Xolani Fleets, 2384 _ USS Meridian, Nebula Class Starship [NCC-58314] _ Unexpected Allies
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jun 18 2006, 06:08 AM
New mission to commence posting herePosted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jun 18 2006, 10:00 AM
Jin blinked once in shock. He hadn't expected Dianna to just drop back to sleep like that. As her head dropped and his acceptance of her being unharmed by it went, he couldn't help but glance over at the Orion female.It was then he noticed that Sarah was waking up.
Sarah now waking up as her body is becoming more active after much time repairing its wounds. She was looking at the ceiling although it hurt to move her body any which way then she looked side to side and spotted a Trill male looking back at her. She smiled.
"Hi, I'm Jin," he said impulsively. It took him a few seconds to realize how informal and dumb that probably sounded so then he said, "I mean-- err, I'm Lieutenant Commander Jin Ryku, the Chief Helmsmen of the Meridian. Heh."
Sarah smiled her usual cute smile at the Trill and slightly chuckled. "I'm Lieutenant Sarah Kerrigan, Meridian's assistant Chief Engineer. Lieutenant Commander." Sarah did a slight salute as she kept her smile. "Pleasure to meet you." She felt now that she was strong enough to sit up.
For some reason, Jin realized he wasn't in the mood for continuing on so formal. In Sickbay, everyone was the same: a patient. He then leaned back against an empty bio-bed, parallel to Sarah's, in relaxation, as she sat up to face him. "The pleasure's all mine. So what you in for?"
"Some burns, got blasted in Engineering before and I believe I was near death." Sarah looked at the Trill and found him quite attractive. She smiled again and it turned into a flirty grin. "Oh but of course the pleasure is all yours sir." She slowly lowered herself to have her feet touching the floor and suddenly began to fall towards Jin.
Before Jin could react, she fell forward. He quickly caught her as she neared, and Sarah was suddenly in his arms. "Oh-- You okay?" She looked up at him as he helped her up slowly, catching a moment of eye contact.
"Oh." She said as she landed in the Trill's arms and she wasn't all that uncomfortable. She found his embrace warming yet once she was back on her own feet she pulled her hands off the attractive helmsman. "Thank you, I'm fine." She said already smiling again at him. "You wouldn't be interested in a drink later on?" She asked leaning back on the biobed.
OOC: been doing this JP in PMs and wanted it not to go to waste.
Joint Post between Lieutenant Commander Jin Ryku
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Jun 18 2006, 08:16 PM
It was not her style to simply fall in bed with someone so quickly, particularly a Starfleet officer, most especially her superior officer. She reflected on that for a full two seconds as she helped Reyan disrobe, falling into bed with him.What happened after...made her glad that she had not second guessed herself and she fell asleep in his arms, warm and comfortable and perfectly at ease.
She slept better than she had in a long while, and woke to his hand on her shoulder, his tone apologetic, a little nervous. Sitting up, she held the sheet up, watching him dress and leave her in his quarters, promising that he would see her again soon, making plans in fact, to have dinner.
After he had gone, Kaoru showered, brushing her sable hair and putting it up in a simple twist, going to sickbay, though it was early for her shift.
Commander Tejas had been released, and Sarah Kerrigan was progressing very well, Kaoru was able to turn her attention to Jin's test results, trying to puzzle out the readings, unable to determine why the symbiont seemed to be behaving oddly.
Dianna was asking for her, and Kaoru reviewed the woman's scans, pleased with the results, nodding to the lovely empath. "You may return to your cabin Dianna...and you're cleared for light duty, but I cannot let you take command of the ship."
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jun 18 2006, 09:17 PM
"You may return to your cabin Dianna...and you're cleared for light duty, but I cannot let you take command of the ship."Dianna sighed. She was crushed that she couldn't be in command right now even if they needed her.
Dianna pleaded with her, but the doctor was not letting up on this one.
"What is next for me," said Dianna since obviously I can't handle my empathic sense very well anymore?
Dianna waited for a response.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jun 18 2006, 09:49 PM
"I'd love to," Jin smiled back to her. He had been attracted to her ever since he layed eyes on her, and was now looking forward to meeting her for a drink.The Doctor had been busy, and advised Jin to rest for the night. Sarah stayed in Sickbay, and Jin left for his Quarters. The next day, the engines were repaired and he took the Helm on the Bridge, as the Captain was entering.
"Commander Ryku - engage the pre-set course to Starbase 289, and engage at best possible speed," Reyan ordered.
Lieutenant Commander Jin Ryku acknoledged and engaged. The Meridian then was accelerating at Warp 9, with stretching stars all around them. With increased speed, it would be about 8 hours before they'd reach the Starbase.
Hopefully, by then, something will be done about those Pirates, Jin thought. Yet, as he sat at the Helm, making the minor course adjustments as they became necessary-- he couldn't help but feel good; he wondered if the shifting balance with his Symbiont had finally stopped.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jun 19 2006, 06:17 AM
"Approaching Starbase 289" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku reportedThe eight-hour journey to Starbase 289 had been uneventful, but in view of recent events, the lack of activity had been a welcome releif
The Meridian had maintained warp nine throughout, suggesting that the virus's influence on her systems was all but gone
"Bring us out of warp, Mister Ryku, and put us on an approach vector to Starbase 289" Reyan ordered
"Aye Sir" he Helm officer replied, his tone of voice suggesting that he too was releived that they had reached the Starbase without problem or incident
The Starbase appeared on the viewscreen, growing ever-closer as the Meridian's impulse engines drew the ship closer
"Open hailing frequencies" Reyan stated
"Open" came the reply from Cadet Andrews, who was covering communications

The image of the station Commander appeared on the viewscreen, an attractive and relatively young, Andorian

Reyan smiled

The massive space-doors of the the Starbase slid slowly open, inviting the Meridian inside
"Commander Ryku, take us in, and initate docking manuvers" Reyan ordered, feeling an increased sense of relief at the sight of the internal dock - he touched the shipwide comm button on his chair

Just as he had finnished speaking, the Meridian slid gently into it's bay, and the station umbilicles attached themselves, as well as the gangways connecting the Starbase to the Meridian
Reyan stood
"Okay people, we're in the capable hands of the Starbase now, so unless you have any unfinnished work, you're free to do as you please" he stated, grinning
Various officers made their way off the bridge, Reyan himself joining them, eager to find Kaoru and ask her if she had any plans
Okay - the Meridian is only remaining at the Starbase for 24 hours, so keep that in mind with subsequent posts - thanks
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Jun 19 2006, 09:59 AM
Kaoru's mood was not very good after Dianna had left. She was getting a little tired of being the bearer of bad news.At that moment, she was a little overwhelmed...perhaps by a combination of her own heightened emotions regarding the captain, and the presence of so many empaths on board. Retreating to her lab, she left orders that she not be disturbed, beginning to cross reference Jin's scan results over the past months, immersing herself in that work.

The uninterrupted work had already calmed her somewhat, soothing the unease she felt, and the captain's announcement only made it better. Leaving the lab, she could feel the emotions of her staff. They were very pleased with the shoreleave, and eager to be on the starbase.
"You heard him...good work everyone. Go ahead and prepare to disembark."
Kaoru was the last to leave sickbay, touching her commbadge,

There was a pause, and Reyan's voice when he spoke next was strained,

Kaoru laughed,

In less than a minute the doors to sickbay opened and the captain strode in.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jun 20 2006, 12:45 PM
OOC: This will probably be one of my last posts for a while. May be posting in between as I am on simming light duty. Also, as of late, I was told that I was making a character look bad as I have been rereading posts and do not see it at all. That is never my intention to make anyone look bad.Dianna was not too happy when she left sickbay. The doctor never answered her question. How was she going to get her empathic senses back under control? She may have to make a visit to the ship counselor office soon and talk to her about it. They have been going through a lot of staff changes in that department. From what she heard, her name is Liz Parker.
On her way to her quarters a shipwide comm went off. It was the captain.

She planned on using this shoretime as she never knew when it will be available again.
Once in her quarters she got in the shower and changed into something comfortable before heading to the starbase.
Dianna has not been in the best of moods and she has always resented things. Barriers is the thing that she resented the most. She managed to get through starfleet, but barley as she always question everything. She was know to fight about everything even her status right now of being on light duty. She hated restriction, but she´ll go along with it for a bit and then she´d go to her old self of getting into trouble.
Dianna went down to the starbase. Right now its a good time to go to the starbase as her empathic senses were still a bit dull as they were suprressed. Another couple days and they will be back.
She sat at the bar there and ordered a drink. She wanted to drown herself in her sorrows. She knew that she not supposed to drink, but she didn´t care. She figured she is entitled to something every so often and yes she remembers if she get out of control, trouble will follow. She figure this will be a one time deal and no harm will follow.
The barkeep asked her if she´d like to talk about what is bothering her and she did not and she told him so.
Her mood was very depressed.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jun 21 2006, 10:27 AM
Later in the Mess Hall, Sarah stood at the bar and waited to see if Jin would show up. She had a cocktail in her hand and sipped it every now and again as she surveyed the room then the entrances. No Jin yet. Sarah had made a promise to Kaida to meet her back in Engineering to start on the additional refits and upgrades for all systems once the computer was purged of the annoying little virus it just had.Posted by: Tejas Jun 22 2006, 01:31 PM
After seeing Areven, Tejas had returned to her quarters. Now on duty, she didn't feel up to working. She curled her legs up on the sofa staring out the window into space, losing track of time. Eventually composing herself, she walked over to her quarter's console, typing in a few commands.She pulled up the reports pertaining to Areven's pirate team, the Zodai system, the Star Tracker, etc.

The Captain's shipwide hail brought her full attention to the present. She stood and stretched, leaving her quarters making her way to the bridge. She passed several officers and crew chatting excitedly about what they would do with a twenty-four hour leave.
The turbolift doors opened to the bridge, and Tejas entered the now deserted bridge. She went and sat in teh command chair, remembering...
ooc: will at more when i get home
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jun 22 2006, 07:52 PM
Jin entered the Mess Hall just seconds before Sarah's mind began to wander. He glanced around, thankful to be off duty for the moment, and saw the place was generally active. He then caught a glimpse of Sarah, at the Bar. She was sipping a cocktail and had just noticed his entrance.Whoa... He thought to himself in shock. She's incredibly beautif--- But then an officer bumped into him, misdirecting his train of thought. The Ensign was walking with a girlfriend and had been too encompassed in his own conversation to notice the Commander.
"Sir, I'm so sorry--!" the Ensign tried to explain--
Jin regained his stance and quickly attempted to calm the Ensign down, "It's okay," Jin smiled.
He walked passed and approached Sarah at the Bar. She smiled at him. "Running a little late?"
"Let's just say he wasn't the first Ensign I bumped into today. Everyone must be so excited to have this time off."
The waiter approached from behind the bar and Jin ordered a drink. He then turned to Sarah and was at a loss for words. Maybe he was lost in a moment, or maybe he was about to hesitate on what he should say. But he wanted to ask Sarah about herself-- like, what made her want to join Starfleet; or, what did she like to do in her spare time? Instead he was driven to flirt with her.
"I'm glad we were able to meet up for this drink," he said. "I couldn't have asked for better company."
OCC: Was that not corny??

Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jun 22 2006, 11:16 PM
Sarah smiled as she saw Jin get bumped into. She was giggling like a human school girl but regained her composure as the Trill made his way over to her. "Running a little late?" Sarah asked as she turned to face him at the bar."Let's just say he wasn't the first Ensign I bumped into today. Everyone must be so excited to have this time off." Jin replied and ordered his drink. The bartender acknowledged the order and hurried off to get it.
Sarah in the meantime had moved a foot closer to the Trill and was tracing the top of her class with her index finger while keeping her gaze on her interest. The bartender returned with the drink and Jin spoke up again. "I'm glad we were able to meet up for this drink," he said. "I couldn't have asked for better company."
"Me too." Sarah replied and took another sip of her drink. "Shall we sit down?" She asked slowly dropping her hand onto his on the bar top. She was so flirting with him and she was enjoying every minute of it.
OOC: Corny, hehehe, well it is hard to think of stuff to say when in excellent company such as an Orion, who used to be a slavegirl. But you did well Jin, you get a gold star! lol
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jun 23 2006, 02:04 PM
Reyan strode into sickbay, his eyes darting around, seeking KaoruKaoru spotted Reyan, and smiled, making her way across the sickbay
"Not taking the shoreleave that was offered?" he asked her
Kaoru grinned mischeiveously
"Well - that really depends on wether or not I have anything worthwhile to do with that time" she replied
"How about dinner - the resturant on this station is rumored to serve great food" Reyan stated
"Sounds good to me" Kaoru replied, her smile having an infectious effect on Reyan
Kaoru advised one of her colleagues that she would be away, and took hold of Reyan's hand, leading him out of sickbay
Reyan almost withdrew his hand from hers, a feeling of apprehension overwhelming him - a feeling that Kaoru sensed
"What's wrong?" she asked, sounding concerned
"Nothing" Reyan replied, attempting to hide his apprehension
"Reyan - you can't fool me - I sensed apprehension - is it because of what happened last night?" she asked directly
"No!" Reyan instantly replied "Last night was incredible"
"Then what?" she asked as they continued to walk the Meridian's corridors
"I apologise Kaoru - I admit that, for a moment, I was apprehensive about our.... public display of affection. That was wrong of me - Captain or not, I'm entitled to a person life and a lo....." he stopped himself
"What were you about to say?" Kaoru asked
"I......" Reyan stammered
"You were about to say love life" Kaoru replied, grinning
"Okay - yes - love life" Reyan admitted
"So you love me?" she pressed
Reyan paused, considering the question. He had been attracted to her from the moment that they first met, and their relationship had developed considerably since then. And the night that they had just spent together.....
"Yes - I love you Kaoru" Reyan finally replied
Kaoru simply smiled, and gripped his hand tighter as they stepped into the turbolift
Okay - apologies, but I don't have sufficent time to expand on this post - have neglected packing for the holiday/vacation that we embark on tomorrow, so need to get moving. Therefore am on LOA as of this moment - Tejas is aware of the "storyline" that is planned for this episode - I will therefore leave matters in her capable hands until I return on 2nd July. Take care everyone - see you soon!
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jun 23 2006, 10:22 PM
Note this post is rated PG 15+, lolA shiver trickled down Jin's spine before he realized it was because she placed her hand on his. He liked it, and smiled, leading Sarah to a table in the MessHall. They both took a seat.
"You know, I've never actually been with an Orion girl before. Actually, I've never met an Orion girl before-- is there anything I should know?" He asked flirtingly, as if there were supposed to be rules of conduct or something.
"Well." Sarah said as she sat down and placed her glass on the table in front of them. "Orion women do have quite a manipulative nature, however, I'll try not to give in to my instincts since you are a superior officer." She replied then she relaxed, leaning back onto the chair and eyed the Trill up and down.
"Hmmmmm, quite a superior officer indeed." She winked as she took a sip of her cocktail class as she picked it up while she spoke.
Jin smiled and could tell she was having fun now. He was also enjoying her confidence and trained his eye on hers, "Thank you. Speaking of instincts - you wouldn't mind if I gave into a few of my own?"
"And what instincts would they be flyboy?" Sarah said as she crossed her legs and began rubbing them with her free hand in slow sensual, sexy motions as she wondered what would he do next. "That's if you don't mind me calling you 'flyboy'?" She asked.
Jin shrugged slightly, "You can call me whatever you want." He then glanced to the side subtly, and then back, "as for those instincts..."
In what seemed like seconds, Jin and Sarah were at the doorway of Jin's quarters kissing passionately and trying to tear each other's clothes off. As the doors swooshed open, Jin slammed Sarah into the wall next to it, lips dancing over hers in varying pressures, as she desperately to pull his shirt off him. They didn't even seem to give the other enough time to breathe, while lust took over their bodies, and the door... was still open.
Sarah could tell that while this steamy scene was heating to boiling point that her naturally excretion of judgement-compromising pheromone was working on this Trill.
Moving from her lips down to her neck, Jin tried a few times with his arm extended, patting the wall for the control panel blindly, to lock the doors to his quarters. When he found it by pure luck, the doors closed on a confused passer-byer, and the two moved deeper into the rest of the dimly lit room.
Not that Sarah was enjoying the results or anything, she caught a glipse of the passer-byer before the door closed and then relaxed enjoying everything Jin was doing with her.
OOC: joint post between Lieutenant Commander Jin Ryku and me.
Posted by: Tejas Jun 25 2006, 03:31 PM
A seventeen year old Tejas timidly stepped on the bridge, escorted by the ship’s counselor. It had been years since she’d last stepped off the Star Tracker.The Star Tracker had happened across the wrong side of a galaxy class star ship. It lay battered in a tractor beam hold. The Galaxy class ship’s captain had brought Tejas onboard. She could see the pirate ship through the viewscreen, cringing as it was him on the viewscreen currently talking to the Galaxy captain.
“You may have my property for now. But rest assured I will be back for her.” He seemed to look directly at Tejas and closed the transmission.
Before the Security Officer on the bridge could say “They’ve disengaged the tracker beam.” The Star Tracker had already hit warp.
The Captain turned to her. “Would you care for something to eat?”
Tejas woke from her trance. “Yes Commander?” She turned around noting it was Lieutenant Commander Harjien.
“We’re ready to transport the prisoners to the starbase.” She handed the XO a PADD.
“Everyone but Areven?”
“Captain wanted him to remain on board. I think as a guide.”
“Is he to stay in the brig?”
“I don’t know.”
Tejas scratched her forehead. “I’ll ask Reyan about it.”
“That he’ll stay in the brig?”
“No, just where he intends to put Areven if we’re to bring him along.”
“Go ahead and take a full security detail to escort them.”
“Understood.” Harjien left the bridge, leaving the PADD with Tejas.
She found the Captain sitting with the Doctor on the promenade deck at one of the local cafes. She took a breath and approached the two.
“Captain, may I have a word?” She said when she reached their table.
“Certainly.” Reyan said.
“If you’ll excuse me a moment.” Reyan smiled at Kaoru before following Tejas a ways from the table.
“We’re keeping the pirate leader on board?”
“Yes, for guide purposes. He does know a lot of information regarding this area.”
“What good will the info do if he won’t say anything?”
“This is mostly uncharted territory. Territory he’s been through. I understand you were here some fifteen years ago, but the region could very well have changed since you were here.”
“I understand. So where are we to put him?”
“Guest quarters?”
“So he’ll have free run of the ship?”
“No. Have Security follow him.” He paused seeming to sense Tejas’ next question. “Starting after shore leave. Until then, he can remain in the brig.”
“Understood. I’ll have some quarters ready for him before we depart.” She turned to leave.
“Tejas.” She turned to face Reyan. “We are on shore leave, try to have some fun away from the ship.” He smiled at her.
“I’ll try.” She smiled back turning once again, heading back to the Meridian.
Posted by: Pariah Ronin Jun 25 2006, 11:03 PM
Pariah Ronin walked out of the interrogation room after being locked in there for several hours. He sighed with the report in hand ready to be handed to the Captain.His victim was visibly shaken, urine ran down his pants, sweat all over and a odor that was so offensive it made one's eyes water. He escorted him to sickbay, knowing that there was very little for them to treat. There were no pyshical scratchs on the bastard. Only fear in his eyes. "He needs to be cleansed Doctor," he simply said, before leaving.
He tapped his commbadge. "Captain I have aquired the information you sought... where shall I deliever it?"
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jun 28 2006, 12:05 AM
After a very long and passionate experience together, Jin and Sarah now felt connected on an intimate level. The Commander awoke in his bed to find that Sarah was gone. But she had left him a prepared breakfast from the replicator on the table near the bed.That was nice of her, Jin thought to himself and smiled.
He stretched to the foot of his bed and started picking at his food. Whether it was actually breakfast time or not, the food was looking good. He would have liked to share it with Sarah, but he assumed she must have gone back to work.
A message waited for him at his desk-screen console, prompting him to glance over. Wearing nothing until putting on his boxer-briefs, he went over to his desk and activated the view-screen. There was a low-priority message waiting from Doctor Kaoru. On it, were a request to return to Sickbay after the 24-hour leave to discuss matters with his Symbiont.
Jin sighed, feeling unfortunate that his integration wasn't turning out exactly as smooth as he expected. But he nonetheless accepted it, and was willing to give his life for the Symbiont if it ever became necessary. He tapped the console off, appreciating all that the Doctor was doing for him, and decided to go back to his breakfast.
Returning to the bed, he began to think about Sarah.
She had been extremely irresistible, and he felt lucky to have just met her. He felt even luckier after recent events. But even after all that, he couldn't help but wonder... That did her hightened endorphynes play a part in thier physical romance? In a way, it didn't matter. They both had a great time, and shared something that words couldn't describe. But he somehow hoped that his lust for her wasn't just an Orion bio-chemical result... that it was something from his own free will.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jun 28 2006, 02:32 AM
Walking through the doors of Engineering did Sarah smile at last night. She'd not expect it to happen so fast but then again her Orion physiology might have played a large part of influencing Jin to act. It's not like she can turn it off, actually she enjoyed it. Jin's a nice guy and seemed to need attention lately.Sarah stopped at one of the nearest consoles and tapped at a few controls before looking around to see if her superior is in the engine room. Kaida had left Sickbay just before Sarah's encounter with Jin so Sarah assumed Kaida would have returned to Engineering to work on the upgrades and refits. "Chief?" She called out. Yet only the on duty engineers looked back at her. "Sorry," she said when they frowned at her.
She then walked around the engine room and inspected the many consoles as well as the engineers working at them, checking to see if everything was as it should be. Only did she interrupt them when something was wrong or they were not working to the protocol of that task. "Keep up the good work people!" She called to them as she headed off to the upper level of Engineering.
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Jun 28 2006, 05:36 PM
Kaida was in her quarters alone as she was used to it. She had never shared her life with anyone, Engineering was her life and though she felt alone sometimes, that never changed. She didn't know if she wanted it to change, or whether she should make more of an effort to get to know other people. Sarah and Tejas were different, they had shared a bond from the start. Sarah and Kaida both were Engineers, both hated a job that wasn't done to the best of her ability. Kaida could never explain her bond with the Executive Officer though. It seemed whenever she was around, Kaida's senses went into overdrive. It could have been that she was an empath too. Kaida dismissed those thoughts and turned them to the stack of PADDs that seemed to constantly litter her desk.The Captain's annuoncement meant that at least the crew would be able to relax. The same couldn't be said for herself. The virus had taxed her in more ways than one. She felt like she was helpless when the virus had struck. She had worked so hard in contemplating solutions and even those didn't save the ship. They captured a few pirates true, but what about the ship that had got away? The ship she had let get away by not callibrating the shield disruptor fast enough. She couldn't do anything for Sarah, so why had she stopped when she had been drummed with the fact the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few. Perhaps she wasn't fit for the job anymore. With all of this empathy she had been experiencing, even with the lovely Doctor's help. It drained her beyond her capabilities and she didn't know why. Nor did she know why it was happening now. She decided to try and contact her parents, if anyone could shed some light on what was happening, perhaps they could. They were the ones that had lied to her all of these years. Where had she come from, who were her biological parents? She refused to say real parents because her real parents were the ones who brought he up, raised her and without them, she wouldn't be where she was now. The Chief Engineer on a Nebula class starship serving under a more than capable Captain and have personnel like Sarah to aid her.
Whatever else happened, she was going to find out what was going on with her. The starting point would have to be the only parents she had ever known... if they could be located at all.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jun 29 2006, 01:36 AM
After about five drinks, Dianna decided that it be best to get back on the Meridian. The drinks and nothing could help her drown herself in her sorrows. If anything, the drinks made her worse. She hated not being in control. She has alway resented things, but had no idea why. There was a reason why she stayed away from those drinks; it made her sick and many times, she goes out of control. She was trying to stay in control this time if at all possible. She don't want to get into trouble like she did last time. They almost took her pips away, but she saved face and agreed to counseling. Her plan in the morning was to see the counselor, but found out that she had left unexpectedly. Why can't the Meridian keep a counselor on staff. That is one thing they are lacking. She needs them every so often and not by choice. Its that, or she gets out of hand and that is not a good idea.Posted by: Jin Ryku Jul 1 2006, 01:33 AM
Jin placed his tray inside his replicator to be decompiled. He then quickly stepped into the sonic shower, and after a few minutes stepped out. He went back into his room to get dressed, about to put on some casual wear for once-- until he remembered he had to hand in a report. Pausing, he decided to put on his uniform and grab the padd on his desk.He left his Quarters, and checked a control panel on the wall. Then he continued on toward the lower decks.
I've got to make sure I visit the Station before the Meridian leaves, Jin thought to himself. I wonder if Sarah would be interested in coming with me?
But before he could go on with that thought, he found he was already at the doors to his destination-- the Brig. Once inside, he spotted the person he was looking for, a Lieutenant Commander Taylor Harjein.
She was with Andrews, while they both were handling one of the Pirates outside the Brig. The Pirate may have just been interrogated, or was just about to. But as Jin was peering over, he seemed to recognize the man: the Pirate was the same guy who had infiltrated the Bridge during Jin's watch.
The Commander recalled the quick fight exchanged between the two. In fact, that was exactly what his report was about.
"Another interrogation?" Jin asked, getting Taylor's attention.
The Pirate struggled for a moment, as Taylor was trying to hold him still, "A sanity check up. Just a quick one before I decided whether I wanted to take a break from all this."
"This is my report," Jin handed it over, finding Taylor's face suddenly becoming stern.
She looked up at him seriously, "This was supposed to be in a lot earlier."
"I know," Jin admitted. "I'm sorry. I was extremely busy on the Bridge even after the systems came online."
Taylor nodded reluctantly, looking back down at the padd. She then nodded to Andrews, signalling him to return the prisoner to the Brig, and left herself. Jin turned to leave too, but was suddenly grabbed by the arm by the Pirate prisoner.
"You and I have unfinished business..." the Pirate eyed Jin with a grim presence.
Andrews lost patience and struggled with the Pirate even more, back into the cell. The Pirate let go and was returned. Andrews went over to a computer station, while Jin finally decided to leave. The encounter didn't faze him, except that a part of him wanted to take the Pirate up on the offer. Shaking it off, he headed down the corridors for the Turbolift.
All he had to do next was visit the Station.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 3 2006, 06:55 AM
Standing at the upper level's main console, Sarah was busy working on re-adjusting the major systems to what they where before the virus and infiltrators boarded the Meridian. To say the least it wasn't an easy task but she doing it as per her duties as assistant chief of engineering demanded it. Every few moments she would think of Jin and wonder what he was doing. She'd have to go and find out later after she finished. Sarah was physically attracted to the Trill and added to that she enjoyed what chats she had with him before that pleasurable night.OOC: Kaida, where are you? I'm posting little because you have issued me orders yet. Please can you order me to do something?
Posted by: Tejas Jul 3 2006, 07:06 PM
After speaking with the captain, Tejas returned to her office to see what quarters would be available to Areven. If she wanted to put him in luxury quarters, luxury for that of a Nebula class starship, there were the V.I.P. quarters adjacent to her own. After their recent encounter, she wasn’t thrilled with having him on the ship, let alone sharing a deck. The guest quarters on deck seven were vacant. She leaned away from her console and around her office.There were a few decorations, enough to cover the otherwise bare walls: mostly bladed weapons from various cultures. A bat’leth, katana, wakisashi, tanto, even a primitive bow and arrow adorned her walls with a highly polished obsidian arrowhead.
It was only now she realized there was nothing the family she’d never known. Areven had been the closest she’d had. Her mind traced back to what she’d read while on the Star Tracker. She had names. It was a start.
“Computer locate all known inhabitants of the Zodai Colony from 2350 through 2357.”
A series of names, ages, races, came up on her computer screen.
“Computer narrow search to the Barnard family.”
Four names were left: Anton, Jezibelle, Tejas, Kyla.
“Computer are there any images of this family?”
“Display them.” Tejas gazed eagerly at the screen, for the first time seeing her blood family. There was a complete family photo. A mother and father with a grinning freckle faced 4 year old, and a sleeping infant. Tejas had to assume the infant was her younger sister, Kyla. There was something oddly familiar about the infant. Her mom had the typical iris-less eyes of a Betazoid. When her gaze moved on to her father, she felt a tightness form in her chest. The same as when she’d been on the Star Tracker and witnessed Caine shoot a man. A father… protecting his family….
“Computer save data Tejas Alpha Psi.” She turned off her console and left her office.
Posted by: Harjein Jul 3 2006, 11:12 PM
“Mom and Dad grounded me,” whined a blonde-haired child over the viewscreen. Taylor glanced up from her PADD in amusement, a smile tugging at the side of her lips.“Why would they do that?”
“That’s just it, I don’t know why!” Izzie paused at Taylor’s raised eyebrows. “Okay, so I got one bad grade. It’s still not fair.”
“Tom and Liz just don’t want you to be an idiot,” Taylor said, trying to placate her cousin. “When you’re ten, you still have that window of learning in your brain.”
“I also have friends and a life,” muttered Izzie, sulking down in her chair. The Ruvan family was on Deep Space 2, the parents having settled down instead of changing starships every few years and possibly being separated. It was better for Izzie in the long run, they decided.
Taylor let out the smile she was holding. “At least you aren’t as stupid as I was at that age. You should hear some of the stories I got into.”
“Yeah, Mom said that if I pulled that stuff, I wouldn’t be living.”
“Well, now, that’s just—no, that’s probably true,” Taylor relented. “Is she there with you?”
“Do you wanna talk to her?” Izzie asked, her eyes moving upward. “Mom, Tay’s on the line. Call me soon?” she asked, returning her attention to the viewscreen.
“Whenever I get the chance. Love you, Iz.”
“Love you too,” Izzie responded, smiling as she got up and moved. Less than five seconds later, an older woman took her place. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, and stood five feet, nine inches at full height. There was a confidence about her that added to the natural attractiveness that she had.
“That kid is looking more like you every time I see her,” Taylor commented, certain that Liz had sent the girl out of earshot. “It’s actually quite amazing.”
“Sadly, she’s acting more like her father every day too,” Liz sighed. “Your Klingon blood is not the only source of rebellion.” Taylor nodded in acknowledgement, going back to her final report for the day. “So what’s up?”
“I’m on shore leave for twenty-four hours. I figured I might as well call while I finish a report. How’s Uncle Tom?”
“Better. He’s getting over the Arethian Flu since I finally dragged him to Sickbay. Things have been pretty quiet over here.”
“Well, at least one of us has that luxury. I’m starting to wonder exactly what I signed up for when I took this position,” Taylor complained, glad she had at least one person to truly complain to. Her uncle never really liked that aspect, and it wasn’t like she had any other family to speak of. Her family was also the only people she could completely relax around, also. “Our XO got captured by pirates. It wasn’t pretty.”
“And we have one in the Brig. Not from the same ship. But still, that guy is frustrating.” Taylor hesitated, then continued, “And the Intel guy is just strange.”
Liz blinked, thoroughly confused by the half-story she was getting. “May I have a few more nouns?”
“Sorry, Liz,” Taylor cringed. “It’s still kind of ship-only information. Anyway, I asked about Tom and talked to Izzie. But what my favorite—”
“—Aunt, Liz?”
“I’m fine. Still in Comp. Ops. I developed a program recently, though. It’ll help with the Science department over here once they install it.”
“That’s great!”
“Thanks for the enthusiasm,” Liz said, knowing Taylor had no interest in the Science or Computer field. “Are you still doing Astrometry in your free time?”
Taylor shook her head. “I’ve been too restless lately. Once I finish everything, I’m hoping that a good holodeck program will help.”
“Mom, it’s dinner,” whined Izzie somewhere out of Taylor’s sight.
Liz sighed. “A mother’s work. Call whenever you have the chance. Tom would love the chance to talk to you when he’s not sick.” With those final words, Liz cut off the connection; both were never ones for long goodbyes.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jul 4 2006, 01:05 AM
Jin went to a wall-control panel in the corridors and began typing a message to Sarah.TO: Sarah Kerrigan
FROM: Jin Ryku
Hey Sarah. If you're not busy, why don't you meet me on the Station?
He deactivated the screen. He hoped she wasn't too busy, but could never be too sure. It was then he turned his head to the docking area. Walking through there, he made his way onto Starbase 289. The corridors he had been dispensed to were busy with passer-byers.
The place seemed as Starfleet-looking as they came. The uniform could be seen everywhere, and every person seemed to be intent on thier jobs.
Man, he thought. They've got to lighten up around here.
Jin took out a padd he had aquired earlier, of the station schematics. He had wanted to visit the Shuttle Launch Bay, as he had heard they housed a class Delta-Flyer shuttle. Apparently it was based on schematics of a makeshift Shuttle, created a few years ago.
I wonder if they'd let me fly it... he thought.
Shuttle Bay
Jin entered the Shuttle Bay to find not as many people working there as he expected. An officer approached him, looking a bit confused.
"Excuse me... uhh, sir?"
Jin nodded, "I'm from the Meridian. I was just wondering if you had that Delta Flyer class here?"
"Actually," the man said, "We did. The U.S.S. Fein - but she was taken out on an exploration mission just yesterday."
Jin looked away in disappointment, "Ah well."
"My name's Nell. I'm in second in command of the Bay around here," he out reached his hand.
The Commander shook it, "Jin Ryku. Chief Helm. Well, I suppose I'd better get going. That ship was the only reason I came here, and I don't want to intrude."
"A pilot huh? Perhaps you'd like to take a test flight in the Wraith-class fighter," he directed Jin around to a vessel of intricate design.
Jin's jaw almost dropped at the sight of it. He hadn't seen anything like it before... "What... where did this come from?"
"I honestly don't know. The name isn't normal either, but Starfleet produced a few of these based on someone's design. I checked into it myself, but the originator's identity remains unknown."
Jin Ryku placed his hand on the hull for a second, "It looks nice. Almost threatening."
"The station's got two of them. Though they're never used. Want to give it a ride? I can clear it with the Captain easily."
Jin looked from Nell to the Fighter and then from the Fighter back to Nell, "Yes. Yes I would."
Nell smiled and left to talk to his superior officer.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 4 2006, 01:22 AM
Morning on the MeridianDianna woke feeling sick to her stomach, but she knew why. She always does it doesn't she. She had five drinks at the bar on the starbase and now she was sick. She knew she not supposed to drink, but she wanted to drown her troubles. She was numb without her empathy. Another couple days and she'd have it back but can she handle it. She had no idea how she was going to get under control. She has always had problems dealing with her empathic senses. She knew she needs the training but she was scared of everything.
Dianna walked into the counselors office as she needed to get this taken care of. She flopped down on the couch.
The counselor looked at her. "You don't look so well," said the Counselor.
"I know," said Dianna defensively.
"We can do this another time if you like." said the Counselor.
"It wouldn't make a difference. I'd still feel this way." Saud Dianna.
"Oh I see. I take it you did something you not supposed to do."
"Yep. What's the deal? So I had a few drinks last night. Big deal."
"I think you had more than a few drinks Dianna."
"So...What if I did? Who cares? I needed something last night to drown in my sorrows." Said Dianna.
"Why's that?"
"Because. I just did. Right now I can feel nothing and it hurts that they took my empathy away. I miss it even though it makes me crazy at times. I know I need to get trained, but how?"
"I can't answer these questions for you Dianna. You have to, but you have to get retrained on you empathy as its killing you. Is it not?"
"Yes," said Dianna.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 4 2006, 06:08 PM
Reyan stared out of the viewport, watching the busy dock below; the shuttles and inspection pods darting around, Starships arriving and departing, and workbee's living up to their namesMost of them were either en-route to, or leaving the Meridian, which was for the moment the largest ship docked at the station
"Fasinating view" Kaoru stated, returning to Reyan's side, carrying two glasses filled with drinks obtained from the bar. The atmosphere in the bar was very relaxing, it was dimly lit and most of the illumination was being provided by the reflection from the dock below
Reyan gratefully took the glass from Kaoru, held it up to her as a gesture of thanks, and took a long swig from it
"Good?" she asked, appearing amused
"One of the best ginger-beers I ever tasted - has real bite!" Reyan replied, wiping his mouth
"Have you made a career out of sampling ginger beer in as many different locations as possible?" Kaoru teased
"As a matter of fact...." Reyan retorted playfully
Their conversation was interrupted by the dock, the floodlights suddenly far brighter, and the spacedoors opening indicating the arrival of another starship - both Kaoru and Reyan watched with interest, as did almost everyone else present
Reyan smiled, initally, as a Nova-class Starship appeared at the doors, but his smile quickly disappeared - the small Starship appeared to be in bad shape - huge scars and hull breaches were evident all over the stricken ship, and it was clear that the damage was the result of several direct hits from heavy weaponsfire
"Kaoru - you're with me!" Reyan ordered - Kaoru nodded in agreement
After a short sprint, both Reyan and Kaoru arrived at the docking port at which the Nova class starship was attempting to dock - the Station's emergency team, already present, were stood ready at the door
"What the hell happened?" Reyan demanded, not addressing anyone in particular
"Who're you?" one of the medical technicians asked
"Captain Reyan Caius of the USS Meridian - this is my Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Kaoru Ele" Reyan quickly spoke
The young Lieutenant looked the both over and shrugged
"The ship trying to dock is the USS Pulsar - she was attacked, although we haven't been able to ascertain who or what it was that attacked her, as she lost her comm relay during the attack - but she clearly managed to escape"
"The Pulsar is a science vessel - Captain Yandel did well to keep her in one piece" Reyan muttered
The airlock door parted, and an Ensign staggered through the door, he uniform singed and bloodstained
Kaoru joined the station's medical staff, who had acted immediately
The Ensign coughed
"Take it easy, Ensign" Reyan advised
"The others" the Ensign coughed desperately
"How many suriviors do you have?" Kaoru asked
"About twenty-seven - but at least ten are seriously wounded - our Doctor is dead, and the sickbay holoemitters keep loosing power, making our EMH near useless" the Ensign advised, her voice strained
"And Captain Yandel?" Reyan asked
"Dead - Lieutenant-Commander Leith took command"
"The questions can wait, Captain, she needs medical attention" one of the Doctor's advised Reyan, who stepped out of the way
"We've already downloaded the Pulsar's logs " Captain Treinan, the Station CO, informed Reyan
"Quick work" Reyan replied, not sure of how else to respond
"Those logs need to be reviewed, Captain - we may wind up send the Meridian back out sooner than we expected - join me?" Captain Treinan asked
Reyan apologised to Kaoru, and followed Captain Treinan, both officer's keen to review the Pulsar's data
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 5 2006, 01:26 AM
Counselor's Office"There is not way for me to get trained. I am a screw up. I always have been. Whats the use. If its not this. Its something else. I always mess up. It never fails. You know what. I out of here." Said Dianna.
"Dianna," said the counselor "What are you holding back?"
"Nothing." said Dianna.
Dianna went to her quarters. She hated being put on light duty and the fact that she has no way of being in command when need be. So wh[at if I passed out on the bridge. Dianna just hated everything. Everytime she felt this way, she would drown her sorrows in alchol. She knew she not supposed to but either ways she did. She remembered the last time she did back on one of her old assignments, she got into so much trouble that she was confined to her quarters and watched like a hawk. She always seemed to have a tendecy to get into trouble. Dianna was sad and depressed.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 5 2006, 06:14 AM
In the hours following the arrival of the USS Pulsar, a meeting had been called, and the Commanding Officer's of each of the Starship's present at the Starbase had been asked to attendReyan had, of course, asked Commander Tejas to join him, and as they stepped into the station's huge conference room he noted that most of the other C.O's had done the same
He had, of course, briefed Tejas regarding the Pulsar, but he hadn't been able to answer all of her questions, as in truth he didn't have all of the answers himself
They looked over everyone present in the room - all high-ranking officers, the lowest ranking officer being the Pulsar's acting First Officer, Lieutenant Javel, who had obviously assumed the postion when Lieutenant-Commander Leith, who was also present, had been forced to take command of the Pulsar
All heads turned when the doors slid open once more, and Captain Treinan marched in
"Thank you all for coming - for those of you who are not aware of why this meeting was called, I will outline the reasons: The Starship USS Pulsar was ambushed whilst on a mapping mission - would you all please direct your attention to the viewscren" she advised
The Federation logo on the viewscreen disappeared, replaced by an image, recorded by the USS Pulsar. At first the image appeared to be nothing more than an asteriod field, but from behind one of the larger asteriods, a large ship emerged - the image paused
"Lieutenant-Commander Leith - could you please talk us through what we are seeing?" Captain Treinan asked
"Aye sir" Leith replied, as he stood and walked toward the viewscreen
"What you are seeing is exactly what we saw" he stated, re-activating the replay - the large ship proceeded to close-in on the Pulsar
"We opened hailing frequencies, but they ignored us" Leith continued
The recording showed the large ship, twice the size of the Pulsar, open fire
"As you can see, as well as ignoring our hail, they opened fire - we managed to raise shields before impact, but their distruptors were powerful, and they were relentless with their attack" Leith explained
The viewscreen showed the large vessel firing haphazardly at the Pulsar, which was now retaliating, her phasers and torpedo's firing furiously - but she was clearly taking damage, her shields unable to cope with the pressure of the large ship's relentless attack
"Fortunately, our chief engineer was able to keep the warp-core online, and we escaped - barely" Leith finnished - the viewscreen deactivated
Captain Treinan indicated for Leith to sit, and took his place
"This unprovoked attack needs to be investigated - I have been in contact with Starfleet, and Admiral Janeway has ordered an investigation. Therefore, the Starship's Meridian and Renown will be despatched to investigate the area - dismissed" she stated
Reyan and Tejas quickly left the room, heading back toward the Meridian
"Well, at least we managed to fit some shore leave in" Reyan muttered
"True - but we had better make sure that the Meridian is ready for another mission before we do anything else" Tejas replied
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Jul 6 2006, 07:33 PM
Kaoru spent the next several hours in surgery, working alongside the starbase medical team, and those from the USS Pulsar to stabilize the severely wounded.By the time the last crew member was treated, the Meridian had received her orders. Kaoru and members of her team were the last of the Meridian crew to return on board. She ordered most of those who had been working alongside her off duty, and so she was alone when she entered sickbay.
Going to her office she sat down heavily behind her desk, examining her bloodspattered uniform. "Sweet Rixx..." Raking her fingers through her sable hair she rose, about to go and use the sonic shower in sickbay when Reyan entered.
The captain's solemn expression grew even moreso when he saw how exhausted she was. "Kaoru...you should be off duty." He glanced around the nearly empty sickbay, "Like the rest of your crew."
She smiled, "Aye sir. I will."
Posted by: Harjein Jul 8 2006, 02:04 AM
Taylor scrolled through the fighting holodeck programs, quickly scanning the summaries. Her left index finger tapped the weapon she was holding, a large eight inch piece of metal with steel blades tucked out of sight. Another hand-blade was strapped to her belt, a double-blade in the shape of an ‘U’. She was so engrossed in the console that she didn’t hear the woman walking up to her.“Computer, open program Lophen-alpha-one.”
Taylor jumped, startled at the voice of the XO. “Sir?”
“I saw your weapon,” Tejas explained. “You were looking for a challenge, right?”
“I was. But I’ve never heard of the Lophen program.”
“It’s a personal file. Safeties off, I assume?” Taylor nodded. “Good,” Tejas said, smiling. “No ranks, agreed?”
“Agreed.” Taylor’s body eased back into the relaxation it was before the Commander appeared. As she followed Tejas into the holodeck, she noticed the tell-tale scabbards on her back. “Impressive swords.”
Tejas stopped in the middle of the arena. “Especially if you beat them,” Tejas taunted, waving off a hologram opponent.
“So, only the rules of not using dishonorable moves and not killing each other?” Taylor asked, looking down at her weapon. She held it straight out, pushing a button in the middle. Instantly two blades burst out of their confining hold in the metal. Now it was a full twenty-four inches with two eight-inch blades.
“Sounds good.” Tejas unsheathed her two swords, a katana and a wakisashi. “Ready?”
Tejas and Taylor circled each other, awaiting the prime time for attack. Tejas lunged forward attacking with her katana, only to have her sword clash against one of Taylor’s blades. Tejas lifted her wakisashi in a good swing, only to have Taylor swing her two-bladed weapon blocking the second attack.
Taylor reached to her belt to grip the ‘U’ shaped sword, unsheathing it, as she took a step back and now duel wielded the unique weaponry. She blocked another attack and made an attack of her own against the XO.
The battle between the two continued on for several minutes, without either letting up, or backing down. They went over the arena, crossing though natural terrain.
“The pirates...” Tejas said swinging her wakisashi.
“What about them?” Taylor asked.
“When we get underway, I’ll need to put one of your security team on a pirate watching detail.”
“That Areven?” Taylor paused allowing Tejas to strike with the weapon. “My team?”
Tejas smiled. “Yes, him.” The meeting between her and her childhood friend replaying in her mind. This time Taylor scored a hit. “And the position of Chief Security is yours.” Tejas backed up recomposing her swords for maximum defense/offense. “If you want it that is.”
“Chief Security? Of course I want it, but wasn’t there supposed to be one coming aboard back at Hyperion?”
“It’s been noticed how you handled the pirates. Saved my ass in cross fire.” Tejas ducked to miss a blow. “Thank you by the way.”
“Anytime,” Taylor said stumbling backwards after a thrust from Tejas’ katana, missing the sword’s swing, but falling on her back.
Tejas took both swords in her right hand, and walked over to Taylor, offering her left hand to help her up. “Then congratulations are in order then, Lieutenant Commander.” Tejas smiled again.
“I’m honored,” Taylor said wholeheartedly, accepting Tejas’ help. The Klingon word was no longer meaningless in her older age. “Thank you.”
Tejas pulled Taylor up to her feet. When Taylor and Tejas released their handhold, Taylor noticed a black pip now lay in her hand.
“Senior Officer meeting in the observation lounge at 1300. See you then.” Tejas smiled, sheathing her katana and wakisashi and backing out of the holodeck.
Another joint post between Tejas and Harjein
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 9 2006, 08:05 AM
The Meridian was still relatively quiet - most of her crew were still on the station - Reyan had recalled his senior officers, but had decided to wait until he had briefed them before recalling the remainder of the crewHe stepped into the observation lounge, noting that he was early; he therefore ordered a coffee from the replicator, and sat at the head of the long table, sipping his coffee and savouring the taste
The doors soon whispered open, and Commander Tejas strode in, smiling as she noticed Reyan already present, enjoying his coffee
"And there was me thinking that I'd be too early" she laughed
"The coffee on the station was good, but I guess I'm too used to the coffee that the Meridian's replicators produce" he replied
Tejas nodded in agreement, just as the door again whispered opened, and many of the Meridian's other senior officer's filtered in
"Bored with the station were we?" Reyan joked
As soon as everyone was sat, Reyan decided to address the matter of the mission that they had been allocated
Reyan stood, and slowly walked to the viewscreen
"Sorry to drag you all away from your shoreleave, but it is not without good reason - earlier this morning the Starship USS Pulsar docked at this station........." Reyan started to say
"Wow - really - a Starship docked at a Starbase?" a voice commented sarcastically, causing everyone, with the exception of Reyan and Tejas, to laugh
Tejas cleared her throat, loudly, and the laughing ceased
Reyan simply frowned
"As I was saying, the Pulsar docked here - she has taken heavy damage and most of her crew is dead as the result of an unprovoked attack from an unknown hositle force"
The atmosphere had instantly changed - some of the officer's looked ashamed of themselves, but the recation to the news was the same - shock
Reyan activated the viewscreen, and the Pulsar logs, which Reyan and Tejas had viewed earlier, were played for all of his officer's to see
Once it had finnished, the room remained silent, until Reyan spoke again
"We have been assigned, along with the USS Renown, to investigate the hositle's last-known coordinates, and to try and make contact with it"
"And then what?" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku asked
"We attempt to make peacful contact" Tejas replied
"And if that fails?" the newly-promoted Lieutenant-Commander Harjein asked
"Then I want you to study the Pulsar's logs carefully - analyse the data that she collected pertaining to the alien vessel, should it be necessesary for us to defend ourselves" Reyan replied
"It goes without saying that this is, potentially, a dangerous mission, but we're confident that it isn't anything that we can't handle" Tejas stated confidentally
"Agreed - and the Renown will be in the sector should we require assistance. I will be recalling all crew immediately - the Starbase engineers have informed me that they'll have finnished purging the Meridian's computers within the hour - we'll depart at fifteen-hundred hours - dismissed" Reyan ordered
The Officer's all left the room fairly promptly, aside from Commander Tejas who stood at the door
"Somthing bothering you, Commander?" he asked her
"Yes - I... was wondering if we took on a fresh supply of quantum torpdeos?" she asked apprehensively
"We did - but I don't think that is what is bothering you" Reyan replied
"No Sir - it isn't - it's Arven - but it's somthing that I need to think over myself" she replied
"That's fine, Commander, but you know where I am if you need me - and you can always talk to our counsellor should you feel that it is somthing that you can't talk to me about" he advised her
Tejas smiled
"Thankyou" she replied, before she stepped through the doors
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jul 9 2006, 01:56 PM
Rated PG-13Sarah had been at her console for what seemed like hours but infact just a couple of minutes when a message popped up on the display. She accessed it. Jin. She thought as she read the message. The station. Hmmm, she then logged off her console and headed down the lift then exited Engineering after passing command and control to one of the team leaders.
Walking through the corridor joining the Meridian to the station, Sarah looked around for Jin but he wasn't anywhere to be found. "Computer locate Lieutenant Commander Jin Ryku." She ordered.
[Lieutenant Commander Jin Ryku is located in the Shuttlebay.] Answered the station's computer.
=^= Kerrigan to Ryku, =^= she called.
=^= "Jin here," =^= came his reply when he heard her voice. He smiled mischieviously. =^= "How's it going?" =^=
=^= It is going fine, you? =^= Sarah asked as she made her way to the shuttlebay.
=^= "Better, now that I'm talking to you," he mused. "I ran into this exotic looking Starfleet Fighter. It's new, but apparently Starfleet disconinued making these things fast..." =^= - He watched as Sarah entered the Shuttle Bay of the Station. Jin couldn't help but stare momentarily at her figure, but quickly turned his head to the side when he realized it. He then glanced back at her and smiled, "Wanna go for a ride?"
The Wraith-class Fighter stood behind Jin, with its two wings, and body just a bit bigger than a Runabout. Jin was sure its Engineering aspects would be quite different than the Peregrine-class Fighter. Either way he got to meet up with Sarah again.
"Sure, don't we need permission?" Sarah asked as she approached Jin and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh and when we get back.." She winked to finish. "Dinner." She said with a laugh as she saw his reaction to the wink then a momentary frown.
"Dinner would be grea--" Just then the Bay operator came by and spoke to them.
"Jin Ryku? The Fighter is cleared and ready for use. She's all yours for at least two hours."
"Thanks," Jin smiled as he saw the Fighter's doors opening. He grabbed Sarah's hand and they both entered the craft.
Jin went to the seat and began operating the controls. He activated its thrusters as Sarah stood behind him. As soon as the craft hovered off the floor, he pushed it out the Bay doors and into space.
Sarah sat down and was gently massaging his thigh as he pilotted the fighter around the shield perimeter of the starbase. She watched him and grinned each time her hand moved up his thigh. She giggled every time he flinched at the movement, it appeared he was torn between wanting to take Sarah up on her subtle offer and with pilotting the awesome fighter. Suddenly she retracted her hand and stretched in the chair behind Jin as she took off her jacket. "My it's hot in here." She said with a subtle message in her words.
Jin flew the Fighter around in space, knowing full well that Sarah was becoming more appealingly sexy by the second. Now she was taking off her uniform jacket, revealing plenty of skin through the standard Starfleet undershirt... his only problem was, that he had made up his mind a long time ago at what he was going to do about it.
As he was piloting the ship, he had turned his head and was making eye contact with Sarah. She giggled, "Hey. Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on where you're flying?"
"...I guess," Jin smiled. "Why, don't you think I can't fly blind?"
She smiled, at interest in his crazyness, "You'll hit the station."
Jin just continued to stare at her, not turning his head toward the window. Sarah was up to this staring game and refused to avert her gaze at him aswell. Was he really as good as he claimed he was?
While the Commander was taking in Sarah's attractive appearance; recalling when she placed her hand on his thigh; and being convinced that it was actually was getting hot in here - he was calculating the distance between the Fighter and the Station from what he last had seen it at on his controls.
The Fighter headed straight for the Station now, and both began to wonder when Jin was going to pull up. Jin knew there was a safe area where he could not pass, lest he be court-marshalled for wreckless flying - and it was up to him to figure out where that would be by mere instincts.
Lucky, he thought. Because Sarah brought out all the instincts in him, as he mentioned once before. The instant before the Fighter was about to cross that safety-zone, Jin darted the Fighter right in space. It then flew off away from the Station.
They both laughed in amusement as Jin turned back to his gaze of space for a second. He put the controls onto an automated flight path and then turned over to Sarah, "That was just for fun," he said as he brought his head closer to hers. "I don't usually test myself like that."
"You should," she said, letting him get close, "It could save our lives."
Their eyes went from looking at the other's lips to thier eyes. "I was never the careful type," he said before they both leaned in and started kissing.
As the two kissed and Sarah was beginning to get really into the situation, the console in front of Jin began to beep indicating that an object was in the fighter's flight path. Sarah broke the kiss and pushed Jin away from her.
"What was that?" She asked as she looked towards the front and saw a Nova-class ship coming right at them. "Jin." She pointed towards the ship. "Look!"
Jin saw the ship coming for them and quickly stretched out his left hand to the Helm-- the Fighter sped upwards and over the Starship as the Starship came to dock at the Starbase. He then turned to the console to check the sensors. Sarah glanced over curiously, "It's the U.S.S. Pulsar," Jin said in confusion. "They don't seem to be too worried about us. They've sustained heavy damage."
Jin and Sarah glanced at each other in shock and then decided to return to the Starbase.
It wouldn't be long before the Starbase's personnel would be all over the Pulsar. Doctor Kaoru was already hard at work at relieving the victims of what apparently was a viscious attack against the ship.
Captain Caius called a meeting of the senior staff aboard the Meridian. As Jin and Sarah entered the Observation Lounge with everyone else, they found Reyan Caius and Commander Tejas were already there. They took a seat and the Captain began explaining the situation.
"We have been assigned, along with the U.S.S. Renown, to investigate the hositle's last-known coordinates, and to try and make contact with it," he said.
"And then what?" Jin asked.
"We attempt to make peacful contact," Tejas replied.
This was obviously a very important step. If all else failed, the crew would use what little information they already knew from this possible enemy to defend themselves.
"We'll depart at fifteen-hundred hours - dismissed," Reyan ordered.
The officer's all left the room fairly promptly. Jin and Sarah agreed to meet later and they departed.
Joint post between Sarah and Jin.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 9 2006, 04:19 PM
Dianna was already on the meridian when the captain was calling all senior staff to the meeting. Dianna wasn't up to par, but she had to work when called. She was a little sick to her stomach, but she knew why. Right now she wasn't in the mood for anything and when she like this she either depressed or she makes jokes about things.Dianna walked into where the meeting was held and sat down. She had a bit of chip on her shoulder in a matter of speaking. As soon as everyone got there, the captain started the meeting.
"Sorry to drag you all away from your shoreleave, but it is not without good reason - earlier this morning the Starship USS Pulsar docked at this station........." Reyan started to say when Dianna started intrupting him.
"Wow - really - a Starship docked at a Starbase?" said Dianna sarcastically, causing everyone, with the exception of Reyan and Tejas, to laugh.
Tejas cleared her throat, loudly, and the laughing ceased
Reyan simply frowned
"As I was saying, the Pulsar docked here - she has taken heavy damage and most of her crew is dead as the result of an unprovoked attack from an unknown hositle force"
The atmosphere had instantly changed - some of the officer's looked ashamed of themselves, but the recation to the news was the same - shock
Reyan activated the viewscreen, and the Pulsar logs, which Reyan and Tejas had viewed earlier, were played for all of his officer's to see
Once it had finnished, the room remained silent, until Reyan spoke again
"We have been assigned, along with the USS Renown, to investigate the hositle's last-known coordinates, and to try and make contact with it"
"And then what?" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku asked
"We attempt to make peacful contact" Tejas replied
"And if that fails?" the newly-promoted Lieutenant-Commander Harjein asked
"Then I want you to study the Pulsar's logs carefully - analyse the data that she collected pertaining to the alien vessel, should it be necessesary for us to defend ourselves" Reyan replied
"It goes without saying that this is, potentially, a dangerous mission, but we're confident that it isn't anything that we can't handle" Tejas stated confidentally
"Agreed - and the Renown will be in the sector should we require assistance. I will be recalling all crew immediately - the Starbase engineers have informed me that they'll have finnished purging the Meridian's computers within the hour - we'll depart at fifteen-hundred hours - dismissed" Reyan ordered.
At that Dianna left the meeting and headed back to her quarters. Well I guess I need to be on the bridge at 1500 hrs, thought Dianna.
Posted by: Tejas Jul 9 2006, 04:44 PM
After Tejas left the Observation Lounge, she made her way down to the brig. Areven was the sole remaining pirate on board, and the only occupant within the brig, as the others had already been transferred to the space station.Tejas first walked to the security guard standing watch. “You will be watching this prisoner for the time being.” He looked at her as if to say. And what precisely do you think I’m standing here doing. Tejas continued, “He is to be given free run of the ship, with security escort. Two armed security officers at all times. Understood?”
“Yes Ma’am.” The security officer said.
“Deactivate the force field.” Tejas said calmly as she approached the occupied cell.
“I’m not going anywhere with you, traitor.” Areven spat out.
“Unfortunately, that is not up for debate.” Tejas said equally harsh. “For you, or for me.” She stood there staring at him for some time.
“Alright, alright.” Areven said standing up and beginning to walk towards Tejas. Tejas held a phaser drawn as did the security officer.
The security guard exiting the room just ahead of them, with enough time for the doors to close leaving the two former crewmates momentarily alone in the brig.
“And where precisely are we going?” Areven said curtly.
Tejas turned to him, pulling his shirt and throwing him against the wall. She pinned him facing the wall. “Let’s get one thing straight. I don’t want you here either. The least we can do is be civil towards each other. Is that understood?” She released her grip, where he rotated his arm he had pinned behind him. “Now, after you.” She motioned to the door.
He glared at her, but moved through the door. The doors swished open and there stood the security guard waiting on them.
They made their way to the nearest turbo lift.
“Bridge.” Tejas said when the doors closed. She turned to Areven. “How much do you know about this region of space?”
“Enough.” He stated.
“Care to clarify that statement?”
“Let me tell you what your function here is pirate. You are here as a guide for this region of space. Your shipmates are detained on the Star Base 289, until such a time as Star Fleet sends a ship to take them back to HQ where they will be tried for what they’ve done. It will be of the most benefit to you and your fellow pirates for your cooperation in this matter. Understood?”
“Do I have a choice in the matter?”
The doors opened to the hustle of pre-launch preparations of the bridge. Tejas made her way her chair, noting that most, if not all of the senior officers were present.
The Captain already sitting in his chair. Reports were already coming in as to the status of the ship. “Bring the warp drive online.” Reyan said as he looked up to see Tejas sitting down. She looked behind her, noting that Reyan followed her view to see Areven standing at the back of the bridge, closely guarded by two security officers. “A little much?” Reyan whispered to Tejas.
“Actually wondering if it’s enough.” Tejas said quietly.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 11 2006, 12:42 AM
After being in her quarters for a while, she decided it was time for her to head to the bridge and mann ops.Dianna was hurting on the inside. She hated everything. She hated not feeling anything and she resented everything.
On the bridge she sat at her console and started working away and monitored all systems. Before she knew it, they were heading off to find the lasted known coordinates of the hostiles and make contact if at all possible. They never know what will happen. Thats the beauty of space travel.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 11 2006, 01:01 AM
After her joy ride with Jin, Sarah returned to Engineering on the Meridian and to see if Kaida wanted her to do anything. To say the least Kaida wasn't anywhere to be found, Sarah looked everywhere, even left her a message on her desk in her office. ~Where is she?~ Sarah thought.=^= Kerrigan to D'Troy, ma'am where are you? =^= Sarah called as she stopped at one of the secondary consoles. =^= Could we meet up for a meal? =^= Sarah continued.
~Okay maybe I should go see the Captain or the First Officer for orders.~ Sarah thought.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 11 2006, 02:56 AM
Captain Reyan turns to his helm officer. “Well, Mister Ryku,” he said. “I believe our twenty-four hours have expired. I suspect everyone has enjoyed their time at Starbase 289—“All of a sudden, the beeps signal the intercom from the starbase. “Go ahead, Starbase 289, this is Captain Reyan.”
“Yes, Captain. This is the transporter room on Starbase 289. We have a Lieutenant Darkon here ready to transport to the Meridian.”
Captain Reyan lowers his arm and turns to his executive officer. “Are we expecting anyone named Lieutenant Darkon.”
Tejas turns back to the captain excitedly and explains. “Yes, Captain! He’s the new Science Officer I told you about. I was told he wouldn’t catch up to us until after this mission, but I suppose the stop at Starbase gave headquarters time to shuttle him into us. I wonder why they never told me about that.”
“Captain?” It was the voice through the intercom.
This time the Captain responded to the invisible voice. “Beam him directly to the bridge.” Turning to his executive officer he added, “I’d like to meet this Lieutenant.”
In a few moments the shimmering lights formed on the bridge near the helmsman, lights which quickly yet gradually formed into a young man with two pips on a blue Starfleet uniform. His hair was dusty brown and his clean-shaven, Caucasian face was highlighted by mysterious brown eyes. Turning to the four-pipped uniform in the center of the room, the stranger snaps to attention and holds out a small datapad. “Lieutenant Gideon Darkon present for duty, awaiting orders, sir.”
Captain Reyan is somewhat surprised by the military greeting. He turns silently toward Tejas and then to Gideon. He takes the datapad and scans the orders from Starfleet assigning Lieutenant Darkon to his ship and hands them back to the rigid officer. “At ease, Lieutenant. Your station is empty. Please take your place and I look forward to meeting you on this mission.”
On his way to the science station, the executive officer smiles at the young Lieutenant. “It is good to see you again.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Gideon replies and extends his hand for her to shake.
Tejas refuses his hand and hugs his neck awkwardly before he can take his post. Gideon was a little taken by this action as he seems to vaguely remember the first officer but can’t remember anything about her. He remains silent for now but intends to find out where it was that he met this woman.
The captain turns to his first officer and whispers, "Do we have anymore surprises before we leave Starbase, Commander?"
"Not that I know of, sir."
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 11 2006, 05:17 AM
Following the arrival of Lieutenant Darkon, Reyan made his way to engineering, deciding that rather than requesting a status report over the comm-system, he would obtain the update in person - the Meridian's launch time was fast approaching, but he wanted confirmation that the ship was fully preparedAs he walked through the large doors that led into Engineering he was instantly impressed by how busy everyone appeared. Although it seemed that some of the Starbase engineers had remained to assist his officer's in preparing the Meridian for launch
He walked over to Lieutenant Kerrigan, who was busy assisting a fellow Lieutenant, from the Starbase, with last-minute warp-core diagnostics
"Where is Lieutenant-Commander D'troy?" he asked
Lieutenant Kerrigan turned from her work
"Captain - I'm not sure about Commander D'troy's whereabouts - I've been busy preparing to bring the warp core back online" she replied
Reyan smiled
"Good work Lieutenant - are you happy that the Meridian is fit to depart?" he asked her
Although she looked concerned that she was being asked, rather than Commander D'troy, she picked up a padd that had been resting on the console that she had been using, and handed it to him
"In Commander D'troy's..... absense, I took the liberty of preparing the engineering report" she answered
Reyan quicky read through the report, which confirmed that the Meridian was spaceworthy, and the only task not completed was bringing the warp-core online
"Good work, Lieutenant" Reyan replied, admiring her foward-thinking
Lieutenant Kerrigan smiled, seemingly appreciating the Captain's compliment
"Actually, I'd like you on the Bridge, Lieutenant, when we depart - you can coordinate Engineering from the engineering station on the bridge and keep me updated" he stated
"Aye Sir" she replied
"Again, Lieutenant - you actually managed to coordinate repairs and complete diagnostics early - I'm impressed. I'm heading back to the Bridge now - care to join me?" he asked the attractive Lieutenant
"Yes Sir" she replied
Reyan smiled, and the two Officers left engineering
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Jul 11 2006, 04:03 PM
She couldn't have said why she chose to take that corridor. She had very little cause to be in Engineering, and certainly she was busy enough. But Kaoru had stopped questioning her instincts a long time ago.She was unprepared though, for what she saw when she passed a small conference room, the lights within dimmed. "Kaida?" She moved to the side of the slumped Engineer, kneeling down, checking for lifesigns. Kaoru did not have her tricorder, or a medkit.
What she felt alarmed her, and she touched her commbadge quickly.

Saying nothing else, Kaoru loosened the lovely engineer's uniform jacket, examining her pale still body even as the curtain of blue light flickered around them both.
The next several hours were a flurry of activity. Kaida's lifesigns, when they finally got her to a biobed, were barely registering. The lovely engineer was in serious condition, barely alive, and Kaoru had no idea why.
All attempts to revive her failed, she was not responding to medications, only slipping further and further away. Kaoru's dark eyes were solemn when she gave her next order. "We're losing her. Prepare a stasis field."
Kaida's pale weak form was placed in stasis. Kaoru was the last to leave her room, unable to sense anything from the unconscious engineer. ~Come back Kaida...from whereever you are.~ She sent the thought to the woman, but there was no response.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 11 2006, 11:33 PM
Stepping off the turbolift with Captain Caius in front of her, Sarah headed over to the engineering console that was at the back of the Bridge. She tapped at the control panels and checked all systems, especially the recently repaired systems that the virus had effected. They all were now clean and stable."All systems ready Captain." Sarah called from the back of the Bridge. "Engineering is on standby." Where the hell is Lieutenant Commander D'Troy? Sarah continued to wonder at every available moment she had to herself. Hope she's okay.
The Orion looked about the Bridge and found Commander Tejas Barnard, Lieutenant Commander Taylor Harjein and Sarah's love interest, Lieutenant Commander Jin Ryku at their stations. She smiled as she glanced at Jin - well the back of his head - and then returned to her console.
Posted by: Tejas Jul 12 2006, 11:16 PM
Tejas smiled as Reyan rejoined the bridge, accompanied by the Sarah Kerrigan. He took his seat in the command chair, as Kerrigan took her place at the engineering console.“Are you okay?” Reyan said when Tejas reached up to her temple.
Her mind waivered, feeling a sense of loss, but not absolute.
“I’m fine.” She stated, not completely sure if she was. She glanced back down at the PADD she held, noticing the chief engineer’s file shown before she switched it off. She shrugged off the feelings she had felt. “Are we ready?”
“Warp engines are online Commander.” Kerrigan said from the engineer console.
“Commander Ryku, clear our departure with Starbase Ops.” Reyan said.
“Our departure has been cleared.” The reply came from helm.
"Ryku, clear all moorings, thrusters at stationkeeping, and take us out." Reyan said.
"Moorings cleared, thrusters at stationkeeping, ahead full thrusters" Jin Ryku replied.
When the Nebula class ship had cleared the station. “Ryku, set a course for 3712 mark 9, maximum warp.”
"Course set."
The ship’s warp drive came to life, and the ship became a distant speck in the starfield.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 13 2006, 01:53 AM
It was only Gideon's third time to experience travel through warp, the two previous being on his voyage to Starbase 289. It didn't affect him that much while stationed at space dock, but the truth was, his early graduation from the academy, now that he was out in the fleet may yet prove to be a detriment to his career. He couldn't exactly explain what was happenning to his body, but he needed something for the dizziness he was experiencing in the ship. Do people really get used to this? After a few minutes of monitoring the blips on his computer terminal, his thoughts were interrupted."You feeling okay, Lieutenant?"
He spun from his computer terminal to face his new executive officer. He wasn't sure what to say to the commander, but he snapped to a rigid but silent attention.
"At ease, Lieutenant. And don't let me catch that militarism again."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Lieutenant, you may call me Tejas."
"Yes, ma'am."
The commander held back most of the giggle but could not help but to laugh slightly at his strictness of the regulations. "Would you like a tour around the station, Lieutenant? And perhaps a stop at sick bay on our trip?"
Gideon looked into her green eyes but remained silent. He had tried to hide the sickness he felt, but it must have been obvious to everyone. His face now flushed with a tint of red embarassment, but sensing this emotion, the commander continued in almost a whisper.
"Don't worry Lieutenant; your secret is safe with me. I need to show you your quarters as well, but first, let's go to sickbay."
Gideon almost smiled. "Yes, ma'am."
Posted by: Harjein Jul 14 2006, 12:48 AM
Taylor silently stood at the Tactical station above the Commander seats. Nervousness in the pit of her stomach made her concentrate on the console and job she knew. With the amount of Betazoids on the ship, there had to be someone who knew that she was tense even if she didn’t show it outwardly.She knew the job of Chief Security quite well, but the more she thought about it, she wasn’t sure she was up to the duty.
And suddenly you’re paranoid? she asked herself, fingers running over the console to check on her new department. Never have you doubted yourself this much.
But now nearly 700 people are counting on you to protect them, a snide voice whispered. Taylor shook herself, attempting to ignore that voice and continuing to focus on the console in front of her. What happens the next time the ship is threatened? You are heading into a fight against an unknown enemy, after all. Are both you and the ship fast enough to win?
Posted by: Luanna Jo Jul 14 2006, 03:24 AM
Jo hobbled down the corridor, nine month old Katie on her hip, Bennett and Ruby in tow, toward sick bay. Christopher, her husband was back in there quarters taking a much needed break from the kidos." Ruby- keep up, you're going to get lost, it's a big star ship, honey," Jo tauddled to her 6 year old daughter.
They were quite the spectacle as they paraded past everyone. Jo had sprained her ankle tripping on one of Katie's many toys. Atleast she hadn't landed on Bennett's legos too.
"Bennett, please hold my hand you-" kerplow!, Jo had litterally stumbled into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said as she tried to see the rank of the lovely brown-haired woman and help her up at the same time.
-"Commander! I'm so sorry!" she stuttered, adjusting a googling Katie on her hip and trying to keep Bennett and Ruby from crashing into the traffic jam. She tried to jump to attention, but failed misserably.
"Oh, no problem, Lieutenant!"
" A booooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzz" Squeeled Katie pointing a drooly finger at the Commander.
"Well, hello little one!" She smilled extending her finger to Katie. "I'm Commander Tejas Barnard, but you can call me Aunty Tejas."
"Commander Barnard!" Jo, stuttered trying in some fashion to recover herself, but it was hopeless. Oh, what a great first impression! She thought.
"You must be the new counsellor we've been waiting for!"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Mommy who's this guy? He's standing all straight and stuff," Bennett loudly observed.
"This is Lieutenant Gideon Darkon, our chief science officer." Commander Tejas said, looking to the rigid man in front of Bennett.
"Bennett, come here." ...
" I was giving Gideon a tour of the ship. We were on our way to sick bay. Would you all care to join us?"
"Actually we were on our way there as well, Commander. I want to make sure the children know the way to sick bay, I'm sure we'll be heading there frequently," Jo said looking back at Ruby. " And I...sprained my ankle in our quarters..."
"Well then," Tejas picked up the drooling katie who was reaching out for her. "Let us help you."
Ruby gingerly took the hand of Lientenant Darkon and smilled her begilling smile. Surprised and a little taken aback, he escorted her to sickbay with the rest of the parade.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 14 2006, 04:03 AM
As the Orion Chief Engineer stood at her console at the back of the Bridge, she wondered about talking to someone about increasing security access to Engineering main systems and not to mention should decrease the chance of pirates ever gaining control of this ship again.She walked over to the tactical station and found Lieutenant Commander Harjein Taylor. "Commander, hi, may I request that you and I work on some additional security features for the Engineering command system?" Sarah asked polightly not wanting to sound to authortive to another officer, definately a superior one.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 14 2006, 05:00 AM
Gideon walked with his escort and the family of the new counsellor to sickbay where they found the Chief Medical Officer staring blankly into a datascreen in her office. When they were not greeted immediately, Commander Barnard took a step into the office, clearing her throat. Startled, the Betazoid woman looked up from her screen and jumped to her feet."Sorry, Commander, I--uh--just can't believe what has happened to Kaida. I--I--I've never lost a patient like this before. All the Betazoids on this ship and none of us could sense her."
"No one blames you, Commander. You did everything you could once you found her. And she's still alive!! That's the important thing!! She'ss been put in stasis. Perhaps we'll be able to revive her later. In the meantime, I have new shipmates for you to meet."
Gideon did not quite understand what they were talking about, and his attention slowly waned from the conversation, but he renewed his interest as Commander Barnard introduced each member of the counsellor's family. The doctor looked at the counsellor's ankle and skillfully healed it with her medical instruments.
So far, the beautiful doctor had not even noticed Gideon's presence in the room. He stood quietly near the door as the executive officer turned to leave the room. "Oh!" She exclaimed upon remembering the original purpose of her visit. "And this is Lieutenant Gideon Darkon, a brilliant scientist from Earth."
The doctor turned to Gideon and introduced herself. "Hi. I'm Commander Kaoru Ele." They shook hands. Even this was a bit awkward for Gideon.
The doctor stooped slightly as the executive officer whispered something in her left ear. Commander Ele looked up and smiled a quirky grin at Gideon. She was gone for only a moment and returned quickly with a hypospray in her right hand and a smile in her voice. "I've got just the thing for that." As she pressed the hypospray into the side of his neck, he almost immediately began to feel better.
"Does that hurt, Mister?" It was Bennett, the counsellor's young boy.
Gideon wasn't really sure what to say. He wasn't sure what was more frightening in the room: the rank of the two commanders, the three beautiful women or the three children. He took another look around the room. Seeing the drool slide off Katie's chin, he felt he was leaning toward the children. Remaining silent, he simply shook his head.
Posted by: Tejas Jul 14 2006, 05:12 PM
Tejas could sense Kaoru’s frustrations from when they entered sickbay. The brief encounter of introducing the counselor, and science officer, the doctor didn’t quite seem herself.It troubled Tejas about Kaida though, she put on a better front for the new officers. She watched as Kaoru treated the counselor’s ankle, and gave Gideon something in a hypospray.
“If you’ll excuse us,” Tejas said. “I need to speak privately with the Doctor.”
“Of course.” “Yes, Sir” Both Luanna and Gideon said simultaneously. Luanna rounded up the three children and Ruby insisted on holding Gideon’s hand as they left sickbay.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 14 2006, 08:08 PM
As Gideon left sickbay with the troop of drool, he realized that Ruby was still holding his hand. "Uh, Miss," he said. "I--uh--really don't need any company today. Thank-you, though." He let go of the girl's hand but she was still latching onto his. He pulled her hand away from his but she immediately regripped him tightly.He did not raise his voice, but its tone suggested more than a hint of frustration. "No, really. I don't need to hold anyone's hand right now. I'm fine." He pulled her hand away from his own.
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before Ruby unleashed her tears in an uncontrollable wail. "Mommy," she cried. "This man, uh--uh--Uncle Gideon. He won't hold my hand and that made me really sad." Gideon could almost make out these words in between the sobs of the six-year-old girl.
What has happened to this girl? He thought. A moment ago, she was a cute, possessive kid and now she's turned into a monster with a temper.
After a few minutes of listening to the tantrum and the girl's mother trying to console her while juggling the other two children, Gideon weighed his options. He could stand in the hall waiting for his executive officer holding this little girl's hand or listening to her raging temper. Not knowing what else to do, he resigned to the fate of "Uncle" Gideon. He reached down and took Ruby's hand. Immediately, the fussing stopped and a smile even began to illuminate her tear-stained face.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jul 14 2006, 10:24 PM
Jin course-corrected at his Helm console, slightly, as the Meridian sped through space at Warp. They were almost at thier destination; Sector 34827, or more specifically the largely unexplored area of space known as the Nitroks Sector.As he did so, he could hear the murmurs of conversation happening in different areas of the Bridge every now and then. It was almost like he could pinpoint each location a person was at during the time of speaking. It was then he became self conscious of what the back of his head looked like. Wait a sec... did I fix my hair before I came onto the Bridge? but then he realized how stupid that question was. What am I saying? No one's going to be looking at the back of my head! Jin was about to laugh at himself, before he noticed Dianna at her ops.
She seemed a bit unhappy, but he wasn't too sure. Maybe he was just imagining things. But as he recalled, she did speak out of character at the last Briefing.
The thought of the Briefing brought his train of randomness back to the mission. He knew the importance of checking out the Nitroks Sector, but it was almost as if they were expecting to run into the enemy again. But when that happens, we don't really have a plan... because the Pulsar's hails weren't answered, and if we attempt the same thing, our fates may endure something worse.
The small external sensor area blinked, indicating a Starship found on sensors. The helm's sensor display was a little more basic than Ops and Tactical, but he could tell that it was the U.S.S. Renown. The Renown had already made it to the Sector before them.
Someone reported the Renown, and the Captain acknowledged. The Bridge became quite again, and Jin glanced back to see how Sarah was doing - only to find that she was busy at her station. Jin glanced back to Dianna, and readdressed his earlier pondering. He hadn't been able to see how she was doing from the last time he saw her before the Briefing, which was unconcsious, "Hey Dianna," Jin asked, "how's it going?"
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Jul 15 2006, 12:18 AM
Kaoru hadn't dealt with space sickness well....ever. She smiled reassuringly at the handsome young man, administering the drug that would help his body better adapt to the miniscule differences in atmosphere aboard a starship.Most people couldn't tell the difference between a starship and a class M planet, but there were a few whose physiologies were sensitive enough to detect the subtle differences and react adversely.
She found the young man charming, particularly touched by how pleasant he was with the children.
She introduced herself to the counsellor, and the counsellor's children, "Welcome aboard Lieutenant Jo. As soon as you're settled, we can go over the personnel files."
"Of course Doctor." Kaoru smiled, nodding, her own telepathic shields firmly in place. The betazoid woman glanced around her busy sickbay, not at all surprised that Tejas had asked to speak to her privately.
"Yes Commander."
The counselor, Gideon, and the little ones left sickbay, Kaoru watched them go, turning to Tejas only after the doors had whispered closed behind them. "I have no idea what caused Lieutenant Commander Kaida's condition." She answered the question before it was asked, something she normally avoided with humans, but Tejas was half betazoid.
Even so, the Commander blinked, "No idea at all?" It seemed hard to believe.
Kaoru shook her head, her frustration showing briefly. "I cannot keep her stabilized. She's in stasis right now. I want to run some tissue scans, see if something shows up there that our typical scans would miss."
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 15 2006, 01:49 AM
Dianna sat at Ops not feeling much. She missed her empathic abilities. Two more days and they will be back. She hated they she didn't have any control of anything. She hated what she had become. Then Jin asked her how she was doing. Seriously she was not happy. She lied and said that she was okay but inside she was crying. When her relief came, she headed off to her session with the counselor.Posted by: Luanna Jo Jul 15 2006, 06:06 AM
Dianna walked to the counselor's office.“Hi,” the counselor smiled, “come on in.”
Dianna noticed that she was a Bajorian woman.
Dianna walked in. She thanked her.
“Would you like a cup of tea? It’s Bajoran Apple Spice. It’s real, not replicated.”
"Sure," said Dianna. She figured she'd give it a try. It couldn't hurt.
“So, tell me a little about your self," Luanna Jo said as she poured her a cup of steaming hot tea.
"I not sure what to say. I'm half betezoid and half Human. My mother is human and my father is betezoid. I have an older sister that is perfect in everyway. There is not much to say," said Dianna.
"Really? I have 6 brothers and sisters. My older sister only thinks she is perfect. But she has her fair share of flaws, like all of us.
"What can I help you with?"
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Jul 15 2006, 05:16 PM
Kaida's mind was flurrying and her heartbeat raced, she could barely breathe. Perhaps it's the lighting she thought absently, so she ordered the computer to dim the lights a little. Still no joy. Feeling her heart beat slow to the point she could feel it in her chest was worrying. All of a sudden, she felt like someone had punched her in the stomach with an invisible fist from somewhere in the room, all her remaining breath was knocked out of her lungs. She dropped the PADD she had been holding and collapsed on the floor, her last thought before she passed out was that no-one knew she was there and it was unlikely she'd be getting any assistance anytime soon. With the lights as dim as they were that wouldn't ring alarm bells unless someone was looking.She became aware somehow that she was not awake, not on the ship anymore. She was still wearing her uniform though as she looked down at her body, but there was no artificial flooring, no ground to speak of. There was just....nothingness. She felt like she was floating in some black void where there was no up or down. In fact there was no sense of direction at all.
Lights began appearing all around her, blinking in and out. They looked like the flames on old fashioned torches, unsure Kaida moved - more floated - towards one of the flames. Reaching out with her hand, she closed her fist around the first flame it was almost as if they weren't even her own limbs.
The moment she did, the environment shifted and changed to a scene that she didn't recognise. Looking down at her hand, she was no longer holding the flame, though people were bustling around, no-one even so much as glanced in her direction. Her attention was taken by a woman and two children. Kaida could not put her finger on why, but the infant this woman was holding in her arms seemed familair. So did the older child huddling against her legs, the look of fear mixed with determination was more familiar, but again her mind wouldn't, more like couldn't focus.
"What's happening? Where am I?" She thought to herself, though it sounded in her head like she had shouted it, nobody paid her any more mind than before.
A large man pulled the family aprt, sweeping the older child away. The mothertried to fight, but found it hard with the infant. Kaida tried to run and help, similar things were happening all around her, but she wanted to help that woman, she needed to help her! She felt like she hit an invisible wall, she slammed her fists into whatever was stopping her, shouting, screaming until her legs gave way. Her heart was beating as fast as she had ever known, the feeling of helplessness overwhelmed her as she slid to her knees.
Suddenly, the scene around her disappeared and she found herself back in the black void, floating, all the 'flames' extinguished around her. She was alone and afraid. Still unsure what had happened or where she was, she just knew she wanted to leave. She just wish she knew how to leave.
Posted by: Tejas Jul 15 2006, 05:55 PM
“I’d like to see her.” Tejas said. Not really sure why, or what she could possibly accomplish. She had no medical training, save for a brief field medic course.“This way.” Kaoru led Tejas to a back room, away from the hustle of the main medical bay.
Kaida lay on the biobed, her vitals registering as just there. She was in stasis as the Doctor had said. Tejas approached the bed. There was something familiar in looking at Kaida. It’s almost as if… An old memory surfaced in Tejas’ mind if only for a brief instant.
Not thinking, she reached down to pick up Kaida’s hand, holding it. The medical beeps signifying Kaida’s status suddenly became more active. Kaoru rushed to the side opposite Tejas, pulling out a medical tricorder and running scans over Kaida’s body.
“She’s stabilizing.” Kaoru looked perplexed. “But how?” She almost whispered as Kaida slowly opened her eyes.
Tejas sensed panic combined with fear coming from the engineer. With her other hand she brushed back Kaida’s hair from her face. “Shhh, you’re okay now.” Tejas said in a soothing tone.
Kaida had already fallen back asleep.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 15 2006, 07:11 PM
Gideon was still holding Ruby's hand in the corridor outside the medical wing when the Counsellor suddenly noticed the time. "Oh, my!" She cried. "I have an appointment I have to keep in my office. I have to get going! Let's see, we're on Deck 8 and my office is all the way down on Deck 17. Do you know where the turbolifts are on this floor?"Gideon didn't have time to respond. Luanna Jo just kept talking as if to herself.
"Okay. If I go this way and keep walking, I'll bump into them and--"
She stopped where she was, suddenly noticing she still had Katie latched at her hip and Bennett following her every move by her side. "Wait!!" She said. "You can take the kids to my quarters. It's on Deck 7, the last room before the Computer Core Room. Got it? Good! Here's my baby. Have a good time kids and Mommy will be home after her appointment. I love you guys!!"
With that the counsellor moved down the hallway toward the turbolife, which she entered. Gideon did not see her again after the doors shut with a whispered "Whoosh!!" When he looked down, he (for the first time) realized that he was holding a less-than-one-year-old girl on his hip--he didn't know that he had any hips--and a young boy, perhaps four years old, stood calmly by his side. And his free hand was still latched onto Ruby's. Oh, brother, he thought. What am I going to do now?
Trying not to convey his frustration to the children, he tried to breathe very precisely, very rhythmically to himself. Breathe in; blow it out. Breathe in; blow it out. What did he need to say to them? Regaining his composure, he worked up the words, turning to Ruby who was the oldest. "Okay," he finally said aloud, "Your mom said you live on Deck 7?"
"One fwoor fwom sigbay."
Gideon couldn't really understand what she was talking about, but he nodded just the same. "Okay, good," he said with a confused smile.
He followed the steps their mother had taken a few moments before until the turbolift stood before them. The doors opened to reveal the tiny, barren room. By this time, his right arm, the one holding Baby Katie, felt as though it held a lead weight. Awkwardly, he swiched her to his other arm (and hip?) while entering the chamber and uttering the words "Deck 7" to the tubolift computer.
"Awh, man! I wanted to say it!" Bennett said with a scowl. He folded his arms together and pouted during the short journey up the turbolift to their floor.
When the doors opened, Bennett stopped pouting and ran down the corridor. "Bennett, stop!!" shouted Gideon and he began to chase the boy down the hall. But the boy just laughed, looked over his shoulder and laughed some more, stopping (the running not the laughing) only when he reached his destination, the counsellor's quarters.
Praise God! thought Gideon as he struggled to run down the hall after the boy with Katie in one arm and Ruby tethered to the other. We're finally there.
When he finally made it to the door, Bennett jumped up and yelled, "What took you so long?" And then he laughed some more. Gideon felt horrible, like he was a failure. Then the doors opened and a man appeared from the other side.
"Daddy!!" The cheers from the two children seemed to fill the hallway.
"Thanks for bringing the kids home," said the man. "I'm Chris, Jo's husband. She told me over the intercom that you would be coming with the kids. She was in kind of a rush."
Gideon looked again at the children. He had not failed. He had, in fact, succeeded in his mission. He had brought the kids home safely to their father. "Yes, sir." Gideon said. He handed the baby over to him and turned around to leave.
"Thanks again!" remarked Chris. Gideon looked once more over his shoulder. Once all the kids were in the room--Ruby insisted on giving "Uncle Gideon" a kiss on the cheek before letting go of his hand--the door closed and Gideon let out a sigh of relief.
Then, he saw it--perhaps the scariest words he could have imagined. On a small plaque attached to the door across from Counsellor Jo's quarters, Gideon saw the following four words: Chief Science Officer's Quarters.
Oh, brother, thought Gideon.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jul 15 2006, 11:42 PM
"Oh, brother," said Jin.He clenched his stomach in pain, as if his Symbiont was moving on its own free will.
This doesn't feel right, he ended his muse in thought. It was probably time to see the Doctor. He had been putting it off for so long now. But I can't leave the Bridge, he thought again. Or more specifically, I don't want to leave the Bridge.
He shook his head in defeat when he finally gave in... But if I don't, I may end up the way Dianna did.
Jin called over the temp officer for the Helm and excused himself from the Captain. It was difficult to explain the pains, more for the effect of ruining his pride - but it had to be done. Jin entered the Turbolift and called out the Deck that Sickbay was on.
When he stepped out, he almost had to avoid bumping into an Ensign. But there was something about this situation that reminded him of his previous host. The previous host died in the same corridors with pains in himself. It only led to the transfer of Symbiont to an Ensign Jin Ryku - that only led to a quick promotion back to the previous host's level. Good it was, but fatal it was... Would Jin die in these hallways suddenly?
He tried to put the thought out of his head as he continued his course toward Sickbay. Jin was having a sort of love-hate relationship with this place now; as it became a painful thorn and a soothing gel in his side.
"These reports on Kaida's vital signs don't make any sense," Kaoru said to one of her nurses while they both looked at a padd in front of Kaoru's office. Jin, clenching his stomach, had made his way over in time to see them busy at work. Beyond them, was a back-room that he could see Tejas hovering near Kaida, who was lying in bed unconscious. It was then it hit Jin that something terrible must have happened to the Chief Engineer.
Crap. And here I come with my annoying Symbiont issues, he quickly attempted to turn and leave before Kaoru would see him - but it was too late. Kaoru glanced up from her padd and noticed that Jin was holding his stomach.
"Commander," she left the padd to her nurse and strolled over, "it's about time."
Jin shook his head seriously for once, "Look I'm fine. Certainly not as bad as Kai---"
"--She's not your concern," Kaoru quickly shut down, knowing what Jin had peeked. She led him to sit at a biobed. "You're here for an update on the Symbiont research." The doctor went over to a console and brought up Jin's previous readings. "As far as I can tell, the misalignment should be settled by now. My scans show that it was caused by hieightened adrenaline levels in your system. But it should most certianly be fine now, as your Symbiont was just going through a settling phase."
Jin nodded, "That's great! Well it was great seeing you again---" but he was interrupted.
"--But it's procedure to check again." She took out her medical tri-corder and scanned Jin's stomach.
As she scanned, all Jin could think about was that Kaida needed her more than he did. "Please, Doctor---"
"That can't be..." Kaoru said in shock, in response to her tricorder. "Your Symbiont misalignment is off the map! You're on the brink of losing it... But you're functioning so well... I don't get it!"
Jin widened his eyes in shock aswell. What could be responsible for all these abnormalties? "Doctor... The reason the Symbiont had to be transferred to me, was due to that life-form from Engineering we encountered a while back. Could a residual after-effect from that lifeform still exist within the Ryku Symbiont?"
"It's possible," Kaoru considered this. "I'm going to have to make more scans."
The Commander this time wanted them to be done fast... not for himself, but so that Kaoru would get to her other patients.
As soon as Doctor Kaoru was done, she left Jin and went into the back rooms. When she returned, she placed a padd down with her information on it, and addressed Lieutenant Commander Jin.
"Have you... been seeing anyone lately?" she asked.
Uh oh. What could this be leading to? Jin worried, but then just nodded, "Erhm. I guess. Why?"
"It's possible," she sighed, "that your aggrivated misalignment is being caused by increased endorphine response. This is only possible through---"
Jin looked away in realization, "Sarah?"
"It's her Orion physiology. She's doing what she's supposed to be doing, but it may be affecting you. Until I or someone at Starfleet Medical can figure something out..." she paused at this, feeling a bit awkward, "I'm going to have to ask you to stay away from her."
Rather than an immature response, Jin glanced away in regret. Kaoru placed a hand on his shoulder and then excused him. What was happeneing within him could be eased by her suggestion, as it was already easing. The Doctor deemed it okay for Jin to go back to duty; but to take things easy. After that, she went to the back rooms, and Jin slowly got to his feet.
The aching in his stomach had died down, and he was feeling as if he could return to duty. Jin left Sickbay and headed back to the Bridge. Was the Doctor serious?
Posted by: Harjein Jul 15 2006, 11:46 PM
“Commander, hi, may I request that you and I work on some additional security features for the Engineering command system?”Taylor jumped slightly, scolding herself for not noticing the younger woman coming up behind her. “Of course,” she replied, smiling in an effort to show warmth. “Sarah Kerrigan, right?”
“At your service,” Sarah replied, returning the smile.
“Good; I’m horrible at names! So, what were your ideas?” Taylor asked, walking with Sarah over to the Engineering station where they could have a more in-depth look at the systems.
“Well, mostly I was thinking of a general upgrade...”
Taylor nodded, looking over at Areven out of the corner of her eye. He looked bored. Briefly wondering if he was going to try anything, she kept her attention on Sarah’s suggestions. “Okay, let’s see what we can do,” she said, entering into the systems.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 16 2006, 02:35 AM
After leaving the kids with their father, he turned around and entered his quarters. His belongings had been transported to the foyer and he glanced down at them before entering his furnished apartment. The first thing he did was sit on the Starfleet Issue couch and record a log entry. As he talked through the events of the past couple of days, he realized how crazy it all sounded. He'd never even been out of the solar system before and here he was travelling through the galaxy at warp nine point something-or-other.He wondered if the executive officer had left sickbay yet. Why had she stopped his tour short to stay there in the first place. Anyway, he decided that he would stay in his room and relax for the time being. If he was needed somewhere, he was easy to get ahold of anyway. He just sat in his room, trying to relax. "Computer," he said. "How about a little Mozart, volume-setting 4, please."
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik played through the sounding boards in the room. Gideon stood up and walked over to the few boxes of personal belongings which still lay in the entryway. Opening one, he pulled out a book which had been packed on top, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Returning to his seat, he wondered how the crew aboard the Nautilus must have felt, the first men to traverse the oceans underwater in a submarine. No, he wasn't the first man to fly in space or the first to fly at warp speed, but this was still his first time to travel past the speed of light. When was this trip going to end?
He didn't really read the book, but he stared at it for a while before falling asleep on his couch. He only wished he had remembered to bring a pillow with him.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jul 16 2006, 11:28 AM
Jin regretted what he had been told. He felt a desire to perhaps talk about it. As soon as he could, he knew he had to talk to her about what the Doctor had said to him."Now approaching the Sector," the helmsmen said.
Then Jin entered the Bridge. He saw that the person at helm had alerted the others of the Meridian's approach. Crap! I wanted to report that.
Jin then glanced over to the back of the Bridge, where he saw that Sarah and Harjein were both at work on upgrading some of the systems. This was obviously not the time to interrupt. Sarah glanced over for a moment and smiled at him, and then returned to her work.
The Lieutenant Commander then left the Turbolift door area as more people were coming out, and headed down the ramp to the Helm console. The Ensign there was relieved, as Jin took a seat.
"Drop Warp and slow to impulse," the Captain said, standing up.
Jin brought the Warp engines offline, and the Meridian dropped back into normal space. He glanced to his left and found that Dianna was gone. A replacement Ensign had taken her seat temporarily. Hope she's alright, Jin wondered.
He looked back on screen, which showed a view of Starfleet ship debris. It looked to be pieces of the U.S.S. Pulsar, floating in space.
Posted by: Tejas Jul 16 2006, 03:27 PM
For a brief instant, Tejas felt as though she were a young child herself, standing on her tiptoes to look over the crib wall at the baby below, but she knew she was neither a child, nor standing on her tiptoes, and Kaida was not a baby.

She sighed, tapping her comm badge. “I’m on my way, Tejas out.” They must be where the Pulsar had met her demise. “I’d like to know how she’s doing.” Tejas removed her hold from Kaida’s hand, placing it across the engineers stomach.
“She’s more stable than before, but still a long ways from recovery.” Kaoru said nodding.
“She’s in good hands.” Tejas said before she left sickbay.
She made way to the bridge, her mind still on thoughts of Kaida. Why did she respond at Tejas’ touch?
The turbolift doors opened on the bridge, and Tejas’ first sight was the view screen. Suddenly the shape the Pulsar had been when it had reached Star Base 289 looked all the worse from here. The empty space was littered with debris.
“Scans identify the USS Pulsar.” Lieutenant Darkon reported. Tejas thought about the tour she’d started which she’d cut short after discovering Kaida’s condition. Gideon continued. “I’m also picking up some peculiar readings. They match the signatures of the attacking vessel per the Pulsar ship scans.”
“Run long range scans.” Reyan said. “I don’t want to be caught off-guard if one of their ships appears.”
“Yes sir.” Gideon began looking down at his console intently running the requested scans.
Reyan said something about beaming the parts to Cargo Bay one for further anaylsis.
Tejas sat in her chair, pulling up the Pulsar logs of what info was available regarding the unidentified aliens. She found something interesting. An ion trail. She got up and walked over to the science station.
“Lieutenant, also run a scan specifically for this ion trail.” She pointed at the same ionic reading.
“Yes ma’am.”
Tejas walked back to Areven. “Know anything about who did this?” She said. He remained looking forward, not saying a word. His silence showed his refusal to help.
“Sir, I found the ion signature.”
“Good, notify the Renown, send the coordinates to helm.” Reyan said.
“Uh, sir. We have an approaching vessel.” Gideon said.
“On screen.” Reyan rose from his seat. A tiny vessel appeared. “Magnify.” The distance betrayed the leviathan ship size. It seemed to slowly inch towards the Meridian.
“Long range scanners identify the ship to be the one that attacked the Pulsar, sir.”
“Yellow Alert. Notify the Renown.” Reyan said, looking back at Tejas.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 16 2006, 10:11 PM
Now the security chief standing with Sarah at the Engineering console, Sarah explained her ideas for improving general access protocols with the Engineering command system and all the little shortcut ways to gain access. She suggested that some sort of extra layer of encription was needed but not so complicated that it will effect reaction time of the engineering team in battle conditions.Suddenly the Meridian dropped out of warp and came up to a debris field. Sarah heard the bridge crew identify that the debris was from the Pulsar as well as that of the attacking ship, but only minor fragments.
Then a warning of the attacking ship approaching Sarah went to work establishing prebattle arrangements, like ordering more power to the shields, weapons, engines and sensors, also ordering that the warp core be incased with a forcefield that had a separate power and backup power supply to the rest of the Meridian's power grid. Sarah continued with warning her staff by a specific alert sounded only in Engineering of pending battle conditions, she had already given orders as to specific duties for specific team members to do in the event of a battle. Several team members left Engineering to go to their emergency outlets throughout the ship, an early repair effort so to speak.
"Engineering ready, Captain." Sarah called from her station. "Additional power has been assigned to weapons, shields, sensors and engines but more can be allocated to other systems as needed." She said.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 17 2006, 03:09 AM
Couselors officeDianna smiled. My sister really is perfect in everyway and I have always been compared to her.
"What can I help you with?" Said Luanna Jo.
"Well since I collapsed on the bridge and all I think I have to have my sessions until I am at least back in control. You have no idea what kind of trouble I can cause when I am out of control. I know I need help getting my epathic abilites back under control. To be completely honest, I was never fully trained like I should have. I rather spend time with my cousin when I was younger than listen to my father and let him train me." said Dianna.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 17 2006, 05:41 AM

Gideon had not intended to doze on the couch, but upon hearing the Captain's message, he jumped to his feet, snapped to attention and replied.

When he entered the Bridge, he went directly to his post. Commander Barnard entered soon after he arrived.
Gideon's initial reading provided a positive identification of the USS Pulsar from the debris field. The Captain ordered some additional scans which Gideon performed with very little difficulty. He was pleased that the training he'd received at the Academy had not been lost during his time at Space Dock. What he was expected to do on a daily basis aboard the Meridian, he never performed for three years in orbit above earth.
In the end he was pleased with his performance, having identified the ion signature and ultimately spotting the approaching vessel. He felt he had done a good job, but just when he began to relax his attention, he was reminded, with a proclamation by the executive officer, a proclamation he should have been able to predict. The Commander's words were:
"Yellow Alert!!"
Posted by: Luanna Jo Jul 17 2006, 06:58 AM
I should definately do some research into betazoid telepathic training."There are some basic Bajoran meditations I would be happy to teach you that will help you learn to center yourself and calm your thoughts and emotions," Luanna Jo said. "It takes practice and time, but it has proved effective in many cases."
"I've actually never delt with someone with telepathic abilities before. Can you describe what you experience when you loose your control? It will help to understand how we begin to deal with it."

"We'll have to continue this next time counselor," Dianna said as she set down the cup of tea and rose to leave Luanna Jo's office.
" How about tomorrow at 1030 hours?"
"I'm afraid I'm on duty then. I'll have to get back to you."
"Any time. Just let me know. Night or day."
Dianna Torres left for the bridge just as yellow alert began.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 18 2006, 03:31 PM
"Keep hailing them" Reyan demanded, iriated that the ship was ignoring their persistent contact attemptsThe ship on the screen drew ever closer
"They just powered their shields and weapons, sir" Lieutenant-Commander Harjein calmly advised
Reyan paused for a moment - the Pulsar had gone straight to red alert at this point, and the unknown ship had attacked shortly thereafter - on the otherhand, going straight onto the defensive could be perceived as a sign of weakness
"They'll enter weapons range in one minute" Commander Tejas advised
"They're scanning us" Lieutenant-Commander Harjein reported, sounding very slightly more tense than she had previously
"Keep hailing" Reyan replied, determined to attempt to talk to the operators of the ship before hosilities
"Sir - recommend we go to red alert - the Pulsar..." Commander Tejas advised
"Stand-by, Commander" Reyan quickly replied
"Weapons range in thirty seconds - still no reply to hails" Harjein reported
Reyan took a deep breath - the ship was far closer now, and they bridge staff were able to ascertain the true size of the ship, which was slightly larger than the Meridian
"They've locked weapons" Harjein stated
"Fine - they had their chance - Red alert" Reyan demanded
The bridge lights dimmed, the klaxon sounded, and extra officers appeared on the bridge
"Commander Harjein - lock weapons on their weapons and engines - the moment they show the slightest hint of opening fire, give them all we have - and keep hailing"
Lieutenant-Commander Harjein did as she was ordered with practiced efficentcy
"Lieutenant Kerrigan - auxiliary power to shields; we've seen what that ship can do - let's not be caught pff-guard" Commander Tejas advised - Reyan's desision to allocate Lieutenant Kerrigan to the bridge was proving to be a good one
"Weapons range in ten seconds" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku advised
"Commander - prepare evasive manuvers - one thing that the Pulsar logs did suggest is that their ship isn't very manuverable at impulse" Reyan ordered
Commander Ryku nodded
And on the screen, the large ship stopped, within weapons range
"Battlestations" Reyan demanded
Reply anyone
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 18 2006, 11:45 PM
One step ahead of her superior officer, Sarah crossed to one of the consoles that was positioned closer to the viewscreen and she smiled to the Captain. "All ready done Captain." She said as she gracefully made her fingers dance across the console surface and made several scans of the enemy ships weapons.She wanted to know if they possessed any 'special' weapons that could effect the Meridian's systems in an unexpected way. Thankfully she had the computer also analyse the sensor results as they came in. Nothing so far but then again Sarah didn't know much about this approaching ship nor anything about what technology they have.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 19 2006, 04:50 AM
Although the Captain had not ordered a scan of the ship quickly approaching them, Gideon took the initiative as he scanned all the vital systems: weapons, shields, engines, anything Gideon perceived might give the Meridian a strategic advantage in this conflict. Although he executed these scans with accuracy and efficiency, the enemy vessel overwhelmed Gideon in every aspect. The Meridian’s weapons wouldn’t put a dent in its shields, and everything else was hidden to his sensors.Suddenly, Gideon turned his scans from the enemy ship to the remains of the Pulsar. He only had a short time to complete the task, but he ran it anyway. As he ran the scan, Gideon’s display screen projected a small pulsing red blip, instantly catching his attention. Isolating the blip, he scanned again in the affected field, and he knew what to do. Or at least what to tell the Captain.
“Sir!” He said. “I have it! This is what we must do!”
The Captain turned his head slightly slower than would be expected in a crisis situation. Gideon later attributed this reaction to the fact that he was not field-tested and the Captain had not expected Gideon to solve such a problem in a pinch. And the enemy ship was definitely closing on them by this point; Gideon felt it was right on top of them. “Yes, Mr. Darkon,” replied the Captain.
“Their weapons generate a radioactive array of positively charged ions. If we could emit a stream of electrons just as they discharge their weapons, we should be able to neutralize their ability to fire on us.”
The Captain weighed Gideon’s proposal for considerably less than two point six seconds before turning to the Bridge crew to ask, “Does anyone else have a better idea?”
Meanwhile, the weapons from the other ship began to glow green, signaling that they would soon discharge.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 21 2006, 03:58 PM
"There are some basic Bajoran meditations I would be happy to teach you that will help you learn to center yourself and calm your thoughts and emotions," Luanna Jo said. "It takes practice and time, but it has proved effective in many cases. I've actually never delt with someone with telepathic abilities before. Can you describe what you experience when you loose your control? It will help to understand how we begin to deal with it."Dianna had no idea how to explain to her what she feels.

"We'll have to continue this next time counselor," Dianna said as she set down the cup of tea and rose to leave Luanna Jo's office.
" How about tomorrow at 1030 hours?"
"I'm afraid I'm on duty then. I'll have to get back to you."
"Any time. Just let me know. Night or day."
"Sure," said Dianna.
Dianna left for the bridge just as yellow alert began.
She got on the bridge when the captain called for red alert. She took over ops.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 21 2006, 07:52 PM
"Reading power buildup in their foward weapons bank" Lieutenant-Commander Harjein advised"Pepare that electron field" Reyan demanded, Gideon's suggestion being their best course of action
The Meridian shuddered as the vessel unleashed it's first volley
"As we planned, Commander - fire" Reyan ordered
Phaser fire burst from the Meridian, hitting the unknown vessel's shields
"Their shields held, Sir" she informed him, as the ship fired a second burst
"Commander Ryku - full impulse - Commander Harjein - return fire!" Reyan ordered
The Meridian swept foward, firing as she went, her phasers impacting against the unknown vessel's shields, causing them to flare. The vessel retaliated, but too slowly, it's disruptors dispersing into empty space
"Fire photon torpedoes at their engines" Reyan ordered, hoping to inflict some damage on the ship, to give the Meridian an edge or advantage, to convince the crew of this aggressive ship to talk
The Meridian's weapons pod fired three torpedoes in sucession, the first two exploded against the unknown vessel's shields, weaking them significantly, whilst the third one managed to slip through the newly-formed weakspot and impacted against the ship's impulse engines
"They're preparing to fire again" Commander Harjein repeated, sounding annoyed at the alien vessel's persistence
"Captain - the electron field is ready" Lieutenant Gideon called
"Excellent - activate it immediately" Reyan replied, hopeful that the field would provide the Meridian with the advantage that they were seeking
The Meridian's main deflector began to glow, and Lieutenant Gideon activated the field, directed toward the alien vessel
The alien vessel open fired once again, but this time their disruptor burst disperced upon contact with Lieutenant Gideon's electron field
"Captain - they are hailing" Lieutenant-Commander Torres advised, sounding surprised at the turn of events
"On-screen" Reyan replied immediately, releived that contact had been made, regardless of what had prompted it
A tall humanoid with reptilian characteristics appeared on the screen, his expression difficult to read although Reyan surmised that he was annoyed by his mannerism and body language. His bridge was very poorly lit, and an odd fog obscured the view
"I am Captain Reyan of the Federation Starship USS Meridian - we...." Reyan began to say, but the large alien took a step closer to the viewscreen, and cut him off
"I am Slaa of the Slitherakai - you are NOT welcome here" he bellowed, pointing an accusing finger at the viewscreen
"Captain Slaa - this space is in neutral territory - so far as the Federation is aware, no individual race ever staked a claim to it" Reyan explained, trying to remain calm and diplomatic
"We claim it" Captain Slaa replied
"So far as I am aware, claiming an area of space doesn't give you the right to attack any ship that should be unfortunate to venture into that particular area of space. Especially if that ship should be unaware of the sudden, and unannounced, claim to this territory" Reyan noted, taking a step toward the viewscreen himself in an attempt to show that he wasn't intimidated by Slaa and his aggressive demeanor
"You talk and you talk" Slaa replied, making an effort to show disinterest in what he had just heard
"Fine - but you're unprovoked attack on one of our ships, the USS Pulsar, is what brought us here"
"That insignificance was easily dealt with - it ventured too close" Slaa replied, still showing a sincere lack of interest
"You know, one could surmise that you are trying to hide somthing, and could ask just what the Pulsar could have discovered that worried you so" Reyan stated, deciding to adopt the accusing tone that Slaa himself had proved himself so fond of
Slaa shouted somthing at one of his officers, and the screen turned blank
"He's preparing to fire again" Harjein advised
"Electron field is still active" Gideon advised
"Another ship incoming - matches the configuration of Slaa's ship" Ryku stated, turning to face Reyan
Reyan turned to Tejas
"I don't know about you, but I want to know just what it is that Slaa doesn't want us to see" he stated
"I have to admit, that I'm slightly concerned about his attitude too" Tejas replied
The Meridian rocked violently again
"Plasma-based torpedo" Harjein complained
"The electron field dampened it, but couldn't render it totally ineffective" Gideon stated, his tone apologetic
"Commander Ryku - try and get us clear of that ship - Commander Harjein, lay down cover-fire" Reyan ordered
"Aye Sir" they both quickly replied
Reyan sat back into his chair, hoping that the manuver would work, and curious as to why Slaa had been so defensive about the Meridian wanted to investigate whatever it was that the Pulsar had uncovered
Reply anyone
Posted by: Jin Ryku Jul 21 2006, 11:41 PM
Jin tapped at the Helm and sped the Meridian down and to the right of the oncoming vessels. As the Meridian passed by Slaa's ship, torpedoes flew out and hit their ventral shields. Unfortunately, the angle had disallowed access to the weakened spot. But as the Meridian flew passed, the other Slitherakai vessel was forced to alter thier direction in chase.The two Slitherakai ships, Slaa's lagging further and futher behind, gave chase for the Meridian - and in doing do, Jin was watching the sensor's for incoming plasma torpdoes. He gritted his teeth under the tension. One enemy torpedo was fired at the Meridian, to which Jin jerked the ship slightly upwards. The torpedo zoomed by underneath, grazing the shields. Another plasma based torpedo was shot at the up-angle toward the Meridian, to which Jin titled diagonally and swooped downwards in order to be missed. The torpedo flew by and into cold space. Harjien pumped out aft torpedo after torpedo at the enemy, burning a hole in thier forward shields, as each torpedo hit the Slitherakai ship.
Jin was willing to fly circles around these Slitherakai, but that wasn't the objective. Not only that, he was quite impressed at Harjien's accuracy compared to his relative positioning of the Meridian so far. As another torpedo came for them, he angled the moving Merdian for a perfect shot at the Slitherakai's forward section.
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Jul 22 2006, 10:00 AM
Kaida didn't know how much time had passed since being in the void. All she knew was that maybe her life was at an end, how else could she ecxplain where she was. Just hanging, suspended in nowhere, waiting for something - anything - to happen so she could rest. But her mind never rested. Somewhere, wherever she was, something was very wrong. Something was happening.An image of a human lizard came into view, confrontational, angry and secretive. Its eyes shifted to look directly at her. Kaida panicked, she tried to run somewhere, but couldn't tell which way was in the opposite direction. This wasn't like her other experience, this time, the surroundings were the same black as they were before this image appeared. Kaida was stuck to the spot, until whatever it was walked past her and disappeared. She was very, very afraid. Somewhere inside her, she knew her friends were in trouble. That....thing whatever it was, was hiding something moresinister, Kaida could feel it eminating from him like heat from a flame. Something was very wrong.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 24 2006, 03:36 AM
< Bridge >Standing at the systems overview monitoring console at Engineering I console, Sarah noticed that it was possible to align a narrow particle beam at the 'enemy' ship's shields and it would technically allow for a transmission to be piggybacked onto what they might consider normal background radiation emissions from space. The transmission could contain a virus programmed to infect and scramble the ships engines then expand on from that allowing the Meridian enough time to warp out to the area of space they wished to explore and get out with sensor scans while the enemy ship is still trying to comprehend what happened to their ship. The Orion nodded has the finalised her plan and called out from the Engineering I station. "Captain."
"What Lieutenant?" Reyan replied.
"Shall we give them a few problems, I can introduce a trojan to their systems and it would disable them long enough for us to get away and check out their claim then head for the nearest starbase." Sarah explained.
Reyan was impressed as he looked to the newly appointed Chief Engineering Officer, he nodded. "Proceed." He ordered.
"Give me a few moments." Sarah said as she began instructing the communications array to emit the transmission but also order the navigational deflector to send out covertly generalised subspace background radiation to camouflage the transmission. The viewscreen flickered and then was adjusted to detect both the flooding radiation as well as the single transmission as it headed towards the unsuspecting Slitherakai would soon have to deal with. Sarah smiled as she finished her instructions to the computer and turned to face the viewscreen, "package delivered now we need to wait and see as the virus needs to adapt to their technology." Sarah said frowning slightly as her plan might backfire on her.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 24 2006, 06:57 AM
Although Gideon had not spent much time with this group of people aboard his new starship, he was already beginning to feel like a member of a team on the Meridian. He didn't know all of their names, but he had already seen many of these people perform everyday heroic acts. The helmsman had driven evasively as though he were driving in what they would call "freeways" in 21st century earth. The engineering officer had infected the alien computer with a destructive virus. The Captain had acted cool under the pressure of this encounter, not to mention the brief dialogue he'd done with the alien captain. Gideon noticed the Executive Officer being an encourager, not a micro-manager. The security officer had put missiles through the shields of the enemy, through shields Gideon was sure would stand up to federation phase cannons. And Gideon, himself, had contributed a small portion of the combat with his electron beam. This was more "excitement" than he had experienced in the three years he spent at the space dock circling earth.Gideon also saw someone on the Bridge in civilian clothes. He was rough around the edges and Gideon wondered what part of the galaxy he was from. He was surrounded by two armed security guards, so Gideon knew he couldn't be exactly what you would call a "friend." Yet, he was on the Bridge. And he saw the Captain turn toward the man periodically during the encounter. And yet this man remained silent. Could this rough man--perhaps a pirate--could this pirate be some sort of "unexpected ally" for their ship on this mission? What did this pirate know that made the Captain trust him enough to be on the Bridge? These thoughts fleeted through Gideon's mind.
"Captain," Gideon heard the female from the Engineering I Station exclaim in a sort of jubilation. "It worked! The virus has infected the enemy ship!"
"Good work, Lieutenant."
Shortly thereafter, the communications officer spoke up. "Sir, the enemy vessel is trying to communicate--" after looking again at his instruments, he gave a frown. "Sorry, sir. I don't have anything."
Yet, the viewscreen flickered for a moment between the unsettling image of the alien vessels and the unsettling image of the alien. Finally resolving on the picture of the two starships, everyone's eyes were fixed to the front of the room. Section by section, both of the ships in front of them began to shut down, the lights behind the windows turned off, deck by deck until the only remaining illumination eminating from the Bridges of both ships. This having happened, everyone again began to breathe. The Captain took another look at the green Lieutenant who seemed to glow with a proud smile, but this time he said nothing to her. His words were directed at the helmsman.
"Let us continue our mission, Mr. Ryku."
"Aye, Captain."
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 24 2006, 07:29 PM
Reyan sat back down in the command chair, a sense of relief overwhelming him"Stand down from Red alert" he stated; the illumination on the bridge returned, making it feel far more welcoming
The engagement with the Slitherakai ship had been fairly brief, and thanks to the ingenuity of Lieutenant's Kerrigan and Gideon, the ship that had attacked was languishing behind them, unable to attack the Meridian or defend itself
"Commander Ryku - continue previous heading, warp six" he ordered, the fact that Captain Slaa had made claim to an area of space that the Federation considered neutral
The Meridian's warp-drive engaged, and she burst foward heading deeper into the sector that the Slitherakai claimed to be thiers
"Shouldn't we signal for backup?" Commander Tejas asked
"Agreed - advise Starfleet of our situation - and contact the Renown - she should still be nearby" he ordered
"Aye Sir" Tejas replied, setting to work immediately
"No reply from the Renown, sir" Tejas stated, her voice betraying her concern
"That's odd - the Renown was assigned to investigate the oposite side of the sector" Reyan replied, equally concerned
"I can't explain it - we're just not receiving a reply" Tejas repeated
"Lieutenant-Commander Harjein - scan for the Renown" Reyan demanded
"Already on it" Lieutenant Commander Harjein advised
Reyan smiled; his crew were performing faultlessly, and more importantly, were working as a team, and an extremely efficent and effective one at that
"Picking up a weak Starfleet warp-signature at coordinates one-eight-two mark two-one five" Commander Harjein called
"The Renown?" Tejas asked
"The readings are weak, but are consistent with a Federation Excelsior-class warp signature" Lieutenant Kerrigan advised from the engineering station
"Commander Ryku - change course, and head for the Renown's postion - maximum warp" Reyan ordered
"Aye Sir" Ryku replied
Reyan frowned; the reason for the Renown's low power signature and inability to respond to the Meridian's hails was cause for grave concern, and provided even more questions and uncertainty in respect of their mission
Posted by: Gideon Jul 25 2006, 03:48 PM
"Mr. Ryku, what's our time to reach the Renown?"The helmsman rechecked his panel and responded, "Approxomately forty-five minutes, sir."
"Well, this will only take ten." He whispered something to his first officer who nodded her comprehension before the Captain turned to Gideon. "Lieutenant Darkon," he called. "I need to see you in my ready room immediately."
A lump formed in Gideon's chest, for a moment restricting his ability to breathe. He managed to form the words, "Yes, Captain," before the reciprient of these words exited to the designated destination. What did the Captain want from him? Gideon left his station and approached the doors to the Captain's office.
Entering the room, Gideon found a desk between himself and his Commanding Officer. Other than a few data padds piled neatly in one corner of the desk, it was completely clear, the desk shining only a shimmer of light to exaggerate its polished surface. Gideon tried not to stare too much at the Captain's small amount of personal items, an exotic assortment from around the quadrant. Before he could snap to attention, reporting, "You wanted to see me, sir?" the Captain had already interrupted him.
"Mr. Darkon," he stated, "You've got to stop that!"
The doors closed behid Gideon before he replied. "Stop that, sir?"
"When you have an admiral behind you at Spacedock, you should follow whatever protocol the manuals state when greeting a Commanding Officer, but where we are, out on the frontier, we hardly have time for all that."
"Yes, sir."
But the Captain had not truly completed his thought. He continued as though Gideon had said nothing. "So, please, have a seat, Mr. Darkon." He motioned for Gideon to take a seat in one of the two chairs beside his desk. Gideon accepted, sitting in the one directly across from the Captain. The Captain took a long breath, hesitating as if considering how to begin. Then he took Gideon off guard when he exclaimed, "Lieutenant, what in heaven's name happened back there?"
"When I approved the order to have you sent to us as Chief Science Officer, I was a bit skeptical because you were never field-tested at the Academy. But my First Officer insisted that you were the right man for the Meridian, so I accepted that on her word alone. And now you're here. If I understand correctly, this is your first time outside of your own solar system?" Gideon glanced briefly at the ridges above the Captain's nose, merging into his forehead and suddenly remembered that the Captain was not human. "And so, Mr. Darkon, I have to ask you again, 'What in heaven's name happened back there?"
Gideon was not sure how to respond. He had not meant to do anything wrong and wondered specifically to what the Captain referred. He opened his mouth to speak, but the Captain answered his questions before he could even get a word out of his mouth.
"Because that was possibly the most amazing combat science work I've ever been priveleged to witness! I'd say you've taken your field test in my book! What exactly inspired you to scan for an excessive proton buildup on the Pulsar?"
Gideon, beginning to feel more relaxed after the Captain's latest remarks, only got a few words into his explanation before the Captain silenced him with a wave of his hand. "You know what? I don't want to know. Good work, Lieutenant!"
With these words, Gideon recognized that he had not yet been dismissed. But the office remained still for a long moment and the air turned cold again. Gideon felt it in the tone of his Captain's silence.
"Did you have something further, Captain?"
"Only this." The Captain took another uncomfortable pause to form his words to the Science Officer carefully. "I regret that you came aboard the Meridian during such an intense time as this. I will be honest, this mission will be a difficult one and I don't know exactly when we'll have completed it, nor how it will end. Perhaps one day we'll have more time to get to know each other better, but for now we will have to man our positions until we solve the puzzle we've been given."

"Yes, sir."
And the two officers filed out of the Captain's ready room as they reentered the Bridge.
Posted by: Dixon Jul 26 2006, 12:48 AM
The alarm signaling for her to hit snooze rang. Well, at least that's what alarm she hoped it was; she couldn't exactly remember if she had already set it for another ten minutes or not. Pulling her head out from under the covers, a way she had always comfortably slept, she looked over at her bed stand to see the chronometer. She debated whether she really needed to go for a run, or if she really was hungry for breakfast. "Computer, lights," she groaned, sitting up and wiping the sleep out of her eyes. "Fifteen percent less," she quickly requested as she squinted her way to the lavatory. After washing her face, pulling her hair back in a ponytail and changing into some sweats, Charlie laced up her tennis shoes and set out for the holodeck.The holodeck was scheduled to a gym program in the early morning, giving open time for those who wanted to work out a chance without going through the hassle of scheduling holodeck times. When Charlie got there, there were a few people jogging, lifting weights and cycling. Letting a few people pass, Charlie got on the track and slipped her headset on, jogging to the beat of the jazz music that started.
Dabbing her face with a towel, Charlie sat down on the edge of her bed. Nearly an hour and a half had gone by, and it was nearly time for her first shift. A sonic shower later, Charlie sat at her table, sipping a glass of orange juice and eating two slices of toast with grape jelly. A million thoughts raced through her head. She had hardly any time to research anything about the ship, its past missions, or its crew; though she had received her posting the previous day, there was a delay in her transport to the starbase, and she almost missed the ship. In fact, the only thing she had done was gone to the mess hall and read over the schedule, to plan her day. Just then the alarm signaling her to head towards Sickbay sounded, jerking her out of her reverie. Quickly putting her dishes in the recycler, Charlie slipped on her jacket and headed towards Sickbay, involuntarily holding her breath.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 26 2006, 04:43 PM
"Report!" the Captain boldly exclaimed upon entering the Bridge.The First Officer quickly replied. "We don't know what to make of it, sir. She's adrift."
"The Renown?"
"No, sir. See for yourself." Tejas pointed out the viewscreen which Gideon saw for the first time since reentering the Bridge. The ship matched perfectly the Slitherakai ship which they had just managed to escape without the battle wounds inflicted in their encounter. Gideon noticed the propulsion, the hull, all the external properties of the ship; everything matched up perfectly to the specifications they had just encountered on Slaa's ship. I don't get it, he thought. Gideon stared for a moment at the ship wondering what it was he was looking at.
"It seems we have discovered a new piece to our puzzle." Gideon assumed the Captain's words must have been indirectly targeted at himself. The Captain then turned to face the pirate, still surrounded by two armed guards near the security station. As always, the scoundrel remained silent. The Captain then turned to Gideon.
He did not have to voice any commands for Gideon to realize his turn was next. He quickly jumped to his station and ran all the standard scans of the ship. "No signs of battle stress nor residual ion signatures, and no signs of engine failure. It looks like she's run out of gas, sir."
"Out of gas?"
Gideon was taken aback momentarily before he responded quickly. "Oh, it's an ancient earth saying. They used to travel around in vehicles run on fossil fuels with something called an internal combustion engine."
"Oh, I see," responded the Captain, "and you think this ship has run--out of gas?"
"Yes, sir. There are no life signs aboard; the crew must have abandoned ship. I recommend we prepare an away team and collect as much information and alien technology as possible while we have this opportunity."
The Captain nodded his understanding and stood thinking during a long silence. Turning to his First Officer, he said. "Commander, I need you to prepare an away team. Put Lieutenant Darkon in charge of collecting information and technology from the alien vessel."
"But Captain, the Renown?"
"Yes, I've thought of that, too. This mission will have to be quick. You will have one hour to collect whatever you can. After that time, we must continue on to the Renown."
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Jul 26 2006, 09:28 PM
Kaoru stepped onto the bridge, glancing around, feeling the familiar ebb and flow of emotions wash over her, lapping at her consciousness. The relief in the air was palpable, as was the sense of satisfaction. She herself could not help but be relieved as well when the red alert was silenced.She had no wish to interrupt the flow of the bridge crew, and so she took up a vacant science station, scanning the Slitherakai ship. The pirate noticed her, moving closer to her, recognizing her as the doctor who had treated him while he had been in the brig.
Kaoru looked up, but only just, not liking what she sensed from the man. He took one look at her and grinned, "Betazoid...dammit, I never did have much luck with Betazoid women."
"I can't imagine why." She rose from the science station, "An honest and likeable man like you?"
He laughed, loudly, drawing the attention of some of the bridge crew. "I'm likeable enough...leastwise...you'll find a lot worse than me out there."
"That is hardly glowing praise."
He shrugged, jerking a thumb towards Tejas, "Ask her, she'll tell you I'm all right."
"I don't need to ask anyone." Kaoru was through mincing words with the pirate. His group of raiders had cost lives, and likeable or not, Kaoru could not forgive that. "I don't have her history with you...and while I find it likely that at one time you showed her kindness, in my eyes you have been nothing but trouble and I personally cannot wait to be rid of you...via airlock if the gods are good."
His eyes widened in shock before he burst out laughing. "You'd fit right in doctor...aboard the ships that I could show you."
"Doctor?" She heard Reyan's voice, heard the surprise in it, but she could not regret her outburst.
"Forgive the interruption sir. I'll be in sickbay."
"Good plan." The captain nodded, and Kaoru entered the turbolift, making her way to sickbay.
She met the Assistant CMO in the hall just outside of sickbay, stopping and smiling at the lovely woman, holding out her hand, "Doctor Dixon? I'm Doctor Ele. Welcome."
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 27 2006, 04:08 AM
Looking at the adrift vessel in front of the Meridian, Sarah felt that they might have just stumbled into an internal Slitherakai matter. Nevertheless she quietly walked to the tactical console and looked towards the Captain. "Sir, shall I take an away team and see if we can fix her up?" She asked. Now your thinking, beam over investigate and get detailed scans of the Slitherakai technology. Sarah thought and smiled at the opportunity to learn about new technology, not to mention more about a new culture. The Orion always believed that the Prime Directive was somewhat needed when Starfleet vessels found themselves within a civil war with nearby races but she thought it was a rather stupid protocol when there was a race in desperate need of assistance to save themselves. Especially if the solution was out of reach for the race in question then it would be morally right to help them. However, who was she to question the rules and regulations of Starfleet being a lone Orion of a low rank to do anything about it.Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 27 2006, 04:09 PM
Reyan pondered Lieutenant Kerrigan's request, which had a clear undertone of concern pertaining to the Prime Directive. It was questionable whether the Prime Directive applied to this situation. Although it appeared very possible that the Meridian had stumbled upon a matter internal to the Slitherakai, the Slitherakai had brutally attacked a Starfleet science vessel without provocationHe took a deep breath, and made his choice
"Good thinking Lieutenant - you have Command of the away team, but take Lieutenant Gideon, Doctor Ele, Lieutenant-Commander Harjein and a small security team with you" he advised
"Aye Sir" she replied, a hint of apprehension in her voice
"Oh - and Lieutenant - I'd like you to try and uncover why our sensors told us that this Slitherakai ship was the Renown" he requested
"I have a theory regarding that" Lieutenant Gideon advised
Reyan turned to Lieutenant Gideon
"Explain" he asked, curious as to what Lieutenant Gideon's thoughts were on this matter
"Well - again, it's only a theory, but the sensors detected the Renown's warp signature
Reyan did not reply, prompting Gideon to continue
"Well - I'm thinking that perhaps the Slitherakai ship comandeered the Renown's warp core" Gideon finnished
"Why would they do that?" Reyan asked, although he had to admit that the theory had a logical basis in reality
Lieutenant Gideon shifted nervously
"I'd rather wait until I've had a chance to look around their ship before I speculate further" he replied
Reyan grinned
"Understood - join Lieutenant Kerrigan - once you are over there I want frequent status reports - somthing just doesn't feel right about this" Reyan advised
"Aye Sir" both Kerrigan and Gideon replied, before turning to follow Lieutenant-Commander Harjein into the turbolift at the aft of the bridge
"Captain - I've been scanning the area, and sensors have detected a durainium signature - it could be the Renown" Lieutenant-Commander Torres advised
"Commander Ryku - lay in a course to the coordinates of that signature" Reyan ordered

He then stood and walked over to the helm
"Engage, Mister Ryku - maximum warp - let's see if we can find out what the hell is going on out here"
Reply anyone
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 28 2006, 12:52 AM
Upon leaving the Bridge, both Gideon and Sarah had a brief glance at each other. Both were uncertain about what they would find over on the Slitherakai vessel. Sarah tapped her commbadge.

After that she ordered the lift to shuttlebay four. She looked at the science officer and security officer before offering a smile, "two or three guards?" Sarah asked.
"Probably, not a large team." Harjein replied as she too tapped her commbadge and called for a three guards to meet them in the shuttlebay,

The lift arrived at the shuttlebay's deck and the group entered the bay then choose a shuttle and boarded it, moments later the guards arrived as well as Doctor Ele with her medkit. The shuttle powered up and Sarah piloted it out of the shuttlebay towards the drifting Slitherakai vessel, the sensors beeped twice indicating that the Meridian had jumped to warp minutes after the shuttlecraft departed.
Good luck! Sarah thought as she brought the shuttle up along side of the Slitherakai vessel. "Well let's go." She suggested as she was given command of the away team, she picked up her engineering kit and tapped in a sequence to the shuttlecraft's computer for a five second delay transport to the Slitherakai ship. And good luck to us as well. The Orion thought as the transporter beam took effect.
Tag away team!
Posted by: Dixon Jul 28 2006, 03:52 AM
"Doctor Dixon? I'm Doctor Ele. Welcome.""Thank you, Doctor," Charlie replied, taking the offered hand and shaking it before following her superior into Sickbay. Charlie glanced around curiously, being that this was her first time on an actual ship since her Academy days; not that it was much different, just.. smaller than her starbase home. Just as Charlie came out of her daze, she noticed Doctor Ele was in her office, preparing a medkit. "Medical emergency somewhere, Doctor?" Charlie asked as she approached the doorframe to the office.
"No," the Doctor replied, pausing briefly, "well, hopefully not. I'm not sure if you're fully up to date on things going on here, but I've just been requested to go on the away mission to the Slitherakai vessel."
"But, I'm the only other scheduled hand until the next rotation in eight hours."
"If something occurs, I'm sure you can handle it; if you feel you may need assistance, you can always look up one of the nurses or other doctors in the ship's directory. I shouldn't be gone long though."
"Right," Charlie said, releasing a breath that seemed to have bunched up in her throat.
"First day jitters," Doctor Ele said with a gentle smile as she snapped the kit shut. "Don't let me down, Doctor. If nothing comes about, then just get to know Sickbay; there's a detailed map in the ship's database of where everything is kept. Any questions?"
"No," Charlie said, maintaining a smile, somewhat. "Good luck on your mission, Doctor. It was nice meeting you."
"The pleasure was mine," Doctor Ele replied, draping the medkit on her shoulder and walking out. With a sigh, Charlie looked around.
"Computer," she requested, walking back into the main room of Sickbay. "Display map of Sickbay, along with a full list of Sickbay inventory." Taking a blank PADD from the nearby desk, Charlie downloaded the information and sat down on one of the vacant biobeds, reading over the data.
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Jul 28 2006, 12:26 PM
Kaoru would have liked the opportunity to spend more time with the new assistant CMO. The betazoid could sense the lovely woman's uncertainty quite clearly. She did what she could to put her at ease in the brief time that she did have to spend with her.Just after she left sickbay, she recalled something that she thought would help Leiutenant Dixon feel more comfortable, and she stepped back into sickbay.
"Forgive me, I'm not usually so scattered...but I wonder if you'd mind helping me with something." Kaoru outlined Lt. Commander Ryku's condition...the troubling symptoms he was presenting that had begun just after Kaoru had performed the operation to join the Trill male with a symbiont. "Review his records, and do some research. See if you can come up with any theories for his condition."
Dixon smiled, clearly pleased to be given responsibilities.
Kaoru smiled in return, feeling the woman relax, "Oh, another thing...this ship has a very high population of empaths, some more trained in their abilities than others. Perhaps you can do some research there too? I find that it affects me, as a betazoid...I wonder if it affects others who might be mildly empathic."
"Of course doctor." It was an interesting puzzle that she had been presented with, and Charlie liked solving puzzles.
"My thanks...and welcome aboard again Charlie. It's good to have you." Kaoru left sickbay again, running a little behind now, but making it to the cargobay and boarding the shuttle without incident.
Kaoru looked through a viewport as the Slitherakai ship came into view, noting the differences between it and the more familiar federation vessels. But she was not an engineer, and her observations were largely aesthetic.
They beamed aboard and Kaoru immediately referenced her tricorder. "The atmosphere is sufficiently oxygenated, though hydrogen levels are elevated." Her dark eyes lifted from the tricorder, glancing around the ship.
Posted by: Gideon Jul 28 2006, 04:39 PM
"Well, nobody light a match."Gideon could not help himself for the brief jest. The three women he was teamed with each snickered slightly but they all controlled themselves in the spirit of military bearing. Inside the ship, it was pitch black, so the team needed flashbeams in order to see their way around.
Lieutenant Kerrigan gave her first order, although it sounded more like a suggestion. "The first thing we need to do is figure a way to turn on these lights."
"I'm on it, Lieutenant." Gideon had found his way to some sort of computer terminal. The display padd was illuminated so he could easily navigate his way around the system. Although written in foreign text, each word was represented by a small picture above it. Gideon could guess what most of these pictures meant. Weapons, propulsion, navigation, systems Gideon noted as important upon their further investigation of the ship. He was beginning to develop a basic understanding of their written language. He found a picture of an ancient light bulb, one which resembled a design by Thomas Edison. Here it is!! he thought.
Pressing this the icon, he was presented with several more options. He could only guess what each of these meant. Perhaps these are the primary system controls, regulating things like atmospheric composition, engines, and--"Here it is!!" Gideon interrupted his thoughts, voicing his words this time; he had found the light bulb again.
Before Lieutenant Kerrigan could ask him, "What have you got, Lieutenant?" the terminal where Gideon worked displayed a slider column. Gideon slowly glided his finger from the bottom of the slider to its top and the lights around them followed his pattern, gaining luminance until they finally settled at full strength.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 29 2006, 02:41 AM
"Commander Harjein - lock weapons on their weapons and engines - the moment they show the slightest hint of opening fire, give them all we have - and keep hailing"Lieutenant-Commander Harjein did as she was ordered with practiced efficentcy
"Lieutenant Kerrigan - auxiliary power to shields; we've seen what that ship can do - let's not be caught pff-guard" Commander Tejas advised - Reyan's desision to allocate Lieutenant Kerrigan to the bridge was proving to be a good one
"Weapons range in ten seconds" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku advised
"Commander - prepare evasive manuvers - one thing that the Pulsar logs did suggest is that their ship isn't very manuverable at impulse" Reyan ordered
Commander Ryku nodded
And on the screen, the large ship stopped, within weapons range
"Battlestations" Reyan demanded
Dianna worked at her console to make sure all systems were working like they should. If something was not working she had to fix it or reroute whatever so if they need it, it will be available.
She held on tight.
"Reading power buildup in their foward weapons bank" Lieutenant-Commander Harjein advised
"Prepare that electron field" Reyan demanded, Gideon's suggestion being their best course of action
The Meridian shuddered as the vessel unleashed it's first volley
"As we planned, Commander - fire" Reyan ordered
Phaser fire burst from the Meridian, hitting the unknown vessel's shields
"Their shields held, Sir" she informed him, as the ship fired a second burst
"Commander Ryku - full impulse - Commander Harjein - return fire!" Reyan ordered
The Meridian swept foward, firing as she went, her phasers impacting against the unknown vessel's shields, causing them to flare. The vessel retaliated, but too slowly, it's disruptors dispersing into empty space
"Fire photon torpedoes at their engines" Reyan ordered, hoping to inflict some damage on the ship, to give the Meridian an edge or advantage, to convince the crew of this aggressive ship to talk
The Meridian's weapons pod fired three torpedoes in sucession, the first two exploded against the unknown vessel's shields, weaking them significantly, whilst the third one managed to slip through the newly-formed weakspot and impacted against the ship's impulse engines
"They're preparing to fire again" Commander Harjein repeated, sounding annoyed at the alien vessel's persistence
"Captain - the electron field is ready" Lieutenant Gideon called
"Excellent - activate it immediately" Reyan replied, hopeful that the field would provide the Meridian with the advantage that they were seeking
The Meridian's main deflector began to glow, and Lieutenant Gideon activated the field, directed toward the alien vessel
The alien vessel open fired once again, but this time their disruptor burst disperced upon contact with Lieutenant Gideon's electron field
Then they were getting a hail from the other ship to at which Dianna called out to the captain.
"On-screen" Reyan replied immediately, releived that contact had been made, regardless of what had prompted it
A tall humanoid with reptilian characteristics appeared on the screen, his expression difficult to read although Reyan surmised that he was annoyed by his mannerism and body language. His bridge was very poorly lit, and an odd fog obscured the view
"I am Captain Reyan of the Federation Starship USS Meridian - we...." Reyan began to say, but the large alien took a step closer to the viewscreen, and cut him off
"I am Slaa of the Slitherakai - you are NOT welcome here" he bellowed, pointing an accusing finger at the viewscreen
"Captain Slaa - this space is in neutral territory - so far as the Federation is aware, no individual race ever staked a claim to it" Reyan explained, trying to remain calm and diplomatic
"We claim it" Captain Slaa replied
"So far as I am aware, claiming an area of space doesn't give you the right to attack any ship that should be unfortunate to venture into that particular area of space. Especially if that ship should be unaware of the sudden, and unannounced, claim to this territory" Reyan noted, taking a step toward the viewscreen himself in an attempt to show that he wasn't intimidated by Slaa and his aggressive demeanor
"You talk and you talk" Slaa replied, making an effort to show disinterest in what he had just heard
"Fine - but you're unprovoked attack on one of our ships, the USS Pulsar, is what brought us here"
"That insignificance was easily dealt with - it ventured too close" Slaa replied, still showing a sincere lack of interest
"You know, one could surmise that you are trying to hide somthing, and could ask just what the Pulsar could have discovered that worried you so" Reyan stated, deciding to adopt the accusing tone that Slaa himself had proved himself so fond of
Slaa shouted somthing at one of his officers, and the screen turned blank
"He's preparing to fire again" Harjein advised
"Electron field is still active" Gideon advised
"Another ship incoming - matches the configuration of Slaa's ship" Ryku stated, turning to face Reyan
Reyan turned to Tejas
"I don't know about you, but I want to know just what it is that Slaa doesn't want us to see" he stated
"I have to admit, that I'm slightly concerned about his attitude too" Tejas replied
The Meridian rocked violently again
"Plasma-based torpedo" Harjein complained
"The electron field dampened it, but couldn't render it totally ineffective" Gideon stated, his tone apologetic
"Commander Ryku - try and get us clear of that ship - Commander Harjein, lay down cover-fire" Reyan ordered
"Aye Sir" they both quickly replied
Dianna had to laugh to herself. This creature is crazy but Dianna missed her empathic senses to feel what she needed. It was dull and she felt so alone.
They infected the other ship with a virus. Now the tables are turned as Dianna remembered how they were infected at one time.
Then the captain called to stand down on the red alert. Dianna was relieved. Then the captain told Commander Ryku to head to their previous heading. Then they were off.
"Shouldn't we signal for backup?" Commander Tejas asked
"Agreed - advise Starfleet of our situation - and contact the Renown - she should still be nearby" he ordered
"Aye Sir" Tejas replied, setting to work immediately
"No reply from the Renown, sir" Tejas stated, her voice betraying her concern
"That's odd - the Renown was assigned to investigate the oposite side of the sector" Reyan replied, equally concerned
"I can't explain it - we're just not receiving a reply" Tejas repeated
"Lieutenant-Commander Harjein - scan for the Renown" Reyan demanded
"Already on it" Lieutenant Commander Harjein advised
"Picking up a weak Starfleet warp-signature at coordinates one-eight-two mark two-one five" Commander Harjein called
"The Renown?" Tejas asked
"The readings are weak, but are consistent with a Federation Excelsior-class warp signature" Lieutenant Kerrigan advised from the engineering station
"Commander Ryku - change course, and head for the Renown's postion - maximum warp" Reyan ordered
"Aye Sir" Ryku replied
"Mr. Ryku, what's our time to reach the Renown?"
The helmsman rechecked his panel and responded, "Approxomately forty-five minutes, sir."
Dianna was scanning the area and let the captain know that it could be duranium.
Dianna missed her empathic abilities but right now she could use them to feel what is going on, but she could not feel nothing and it drove her nuts. Tears came to her eyes. She worked at her console regardless of how she feels. 2 more days, 2 more days and my senses will be back.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Jul 29 2006, 04:14 AM
"Well, nobody light a match." Gideon said.It was pretty humorous statement to Sarah and as well to the other two women. They all chuckled before resuming professional composure, Sarah looked around after turning on her wristlight and pointed it around the room that the away team had materialised in.
Kaoru immediately referenced her tricorder. "The atmosphere is sufficiently oxygenated, though hydrogen levels are elevated." Her dark eyes lifted from the tricorder, glancing around the ship.
"The first thing we need to do is figure a way to turn on these lights." Sarah suggested.
"I'm on it, Lieutenant." Gideon replied eagerly.
Sarah saw him tend to one of the active consoles, it didn't take him long to decipher the alien language. This guys a natural, wish I was like that - and funny. Sarah thought wandering around the room.
Meanwhile, Harjein and her security team held their phaser rifles at the-ready and slowly monitoring the darkness surrounding the away team. Sarah noticed the extreme attention to detail in the security chief and to say the least the Orion felt overly safe around Harjein.
"Here it is!!" Gideon called and it interrupted Sarah's calm, she physically shivered.
"Lieutenant please don't scare me like that." Sarah countered quickly walking over to him. "What have you got?" She asked but shrugged when the entire room and behind began to light up. "Well aren't you an engineer trapped in a scientists body!?" Sarah commented jokingly.
The security team continued their careful monitoring of the room and behind. Sarah waved Harjein over. "Lieutenant Commander, I know I can't order you to do -- well anything, but could I suggest that we begin exploring the rest of the ship?" Sarah asked.
"Sure." Harjein replied with a smile. "And yes you can't. However, since the Captain put you in charge that gives you the right to make orderly suggestions." She said as she waved on her security team to move out. "All right people lets check out the rest of the ship."
Sarah still holding her engineering kit followed, Gideon and Ele in tow. "I suggest we find the engine room."
"Agreed." Gideon said.
"Makes sense." Ele said.
"Yeah." Harjein said as the group headed out of the room and towards what they hoped would be Engineering. "I just hope it is what we are looking for."
"Me two." Sarah said.
Gideon started to take point, "I think it's this way." He pointed. "I saw a map."
"Lead on." Sarah said extracting her tricorder from her belt and opening it to take scans. Turning to Ele, "any lifesigns?" Sarah asked. "Had to ask." She later added with a smile.
"Not that are registering." Ele replied also with a smile. "Then again we don't know much about Slitherakai biology to accurately determine what is considered their lifesigns."
"You have a point, Doctor, maybe we should stop by their infirmary?" Sarah asked.
"Would be interesting." Gideon added.
"I'll say." Ele replied. "Always good to learn about a new race."
OOC: Captain may I ask what you have in mind for the Slitherakai vessel's technology?
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 29 2006, 05:58 AM
"All stop" Reyan ordered, as the Starship Renown appeared on the viewscreenThe Renown was drifting, burns and scars littered across her hull
"Commander Torres - scan for lifesigns" Reyan ordered
Lieutenant-Commander Torres did as she was asked, and quickly ran her hands over her console
"Reading approximately twenty-seven life signs, some of them weak" she advised
"Life support?" Ryan queried
"Functional, but at minimal levels - estimate that there is approximately thirty minutes of breathable atmosphere left over there" Torres replied
"Commander Tejas, Lieutenant-Commander Torres, you are with me - we're going over there - Lieutenant-Commander Ryku, you have the bridge" Reyan ordered as he marched to the turbolift
"What about the survivors over there - shouldn't we take someone from sickbay with us" Commander Tejas asked
"I thought about that - but if there are survivors, they would benefit more from an immediate beam-out directly to sickbay than much else" Reyan advised, reaching for his comm-badge

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bridge - USS Renown
The annular confinement beam faded, depositing the three-man away team on the bridge of the Renown
The Renown's bridge was a sorry sight - small fires burned where consoles had once stood, and the illumination was all but gone; even the emergency lights were flickering
"Commander Torres - see if you can establish stable life-support" Reyan demanded, noticing how thin the air seemed
"Aye Sir" she relpied, immediately heading to the Renown's operations console
"Captain - the warp core is missing" Commander Tejas advised
"Just as Lieutenant Gideon theorised" Reyan quietly replied
Commander Tejas nodded
"Commander - go down to Engineering and access the damage - see if anyone is still alive down there" Reyan ordered
"Aye Sir" she replied, marching to the turbolift
"Turbolift is apparently down" she complained
Reyan grinned
"Guess you'll have to use Jefferies tubes" he replied
Commander Tejas frowned
Reyan grinned, but turned his attention back to the task at hand
"Let's see if we can find some survivors up here" he stated
OOC: Thanks for the query, Lieutenant Kerrigan - I've Pm'ed yourself and Lieutenant Gideon with my thoughts about the Slitherakai technology

Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 29 2006, 08:35 PM
Bridge - USS RenownWhen they beamed onto the bridge, there was fire all over and Dianna could not breathe. She started coughing.
"Commander Torres - see if you can establish stable life-support" Reyan demanded, noticing how thin the air seemed.
Dianna headed to the console and established a link. Every time she established a link, it went down until it started holding. Then they started looking for survivors.
"Captain," said Dianna "Here's one."
Posted by: Harjein Jul 30 2006, 01:24 AM
Taylor hoisted her rifle naturally into the crook of her elbow, ears open for any sign of Slitherakai. It seemed as though the ship was abandoned, or a ghost ship. At the same time, it didn’t make much sense since all that had happened was that the ship ‘ran out of gas.’ Her forehead started to bead with sweat at the high temperatures in the ship; it had to be near 32 degrees Celsius (90 Fahrenheit). Given their reptilian roots, it was logical that it was warm, but Starfleet uniforms weren’t made for hot weather.It didn’t take long for them to find the Slitherakai’s turbo lift. The doors had to be pried open, but there was just enough power for them to work. The seven officers crammed into the elevator, making it even hotter.
“This better not stop halfway down there,” Taylor said, growing a little irritable as her slight Klingon blood warmed.
“It won’t,” Sarah assured her, scanning the control panel. “The power levels are sufficient... they’re just a little unstable.”
“Like they were trying to adapt technology.”
“Like the Renown’s warp core,” Gideon broke in.
Taylor nodded. Engineering wasn’t her strong suit by far, but it made sense at least. Soon the doors open, and instantly the body heat faded away as they scrambled off the lift. The security officers were first, scanning the deck for lifesigns.
“The infirmary is that way,” Gideon said, pointing down the right corridor. He had accessed a ship map while the others got themselves resituated. “Just a few doors down.” They made their way, slowing picking over random debris that seemed to be a normal behavior for the Slitherakai. Within seconds they were outside the infirmary’s doors, scanning to make sure that there were no signs of life on the other side.
Posted by: Dixon Jul 30 2006, 03:46 AM
Charlie sat at a computer desk, hand to her forehead as she leaned against the desk with her elbow. All had been quiet for a while now, and she had quickly identified where everything was placed, allowing her to finally move onto something more intriguing and challenging. After all, she did enjoy a puzzle, especially a medical one.Trill biology was certainly one of her weaker points, but she was determined to make a good impression on Doctor Ele, no matter how much of a klutz she was. After accessing several different databases on the ship, Charlie began to formulate her own hypothesis on Jin Ryku’s medical mystery. Jotting down her notes for reference, Charlie began making her idea a chain of fact, and suggested several tests that could be run. Sitting back in her chair, she smirked to herself, happy to not only learn something new, but also possibly solve a patient’s problem.

Charlie nearly fell out of her seat at the sudden message.

Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Jul 30 2006, 02:49 PM
Kaida needed someone to listen to her, but what could she do when she was floating in this huge expanse of nothingness. She thought about Kaoru, Dianna, Sarah....anyone. But she didn't even know if her newfound abilities would be enough to reach wherever they were. She still didn't know where she was, let alone where any of the others were.Kaida crossed her legs, easy really when there's no ground to speak of providing resistence. Concentrating, she hovered there, closing her eyes, focusing. She remembered what Kaoru had taught her in the first step to shielding herself from the emotions of others, using that now she tried to project herself outward to somewhere...anywhere to someone who could help her. Who she found startled her.
"Who are you? I've seen you somewhere before. I was expecting Kaoru, but...I don't have much time."
"I know you, D'Troy. But you're in stasis are you not?" He looked around and his brows furrowed "Why does no-one seem to see you?"
What he must think, I don't know. Did people think he was talking to himself, it surely must look that way.
"If I knew that, I wouldn't be needing to give you the message. You're the only one picking this up apparently." Her tone was exasperated and she was beginning to feel exhausted, but she had to say what she needed to say. "Yes I'm in stasis, but can you help me get a message to the Captain? These....things. They're hiding something and their motives are more sinister than they appear. Tell him not to believe what his eyes are telling him, what the sensors say. They are wrong somehow, I don't know how I know, I can't explain it, I don't even know if I'll remember this conversation if I'm brought out of stasis, but he has to know. PLEASE! Tell Rey-"
Kaida's eyes shot open, her hands and face felt clammy and her chest was rising and falling at a rapid rate. What had just happened, she didn't know, who she talked to she couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew him. Her memory was fading and she tried to close her eyes, nothing seemed to work. She hoped the Captain received her warning from the man she spoke to.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Jul 31 2006, 05:19 AM
Lieutenant-Commander Torres had pointed in the direction of where the Captain's chair had been, an area littered with debris, which was receiving the occasional spray of fire supressant from the damaged, and useless, fire suppression system"Sorry Captain - the internal sensors could have been wrong" Torres apologised
Reyan was about to reply, but whatever it was he was going to say was forgotten when a muffled voice, from beneath the debris, called
"Commander Torres!" Reyan called desperately, indicating toward the debris
The two Officers carefully removed pieces of debris from the collection, revealing a hand
"Someone is under this!" Torres exclaimed
Reyan strained, trying to lift the largest piece of debris, which appeared to have once been part of the science station, the smouldering metal scorching his hands. He tried to ignore the burning pain, determined to rescue whoever was beneath
The console remains finally gave way, and Reyan quickly dropped it in a place where it wouldn’t cause further obstruction
A very attractive female Starfleet Officer lay on the floor, her face slightly burned and her uniform jacket torn
“I’m Captain Reyan Caius of the USS Meridian” Reyan quickly announced, not wanting to startle the injured officer
She coughed; Reyan guessed that she had inhaled smoke, but cleared her throat
“Commander Renee Weist, X.O of what is left of the Renown” she replied
“Your Captain?” Reyan asked
“Killed when the enemy ship ripped our warp core out of engineering” she replied, the regret evident in her voice
“Ripped?” Torres asked
“Yes, ripped – they were not exactly subtle – they swarmed engineering, killed anyone who got in their way, and deactivated the warp core…” she began to explain
Reyan held up a hand
“This can all wait – we have to get you, and any other survivors, back to the Meridian – Doctor Dixon is expecting you” he advised
Commander Weist coughed, and nodded
“Any more survivors?” she quickly asked
“My First Officer is in engineering, checking if anyone is alive down there – you are the only survivor we’ve found up here” Reyan explained, his tone almost apologetic
He slipped an arm through hers, and helped her to her feet
“Thanks” she coughed
The ship sudden rocked violently, and the already dim lights faded
“Commander Torres?” Reyan asked
Lieutenant-Commander Torres darted toward the flickering operations panel
“This console is loosing power – initiating scan” she replied
“Scan faster” Reyan demanded as an eerie creaking noise sounded throughout the ship’s bulkheads
“It’s engineering Sir – one of the emergency batteries exploded” she answered, just as the operations console sparked and turned blank
“Reyan to commander Tejas!” Reyan slapped his comm-badge desperately
No reply was forthcoming
“Let’s go” Reyan demanded, but Lieutenant-Commander Torres grabbed his arm
“We can’t go down there Sir – the last thing I was able to ascertain from my scan of engineering was that the forcefields down there failed - engineering is exposed to vacuum” she answered, sounding upset
Reyan did not hesitate

The familiar feeling of the annular confinement beam took effect, and Reyan, Torres and Weist dematerialised, leaving the ruined Renown bridge behind them
Sickbay, USS Meridian
The sudden brightness of sickbay temporarily blinded Reyan, and Commander Weist judging by her reaction, as they both shielded their eyes
Doctor Dixon was ready and waiting, and dashed over, assisting Reyan to escort Commander Weist to a medical bed
He then turned, trying to locate Commander Tejas. Sickbay was fairly chaotic – the transporter had removed at least forty Renown Officer’s – he then noticed that Tejas had already been moved to a bed
Reyan marched over, but was intercepted by a Nurse
“Sorry Captain – you can’t come over here” he advised
Reyan peered over the Nurse’s shoulder, and was able to briefly glimpse the flurry of activity around Commander Tejas
The Nurse noticed Reyan’s concern
“She suffered vacuum exposure – we’re doing everything we can” he apologised
Reyan stood watching Doctor Dixon and her assistant’s and nurses work for several minutes
Commander Weist walked over, and placed a hand on Reyan’s shoulder
“I’m sorry – this is my fault” she stated
Reyan turned to her, noticing just how very attractive she was for the first time – her burns had already been treated
“I don’t see how Commander – the Slitherakai’s motives were obvious. And for what it’s worth, the Renown wasn’t the first ship that they attacked” he explained, trying to alleviate her concerns
Doctor Dixon approached, looking defeated, making Reyan assume the worst
“I’m sorry Captain – we did all that we could. I’ve placed her in stasis, but the damage to her internal organs was extensive – recommend we hand her over to a Starbase at the earliest convienient time” she explained
“Understood” Reyan replied, feeling numb
“He patted Commander Weist’s shoulder
“Find yourself a fresh uniform, and get some rest, Commander – and join me in my ready room when you are ready” Reyan asked her
He then turned, and left sickbay, with much to consider
Posted by: Renee Weist Jul 31 2006, 04:39 PM
Bear with me here while I get started, Still reading up, but I think I have enough of whats going on to open.The last thing she recalled happening, was the loud explosion, followed by silence. The next thing she recalled, was hearing voices from her secluded stricture in the dark, where ever that was. As she tried to sort out what had happened, she realised she was pinned, and hurt. She cried out for help to the distant voices she heard, or thought she did.
After her rescue at the hands of the Captain of the Meridian, and her brief cough inducing explaination, the ship shook and the lights dimmed to near nothing. Once it was ascertained to have come from the lower decks, specifically Engineering, haste was made to see who, if anyone, was injured there.
The next hitng she was aware of, besides her own pain due to burns and injuries, was being beamed away in the familiar translucient light of a trasnporter. When she materialized, she assumed it was Medical, but the smell and lighting. She blocked the brightness from her eyes, as she struggled to see how many of her crew had survived.
He noted the Captain heading off in search of someone, and a medic was tending her own wounds. She relaxed and let the Dr's work, as the pain was great, but bearable. Her burns were healed and she had some lacerations and contusions that were also seen too. They did a good job, but she still looked like hell!
As she was released to walk about and see her crew, she noted the Captain standing by, watching a member of his own crew being worked on with a fury. She felt for him, as if it were her own crew member lying there. She silently walked over, hr own guilt over the situation beginning to play on her.
If only... If only what? What could they have done? Something? Anything!! She was a flood of emotions.
“I’m sorry – this is my fault” she stated
The Captain turned to her, and said;
“I don’t see how Commander – the Slitherakai’s motives were obvious. And for what it’s worth, the Renown wasn’t the first ship that they attacked” he explained.
She knew he was trying to make her feel better, but still... That was when one of his Doctors approached.
“I’m sorry Captain – we did all that we could. I’ve placed her in stasis, but the damage to her internal organs was extensive – recommend we hand her over to a Starbase at the earliest convienient time” she explained.
Renee felt her heart rip form her, as she heard this. This fine man was losing a member of his crew, and before his very eyes.
“Understood” Reyan replied.
He turned to Renne, and patted her shoulder.
“Find yourself a fresh uniform, and get some rest, Commander – and join me in my ready room when you are ready” Reyan asked her.
Without another word, he left the sickbay. Renee stood there, feeling helpless, and suddely, alone and out of her enviroment. Finding the Doctor, she asked about her own crew. Some were being released, and others being kept a bit. she aksed for a list of surviving personel at some point, and was assured she'd have it, along with the Captain in his reports of sickbay progress. She kindly thanked the Doctor, and asked if she was ok to go clean up.
Being allowed to leave, she found a quartermaster in his office, and had rooms assigned for personel. He assured her there was ample room, and they would be kept together as best as possiable. Giving her a padd containing info of her temp assignment, she thanked him and left.
Finding her asigned dwelling, she entered, and had a small look about. The rooms were standard, and sufficient. She had a shower, a glass of tea, and replicated a new uniform. After cleaning up and adjusting her hair, she made her way to the Captains ready room. As she entered the bridge, she was lookd over by most of the crew there. Security had a glance, and saw her rank insignia. She was allowed to pass without problem. She walked over to the ready room door, and adjusted her tunic.
Chiming, she awaited his call for entry.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Jul 31 2006, 05:06 PM
Dianna pointed to the direction of what she thought was something but she was wrong. The area was littered with debris. She appologized to the captain for her mistake. She still was mad that she didn't have her empathic abilities. She cursed herself for losing control of her empathic abilities. One more day and it will be back.Dianna walked away to look more when the captain called her as there was a survivor near where she though something of interest for the captain. The captain and Dianna moved the debris from the area that the survivor was trapped under. They finally got the person out. There emerged a female officer. She was in bad shape, but she was alive. Dianna heard her cough and then she talked, "Commander Renee Weist, X.O of what is left of the Renown."
“Your Captain?” Reyan asked
“Killed when the enemy ship ripped our warp core out of engineering” she replied, the regret evident in her voice
“Ripped?”Dianna asked.
“Yes, ripped – they were not exactly subtle – they swarmed engineering, killed anyone who got in their way, and deactivated the warp core…” she began to explain.
Dianna could not believe what she was hearing. She thought that these people were dangerous if they could do what they did to the Renown.
“This can all wait – we have to get you, and any other survivors, back to the Meridian – Doctor Dixon is expecting you” Said the Captain.
The commander nodded.
“Any more survivors?” she quickly asked
“My First Officer is in engineering, checking if anyone is alive down there – you are the only survivor we’ve found up here” Reyan explained, his tone almost apologetic
Then Dianna saw the captain help her to her feet.
“Thanks” she coughed
The ship sudden rocked violently, and the already dim lights faded
“Commander Torres?” Reyan asked
Dianna went to the operations panel. “This console is loosing power – initiating scan,” said Dianna.
Scan faster” Reyan demanded as an eerie creaking noise sounded throughout the ship’s bulkheads
Dianna scanned as fast as she could. “It’s engineering Sir – one of the emergency batteries exploded” Dianna answered, just as the operations console sparked and turned blank.
“Reyan to commander Tejas!” Reyan slapped his comm-badge desperately. There was no reply.
“Let’s go” Reyan demanded
Dianna stopped him
“We can’t go down there Sir – the last thing I was able to ascertain from my scan of engineering was that the forcefields down there failed - engineering is exposed to vacuum”

Before they knew it, they were back onto the meridian but in sickbay
Dianna looked around sickbay and saw all the injured. Tejas was one of the critical she could tell.
Dianna didn't need her empathic abilities to tell her that Tejas was not going to make it.
Dianna left sickbay and headed to her quarters for a bit. When things slowed down a bit in sickbay, she would go back and demand the doctor to take her off light duty. This was killing her. Tomorrow she should have her empathic abilities back.
Posted by: Dixon Jul 31 2006, 10:38 PM
When figures from the Bridge came in that there were approximately forty or so lifesigns on the Renown, Charlie went ahead and ordered more medical staff to come in. She had just finished explaining their situation when blue light began to flood the room, throwing everyone into motion. Noticing the Captain from her research of the ship’s personnel, Charlie ran over and assisted him as he helped a woman to a biobed.“Doctor, we need your help. Commander Tejas’s lifesign is very weak.” Charlie made her way through the crowd to the surgical wing to begin working on Commander Tejas. Slightly surprised that one of their own was more injured than anyone else from the Renown, Charlie shakily ran her tricorder over the unconscious body. Her team began to work in perfect harmony, but despite their best efforts, nothing seemed to be working and her status was worsening by the minute.
“If we don’t put her into stasis soon, she could suffer further brain damage.”
“Agreed,” Charlie said with a brisk nod.
“She’s not showing any upper brain activity,” said one of the nurses.
“Even if we put her in stasis, she won’t make it.”
Biting her lip, Charlie looked up at the Captain, restrained by one of the medical staff, his face a display of utter torture. Charlie looked down at the Commander as her assistant finished the stasis arrangements. It was hard to tell that anything was wrong with the woman; everything conflicting her health was internal. Taking a deep breath for focus, Charlie made her way over to the Captain. It was hard to tell if he even noticed her approach due to his glazed expression, but she went ahead with her explanation. “I’m sorry Captain. We did all that we could. I’ve placed her in stasis, but the damage to her internal organs was extensive. Recommend we hand her over to a Starbase at the earliest convenient time.”
“Understood,” came the hardly audible response. Charlie nodded, stepping away respectfully, checking on her staff and their progress. It was an odd sensational rush, being the one in charge. The thought only lasted momentarily before her brain continued it’s never-ending quest for treatments.
“Excuse me, Doctor.”
Charlie turned around. “Yes, Commander?” she asked, her eyes passing over the woman’s collar. She hadn’t really met anyone while on board, so it was difficult to tell who was who in the current situation.
“Commander Renee Weist, USS Renown,” she introduced herself.
“Doctor Charlie Dixon. Our CMO is on an away mission, but I’m the assistant CMO,” she replied, gesturing to the office for a quieter environment. Once the door closed, Commander Weist looked through the window at the muted chaos.
“How’s my crew?” she asked quietly.
“Some are being released with light temporary duties, and a few others are going to stay for overnight observation. The only one critically injured was Commander Tejas.”
Renee nodded silently for a moment before facing Charlie. “If you could get a list of who survived?” she requested.
“Of course. I’ll be making periodic updates of Sickbay’s progress for the Captain. If you’d like, I could have it sent to you as well.”
“Yes, thank you, Doctor,” she smiled weakly. “Do you think I could be released? The Captain wanted to see me at first convenience and I could really enjoy a good sonic shower at the moment.”
“I’ll have to check your report, but it should be fine,” Charlie said, walking around the desk and pulling up the recently filed reports. She had to search through a good two-dozen before she found the name Weist near the end. “It says you have a few residual burns that should wear off by this evening or early tomorrow morning. I’d like to see you back here first thing tomorrow to make sure there isn’t anything we missed and possibly discuss some of your crew’s injuries if you have any questions.”
“Thank you for all your help, Doctor,” the Commander said, turning to the door. The scene in the room had died down a little, having organized the patients based on the extent of their injuries. With a final glance, the Commander left the room, disappearing through the crowd.
Charlie sighed, watching the monitor as new reports filtered in.
Charlie’s eyes darted over to the doorway, not hearing the voice’s owner enter. She raised a brow in question.
“We’ve finished with initial treatments if you’d like to come and run rotations now.”
“Thank you. If you could tell the rest of the staff they could go, I’ll only need two nurses to help me run rotations.”
“Aye, Doctor,” she replied, walking back into the room.
Standing up, Charlie went over to the window where moments ago Commander Weist stood, looking out over Sickbay.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 1 2006, 05:19 PM
Reyan stared out of the viewport thoughtfully, looking for answers amongst the stars, and finding noneThe Meridian was en-route to rendevous with the first away team, sent to the Slitheraki ship - a journey of several hours, giving Reyan time to deal with matters that required immediate attention
He again sat, and re-activated his computer - the first file on the screen was Commander Tejas's recently completed medical report, which was the closest thing Reyan had seen to a death certificate without actually being one
He sighed - every Captain knew that he or she would loose Officer's at some point in their career. But it was never easy, and it was never supposed to be easy. He recalled the words of Admiral Reid, spoken when Reyan had been a Cadet: No Captain should become accustomed to loosing officers - any Captain who fails to feel a sense of loss following the death of an Officer under his command is no Captain at all
He touched the computer controls and re-activated the second file, the personel record for Commander Renee Weist, and was again impressed
Desite this, a sense of guilt overwhelmed him - reviewing his options for a replacement Executive Officer so soon after the abrupt removal of his former X.O simply felt wrong. But the Meridian would continue, had to continue, and it could not do so without an Executive Officer.
One saving grace was that there were few candidates for the position - few of the Meridian's own Officer's were qualified for the position, but Reyan had carefully read through several files, not wishing to take any one of the Officer's whom he was considering for granted
Finally, the door chimed
"Enter" Reyan called
Commander Weist walked into the ready room; and despite her recent experiences, she was a picture of confidence and professionalism
"Thanks for coming, Commander" Reyan stated
Commander Weist simply nodded, seemingly unsure of how to respond, disadvantaged by the fact that Reyan had not yet advised her of his reasons for wanting to see her
Reyan noted her apprehension
"Sorry Commander - please, take a seat - help yourself to a drink" he stated, trying to make her feel more welcome
"Thankyou Sir" she finally stated
"Sorry Sir?" she asked
"Sorry, Commander - I just prefer a little less.... formality - the first step toward developing a relationship that extends beyond work" Reyan stated, smiling
Commander Weist returned his smile, and stood, making her way to the replicator, glancing around the room as she walked, and showing particular interest in Reyan's model of the USS Sitak, one of his previous assignments
"Bolian tonic water" she requested - the replicator hummed, and produced a crystal glass filled with the requsted drink
Reyan cleared his throat
"As I said, Commander...." Reyan began
"Renee" she corrected, grinning
Reyan tried, and almost failed, to stifle a laugh, before he regained his composure
"Touche, Comm....... Renee" he replied, reactivating her personel file, which he decided didn't do her justice
He again cleared his throat
"Despite appearances to the contrary, I didn't call you here simply for a drink" he began
"I guessed as much" Commander Weist replied, taking a sip from her glass
"Good - then I won't insult you by sidestepping the issue - I've reviewed your file. I require an Executive Officer, and I would like to offer the position to you, should you be interested"
Commander Weist's expression did not change, although her body language hinted at the fact that she had been presented with a question that she had not expected to be asked
"If you need time to think about this...." Reyan stated
"No - I have to admit that I'm surprised - I realise that your X.O is....... indisposed, but why not one of your Officers? Someone more familiar?" she asked; a question that Reyan had to admit had merit. But one of which he had also given plenty of thought
"Three good reasons - firstly, you have far more experience than any of the other candidates, secondly, as much as I hate to rub salt into the proverbial wound, the Renown is irretrivable, and thirdly, you are already a Full Commander" he quickly explained
Commander Weist grinned, an expression that Reyan was growing fond of
"You've obviously given this some thought" she replied
"Beleive me, I most certainly have" he replied in confirmation, awaiting her answer, desperately hoping that she would accept
Reply Commander Weist
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 1 2006, 06:08 PM
Dr Dixon was both quite learned, and very helpful. Renee was appreciative of her assistance. Finding an officer, much less a doctor of her calibur was a rareity. Renee ran events through her mind, as if watching a holo-image on fast forward mode, as she waited to be allowed in the ready room. She was as yet, uncertain as to the Captains reasoning for wanting to see her. Of course there was details of the Renown to go over, but that could wait for the moment. No...it was something more.Once she was called in, and made comfortable, the reasons came to light. He was a Captain without an Exec, and she was an Exec without a Captain. He was offering her the position.
"If you need time to think about this...." Reyan stated
"No - I have to admit that I'm surprised - I realise that your X.O is....... indesposed, but why not one of your Officers? Someone more familiar?" she asked, as the offer took her a bit by surprise.
"Three good reasons - firstly, you have far more experience than any of the other candidates, secondly, as much as I hate to rub salt into the proverbial wound, the Renown is irretrivable, and thirdly, you are already a Full Commander" he quickly explained
Renee grinned, and looked at the Captain. She always could see a man, or woman, more clearly by their expressions. She looked for underlying cause, and found none. She scanned him for apprehensions, and found none present. It was evident he had given it as much thought as he stated he had.
"You've obviously given this some thought" she replied
"Beleive me, I most certainly have" he replied.
Renee got up from her seat, and went to the port viewer in his office, looking out at the stars as they passed quickly by. She looked down into her glass, and moved her hand in a small circle, causing the glasses contents to swirl along the inside edge. That was how she felt. On the edge of something new, but on the end of something terriable, as if the contents would spill over at any moment. She had just lost her Captain, a beloved and trusted friend. It almost felt like a betrayal of sorts, to even be considering it.
But then again, she was first and foremost, a Starfleet Officer. Even if she declined, she would be simply transported back to Command, re-assigned, and shipped back out anyway. And something about Reyan struck her. He was much like Matt, Captain Matt Rawlings, her former CO. He was calm but commanding, while being level headed and decisive in all matters. All things considered, she could do much worse.
She turned slowly, and looked up from her glass.
"I accept then. Let it be stipulated though, I have no problem standing down should your own XO...recover," she tried to state it as easily as she could.
She saw a pained look reach across Reyans brow, but only for a moment. "I do not believe that will be the case, according to the reports." he said softly.
Renee understood.
"Then, if you will fill me in, I'll be more than happy to assume duty as soon as you require me," she said. "Also, I have asked to be kept informed of the condition of my former crew. Dr Dixon has graciously consented to do so. You do have an excellant crew here, from little I have seen so far. It will be an honor to serve beside them, and of course, yourself."
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 2 2006, 04:29 AM
The group arrived in the active but ghosty Main Engineering and a shiver just suddenly shot its way up Sarah's spine as she, for a slight moment, imagined that it was the Meridian's engine room. She never wanted to see her engine room abandoned and ghosty like this one was. Instantly she spotted a standard Starfleet warp core standing vertically in a secondary position compared with the primary Slitherakai power core."They did steal the core from the Renown, the signature is confirmed." Sarah said.
"Look." Gideon said.
Sarah and the others walked over. "What?" She asked.
Gideon motioned to the many Starfleet equipment scattered around the various consoles and the floor surrounding them, "well they certainly cleaned the Renown's equipment stores."
Sarah nodded. "Yes, Lieutenant Commander could you please check the security logs." She gestured to Harjein and smiled.
"Of course." Harjein said as she waved the security team to spread out before walking over to one of the consoles and making herself at home accessing the database.
=^= Doctor Ele, hows things in the Infirmary? =^= Sarah called.
=^= Creepy but normal. Found all the information and logs I could successfully recover. Where are you now? =^= Kaoru's voice replied.
=^= The engine room. =^= Sarah answered.
=^= On my way. Ele out. =^=
Sarah was glad that Harjein had assigned one guard to assist Kaoru as she had the inkling that Kaoru could freak out at any moment and could friendly-fire someone on the team if the doctor was alone. As the Orion moved about the engine room and kicking around the various Slitherakai devices, she thought it best to get the Meridian to drag her back to one of the Starbases for further analysis.
Oh and evidence. She thought looking around.
The team began retrieval of the ships database and recovered their own technology with the minor exception of the Renown's warp core, which Sarah had another feeling that the Renown no longer required it. She frowned and couldn't help but dwell on the possiblility.
OOC: Come on away team or do I have to do this myself - don't piss off the Orion with a spanner! lol
Posted by: Dianna Torres Aug 2 2006, 08:20 PM
Dianna took a slight detour to her quarters; the holodeck.She needed it before she exploded. She knew how she was when that happened. She would be a total terror. She started a fighting program. She ordered all safetly protocols off as she did not want to be constrained to the program. She pulled the sword out and started fighting the knights. It was a all out blood battle. It was like the night of the round table.
Then she got hit in the arm with the sword and saw blood escaping. She didn't care. She continued on. More blood started coming. Swords going back and forth. It was a workout for her and she was getting out a breath. She ended the program.
looked at her arm and noticed that it was worse than she originally though so she headed to sickbay to get it check out before she headed back to her quarters.
Posted by: Luanna Jo Aug 3 2006, 04:00 AM
Luanna sat calmly in her office. The ship seemed a little crazy for a minute. She couldn’t really explain what was going on from her office, but she knew it wasn’t good. It was too subtle a wierdness to feel like a blast, but it had been a while since a Federation vessel had been attacked while she was aboard. She wondered what transpired on the Bridge. It was times like these that she wished she were a Bridge Officer.But not enough to actually be one. She would go to the Bridge when things settled down a bit and the Captain had some time to think. She would invite herself into his ready room and listen to his thoughts, deciding whether he was of a sound mind? Well, yes, but her main purpose was just to be a sounding board for him to express himself. Or perhaps a sounding board to help him think things through fully.
But for now, her feelings were unsettled. When she saw the alert panel change from yellow to red, she moved to her quarters. By this time, the ship had rocked in the familiar ways having been attacked by an enemy. Upon entering her quarters, her children were terrified. They screamed out the emotions she held inside while she and her husband kept them as calm as possible.
Luanna enjoyed giving the kids a B’joran lavender massage and it seemed to settle them a little. It seemed to settle her jittery emotions, too. Christopher read a storypadd to the kids while she gently stroked Ruby’s hair and rocked Katie to sleep. She wasn’t listening to the words her husband was saying, only the soothing voice he used to say them. She loved the sound of his voice.
Outside, more confusion had ensued. Luanna did not know much about interstellar combat tactics, but it seemed to her the fighting had stopped and she definitely felt the ship jump to warp.
“Are we safe now, Mommy?” The words of her five-year-old daughter seemed like she was singing a song. It was true, even Luanna felt a little astonished that the conflict had been resolved so quickly. But she could not be sure of anything. Glancing at the alert panel, she noted it had shifted back to green. Only then could she begin to breathe relief.
“Yes, dear,” she replied to her darling girl. “I suppose the threat is over for now.” She turned to her husband and nodded. He knew what came next. This was the tactical part of the mission where her services were most dearly needed. She stood up and excused herself. The kids had insisted on hugs and kisses which she happily bestowed before leaving her quarters, intent on meeting with the Captain in his ready room.
Before she made her way to the Bridge, the ship had dropped out of warp, a bad sign to be sure, but when she left the turbolift, she watched the Captain and two female officers filing into it, recognizing one of the officers as the woman she had met in sickbay with the twisted ankle and three kids, the First Officer, Tejas.
“Counselor, do you need something?” the young helmsman offered, sitting in the Captain’s chair.
“No, no. You just do what you need to do, Commander. I’ll just sit here and watch.” Deciding to stay aboard the Bridge, she sat in an empty chair out of the way, until her Captain returned.
Or at least for a while. Watching the viewscreen, she witnessed a violent explosion on the Federation vessel abroad. Although the detonation was localized, the whole ship rocked and shockwaves were felt even aboard the Meridian. Luanna immediately worried about her kids, but in a few seconds, she noticed herself standing in awe at the intensity of the blast. A little embarrassed, she looked around at the Bridge Officers, none of whom seemed to notice her because they were all busy working. Before too long, a melancholy Captain entered the Bridge, heading straight for his ready room. Luanna took her opportunity to ring the intercom to his office.
“Come,” came the saddened voice of the Captain.
The doors opened. When Luanna entered, the Captain’s eyes were bright red. It was obvious to her that he had been crying. “Captain,” she said. “Whatever is the matter? Please. Don’t be afraid to talk to me.”
“Counselor,” he said. “I’m glad you’re here. You’re the one I most need to talk to. I need to sort out what is real and what is unbridled emotions. Please, have a seat.” Although she was someone he had never met, he knew her professional obligation to the ship and especially to himself. At this time, he spilled his soul to the Counselor. He told her about events readers of this post are already familiar, how he had ordered his First Officer to main engineering, how she had ventured there alone, how the explosion had shaken the entire ship, how he had personally responded to the blast, how he had spoken with the Assistant Medical Officer about her grim condition, how he looked at her deformed body in sickbay feeling guilty for what he had done to her.
Although Luanna had been stricken with horror, she kept a trained calmness, listening to him as long as he continued his monologue. When he had nothing left to say, she tried to ask him questions, helping him realize none of what happened to his First Officer was his fault. She wasn’t sure how well he took it, but it was obvious that he was in grief not only for his Bridge Officer but also for his friend, Tejas. There was only so much she could say, only so much she should say. She knew that this would not be her last visit with the Captain.
After he had regained his composure, he told him of some of the crew they had rescued, especially of their first officer. He wanted to offer the executive position on the Meridian but was reluctant because of how recently Tejas had met her end.
The Counselor advised him, saying, “I cannot select the personnel for your ship, nor can I tell you how to proceed, but despite the grief you feel for your friend, I see that you are looking beyond to the future and for the good of the ship. You definitely have this issue well in hand. It is not for me to interfere.”
The Captain nodded and gave a slight grunt, his eyes not quite focusing on her. “Yes. Thank-you, Counselor. It has been a great help for me to let out my feelings here. I hope to be honest with you again in the future.”
“I’m glad I can help.”
“Also, it was good to meet you.” He hesitated for a moment and looked into her eyes. “That will be all.”
Upon leaving his office, she passed an attractive woman, three pips on her collar. She didn’t say anything but watched with a smile as she entered the Captain’s ready room. Keeping her lips silent, she knew the Captain intended to offer this woman the position vacated by his dying friend.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 3 2006, 04:49 AM
Gideon walked around the alien engine room inhabited by fragments of familiarity. Aside from the obvious Federation warp core, he saw a stellar gambit here and a wire conjunct there. Even though he was a science officer, he was greatly familiar with the engineer's corner of the ship. His own parents had been engineers on Earth before they died. What struck him as odd was not the amount of technology apparently stolen from a Federation Starship but how incomplete everything was. It was like a little piece of everything had been taken but nothing in its entirety.Nothing really seemed usable. Why would someone take so much only to leave it in such a useless state of utter disarray? There must be a pattern. But what? Why had they taken these things from the Renown? The only object of power was the warp core. Everything else individually seemed to just be a useless pile of junk. Junk perhaps, but very important junk for the Renown. One thing became very clear to Gideon, and then it all made sense. The robbed ship was much worse off than they were aboard the alien vessel. Once he had changed his perspective regarding the stolen items, a quick glance around the room confirmed to Gideon worse fears than he could have imagined before.
"Uh, Lieutenant." She looked up briefly from her analysis of the warp core. Gideon decided to report his intuition to her. "I have a bad feeling about this."
She stopped momentarily, not quite understanding what he meant. "Yes, Lieutenant?"
"Look around us. Do you see the equipment that has been stolen? Look at this engine valve and this antimatter cap. Over here there's a retaining rod. This wasn't a random thieving mission. All of these things are safety devices used on warp-capable Federation starships. You see the implications of what I'm telling you?"
Gideon watched the confusion on the face of his green-skinned ally change to the illumination which enlightens all faces upon the receipt of understanding. "Oh my--" she exclaimed, unable to voice words to complete her sentence.
Gideon continued. "These people intentionally sabotaged the Renown and if we're lucky, it will be a pillar of ashes before the Meridian can even approach her."
The Security Officer, overhearing Gideon conversing with the Orion, looked hard at the science officer for more than a long moment while he made this short speech, responding with a marked question. "And what would happen if we're not lucky, Lieutenant?"
He looked back at her coolly but severely and replied simply and with a slight nod. "Then we might be examining this vessel for much longer than three hours."
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 3 2006, 09:23 AM
"Your kidding me." Sarah said to no one in particular. The engineer was now scared of the endless list of possibilities that could occur from now on. She placed her hand on Gideon's shoulder and slowly turned him to face her."Options?" She asked, she released Gideon and looked at everyone after a brief eye contact with the Chief Science Officer.
Dammed pirates! She thought.
OOC: Sorry it's short...Writer's block!
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Aug 3 2006, 01:54 PM
Kaoru's telepathic senses were completely open, enough so that she felt a sharp stab of grief from the Meridian, recognizing Reyan's thoughts. The betazoid resisted the urge to beam back aboard, knowing that she had a duty, and so did he. She raised her shields slightly, a regrettable but necessary precaution against further distractions from the only one aboard the Meridian who had a place in her heart.She could still feel the away team though, the wary curiousity, the edginess, it fueled her own similar emotions as the doctor and the assigned guard made their way to the infirmary. Like Gideon, Kaoru noted the hodgepodge of Federation technology scattered unused among the more primitive systems. The sickbay was a mess, the floors and walls stained with blood from who knew how many brutal operations. "Sweet Rixx..." Kaoru murmured under her breath as she stepped through the eerily silent facility.
"You can say that again." The guard liked it no more than she did, sticking close to the doctor, feeling more on edge than ever and trusting his gut instincts. "I recommend we join up with the rest of the party." His hand was on the holstered phaser at his side. "There's nothing here."
Kaoru felt his unease, shared it even, but she wanted to download the logs and journals. Setting her tricorder down near an active access panel, she tried to puzzle out the alien commands, finding it fairly intuitive. "Relax...this will just take a moment." She wanted to reassure him that she would know if someone approached them, but she was not entirely certain of her ability to read the minds of the alien race the ship belonged to. "We came her to find some answers."
"Yes sir." He took up a post at the far side of the large room, near one of the doors, his station affording him a clear view of both entryways into the room.
"See if you can get one of those science panels up, run a scan for lifesigns." Kaoru suggested, not looking up from the panel that she worked at.
"Yes sir." He didn't like the idea of both of them having their heads down, and so he moved slowly.
"You can tell me if you think I'm wrong." She glanced up at him, her expression unreadable. "You're right though...I'll run the scan as soon as I'm through here." While the files were uploading to her tricorder she moved to another panel. "That was a good suggestion."
He couldn't help his chuckle. "Betazoids..."
Kaoru smiled in return, though her eyes remained on the new panel she was trying to run scans on, glad to feel he was more relaxed at least, not quite so jumpy. "Humans..."
The tricorder beeped, indicating the files had been uploaded and Kaoru touched her commbadge.

Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 3 2006, 05:07 PM
Reyan stepped back onto the bridge, feeling the need to busy himself with his dutiesHis conversation with Counsellor Jo had been a tremendous help, especially since she was a fellow Bajoran, and Commander Weist's acceptance of the Meridian's abruptly vacant X.O position had provided further reassurance. He was concerned about how his crew would respond to their new Executive Officer, especially considering that there had been Meridian officer's who had been candidates for the postion, but the choice was the Captain's, and no-one in his crew had been as qualified and experienced as Commander Weist
He was pleased to see that Commander Weist sat in the command chair, looking comfortable, looking as if she belonged there
He stepped up to the command area
"Comfortable?" he asked, grinning
"Sorry Sir - I was just familiarising myself with the bridge, and your officers" she explained
Reyan held up a hand
"No apology needed - I'm actually quite pleased - not all of my....... our Officers are present; we left a small away team aboard a damaged and abandoned Slitheraki ship" he advised her
Commander Weist nodded
"Probably the same ship that attacked the Renown" she said quietly, a strong hint of regret reflected in the tone of her voice
"My Science officer certain seemed to agree with you, before he departed" Reyan agreed
Commander Weist stood, and moved to sit in the X.O's seat; Reyan took his seat in the command chair
"We're approaching the rendevous point" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku advised, sounding concerned
Commander Weist appeared to notice the Helmsman's concern
"Somthing else, commander?" she asked
"Yes, Sir - sensors are reading what could be three aditional ships converging on the location of the ship which the away team are exploring" he explained
"Could be?" Reyan asked, wondering why the usually meticulous Commander Ryku was unsure
"Well - they appear to be using some form of cloaking device" Ryku advised
Commander Weist turned to the console next to her chair, and worked it with impressive speed
"Confirmed - but as our sensors are penetrating them, I would say that the cloaks that they are utilising are an older model, and not of Slitheraki design"
Reyan smiled; Commander Weist was certainly proving her worth in abundance, dismissing any doubts that he may have had about his choice of X.O
"ETA to rendevous?" Reyan asked, hoping that the Meridian could reach the away team before the Slitheraki trio of ships
"Thirty minutes" Commander Ryku reported
"ETA of the Slitheraki ships?" Commander Weist asked, as if reading Reyan's mind
"They will converge on the away team in twenty minutes" Ryku replied
Reyan did not hesitiate
"Open a channel to the away team" he demanded, standing out of habit
"Open" Commander Weist responded

Reyan walked back over to his chair and sat, hoping that the away team received the message quickly - time was of the essense, and the shuttle would not be able to outrun the Slitheraki ships for a sustained period of time
Hang in there, Kaoru he thought to himself
Reply anyone
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Aug 3 2006, 10:13 PM

Kaoru and Ensign Young arrived in Engineering at the same time that Reyan's message came through. Kaoru felt the anxiety levels of the away team spike, though everyone maintained their professionalism.
"You all heard the captain." Lieutenant Kerrigan nodded grimly, "Let's move." It took them less than three minutes to reach the shuttle and board. Kaoru set down her equipment, taking her seat and strapping herself in, the other members of the away team doing the same.
The betazoid opened her mind, trying to sense the Slitheraki that were closing in on them, picking up only vague thoughts and emotions, nothing concrete.
In that same moment though, she felt a warmer thought reach her, formless and indistinct, but a positive one nonetheless. Kaoru smiled, recognizing Reyan's thought again, picking it out easily among the hundreds on the Meridian. He was thinking of her...or had been.
Posted by: Dixon Aug 4 2006, 12:33 AM
Charlie stretched her limbs as she finished reading over the last report, dreading the fact it was now time to make her own report based on the findings. Standing up from the desk, she made her way over to the replicator, ordering a strong hot orange tea. She always hated the taste of hot teas, but orange tea at least had some flavor.“Doctor Dixon?”
Charlie looked up from massaging her temple. “Yes Nurse?” Charlie replied with a tired smile.
“Well Nurse Hayes and I were just wondering if you needed us for anything else? All the patients are fed and asleep. The next shift should be coming in within the hour.”
“Then, you both may leave,” Charlie said as she took the drink and sat down. She set the cup down and picked up a nearby PADD. “Excellent work here,” she said, taking the cup back off the saucer and taking a quick sip before putting her tongue in her cheek as she burned it.
“Thank you, Doctor,” the woman smiled, nodding her dismissal and leaving the office.
Sighing heavily, Charlie began working on her full report for the Captain and Commander Weist. A shiver ran down her spine, remembering the haunted expressions on both of their faces; today was not an easy day, by any means. Though she was used to days like today, there was a different degree aboard a starship. Maybe it was the fact that earth was so far away. Maybe she was just homesick.
Charlie looked up from her work and into Sickbay. Besides the patients sleeping on the biobeds, another woman had entered the room, her uniform jacket wrapped around her arm. Stepping into the main room, Charlie quickly showed the woman to a vacant bad, removing the jacket and looking at the wound. “Wow, Lieutenant Commander,” Charlie muttered, taking her tricorder off the utensil cart behind her. “It looks pretty deep. What were you doing to make this happen?”
“Nothing, just a cutting accident,” the woman said, turning away. She snapped her head around. “I don’t believe I’ve seen you around before. I’m Lieutenant Commander Dianna Torres, Chief of Operations.”
“Doctor Charlie Dixon,” Charlie said, shaking the good arm’s hand. “I’m the Assistant CMO.” Charlie began repairing the damage to the arm, even though she had an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach about what really happened. Officers tended to be vague about their injuries, she knew from past experiences.
“Bad day to be your first here,” Dianna said, watching Charlie’s meticulous work. “Especially since Doctor Ele is gone.”
“Gives me a chance to show my talent,” Charlie replied cheekily, biting her lip in concentration. Dianna grimaced as Charlie finished up the internal damage. Taking a dermal regenerator, the final seal to the procedure, Charlie set everything down and looked at the previous wound, now unnoticeable. “Exhibit A,” Charlie smiled, letting Dianna inspect her own arm.
“Nice work, Doctor,” Dianna smiled, standing up quickly. “Is there anything else you need from me?”
“Well, I’d like you to tell me what happened,” Charlie said, rising also. “But if it makes you feel comfortable, I’ll just file a report and let you take things up with Doctor Ele when she returns.”
*Reply Torres*
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 4 2006, 12:37 AM
Could this day get any worse!? She thought hearing Captain Caius' message. "You all heard the Captain." She called and gathered the equipment she had been using into her kit. "Let's go!" The group quickly made their way to the stationary shuttle and beamed aboard. Sarah took the helm and entered in any course then activated the warp drive, the shuttle shot forth and heading away from the approaching ships."That was close." Kaoru said.
"You can say that again." Gideon agreed.
"Just hope we got enough time on them." Sarah said as she kept watch on the sensor display.
"That was close." Kaoru said a moment later and the away team bursted into laughter.
Well if we needed a morale boost that was it. Sarah thought and smiled but didn't take her focus off the sensor display. She did make a few adjustments to the shuttle's course so it would come into transporter range of the Meridian. "I think they are in pursuit." Sarah said.
"What!?" Gideon asked with surprise.
"Confirmed, three blips following and gaining on us." Harjein reported.
Great! Sarah thought, she was beginning to feel that she would never see Jin nor Kaida again. It was quite overwhelming feeling but Sarah was a good actor and prevented it from showing through. It was at this stage that she realised that she had stronger romatic feelings for the Trill helm officer. The Orion also felt that her previous superior Kaida was quite a friend and didn't want to not see her again.
Sarah blinked as she felt a tear cascading down her cheek. She re-routed the weapons power to the warp drive in hope of it would increase their speed towards the Meridian.
OOC: oo some feeling... Tag away team.
Posted by: Harjein Aug 4 2006, 01:51 AM
Taylor watched as the Slitherakai ships gained on them steadily. At most they had seven minutes before the ships were upon them. "Lieutenant, I need those weapons back," she said tersely. “Re-route all auxiliary power to the warp core. It’ll be a bigger supply than weapons.”She watched her screen as the power came back to the weapons, the phasers charging up slowly. Five minutes until the Slitherakai converged. Taylor read the scans, noting the weapons and shielding were nearly the same as the last ships. The cloaking technology was nearly useless at this range, and the three ships rang up fairly clearly on the shuttle’s radar.
“What’s our luck of surviving this?” Sarah asked, looking back at her.
“The Meridian is thirteen minutes away. All we have to do is hold out until then.”
“The electron field is ready,” Gideon reported. “I took it upon myself.”
Taylor grinned at him. “Thanks. Two minutes until the Slith are on us,” she reported.
Karou smiled at the slang. “Slith?”
“What, you expect me to say ‘Slitherakai’ all the time?” Taylor asked. “Too much of a mouthful.”
It seemed like it was all too soon until the Slitherakai ships were firing at the small shuttle. Taylor quickly directed the phasers and photons toward the ships as Sarah flew, trying to evade the fire. “Gideon, aim the field toward the second one,” Taylor ordered. All of her attention was on trying to make the small shuttle survive in a battle it wasn’t meant to be in.
The shots from the second ship dispersed. Taylor quickly fired two photon torpedoes toward it, finishing off it’s shields in one and destroying it with the other. Then she swore as the lead ship maneuvered itself to get them into a tracking beam. The destroyed ship was simply a distraction for the ‘sneak’ attack.
“They have us in a tractor beam. We can’t break out of it,” Gideon said.
Taylor thought for a moment. “What about a feedback?”
“Unlikely. Our tech—” All of a sudden, the Science Chief broke off, staring over her shoulder.
She frowned, turning to look behind her. A Slitherakai stood there. He had to be over seven feet. A tail helped balance him on two feet. His chest was covered in a sort of metal armor with a phaser rifle on his back. He growled, swiping a claw against the face of a security officer, knocking him to the floor fully unconscious with bleeding cuts.
Taylor jumped up, pulling out her phaser as she did so. Instantly the Slith reacted, pulling out his own rifle. They shot nearly at the same time, the beams crossing the room. The Siltherakai's weapon had more power; Taylor flew back a few feet as the shot hit her just below of her sternum, hitting her head on the edge of the Tactical console. Her own shot had barely grazed the reptilian humanoid, hitting him on the shoulder. Taylor heard another phaser shot before she blacked out.
OOC: Tag team. Sorry for the suckiness; totally tired right now. I intended Tay to get shot so that she could only be fully healed on the Meridian, by the way.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 4 2006, 02:34 AM
Gideon had hacked into the main computer aboard the alien vessel. He was downloading all sorts of vital information about them. He wanted to know as much as possible about the enemy. Knowing that he only had a limited time, he didn't really pay attention to everything he acquired from them but made certain that something was uploading every second the computer would transfer information to his datapadd.When the away team heard the Captain's announcement, Gideon's first thought was relief that the Captain was alive, that anyone aboard the Meridian had survived. He knew what the random leftovers in the engine room were capable of and it could have been really messy.
He looked down at his console. And his datapadd. Up till now, he hadn't really shown much interest in what he was uploading. He had noticed that he had uploaded some basic physiology of the alien race, security and weapon features, ships engines (the way they were supposed to run without the addition of Federation warp technology), alien relations and his current feed was stellar cartography.
He heard Lieutenant Kerrigan yell out the order, "Let's move!"
He looked up at her, pleading. "Just let me get this one more thing uploaded onto my datapadd."
"Lieutenant Darkon, we have to get out of here now."
"Lieutenant," he said. "I've got an upfeed on the stellar cartography recorded by the main computer on this vessel. It shows data on every star system known to these people. If we want to beat these people, the information here is invaluable. "
"The information won't be any good if you are captured by the Slitheraki."
"It will only take one moment and I'll be right behind you."
Lieutenant Kerrigan was obviously annoyed by Gideon's insubordinate behavior, but she also must have recognized the value of his find. After a few moments of irritated thought, she allowed Gideon to stay behind with a security detachment of one crewman. "Get your star charts," she said. "We'll beam you over when we get to the shuttle."
"Thank-you." Gideon replied. His datapadd continued to upload information on "uncharted space" while Gideon watched Lieutenant Kerrigan, the Doctor and the security detachment leaving the engine room.
He uneasily waited while the upload persisted. As he predicted, it only took a moment longer. He searched for more data he could upload in only a few minutes, but for two minutes, he waited alone with the crewman until he finally heard the message from his comm badge.

In an instant, he and the security crewman had vanished from the engine room and rematerialized aboard the shuttle as it sortied the alien cargo room. The doctor, of all people, sat at the helm. The Orion leader of the away team looked back to Lieutenant Harjein.
"We have them on board."
"Very good, Lieutenant." Turning to the doctor, she demanded, "Once we get clear of the cargo hold, I need full power to the engines! Give her everything she's got, Commander!"
"Aye, Lieutenant," the doctor replied with a grin. The shuttle burst out of the alien shuttlebay, shooting through space.
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 4 2006, 02:53 AM
Having been dismissed and told to assume duty straight away, Renne felt it best to do just that; begin straight away. She left the ready room, and assumed the center seat, trying to become aclimated. It was not that different from the Renown, but still some things she would have to go over herself.She began pulling up the last diagnostics, the weapons compliment, and specifications of the Meridian, and was well engrossed, when she was interupted by the sound of the Captains voice. She was explaining herself, but the Captain halted that. She moved quickly to her own seat, as Helm informed them they were approaching rendevous. Yet, something was amiss. While the Captain explained the nature of the away teams, and thier mission, they were made aware of three ships of the Slitheraki configuration nearing the rendevous point as well.
"ETA to rendevous?" the Captain asked.
"Thirty minutes" Commander Ryku reported
"ETA of the Slitheraki ships?" Renee asked, obviously the next thing they needed to know
"They will converge on the away team in twenty minutes" Ryku replied
The Captain gave no hesitation.
"Open a channel to the away team" he demanded, standing up out of his seat.
Renee responded quickly, opening a chanel as intructed.

"Battle Stations! Red Alert" Reene announced, to the suprised look, albeit a barely noticable one, from the Captain.
She retook her seat, and the Captain leaned over. "You realise..." he began.
"Yes sir. I realise that means shields go up and weapons are armed," she finished for him.
"And you realise that.." again she grinned, and finished for him.
"That the shuttle cannot be tractored in with sheilds up, yes sir. But, we cannot defend ourself, or them, without them. So, hear me out. If the shuttle can get behind us, swing around, and fly in manually, I can reset the proximity field on the shuttle bay. When they approach, aft shields only can be lowered for minimal amount of time, they can enter, and the saftey nets will activate, preventing damage to them or the shuttle, with the least amount of undo ship exposure," she offered. "As the shuttle passes us, protect them with the ship, and keep them an open target. It can work, has worked, and the ship vulnerablity time is reduced to under 20 seconds, max, and only to the aft sections."
The Captain looked at her as though she had lost her mind at first.
"Sir, we have three ships headed at us, and we are alone. If we go down..."
"Do it," Reyan said.
Renee went right to work. "ETA?" she asked, as she tapped at the XO panel like a mad woman possessed.
"7 Mins till the Slitheraki reaches the shuttle, and 13 until we reach them," was the answer.
She reopened the chanel.

She quickly explained the situation, and how this was to occur. The shuttle was to pass the Meridian, and then swing full about, and head right for the shuttlebay. At 100 meters, they were to cut engines and give full reverse thrusters. Renee was, during the comm, resetting the proximity protocols for the saftey nets, and switching the aft shields to her command. It would take timeing, but it could be done. She brought Tacitcals scanners online to her console, and would monitor the shuttle every step of the way. It would get the shuttle in fastest, and safest for all concerned, leaving the Meridian free to fire, and far less vulnerable.

Posted by: Gideon Aug 4 2006, 03:17 AM
"Lieutenant Kerrigan?""Yes, Gideon. Really, you can call me Sarah."
"Okay." He felt a little uncomforable by this but went with it. "Sarah, who was that lady commander on the comm?"
"She said her name was Commander West? Or something like that. A Commander--or even a Lieutenant Commander would be a fairly well-known person aboard the ship and I've never heard of her. Perhaps they made it to the Renown before it blew up. Maybe they rescued her."
"But why would she be sending us a communiqué? Wouldn't she be recovering with the other people from her ship?"
Sarah was becoming irritated at this conversation. "I suppose; why do you ask?"
"I don't know," Gideon said reluctantly. "I fear something terrible has happened."
"Yeah." Sarah wasn't really talking to anyone, more like thinking aloud. "Yeah, I think you're right." She then shook it off and turned to her weapons officer. "What's our luck of surviving this?" she asked.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 4 2006, 08:59 AM
OOC: Please note that both of Gideon's posts are before my last post. Thanks.After Harjein blacked out, the Slith was vaporised by Sarah's phaser fire some seconds later.
"Take that!" Sarah said as she watched the alien disappear.
She looked back to the helm console and saw that the tractor beam was still active, gotta do something about that. She thought. "Gideon fire at them." She ordered.
As expected Gideon armed the weapons and fire again, the phaser beams punched into the enemy ship's hull and made it weaker for the torpedoes to do some damage.
Suddenly the enemy ship activated a burst from their deflector and filled the shuttle's atmosphere, Sarah and the others instantly collapsed unconscious from the effects.
OOC: Unfortunately Commander Weist, the shuttle crew didn't hear your briefing, sorry.
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Aug 4 2006, 01:32 PM
Kaoru was on her feet, her seat closest to the Slitheraki that had beamed aboard. She scrambled for her phaser, but not before Ensign Young shoved her out of the way, sending her tumbling sideways, hitting her shoulder hard against the hull.The Slitheraki slashed at Young, his claws raking the Ensign's face, the force enough to throw him against a bulkhead.
Kaoru rolled when she hit the ground, coming up to her feet quickly, her phaser finally drawn, but by then it was over...the Slitheraki was dead, and Harjein was hit. The doctor simply let her phaser fall, grabbing her medkit and rushing to the security officer, appraising the wound with practiced eyes.
She opened her medkit with one hand, pulling out a hypospray and loading it with delactovine, administering 2 ccs to the unconscious security officer. The drug would help to keep her stabilized, and out of shock. With an exoscalpel, Kaoru cut away the remainder of the woman's melted tunic to get at the wound, her hand steady inspite of the shuddering movements of the shuttle. The wound was critical, but aboard the shuttle, there was precious little Kaoru could do.
The shuttle rocked again when it was hit, and Kaoru braced herself against the wall, finished cleaning the ugly burn, nuetralizing the area so that the compressor beam did no further damage. "We've got to get her to sickbay." Kaoru did not look up. "Within 15 minutes, at the most." There was no panic in her voice, she was simply stating fact. When Harjein was as comfortable as Kaoru could make her, she turned then to Young.
The Ensign was bleeding badly, facial wounds tended to do that, and the Slitheraki's claws had torn away a good seven inches of skin. "Shhh...shhh..." Kaoru felt his panic, he was shaking. She pulled his hands away from his face, examining the garish wounds. "Don't panic yet Ensign...I'll tell you when it's time, all right?"
His panic tugged at her, and it was a struggle to ignore it, to not get swept up. She was attempting to get his attention fixed firmly on her, to pull it away from the mayhem around them. If her attempts failed, then she would give him a sedative.
Thankfully, he calmed somewhat, watching her with wide, frightened, but trusting eyes, and Kaoru smiled, nodding in approval. "Well done..." She held a small dermal regenerator in her right hand, a small silver clothlike device in her left. Using the dermal regenerator, she began to treat his wounds, first cleaning the blood away with the chemically treated cloth. It absorbed the blood and cleaned the wound simultaneously.
There were a few places though, where skin was missing completely, and she could not use the dermal regenerator. Those wounds she simply cleaned and bandaged. While she worked, half of her attention was given to the other members of the away team, listening as the firefight ensued...perfectly aware that they might all be killed at any moment.
In all, treating Harjein and Young took a short time, though it seemed much longer to her.
Kaoru felt a sharp stab of fear from Kerrigan and Gideon both, glancing over her shoulder towards them. Young, his focus so completely on the doctor, sensed it too, grabbing her arm tightly, whatever words he might have meant to say cut off as the darkness suddenly claimed the crew members aboard the shuttle, all of them slumping unconscious.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Aug 4 2006, 03:42 PM
OOC: Dixon, Dianna is a bit of a handful.Dianna knew that she should not have been going to the holodeck, but she had to before she got out of control. She may behave for a time being, but she goes to her old ways unless she has a way to outlet those emotions.
Dianna walked into sickbay and found the doctor at her desk. Dianna got her attention and Dianna was led to a biobed so that her injuries can be looked at.
The doctor took a tricoder to her arm and Dianna was asked what she was doing. She didn't want to tell her what happened so she said that it was a cutting accident.
Dianna did not noticed the doctor so Dianna introduced herself to the young doctor that was taking care of injury.
“Doctor Charlie Dixon,” Charlie said, shaking the good arm’s hand. “I’m the Assistant CMO.”
Dianna smiled.
“Bad day to be your first here Especially since Doctor Ele is gone.” asked Dianna.
“Gives me a chance to show my talent," said Charlie. Dianna felt the pain as Charlie started repairing the damage that she caused to herself.
“Exhibit A,” Charlie smiled.
Dianna checked it out and said nice job to the doctor and got up quickly. “Is there anything else you need from me?” Said Dianna.
“Well, I’d like you to tell me what happened,” Charlie said, rising also. “But if it makes you feel comfortable, I’ll just file a report and let you take things up with Doctor Ele when she returns.”
Dianna sighed. Dianna liked the woman. "I was doing something I not supposed to be doing. Lets say this much. I should not have been in the holodeck, but I had to before I headed to my quarters and the bridge. I had some feelings I needed to get out. If I didn't do it just then, I would be totally out of control. I am mad about everything right now. Doctor Ele, put me on light duty. I am not even allowed to take command if they need me to. Its a good reason though and I not mad at her. I'm mad at myself. If you look at my medical records there should be something in there about what happened to me about two days ago. Cut the long story short, I had problems with my empathic abilities and I collaped on the bridge." Said Dianna.
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 4 2006, 05:26 PM
"Commander, we lost comm withthe shuttle. I don't think they heard you!" Ryku stated."Damn!" Renee muttered.
"Status!" Reyan called.
"The shuttle is losing ground. It has dropped in speed, and.." there was a hesitation, "I believe they are being held."
Renee went over to the secondary sciecne console, and tied ito the securitys tactial scanners As indicated, the shuttled was being held in a tractor.
"They are being held, Captain, and actually being dragged backwards," she stated.
"ETA to arrival?" he asked.
"Under 4 minutes," Renee replied.
She was out of ideas, and only hoped the Captain had better ones.
OOC: Thats fine. I was going to try to save you a whopping, but carry on...
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 4 2006, 07:23 PM
Okay - guess some improvision is required here....Four minutes
It didn't sound like much, in fact, it sounded like a very short space of time - but for the Meridian, Captain Reyan and Commander Weist, four minutes felt like an eternity
"The shuttle despatched one of the Slitheraki ships" Commander Weist advised
Reyan nodded - it was a good result, but he still feared that the two remaining Slitheraki ships could inflict serious damage to the shuttle in the few minutes it would take the Meridian to arrive
"Captain - the shuttle just lost all power!" Ensign Yesala, one of Gideon's subordinates, called
"How?" Reyan asked
"Some kind of pulse emitted from the lead Slitheraki ship's deflector" the young Ensign replied
"ETA?" Commander Weist demanded
"Three minutes" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku replied
"We're not going to make it, are we?" Ensign Yesala stated quietly
Reyan turned, and gave the Ensign a scolding glance; Ensign Yesala's expression was a mixture of apology and self-assurance - she clearly wished she hadn't spoken, but still beleived that she was right. The problem was that Reyan had to admit the possibility that she was right
"We're approaching the coordinates, Sir" Ryku advised, snapping Reyan out of his chain of thought
"Lieutenant-Commander Ryku - prepare to downwarp, right on top of the Slitheraki" Commander Weist ordered
Reyan was about to ask her what she had in mind, but immediately realised what it was that she had planned - if the Meridian dropped out of warp abruptly, it stood a very good chance of cathing the Slitheraki unprepared
"Andrews - ready photon torpedoes, and the second we drop out of warp, target the Slitheraki's tractor bream emitter" Reyan ordered
The atmosphere changed to one of desperate anticipation, everyone was aware that the shuttle was in danger, powerless, and likely unable to support adequate life-support for her crew, but the Slitheraki ship causing the problem had to be dealt with first
"Dropping out of warp.......... now!" Commander Ryku called, almost sounding excited
The Meridian burst out of warp, mere meters away from the two Slitheraki ships
"Fire!" Reyan demanded
Two torpedoes burst from the Meridian's weapon pod and slammed into the tractor emitter of the lead Slitheraki ship - the tractor beam flickered, and died
"Target their weapons array and fire!" Commander Weist instinctively called
"Commander Weist - get the away team off that shuttle" Reyan ordered, allowing the Commander to issue her order first
Cadet Andrews acted immediately, as if anticipating the order before it had been spoken - the Meridian's phasers lashed out, destroying three of the Slitheraki's distruptor cannons; Commander Weist also acted instantly, her hands flying across her console, establishing transport lock and dropping the shields for a fraction of a second
"We have them" she advised calmly

"Return fire" Reyan ordered
The Meridian fired a volley of torpedoes into the second Slitheraki ship, causing significant damage to it's shields
"Theyr'e calling for reinforcements" Commander Weist advised, watching as the first Slitheraki ship repositioned itself
"We're going to have to fight our way out of this" Reyan stated, determined not to allow the Meridian to become another victim of the Slitheraki's obession with stealing other species technology
Commander Weist nodded in silent agreement; considering what the Slitheraki had done to the Renown, Reyan had fostered a strong feeling that she would not object
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 5 2006, 01:18 AM
The Meridian blasted torpedoes out into space at the two Slitheraki ships. Commander Weist ordered a manoeuver that prompted Jin to rotate the Meridian around into facing the enemies stern sides. While doing this, he could almost feel a tension in the inertial dampeners at the speed in which the ship rotated.Reyan and Weist peered at the view-screen as torpedoes from the Meridian lined the sides of the Slitheraki ships - proving the stern to be a surprising weakness. The enemie's shields began to weaken, but thier return fire came at no less rate.
"Ugh!!!" Jin almost fell out his seat as the Meridian was hit again and again. The ship shook violently in the heat of battle, sending sparks from the Ops console to his left. He looked over to find that the person who had been 'temp'ing for Dianna was on the floor, unconscious from her destroyed console. Damn feedback surges, Jin blamed technology itself as he returned his gaze to the view-screen. The screen itself was flickering as torpedoes and phasers were traded between the ships.
I'm just glad Sarah's finally safe, he thought - even though he knew it was almost fatal to be in her presence anymore.
Five more Slitheraki ships dropped warp and opened fire onto the Meridian. Jin was already flying the ship around so that they'd have to deal with a moving target. The ship flew around and passed two Slitheraki vessels, while another had altered its aim and fired.
The attack was late and the torpedoes missed the passing Meridian, slamming into the shields of the newly-arrived Slitheraki.
Jin was now only wishing that Lieutenant Darkon was here to provide an ingenious answer to all this violence. The Meridian was out-numbered... and not only that - but had just lost a part of her shields...
"Re-route power to the shields!!" Commander Weist began giving orders to the others. Her tactical sense was beyond what anyone expected, and she was already bringing the weakend portions back online. But unfortunately it was too late: a group of reptillian soldiers beamed onto the Bridge. It turned out the weak spot was the forward shields.
"Mr. Ryku, get us out of here!" the Captain ordered as a Slitheraki began walking toward him and the Commander.
Three phaser beams shot out at the creature, one after the other, weakening it to its knees finally after the third shot. The three Security guards turned thier attention to other spots on the Bridge, as it had appeared that there were at least five Slitheraki there, including one that was fallen.
Every Bridge officer had the imposing Slitheraki's attention and vise versa, for the exception of Jin. The Lieutenant Commander was feverishly trying to tap through the distorted computers system's helm controls for the command to jump to Warp. When he finally got the Warp drive online, he reached over to jump the ship into it.
But as the Meridian flew sideways, with seven Slitheraki vessels pumping torpedoes into it - warp did not happen.
Jin was stabbed into his upper back with the unclenched claws of a nearby Slith solder. The force slammed him into the helm console, dripping blood. He struggled to turn his head and look into the eyes of his attacker. The Slitheraki did not have any experession of emotion, other than that of just doing his job... until Jin gathered enough strength to tap one more button at the Helm. A warp field sprung up around the Meridian, causing the Slitheraki with its clawed hand in Jin's back to widen his eyes in shock.
He must've expected to have the Warp core tampered with by now. Half of the Slith soldiers on the Bridge were beamed out, including Jin. The Meridian jumped to Warp out of there. Three of the seven Slitheraki ships followed - knowing that there were now only a few Slith agents on the Meridian; outnumbered and most likely soon to be dead.
But with nobody at the Helm, where was the Meridian headed?
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 5 2006, 01:44 AM
OOC: Sorry to all if I seem too controlling, don't mean too. Just wanting to keep things realistic, we wouldn't have died Commander just close to it... *giggles* Oi Jin... You got captured. We are so going back for him!! *looks side-to-side quickly*Posted by: Gideon Aug 5 2006, 05:02 AM
Gideon didn't really remember what happened. It was more like waking up from a really scary dream. The last few minutes of his dream were more like a blur than real life and he couldn't decide within himself whether he actually saw the seven-foot tall, reptilian form or if he had imagined it. He was leaning toward having imagined it, mainly because he didn't want to believe that the enemy could be that terrible.His eyelids were sealed shut, too heavy to open. He lay on a bed which must be in the sickbay of the Meridian, he hypothesized based on the commotion of people. But the bed where he laid did not have the traditional Federation softness and comfort. The pillow his head was propped on did not even feel like a real pillow, more like a cardboard box.
He tried to move his arms and sit up. He wasn't sure if he was being restrained or if he just couldn't move them. Whatever the case, he hoped to get some more rest. He would have closed his eyes, but he remembered that they were already closed. Quietly, he tried to return to his restful slumber atop his hard bed and cardboard pillow.
Posted by: Dixon Aug 5 2006, 01:28 PM
“Cut the long story short, I had problems with my empathic abilities and I collapsed on the bridge,” finished Dianna.“Well, I’ll have to review your file before advising Doctor Kaoru on anything, but for now you should lay off the lacking safeties,” Charlie advised, realizing easily that if she was on the holodeck and wounded that she had to have the safeties off. “If you really want your duties back, I’d try not getting my arm hacked off.”
“Tough love,” Dianna replied, rubbing her freshly healed arm with a smirk. “But I’ll take it into consideration. I’ll drop by tomorrow if any pain persists.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant Commander. It was a pleasure meeting you,” Charlie replied, walking back towards the office as Dianna made her way to the door.
“The pleasure was mine,” she smiled, the doors swooshing closed behind her.
Once in the office, Charlie sat down, sipping her now cold orange tea, and rereading what she had already started. It was only a little, but her train of thought had been disrupted. Just as she started writing again, she looked over at the teacup, seeing the contents shaking as the warp speed increased. Suddenly it stopped, the rings of vibration hitting the sides of the glass before stilling. Charlie frowned only for a fraction of a second before the ship shuddered in weapons fire.
“Seems we got here just in time,” said one of the nurses. Charlie looked up and saw him holding the doorframe in support of not falling.
“We just got to the away team’s location. Rumor has it that the same Slitheraki that attacked the Renown is after the away team’s shuttle.”
Charlie opened her mouth to reply, when suddenly she was interrupted.

“They’re just unconscious,” Charlie said, approaching the person closest to her, wearing a golden shouldered uniform. “She has another wound though that looks as though a treatment has been started,” she muttered, more to herself than the nurses. “How are the others?”
“Unconscious,” agreed both nurses.
“Doctor Kaoru has fractured scapula,” said one, reading his tricorder. “No internal bleeding otherwise.”
“Wow, check out this guy,” whispered the other nurse, approaching Ensign Young. “I think Doctor Kaoru started work on him as well, there’s a residual dermal regenerator signature.”
“We’re just trying to stabilize their conditions, meaning life threatening things should be the main concern,” Charlie scolded. “Life support must have been out, there’s been some insubstantial yet noticeable neural damage. Nothing a neural stimulator wouldn’t fix.”
The two nurses nodded and the three continued their work in silence.
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 5 2006, 02:08 PM
Renee, seeing Ryku's dissapearance, jumped to the helm controls, as the last of the Slitheraki were being contained on the bridge. Reyan was giving orders, as Renee stabilized the warp field around the Meridian, and got it lined back out.

"We are badly damaged sir, and our shields are failing," Renee said, as she quickly did an evasive to avoid a volley of phaser fire headed for them.
"Status!" Reyan called out.
"Shields down to 45% forward, and 60% aft. Phaser banks down 30%, but we still maintain a compliment of assorted torpedos," Tactical called out.
"Power down to 70% shipwide, and at this rate, we can only maintain warp 4 for another 3 hours before we will have to repair, or be dead in the water," Renee stated, as again, she tapped at the controls, doing a quick turn to port, and dropping altitude for evasive.
"Options!" Reyan called out.
"Sir? We are being hailed!" the communications officer called out.
"Hailed?" both Renee and Reyan said at once, in unison.
"On screen," Reyan finally stated.
The starscape was replaced by the scene of a Klingon bridge, as someone Renee knew came into view.
"Commander Delorin!" she called out.
"May we offer some assistance?" the Klingon Commander said, a grin covering his face.
"You know this Commander?" Reyan asked Renee.
"Yes, well!" she replied. "Long story."
Reyan smiled. "Open a chanel."
"Hailing frequency open, sir," the Comms officer replied.
"This is Cpatain Reyan Caius of the Starship Meridian. We are under attack and outnumbered."
"Not anymore," Delorin grinned, as three Birds of Prey decloaked in front of them. "Mind if we join the fight?"
"Not at all. Your assistance would be appreciated," Reyan replied.
"Then today is a good day to die!" Delorin said, as they took flanking positions as the Meridian flew past.
The Klingons were engaging the Slitheraki, and Reyan ordered the Meridian about.
"Can't let them do all our work," he said.
"Aye," agreed Renee, as she turned the ship around and headed back for the fight.
The odds were a bit more equal now, and the battle would be glorious, in the words of her friend Delorin. Renee quickly relayed all informations they had so far on the Slitheraki to the Commander, for tactical usage.
OOC: Today may be a good day to die but the day is not over yet! We aint turn tailing here!
Posted by: Dianna Torres Aug 5 2006, 02:55 PM
“Well, I’ll have to review your file before advising Doctor Kaoru on anything, but for now you should lay off the lacking safeties,” Charlie advised, realizing easily that if she was on the holodeck and wounded that she had to have the safeties off. “If you really want your duties back, I’d try not getting my arm hacked off.”Dianna laughed to herself. Its so much fun with the safety's off even if I hurt my self. Blood and guts yummy
“Tough love,” Dianna replied, rubbing her freshly healed arm with a smirk. “But I’ll take it into consideration. I’ll drop by tomorrow if any pain persists.” Not a chance.
“Thank you, Lieutenant Commander. It was a pleasure meeting you,” Charlie replied, walking back towards the office as Dianna made her way to the door.
“The pleasure was mine,” Dianna said.
Dianna walked out.
Dianna made a quick change in her quarters and headed back to the bridge just as red alert had been called.
When Dianna got back on the bridge she slid into her ops control seat. She notice Renee was sitting where Tajas once sat. Dianna was sad that Tejas was not here, but things change. Dianna had no idea what kind of woman this new Commander is but she soon would find out.
"Battle Stations! Red Alert" Reene announced. Then Renee called for shields up and arm the weapons. They were preparing for a fight if they have to.
"Sir, we have three ships headed at us, and we are alone. If we go down..." Said an officer. "Do it," Reyan said.
"Renee called out an ETA." Dianna called out, "7 Mins till the Slitheraki reaches the shuttle, and 13 until we reach them."
"Commander, we lost comm withthe shuttle. I don't think they heard you!" Ryku stated.
They tried to dispatch them.
"Status!" Reyan called. "The shuttle is losing ground. It has dropped in speed, and.." there was a hesitation, "I believe they are being held."
Their ETA was now running at 4 minutes.
"The shuttle despatched one of the Slitheraki ships" Commander Weist advised
"Captain - the shuttle just lost all power!" Ensign Yesala
"How?" Reyan asked
"Some kind of pulse emitted from the lead Slitheraki ship's deflector" the young Ensign replied
"ETA?" Commander Weist demanded
"Three minutes" Lieutenant-Commander Ryku replied
"We're not going to make it, are we?" Ensign Yesala stated quietly
"We're approaching the coordinates, Sir" Ryku advised.
"Lieutenant-Commander Ryku - prepare to downwarp, right on top of the Slitheraki" Commander Weist ordered.
"Andrews - ready photon torpedoes, and the second we drop out of warp, target the Slitheraki's tractor bream emitter" Reyan ordered
"Dropping out of warp.......... now!" Commander Ryku called, almost sounding excited
The Meridian burst out of warp, mere meters away from the two Slitheraki ships
"Fire!" Reyan demanded
Two torpedoes burst from the Meridian's weapon pod and slammed into the tractor emitter of the lead Slitheraki ship - the tractor beam flickered, and died
"Target their weapons array and fire!" Commander Weist instinctively called
"Commander Weist - get the away team off that shuttle" Reyan ordered, allowing the Commander to issue her order first
Cadet Andrews acted immediately, as if anticipating the order before it had been spoken - the Meridian's phasers lashed out, destroying three of the Slitheraki's distruptor cannons; Commander Weist also acted instantly, her hands flying across her console, establishing transport lock and dropping the shields for a fraction of a second
"We have them" she advised calmly

the transporter chief called over the comm
"Understood" Reyan replied, as the Meridian rocked from the impact of weapons fire from the second Slitheraki ship, which had managed to manuver into firing position whilst the Meridian had been proccupied with the shuttle
"Return fire" Reyan ordered
The Meridian fired a volley of torpedoes into the second Slitheraki ship, causing significant damage to it's shields
"Theyr'e calling for reinforcements" Commander Weist advised, watching as the first Slitheraki ship repositioned itself
"We're going to have to fight our way out of this" Reyan stated.
Dianna kept working at her console making sure everything worked when needed to be.
They were being fired at by the Slitheraki ships.
"Re-route power to the shields!!" Commander Weist began
Mr. Ryku, get us out of here!" the Captain ordered
Then the damm Slitheraki soldiers beamed to the bridge. Dianna was scared. What she had seen on the renown, she knew could happen to them.
All of a sudden Jin was beamed away to where, possibly to Slitheraki ship or somewhere else.

They were badly damaged and shields were failing fast.
"Status!" Reyan called out.
"Shields down to 45% forward, and 60% aft. Phaser banks down 30%, but we still maintain a compliment of assorted torpedos," Tactical called out.
"Power down to 70% shipwide" called renee.
"Options!" Reyan called out.
"Sir? We are being hailed!" the communications officer called out.
"Hailed?" both Renee and Reyan said at once, in unison.
"On screen," Reyan finally stated.
The starscape was replaced by the scene of a Klingon bridge, as someone Renee knew came into view.
"Commander Delorin!" she called out.
"May we offer some assistance?" the Klingon Commander said, a grin covering his face.
"You know this Commander?" Reyan asked Renee.
"Yes, well!" she replied. "Long story."
Reyan smiled. "Open a chanel."
"Hailing frequency open, sir," the Comms officer replied.
"This is Cpatain Reyan Caius of the Starship Meridian. We are under attack and outnumbered."
"Not anymore," Delorin grinned, as three Birds of Prey decloaked in front of them. "Mind if we join the fight?"
"Not at all. Your assistance would be appreciated," Reyan replied.
"Then today is a good day to die!" Delorin said, as they took flanking positions as the Meridian flew past.
The Klingons were engaging the Slitheraki, and Reyan ordered the Meridian about.
"Can't let them do all our work," he said.
"Aye," agreed Renee, as she turned the ship around and headed back for the fight.
They were to fight and come out victorious now that they have the klingons on their side.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 5 2006, 03:55 PM
Two of the four Slitherakai vessels sitting in space broke off and jumped to warp. They headed to aid the other three vessels who were now engaged with the Klingon's and Meridian. The lead ship, one that was now repairing damage from earlier, stayed sitting in space with its escort - and with its two prisoners.Jin was brought to the back of the Bridge, and cuffed to the wall. He was barely conscious, until he noticed another man next to him. The two were encased in seperate forcefields, chained to the back wall.
"He likes to keep us here... I don't know why. I'm guessing it's for some sick pleasure of war," the Starfleet officer explained.
Jin opened his eyes and recognized the man, "You're... the Captain of the Renown!?"
He nodded, "I've been stuck here ever since they stripped my ship."
"I'm sorry," he looked down. "Wait. My wounds... they're healed," he attempted to look around his back.
The Captain shook his head, "The Slitherakai have incredible regeneration techniques. Obviously stolen."
"So how do we get out of here?"
"Get out?" The Captain mocked. "There's no getting out! I watched as they killed my crew. They're souless... heartless... a savage race of reptillians!"
-"Enough!!!" Just then Slaa stomped over. "Your Federation thinks they can out-do us with the help of the Klingons? They have another thing coming to them..." he pointed at Jin.
"The Klingons eat reptiles for breakfast!" Jin said.
"Well we enjoy our meat..." Slaa leaned in closer to Jin. "Take him away."
Slaa nodded his head toward the Captain, who's chains suddenly broke off. The forcefield went down and Slaa's subordinates took him off the Bridge.
"What are you doing?" Jin eyed the enemy Captain.
Slaa showed his teeth, "We feed our pets with your kind. They can tell the difference between that replicated garbage."
The forcefield dropped around Jin, allowing Slaa to clench his hand around Jin's neck and slam him against the back wall. "Don't worry. I've another fate for you..."
Posted by: Luanna Jo Aug 6 2006, 02:04 AM
Luanna’s next stop was sickbay. From speaking with the Captain, she gathered that many casualties had arrived and the CMO was on the away team, leaving the Asst. CMO and the nursing staff to care for scores of wounded and some dying. The hallway to deck eight was becoming familiar to the accident-prone counselor and the doors to the main sickbay opened to reveal the leftover crew from the Renown.A blue-uniformed lieutenant was sipping some tea in her office when Luanna arrived. “Hello,” she said, taking it upon herself to be introduced. “I’m the new counselor on the Meridian. My name is Luanna.”
“I’m Dr. Dixon, the Assistant CMO. This is my first shift here. I barely met Dr. Ele before she left on that away team and now she’s lying unconscious on a makeshift bed. This place was empty when I got here—not quite empty; we had one patient. My team of nurses and I have taken care of all these people in here. I’ve treated people with gashes, people exposed to the vacuum, people impaled with punctures through all parts of their bodies, and one person who was nearly cut to pieces on the holodeck, as though what is happening in real life isn’t dangerous enough for her. This is my first shift. I’m trying to stay calm, but this is really beginning to get to me.”
“I thought it might. That’s why I’m here. What can I do to help you?”
Dr. Dixon smiled at Luanna, not quite a happy smile but all the same she seemed glad for the help. “I suppose. My current mystery could use a little of your expertise. The away team has arrived and they are lying in a coma. We’ve treated all their injuries and they are physically stable. They may have some neural damage, but I don’t want to treat them before they wake up from their coma. Maybe you could try talking to them or something and see if they respond.”
Luanna smiled at the doctor. “I’d be glad to help.”
Walking over to the away team, she saw the seven sleeping people on makeshift beds, basically cots constructed from whatever they could piece together in sickbay. One human she recognized as the young scientist she met on her first visit to the infirmary. For no reason in particular (or perhaps because she appreciated his help with her kids), she walked up to him first, kneeling beside him and speaking with little more than a whisper into his ear.
“Hello, Gideon. I don’t know if you remember me. I’m your new neighbor, Luanna. You know, the one with the three adorable children….”
Posted by: Gideon Aug 6 2006, 02:23 AM
Gideon lay in his bed, noises interfering with his perfect sleep. He heard beeps and clicks that alerted him to which room he lay. Sickbay. He heard some murmurs, felt the cold, stale air that he recognized with every other infirmary he had ever entered.Then he heard something else. Something close to him. It was a pleasant, lovely sound, like a song. He knew it seemed familiar, but he could not remember of what the song reminded him. It was the sound of a lark singing quietly in his ear. Another nearby sound chirped its excitement about something, but he could never identify its origin. The two sounds together created a melody and a harmony in his mind, a sonorous song which lulled him back to sleep. After a few long moments, the second sound, the exciting harmony, lost its enthusiasm, slowly fading from his ears.
The melodious sound lasted only a short time more before it, too, went away. Only later, did he seem to hear that melody again, but it had changed. This time, rather than its austere presence, it only seemed a distant memory.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 6 2006, 03:40 AM
Arrived in sickbay and unconscious, Sarah was on one of the many biobeds as was the other away team members. The Meridian was under attack and the unconscious bodies where being moved about violently with the enemy weapons fire striking the Nebula-class starship.Sarah could hear conversation around her but unable to understand what was being said nor determine if it was some one speaking or her imagination playing tricks on her in the dreamworld. She was standing in blackness and looked around, the light opposite her very faint - she looked to it and instantly thought that she was dead and she was Sarah Kerrigan's consciousness on its way to the afterlife.
She was mistaken as she was grabbed from behind and returned to her body on the biobed. She opened her eyes and saw the many nurses running around, the red alert alarms sounding as well as flashing on the walled screens of sickbay. We're under attack! She thought suddenly realising what was happening.
A passing nurse rushed to her and pushing her back down onto the biobed. "You have to stay." The nurse ordered and appling stronger pressure to Sarah's shoulders.
"But I have to get to the Bridge." Sarah countered. "They might need my help."
"We don't know if you are capable to return to duty." The nurse argued.
Sarah grabbed the nurse's hands and ripped them off her before jumping off the bed and ran towards the exit. The nurse in hot pursuit following closely behind. Sarah then fell over and felt her vision blurring, not now! She thought as the nurses hands grabbed the Orion and picked her up.
"Told you." The nurse said.
The two had to fight the constant shaking of the ship as they made their way back to sickbay.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 7 2006, 12:40 AM
Jin was thrown into a test subject's chair, inside a large experimental room. All around were various pieces of technology, half open and partly conjoined with others - to make one large technological establishment. Almost all of it were from various species.Two Slitherakai workers placed an overhead platform right above Jin's head. Four biological tentacles sprung out and wiggled over Jin's scalp. "What the hell are you doing?"
"After we are done with you, your brains will be under our control. There won't be anything left of your mind, except your ability to pilot," one of them explained out of spite for Jin's kind.
"The Shuttle Pod's neural interface module is in place," the other explained more monotonely.
"I'm about to begin the mind-erasure technique." Another piece was brought over and connected to the overhead platform module, intending on making Jin a permanent hump of Trill flesh.
"I don't get it. You're erasing my consciousness and using my mind?" Jin said.
"We'll be able to control your mind and make you pilot our ship. You see, our species isn't capable of piloting as well as most, so with your help we will fly the ship into battle and use manouvering to assist us in battle," the angerier one replied.
He went to a panel and began tapping in instructions. The tentacles hovering above Jin's head began trading short electromagnetic dancing bolts between thier ends and his head. The Lieutenant Commander could feel his mind being accessed.
As it powered up, a feedback pulse was sent through the tentacles and back into the mind-erasure machine. The machine began to beep incessantly.
"What is going on?" They hurredly checked the consoles. "It's not working!"
"Did you adjust for the Trill Symbiont?"
"Of course I did. But it's still interfereing. The codes should have specifically adapted to his Symbiont!"
Jin slowly arched his head in thier direction with as little neck muscle power as he had. "Jokes on you," he tried to smile, "My Symbiont's out of balance. Even if your machine was capable of interfacing with a two-being symbiotic relationship, you couldn't do me."
"Argh!!" the angrier Slitherakai slammed his fists into a side computer frame. "Start recalibrating the interface. We still may be able to compensate for his insubordinance!" The other Slitherakai nodded and got to work. "I'm going to the Pet Bay to see if they disposed of that Starfleet Captain yet."
As soon as he left, Jin glanced over at the more quieter Slitherakai.
"Do you always let him talk to you like that?" Jin said.
The Slitherakai fixed something on one panel and moved to the next, "He's my commanding officer. Even though he his a 'gHlergun'."
"I'm guessing that's bad?"
"I've had enough of our way of life. We steal and steal, then try to adapt our technologies into new types of technology. When will we ever focus on something more important? It is like we can't stop trying to perfect one part of ourselves, while we ignore greater issues. It's always about technology."
Jin suddenly began to realize that this person was drifting from the main focus that the rest of the Slitherakai crew had.
"Wait a second. You're actually tired of your own people's ways?"
"Is that so hard to believe? Do you think we are all the same?" the Slitherakai snapped.
"Oh my god... Then you've got to do something. Make a difference!"
"It's too late for that," the Slitherakai replied while going to another console. Jin could feel another electro snap to his brain.
"Ugh! ...It isn't. Let me go. I can help you take over the ship."
"Are you kidding me? You Federation types are always so noble! We don't make changes that way here."
Jin sighed, feeling somewhat defeated. At the same time, he could somehow feel a piloting system in his brain. "Then at least let me go. Do something that you believe in-- or don't do it. Err, you know what I mean."
The Slitherakai stopped to think about it. He then glanced over at Jin and deactivated the interface.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 7 2006, 03:26 AM
After an unmeasured amount of time, Gideon awoke again. He lay in the uncomfortable bed, staring at...nothing. He wanted to alert his nurse, but nothing would come out of his mouth. Although his arms still would not move, he began to feel a tingle in his toes. He tried moving his feet, but could not...at first. Before too long, he was able to turn his ankle. He turned his right ankle to the right and then flipped it over to the left. He felt like this action should alert anyone in sickbay who was looking of his consciousness. It seemed no one was looking, so he turned his ankle again. He tried and with a little effort, he was able to move his left ankle as well. He was sure his motions must have been exaggerated and jumpy, but he didn't care. He was just trying to get someone's attention. He kept turning his ankles in one direction and then the other until someone in the room seemed to take a notice of him.Who is it? he wondered. Please, help me move again! Please help me wake up from this dark nightmare.
Posted by: Dixon Aug 7 2006, 04:58 PM
Charlie walked over to the replicator and recycled the old tea, far too cold for her tolerance. Glancing out of the office window, she watched as Luanna spoke to Gideon. Charlie smiled, grateful for some help. The ship shuddered again, jerking her back into the harsh reality. Though red alert had been sounding for quite a while now, she had managed to block it out and finish her report. Stepping into Main Sickbay, Charlie walked over to Luanna.“Anything?” she whispered, crossing her arms and rocking on her heels.
“Well, his eyes seemed to twitch, but they stilled again,” Luanna said, standing up quietly. She tapped the computer over the biobed, accessing the past few moments of activity. “It seems as though the coma is steadily letting up on its own,” she said, a brow rising in surprise.
“Very good,” Charlie said with a smile. “At this rate, that means they could be back on duty by tomorrow morning.”
“Well I hope this battle doesn’t last that long,” Luanna said with a frown, catching herself against the edge of the bed as the ship shook once more.
“I think we’re all hoping for that,” Charlie replied, straightening herself after the attack. “Thank you for all your help, Counselor. It’s good to know that the ship is in such kind hands.”
“Thank you,” Luanna replied, blushing slightly. “If you ever need me, don’t be afraid to drop by or call.”
“Sure thing, Counselor.”
Nodding her goodbye, Luanna left Sickbay. Just as Charlie walked over to check on the status of the other away team members, she heard a heated conversation, gaining her attention from behind.
"We don't know if you are capable to return to duty." The nurse argued.
“Lieutenant Kerrigan, please calm down-” Charlie started to say as she hurried over to the situation, but being elbowed in the jaw in the process of Sarah’s escape. Reeling as she stood up from the floor in pursuit of the two running away, Charlie shook her head, watching as the nurse caught Sarah right outside Sickbay’s doors. “Apparently the coma wears off faster in Orions,” she muttered, holding her jaw. She winced at the pain.
“Are you okay, Doctor Dixon?”
Charlie turned around saw Kaoru with a weak smirk, her head turned in Charlie’s direction. “Doctor Kaoru,” Charlie smiled, thankful more than anything to have her superior back. “You might want to take it easy, I’m not sure if the nurses took care of your shoulder yet.”
“I feel fine,” Kaoru replied. “Extremely tired, but fine. How is the away team?”
“The away team is recovering slowly. It seems the neurological damage to each person varies because we’re seeing various results, as you can tell.”
“Orions can be a handful,” she muttered. The ship shook again. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, you’ve noticed?” Charlie said dryly, standing up from against the biobed behind her. “I know very little, but ever since we’ve rescued the remaining Renown crew, the Slitherakai have been in hot pursuit of us.”
Kaoru, seemingly gaining strength, sat up a little and looked around the room. “This is all that’s left?”
“No, I’ve released most of them now,” Charlie said, making her way over to the doctor and running a tricorder over her absentmindedly. “There’s about forty, including our new XO.”
“What?” Kaoru looked completely stunned and hurt, grabbing Charlie by the shoulder.
Charlie internally cursed, realizing that none of the away team knew. Drawing a heavy breath, Charlie replied, “Commander Tejas has been placed in stasis. We’ll be dropping her off at the Starbase upon our next convenience.”
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 7 2006, 10:10 PM
Renee remained at the helm, as the Meridian came roaring back into the midst of the battle. They were four, the three Klingon Birds of Preyand the Meridian, against five; Not bad odds."Did I hear someone saying something about a way to block the Slitheraki weapons?" Renee shouted over the sound of the blaring Klaxons.
"Turn off the Alarms! Remain at Red," Reyan shouted, and suddenly the deafening sound halted.
Thank the Prophets!
"Yes, their weapons generate a radioactive array of positively charged ions. If we emit a stream of electrons just as they discharge their weapons, it neutralizes their ability to fire on us." Reyan said.
"Awesome. Transmitting the data to the Birds of Prey. Who has control?" she asked.
"Science," Reyan responded, as the ship rocked with any other volley of weapons fire.
Renee knew she was asking alot, but she needed to know. "Sir, if you deploy the stream of Electrons, just as they fire, and then we fire ourselves..."
"You heard the Commander," Reyan said. "Target that lead ship, and as they fire...you know the drill."
The Klingons were also recieveing the message, and their disrupters were doing extensive damage as well on each pass. One by one the Slith ships began to take on extensive damage.
"I believe we have the better of them, sir," Renee called out finally, as they flew past the lead ship at warp 4, did a sharp turn hard to port, and swung around to open fire once again on the backpass.
"Open hailing frequencies. See if they have had enough," Reyan said, as the comm officer opened comms.
"Hailing on all known frequencies, Captain," she said.
=/\=Damage control parties to all decks. Reports to the first officer=/\= Renee called over the shipewide.
"Sir, the Klingons are falling in behind us. The Slitherakai have stopped firing," Renee said.
"Maintain alert. Lets not leave our rear ends hanging out here. Keep a sharp eye, Commander," Reyan said.
"Aye," she replied.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 8 2006, 02:54 AM
The nurse (or whomever it was who came to his aid) was unable to help Gideon. Gideon turned his ankles for a small time more, but he eventually grew tired of the little game he seemed to be playing alone. He felt like everyone had forgotten him and for the first time since leaving earth, he went into a deep sleep.He was aboard the shuttlecraft, looking around the room at all his colleagues from the away mission, first seeing the silvery-green-skinned Orion engineer, then the others, the doctor, the security officer and each of the members of her detachment. It seemed to his mind as though he were seeing all of these people in slow motion and at the same time, although they were scattered around the room. Gideon could not control his actions as he struck one of the security detail, a huge, scaly claw lacerating the ensign’s face. Then the security chief began to pull her phaser toward him. Responding quickly, Gideon uncontrollably took a rifle from across his back. The action was a smooth stroke, as natural as though he’d been performing the feat for all his life. The two exchanged fire; he crippled the yellow-uniformed Lieutenant Commander while she merely grazed the side of his arm. Two down, he thought. When he turned to the rest of the crew, he could not see the engineer. The engineer. He had a terrible feeling as though something was going to happen to him. Before he knew what had transpired, he was vaporized into thin air. The only thing he could think about was the engineer, the green-skinned engineer. And from nowhere in particular, he heard the words, “Take that.”
In less than an instant, he was transported to a different place. It took him a minute to recognize that he was on the bridge of the Meridian. The Captain, the helmsman, and some people he did not recognize all sat around in their respective positions on the deck. His eyes focused on the helmsman. He was not sure of his name, but he had an intense desire to capture this man. As Gideon took a step toward the man, he was shot in the side by a phaser from one of the security crew. Not even stopping to change his stride toward the helmsman, his stomach was punctured by another beam from another security member. He grunted obtusely, but continued on toward the helmsman. When he was punctured once again, he fell to his knees, but he managed to take one more step toward the helm. Extending a clawed arm toward the officer, he stabbed the upper back of the man. He hoped that it had not killed the officer because he knew that he was needed alive. The Meridian presently began the process of jumping to warp. The others must not have been as successful as he had been. With only a thought, he and the helm officer were transported to another place, another time...
The place where Gideon was transported was in a dark room on a strange vessel. Gideon assumed he must have been aboard a Slitherakai ship in some sort of interrogation chamber. He stood around the chair of an experimental test subject, the helmsman he had captured just a few moments ago. He explained to the man as plainly as possible, how they would use his mind as a puppet to create an experienced pilot for his ship. As he was speaking, he could not believe the words he was saying. Gideon didn’t understand, although he continued to talk and seemed to accept his words perfectly as he spoke. But something interfered with the process! What was happening. His plan to take over this young helmsman’s mind. He couldn’t…
Gideon screamed in a rage as he jumped out of his bed in sickbay. He was still upset and restless, but he was beginning get himself under control. Standing still, he slowly began to recognize his surroundings. Looking down, he noticed two human hands beside himself. Feeling relieved of that, Gideon suddenly felt an overwhelming dizziness, as though he had drunk a case of Romulan Ale. The only words he could make out were, "He's in danger!!" as he fell to the ground, seeing the doctor, Kaoru Ele and, once again, passing out.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 9 2006, 12:11 AM
As the kinder, more gentler Slitherakai made the decision to let Jin go, he began falsifying records and creating fake evidence. This one was not like any other Slitherakai.Meanwhile, Jin was sneaking his way down a corridor. He had got information on where the Captain was being kept, and had just found the Pet Bay. Creaking his head around a corner, slightly, he saw the angrier Slitherakai meet up with the Pet Bay controllers. In the bay itself: were large 6-foot high beasts, with over-sized rib cages, four legs, and sharp teeth - the animals were very close to Earth dogs.
"What is going on here?" the angry Slitherakai argued.
From what Jin could see, the Captain of the Renown was chained to the wall in the feeding area of the beasts. There were three Slitherakai Dogs, looking uninterested in the Captain.
"Why is he still alive??" the angry Slitherakai barked.
The other two Slitherakai just shrugged, "One of the Klorkens is sleeping, the other two don't seem hungry."
"We learned they like to feed on living people. So we haven't killed the Captain," the other controller explained.
The angry Slitherakai just threw his hands up in the air in defeat. This gave Jin a chance to run in and kick him in the back.
Suddenly, the two controllers stood up from thier computer consoles in shock. They watched as Jin landed on his feet and the angry Slitherakai was sent into the Bay with the animals. Jin ran for the two controllers and launched a knee at the one closest to him. That Slitherakai was kneed in the face, and sent to the ground - while the other craned his clawed hand around to swipe an attack at Jin.
Jin dodged the attack, but grabbed the extended arm. He anticipated a quick recovery of the fallen Slitherakai controller, who got up behind Jin. Jin lurched the arm and claws of the second Slitherakai into the other attacking Slitherakai's chest. As the two controllers paused in horror of thier situation, Jin held himself against the console and kicked both his feet into them - knocking them to the floor.
"ARRGGHH!!!" came a yell from inside the Bay - the same Bay that Jin had just lept into.
Jin had used the console to deactivate the Captain's chains. He now was helping the Captain up.
"Sir, permission to escape this ship?" Jin said in greeting.
"Granted," the Captain barely was able to make out. Jin put the Captain's arm around his neck and began heading for the ladder that led out the Bay.
Behind them was the angry Slitherakai, getting up himself, "Don't move!" he ordered. But as Jin and the Captain turned to his attention, two of the three Slitherakai Dogs were slowly approaching the angry Slitherakai.
"Looks like they've regained thier appetite," Jin said in fear.
Both him and the Captain turned back for the ladder as sounds of growling and screaming blasted behind them! They just focused on climbing out of there and making thier way down the corridors in haste.
The alert klaxons now began to go off. But Jin had found the Shuttle Deck just in time.
Helping the Captain along, Jin and the Captain entered a large Deck full of Slitherakai Shuttle-type vessels. They were almost as oddly proportioned as the Dogs they just encountered. Or rather, Klorkens, Jin corrected his thoughts.
As this section of the Deck was closed down and dimmed, Jin had no problem opening the hatch of a Shuttle and helping the Captain inside. Jin lept in aswell and closed the hatch. He looked around at the controls, trying to find a way to activate the ship. He worried that the vessel was ship-activated... meaning it was only capable of turning on with the right codes from the Starship.
He then looked up and noticed a head module, not unlike the one he encountered in the small room earlier. He pulled it closer to his head, which prompted the tentacles inside to wiggle out. Electrodes then connected to his head, and the entire craft lit up.
"We're in, Captain!" Jin reported. "I think this thing is a neural interface. The Slith were using one to access my mind to erase it... They must've graduated from brain surgery school or something."
But the Captain was half out of it. He was wounded and weak beyond what appeared physically on him.
Jin turned back to his controls and started to think commands into the vessel.
It suddenly lifted off the floor.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 9 2006, 01:18 AM
Regaining consciousness on one of the many biobeds in Sickbay, Sarah opened her eyes slowly and glanced around finding both Gideon and Harjein as well as Kaoru Ele on the other side. Many other injuried around the medical facility and when Sarah looked to the main bed she saw one of the security officers that accompanied Harjein on the away team. A nurse was working on him there. At least we are all still alive! She thought with a smile and slowly got up.Another nurse came over and smiled. "Glad to have you back Lieutenant." The nurse said.
"Glad to be back. What's going on?" Sarah asked.
"Apparently a battle took place but it's over now."
"Thank god for that." Sarah said.
"Well the Klingons anyway." The nurse nodded.
"Klingons, well just when you need them." Sarah looked to her body. "Am I able to return to duty?"
"Shortly, must check with Doctor Dixon. Could you lay back and wait?"
"Certainly." Sarah readjusted her position and lay back waiting.
The nurse approached Lieutenant Dixon and tapped her shoulder, "ma'am may Lieutenant Kerrigan return to duty in Engineering?" The nurse asked quietly also handing Dixon a padd.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 9 2006, 03:43 AM
Gideon was not sure how long he was out, but when he awakened, he was once again in the uncomfortable bed in sickbay. This time, he opened his eyes. He moved his hands and feet and breathed normally. He saw a nurse standing over him. He heard himself using words as he called out for the doctor. Within seconds, Doctor Ele was at his side."Gideon, you've awaken. Are you okay?"
"Yes, yes. Just incredibly frustrated. Listen, I've never had quite a dream like the ones I had! Someone on our crew is in grave danger!"
"Are you sure? What are you talking about?"
"Our helmsman; what is his name?"
"Jin Ryku?"
"I suppose. He has been violently captured and aliens are trying to use his brain to navigate their ship!"
"What are you talking about?"
"I know it sounds crazy, but I also know this is for real! Check with the Captain! Ask him if--what was his name again? Jin Ryku?--Ask him if Jin Ryku has been captured by the reptiles!"
The doctor did not know what to try. It did not take her Betazoid senses to sense that his intent was genuine. She pressed the comm badge to speak with the Captain.

The Captain waited a slight moment before replying with a very eager tone in his voice.

She looked down at Gideon, and replied to the Captain.

Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Aug 9 2006, 08:32 AM
Kaida wondered again why she was left floating in this void, there mst be some reason. suddenly, she felt a strong pull in her heart, it was almost as if someone had just punched her in the stomach and torn half of who she was away. She panicked, what was happening to her, it didn't make any sense at all and now she just wanted to get back to her one true place. A place she had always felt that she belonged, even from an early age she had tinkered with the replicator in her room and messed with small tools her father used to leave discarded around their home. She always knew he did that on purpose, always leaving something lying around fo her to play around with and find out how it worked the hard way. It was never anything as dangerous as a bipolar torch, but it was fun. The thought that her father and mother weren't her true parents still gave her a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, not as bad as what she had felt before, but still bad enough. She would find her biological parents someday, whoever they were...wherever they were. But somehow, the people who brought her up, they were her true parents and they had loved her.Her thoughts drifted to Kerrigan and how she was handling things, Kaida knew she was very capable, she reminded her a little of herself in some ways. Always wanting to be doing something, always trying to improve something that was said couldn't be improved. One of the first things Kaida had taught her tutor at the Academy was to never say never to her. There were ways of improving efficiency or productivity no matter how efficient something seemed and that was one of her strengths, but also one of her weaknesses. She remembered being summoned to the offices of the mistress of novices as Kaida always liked to call her for argung too much with her instructor. She knew she was right, but in her Starfleet career, she had learned to pick her battles and learn when to back down, even if she knew she was right....well, most of the time anyway. She stood up for what she believed in, she hoped that everything was alright, but somewhere inside wherever she was told her it wasn't.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 9 2006, 04:54 PM
Loosing Lieutenant-Commander Ryku to the Slitheraki bothered Reyan, especially since he had no idea of what they would do to him"We need to get him back - ready transporters" Reyan stated
"Captain - we'll have to drop our shields to beam Commander Ryku back" Commander Weist advised, still sat at the helm
"I'm hoping that our Klingon friends will keep the Slitheraki distracted long enough for us to act" Reyan advised
Commander Weist's expression remained netural, and she turned back to the helm
"Fire!" she called, as she threw the Meridian to starboard to avoid Slitheraki distruptor fire
"Commander Weist - I want you to take us a close as possible to the Slitheraki ship with Ryku aboard - tactical will need to fire a perfectly timed torpdeo to weaken their shields enough to permit transport - no margin for error here"
"In that case, we'll have to make sure that no errors are made" Commander Weist replied, sounding just as determined as he felt
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Aug 9 2006, 08:53 PM
The chaos of sickbay jolted her from her slumber, her dark eyes snapping open, sitting up rapidly and glancing around. Nurse Martinez came to her side quickly, offering her hand, and Kaoru took it, meeting the lovely nurse's eyes, Martinez answered affirmative to the unspoken question and Kaoru learned everything that had passed on the ship since she had left with the away team.Dr. Dixon was doing a splendid job, she was glad of that. Tejas's loss hit her hard, and her eyes closed briefly.
Martinez's thoughts turned to Gideon, who was just waking, and Kaoru felt the Science officer's thoughts touch on hers, rising and moving to the science officer's side.
He told her of his dream and she listened, with all of her mind, hearing what was said and what was unsaid, knowing even before she commed the captain that what he spoke of Jin was true.
She smiled at Gideon, trying to reassure him, to let him know his message had been recieved. "Thank you Gideon...your insight may have saved his life..." In her mind, she reached for Jin, trying to get some sense of where he was...of how he was.
She felt fear, completely understandable...and anger...and...she could not tell if it was her surprise or his when he answered her back.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 10 2006, 11:17 AM
The Slitherakai ship that had captured Jin on it had rejoined the other ships facing the Meridian and Klingons. Captain Slaa slammed his fist into a console in anger."Why haven't we been able to transport that Trill!?"
One of his subordinates shook his head, "the Systems were tampered with, Captain."
"Forget him! We have more important things to worry about," Slaa turned his attention to the Meridian.
Meanwhile, on the Shuttle Deck, a group of Slitherakai security officers had broken in and opened fire at the hovering Craft. Jin became aware of this and decided to move the Craft overhead the deck full of sitting Craft's toward the large doors.
He accessed the weapons systems with his mind and blasted a torpedo at the doors. But not before two or three other Slitherakai Craft hovered off the Deck aswell.
Jin was amazed at the ability to just think his flight movements. But that amazement would have to wait. The Meridian was about to open fire onto Slaa's ship, when suddenly they saw Jin fly a Craft out the blasted doors and shields into space, followed by three enemy Craft.
While returning fire, he attempted to misdirect thier aim by flying circles around the Slitherakai starships. He took the Craft right over Slaa's ship, pumping a torpedo into one of the chasing enemy Craft. Its nose exploded and crashed along the shields of Slaa's starship.
The way these Craft were built to be in constant connection with its user, it was almost impossible to transport them out of space as one could do with a Starfleet shuttle. Every shot Jin took, he could feel it in his body... and that disturbed the already disturbed Ryku Symbiont.
As he flew the Craft through space, there was a sudden bulge in his stomach. The Symbiont had moved on its own - in return, jerking the entire Craft. Jin was losing his focus. It was at the point where it was fatal, and there would be nothing he could do to save his own life. Then out of the coldness of space he suddenly heard a telepathic connection in his mind.
Doctor? he spoke in thought-form.
As his mind was in a furthured state of activity, telepathic connection became all the more fluent. And surprisingly, in this state, Kaoru was able to feel the Helm controls... in fact she began to realize that she was able to move the Craft aswell.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 10 2006, 12:44 PM
Reyan watched the slitheraki shuttle on the viewscreen - he had been informed that Lieutenant-Commander Ryku was aboard"Impressive - it appears that Mister Ryku doesn't require our assistance as badly as we assumed" he exclaimed
"Captain.." Commander Weist stated, indicating that Reyan had spoken too soon
The shuttle stopped manuvering, and listed to it's side, drifting helplessly
"Transporters" Reyan demanded
"Still can't establish a lock" came the reply
"Commander Weist - hail Captain Slaa for me please" Reyan stated, standing from his chair
The image of the replitian-like Slitheraki Captain appeared on the viewscreen almost instantly
"Captain Slaa - we have you at a disadvantage - I strongly suggest a compromise" Reyan calmly stated
Interestingly, the Slitheraki Captain paused for a moment, as if considering Reyan's proposal
"No compromising" he stated, his voice devoid of emotion
It was Reyan's turn to pause - somthing didn't feel right about this situation - Slaa almost seemed upset, as if he wanted to accept Reyan's proposal, but was unable to for some reason
"There must be some room for negotiation or diplomacy?" he finally asked
"You don't understand - I CAN'T!" Slaa shouted desperately
"Beam over to my ship - we'll discuss this further - there isn't any need for the fighting to continue" Reyan replied
"I..... agree to your suggestion" Slaa finally stated, as he moved and pressed a button on the console he was standing oposite
"Their shields just dropped" Commander Weist reported
"Commander - instruct the Klingon's to cease fire and standby - they won't be happy, but I get the impression that there is more going on in this sector than we know about"

Captain Slaa materalised, his uniform appearing singed in places, his expression one of defeat
"Join me in my ready room" Reyan stated
The ready room doors whispered open, and Slaa strode in, followed by Reyan and a security guard
"Dimissed, Ensign" Reyan told the guard
"But Sir!" the Ensign replied
"Fine - give me your phaser - then leave" Reyan stated
The Ensign did as instructed, and marched back out of the ready room
"Captain Slaa - I'm pleased that you agreed to the ceasefire - but I am interested in why the attack took place at all" Reyan stated
"I am not at liberty to discuss it" Slaa replied
"Captain - someone is going to have to start trusting around here" Reyan stated
Captain Slaa made a noise that resembled a sigh, and walked toward the viewport, his ship floated silently beyond, the damage that it had taken evident
"We had no desire to attack you" he quietly stated
"Then why?" Reyan asked
"The choice was not ours" he replied
"You were pursuaded? forced?"
"Blackmailed" Slaa replied
"By whom?" Reyan asked
"Their names are not known to us - but for decades they have supplied us with technology, namely power sources for our ships - we, in exchange, supplied them with a moon in our sector since they claimed not to have a home. But recently, they ceased sending us the means to power our ships" Slaa explained
"So you resorted to stealing power scources from the Starship's of other races?" Reyan asked, trying not to sound disgusted at Slaa's admission
Slaa whipped around to face Reyan, who almost instincitively reached for his phaser
"We had no chioce!" he bellowed, his sharp teeth glistening
Reyan did not reply, allowing Slaa time to regain composure
"Our ships were loosing power, unable to return home - they said that they would recommence supplies only if we kept outsiders, particularly Starfleet, out of Slitheraki space"
"And you were stealing powersources at the same time?" Reyan asked
"Yes - how were we to protect our space in Starships so low on power otherwise?" Slaa asked
"Do you have any idea why they don't want Starfleet, or anyone else, in your space?" Reyan quieried
"There have been... rumors - but nothing definite. They are hiding somthing, but we do not know what" he admitted
Reyan took a few steps foward, and placed a hand on Slaa's shoulder
"Thankyou Captain - I appreciate your honesty"
"My honesty will likely result in my death" he stated angrily
"Not if I can help it - I intend to pay your friends a visit, and find out exactly why they are being so... uncooperative" Reyan stated
"You can't!" Slaa exclaimed
"Captain - so far as I am concerned, this meeting never occured - your ship is not in a position to stop us, and even if it were, there Meridian could outrun it"
"In that case, good luck - I cannot guarantee your safety, for fear of myself and my crew facing the consequences, but I can promise you that I, nor the ships in my fleet, will continue to attack"
"I understand" Reyan stated, indicating toward the door, releived that Captain Slaa had cooperated
They both marched back onto the bridge
"Beam Captain Slaa back to his ship, Commander" Reyan ordered
Commaner Weist gave Reyan a look that indicated that she was curious, but she complied
"Good luck, Captain" Slaa stated,
"Energising" Commander Weist advised
"And to you" Reyan quickly stated, before the annular confinement beam took effect, disolving Captain Slaa, returning him to his ship
"Now, to see about helping Commander Ryku back to the ship" he stated
"Sir!" the Ensign covering science exclaimed, pointing the the viewscreen - the Slitheraki shuttle was slowly making it's own way toward the Meridian
"Excellent - open bay doors - once they are aboard, lay in a course deeper into Slitheraki space" Reyan ordered, as he moved to sit back in his chair
Reply anyone
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Aug 10 2006, 02:11 PM
She felt Jin's pain first through the link, his fading. ~No!~ She bolstered his flagging strength with hers, feeling it have little effect.~Doctor.~ She felt his surprise, and very near to it the surprise of another nearly separate entity. The symbiont...
~Hang on.~ The weight of the ship was not something she was prepared for, and her physical body hit the floor, her eyes closed almost peacefully. She had to disengage herself from the bustle of sickbay, the controlled panic her collapse caused methodically and thoroughly blocked out of her mind.
She did not know how to pilot a ship, especially not how to pilot a ship in a battle, and she relied on what she could glean from Jin's mind, the exercise extremely difficult, taxing her telepathic abilites beyond anything she had ever endured. There was no room for her to be selective, to tread carefully in his mind. She needed his guidance urgently to pilot the ship, and the resulting bond was...utterly consuming. Then too, there was the presence of the symbiont, whose mind was deeper still than Jin's, whose entire history was suddenly laid bare before Kaoru, more of a distraction than a blessing.
Even in the midst of that panic, Kaoru noted what she observed of the link between the two, almost feeling the symbiont moving within her own body, so close was the connection. On the gurney where she had been placed, her hands went over her stomach, where Jin felt the bulge of the alarmingly mobile symbiont.
It was a relief when she felt the battle breakoff, and with Jin's help, was able to help him guide the ship shakily towards the Meridian. Her dark eyes snapping open, "Bring Jin to sickbay now." She tried to rise, "Beam him from the docking bay, Marix, prepare the surgical suite." She rose, steadying herself against the biobed scanners.
Lt. Marix moved to obey, and Dr. Dixon stood aside. "Dr. Ele...you cannot operate."
Kaoru's dark eyes moved to the lovely doctor and for a moment she seemed about to argue, finally sagging and leaning more heavily against the biobed. "You're right...you'll have to do it Doctor."
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 10 2006, 04:27 PM
Renee, as much as anyone else, was surpised at the turn of events. She was instructed to stand the Klingons down, which may not be an easy task. None the less, she contacted Captain Delorin of the lead ship, and had him cease fire. He was non too excited about giving mercy, but as a friend, he complied.All ships were brought into hover, station keeping just in front of each other, near nose to nose. The 3 Birds of Prey took up defensive posture, bracketing the Slith ships from either side, and from above slightly. Reyan had managed to encourage a conference, for talks of ending the hosilities, and the Commander of the Slith ship was beamed abaord.
Emotions ran high, while Reyan spoke in private to this Commander, and then they emerged from the ready room.
"Beam Captain Slaa back to his ship, Commander" Reyan ordered
Renee was obviously curious as to the outcome, but complied none the less. She set the return cooridnates, and proceeded.
"Energising" she said.
"Now, to see about helping Commander Ryku back to the ship" he stated
"Sir!" the Ensign covering science exclaimed, pointing the the viewscreen.
It seemed the Slitheraki shuttle was slowly making it's own way toward the Meridian. Now there was a sight!
"Excellent - open bay doors - once they are aboard, lay in a course deeper into Slitheraki space" Reyan ordered, as he moved to sit back in his chair.
"Aye. Lowering aft shields and ready to engage tractors when it is within range," Renee said.
Then she turned to Reyan. "And what of our "help"? I am sure they are wondering."
"Open a visual to Cpatain Delorin," he replied.
"Open," Renee responded, as the Klingon Commander came into view.
"For now, Captain, our problem is absolved. Our crew member is returned to us, and we now take our leave. We appreciate your help," Reyan said.
"You will not finish them off?" Delorin asked, almost offended.
Renee grinned. That damned Klingon honor...
"No, not this day. They are defeated, but we will not destroy," Reyan replied.
"May I?" Renee asked Reyan.
Reyan nodded.
"You have fought with honor this day, and your place with Kahless is assured," Renee said to the screen. "We will sing songs of the glory of the battle, and many stories will be told of your bravery."
Delorin grinned. "And you as well. YOu fought with honor, as a true warrior. May Khaless guide you, as you sing your songs of victory."
She cut comms, and the 3 Birds of Prey turned back on the course they were on before the altercation.
"Tractor lock on the shuttle now sir, and bringing it aboard," Renee said. "Course plotted and laid in for deeper into this sector."
She was still not sure what was going on, but she would be told, in time, if or when the need arose.
Posted by: Dixon Aug 11 2006, 01:51 AM
After her brief conversation with Doctor Ele, Charlie had silently dismissed herself back into the office to update the away team’s status, something she was sure Captain Reyan was monitoring continuously from the bridge.Just as she finished up her superior’s report, Charlie glanced up, seeing her rise and go to Lieutenant Darkon’s aid. She of all people knew the stubbornness of doctors, and quickly made her way back into the main room to object to Doctor Ele’s actions. “Doctor, you have just suffered some neurological damage, you’re going to have to take it-” As she and the nurses approached the woman, she collapsed, narrowly missing equipment and further injuring herself. “Quickly, get her back onto the biobed,” Charlie said in a tone mixed with fear and annoyance. She was more frustrated than anything, but she quickly validated her emotions due to the day’s events. Running her tricorder over Kaoru, a brow of question rose. “She appears to be in a deep concentration state, probably something telepathic.” Charlie continued running the tricorder over her systems, watching just as curious as the nurses at the unconscious movements she made. Suddenly Kaoru jolted up.
“Bring Jin to sickbay now." She tried to rise, "Beam him from the docking bay, Marix, prepare the surgical suite." She rose, steadying herself against the biobed scanners.
Lt. Marix moved to obey, and Dr. Dixon stood aside. "Dr. Ele...you cannot operate."
Doctor Ele paused. "You're right...you'll have to do it Doctor."
Charlie froze. Sure she had done operations before; she had hands on experience at a hospital, but she would be the first to admit her poorness in alien medicine. She had hardly scraped by at times in Starfleet classes, but it was shadowed well by her other exemplary marks. In fact most of her knowledge about Trills wasn’t gained until earlier that day, back when the only daunting task was the mysterious problem affecting Lieutenant Commander Ryku.
“I’ll help you, don’t worry.”
Charlie turned to see Lieutenant Marix smiling behind her. Just what we need, another mind-reader, she thought blandly. With an appreciative smile and nod, Charlie turned back to the Doctor. “You can count on us, Doctor,” she replied. “But before anything else happens to you, I’m going to give a mild sedative to help relax your thoughts. Your blood pressure is a little high.”
“I know when I’m beat,” Kaoru replied tiredly, her mind seemingly spinning. Charlie gave her a friendly smile before administering the drug.
“Everything’s set, Doctor.”
Charlie took a deep breath, laying down the hypospray. “Alright Lieutenant. You know more than me what’s going to go down.”
Moments later…
Lieutenant Commander Ryku was already unconscious when he rematerialized in sickbay. Making further sure that he would not wake up at the touch of a scalpel, Marix administered the anesthesia.
“Heart rate is as controlled as we’re going to get.”
Charlie removed the young man’s jacket and undershirt, exposing his toned white flesh. Both Charlie and Marix cringed at the sight of his abdominal region, slowly wriggling as it too became sedated.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Charlie muttered, looking up at Marix.
“I’ve never seen anything like this. Something should have been done long ago about it and it seemingly got worse. I’m sure piloting a ship with a neural interface didn’t help.”
Charlie turned to the computer behind her, reading over Ryku’s stats. “It’s like they’re not even one anymore.” She shook her head. “I did research earlier on the relationship between his physiology and Sarah’s and I found what was the problem, outside the fact of the rushed transplant.”
As she spoke, Marix took Charlie’s hand that held the scalpel, lifting the instrument to make the incision. “Calm down,” he said, feeling her pulse simultaneously. “Continue telling me about what you found and I’ll talk you through the procedure, as best as I can; we’re going to have to improvise some.”
Taking a deep breath, Charlie nodded. “There’s a lot of pressure on the symbiont. Not only was Ryku extremely overwhelmed by it, but the chemicals that Orion’s produce has an adverse affect on humanoids. The chemicals heightened his isobroamine levels, tightening the muscles around the symbiont.”
“Interesting,” Marix replied. The incision was slowly made, and now completed, revealing the gelatinous and throbbing symbiont. Marix looked at the computer behind Charlie. “It has a pulse of its own,” he commented, noticing as a new heart rate was added to the screen.
“Amazing,” Charlie replied, turning and viewing the information. “It’s almost as though he was pregnant with an ill-willed fetus,” she smirked. Marix smiled and nodded, realizing as ludicrous as the thought played out in his mind, that it made perfect sense. “So are we going to remove it or try and reattach it?”
“Considering it will die without a host, we have to reattach it. Besides, Lieutenant Commander Ryku would be extremely upset if we removed it. Trill are willing to die for their symbionts.”
“But that’s exactly what will happen if we don’t due this to the tee,” Charlie said, brow furling in confusion and aggravation. She had read somewhere during her research of this, but it never quite made sense to her, lacking the understanding that more research would certainly provide.
“We cannot remove it, Doctor,” Marix said with a firm tone of warning. “We will have to stabilize it, then reattach it with Jin. If any further complications persist post-op, we will have the conscious Mr. Ryku to agree to the termination of the Trill.”
“Certainly there are other Trill on board that could foster it until we reach Starbase,” Charlie said doubtingly.
“Of course, but this symbiont obviously has complications. It wouldn’t be safe unless we found a very select host.”
“Agreed,” Charlie sighed. “So where exactly does it settle in?” Charlie said, prodding the symbiont gently to see its underbelly.
“Here,” Marix said, lifting the tail of the being tenderly. Charlie lifted it cautiously and began readjusting it. “Computer, pull up diagram of trill/symbiont transfer, step 3.” The image appeared on the screen, replacing the stats of the two. “See, it connects just below where it was lying. Hard to believe it could actually wriggle itself out of place.”
“Hard to believe I’m actually doing this,” Charlie said with a silent laugh, shaking her head while looking over her shoulder at the diagram. “Wait, look at that,” Charlie said, removing one of her hands and pointing to the diagram. “It’s smooth here, nothing should be attached.” Marix squinted at the picture before looking down at the symbiont.
“You’re right,” he said quietly, thumb running over the smooth tissue until reaching a bump about the size of a pea. Jin twitched, as did the symbiont, both pulses quickening in their out of rhythm heart rates. “Doctor, we’re going to have to remove it,” Marix said to Charlie’s wide-eyed stare at the bump.
“This changes everything. We can’t remove it; what if it’s significant to both of their personalities and functions? This could be the only thing keeping them alive.”
“Or the thing that is killing both of them. You saw their heart rates spike when I touched it.”
“Yes, but it’s similar to brain surgery; when you touch certain areas of the brain, it spikes the pulse, but only in a natural reaction. I say we finish stabilizing them back into sync, and run further tests.”
Marix paused, his gut instincts telling him something bad, but his knowledge telling him that she was correct. Nothing drastic besides a pulse spike was happening, so there was no ethical or medicinal reason to remove it. Slowly nodding his head, he continued to help assist in the operation.
Moments later, Charlie and Marix held their breath, watching as the symbiont’s pulse phased into Ryku’s. It was beating just three beats a minute more than Jin now, then slowly it ebbed to two, one, and finally they fell into sync. The moment was still, as both made sure it didn’t continue dropping. After a good three minutes of stillness and perfect rhythm, Marix spoke.
“Stabilized,” he whispered, as if a noise would disturb the perfection. Charlie turned her gaze from the monitor to him with a smile.
“What a rush,” she whispered back excitedly as she closed the incision. Marix smiled back as he began following through with post-op procedures.
“I’ll move him into recovery if you can finish up here. He’ll have a private room and I’ll monitor his status closely.”
“I don’t think a thank you is enough, Lieutenant,” Charlie smiled.
“Then let me buy you a drink when you get off tonight.”
Charlie nodded. “Deal, but I don’t see how that counts as me thanking you. I’ll buy yours if you buy mine,” she said cheekily.
“Deal,” Marix replied with a laugh, shaking his head.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 11 2006, 02:21 AM
"Jin!" Sarah called from her biobed as they beamed the Trill to main surgical bed. The Orion getting up and hopping down from her bed to walked covertly towards where they began working on Jin.Please save him! She thought watching as her only romantic connection slipping away from her, a tear formed in her eye and fell down her face slowly.
"What happened?" Sarah asked loudly, "Doctor Dixon!"
Sarah had a feeling that she probably should stay out of their way but her feelings were beginning to interfer with her judgement and relentlessly.
Posted by: Harjein Aug 11 2006, 03:24 AM
There was a distinct throbbing at the back of her head. As Taylor’s unconsciousness faded, she kept her eyes closed, greatly preferring to go back to sleep to get rid of what must have been a migraine or hangover. Turning over onto her left side, she curled up, throwing her free arm over her head. Then the outline of the Slitherakai formed in her mind’s eye, making her physical eyes open in an instant.Oh. Right. Okay, that must be why my chest hurts, too, Taylor thought, rolling back onto her back. She blinked rapidly, attempting to get the drowsiness out of her system. One of the nurses came over, standing near the bed.
“Welcome back,” she greeted, smiling. Her hand held a tricorder that she proceeded to scan Taylor with.
“How long was I out?” Taylor asked, waiting until the scans were finished before trying to sit upright.
“Two hours. Lay down, you’ve been shot and had a head injury.”
Taylor rolled her eyes somewhat childishly. “It wasn’t my first head injury,” she muttered, doing as the nurse told her. Laying prone on the small biobed made her feel fragile, which her Klingon blood tended to avoid at all cost. Even with seven-eighths of human blood, there was still that touch of honor and pride that ran true. “Okay, so how long will I have to stay here?”
“Until we can be sure you won’t destabilize,” was all the nurse said before giving her a last polite smile and walking away.
Sighing in exasperation, Taylor looked around. Both Gideon and Sarah were awake, both looking nearly frantic. Ignoring the nurse’s orders, Taylor sat up, keeping her legs straight on the bed. She wondered what was going on as her eyes hit Kaoru laying down in her own space of Sickbay. The nurse looked over at her, frowning. Taylor half-smiled innocently and pulled her socked feet closer so that they were nearly crossed. The nurse shook her head, going back to her console.
“Doctor Dixon, what happened?” Sarah asked instantly, stopping her pacing as a brunette woman in a blue uniform walked out of the surgery suite. Her face was lit with a beaming smile; obviously it went well.
“Jin is doing better,” Dixon assured Sarah. “He still has to recover, but he’s okay for the moment.”
Sarah visibly relaxed at the news. “Thanks, Doctor.”
Doctor Dixon smiled, nodding in reply. She turned to the rest of the room, noticing that everyone was now steadily regaining consciousness. Noticing Taylor, she made her way over to her, pulling out her tricorder along the way. “How are you feeling, Commander?”
“Slightly tired and slightly painful. But good, considering I was shot by an eight-foot humanoid reptile,” Taylor said, once again ignoring the scans.
Dixon smirked. “I can, hopefully, only imagine. Do you want a pain killer?”
“No, it’s not that bad.”
Dixon shrugged. “If you say so.” The look she gave Taylor told her she knew otherwise. “Might as well get comfortable, you’ll be here a while.”
Taylor sighed. “You know, about four centuries ago, the beds at least had an electronic motor that made the head sit up.”
“I’ll look into it,” Dixon said, walking over to Gideon’s biobed.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 11 2006, 07:04 AM
Her highened emotions began to subside thanks to the good news, Sarah then relaxed but gently grabbed the Assistant Chief Medical Officer's arm and smiled. "Am I free to return to duty? I'm really bored and I know that the Captain would appreciate some help in Engineering." She said.OOC: Sorry it's short.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 11 2006, 12:24 PM
Reyan, still sat in the command chair, pondered Captain Slaa's words"Commander Weist - in my ready room please" he asked
Commander Weist nodded, indicated for a Junior officer to take her place at the helm, and follwed Reyan ito the ready room
Once the doors slid shut, they both sat
"Well Commander, I'm impressed - your friendship with Commander Delorin certainly helped the Meridian remain in one piece" he stated
"Thankyou Sir" she replied
"But that isn't why I called you in here" he continued
"I assumed not" she replied
"Captain Slaa admitted a great deal whilst I talked - the primary point being that the Slitheraki are being blackmailed" Reyan explained
"Blackmailed? By who?" Commander Weist exclaimed
"They don't know their name - but what Slaa did say was that they used to have an agreement with these people - they provided a base of operations, and in return the Sllitheraki were supplied with the means to power their vessels. But the supplies ceased, and the unknown factor advised the Slitheraki to keep Starfleet/everyone out of Slitheraki space"
"They're hiding somthing?" Renee asked
"My thoughts exactly" Reyan confirmed
"Well, we should inform Starfleet" she continued
"I agree - but that doesn't mean I intend to sit around here waiting for backup - I'd like you to man the Helm until Lieutenant-Commander Ryku is recovered" he asked
Commander Weist simply nodded in confirmation
"Thankyou, Commander - lay in a course for the presumed location of Slitherak and engage at warp four" Reyan ordered, standing as he spoke
They both marched back onto the bridge, Commander Weist immediately sat at the helm and laid the requested course into the helm
"Engage" Reyan ordered
And the Meridian burst foward, heading deeper into the unknown
Posted by: Dixon Aug 11 2006, 01:55 PM
Gideon seemed to relax as well when he heard that Jin was recovering well. Charlie went to run her tricorder over him when a hand caught her arm.“Am I free to return to duty? I'm really bored and I know that the Captain would appreciate some help in Engineering."
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant, but you are definitely not clear for duty. None of you are; you don’t realize that you could have permanent neurological damage from the accident.”
“Yes, but I feel fine, and after such a battle, I’m sure that Engineering is a wreck,” Sarah pressed.
“I’m sure we have many capable engineers that are doing just fine. If the Captain needed your expertise in Engineering, I’m sure he’d call me and I’d have a second thought about it. Until then, you cannot leave.”
Sarah seemed gravely upset and almost sulked back to her biobed.
“Cabin fever,” Gideon grinned as Charlie went back to scanning him.
“Seems so,” Charlie replied with a distracted half-smile, reading over the results. “Are you feeling better since the dream?”
“A lot, considering that it helped save Lieutenant Commander Ryku,” Gideon said proudly.
“And I thank you for that. Despite my first reaction to the situation, it really paid off,” Charlie said as she snapped the tricorder closed. “For now, I’m recommending bed rest. If nothing in anyone’s condition changes within the next two hours, I’ll release you for light duties until tomorrow, where full duties can come back.”
“You take extreme precautions,” Gideon said as he swung his dangling feet back onto the biobed.
“Anything to not be the blame of anyone’s untimely death,” Charlie smirked, going back into the office. She looked out at the patients as she went over to the replicator. Everyone from the Renown had been released now as the evening wore on. “Iced sweet tea,” Charlie said after a thoughtful moment. Taking the beverage, she went back over to the desk and went back to her tedious updates, mainly advising the Captain of Jin Ryku’s condition and probable absence for a time.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 12 2006, 01:58 AM
Jin had suffered a major shock to his system, falling unconscious as excess time began to pass. He next found himself in Sickbay, under surgery. Thoughts of a past Host, named Sideya, flashed in his mind. She was fast... althetic... and harder to kill than a targ in heat.In fact, she did kill a Targ that was in heat. The Trill had recently arrived at Boreth to learn more about Klingon-practices and dive into the most dangerous jungle in the Quadrant. She found an excitement and adrenaline rush at the very idea... that, and she had something to prove to a Klingon friend of her's. His name was Korgh: the man she was trying to marry. Unfortunately, his faith in her bravery and strength was uncertain. So Sideya told him that she would go to Boreth's most dangerous jungle and kill a Targ.
She would then bring this Targ back to him as proof.
Sideya shook her head. It was pure luck that this Targ was confused and misdirected. It was probably the fact it was in heat. But luckily, she killed it. Soon she would bring it back to Korgh to proove to him her love.
So... should I carry this thing on my shoulders? she looked around as if someone was supposed to respond to her, but then looked back at the dead beast that lay on the dirt. Looking at the Targ, she began to realize how fat it was. There was no way she was going to be able to carry it back to the Temples.
"Damn!" she cursed.
...A curse that was heard through the forest. Sideya heard ruffling in the bushes, being completely unprepared for what was to come through: a Klingon woman.
"That Targ..." she looked down hungrily. "Give it to me."
Sideya saw only hunger in this Klingon woman's eyes. It was apparant that the woman had spent weeks in these jungles. The only thing was... that Sideya Ryku was not going to give up the Targ. It was more valuable to her than almost anything. "Who are you?"
But before the unarmed Klingon could answer - another Klingon female stepped out from the bushes. Only this one was carrying many knives.
"As you can see, my sister and I are very hungry. We are willing to overlook this encounter if you give us that Targ," the knife weidling Klingon said.
Sideya was getting angry at thier persistence and clenched her fist, "No. Get your own Targ!"
"That's not the answer we were looking for..." the other Klingon female said as she prepared to attack.
Sideya was ready too and began running in ready-combat. The Klingon female was up to the task and ran to Sideya's speed. The Klingon lept up, while facing her sideways, and kicked for Sideya's head. Sideya blocked, and force-punched the Klingon while she was in mid-air.
That Klingon went flying in an opposite direction, as Sideya took her running to a tree. The same tree that the bladed Klingon threw a knife into in an attempt to kill Sideya. But Sideya was missed, while running up the tree and flipping into the air. She had finally understood what it was Korgh was talking about now... The bravery and strength - they weren't just something she had to proove. Both concepts had deeper meaning and purpose. Perhaps a purpose that would serve her in this battle.
Jin began to relax, while he lay in Sickbay of the Meridian. He remained in a sleep state, but somehow felt that a misalgnment within him was fixed. Who and in how, he had yet to know. But what he did know, was that Kaoru helped him when he was down. Her presence working together with Jin's consciousness was something of a miracle - and how she knew to contact him was uncertain. Little did Jin know, was that the dark bump that remained within him would lead to more uncertainty. [http://www.xolanifleets.com/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=408&view=findpost&p=4919]
Posted by: Gideon Aug 12 2006, 05:52 AM
Gideon did not mind being in sickbay. He would not tell anyone but at times he kind of liked it. He had the oppotunity here to meet some of the people serving on the Meridian that he would not otherwise see on a daily basis. And the truth of the matter was that he kind of liked the doctor who kept returning to his biobed. He enjoyed watching her soft brown hair flow gently in its pony tail as she moved lightly about the room. He became enchanted with her intriguing blue eyes and her athletic build. Subtly, he snuck peeks at her whenever he could, causing him to feel somewhat like a school-boy looking at a girl for the first time.That feeling could only satisfy his interest for a little while, however. After a short time, he slipped out of his biobed, walking coolly and confidently toward a nurses station. He asked the nurse if he could borrow a datapadd. "I'll take it back to my bed. I just thought I'd upload a novel and read for a bit." The nurse shrugged and Gideon took the padd.
On his way back to his bed, he asked the computer to upload 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, an easy chore for the mainframe, and by the time Gideon returned to his relaxed place on the biobed, the complete novel had been loaded onto the datapadd. He had intended to start the work while en route to the Starbase where he would board the Meridian, but his anxiety had been so great that he was unable to read more than a few paragraphs. For some moments in his quarters, he had thought about reading, but the medicine Dr. Ele had given him for space sickness put him straight to sleep. Ever since that time, he had been running in one direction or another, and only now did he project to have enough time to invest his mind in the undersea adventures narrated by Jules Verne.
Unfortunately, he had not read much of his French-Romantic novel before the doctor came around once again to check on him. (Maybe it wasn't so unfortunate as this turn of events gave Gideon another chance to subtly gaze upon her lovely form.) "Lieutenant Darkon, are you quite comfortable?"
Gideon played the part, as nonchalant as he was able when encountering the particular girl that a young school-boy found most attractive at that particular moment. "Ah, yes," he said. "Quite comfortable, thank-you."
"Well, can I get you anything?"
Gideon looked at her with not really a laugh but certainly a grin. "If you like. I would love a cappuccino, white-chocolate latte with extra espresso and extra foam."
He couldn't really tell whether Dr. Dixon thought he was funny or if she was annoyed, but she left for a moment and returned from the replicator with the requested drink. Gideon smelled the aroma from his cup with a satisfied smile. "Thank-you," he said.
"You're welcome." She left without another word.
This encounter had been the oddest doctor visit he'd ever been given. Perhaps she was checking his neural recovery, but Gideon wondered if she suspected he'd been watching her. This posibility made Gideon a little uneasy, so before she got too far away from his biobed, he called out to her, "Uh, Dr. Dixon?"
"Yes, Lieutenant?"
"You know, if you like I can read just as well in my quarters. I haven't actually had a chance yet to spend much time there and it might be good for me to sit there and relax a bit. Free up some space in your medical bay as well. It is a bit crowded in here. Your call, though. You're the doc. But I promise I won't return to duty until tomorrow."
Dr. Dixon smiled delicately. "Keep reading for now," she said. "That should be good for your neural stimulation anyway. I'll think about whether or not to release you. For now, go ahead and stay put."
And Gideon watched from behind as her hair flew this way and that while she stepped through the path of makeshift biobeds, returning to her office. Only then did his eyes refocus on the adventures of Captain Nemo.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 12 2006, 07:42 AM
Somewhat annoyed Sarah reluctantly agreed to stay in sickbay. She made her way over to Jin and smiled as she watched him sleep, her hand slowly cupped the side of his face. Sarah loved this man and it was showing to say the least, the Orion couldn't understand why they couldn't be together but he said something about his symbiont being difficult. So what else is new!? Love will find a way. She thought planting a kiss on his lips and closing her eyes tight with tears forming in both eyes then slowly flowing down her cheeks. She retracted and walked peacefully back to her biobed to lay down.Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 12 2006, 08:43 AM
"Sensors reading a small fleet of Slitheraki ships, in orbit of a small moon" Commander Weist advised"Sounds like we've found the moon that Slaa told us about" Reyan stated
"And a Fleet of Slitheraki ships" Commander Weist complained
"Commander - signal your Klingon friends - they should still be closer than any Starfleet reinforcements - but one way or another, we're going in" Reyan stated, determined to discover the secret of this moon, and why the race occupying it had ceased cooperating with the Slitheraki
Commander Weist grinned
"Captain Delorin will be pleased" she replied

There was a short pause before the exhausted voice of Doctor Ele filtered through, causing Reyan's heart to skip a beat

Reyan sighed - he knew Kaoru would do her best, and he regretted the fact that recent events had prevented them spending any time together
"Commander Weist - bring us out of warp and hold position, out of sensor range - I want the Meridian at one-hundred percent before we face those Slitheraki - it'll also allow Captain Delorin time to catch up with us" Reyan advised
The Meridian burst out of warp, and came to a standstill
"I'm starting to wish I'd been a little less selective over who I sent on the away teams - we really need the expertise of the senior crew" Reyan complained
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 13 2006, 01:15 AM
Having explained as much as he could to Renne to make her understand the implications, Reyan had made it clear he needed her at the helm until the regular helm officer could return to post. She agreed, since her own tacticals skills outwieghed any other on the bridge at the moment, save the Captain himself.Once back on the bridge, Renee had taken helm, and laid in the proper course for the presumed location of Slitherak and was ready to engage at warp 4 per orders.
"Engage" Reyan ordered and the Meridian burst foward, heading deeper into the unknown.
After some time, they came came into sensor range of a small moon, that also had a fleet of Slitheraki ships surrounding it. Renee was not impressed.
"Commander - signal your Klingon friends - they should still be closer than any Starfleet reinforcements - but one way or another, we're going in" Reyan stated.
Renee grinned, knowing full well Delorin had only stopped short because of her asking. He was well up for a battle, and greatly enjoyed the challenge.
"Captain Delorin will be pleased" she replied
She began hailing frequencies on the low end of the sensors, and encoded in an old code she and Delorin used a long time back. He would recodnise it, or he had better! She did not have long to wait, as her signal was answered almost right away.
[Renee. I was wondering how long it would take you to realise the battle had only begun]
[Delorin. YOu are as wise as you are cunning. Joins us once again?]
[How can I refuse battle, or the pleasure of seeing your face once again. Course and heading?]
Renee quickly relayed the cooridnates, and Delorin replied saying they were on the way, and would arrived cloaked.
"Commander Weist - bring us out of warp and hold position, out of sensor range - I want the Meridian at one-hundred percent before we face those Slitheraki - it'll also allow Captain Delorin time to catch up with us" Reyan advised
Renee did as she was ordered, and brought the Meridian to station keeping just out of their sensor range.
Sir, Delorin is delighted to join us. He will be arriving in short order, under cloak. Cooridinates have been sent," she grinned.
"Very good. Do we have damage reports and repair estimates?" Reyan asked.
Renee nodded, and handed him a few data padds. "Those just in and uploaded for you."
He looked them over. "Well, it could be worse," he mumbled.
"It cetainly could," she agreed while they went over the tactical situation.
"I have, in my time, worn all kinds of hats sir, so whatever you think needs doing most, I can assist if need be," Renee offered.
Posted by: Dixon Aug 13 2006, 02:09 AM
Charlie sat at the desk, fighting the temptation to prop her feet up on the smooth gray surface. Despite the fact she had worked longer than her originally scheduled shift, the schedule had been easily modified for the incoming night staff to take over, giving the evening staff a day off. Lucky, she thought dryly. Though she was thankful for the relief, she also liked to closely monitor her cases, but by the end of her shift, she would let them back on light duty and return to their quarters.

Charlie looked up from the Starfleet Medical emblem on the laptop, thoughts boring a whole in the screen.

Charlie looked out into Sickbay, watching the now awake Kaoru talk to a nurse. Charlie had instructed him to wake her and check on her condition, especially after the collapse.

Charlie watched as the nurse left Kaoru’s side, tapping on a nearby console his report. Curious, Charlie pulled up the file, watching it come up as he typed it. In the end, he did recommend bed rest, but cleared her for light duty.

Charlie shook her head.

“Much, thanks to some much needed rest,” Kaoru replied, sitting up at her approach.
“I have a request for you, but only if you’re up to it,” Charlie said, tone full of seriousness. “Doctor Ucreta won’t be able to make his shift this evening, and you’re the only one available for this evening. If you don’t feel up to it, I can pull a triple-”
“I feel fine, Doctor,” Kaoru said with a reassuring smile, softly reaching out and giving Charlie’s arm a light squeeze to halt her rambling. Though Charlie couldn’t explain it, being around the woman always seemed to make her tense nature relax. “If anything happens, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Charlie said, internally sighing with relief. The last thing she wanted to do was spend another six hours in Sickbay. Looking up briefly, she caught eye-contact with Gideon, and he simply smiled, blushing slightly, ears and cheeks flushing pink.
“How much longer are we going to be stuck in here?” Sarah groaned more than asked. Charlie looked over to see Sarah lying with her head propped up, legs crossed and hand firmly massaging the bridge of her nose.
“Not much,” Charlie replied. “Another fifteen minutes actually.”
“Thank god,” Sarah said with a dry smile, sitting up.
At the news, the room seemed to fill with much better feelings. Charlie smiled, rolling her eyes, shaking her head. “Glad to hear you enjoy my company.”
Posted by: Luanna Jo Aug 13 2006, 04:24 AM
Luanna left sickbay and headed for deck thirteen. What a strange place to have the lounge. Leaving the turbolift, she headed toward an open room with oversized windows into the stars. She noted the crowded room and headed toward the bar, where she saw the manager, C’trall, a civilian shopkeep from Risa. She was clad in a long, elegant, blue dress with sequins and a low back. As Luanna approached her, she asked if anything unusual had happened in the past few hours.“Unusual?” responded the manager, “We’ve had several strange things. From the lounge windows, we’ve seen strange, alien ships pass by and phaser fire and all sorts of oddities. What unusual things do you want me to talk about?”
“You haven’t seen any aliens here in the lounge?”
“Are they boarding our ship, now? Don’t we have shields to prevent that from happening?”
“Well, now that you ask, C’trall, I don’t know for sure, but I do know that several people in sickbay have injuries that could have only been acquired through direct contact with our enemy.”
“I see.” The Risian paused for a moment and looked uneasily around the room. “No. I have not seen the aliens myself. I would have seen them if they’d been in my lounge.”
“Well, you seem to be under quite a bit of stress. If you ever need to talk, please let me know. I’ll be more than glad to help.”
“I understand, Counselor.”
Luanna smiled politely before turning to leave the lounge. As she left the room, she saw the holodeck on the thirteenth deck available. She needed a little stress relief of her own, so she set up the room as a piste, requesting Janice Romary as a tutor and a synthesized opponent for a proper fencing match. She chose a foil as her weapon, preferring it over the épée for its lightness and agility, setting the difficulty to level one.
For the next hour, she crossed blades, parried and attacked the hologram and was instructed by the computerized twentieth-century Olympic athlete. Eventually raising her difficulty level as high as three, she won several matches and was also beaten by the hologram a few times. When she was done, she changed back to her Starfleet uniform and headed back for sickbay, saving the program for later use.
Opening the sickbay doors, she saw that Doctor Ele was back on duty. “How are things going in here?” she asked the doctor. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Posted by: Gideon Aug 13 2006, 05:19 AM
Gideon went back to his book after offering to stay in his quarters. He read on and on, finally deciding that Dr. Dixon had ignored his request to relocate. He continued to glance up from time to time and occasionally saw the doctor as she was scurrying about the room. Although she seemed tired, she continued to work as fervently as though she had just begun her shift. He wondered how long she had been on duty, perhaps since they departed on the away mission. Then, he wondered how long it had been since they departed on the away mission. He quickly looked up at her once again. What vitality! What vigor! he thought as he lay on his biobed.He knew that no matter how attractive she was, nothing could happen between the two of them. Romances within a crew are a formula for disaster. He had heard too many stories of people whose lives were ripped apart because they fell in love with someone on board their own ship. (And he didn't really know anything about Dr. Dixon. She might have been married already...or attached to someone.) And the worst of all this was that all this speculation showering Gideon's mind about an infeasable goal, only provided him with an imaginary distraction from his datapadd which he intended to read diligently. He noted to himself that he was not flipping through the datafile as quickly as he would have liked, so he tried to get his mind off Dr. Dixon.
One last glance, he thought. Then I'll get back to my book. While she was attending Dr. Ele, his eyes looked briefly up from his padd, and he noticed her eyes glance back at him. Their eyes only locked for a brief instant, but it was enough time for Gideon's face and ears to flush pink as he committed an involuntary smile. So much for being subtle.
Nothing came of the accidental identification, however, at least not for now. Gideon worried silently that he might have lost all hope of a friendship with this woman. After watching her for all this time, he greatly desired this friendship and he hoped it was not impossible, not just to be around someone of such outward beauty but he could also recognize some of the characteristics of her inner beauty as well. This was the part of her he longed to learn more about.
In a few minutes, Dr. Ele shuffled from her biobed, disappearing to the medical office, where she reemerged in a fresh uniform, appearing ready to attend patients. A greatly fatigued Dr. Dixon left the sickbay soon after that without mention of anything unusual to Gideon. He decided to put the incident out of his mind for now. Nothing could be done about it anyway. Before long, Gideon recovered his study of Jules Verne, rather than his study of Charlie Dixon.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 14 2006, 06:39 AM
Sarah was shocked at the comment. "I hardly know you." She said."And you never will with that attitude." Dixon replied.
"You know you got a point there." Sarah had to admit.
The Orion blushed an embarrassed smile and lay down again, waiting to be released. Waiting... Such a bore! She thought as she glanced at Jin, I wish I wasn't Orion. Then I can be with Jin! Her eyes developing tears and closed her eyes. Sarah covered her face with her hands and tried to let go of her feelings but so far she was unsuccessful.
Without warning the Orion engineer vanished by what appeared to be a transporter beam. The Meridian rocked several times as weapons fire ponded the Nebula-class starship.
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Aug 14 2006, 10:06 AM
Kaida awoke as if from a dream, her eyes fluttered open and a small yawn escaped her mouth before she could suppress it. Blinking a few times to clear her vision, Kaida looked around her. Her brows furrowed as she saw a pair of legs at the side of her, looking up she saw a smile on a woman's face."Welcome back to the land of the living" A familiar voice came from the lovely woman's mouth.
"Kaoru?" Kaida asked questioningly, still feeling a little groggy.
"Yeah, you know you gave me a scare. What happened? We found you in quite a state, to all intense and purposes you n were as good as dead, like Tejas"
That name and likeness ran through Kaida's body like ice through her veins. Tejas? She remembered that same feeling in the darkness, the void she had been in for she didn't know how long. Why would she feel it if she herself had been in the same state. She knew it wasn't her time, but somewhere inside her, she wanted to scream, to cry out as if she had lost something very dear to her. But Tejas was her superior officer, there were no ties with her except the friendship they had built. That must be it.
"I know about the lizard-like people. Are they still here? what is it they're hiding? Is Lieutenant Kerrigan alright?" Kaoru seemed a little taken back, she looked exhausted herself, but the lovely woman had always been stubborn about needing rest herself when there was a job to be done and patients to be seen to.
"That we don't know, but they aren't hostile as we first thought. That's all I know. Lieutenant Kerrigan is fine, worried about Lieutenant Ryuku, but otherwise holding up well."
"Can I leave for Engineering now? I have a feeling I have much to catch up on."
"Not until you've rested."
"I've been resting, what else can you do but rest in stasis, I'm as fresh as a daisy, as fit as a fiddle as my parents used to say. I think it's you that needs the rest."
"The Captain wishes senior officers able to report to their stations, but with you being absent, Lieutenant Kerrigan is Chief. You can have clearance to assist her, but I want you to report here if anything else happens and go nowhere alone. I want to know what happened Kai, but that can wait...for now."
"Yes'm!" Kaida replied with a smile, not just because she was glad she could finally see what had happened with her own two eyes.
Spying Sarah, Kaida's eyes opened wide and a larger smile played on her face. She looked bad, but just seeing that she was okay and as anxious as she was to get back to Engineering no doubt, they were very much alike she thought to herself quietly. Suddenly, Sarah's form vanished in a haze of light particles, Kaida ran to try and catch her, but it was too late, she disappeared. A frantic Kaida looked around desperately for someone at a console, anything that could have meant it was an internal transportation. But there were nurses and doctors, not one was near a console capable of what she had seen happen.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 15 2006, 12:57 PM
"Report!" Reyan called, the ship shaking as Commander Weist performed another evasive pattern, taxing the Meridian's inertia dampening field"They just decloaked, Sir - came from no-where" the Ensign manning Lieutenant Kerrigan's station replied
"Clearly a better cloak than Slaa had" Reyan muttered
"Captain - report coming in states that Lieutenant Kerrigan was beamed off the ship the instant before the Slitheraki ship opened fire" Commander Weist reported
Reyan stood, trying to surpress an overwhelming feeling of anger
"Target their shield generators and return fire!" he ordered
Commander Weist entered a command into the Helm, and the Meridian swept around - at the same time, Tactical fired the Meridian's phasers
"Direct hit - their shields are down to sixty percent"
"Keep firing - I want Kerrigan back" Reyan ordered
"Firing torpdeoes" the Ensign reported
Reyan watched as two photon torpedoes burst into space and slammed into the Slitheraki's shields, around it's shield generator
"Their shields are down!" the Ensign reported
"Get Kerrigan out of there" Reyan calmly ordered
"Trying to get a lock on her" the Ensign stated, working at an incredible pace
Reyan turned, watching the Ensign carefully, hoping that the next words spoken would be confirmation that Lieutenant Kerrigan was back aboard
"Sir - the Slitheraki ship is trying to retreat" Commander Weist reported
"Pursue" Reyan stated, wanting to give the order to disable the engines of the retreating ship, but hestitant to distract the young Ensign at tactical from trying to locate Lieutenant Kerrigan
"I think I've found Lieutenant Kerrigan Sir - there is a scrambling field in place, and she's being held in a restraining field - I'm trying to compensate"
Reyan nodded, and decided that the Meridian did require an advantage after all
"Fire phasers at her engines - we have to slow them down, and allow more time to get Kerrigan off their ship" he called
The Meridian's phasers again lashed out at the Slitheraki ship trying to escape, ruining it's engines
"Energising..... we have her - she's being transferred to sickbay" the Ensign called
"Warp six on previous heading - engage!" Reyan shouted
The Meridian burst away from the scene, allowing Reyan to breathe a sigh of relief
"Commander Weist - you have the bridge - I need to pay a visit to sickbay, to see how Lieutenant Kerrigan and the others are"
As the doors to sickbay parted, he felt a little ashamed - this wasn't somewhere that he had spent a great deal of time recently, despite the fact that several of his senior Officer's were present here for various reasons
He glanced around, noticing a nurse
"Nurse - where is Lieutenant Kerrigan?" he asked
The nurse pointed to a side-bay, Lieutenant Kerrigan having been afforded some privacy
Reyan hesitantly entered her bay
"Lieutenant - how are you feeling?" he asked awkwardly
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Aug 15 2006, 03:46 PM
Kaoru was in her office when the counsellor came in, the beautiful woman's aura practically lit the room, relaxing Kaoru. “How are things going in here?” The counsellor asked. “Is there anything I can do to help?”Shaking her head, Kaoru indicated one of the chairs in her office. "Nothing at the moment Counsellor...sit...I was hoping we would have the chance to speak. I'm just sorry so many things came up."
The two of them were quickly involved in a deep discussion, communicating in the intimate way that Kaoru had observed human women to be far more capable of than human men, mixing personal information with business information, the dialogue smooth, and ultimately enjoyable for both as they discussed the crew, and Kaoru gave the counsellor her recommendations.
The doctor paused though, tilting her head curiously and rising. "Excuse me Counsellor...but I sense something..." Leaving her office, the counsellor at her side, Kaoru moved to Kaida, smiling warmly, happy to see the lovely engineer awake at last.
"Kaoru?" Kaida asked questioningly, her eyes still clouded, groggy.
Nodding, Kaoru glanced meaningfully at the counsellor, glad that she was there when Kaida got the news about Tejas.
The conversation went well. Kaida...very predictably, and much to Kaoru's amusement, asked to be released for duty. Shaking her head, the doctor indicated Sarah as well, and so, all three women were looking towards the Orion when her body shimmered and disappeared.
Kaoru watched it happen in dumb astonishment, her mood quickly shifting, becoming enraged. Kaida shifted uneasily in her bed, sensing the doctor's fury. Jin too, seemed to react, his lips parting slightly, his eyes closing more tightly. Kaoru felt all of that...without having to see it, and she immediatly curbed herself, shielding her emotions, though that did not stop her rage.
The fluid stream of Betazoid curses only stopped when she commed the bridge, checking on their status. Her mood improved minisculely when she was informed that the Meridian was in pursuit of the ship that had taken Kerrigan.
Closing her eyes, Kaoru tried to reach the Orion woman, but she could not...she was depleted far beyond what was healthy for her, the stunt that Jin had pulled on her...how strange that she thought of it that way...having left her mentally weakened.
The ship rocked, and a fresh influx of wounded began to report in to sickbay...nothing major this time, Rixx be praised.
Kaoru and her staff tended the new wounded, doing regular checks on the other patients as well. "Doing well?" Kaoru smiled at Gideon, who had been waiting and watching events unfold very patiently.
"Getting restless...but I'm fine." Kaoru nodded, impressed with the science officer. "I'd say you can be released for light duty in a few hours...does that suit?"
Gideon nodded, clearly relieved. "Thank you Doctor Ele."
"Of course..." Kaoru moved to Jin then, the Trill was still asleep. She checked the results of his scans, noting with pleasure that the symbiont was not showing any abnormal activity. ~You and I are going to have a long talk when you wake, my friend.~ She sent the thought to the Trill, surprised to see a soft smile curve on his lips. For a moment, she imagined that she felt a response, but she could not be sure.
Kerrigan was beamed back aboard, and Kaoru tended the lovely Orion. She had just entered her office when the captain entered sickbay, rising again, she watched him go to Kerrigan's side.
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 15 2006, 06:51 PM
The ordeal with gaining Lt Kerrigan back was nerve wracking, as the Meridian was again out of there!"Warp six on previous heading - engage!" Reyan shouted
The Meridian burst away from the scene, Renee tapping at the controls and adjusting heading. Once they were clear, Reyan spoke.
"Commander Weist - you have the bridge - I need to pay a visit to sickbay, to see how Lieutenant Kerrigan and the others are" he said.
"Aye," Renee said, but she remained where she was at Helm.
She headed the ship back to where they awaited the arrival of Delorin, and his Klingon friends.
"Status," she called out.
"Minor damages on decks 4-7, aft. Emergency forcfields holding. Shields holding steady at 97%, and phasers at 96 % capacity. Torpedos are holding," Tactical called out.
Renee nodded.
"The Slitheraki are maintaining their position about the moon, and holding at station keeping. Longe range sensors indicate no other vessels in the region," Science called.
[Except for us] Came a voice across the bridge.
Renee grinned.
"Open a visual," Renee said, and a two way was established.
[You are just in time, my friend] Renee greeted.
[Would not have missed it. I could never turn you down, besides..today is a good day to die!] Delorin gleened.
[Ah, but as before, the day is not yet over. It will be glorious] Renee replied.
[We await command.]
Renee nodded, and the comms cut.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 15 2006, 11:42 PM
Materialising on the Slitheraki vessel and still holding her head, Sarah felt something grab both her arms then legs into restraints. She screamed and looked around. "What are you doing to me!?" She called.No answer, the Slitheraki simply sedated her. The lead scientist began the altering procedures on both her personality and biology, if all went according to plan the Orion would be the destruction of the Starfleet ship.
The Slitheraki began to feel the effects of their ship being assaulted by phaser strikes and torpedoes hitting the hull. The lead scientist had completed his task before hitting the floor but when he looked back up, the Orion was gone. "Well they won't see it coming, let's get out of here."
Sedated and back aboard the Meridian, Sarah was woken by one of the nurses applying a counteragent into her system to neutralise the sedative. She opened her eyes and saw Captain Caius looking at her.
"Lieutenant - how are you feeling?" he asked awkwardly.
It took a moment for Sarah to recall who the individual was but it came to her. "I'm fine Captain." She sat up. "What happened?" She asked. "Got a massive headache, but fine."
The Slitheraki alterations would not set in for at least another twenty-four hours and so gave time for the crew to return to normal before all hell was released.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 16 2006, 04:04 AM
Gideon watched the events unfold in sickbay sitting on his makeshift biobed while reading his novel on the datapadd. Dr. Dixon had left the room as the professor boarded the Nautilus. The Engineering Officer in the corner awoke as he left the Nautilus for a stroll along the bottom of the sea. They reentered the ship just as the other Engineering Officer (Sarah Kerrigan--he remembered her name from the away team) disappeared. And the green alien reappeared as Captain Nemo and the professor came upon the archipelago Vanikoro.Gideon was now nearly half way through his novel, but the events around the room had attracted his attention. With the push of a button, he saved his place on the datapadd and silently watched the doctor approach the rematerialized Orion. He could not hear what she said or quite tell what was going on, but in a few moments, he saw the Captain enter the room. He headed straight for Lieutenant Kerrigan's biobed where he, too, made some quiet remarks which Gideon could not quite make out.
"Doing well?" Gideon was a bit startled as he had been concentrating on the goings on from around the room.
He looked up at Doctor Ele and replied. "Getting restless...but I'm fine," he said.
The doctor nodded. "I'd say you can be released for light duty in a few hours...does that suit?"
Gideon nodded. "Thank you Doctor Ele."
"Of course." And the doctor left his bed.
He had lost track of the events in sickbay, but he was a little concerned by what the doctor had said. He would be returned to "light duty." He wondered what exactly that meant. Does it mean that he can't perform physical feats while on duty? Fortunately, his job involved sitting (or perhaps standing) next to a computer terminal and occasionally vocalizing the information he discovers. It was very much a George Jetson style push-button job with a few advantages to being smart, which by some mere coincidence, Gideon was...no, he wasn't smart; he was brilliant. He rarely thought such of himself, but his record at the academy, culminating in his presentation on modular biology which gave him the early graduation from the academy. He rarely thought about these things and never spoke them, but when the doctor mentioned he would be available for light duty, he wondered which of his tasks he would be limited to performing.
His thoughts were interrupted by the male B'joran voice he had already come to know well as that from the Captain. "Everything alright, Lieutenant?"
Gideon looked up at the Captain, startled. "Yes, sir. Why do you ask?"
"You seemed preoccupied with something. Might I ask what troubles you?"
"Oh, just random thoughts, Captain. It's hard not to go crazy when you're locked in sickbay, not allowed to read your own book in peace in your own room."
The Captain nodded, fingering the edge of Gideon's datapadd. "What are you reading."
Gideon held out his datapadd for the Captain to see. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
"I've learned some about ancient earth literature. This is a British book, am I right?"
"Actually Jules Verne, its author, was French, but he wrote about Americans and Brits and all types of people. He was quite a multicultural man in his day. This particular book is exceptional because well--he was predicting some of the underwater expeditions which were only possible in the 20th and 21st centuries. But I like it mainly because of its similarities to space flight, something that in the 19th century earth, man could only dream of. It was before people had even built airplanes and Verne had such amazing ideas that inspired scientists for centuries to come."
The Captain stood in silence, at least feining interest in his science officer's passion. "I begin to see your fascination with this author. Continue your reading, Lieutenant. Your own mind has already proven useful and a time comes not long from now when I will need its usefulness again."
"Yes, Captain."
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Aug 16 2006, 09:00 AM
Kaida's eyes narrowed when she saw Sarah had been beamed back onboard, it was obvious that those lizard things had taken her, but how did they get her onboard so easily? Surely, they would have done more to stop any attempt to rescue her by transporter. To Kaida, it seemed too easy. But what mattered was that she was back and that she appeared to be unharmed. She was ibn two minds as to whether she should disturb Sarah when she was talking to the Captain, but she had to talk to her if only to find out what had been happening in Engineering while she had been out of it. She decided against it, what she had to say could wait for now, what the Captain had to say must be more important.Posted by: Dixon Aug 17 2006, 05:05 AM
“Charlie?”Charlie looked back from the window in the bar, back at Marix. Her absentminded ringing around her glass froze and she gave a small embarrassed smile. “Sorry, I had a really long shift.”
“It’s okay,” he laughed. “What’s on your mind?”
“I really don’t know, just things. Should we have extracted the tumor from the symbiont, will Doctor Kaoru be okay during her shift, will the away team be okay, the load of check-ups I’m going to have tomorrow...”
“You’re off duty, relax a little,” Marix said, reaching for her hand. He smoothed his thumb over the back of her hand and she smiled a little. “Tell me about yourself?”
“I don’t know,” Charlie said, blushing and biting her lip nervously. “To tell you the truth, I haven’t been out one-on-one with a guy for nearly a year.”
“You’re kidding,” Marix laughed. “I pictured you being the girl whose dad had to beat the guys away with a bat.”
“Only if we played video games too long, or the football hit his truck,” Charlie smiled. “I had three brothers and a sister who might as well be a brother.”
“Wow,” Marix said, with a shocked expression. “Not a girly girl at all.”
“What about you?” Charlie laughed, taking a drink. “How long have you been on the ship?”
“I got on last stop,” Marix replied. “Before that, I was-" The ship shook, causing all conversations to instantly choke. Everyone waited for the next hit, watching out the window. It looked like they were firing at nothing, until it hit the cloaked target, flashing the outline of the ship for a moment. Just as the ship came into view, conversations irrupted again, mainly the word ‘Slitheraki’ circuiting through the exchanging of words. “They’re trying to escape,” Marix muttered. Charlie looked up, just noticing that he had stood beside her to look out the window, his hand resting on her shoulder. The crew hardly seemed to notice that the ship was continuing to shake as the attacks on the enemy persisted. Just as it looked as though the Meridian was going to destroy the ship, the stars suddenly blurred from warp.
“What happened?” Charlie asked with a frown.
“I have no idea,” Marix admitted with a confused sigh.
“I think we should call it a night. I should probably drop by Sickbay and make sure everything’s okay,” Charlie said, standing, hand briefly on her temple.
Marix took her by the shoulders. “If they needed you in Sickbay, they would call you. You seriously need to calm down, Charlie,” he said. His grip loosened and he smiled. “I do agree we should call it a night. We both had a long shift and tomorrow you’re probably going to be burdened again.”
Charlie nodded. Just as they began walking out, Charlie paused when she saw Lieutenant Commander Harjein sitting alone at a table, gaze deep in her drink. “You know, I’ll see you tomorrow. I need to talk to someone and then I’ll go to my quarters.”
“Promise,” Charlie said. Marix rolled his eyes, giving a light smile before leaving the room. Charlie released the breath she had been involuntarily holding as she walked over to Harjein. “Mind if I have a seat?”
“Chairs are for sitting,” Taylor said with a dry smile. Charlie sat down, ordering another synthahol. “Here to check up on me already, Doc?”
“I’m here in an… unofficial capacity,” Charlie said.
"I saw," Taylor smirked.
Charlie blushed, "Don't make assumptions, we're just friends."
"Uh huh," Taylor said, sipping her drink.
Charlie rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“My next shift isn’t until tomorrow morning, and the last thing I want to do is sit around for another few hours in my quarters. Reminds me of Sickbay too much.”
“At least here we get to enjoy the show,” Charlie said, gesturing to the large window. “You’re in tactical,” Charlie said, turning back around, nodding her thanks to the server as she took her drink. “What exactly happened? From what I take, it looked like we were winning.”
Posted by: Harjein Aug 18 2006, 01:38 AM
“At least here we get to enjoy the show,” Dixon said, gesturing to the large window. “You’re in tactical,” Dixon said, turning back around, nodding her thanks to the server as she took her drink. “What exactly happened? From what I take, it looked like we were winning.”Taylor shrugged. “I’m not exactly sure. Kaoru ordered me to not go on duty until I get checked in the morning. Something about after-effects of head injuries.”
“They can cause complications hours after—”
“Sorry, Doctor, I’m not up for medical babble,” Taylor interrupted bluntly.
“Call me Charlie,” Dixon said, taking a sip of her synthahol. “So you haven’t got any clue?”
Taylor shook her head briefly. “Just that we’re moving pretty fast from a battle we were winning,” she replied, looking out the window. A part of her wanted to go up on that bridge and finish the battle. Human logic won out, sure that Caius had a good reason to retreat. She looked back at Charlie. “This was your first shift, right? How’d it go?” she asked, a smirk tugging at her lips.
Posted by: Dianna Torres Aug 18 2006, 10:53 AM
Dianna sat at ops. She looked at Renee. The New XO was in fact a look to see with her bright red hair. Dianna was of yet to get to know this new XO. Dianna had no idea what to expect of her. She still was foreign to her but soon enough she'll figure her out. Dianna just hoped she didn't but heads with this lady. She had a tendency to do that."So commander," said Dianna working at her console and trying to spark conversation from the XO. "How do you like it so far here?"
Posted by: Gideon Aug 18 2006, 04:15 PM
When the Captain left Gideon's biobed, the scientist turned his head toward the CMO, Dr. Ele. Why has she been returned to duty so quickly? Just because Dr. Dixon took an extended shift and most likely needed time off, but why had another doctor not come to relieve her? Despite his thoughts about either medical officer, the active one did not seem to indicate he would be leaving any time soon. With nothing else to do in the medical facility, he returned once again to his isle of Vanikoro to see what awaited him there. Perhaps cannibals? Perhaps aliens who stole technology for the betterment of their own spiecies? Perhaps not.Fatigued from his futile state, he resolved to focus on his novel, but in the end, all his efforts were ineffective. This time, sleep was forced upon him by a much more subtle force than the Reptilian attack on the shuttlecraft. This time, sleep came from having done nothing for far too long.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 18 2006, 04:50 PM
Many hours had passed, and Reyan remained sat in the Command chair - the mystery of the Slitheraki was one that Reyan wanted solved, although his fatigue was, inevitably, beginning to catch up with himHaving several senior officer's in sickbay was playing on his mind too - the Junior officer's temporarily filling their roles were doing outstanding work, almost as efficently as their superiors. almost
And Commander Weist had opted to remain at the Helm, since the Slitheraki had made it so abuntantly clear that the Meridian was not welcome in their space
And it was Commander Weist who diverted his attention back to the situaton at hand
"Sir, sensors are reading a moon, bearing 165 mark 289" she reported
Reyan sat upright
"And reading a class-M planet nearby - presumably the Slitheraki homeword" she finnished
"Captain - six Slitheraki ships on an intercept course" Ensign Peters, the duty tactical officer, advised
"Damn" Reyan stated, disappointed
Commander Weist turned to him
"Sir - there's a small nebula at bearing 169 mark 256 - we might be able to loose them in there" she stated
Reyan frowned
"Good thinking, Commander, although your Klingon friends won't be able to maintain their cloaks if they follow us" he replied
"Delorin will be there when we need him Sir" she stated confidently
"When this mission is over, I'd be interested in hearing some stories about how you came to meet Captain Delorin" Reyan stated, causing a large, unrevealing, grin from his Executive Officer
He turned his attention to the helm report of the nebula which was being displayed on the display built into his chair
"My biggest concern is that this nebula is in Slitheraki space - they must have charted it" he continued
"Undoubtedly - but as this nebula contains traces of plasma, a photon torpdeo detonation, triggered shortly after we enter the nebula, should cause a fireworks display large enough to cover us, and fool their senors" Commander Weist replied
"Good work, Commander - Gideon, our Chief Science Officer, would be proud" he replied
"Approaching the Nebula - the Slitheraki ships are moving to intercept" Commander Weist replied, ignoring Reyan's remark
Reyan quickly turned to tactical
"Launch a probe immediately - no need for us to sit around doing nothing whilst we are in there" he called
"Aye Sir" Ensign Peters replied
A probe burst from the Meridian's weapons pod, and sped toward the moon
"Hopefully it'll transmit before the Slitheraki intercept and destroy it" Commander Weist stated
"Hope so" Reyan replied, knowing that if it didn't the Meridian could find itself in the Nebula for a long time.
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 18 2006, 05:45 PM
"So commander," said Dianna from her console "How do you like it so far here?"Renee looked over at who was spekaing, and kept her face. "I have not been here long enough to make a clear judgement, but so far, I find it more than acceptable. The crew is excellant, and the ship is extraordinary!" she replied, and went back to what she was doing.
As they approached the area of space once more containing the moon, Renee picked it up on sensors. as they were being approached by Slitheraki, a nearby nebula was a good a hide as any.
"My biggest concern is that this nebula is in Slitheraki space - they must have charted it" Reyan said, stating his concerns.
"Undoubtedly - but as this nebula contains traces of plasma, a photon torpdeo detonation, triggered shortly after we enter the nebula, should cause a fireworks display large enough to cover us, and fool their senors" Renee replied
"Good work, Commander - Gideon, our Chief Science Officer, would be proud" Reyan replied
"Approaching the Nebula - the Slitheraki ships are moving to intercept" Renee said, her mind on business and nothing else.
"Launch a probe immediately - no need for us to sit around doing nothing whilst we are in there" Reyan ordered the officer at tactical.
"Aye Sir" Ensign Peters replied
A probe burst from the Meridian's weapons pod, and sped toward the moon
"Hopefully it'll transmit before the Slitheraki intercept and destroy it" Renee stated.
"Hope so" Reyan replied.
"Entering the nebula in 2 minutes," Renee advised.
"Once we do, drop warp and go to heading 169 mark 273. It should throw them off," Reyan said.
"Aye, course plotted and new heading laid in, ready to engage once inside," she said, tapping away at the controls. "Nebula in one minute."
"Anything from the probe yet?" Reyan called out.
"Not yet sir, but it is still functioning," the Ensign at tactical replied.
"Entering the nebula now," Renee said, as she ship went dark for a moment, as it lurched its way into the nebula.
Once inside, the power came back up full, but as predicated, scans and sensors were offline, unable to read anything.
"Dropping warp and changing heading," Renee said.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 19 2006, 09:42 PM
Jin was lying in bed when he realized he was actually awake. He sat up and surveyed the side-room in Sickbay that he'd been placed in. He'd already been in and out of this room once or twice, proving that he was slowly regaining his strength. But the most fascinating part of it all was, that his stomach had yeilded no pain - and this moment, the one he just stood up in, was the final assertion."Niceness," he smiled and decided to leave the small operating room.
Walking out into Sickbay, he met with Sarah, at her biobed - whom was just abducted by the bad guys. Looking upon her, he was for once seeing her in a way that was not as a sex symbol. Instead, she was a person who had just gone through two truamatic experience's. Not only that, she was feeling a tinge of bitterness to the fact that her Orion endorphines had negative affects to Jin's symbiont. Even after his heart breaking when he saw the Slitherakai take her away, he was now seeing Sarah in a different light. It was like she was a completely different person than he thought she was.
"You still feeling okay?" Jin asked.
Sarah nodded under the circumstances, "A bit better. Although, possibly a lot better than Gideon." They both glanced over at the brilliant Science officer almost in amusement, who was undergoing the worst case of cabin fever.
"It's too bad that we all have been kept down here for such a long time. But our health is important," Jin said.
Sarah just looked at him.
"I, on the other hand, am a different case than you and the Away Team," Jin cracked his knuckles and began walking away.
Sarah reached out her hand, "Hey where are you going?"
"I'm going to sweet talk Doctor Kaoru into letting me out of here. The rest of you may be easily held down in these situations - but I can't be kept grounded," he stopped in his tracks in shock-realization, "I guess that's why I'm a pilot," and then continued on into Kaoru's office.
To the Doctor's, Kaoru and Dixon, he owed his life. Gideon was a life-saver too. Deep inside, he would feel more gratification than he could possibly express for, not only saving his life, but at least giving a damn to.
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Aug 20 2006, 01:25 PM
After the Captain finished with Sarah, the Orion hopped down from the biobed and looked at Kaida. Happiness burst inside the Orion as she walked up to her former superior officer."Kai! It's good to see you again, how are you feeling?" She asked, not waiting for a reply the Orion hugged Kaida. "Missed you greatly."
Kaida smiled warmly, a sigh of relief escaping her. Or maybe it was the force with whic the Orion had hugged her, either way it didn't matter.
"I'm fine, little groggy, but it doesn't matter about me. We have much to talk about. What happened to you? I know Engineering can be stressful, but honestly, disappearing like that...There are other ways to have a break." Kaida said with a smirk, hugging Sarah back.
Releasing the engineer, Sarah had a confused look on her face, "dissappeared? What are you talking about?" She asked. The effects of the Slitheraki beginning to take Sarah's memories away from her.
Kaida's brow furrowed. "You don't remember, one minute you were on a bio bed, the next your were being transported off to we don't know where. I was hoping you could tell me. You really don't remember?" Kai asked questioningly, something just didn't seem right about this.
"I don't, I was on that bed over there the whole time before I saw you. I really don't remember - anyway yes we need to talk, Captain Caius made me Chief while you were - what were you doing again?" She said.
"Sarah, I think you better lie down again. I've been in stasis for... I don't actually know how long. I was told you came to visit sometimes, which is nice to hear." Kaida smiled and tried to send a message to Kaoru empathically without alarming Sarah "Try to remember, what's happened in Engineering? You as Chief should know everything that goes on there. What's been happening?
Sarah smiled. "Oh in Engineering, well haven't been to there since I was on that disabled Slitheraki vessel couple of hours ago. The Captain can confirm that." She said.
"It's okay, I don't need to ask him, I trust you. But I mean before that, has there been any trouble with the core? I know before I was out of it, there had been a few troubles keeping the matter anti matter contained. No help by the Captain pushing it." Kaida's face betrayed irritation at the thought of not being able to do her duties.
"No I wasn't onboard then, I was on the disabled Slitheraki ship just as I've told you. I'm sure all is fine otherwise we wouldn't be here discussing it." Sarah pointed out.
Kaida laughed a little "I know, you're right. I guess I'm just a bit nervous, I've been out a while and I can't even get back to it until the Doc gives me the all clear. But you need to concentrate on feeling better, we can talk about this when we've all recovered. It sounds like it's been tough on you. I'm sorry I dropped you into all of this." Kaida bowed her head feeling guilty and worried for her friend.
"Nonsense, I'm fine. Yeah the doctor is keeping me here as well since we were beamed back from the away mission - so she tells me." Sarah said.
"Get some rest, I'm sure we'll both soon be back in Engineering." Just then Kaoru appeared at Sarah's bedside. Kaida clamped her mouth shut, but it was obvious the lovely doctor could sense everything.
Sarah looked at Kaoru. "Listen Doctor I'm fine now can I go?" She asked the Doctor. Sarah looked to Kaida as well and raised her arms. "I'm fine for heavens sake."
"I've been trying to tell her that for both of us since I woke up. But you know doctors..." Kaida shrugged at Sarah and grinned as Kaoru gently, but firmly hit her on the arm "Hey! it's a compliment....mostly" she winked at Sarah and her smile remained even as the doctor shooed Kaida away from asking any more questions of Sarah.
"You have? Oh thank you Kaida." Sarah said.
"You're welcome, just rest a little while longer. You know, we're too much alike Sarah. We'll both be back in Engineering before we know it." Kai leant slightly towards Sarah’s ear so she could hear her, knowing Kaoru would hear a little too. "Just sweet talk the lovely lady standing before you and i'm sure she'll ease up." Kaida noted Kaoru didin't look impressed, but she was obviously suppressing a grin.
"I'll try." Sarah whispered back. The Orion looked to Kaoru again. "Listen doc, I'll return the moment that anything happens to me you have my word." She offered.
OOC: This was a joint post by Kaida D'Troy and Sarah Kerrigan
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Aug 20 2006, 10:02 PM
Kaoru was in her office trying not to fall asleep when she sensed Jin walking towards her office. She looked up, smiling softly, speaking before her fully entered. "Absolutely not."His face fell, and he held up his hands, "You don't even know..."
"I do know...and absolutely not."
He sank into a chair in front of her desk. "That was very strange, wasn't it?"
Kaoru allowed herself to relax a little, nodding and leaning forward in her chair, resting her elbows on her desk. "It was without doubt the strangest thing that I have ever experienced." Her dark eyes met his, openly and honestly, conveying the truth of her words.
"It should not have been possible....it should not have happened...and until I know more about it, you and I are going to have regular sessions, preferably with the counsellor."
He opened his mouth to argue, stopping short. "Wait...I thought you weren't releasing me for duty?"
Kaoru shook her head, chuckling. "I never said that..."
"You said absolutely not."
"And I meant it...I am never flying with you again."
He paused, shocked, and then he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Errmm...thank you doctor?"
Kaoru was about to answer him, wincing suddenly, feeling Kaida's direct thought wash over her, her concerns for Sarah. She could hear it clearly, it was almost a shout to her overtaxed telepathic mind.
Jin saw her wince, reaching across her desk and touching her hand, "Kaoru?"
He used her first name, not even realizing it...a side effect perhaps of the close bond they had shared.
"It's all right." Rising, Kaoru smiled warmly at the helmsman, "You're cleared for duty Jin. I'll contact you with a schedule for our sessions."
"Yes doctor." He rose when she did, leaving sickbay.
Kaoru left her office, going to where Sarah and Kaida spoke, listening with all of her senses to their conversation.
Sarah looked at Kaoru. "Listen Doctor I'm fine now can I go?" The lovely Orion looked to Kaida as well and raised her arms. "I'm fine for heavens sake."
Kaoru's sable brow quirked as she heard Kaida whispering to Sarah about sweettalking the...little lady? It took all of her will not to laugh.
Sarah whispered something back to Kaida. Kaoru suddenly could not read the Orion's thoughts. The lovely engineer looked to Kaoru again. "Listen doc, I'll return the moment that anything happens to me you have my word." She offered.
"Absolutely not." She nodded towards Sarah's biobed. "Do you remember being taken?" She knew the answer was no, but she asked the question anyway.
"Nn.no." Sarah looked between Kaida and Kaoru thoughtfully, wondering if they were playing a trick on her.
"Computer." Kaoru crossed her arms, leaning on the vacant biobed next to Kaida's. "Replay bridge log, 1683 hours to 1684 hours. She watched Sarah's face as the log played, hearing Commander Weist's voice first.
"Captain - report coming in states that Lieutenant Kerrigan was beamed off the ship the instant before the Slitheraki ship opened fire"
"Target their shield generators and return fire!" The next voice was the captain's, and it was clearly angry.
"Direct hit - their shields are down to sixty percent"
"Keep firing - I want Kerrigan back"
"Computer, end playback." Kaoru nodded to Kerrigan. "There is some reason that you do not recall these events Lieutenant, and before I can fully release you for duty, we have to understand what those reasons are."
She turned her dark eyes towards Gideon, considering him thoughtfully. "You however, are cleared for duty Lieutenant."
Posted by: Dixon Aug 20 2006, 11:49 PM
“This was your first shift, right? How’d it go?”Charlie licked the synthahol off her lips as she sighed. “A lot different that I had hoped,” she replied after a moment of thought, setting the glass down. “It started out what I expected; tedious research and finding where everything was. But this whole Slitheraki situation really changed plans up.”
“You’re telling me,” Harjein muttered, downing the last her drink before setting the cup down in front of her.
“Have you seen any of the others from the away team? Last I saw you were all sitting around waiting for dismissal.”
“Yeah, didn’t you say we could leave after shift was over?” Harjein asked, brow frowned in ironic, dry amusement.
“Well I assumed Doctor Ele would finalize everyone first,” Charlie shrugged, “but yeah, your conditions hadn’t changed in a good two hours, and since you suffered minimal damage, I just safely assumed you’d all be out soon after I left. Nothing more than a formality.”
“Ah, well, I just left,” Harjein smirked. “It was chaotic enough that I didn’t even have to use my security tactics.”
Charlie shook her head. “To be completely honest, I’d probably do the same thing,” she replied. “Well, minus any security tactics. I’m about as elusive as black on white.”
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Aug 21 2006, 03:37 AM
"Interesting." Sarah said after hearing the playback. "I seriously don't remember and I seriously doubt further observation of me will not help you Doctor. I'm fine." Sarah was growing increasingly annoyed."I agree." Kaida said.
Sarah looked to her friend. "What?" She asked.
"Well if anything did effect you it should have happened by now." Kaida said.
"You know you have a point there Lieutenant." Kaoru replied.
"Now I will return to Sickbay at the first sign of something wrong." Sarah said.
"I will make sure she does Doc." Kaida reassured the Doctor.
"See nothing to worry about." Sarah said. "Kaida is looking out for me."
"Very well, the first moment-" Kaoru began.
"Yes, the first moment now I must go and report back to the Bridge." Sarah said as the two engineers left Sickbay.
While in the corridor, Sarah and Kaida chatted about what both of them knew happened onboard while Kaida was in stasis, Sarah stopped and turned to Kaida. "Kaida I need you to go down to Engineering and help out with whatever is going on there. I need to check in with the Captain then I'll come down to Engineering."
"Okay, speak soon." Kaida said already trusting her friend to hold that promise.
OOC: Now for my subplot to work I had to post whats above, otherwise it wouldn't have worked. Sorry Commander Ele but it's necessary, Captain Caius has given his full support.
The Slitheraki programming beginning to take effect over Sarah's memories and personality, Sarah stopped just as she was approaching a turbolift. Her Orion slavegirl memories dominating her mind, she looked around the corridor and took off her uniform jacket then made rips in her pants to reveal her green skin. She ripped most of her undergarmets to show only what she wanted to display.
She waved flirtuously at passing men as she entered the turbolift. "Command centre." She politely said.
The lift beeped and began its ascent to the Bridge. With her judgement-compromising glands in overdrive, the men on the Bridge would fall instantly into her guidance. She grinned at the prospect of controlling the ship.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 22 2006, 02:51 AM
Gideon slid his datapadd under his biobed."Dr. Ele. Have you noticed something?"
"What are you referring to, Lieutenant?"
"Well, I was just looking around at all the members of our away team. Here I am, almost finished with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea while you have returned to duty, Harjein is no where to be seen--was she ever released?--and Lieutenant Kerrigan, who has probably been abducted by the aliens, has finally been released. Am I missing anyone? Or am I the last one from the away team left in sickbay?"
The doctor took a deep pause before she responded to Lieutenant Darkon...
Posted by: Jin Ryku Aug 23 2006, 10:44 AM
Jin left Sickbay with the intention of heading to the Bridge. He began reflecting on his conversation with the Doctor, finding her attitude towards flying with him again sort of funny. He then recalled her eyes when she explained how strange her experience was, and he decided she wasn't referring to her prediction of his request to leave sickbay, but rather the mind-link they shared during the shuttle flight.That was strange...
Then suddenly his head was overwhelmed with an erge to visit the Shuttle Bay. It was as if he was in some sort of half-trance. He turned and began heading down the corridors. In the Shuttle Bay sat the Slitherkai shuttle.
Posted by: Renee Weist Yesterday, 01:33 AM
Just as they were entering the Nebula, the bridge doors slid open, and Lt Kerrigan came on the bridge. Renee noted something odd in her behavior, as well as h er attire. she was in a shredded uniform, large patches of skin exposed. Knwoing her Orion origins, and the effects it would have, Renee was concerned. But her attention lay in several directions. If part of the command crew had been released, she wondered where the rest were. She turned to address the Captain, who was currently talking with Lt Kerrigan."Sir, if I may?" she asked.
"Yes, Commander Weist?" he asked, his eyes looking slightly clouded or something.
"Lt Kerrigan? Do you know if Dr Ele has released any others?" she asked.
The Lieutenant made know indication she even acknowleded Renee. And the Captain seemed to be quite entrawled with her as well. Taking matters ito her own hands, she hit her comm

(Tag, Dr Ele)
Posted by: Dianna Torres Yesterday, 01:47 AM
Dianna was working and checking all systems. Dianna knew that it was getting close to the end of her shift. She still was on light duty, but she felt that she could work a bit extra if they needed. She could help out wherever she was needed. They were still missing some of the away crew as they were beamed to sickbay. Commander Weist was comming Dr. Ele as to their status. They really needed them. They were a bit shorthanded without them. As soon as Renee was done Dianna addressed her."Commander," said Dianna "If you need extra help, I am willing to help if you need it."
Dianna waited for a response.
Posted by: Sarah Kerrigan Yesterday, 03:57 AM
BridgeWith her uniform ripped up and revealling large portions of her body, Sarah carried herself seductive towards the Captain and placed her hands gently onto his chest. She brought her lips so very close to Reyan's but withdrew them from contact as Reyan tried to kiss her. Sarah's pheromones causing chaos in everyone's minds, it seemed that only Commander West remained uneffected. It would be only a matter of time until the accumulative exposure would change that.
"Why aren't you so very attractive." Sashela said to the Captain, Sashela being Sarah's birth name. Sashela then carefully and sensually outlined Reyan's face then his ridged nose as she smiled and lured him towards his command chair.
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Yesterday, 07:05 AM
Kaida entered Engineering with the familiar hustle and bustle she remembered leaving that night, the thrum of the core was like a melody in her ears and she smiled. As she walked in, personnel looked her way smiling but slightly puzzled. They had obviously been expecting Lietenant Kerrigan to reappear."Good to have you back Ma'am" One Ensign said as she quickly walked to her duties, they knew not to slack and it was obvious that Sarah had made sure everything ran smoothly. She was impressed with what she saw and as her personnel knew, she wasn't easily impressed.
Much time had passed since leaving Sarah at the fork in the corridor. Kaida was sure that Sarah was supposed to be meeting her in Engineering by now. Her nerves were starting to get the best of her, of course Sarah wasn't there yet she was due on the bridge and of course she wouldn't be on time. She herself was hardly ever on time when she was in demand and now she seemed to have far too much time on her hands. She was afraid of overstepping her mark being Sarah's assistant rather than the Chief any longer. But there was still a certain spark and as Sarah had done before her, she would run Engineering to the best of her ability until such time as Sarah's arrival.
"Ensign Mason, I need you to check the Warp coils for any damage. We'll be needing them if we have to go to Warp that quickly again, I don't need to tell you if there's any damage, the subspace field won't form and warp capability could mean the difference between life and death in a battle."
Kaida made her voice firm but instructive, a lot like her Academy tutors. She had fond memories of her time at the Academy, her then best friend was 3 years above her in the Academy, but no matter what they came through together it never affectedtheir freindship...She remembered one night when they were alone very well. She remembered him holding her close as she cried and soaked his uniform, looking up into his soulful eyes, so unlike a Vulcan, but he understood her more than anyone had ever understood her. Perhaps that was one reason why she had never truly found another...
Her memories were broken when Ensign Mason shouted her name. She would wait a little while longer in the hopes Sarah wouold return to Engineering, if not, she would have to inform the Doctor. Kaoru's words when she had pulled Kaida aside ran through her mind again.
"Anything out of the ordinary, and I mean anything! you report it to me okay? Same goes for you too my friend."
Kaida sighed, she didn't want to report Sarah's absence to the Doctor, but if she had to, then she had no choice. She would give Sarah as much time as she could, she owed her that much at least. Still the pang of guilt at not informing one of her closest friends on the ship pulled at her, she hoped it wouldn't come to that.
Posted by: Renee Weist Yesterday, 04:52 PM
"Commander," said Dianna "If you need extra help, I am willing to help if you need it."Renee was beginning to feel quite dispassionate in her duties, and looked over at the Commander.
"Stay...go...makes me no difference," she said, waving a hand over to the command chair, where a sexually agressive Lt Kerrigan, in shredded unifom, was now leading the Captain around by the nose. "No one seems to care, but me, about the status of the bridge anyhow, and I seem to be quickly losing my own interest...is it hot in here?"
She got up, and raised her tunic from the bottom hem, moving it quickly up and down in an attempt to get some air moving underneath. She was perspiring profusely, and didn't know why.
"Oh, somone want to call security? The Lt is daringly out of uniform, and is exhibiting rather odd behavior on the bridge, though why I care either way, I have no idea," she said, as she wandered away from the helm, letting the ship go where it may.
Posted by: Kaoru Ele Today, 12:26 AM

Kaoru tapped her commbadge,

Kaoru glanced around. She had released Gideon....Kaida and Kerrigan had pretty much sprung themselves.

Kaoru's cool even tone belied the rising anger she felt, the emotion growing steadily stronger as Commander Weist explained the Orion's disposition.

The betazoid woman hit the wall hard with the palm of her hand. She felt strange, her anger seemed disproportionate somehow, but very, very real.
Posted by: Fallax Trell Today, 02:15 AM
OOC: Excuse my interuption of the 'mission'....this is a mission? right?... but I digress...I just wished to remind everyone, that there is an area for OOC's, the Mission area is NOT the area for OOC...Admiral Chapel frowns on missions that are interupted and full of red ooc posts. If you are doing your job correctly there should be no need to explain what you are doing, with OOC's. Notice is now given that all OOC's have been recorded and moved to archive. Secondly If I was the XO of a ship and a Lieutenant, called me down in OOC, as has occured in here. I would have her out an airlock so fast her head would spin and I would be off that ship faster than you could say Ned Kelly...Some respect here people...VCIC Fleet Admiral Fallax Trell.
Posted by: Xolani Today, 02:33 AM
I must also have a bit of a say here, as I have read and kept up. Now first off, if everyone is released from sickbay, why is the helmsman wandering to the shuttle bay, the Security Cheif and the ACMO in the bar, while a Orion in a ripped up uniform us allowed to troll the corridors of a Federation Starship? HELLO?!?! Does anyone besides me see something wrong with this picture?The last I read, this ship was in a nebula, being followed in by enemy vessels, and the crew is out running amucK? SO, this tells me a slinkly slave in a ripped up uniform is more important than the enemey on your ships behind? WOW How ever did you accomplish this?
*sits down to take notes*
This ooc will be deleted in 24hours, as well as the one above it
Posted by: Renee Weist Today, 02:45 AM
OOC: I am the XO, and not allowed to act as one in the CO's absence, due to what I know to be constraints on his time. Therefore I wish to stand down.... I can in no way even begin to help guide a ship that constantly tells me what I can, and cannot do. I am not included on subplot information until it is posted, and then only told rudely in OOC that I cannot post this or that, as it was already approved by the CO. How in the name of all that is precious am I supposed to do that?Posted by: Gideon Today, 02:52 AM
Gideon was just about to leave sickbay when he heard Commander Ele speaking over the comm. She seemed concerned about something, nothing she had really said seemed to alert him but rather the way she spoke the words. He wasn't even sure who she was talking to, but he knew that something was horribly wrong. When he could see that she was done speaking to whomever was on the other side of the comm signal, he stepped up to her at attention."Commander," he said. "Is there anything wrong? Something I can help with?"
She wasn't really looking at him, more past him when she responded blankly. "No, no, no."
The doctor, beginning to recover from her apparant trance began to see who she was speaking to, her pupils becoming more and more focussed on his. It still took her a moment, however, to recover her speech.
Now Commander Ele had recovered from her momentary disillusionment and looked plainly at the young science officer. "Lieutenant Darkon," she said.
"Is there trouble, Doctor?"
"No, nothing you can help with. But you must stay off the bridge."
"The bridge?"
"Yes! Run to your quarters and lock the door! Don't let anyone in, least of all Lieutenant Kerrigan!"
"But doctor--"
Gideon did not give her another hesitation, following her orders implicitly, he soon found himself inside his still unorganized quarters and he was ordering the computer to lock the door. Looking down at his things, he said in a plain voice to no one imparticular, "Now, I guess it's time to get a little work done."
He looked up with a grin and concluded his short speech, to himself--he mustn't let anyone know he was talking to himself.
"Doctor's orders..."
Posted by: Kaida D'Troy Today, 08:01 AM
Kaida felt like she was betraying her close friend Kaoru by disappearing on her like that. She did feel fine, but she should have stayed, she knew the Doctor was right but she had been so desperate to leave that she hadn't thought what leaving would do to her friend. Taking a deep breath, she knew that she had made her decision. She would accept the consequences of her actions, even if it meant a Hypo in the neck for her troubles. Approaching sickbay, she saw Gideon retreating as if his feet were on fire. Yet still very dignified, though somewhat puzzled by the look on his face.The turbolift doors opened to reveal sickbay's inner workings. Kaoru glared over as if to warn anyone entering. It made Kaida feel a little like a child being caught with their hand in the cookie jar, sent for punishment. Walking cautiously, Kaida approached Kaoru sending warm apologetic feelings empathically to the obviously tense woman. You didn't have to be an empath to see that.
Posted by: Jin Ryku Today, 09:25 AM
Jin entered the Shuttle Bay in his trance. The few people there noticed him and were confused as to his entrance, and expected that he'd be anywhere but there. But Jin didn't speak to them or even notice... for some reason, his mind was growing more and more attracted to the link he shared with the Slitherakai shuttle's computer systems.- "Bridge to Jin, please respond," came a call over the comm.
But Jin couldn't hear it. Before one of the other Engineers could stop him, or even realize what was going on, Jin activated the shuttle and lept inside. The onboard systems blinked on and suddenly gave away the Meridian's position within the Nebula.
The two Slitherakai vessels that were searching, suddenly knew exactly where the Meridian was and set course to intercept.
Jin's eyes blinked his mind back to consiousness. It was suddenyl then he realized what he was doing.
Oh my God... What have I done?
He suddenly lept out the shuttle, and ran out the Shuttle Bay. While running through the corridors he tapped his commbadge.
"Jin to Bridge," he called out. "I was just in some sort of trance... I think it was a fail-safe command by the Slitherakai shuttle for when it gets taken by enemy. I may have given away our location!"
Posted by: Reyan Caius Today, 04:53 PM
Okay - In view of recent happenings, I'm locking the thread until such time I've had a chance to talk to XF Admin.I'll hold my hands up and admit that the problems being experienced on the Meridian are my fault - I've had VERY little time to myself lately, even less time to get onto a computer, and have been away with my family for a few days.
But I come back to find that that Renee has quit, no-one seems to have noticed, and strong words have been exchanged via PM.
Again, the responsibility is, for the most part, mine; therefore, as I said, I'm locking this thread until I can discuss what has happened, and my role in this miserable affair, with Admin
...Continued in U.S.S. Pulsar