is a fatal error in the program, then do what you must do. I've been around for many years... Perhaps my time has come." "Don't worry. It's probably a redundancy-lapse. I'll have you back in no time," Aeon tapped at the panel and ended the program. He feared the idea of being forced to delete the Temple. The room diffused back into the grey mesh and yellow striped cold state it really existed as. Aeon ejected the Holo-Program Chip and took it to his Quarters where he had a device that would pull maintenence on it. |
Posted by: Reyan Anil Jan 21 2006, 08:59 AM |
Anil had remained in his ready room following his meeting with Lieutenant Nox, and had taken the chance to deal with some matters that required his attention - messages that had been recevied from Starfleet prior to the Intrepid's abrupt depature from it's home universe. But, other than a note from Admiral Pesdef at Starfleet Medical regarding Doctor Ele, there was nothing of interest, and he found himself studying the logs of the Captain's who had visited this universe in the past. After a great deal of studying, Anil had come to the conclusion that the account written by Doctor Julian Bashir and Colonel Kira Nerys of Deep Space Nine was the only one that really contained any information that they could use to return the Intrepid home Anil made his way back to the Bridge, and headed straight over to the Helm station, where Aeon was sat, having releived Geo, who was now sat at the science station, moments before "Lieutenant - lay in a course for Bajor, warp 8, and engage" he ordered "Captain - with the damage that we've taken, the best we can manage is warp 3" Lieutenant Sith replied "Best possible speed then, Lieutenant" Anil replied Commander Orlan walked over to him from the rear of the bridge "Bajor?" he asked "Yes, Bajor - the wormhole might be the answer to us getting back to our own universe" Anil replied, making his way to the command chair Ryan looked puzzled, but followed, and they both sat "I've been studying the logs from past visits to this universe - aside from the fact that the Terran's are little more than slaves here and the Cardassian-Klingon Alliance rule, no-one here knows about the wormhole" Anil explained "What good would it be to enter the mirror Gamma Quadrant though?" Ryan asked Anil had to admit that Ryan made a good point, aside from the fact that the vital part of the explaination was missing "Well, the Runabout used by Bashir and Kira had a fluctuation in one of it's warp nacelles - if we can recreate those conditions we should be able to return home, at least in theory" Anil finnished "Well, it's the best option so far - I just don't understand why the Karcsis didn't transport us to our home universe itself" Ryan muttered "Well, at this speed, we'll never get there" Anil complained, as he reached for the comm control on the command console ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anil studied his readouts for asecond ![]() ![]() "Lieutenant Sith - course change - new heading, 213 mark 3, maintain current speed" "Aye Captain" the young Lieutenant replied And within hours, the Intrepid slowly entered the dark, forbidding nebula. Okay - that's it for part one - we'll get part two of this episode underway asap. And may I say, many thanks to all - both posts and posting frequency have been fantastic of late! |
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