Distant Horizon: USS Firebolt: Prologue: Carter, Roslyn E

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Distant Horizon > Crew Profiles > Carter, Roslyn E

Posted by: Roslyn Carter Nov 17 2006, 06:51 PM
NAME: Carter, Roslyn Elizabeth
RANK: Lieutenant Junior Grade
SERIAL NUMBER: Alpha 441 Echo-7019
STATUS: Active - On Assignment
ASSIGNMENT: Chief Sec-Tac | U.S.S. Firebolt
POB: Brooklyn, New York, Earth
DOB: 19th JAN 2354


2371: Roslyn entered the academy deciding on majoring in security with a major concetrating on weapon design and a minor in tactical with a certificate in strategtic combat analysis
2375: Graduted and promoted to ensign she's assigned to the U.S.S. Taegu she served as a weapons officer for a three year tour of duty.
2378: Starfleet reassigned Ross to the U.S.S. Courageous where she served as a tactical analyst before transferring over to the Intrepid after recieving her promotion in 2382.
2382: Ross spent six months here before leaving over to the Firebolt.
2382: The Firebolt is Ross' current assignment.


Born in Brooklyn she always dreamed of being a Starfleet Officer, she'd watch the parades and how they were so proud in their uniforms. This tomboy worked hard and pulled herself up by her boot straps, labeled an orphan by seven her Mother a whore and Father in jail she knew she was meant to do more.

At seventeen years of age she left off to the Academy. From there her career shimmered and then she met Jeff, she and Jeff recently split and records show her expecting her first child, and is one of the younger officers aside from Harry Kim,t to reach chief status.

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