Xolani Fleets, 2384 _ USS Pulsar, Nova Class Starship [NCC-72401] _ Prolouge - New Beginnings
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 27 2006, 06:25 PM
Reyan stood as Starbase Hyperion loomed into view, a welcome sight considering all that the crew had been through

"Take us in, Commander" Reyan quietly ordered
Renee simply nodded, and the Meridian drifted slowly through the Starbase's doors
The viewscreen displayed the docking area, and the other ships within of various sizes and shapes - the Meridian slid into an empty bay, and docked
"Engines powering down, switching all systems over to the Starbase supply" Commander Weist reported
Reyan smiled
"Join me, Commander?" he stated, heading for the turbolift
"By all means - but exactly where are we going?" Renee asked, curious
"We're going to visit Captain Marks" Reyan replied
"For what reason?" Renee asked, although she seemed to have guessed the answer
"The Meridian is to be refit - I'm guessing that Starfleet won't want us sitting around doing nothing in the meantime. I want to discuss what our options are" he replied
Finding Captain Marks proved difficult, the station lockdown had resulted in heightened security, and both Reyan and Renee were being security checked at almost every level before they reached the Office of Captain Marks
Renee pressed the door chime and stepped back
"Enter" came the prompt reply
The two officers walked hestitantly into Captain Marks' Office
"What can I do for you?" she asked, her tone one of someone who had lots to do and very little time in which to do it
"Captain Reyan Caius and Commander Renee Weist, reporting for re-assignment" Reyan advised
"Reyan!" Captain Marks exclaimed
"Good to see you, Rose - it's been a while" Reyan replied
"You two know each other?" Renee asked
"I was Captain Marks CTO, before I was promoted" Reyan explained
Captain Marks pulled out a padd, quickly read it, and handed it to Reyan
"This is what you are looking for - your new orders" she stated, watching Reyan read the padd
"USS Pulsar - NCC-72401 - Nova class" Reyan read
"Nova class?" Renee replied
"Yes, Nova class" Reyan replied
"Starfleet has suggested that a dedicated scout/exploration ship would be a useful addition to the fleet in this sector, the Pulsar is that ship - she's brand-new; you'll be her first Commanding Officer if you accept" Captain Marks explained enthusiastically
"You sound like you like the idea" Commander Weist noted
"I do - we have a healthy compliment of large ships - a smaller ship will be a welcome addition to the fleet" Captain Marks replied
"Always the practical one" Reyan laughed, prompting a grin from Rose
He paused for a moment - the Meridian's refit would take months, and there was nothing to suggest that he would be reconsidered for command - the Pulsar would be a permant command for him
"I accept, so long as Renee agrees to remain with me as my XO" Reyan replied
Renee grinned
"I'd be honoured" she replied
"Great - join me for a drink in the lounge to celebrate, before we visit this new ship of ours?" Reyan asked
"Absoulutely" Renee replied
"Fine - you two have fun - I'll let Starfleet know that the Pulsar is being handed over to you, Reyan - and you'll have to share a drink with me, if I ever resolve..... current issues" Rose called
"Deal" Reyan replied, linking his arm into Renee's and leading her out of Rose's office, much to Captain Marks amusement.
Post done with knowledge and permission of Senior Captain Rose Marks
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 28 2006, 04:35 AM
Renee had gone with Reyan over t the Starbase, once they were properly docked, to see about their command. She was all but sure they were going to get a freighter! The next shocker was that Reyan, and the base CO, Senior Captain Rose Marks had known each other! Rnee wasn't sure, but she even thought she caught a glimpse of effection each to the other.When it was told them they were gettting a Nova Class, Renee smiled. She rather like the idea of a smaller, more managable ship. It would hold the small crew compliment well, and offer them ways to not only explore, but scout, and do scientific research as well. She was pleased.
When asked if they would accept, Reyan said, "I accept, so long as Renee agrees to remain with me as my XO"
Renee was indeed honored he thought so highly of her skill. She thought highlyof his as well. He had proved to be a most excellant CO.
"I'd be honoured" she replied
"Great - join me for a drink in the lounge to celebrate, before we visit this new ship of ours?" Reyan asked
"Absoulutely" Renee replied
"Fine - you two have fun - I'll let Starfleet know that the Pulsar is being handed over to you, Reyan - and you'll have to share a drink with me, if I ever resolve..... current issues" Captain Marks called
"Deal" Reyan replied, linking his arm into Renee's and leading her out of Rose's office, much to Captain Marks amusement.
"So you know this base then?" Renee asked.
"Yea, I know the perfect spot too," he smiled, as they walked along the corridors of the magnificent Station.
"Lead on then," Renee laughed, finally feeling at ease.
They walked along, Reyan showing her some of the highlights of the base, until they reached the promenade deck. They looked in storefronts, pointing out items of fancy to each other, until the reached a quaint little establishment. Reyan held the door open.
"After you," he said.
"Thank you," Renee replied, and entered.
It was quite nice, as the room was dimly lit, and well furnished with only the best. She was impressed.
"Nice choice," she said.
"I used to come by here often when I was stationed here," he replied, as they took a table out of the way.
"I'd like to hear about that sometime, your days here," she said, as a waitress came over to take their orders.
Posted by: Jules Davey Aug 28 2006, 07:41 AM
The base was a hive of activity and Lieutenant Commander Jules Davey was sitting in one of the cafés on the main promenade, participating in her favourite pastime. People watching. Ever since she was a child she had been fascinated by people. She had always found it highly amusing to just sit quietly and watch.As she had got older her fascination hadn’t abated and she had found herself watching other races too. Many said she should have studied psychology and become a Counsellor, but Jules’s other passion had won that battle. Computers. She loved spending time fiddling with computers almost as much as she loved people watching.
She was also a natural organiser, finding herself called into help with her parents small medical practice when things got hectic or in a mess. Which was quite often with her folks. They were lovely, kind and considerate people and she was proud of them. But they had no heads for organisation. So young Jules found herself running their lives.
Now, she was here, waiting to join her new ship, and her two passions were still as strong now as they had been then. And in her new position as Chief of Operations, she was about to put both of those into practice. She had been here on the base for a few days now, enjoying the rest. Her last posting had been hectic and she had really found some peace and built up her energy levels again. Ready to take on this next challenge.
Finishing the last of her Latte, she stood, and headed to another one of the places she had been spending a lot of her time, a little viewing lounge over looking some of the docking ports. Her eyes had been drawn to one of the smallest ships docked at the moment. A little Nova class ship amongst the giants of the fleet. The USS Pulsar was brand new, and Jules could almost smell the new interior and couldn’t wait to step foot on board her.
Jules smiled and nodded politely to those passing her who acknowledged her. She was a nice woman. Nice is a strange word, it can have a lot of interpretations, but to Jules it meant just that.
She was a friendly, warm individual. If she could help you, she would. She was often found on her knees with her hands dirty, believing in the old adage of leading by example. So if she didn’t get her hands dirty, she couldn’t expect those working in her department to do the same. But at the same time she was quite tough and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind.
Arriving at the viewing lounge she stood before the large plexi-glass window and stared out. Looking over the sleek curves and smart lines of the Pulsar, she smiled, it was certainly different from the Sovereign class she had just left. She stood there wondering what the future would hold for her. So far, her career had been rich and varied, and this was the next step. One she was eagerly waiting to take….
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 28 2006, 12:47 PM
A waitress approached and patiently waited for the two Officers to place their drink order"Ginger ale" Reyan requested
"I'll have the same" Renee asked
The waitress nodded, smiled, and turned on her heel, heading for the bar
"Don't remember her from when I was stationed here" Reyan stated, watching the waitress vannish behind the bar
Renee threw him a disapproving glare, causing him to grin
"Ginger ale? Not a traditional Bajoran drink" she commented
"No, it isn't - but a friend of mine, from my days aboard the Ramillies, introduced me to it" he answered
The waitress reappeared, slipped two cold glasses onto the table and disappeared again - Reyan and Renee both took a sip from their glasses
"So - a Nova-class Starship. Interesting" Renee stated
Reyan frowned, although it was not intentional
"Don't underestimate them simply because they're small - their work is important and it's an established fact that crews that work on those small ships know their worth and protect their reputations fiercely" he replied
Renee grinned
"I realise that, Reyan, but there will be those who don't"
Reyan sighed, and took a long swig from his glass
"Yeah - no doubt - funny how even in this day and age there are those who don't appreicate what they are given. I'm expecting the usual mutterings from junior officers about how they didn't get the Sovereign class that they wanted"
"They'll get used to it - as you said, the smaller ship's are just as vital, in their own way, as the larger ones - and your response to my first comment tends to suggest that you've already developed the protective instinct, that you mentioned, toward your new command" Renee replied, swallowing down the last of the liquid in her glass
"What's the hurry?" Reyan asked her
"Don't know about you, but I want to see the Pulsar with my own eyes - I'm heading for the viewport to have a look" she stated, already making her way to the doors
Reyan drank down the remainder of his own drink and dashed after her
"Are you always this impatient?" he asked her
"No - but then, It isn't every day that I receive a new assignment" she replied
They soon approached one of the station's dock viewing area's - and looked at the assortment of ships stood before them
And there she was, sitting with starships immeasureably larger than herself; the USS Pulsar, a David amongst Goliaths, sitting sliently, patiently awaiting her new crew and the missions that would befall her. Reyan had to remember the converstation that he had with Renee earlier, about how the Nova class were just as vital to the Fleet as the larger ships, the very ships with which she was currently sharing the dock
"She's beautiful" Renee quietly stated
Reyan smiled
"She is somthing, isn't she" he agreed
The two Officers stood and stared at their new command for a few minutes, before Reyan broke the silence
"Well, I know we are not due or able to depart, at present, but there is no reason for us not to pay our new ship a visit - after all, what is a ship without her Captain and Executive Officer" he stated
"Are you a telepath?" Renee asked
"Pardon?" Reyan asked, confused by the question
"You read my mind, Captain - let's go" she laughed in reply
Reyan laughed, and followed her toward the turbolift, leading to the Pulsar's docking port
Posted by: Tekari Aug 29 2006, 12:04 AM
Jin had entered a dining area aboard Starbase Hyperion. The place was moderately busy and chilled. Everyone was having a good time, minding thier own business. The only difference with Jin was, that tiny parts of his uniform was ripped and burned. He, himself, wasn't in perfect condition.The helmsmen walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. He sat right next to Tekari.
"Are you alright?" Tekari asked, being the only on taking notice in Jin's condition.
Jin, a Trill officer from the Meridian raised a hand, "I'm fine," he smiled. "The Meridian just got into a little conflict with the Slith."
"How did you escape?" Tekari asked, a bit confused.
Jin recieved his drink and downed it fast, to relieve some of his muscle pain, "We almost didn't. But the Meridian fought through and got out of there. We returned with extensive information on the species - most of which that was gained from our probe."
"Fascinating..." the El Aurian replied truthfully, sipping his own drink at the bar. "But in all the time from your escape to your return - you never took a shower or got some rest?"
The Trill helmsmen was handed another drink, to which he downed half of during Tekari's revelation, "Not really." Jin looked to his left shoulder, where a burn was actually still smoking. Tekari followed Jin's attention, to which Jin quickly patted the smoke out. "I've just been so busy."
Jin drank the rest of his drink and then gazed off into nothingness.
"Now I'm being re-assigned."
Tekari lifted his eye-brows in interest, "To where?"
"Not sure," Jin replied. "I guess that's all a part of life out here... The unexpected."
Tekari drank to that, "You're right." He continued to watch Jin, who was in a heightened state of attention at the moment. "Good luck."
"Thanks," the helmsmen turned and nodded, finally giving in to some calmness. He then walked out the dining area's doors to get back to his business.
The El Aurian, in the meantime, turned back to his drink and shook his head in amusement. As he was gaining more and more years with Starfleet, he was finding more and more interest in other people. Tekari attributed it to his people's way.
In the meantime, he awaited his departure for the USS Pulsar. After serving as Security aboard the USS Pollux, he was finally being promoted to a Senior Officer position. Tekari had been offered the position a week ago and accepted. For the past few days, he had been living in guest quarters aboard the station.
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 29 2006, 01:08 AM
Renne and Reyan stood looking out the observation window at the newly commisioned Pulsar, and Renee was awed. It swept her being as a kindred spirt, and she knew they would feel right at home."Well, I know we are not due or able to depart, at present, but there is no reason for us not to pay our new ship a visit - after all, what is a ship without her Captain and Executive Officer" Reyan stated, bringing her out of her reverie
"Are you a telepath?" Renee asked
"Pardon?" Reyan asked, giving her a look of confusion
"You read my mind, Captain - let's go" she laughed in reply.
The two headed for the lift, not unlike teenagers headed from prom! The giddy excitment pulsed though her veins, as they reached the lift that would lead them to the Pulsar's docking port.
"My palms are sweaty. I am as nervous as a bride!" she confessed.
"It is exciting, is it not?" Reyan asked, smiling.
Renee nodded.
The lift opened, and they walked to the short distance to the docking port. Showing their credentials to the guard on duty, they were allowed entry. Reyan and Renee walked she short distance to the ships side, and again, showed their credentials to be alllowed aboard the Pulsar. The smell of "Newness" was abundant, as the port closed behind them and sealed.
"Where to first?" Renee asked, grinning wildly as she already guessed his answer.
"The bridge of course," he replied, as they entered the lift at the end of the corridor.
"Bridge" Renee said, and the lift whirled into life, with the doors opening on a sparkeling new bridge.
As if just being given the acess to life itself, Renee stepped tenatively out, Reyan right beside her.
"She is beautiful" Renee whispered almost reverantly.
"That she is," Reyan replied, in the same hushed manner.
There were still scattered work crews aboard, checking this system, and finalising that console, but that did not even enter her view. For the moment, Renee simply soaked in what was to be her home.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 29 2006, 04:56 AM
Having spoken to the councellor (and his neighbor), Luanna Jo as well as the still-mysterious Commander Weist ala intercomm, Gideon was advised to remain in his quarters until docking with the starbase. He did not ask questions because he was thus given ample time to read several books by his current fascination, Jules Verne: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Paris in the Twentieth Century, The Mysterious Island, Magellania, and Around the World in Eighty Days. Through his reading, he enjoyed Verne's use of science fact to emphasize science fiction. He would incorporate accurate historical accounts providing a basis for his imagination to be not only believeable but also realistic.Through the intercom and speaking to--he noted--mainly women, he heard of the Meridian's fate, to be "refit" while the crew spent the time aboard Starbase Hyperion. Gideon assumed that he would be temporarily attached to the starbase, where he would no doubt be afforded plenty of time to continue his reading hobby in between shifts where he would salute dignitaries and such. He had never challenged his scientific mind during his time on Space Dock around earth, not ever as much as he had been challenged in one shift aboard the Meridian.
He loved to read science and science fiction. The ultimate goal of science fiction, by its nature, is to generate more science fact. He loved the twentieth and twenty-first century authors better than any others, before the development of warp travel, because they had not forgotten the art of using their imaginations. That said, he had read what he could get ahold of by Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlen, Jules Verne, etc. He had also enjoyed the scientific theories of everyone from Isaac Newton to Zephryn Cochrain and so forth.
After several days in his room accompanied only by Conseil, Cyrus Smith, Kaw-jer, Michel Dufrénoy and Passepartout. When they docked with the starbase, he recieved a message from Dr. Ele permitting him to leave his quarters and board the starbase.
The first place he went toward was the promanade. While he sat at the table, drinking a latte, Gideon read a comparative study of Verne's From the Earth to the Moon with Gerald Bull and the Project High Altitude Research Project (HARP) from the 1960's. All of a sudden, Gideon looked up and the Captain stood above him across the table. Beside him was a fiery red-headed Commander.
"A little leisure reading, Lieutenant?"
If Gideon seemed confused, it was because he never saw the Captain enter the room.
"Not exactly what I suspect most of my crew spends with their off-duty time, eh?"
The young scientist suddenly realized his place and jumped up at the position of attention. "No, sir," he said. "I suppose not."
"As you were Lieutenant." As Gideon returned to his seat, the Captain continued. "I regret that the Meridian will not be returning to duty in the near future; however, I would like you to join me on my next assignment. I need a bright young scientist to serve as Chief Science Officer aboard Starfleet's newest vessel. It's out there right now, I'm told, the Pulsar. What do you say, Lieutenant?"
It took Gideon significantly less than two point six seconds to make his decision; however, much more time was needed for him to voice his reply. He had resolved that his next six months would be spent saluting dignitaries while the Meridian was "refit." The Pulsar was a science vessel; Gideon had heard about it, the best furnished scientific research equipment in the fleet. A position on the Pulsar would be a chance for Gideon to contribute to the scientific understanding of the quandrant, a chance to go down in the pages with Isaac Newton and Zephryn Cochrain.
"Of course, Captain."
The Captain and the red-haired Commander wandered off to the observation window for a time before leaving the room. Gideon assumed they must be visiting the new ship. Renewed by his new assignment, Gideon returned to his datapadd which he continued to study.
Posted by: Sashela Kerrigan Aug 29 2006, 12:29 PM
Once the Meridian had docked, Sarah Kerrigan had made her way off and decided that returning to her foster home on Earth would be the best thing for her to do. A starship was not a place for an Orion female that can be taken advantage of by the enemies of the Federation. She had resigned from Starfleet and taken a memory block to force her to forget all the important information about Federation technology and other pieces of knowledge that could be extracted from her then used against the Federation. Meanwhile, funnily enough, another engineer already working on Starbase Hyperion named Sas'hela Kerrigan but she is a Trill who is unjoined. She was informed of Sarah's departure and offered Sarah's position but with the Meridian being decommissioned the new ship in which replaces her, Sas'hela was also informed needed a Chief Engineer.She accepted on the spot.
Pulsar Docking Bay
Sas'hela approached the window and observed the Nova-class starship for a couple of minutes. Beautiful! She thought. And she is my responsibility to keep running, I like a challenge. Sas'hela made her way inside the Pulsar and to find the command team, she was told they were Captain Reyan Caius and Commander Renee Weist. Great now I have to find them.
Pulsar Bridge
Stepping off the turbolift, Sas'hela assumed that both the commanding and executive officers would be on the Bridge overseeing the finishing touches to their new ship. Unsurprisingly, Sas'hela was right. She spotted Commander Weist first then Captain Caius looking at one of the side wall consoles.
Sas'hela approached them. "Lieutenant Sas'hela Kerrigan, Chief Engineering Officer reporting in Captain," Sas'hela looked to Weist and bowed slightly. "Commander." She greeted.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 29 2006, 03:47 PM
Both Commander Weist had spent some time examining the bridge of their new ship"You know, I realise I've said it before - but I'm impressed" Reyan stated
Renee, sat at the Helm, briefly nodded in agreement, before turning her attention back to the Helm, a station that she had taken particular interest in
Reyan examined the largest station on the bridge - Sciences - a station that took the space of almost two - but since the Pulsar's sensor pallet's and scientific equipment were the most advanced that Starfleet had to offer, the space was certainly necessary
Busy studying the science station, he almost failed to notice a Lieutenant step out of the turbolift
"Lieutenant Sas'hela Kerrigan, Chief Engineering Officer reporting in Captain" she stated, turning imediately to Commander Weist "Commander" she finnished
"Sorry, Lieutenant .... Kerrigan- I was examining the science station - never seen anything quite like it" Reyan replied, confused by the fact that her surname was identical to that of her predessesor
"She's an impressive ship" Lieutenant Kerrigan replied
Reyan smiled
"Almost expected you to say little ship" he replied
"Her size gives her certain advantages" Lieutenant Kerrigan replied
"Excellent - maintain that attitude and you'll make Lieutenant-Commander in no time" Reyan replied, causing Sas'hela to blush slightly
Commander Weist stepped up to stand beside them
"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant - If the Captain doesn't mind, I'd like you to examine the warp core - the maximum speed for a Nova-class starship is warp eight. I know she's capable of better - Lieutenant-Commander Nkaa of the USS Quasar, one of the Pulsar's sister ships, made adjustments to the Quasar's warp coils that enabled the Quasar to reach warp nine - I'd like the same alterations carried out on the Pulsar" she stated
Lieuteant Kerrigan nodded, briefly glancing at the Captain as if seeking assurance that he agreed
"I concur - the higher speed would be an advantage" he confirmed
"I'll start work on it immediately" Lieutenant Kerrigan replied eagerly
"Whoa Lieutenant - familiarise yourself with the ship first!" Reyan laughed
Lieutenant Kerrigan grinned
"Probably would be a good idea" she quietly replied
"This ship has eight decks - Engineering is on deck seven" Reyan advised
"Thanks, Sir - I'll activate the diagnostic routine, to ensure the Pulsar's systems are all ready" she stated
Lieutenant Kerrigan walked over the the Bridge engineering liason station, and activated it, entering commands in to the console
Reyan smiled, and turned his attention to the centre of the bridge
"Commander - I don't beleive we've tried out our new chairs yet" he stated, gazing at the two Command chairs, an arrangement copied by the Intrepid class, a small console separating them
"You're right - we haven't" she replied
"Ladies first" Reyan stated
Renee smiled, and slowly sat, closely followed by Reyan
"You know, this one is far more comfortable than my old one" he stated
"Sir - we're being hailed" Lieutenant Kerrigan advised
"By whom?" Reyan asked, curious about who would be hailing the Pulsar, since she had no mission and almost none of her new crew had reported aboard
"A Doctor Kaoru Ele, aboard the USS Aristotle" she replied
Reyan stood instantly at the mention of her name
"I'll take it in my ready room" Reyan replied, striding toward his ready room
Reply anyone
Posted by: Dixon Aug 29 2006, 05:16 PM
Charlie slung the duffle bag over her shoulder, looking around curiously as she stepped into the Hyperion’s corridor. She stepped back as someone bumped into her, making her frown as she repositioned the duffle bag that had slumped from the impact. She watched the stream of people; apparently the Meridian wasn’t the only ship at dock.“Snazzy, isn’t she?”
Charlie’s daze snapped as she turned to see Marix standing next to her, the exact same duffle bag hanging on his shoulder, a smart grin on his face.
“I prefer Starbases, actually,” Charlie commented. “Quartermasters?” she asked, nodding to her right. Marix nodded and followed as they walked down the hall to the office. The halls were flooded with people and they struggled to remain side-by-side as they spoke.
“Why is that?” Marix practically yelled over the noise of the hallway.
“We have to check in,” Charlie said plainly with a small laugh.
“No, why do you prefer Starbases?”
“Oh,” Charlie said, pausing for a moment. “Well I guess it’s because I had worked on one since the academy. The Meridian is my first ship assignment,” Charlie said back, turning when she saw he wasn’t by her anymore, but behind her. “Starbases are crowded, but I grew up in a crowded home, so it feels a lot better than those little ships.”
“The Meridian is huge,” Marix said, a shocked tone in his voice.
Charlie rolled her eyes, huffing a sigh as they finally reached they office. The two set their bags down beside them as they approached the desk. “Lieutenant Charlotte Dixon,” Charlie said when the man’s head popped up to her presence. Marix stifled a laugh and Charlie elbowed him with a dry look. He gave an innocent look and shrug, but Charlie knew as well as anyone that he was mocking her name and the fact that it didn’t suit her. Taking the PADD, she stepped aside for Marix to check in.
“Lieutenant Justin Marix.” She heard from behind her as she looked over the PADD with a slow shock washing over her face. He walked over to where she was standing, sighing as he scrolled down the PADD. “That was short lived. Looks like the Meridian is going in for a long refit. Where did you get transferred to?”
Charlie couldn’t stop gawking at the PADD. “I got promoted,” she whispered, her open mouth quavering to a beaming smile. “I’m Chief!”
“Charlie, that’s wonderful news!” Marix said, giving her a tight hug. After a moment, he awkwardly stepped away. “So,” he laughed with a blush, walking over to their duffle bags, rubbing the back of his neck. “What ship?” he asked again, picking up his own bag as Charlie went over and did the same.
“Pulsar,” Charlie read, biting her lip for fear she could explode from her excitement.
“Well at least we’re still on the same ship,” Marix said, leading them back into the traffic of the hallway. “Looks like we’re still under Reyan too.”
“And Renee,” Charlie added.
“And a smaller ship complement,” he commented with some amusement, scrolling down the PADD.
“A Nova class, great,” Charlie said with a dry smirk. “Only 80 people altogether.” She looked up at him as they approached the nearest turbolift. “What deck are you on?”
“Seventy-three,” Marix sighed. “At least we don’t have to use stairs. Where are you at?” he asked, peering over her shoulder.
“Forty-seven,” Charlie sighed as well as she tucked the PADD into her bag.
“Well, would I be too forward if I asked that after you get settled to come grab some lunch with me?”
Charlie tilted her head as they stepped into the turbolift. “I suppose I can work you in my completely open schedule,” she said in a serious monotonous tone. Marix raised a brow at her. She couldn’t help but crack a smile as she bit her lip, and they both laughed as the turbolift took off.
Posted by: Renee Weist Aug 30 2006, 12:29 AM
Renee was more than a bit impressed with the ship, as she continued to go over the bridge inch by inch. She would soon know her as well as she knew her own hand. She was brought back to the moment by Reyan speaking. He stated they had not yet tried out their chairs! She agreed, smiling."Ladies first" Reyan stated
Renee smiled, and slowly sat, closely followed by Reyan
"You know, this one is far more comfortable than my old one" he stated
"Sir - we're being hailed" Lieutenant Kerrigan advised
"By whom?" Reyan asked, his head turning towards the sound of Lt Kerrigans voice in curiosity.
"A Doctor Kaoru Ele, aboard the USS Aristotle" she replied
Reyan stood instantly at the mention of her name
"I'll take it in my ready room" Reyan replied, striding toward his ready room
Renee contemplated the demeanor wiht which Reyan had expressed that last statement, and considered it. There was more there than met the eye, of that she was sure. She was also sure it was none of her business, just as her relationship to Delorin was none of anyones business she did not care to share with.
She ran her fingers over the console on her chair, as she was intent to adjust a few of the settings to her liking. There were a few things she liked calibrated just "so-so" and she made her adjustments. LT Kerrigan was busily working at the interface, when Renee stood.
"I believe I'll have a look about. If the Captain asks, tell him I went sight seeing," she grinned.
"Aye," came the reply.
Renee thought about it, and 8 decks was not going to be hard to get to know at all. She figured to start at the top, and work her way down. Since she was already on deck 1, and it contained Senior Officers Quarters, and deck 2 housed her office, she would begin with those tid bits.
She rounded the corridor, she located the quarters section, and her assigned ones in particular. coding the door, she entered. It was not as spacious as some she had seen, but not sparce either. They were sufficient, and quite nice. She had a short look at the specifics, and the headed for deck two.
Work crews were still about, running diagnostics and finishing up last minute details, so she sidestepped several officers as she found her office. Entering, it was also very quaintly sufficient. Her desk was standard, and the console new. She sat down in the chair, and found it acceptable as well. She leaned back, and contemplated where they would be ordered to first.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 30 2006, 01:39 AM
After Gideon was done with his interpretive analysis in the Promanade of the Hyperion, he stood to his feet, lowered the datapadd to his side and took the steps he needed toward the window where he could look out into the shipyard. There among the giants, sat the very unimpressive Nova-class science vessel--that is unimpressive to anyone besides its new Chief Science Officer. Gideon smiled. To him, it was the most beautiful ship in the Milky Way. He wondered if he could board.As he headed to the Hyperion's transporter room, he past (among the sea of people filling the halls of the starbase) his old neighbor, the lovely Counselor Luanna Jo. He instantly recognized her and greeted her. "Good day to you, Counsellor," he said.
The Counselor found Gideon among the crowd and responded to his greeting. "And to you as well, Lieutenant."
"Where are your troops?"
"Christopher is taking them to the holosuite this afternoon. Where are you headed?"
"Where else but to the new science vessel to which I've recently been assigned?"
"You mean the Pulsar?"
Luanna smiled. "By amazing coincidence, I've been assigned to the same ship."
"Perhaps we will be neighbors once again."
"Perhaps. I think I shall like that."
"I agree, Counselor."
After all this chatter in the crowded hallway, the two Lieutenants had arrived at the transporter room. To the chief, they each identified themselves, asking for a copy of the ship's manifest downloaded onto their datapadds and immediate transport to the new vessel. In a matter of moments, the blue energy beams transferred the matter comprising the two young officers into the transport padd aboard the Pulsar.
"Nice," Gideon said.
"Yeah, I'm going to my office. I'll be glad to talk to you sometime. Stop by whenever you want.”
Posted by: Luanna Jo Aug 30 2006, 02:22 AM
Jo waved goodbye to Gideon and wandered off to find her new office.She identified herself to the security system and let herself in. Glumly, she set her shoulder bag down on the standard issue couch. Softly, Jo walked to the replicator, her long satin floral skirt wisping around her knee high resticati boots. "Apple Spice Tea 95 degrees Celsius."
She retrieved her tea and walked to the counselor's chair, gracefully sitting.
"Well, the first thing I'm going to do is get a more comfortable chair," Jo said, grimacing at the coarse upolstery. She sipped the tea-
"Yuck! I think I'll find a way to get some proper tea first!"
-ding- the door chimmed.
"Come in."
"Mommy! Ruby pinched me!" It was 4 year old Bennett, followed by 6 year old Ruby, and lastly one year old Katie (who skipped learning to walk and went straight to running).
"Kids, well this is a surprise!" Jo beamed, "I thought you were spending the afternoon in the Bajoran rain forest with Daddy."
The kids were naturally beautiful, there auburn hair and half bajoran nose ridges only added to their beauty. They rushed over to the window to look at the space station.
"Where is Daddy?" She peeked down the hall, "Christopher?" He was no where to be found and the kids only staired at her innocently, or was that guiltily?
"Computer, locate Chrisopher Stockton."
The perky computer voice answered back, "Christopher Stockton is in the holosuite on deck 4."
"Explain yourselves!" Jo nailed them with her eyes.
In an instant they went from innocent silence to guiltily spilling the beans and they were all talking at once, even the baby!
"Wait, wait, wait! One at a time!" With a sigh Jo sat down with Katie in her lap. "Ruby, please tell me what happened."
"Well, Bennett-" Bennett immediately cut in, a look of disdain on his cute little face, "Ruby!" He silenced her with a glance. He was younger, but he was still the little man. "We were playing hide and seek with Daddy, and we-"
"We wanted you mama," Katie squeeled.
Jo fought a smile and answered, "Well, if you wanted me, then you should have told Daddy. It's dangerous to run away from us.
Christopher walked in at this point, flames in his eyes. He was tempered by the water calm of Jo's as she glanced at him.
"You guys frightened me!" He said talking Bennett and Ruby in his arms.
After hugs and appologies they all left to go to dinner. Changing the furniture and tea would have to wait.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 30 2006, 03:14 AM
Gideon entered his office on deck four. Most of the deck belonged to Gideon. His command station was located in his office, with a super-terminal able to view stats on up to fifty separate active expiraments, access to the ship's database and the ability to monitor all the science activity aboard the ship. A small apartment lay behind his office for those late work nights he spent while on board.As Gideon sipped a hot latte, he looked out through his office window at the flurry of crewmen inhabiting the surrounding labs. The Arboretum, Botany Lab, two Geology Labs, and Planetary Development were visible from his office much as the CMO could see sickbay from her office. Astrophysics, and Stellar Cartography were located on Deck five, but from his office, he had a personal turbolift for quick access to those departments.
As he watched, he began to recognize at least eight to ten personnel whizzing past his window. Perhaps more. Gideon assumed these must be construction workers putting on the last-minute touches to these laboratories before the ship left the starbase. Presently, a well-proportioned human woman appeared at attention in his doorway. She was perhaps in her younger forties and her blonde hair had been put up. "Sir," she said. "Chief Petty Officer Christine Young reporting fifteen enlisted crewmen present for duty."
Gideon must have had a heart attack. He nearly fell out of his chair and spilled his coffee on his uniform. Wiping his uniform helplessly with both hands, he remarked, "Now, you see what you made me do, ma'am? I'm going to have to change into a new uniform."
"I'm so sorry about your uniform, sir, but it's 'Chief.'"
"Excuse me?"
"You called me 'ma'am.' My title is 'Chief.' I am a petty officer, sir."
The light finally turned on in Gideon's brain. "Oh, I see, Chief. You'll have to forgive me. I've not spent a lot of time around enlisted."
"Of course, sir."
"Oh, you've got to stop that, too. You may call me Lieutenant or Lieutenant Darkon, but please don't call me, 'sir.'"
"Yes, Lieutenant." Chief Young left his office and accompanied the flurry of crewmen attending the labs on deck four. Before changing his uniform, Gideon stole a look at the manifest he had downloaded while still aboard the starbase. Indeed, fifteen enlisted crewmen and one Ensign were directly assigned to him. Oh, no!! he thought. What have I gotten into this time??
Posted by: Reyan Caius Aug 30 2006, 04:21 AM
Reyan stepped into his ready room, eager to talk to Kaoru - despite his haste, he had to pause for a moment, realising that he was unfamiliar with the layout of his ready roomHis desk was located in the far corner of the surprisingly large room, and he strode over to it and sat, immediately activating the computer
He couldn't help his eagerness to speak to Kaoru - he had meant to talk to her before she had disembarked from the Meridian, but the chance hadn't presented itself
He entered his access code, and Doctor Ele's lovely image appeared on it's screen
"Good to... see you, Kaoru" he quickly stated
"You too Reyan - I had a hard time locating you" she replied
"Sorry - was eager to visit my new ship" he apologised
Kaoru smiled
"I've barely had time to get aquainted with my new ship - the Aristotle is due to depart within the hour" she stated
"Within the hour? I was going to pay you a quick visit" Reyan stated, trying to hide his disappointment
"I don't think that Captain O'Neil would approve" Kaoru replied, making no attempt to hide her disappointment
Reyan sighed, and moved closer to the screen
"I'm really going to miss you, Kaoru" he quietly stated
"And I you - but I couldn't refuse this assignment" she stated
"Wouldn't expect you to - that's the thing about being a Starfleet officer - the conditions of the service are not always ideal when it comes to......." he replied, cutting himself off
In the background, on Kaoru's screen, the intercom sounded *Doctor Kaoru Ele, please report to the bridge*
"I have to go, Reyan" Kaoru stated, sounding slightly upset
"You too - good luck aboard the Aristotle - try and keep in touch" he replied
"l will try but, between you and me, we're heading for the Delta Quadrant - the Viidian's contacted Starfleet and have agreed to share their medical expertise with us - I'll get to study the data on the phage, and the antidode/cure that was discovered for it" she explained enthusiastically
"I can see why you accepted the assignment - good luck, and take care" Reyan finnished
"You too, Reyan" Karou replied, appearing as if she wanted to say more, but couldn't - the viewscreen turned dark, and Reyan stood, making his way back to the bridge
Reyan made his way to Commander Weist's office, feeling the need to chat to someone
The door chime sounded, and Commander Weist shouted for him to enter
"Can I help you?" she asked
"Sorry Commander, didn't mean to disturb you, just felt the need to chat, just been talking to Kaoru - I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her when we disembarked the Meridian - it was difficult" he advised her, feeling that he didn't want to have secrets from his Executive Officer
"You were close?" she asked
"Yes - emphasis on were - she's shipping out on the Aristotle" Reyan replied
"I'm sorry" Renee replied sympathetically
Reyan smiled, and patted his X.O's shoulder
"Thanks, Renee" he stated
He sat back in the chair oposite her
"Made some changes?" he asked
"Only the layout - it's far more efficent now" she replied
"The layout does look better" he admitted, touching the control which activated the viewscreen on her computer
The view displayed the dock, the various ships present, and the USS Aristotle, which appeared to be powering it's engines
"Well, I'm going to my quaters - need to unpack sooner or later" he stated
Renee nodded, and Reyan disappeared our of her office, and into the turbolift
Posted by: Sashela Kerrigan Aug 30 2006, 08:45 AM
BridgeWith both Commander Weist and the Captain off the Bridge, Sas thought it best to remain in case something happened that needed the attention of a senior officer. Just hope nothing major happens. She thought as she continued making herself at home standing at the Engineering console.
Sas looked around the Bridge and felt alone regardless that the Bridge was full of starbase engineers who were working on the Pulsar's systems. Oh better get to Engineering as ordered. She thought walking back over to the lift and stepping inside.
"Engineering." Sas ordered.
She began to fidget with her commbadge, her nerves in overdrive alongside her excitement about the idea of looking at her engine room. Oh my god, I have an engine room! She thought as the lift began to slow and come to a stop.
Stepping out of the turbolift straight into Engineering was a bit of a shock. She looked from side to side in confusion, then blushed as she realised where she was. Der! All ships have a turbolift access to Engineering! She slapped her forehead to get her back into gear.
"Okay everyone who is assigned to the ship please assemble near the core." Sas announced, she later added, "all you starbase engineers keep up the awesome work." The Trill now standing at the warp core operations console a foot away from the core itself.
The Pulsar engineering team merged into a group around Sas and waited.
"Welcome aboard first off, secondly I need us to get straight to business. An executive order from the Captain is that we must do whatever we can to get this ship's warp capability up to factor nine." Sas said.
"Ah the Quasar." An Ensign called out.
"Yes." Sas replied. "Could you all do what you all do best and let's make the Pulsar reach higher speed then the Quasar." She suggested, her authoritive side being held at bay as her team gets to know her a bit more.
"Okay." One said before the team parted and headed the different areas of the engine room to do their thing.
Posted by: Tekari Aug 30 2006, 11:47 AM
Tekari's bags were set in his Quarters. Half his clothes were layed out on the bed - some were in his clothing-drawers and the rest remained in his bags. On his glass table lay a bat'leth he aquired from an old friend... or old 'master' as he should put it. The previous owner of this bat'leth was from a man Tekari often attempted fighting, but was never able to defeat. Tekari eventually accepted his inability to win and was given the bat'leth out of respect for his undying efforts.In his Quarters was where all that lay, unattended, because Tekari was entering the Bridge. He looked around and took in the environment for a moment, then noticed the Captain. Tekari walked over and introduced himself, "Lieutenant Commander Tekari reporting for duty."
Reyan stood up to Tekari's attention and smiled, "Oh, Security. It's good to meet you. I'm Captain Reyan."
"Quaint ship," the El Aurian subtly glanced around, impressed at its 'quiantness'.
The Captain smiled again, "I hope you're prepared for it. It's not exactly versed for war."
"It's more than enough, Captain. I'm looking forward to it."
Reyan wondered, "So what was your last posting? I'm sorry, but I've literally just been assigned this ship and had not gone over the crew manifest. Most of my crew are from the Meridian."
"Not all, sir," Tekari held up his hands and smiled, "My last posting was on the USS Pollux."
The man began to think, "That was... oh yes, I believe that's commanded by a Captain Teron? I think I once heard he was not a Captain with a distinct sense of humour."
"He was only subversive towards forms of sarcasm," Tekari replied, amused at his old Captain's ways. "Every Captain's got thier quirks, I suppose."
Reyan then realized what Tekari said and glanced over, "Oh?"
"I'll be sure to let you know yours, sir," Tekari reassured jokingly, and then went over to examine the Tactical station.
The Captain turned back toward the viewscreen and shook his head in amusement. There was something about those El Aurians.
Posted by: Dixon Aug 30 2006, 03:32 PM
Charlie sat at a table, her left leg crossed over her right, bouncing it absentmindedly as she sipped her coffee, people watching. Currently her gaze had paused on the science officer she had treated in Sickbay earlier. He was a curious fellow, deeply devoted to whatever task was at hand. She remembered catching his glance earlier, and briefly wondered if there was more than met the eye.“Hey.”
Charlie came out of her daze, watching as Marix sat down opposite of her. “Hey,” she responded lightly, giving a small smile.
He looked over his shoulder as Gideon stood up, speaking with Reyan and Renee before disappearing. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked with a bemused smile.
“People watching,” Charlie responded before taking a long swig of her beverage.
“I see,” he said before cutting into his steak. “You sure you aren’t hungry?”
“Not now, but I’m getting there,” Charlie said as she watched him dig into his meal. “Tell me, what do you think of Lieutenant Darkon?”
“The science guy you’re ogling?” Marix asked with a smirk as he chewed a piece of the meat. Charlie gave a bland look as she finished off her coffee, setting the mug down flatly. “He’s okay. Keeps to himself. He was reading the whole time you were working on your reports.”
“Ah,” Charlie replied, distractedly watching the many races of people walk by.
“Should I be jealous?” he asked, appearing serious, but keeping his usual joking manner. Charlie rolled her eyes as she looked back over at him.
“It was just a question,” she stated. “You know what, I think I’ll go get a sandwich. And some more coffee,” she stand as she stood up, pushing her chair in. “You need anything?” Marix shook his head. Charlie shrugged and went over to replicate a sandwich and refill her coffee.
“Lieutenant Dixon?”
Charlie turned around from the coffee pot she was currently tipping to refill her mug, lifting a brow in a positive response.
“Your reservations aboard the Starbase have been canceled. You now have clearance to board the USS Pulsar. You’re ordered to report in immediately,” the young junior relayed.
“Wow, that was quick,” Charlie commented, setting the coffee pot down once her mug was full. “Thank you, Ensign. I’ll gather my things and report in promptly.” The Ensign nodded, disappearing amongst the crowd before Charlie returned to her seat. “Looks like we have to move in soon. Maybe we already have a mission.”
“That was quick,” Marix commented identically.
“Yeah,” Charlie said, taking a bite of her sandwich before gazing back into the crowd. It was amazing the amount of buzz several hundred conversations could create.
“He’s on the ship.”
“Who?” Charlie asked, frowning as she met his gaze.
“Darkon, your secret lover,” Marix mocked as he took in the last bit of steak.
Charlie gave him another dull look. “I was just asking. He’s a curious fellow, very… mysterious,” she said, taking another bite of her sandwich. “I have no idea why you’re making lude references, I thought I was seeing you.”
“Well with no commitment ties, why not shop around?” he asked, his smirk gleaming as he saw the rise it got out of her.
“You are so immature,” Charlie commented, swallowing the bit of sandwich before sticking her tongue out at him.
Marix laughed as he finished his drink. “Alright. Meet me on the holodeck, tomorrow, 0400 hours. I challenge you to a game of football.”
“You’re kidding,” Charlie laughed, taking a sip of her coffee. When she saw his smart face, she realized he wasn’t and her face grew similar. “As random as this seems, you’re on. I’ll give it to you, Dixon style.”
Marix rolled his eyes, picking up his tray and standing up. “You finished?”
Charlie stuffed the last bit of crust into her mouth and smiled, picking up her tray and following him to the recycler.
After returning to her room and repacking what she had loosely unpacked, Charlie stood on the turbolift that led up to the Pulsar. Even though she had a distaste for smaller ships, she was curious as to what opportunities it would bring. I do love a challenge, she reminisced of her old superior, Kaoru, as she watched the ship come into view. It gleamed perfection from the overhanging lights in the bay. As the lift paused, she smiled and picked up her duffle bag, stepping off and walking the short distance to board.
After dropping her things off in her new senior officer quarters, she walked down the corridor and began to soak in the newness of the ship. It teemed with excitement, and she bit her lip as she rounded the corner to Sickbay, promptly running into someone, and falling down.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am-”
“It’s okay,” Charlie said, wincing as he helped her stand up. Dusting herself off briefly, she froze when she saw it was Lieutenant Darkon. “Oh, Gideon, I mean, Lieutenant,” she quickly corrected herself, silently cursing in the back of her mind. "I was just going to take a look around Sickbay before reporting in," she said, gesturing at the doors as she rubbed the back of her head where it was sore from the fall. "What brings you to this side of the ship?" she asked.
Posted by: Gideon Aug 31 2006, 04:02 AM
When Chief Petty Officer Young left Gideon's office, he checked the manifest of the ship. Fifteen enlisted and one Ensign. He'd never before had so much as a crewman below him, and now he was in charge of his own team. He needed to get away. He didn't really care where, just somewhere he could digest the magnitude of his new discovery.Before leaving his office, he retired momentarily to the small apartment. Small was certainly a good description of the place. It contained a small bed, with Starfleet issue sheets, an end table with two drawers, a replicator and the standard necessities issued by Starfleet, all in one small room. Having spilled his coffee, he replicated a new uniform, recycling the old.
As he was changing, he noticed a red stain on his right forearm. It wasn't much, but it was the excuse he needed to get away. When he left his office, someone yelled, "Atten-tion." The flurry of movement instantly came to a halt and Gideon stood in a completely silent room of several crewmen standing tall, with at least a score of eyes focussed on him.
Gideon was not sure what to do; he did not know what to say. "Okay, I'll um...talk to you all a bit later." He scratched the back of his head for just a bit and suddenly realized he was making a bad first impression with his very own crew. "Right now, there's something I have to take care of. You are all doing fantastic work getting this place going, so carry on."
He left the laboratory and ran down the corridor to the turbolift. "Deck three."
In an instant, he was at his desired location. As he dismounted the turbolift, he broke into a run for sickbay. Rounding a corner, he bumped into someone and she fell to the ground. "I’m so sorry, ma’am-" he let out, but he was promptly interrupted when she replied.
"It's okay," she said.
Oh, no!! It's Lieutenant Dixon. Gideon's face flushed from nerves tingling throughout his body. He thought about what had happened in sickbay the last time they had met. He thought he had seen her in the promonade. And now--well, here she was. He helped her up from the floor.
She must have finally recognized him as her former patient on the Meridian. "Oh, Gideon, I mean Lieutenant." She seemed cool and laid back when she spoke to him. "I was just going to take a look around Sickbay before reporting in," she said. A wisp of brown hair covered her left eye as she pointed to the door to her new clinic and rubbed the back of her head. "What brings you to this side of the ship?" she asked.
Gideon left his trance. "Oh, yes," he said. Lifting the outer jacket of his right sleeve, he revealed the small burn on his forearm. I could have treated it with first aid, but I had to get out of my office for a bit."
"Would you like to step into my lair?" She raised her eyebrows slightly when she said this, causing Gideon, who had relieved his nerves, to smile, almost a laugh.
When they entered Sickbay, the EMH was active, treating a sprained ankle from someone in a yellow uniform Gideon did not recognize. When the hologram turned to give its patient to the doctor, she replied. "It's okay. I've got a burn here to deal with."
"As you wish." And the hologram returned to its patient.
As the doctor applied the dermal regenerator to Gideon's right arm, she asked him, "So why was a young aspiring scientist like you so anxious to leave one of the best science facilities in Starfleet?"
Gideon explained to her his anxiety when discovering his situation with all the enlisted crewmen and the Ensign who were all assigned under his authority, how Chief Petty Officer Young had spoken with him and how he had been surprised by the team he was put in charge of. "I think I can do this," he said, "but I needed to get out and think about how to handle this situation."
The doctor smiled, almost a laugh. "So what did you do in the science lab?"
"I got out as fast as I could. I said something stupid and came here because it seemed--" He looked up, for the first time into Lieutenant Dixon's blue eyes. "Safe."
Posted by: Luanna Jo Aug 31 2006, 02:36 PM
"Ok, kids lets take a quick tour of the ship. We need to make sure you know where a few things are." Jo gently took Katie's hand while Christopher held Ruby and Bennett's hands. " You already know where Mommy's office is..." He looked at Bennett and Ruby with a chastising grin."Let's head to sick bay then."
The troop paraded down the corridors of the USS Pulsar getting not a few smiles from crewmen and families arriving.
When they arrived in sickbay the kids were overjoyed to find Gideon Darkon already there being treated for a slight burn by the lovely Doctor Dixon. Bennett blushed as he looked at her and she at him. She smiled and said, "Well, hello there, and what brings all of you to sickbay today?"
"We just wanted to get make sure the kids knew where it was in case of an emergency." Christopher said.
"Doctor, this is my husband, Christopher Stockton, and my children, Ruby, Bennett, and Katie."
"Nice to meet you." She shook each of there hands in turn.
Gideon was quietly thinking of what to say to Ruby who was practically sitting on his lap. So much for this being a safe place. She was beaming at him with the most angelic eyes he had ever seen. They were a crystal blue like her mother's. Ruby's hair was a rusty auburn with long ringletts tied up in two beautiful blue bows. She was wearing an aquamarine jumper and pink tights with some adorable purple dress up shoes. Her mother had obviously forgotten to check her kids over before they left to make sure they were all dressed properly. Gideon couldn't imagine why, there were only three sets of everything to manage! He didn't care, in fact he was beginning to warm up to the children, but still was a little unsure of himself.
"Gideon..." Ruby said shyly, "will you be my boyfriend?"
"That's Lt. Darkon to you, Ruby. And he's a bit old for you honey." Jo, was so embarrassed! Christopher immediately picked her up in his arms and appologized to Gideon. "I'm so sorry about that, she just likes you. She's been talking about you since the two of you met last time.
"That's ok." Gideon was flustered and hardly knew what to say.
"Well, we better go now." Jo tried to make a gracefull exit, but this was not something easily done with 3 kids.
"Oh, please stop by again soon! I'd like to do a physical of each of you for our ships records." Doctor Dixon said as they marched out the door. She noticed little Bennett was the last one to leave, he was looking afer her, a slightly goofy grin on his 4 year old face. She noticed that Gideon had a similar look on his, but he was looking at the oldest girl, Ruby who was smiling at him as she left.
Posted by: Dixon Aug 31 2006, 05:57 PM
“Safe.”Charlie smiled, looking into his warm brown eyes with a slight blush. She brought herself out of the momentary reverie by shaking her head slightly as she set the dermal regenerator back onto the cart. “You’re the first patient I’ve had that actually sounds like you’re glad to be here.”
Gideon shrugged as he laughed in realization. “I guess so.”
“Tell me if any of this hurts,” Charlie said, holding his arm between her hands, using her thumbs to gently press the muscles in his forearm. His arm tensed against her pressure, and she looked back up at him with a brow of question.
“Like a light bruise, but for the record, I hardly noticed the burn to begin with. I should be fine in a few hours.”
“I believe I’m the doctor here,” Charlie said with a smart smirk, setting his arm down and picking up a blank PADD off the nearby cart. Suddenly the doors opened, revealing a family. Charlie smiled brightly as the children ran in, covering Gideon in excited greetings. She had always had a soft spot for children. "Well, hello there, and what brings all of you to sickbay today?" Charlie asked as she kneeled down to eye level with the small blushing boy.
“We just wanted to get make sure the kids knew where it was in case of an emergency." Christopher said.
"Doctor, this is my husband, Christopher Stockton, and my children, Ruby, Bennett, and Katie."
Charlie stood up to shake Christopher’s hand before noticing Bennett’s hand sticking out. She kneeled back down, shaking the three children’s hands in turn. “Nice to meet you,” she said, shaking Ruby’s hand last, as she sat next to Gideon on the biobed, swinging her legs.
Ruby scooted closer to Gideon. "Gideon..." Ruby said shyly, "Will you be my boyfriend?"
Charlie stifled a laugh and an ‘aww’ as she bit her lip, looking up as Gideon’s cheeks pinked. He looked helpless only for a moment before Christopher scooped up the small girl, her auburn curls bouncing as he sat her on his hip.
“I'm so sorry about that, she just likes you. She's been talking about you since the two of you met last time.”
"That's okay,” Gideon replied sheepishly.
"Well, we better go now,” Jo said with an undertone of embarrassment, picking up the youngest one, Katie.
“Oh, please stop by again soon! I'd like to do a physical of each of you for our ships records,” Charlie called out as Jo reached the doorway. Noticing a trailing figure, Charlie glanced down to see Bennett grinning broadly, quickly scurrying to his mother’s side.
“Sorry about that; they were my neighbors on the Meridian,” Gideon replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
“No need to apologize,” Charlie said with a lingering smile. “I love kids,” she said before picking the PADD back up and continuing where she had left off. “I think you can do it too though,” Charlie said.
“Do what?” Gideon asked, pausing from putting his jacket back on.
“Handle the situation,” Charlie said, looking up with a smile again. “You seem fine around me. There’s no need lack the confidence around them either.”
“Well it’s different with them,” Gideon said.
“How so?”
“Well, with them I feel like I have to constantly impress them with my seniority. Like I’m suppose to know more than them about science.”
“You probably know more about science than the people that created this ship,” Charlie said with a laugh before continuing her report.
Posted by: Renee Weist Sep 1 2006, 02:15 AM
Renee felt for Reyan keenly, as she felt more than met the eye had been going on between him and the former CMO. But as the Captain had said, "had been" was the key phrase there. Renee got the distinct impression they had parted friends, but nothing more had been promised.She sighed deeply, for such was the life of a Starfleet Officer. Nothing was ever for sure, except to expect the unexpected at all times, and you would not be disappointed. She pushed away from her desk, and decided it was better kept for another day to settle into the office persona.
She closed up and exited the office on deck 2, and headed down one more deck to 3. This contained sickbay, counselling, and a vast array of other things, ranging from transporter room 2, to crews quarters and the escape pods and deflector control. She had a quick look around, seeing Dr Dixon occupied and Counsellor Jo with her children in tow. She smiled that most of the original Meridian crew would be about.
She also knew most of the science offices and systems were on deck 4, along with the Science labs and phaser controls. It was a fine ship, and her being dedicated mainly to science was fine by Renee. She long for quieter times.
She quickly toured the deck, and the decided to go back to deck on, Senior Officers quarters, and do some unpacking and getting sorted. Once they were underway, there would be no time for that at all. She took the lift back up, and moved down to her quarters. Entering once again, she noted her things had already been placed inside. Damned efficent Command was!
She began the tedious job of arranging paintings, placeing books on the shelving in just the right order, and setting her personal items out for her own convience. She had some personal items and nic-nacs that were to be distributed about the quarters, and that was next.
Posted by: Tekari Sep 1 2006, 08:58 AM
Tekari went down to Deck 3 and made his way through the corridors to the Torpedo Bay. Stepping inside, he began checking the systems and ensuring they were up to date and operating a perfect efficiency.Not that it really mattered... he suddenly realized. We're not exactly in need of the weapons right now.
One of the Security officer's entered the room.
"Good morning, sir. I'm Ensign Vein. The others wanted to introduce themselves to you, but weren't sure when you were going to meet with us."
Tekari opted to shake hands with the Ensign standing at attention, "Of course... the others?"
"The Security team, sir. We were hoping to gather in the Main Shuttlebay," he said while releasing grip, "The time has already been alotted."
Tekari nodded, "Very well. You sound like you've done this before?" He turned back to his console to log-off.
"On the Meridian, the Security teams met almost weekly - depending on the availability. Just to keep updated."
The Lieutenant Commander shut off his station, "There should be three Security Teams on this ship, right? Alpha, Beta, and Omega?"
"Correct, sir. I'm on Beta Team, sir."
Tekari wondered, "This is kind of awkward... but... any of you, err... fight?"
"The crew get along exemplary as to my observation, sir."
He shook his head, "No, I mean-- you know... fight."
"Oh," Vein suddenly realized, "Yes, sir. The entire Security division has had formal combat training."
Tekari decided to let it go. He wasn't sure where he was going with it anyway, and was beginning to find Vein's misunderstanding amusing. "Right. Of course, Ensign." He gestured, "By all means, lead the way."
Vein turned and left the Torpedo Bay and led the Security Chief through the corridors.
Posted by: Sashela Kerrigan Sep 1 2006, 10:08 AM
EngineeringThe computer began to refuse access. Sas just went red. "Argh!" She hit the console.
"What Lieutenant?" A passing engineer asked.
"The computer is being annoying, can't get access to the warp core recalibration pathways." She said.
"Better ask the security chief about it?" The engineer suggested.
"Excellent idea, you'll get a promotion sooner then you think." She teased and tapped her commbadge.
=^= Kerrigan to Security Chief, hi, you probably don't know me as of yet but I'm having problems down in Engineering, could you come down? =^= Sas called making a wink at the engineer.
Posted by: Tekari Sep 1 2006, 04:30 PM
=^= "Acknowledged," =^= replied Tekari as he tapped his commbadge. The Ensign glanced at him to which he nodded, motioning the Ensign to continue on to the Shuttle Bay to tell the Security team to expect a little lateness.The Ensign left the Turbolift at Deck 5, and Tekari remained in it until Deck 7. He stepped out and walked though the corridors, nodding casually to someone, and approached Main Engineering. The El Aurian was momentarily proud of actually not getting lost, and was glad he was able to use this opportunity to test his pre-knowledge of the Pulsar's schematics.
The doors opened and he stepped inside. In the middle of the room pulsated the Warp core. Tekari looked around, finding the place quite busy, and himself unsure who actually called him.
Searching the pips on each crewmember, he spotted a Trill female Lieutenant; the Chief Engineer.
"Lieutenant," Tekari introduced before he neared her.
Sas'hela turned from working at a console, a bit surprised. "Oh, that was fast."
"Lieutenant Commander Tekari, Chief of Security - pleased to meet you," he out-reached his hand.
The Trill smiled at the formal introduction and shook it, "Lieutenant Sas'hela Kerrigan; nice to meet you too. I don't seem to have access to the Warp core recalibration pathways."
"Hmm," Tekari wondered. "You should have access to those. It may be your rank." He went over to the control panel and tapped at it. "Computer, release Recalibration pathways indefintely to, err, Lieutenant Sas'hela Kerrigan: access code Tekari-Echo-3-8-6C."
- "Access granted," came the computer's female mechanical voice.
Tekari glanced over at Sas'hela. "There you go. --So are you joined?" he asked so informally, but friendly.
Posted by: Sashela Kerrigan Sep 1 2006, 11:03 PM
"Access granted," came the computer's female mechanical voice.Sas eyed the console and slapped it once before returning her gaze upon the helpful Chief of Security. "Thank you." She said and began her calculations before instructing the changes to the warp core for her task to be complete.
Tekari glanced over at Sas'hela. "There you go. --So are you joined?" he asked so informally, but friendly.
"No." She replied simply. "Why?" She was then starting for one of the other consoles on the other side of Engineering. The El Aurian following behind. "Sorry just got to finish this and you'll then have my full attention." She quickly looked to one of the other engineers near the relays. "Get that under forty percent!" She yelled.
"Yes Lieutenant." The engineer replied at the relays.
Now that completed, Sas turned to the Chief of Security.
Posted by: Tekari Sep 2 2006, 01:10 AM
"You know, what," Tekari realized. "I really shouldn't bother you when you're this busy," he smiled. Tekari seemed to always carry on the feeling like he had all the time in the world. Perhaps it was an El Aurian trait. But he knew he had to stop it-- or at least reduce it, during his stay on the Pulsar; if he indeed was going to be a senior officer aboard it.Then he recalled his Security team in the Shuttle bay. By his calculations, they would probably stay another minute or so before dispersing and returning to thier duties.
"I just remembered my Security team is in the Shuttle bay waiting for me. If I don't talk to them now, I'll never know thier faces," he said in his own amusement. "It was nice meeting you," he finished honestly and left Engineering.
Entering the Shuttle Bay, he came upon a group of Security and Tactical officers. They were all speaking to one another, as if on break-time. Then someone yelled, "Chief on Deck!" and all the Officer's turned to attention and halted speaking.
Looking upon the faces of each young man and woman, Tekari suddenly felt the power of being in command of your own troops. Although he hadn't commanded them or given one order yet, he somehow could sense an authoritive perspective from the officers before him.
As he took in the environment, the Security detail wondered why Tekari felt he had all the time in the world.
Posted by: Gideon Sep 2 2006, 01:25 AM
"Well, actually," Gideon began, "I met Dr. Joseph Herrigan while I was stationed at Space Dock. He made several upgrades on the scematics of this ship and I thought he was an idiot." He wasn't being conceited. He just was expressing his opinion.Dr. Dixon laughed. "But yet you're on his ship!"
"Yeah, well. I was assigned here. I didn't ask for it."
Dr. Dixon tried not to laugh. "But I'm sure you don't mind being the Chief Science Officer on the best science vessel in Starfleet."
Gideon shrugged. "I don't know. I'm getting used to it."
"Alright. Well, I have some work to do around here, so I guess I'll see you around sometime?"
"It's a small ship, Doctor."
"It certainly is."
When Gideon left Sickbay, he went back to his lab and spoke to the Chief Petty Officer. "Chief Young?"
"Yes, sir."
"Could I please have a meeting with the entire science crew at 0800 tomorrow?"
"Certainly, Lieutenant."
"Just like that?"
"Excuse me, sir?"
"You follow my orders, just like that?"
"Lieutenant, I am your senior NCO. It is your duty to give the orders and my duty to make sure everyone follows them."
Gideon swallowed this bit of advice very slowly.
"I understand, Chief. I just haven't ever been put in charge of enlisted before so it's all a little new to me."
"I understand." The Chief stood motionless for a few moments before continuing. "Is there anything more, sir?"
"Nothing, Chief. Carry on." And Gideon retired to his room and began unpacking his belongings, hanging his pictures and arranging his quarters.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Sep 2 2006, 01:45 AM
Following a brief tour of the ship, Reyan had retreated to his quaters - he felt almost refreshed following his talk with the beautful Commander Weist, although had to question when exactly he had suddenly noticed just how attractive she was, and had decided that he would have to make sure that he spoke with Counsellor Jo as soon as the oportunity presented itselfThe tour of the ship had been pleasant, and he had been both surprised and pleased to see many of his former crew from the Meridian had either been ordered, or had requested, to serve with him aboard the Pulsar
His quaters were slightly smaller than what he had grown used to aboard the Meridian, but as he examined the room, he decided that he actually preferred it - no non-essential space but more than enough space for his belongings
He emptied his bags, placing spare uniforms in the small wardrobe provided, and everything else in small drawers
He then carefully removed his models of the Ramillies, Sitak and the Resilient - his first three assignments. He placed the Ramillies model on the shelf left of his desk, the Resilient model was placed on the shelf oposite his visitors couch, and he decided that the Sitak model would be placed in his ready room
Finally, he removed his Flugel Horn from the storage case and placed it on display - an instrument given to him by his Father, who had in turn been given it following a visit to Earth, but never taken the time to learn to play it.
He then placed anything that was to be taken to his ready room in one of the smaller storage boxes, and made his way out of his quaters, toward the turbolift leading to the bridge
Posted by: Dixon Sep 3 2006, 03:33 AM
“You’ve got everything under control here?” Charlie asked as she entered her new office from the side of Sickbay, setting the PADD on the corner of the desk. The EMH looked up at her from the computer, removing his holographic hand from his forehead.“Mr. Darkon was the first member of the crew to actually come here; the only people getting injured are the work crew,” the EMH sighed, taking the PADD and looking it over. “Going on an errand?”
“I need to go check in with Reyan,” Charlie replied with a sigh. “I’m curious as to what happened to Kaoru.”
The EMH nodded before continuing his work on the computer in front of him. Walking down the hall to the nearest turbolift, Charlie patiently waited for it to arrive, leaning against the wall in thought. She hadn’t thought too much about it, but now that she had said it, she was very curious as to where Kaoru was. Mess hall rumor had it that there was something between her and the Captain, but Charlie never prodded further about it. When the turbolift arrived, Charlie’s brow popped up in surprise.
“Doctor Dixon,” Reyan smiled.
“Would you like some help with that?” Charlie offered, noticing his struggle to balance a small ship model on top of several stacked items. Reyan gave a small shrug, to which Charlie just simply took the model off, looking at it. “Moving in, sir?” she asked, looking up from the small version of a ship.
Reyan nodded. “It seems so. How do you like the ship so far?”
“I'll be honest with you sir; she's a small ship. But I must say, my chair is a lot more comfortable,” Charlie commented.
“Ah so you found out about your promotion?” Reyan smiled. “I’m glad you decided to take me up on the offer.”
Charlie nodded with a smile. Out of human curiosity, she tried to gauge his reaction, but thought nothing of what she observed. “So, I would assume that Doctor Ele was transferred?” Charlie finally asked after a moment’s pause.
“She was,” Reyan responded. “Left not too long ago actually. She took a mission to-” Reyan paused, apparently editing what he was going to say. “Aboard the Aristotle,” he recovered. The lift stopped and the two stepped off, walking across the Bridge to Reyan’s Ready Room.
“Sounds exciting,” Charlie admitted awkwardly, setting the model on Reyan’s desk as he set the small box down.
“Anything particular with this visit?” Reyan asked, taking the model and looking around the room. Charlie bit her lip, realizing she had crossed the line somehow; Captain's had a way about expressing themselves bluntly, and she meekly obliged to avoid his discomfort.
“Well to be honest, I was just coming down to report in and thank you for the opportunity to serve as your CMO.”
Posted by: Reyan Caius Sep 4 2006, 12:32 PM
"Well to be honest, I was just coming down to report in and thank you for the opportunity to serve as your CMO" Doctor Dixon statedReyan smiled, and placed his model of the USS Sitak on the shelf, positoning it in a place where it could be easily viewed
"Doctor - it should be I thanking you for accepting the post - you are an excellent Doctor, an excellent officer, and I can't think of anyone better for the position, or the promotion" he replied
Doctor Dixon returned his smile - Reyan was about to continue, when his computer beeped
"One moment, Doctor" Reyan stated, indicating for her to sit in the seat oposite his desk
Reyan entered his access code, and the image of an Admiral appeared
"Captain Reyan, I presume?" he stated
"Yes Sir" Reyan replied
"Good - I'm Admiral Patterson - I take it that you've settled in aboard your new ship?" he stated, not sounding particularly interested; asking the question as a formaility
"Aye Sir - she's a beauty" Reyan replied, keeping his answer quick
The Admiral nodded
"Well, the reason that I have contacted you is basically to advise you that you have been assigned a first mission - the USS Avocet has disappeared - her last recorded location was in the vicinity of the Ntari nebula, near the borders of both Klingon and Romulan space"
"So can it be assumed that she is within the nebula?" Reyan asked
"Very possible - the Celendi nebula is a protostellar nebula - a type of nebula that contains high levels of particle flux. This flux prevents starships from staying inside for more than 72 hours, but it also hides them from sensor scans" the Admiral explained
"So why the Pulsar?" Reyan asked, presuming that he knew the answer, but wanting to hear the Admiral's explaination anyway
"The Pulsar, being a Nova-class, has the most advanced Starship sensors in the fleet - the Pulsar should be capable of scanning that nebula" the Admiral advised, confirming Reyan's assumption
"Admiral - you said it yourself; Starships cannot survive for more than 72 hours within a Protostellar nebula - if the Avocet is in there she could well irretrivable"
"I would usually agree but the Avocet is an Akira-class Starship - her regenerative shields should permit a slightly longer surival time, and the Ntari nebula's particle field is not high level - but we are not certain that she is in there, that's why you are being sent" the Admiral replied
Reyan nodded
"As soon as my crew are aboard I'll get underway Admiral" Reyan confirmed
"Good - and good luck, Captain - Patterson out" the Admiral finnished - the viewscreen returned to it's usual display of the Federation logo
"Well, Doctor, it seems we have our first mission" he stated
"And an interesting one at that" Doctor Dixon replied
"Well, still some Officer's to report aboard - whilst we are waiting, would you join me for a drink, Doctor?" Reyan asked quickly, not allowing himself to talk himself out of inviting her for the drink
Posted by: Renee Weist Sep 4 2006, 05:37 PM
Renee had finished up all her unpacking and straightening, and thought about dinner on the Starbase. They would not be here long, and she wanted to make the best use of it possiable. Then her thoughts turned ot Reyan. They were both a bit of "Lost Souls" at the moment, and she knew his pain, even though he chose to suffer silently. Maybe she would drag him along, even if it was kicking and screaming!She made her way up to the ready room, and chimed the door. She heard the call for entry, as the door slid open. She was a suprised Dr Dixon was there, but to much so.
"Pardon the interuption, Captain. It was nothing important. I'll let you two alone," she said, blushing slightly and turning to leave.
"One moment Commander. We have recieved our first assignment, if you'd care to look over the orders," Reyan said, handing her a data padd with the information on it.
She scanned it quickly, and nodded. "I see. So when do we get underway?" Renee asked.
"As soon as the rest of the crew reports on," Reyan replied.
"Very well then. I was going to go over to the base for dinner, but I'll remain aboard. I have a few diagnostics to see to if we are about to leave port, so if you will excuse me. And again, I apologise for the interuption," Renee said, backing out of the ready room, and onto the bridge.
She looked around, and then walked over to Ops. She began the system wide anaylsis, and began running the diagnostics. Some of the consoles would need to be calibrated, and reset, and she was not sure the senior officers would arrive in time to do it all.
Renee sighed heavily as she sat down in her seat for a moment. Perhaps it was better this way...
Posted by: Jules Davey Sep 4 2006, 07:23 PM
Jules had made it across to the Pulsar, and spent a couple of hours unpacking her few belongings and placing them around her quarters, attempting to make her stark quarters look homely and inviting.She stood looking around finally, holding an old Academy foliage, before placing it on a shelf. The place didn’t look bad she had to admit, and seeing her few belongings spread around made her feel more at home. She had one bag to sort out in the bedroom. An old throw for her bed and a couple of soft cuddly toys, reminders of home.
She left her quarters not long after and headed to the bridge, standing in the turbo lift wondering what the crew would be like, and what sort of missions they would venture on. She sighed, missing those from her old ship, but knowing she would soon make some new friends and colleagues on the Pulsar, that was always one of the most exciting aspects of joining a new ship.
The turbo lift stopped and she stepped out, smiling as she nodded to those at consoles and duty stations. She headed towards the Ops consoles, knowing she would have to do some calibrations and resetting systems. But once she got going she would soon catch up with things. As she approached she noticed a Commander in the familiar red of command and smiled, “Commander, I’m Jules Davey, Chief of Operations.” She introduced herself, smiling and holding out her hand.
“You must of read my mind Ma’am, I was about to start some calibrations.” She informed her warmly.
Posted by: Dixon Sep 4 2006, 07:41 PM
"Well, still some Officer's to report aboard - whilst we are waiting, would you join me for a drink, Doctor?”Charlie’s brow rose in surprise. No superior had ever requested her presence outside her duties. “Certainly, sir,” she replied slowly with a smile. He had been so generous to her; it was surely the least she could do.
“Please, call me, Reyan,” he requested as he rose from the desk.
“Only if you’ll call me Charlie,” Charlie said, rising also. Reyan smiled, holding out his arm, gesturing for her to lead the way. Just as Charlie started to oblige, the door chimed. She turned around in hesitation and Reyan sighed.
“This should only take a second, it’s probably just more crew reporting in,” Reyan smirked. “Enter.” The doors parted and revealed Commander Weist. She blushed as soon as her eyes fell on Charlie, causing Charlie to do the same for some reason.
“Pardon the interruption, Captain. It was nothing important. I'll let you two alone,” Weist said, her eyes searching Charlie before returning to the Captain.
“One moment Commander. We have received our first assignment, if you'd care to look over the orders,” Reyan said, taking a PADD and handing to her.
"I see. So when do we get underway?" Renee asked upon briefly reading the PADD. Charlie bit her lip in awkwardness, feeling like an elephant rather than a fly on the wall.
"As soon as the rest of the crew reports on," Reyan replied. Charlie tried to tune out the conversation, and easily so when she started thinking of why the Commander was acting so odd. Perhaps she was intruding on some relationship, but then again it was too soon if the rumors of him and Doctor Ele were true.
Charlie’s head popped up from the floor where she had started boring a hole in the toe of her boot, looking around and noticing they were alone again.
“Are you alright?”
Charlie briskly nodded, running a nervous hand through her hair. “I think I could really use that drink though,” she commented.
“Ditto,” he replied, eyes widening with emphasis. “Let’s try this again,” he said with a smile, gesturing at the doors once more. The doors parted as she led the way, crossing the new bridge and stepping over the last several work crews. Charlie watched the back of Weist’s head as they waited for the turbolift. She was no Betazoid, but something was amiss.
“I haven’t been by the observation lounge yet,” he said, gaining her attention as they stepped onto the turbolift. “Deck two.”
“Reyan,” he quickly interjected.
“Reyan,” Charlie corrected herself with a quiet laugh. “I don’t mean to be business, but shouldn’t we be preparing for the mission?”
“Trying to escape my invitation?” Reyan smirked, stepping out of the turbolift as it stopped a deck later. Charlie’s eyes widened as she froze. She hurriedly caught up to his side.
“No, sir, I’m honored.”
Reyan shook his head. “Charlie, you’re not keeping up your end of the bargain; sir is synonymous with Captain, which we’re both trying to avoid, some more than others.”
“I’m sorry, Reyan,” Charlie sighed, following him into the small area and taking a seat. “You won’t be offended if I had a synthahol, will you?” Charlie asked, hoping he wouldn’t; her mind was now throbbing with an envoy of thoughts and even though it had no real punch to it, it still amused her slightly.
Posted by: Renee Weist Sep 5 2006, 05:17 AM
Renee ignored the feeling of eyes upon her as the Dr and the Captain left the ready room. She was not going to be made to feel uneasy. She went right on setting up for the diagnostics. That was when a new officer stepped off the lift, and walked over.“Commander, I’m Jules Davey, Chief of Operations.” She introduced herself, smiling and holding out her hand. “You must of read my mind Ma’am, I was about to start some calibrations.”
Renee smiled brightly. "Commander Renee Weist, Execu here on the Pulsar. Welcome aboard Commander. It is a pleasure," she said, as her console on her chair beeped. "Excuse me a moment."
She walked over, and tapped in the codes, very curious. She had a visual two way message, and was suprised. She knew no one here. She excused herself from the bridge, and hurried to her office. She pulled up her console, and tapped in her codes. As the picture changed from the logo of SFC, her heart fluttered.
{How in the world...?}
[I tracked you here from the Nebula. I had to see you once again, if it was possiable. This Captain Marks is in extraordinary woman. She allowed me down, while the T'Amar remains in orbit, so I may be with you until you leave]
{Can you meet me at the airlock to the Pulsar? I will grant entry}
[I can. I cannot wait to see you in person, my "parmaq". Delorin out]
Her heart skipeed one beat after another, as she practically danced all the way to the airlock. As she rounded the corner, the guard on the Base side was nothaving any of it, without proper authroisation.
"Pass him on my authority," she grinned.
"Aye, Ma'am. Go ahead, Colonel," the guard said, and Delorin came aboard.
She wanted to rush into his arms, but edicate dictated she remain calm.
"I will see you Captain, and inform him of my presence, before I see your new dwelling," he said firm.
"Yes dear," she said, as he grinned slightly.
They walked along, Delorins stride much longer than hers, as he was 6"4' in height, and all of it legs she thought! They finally reached the lounge, and entered. She spotted the Captain and the Dr in an out of the way location, and they walked over.
"Captain Caius? Dr Dixon? This is Colonel Delorin, the Commander of the Klingon Bird of Prey that saved our hides more than one. Colonel Delorin? this is my Commanding Officer, and the ships Physician," she introduced all the way around.
The men shook hands, and Delorin nodded respectfully to the Dr.
"So you do know him well," the Captain said.
"I should hope so, sir. He is my mate!" Renee said.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Sep 5 2006, 06:27 AM
"So you do know him well?" Reyan asked"I should hope so, sir. He is my mate!" Renee proudly replied
Reyan almost choked on his drink upon hearing this, and his attempt to compose himself was met with a bellowing laugh from Captain Delorin, and an amused grin from Commander Weist
"Yes... well - I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that!" he admitted, feeling a little embarassed
"An honour to meet you" Doctor Dixon stated, as she stood, intervening on Reyan's behalf, making a far better impression than Reyan had
"The honour is mine" Delorin replied
"So - shall I show you the rest of the ship, so long as the Captain approves, and my quaters?" Renee asked Delorin playfully
"No objections here - but keep in mind that I am hoping that the Pulsar can depart within the next two hours" Reyan replied
Renee nodded, indicating that she understood
"Shall we?" she asked Delorin
"By all means" Delorin replied, indicating for her to lead the way
Reyan took another mouthfull of drink
"Very diplomatic" Charlie joked
"Thanks, Charlie " Reyan replied, still feeling slightly awkward
"If it makes you feel any better, I've seen worse" she replied, grinning
"That does make me feel better - thanks for joining me for this drink - would have been far worse had I been alone"
Charlie smiled, before changing the subject
"Did you get a chance to say goodbye to Kaoru?" she asked, sounding slightly nervous, as if she had been debating with herself about wether it was a question that should be asked, decided no, but asked anyway
Reyan sipped his drink, considering the question
"Sorry - I....." Charlie began to say
"No - it's okay - honestly" Reyan stated, cutting off an apology which he had already decided wasn't necessary
"I didn't get to say goodbye in person, only via a subspace message" he admitted
"You were close?" Charlie asked
"Not as close as is assumed - I mean, we were very close, but not that close - somthing always prevented that" Reyan admitted
"I'm sorry" Charlie apologised
"It's okay - just the way it is sometimes" he replied, gazing deeply into her beautiful eyes *somthing about Doctor's...* he thought to himself, before another thought occured to him
"You're not half-telepathic, are you?" he quickly asked
"No - why?" Charlie replied, curious
"Just wondering" Reyan replied, feeling himself flush slightly again, before swigging back another mouthful of drink.
Posted by: Jules Davey Sep 5 2006, 07:40 AM
Jules watched the Commander head off the bridge and then turned her attention back to the console, bringing up the latest Operations schedules and watching the data as it flashed up on the screen. She frowned, brushing her hair back behind her ear as she studied the data.As was expected with a new ship there were a few teething problems tat she would need to sort out. The console bleeped and she shook her head, she would be here for a while, she needed to recalibrate this station, there was a power fluctuation between junction omega seven on deck five and junction alpha three on deck three, somewhere something was feeding back, and looking at the reports she had a feeling she knew where the problem was.
She headed off the bridge, her tool bag in hand, frowning, she would need to do some climbing through jefferies tubes and hatch ways to reach the suspected corrupted power conduit, but she had nothing else to do right now. Not until the ship was ready to leave the base.
She found the hatch way on deck three and pulled it open, using her tricorder to run a check of the power relays and conduits in this section, everything looked good so she started crawling through the tubes, working towards the junction that was malfunctioning. She frowned as she saw some tools left laying around, shoddy workman, leaving tools laying around.
Her tricorder bleeped at her, and as she looked at the readouts she frowned, she had found her culprit. The power readings were all over the place, and she pulled the covering panel off, looking inside the bulkhead at the various relays and conduits that were there. She had no trouble spotting the one that had caused the trouble. It was black and looked as if it had been burnt out.
=/\=Commander Davey to Operations, run a detailed analysis of junction alpha three on deck three.=/\= she asked, lifting out a sensor probe and placing it inside the junction.
=/\= Understood Commander, running now.=/\= She was told as she watched the sensor readings. She didn’t like it, it looked like there was a problem further up the line, somewhere the circuit was being disrupted.
=/\= Commander, there seems to be a problem in junction tango Charlie seven, deck four. We can’t get any readings at all form the conduit there.=/\= She was told.
=/\= get a team there and I’ll replace this one here, run a full systems sweep on the power delivery system.=/\= She ordered, hoping the Captain wasn’t in a rush.
Leaning in further, Jules removed the burnt out relay, running her tricorder over it as she watched the readings. Definitely not good, she didn’t like the way the coils had been fused, it was as if a massive surge had forced its way through the relay.
She had spare in her tool bag, she lifted it out and ran the tricorder over it, it was fine, no flaws. She held it in place and adjusted the bracket. As the ends touched an almighty power surge erupted sending Jules back, hitting the other side of the jefferies tube with a forceful thump. She winced, pain flaring through her hand. She looked down, she had burnt her hand quite badly, but that wasn’t her main concern, she needed to fix this problem.
=/\=Ok Ops, got a major problem here, can you divert the power through the surrounding junctions, and get a repair crew down here. =/\= She said, closing her eyes and feeling slightly nauseous.
=/\=Understood Commander, ops out =/\= she heard, she sat back, closing her eyes to contain the headache that was beginning to pound through.
After a few minutes she climbed out slowly, and headed to her quarters, on route she tapped her commbadge.
=/\=Commander Davey to Captain Caius. We have a problem with the power distribution on decks three through five. Teams are working on them. I’ll be in sickbay if you need me, had a slight accident. Davey out. =/\= She finished, heading to sickbay, “a slight accident” she murmured, looking at her right hand, it was a nasty burn, and the pain was really making her feel shaky.
Posted by: Delorin Sep 5 2006, 07:42 AM
Delorin stood before her. She was as beautiful as he had held her in his memory. She did not show the over efface that other human women might have show. She stood her ground staring him down for the moment. He grunted to himself feeling passion and pride grow within him.A woman fitting a warrior, he thought to himself.
"I will see your Captain, and inform him of my presence, before I see your new dwelling," he growled.
"Yes dear," she said.
He allowed a slight grin to edge his face.
They walked along, Delorins stride much longer than hers, but she kept up, without so much as breaking a sweat or complaining. Again he feltl pride in her. They finally reached their destination and entered. It appeared to be a lounge.
He looked round, sterile..too sterile...they grow weak, a warrior should not ruminate in such surroundings..
Renee lead over to where a man and woman were seated.
"Captain Caius? Dr Dixon? This is Colonel Delorin, the Commander of the Klingon Bird of Prey that saved our hides more than one. Colonel Delorin? this is my Commanding Officer, and the ships Physician," she introduced all the way around.
Dlorin held out his beafy hand to the little man before him. "qaqItlhneS" (I am honored to meet you). He growled shaking the hand proferred to him. " ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj (May your enemies run from you with fear.) "
He looked at the slight sickly looking man before him and his impression of him belayed his words of greeting. He did not look like a man that could strike fear in a heart, nor cause an enemy to run from him.
Delorin then turned and nodded respectfully to the Doctor.
"So you do know him well," the Captain said.
"I should hope so, sir. He is my mate!" Renee said.
Delorin broke into a deep laugh that seemed to echo round the room as the Captain almost choked on his drink upon hearing this and then tried to compose himself.
"Yes well - I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that!" he admitted, looking a little embarassed.
"An honour to meet you" Doctor Dixon stated, as she stood.
"The honour is mine" Delorin replied casting an eye on the healer and then turning to his mate as she spoke.
"So - shall I show you the rest of the ship, so long as the Captain approves, and my quaters " Renee asked Delorin playfully.
"No objections here - but keep in mind that I am hoping that the Pulsar can depart within the next two hours" Reyan replied
Renee nodded, indicating that she understood
"Shall we " she asked Delorin
"By all means" Delorin replied, indicating for her to lead the way.
As they reached the door Delorin stopped.
"par'Machi. I have been remiss." he said in his deep voice. "In my hunger to be with my warrior woman and explore her delights once more, I have shown disrespect for the Captain of this vessel."
"I dont understand?" she replied.
"We have not shared a drink." he growled. "I am a guest under his roof."
She nodded her understanding as they turned and walked back to the table. She knew Delorin would feel he had caused dishonor if he did not do as his peoples ettiquete dictated.
The Captain and Doctor looked up as they again approaced the table. Delorin nodded. Captain, "I have been remiss in my eagerness to be with my parmaq, I dishonor you in not drinking with my host "
The Captain looked somewhat uncomfortable and more than a little confused. But took control of himself quickly.
"Certainly, would you like to join us in a drink Colonel Delorin." he asked pointing to a couple of spare seats.
"I will drink with you Captain, with pleasure." he replied taking a seat and Renee, taking the other. "Then I have pressing business with my mate that will not wait too much longer. A warrior needs to sharpen his bat'leth, or it becomes blunt and dull with disuse." he replied, roaring with laughter, as he turned to look lustfully at his woman.
"What would you like." the Captain asked with an awkward smile.
"Bloodwine for myself and scotch on the rocks for my woman ." he growled as he pressed his fist on the table. " and make sure its hot!
"I am surprised you remember after all this time Delorin." Renee chided, her meaning obvious.
He had by necessity been away from her for way too long. But she knew she was never far from his mind.
"There is nothing I forget about you." he growled as he reached to pull her to him.
She sat a little straighter, not allowing his grasp for the moment.
"Playing hard to get." he growled. "I always liked that in you, only a real man and a warrior could ever possess one like you."
The Captain ordered drinks for them all and soon they were drinking.
"So Colonel, what is your position in the Klingon Fleet?" the Doctor asked.
"I have several birds of prey, under my command. I am also a member of the Klingon High Council." he replied taking a swig from his tankard of blood wine and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Your command vessel?" the Captain asked.
"I am the Commanding Officer of the Flagship IKS T'Amar." Delorin replied.
They talked over drinks for a while when the Captains com badge chirped. He excused himself for a moment and tapped it.

"I am sorry, I think I have something that I need to attend to." The doctor said getting up.."If you will excuse me."
The Captain nodded and she took her leave.
"Healers..too much compassion." he laughed.
"Delorin." Renee scolded.
Delorin laughed louder. They talked over a few more drinks then Delorin excused himself. "I have been honored to drink with you Captain. Now my I must ease my hunger as it is great." he growled, looking once again at his woman.
"I am pleased we had the chance to meet face to face." the Captain replied.
They bid their fairwells and soon they were in Renee's cabin and he pulled her roughly to him growling deep in his throat. "Woman, you do not know what you do to me."
"I think I have some idea, " she grinned, then reaching up she hauled back and hit him hard across the face.
He wiped the blood from his lip and looked at her a snarl issuing from him.
"That my warrior is for being away from me so long." she growled back at him.
He felt the passion again grow stronger within him, but held his ground.
"You hit like a human." he spat out.
"You make love like a P'raieka" she spat back again raising her hand.
He grabbed it in an iron grip as it descended, twisting it slightly. She stood her ground not a sound but a low growl issuing from her, her defiant eyes not leaving his. Then he, unable to control himself any longer again pulled her into his arms as she kicked and struggled. He bent and pressing into her as his passion swelled and he bought his lips down crushingly on hers. He felt the pain sear through him as she bit down hard drawing blood. He felt the blood burning and coursing through his veins as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, throwing her down on the bed.
She watched, her face still defiant, as she hurled curses at him in Klingon, but with the familiar flames of passion burning in her eyes as he removed his shirt. He could taste his own blood as he kneeled down and ripped her garments from her and again leaned in and crushed his lips against hers.
"It has been too long par'Machi." he said, his deep voice husky with need.
He felt her nails drag like sharpened daggers down his back, sending his blood to boiling as she again began to fight beneath him.
Posted by: Dixon Sep 5 2006, 06:10 PM
Charlie tensed as she saw Reyan’s eyes drift to the open doors, hearing heavy footsteps from behind."Captain Caius? Dr. Dixon? This is Colonel Delorin, the Commander of the Klingon Bird of Prey that saved our hides more than once. Colonel Delorin? This is my Commanding Officer, and the ship’s Physician," she introduced all the way around.
Charlie swallowed the last swig she had taken hard. The towering man nodded towards her, and she responded with her own according nod, standing curtly. It wasn’t him she was exactly afraid of; one of her best friends in her elementary days had been of Klingon heritage.
"So you do know him well?" Reyan asked.
"I should hope so, sir. He is my mate!" Renee proudly replied.
Charlie watched, slightly goggled for a minute as Reyan choked. Charlie smiled quietly, both in amusement at Reyan’s reaction and in relief that whatever she had found shoty about him and the Commander was her imagination; it was evident that whatever she had found amiss between Renee and the Captain was a fond missing of Delorin.
After making pleasantries, Charlie felt almost lightheaded with relief; she would have hated to intrude on anything established between the two. Charlie’s eyes fell back onto Reyan, who took his drink with a harsh swig.
"Very diplomatic," Charlie teased, sipping her own drink tastefully.
"Thanks, Charlie, " Reyan replied dryly, watching Renee and Delorin as they paused at the doorway.
"If it makes you feel any better, I've seen worse," Charlie said, luring his attention back, and gaining a somewhat thankful smile. Charlie could remember her senior physician and how he vividly offended a Vulcan with the mentioning of counseling sessions about his emotional grief; and it was hard to upset a Vulcan.
"That does make me feel better,” Reyan said. “Thanks for joining me for this drink; would have been far worse had I been alone."
Charlie smiled, watching as the uneasiness left his dark eyes. Feeling more confident at the lasting pangs of question, she finally piped up what had remained loud in the back of her mind. "Did you get a chance to say goodbye to Kaoru?" she asked, her voice still sounding hesitant in asking; they had only started really talking, and she conscience chided her for moving their conversation to more personal issues.
Reyan sipped the remainder of his drink, loosing her gaze as he disappeared in thought. Great, so it was just a messhall rumor, Charlie thought as she fumbled out, "Sorry, I-”
"No, it's okay,” Reyan paused shortly, “Honestly,” Reyan stated, cutting off the apology. "I didn't get to say goodbye in person, only via a subspace message," he admitted.
Charlie searched his eyes, and saw nothing to barrier her from asking questions. "You were close?" Charlie asked, still quietly reserved with respect.
"Not as close as is assumed,” Reyan said almost automatically. He frowned before explaining what he meant. “I mean, we were very close, but not that close,” he said, gazing out into the internal workings of the starbase at the other grand ships. “Something always prevented that," Reyan said quietly.
Charlie saw that she had said too much, and instantly regretted ever bringing up such a sore subject, like pouring salt into a fresh wound. "I'm sorry," Charlie apologized, reaching out and laying her hand on his in a comforting manner.
"It's okay, just the way it is sometimes," he replied heavily, looking back at her with a deep gaze. Suddenly he snapped back. "You're not half-telepathic, are you?" he quickly asked.
"No, why?" Charlie said curiously, removing her hand and frowning.
"Just wondering," Reyan replied plainly, his cheeks pinking behind his glass.
Suddenly, out the corner of her eye, Charlie looked up to see the couple approach again. It was Charlie’s turn to pink as she and Reyan shifted awkwardly to their presence.
“Captain, I have been remiss in my eagerness to be with my parmaq, I dishonor you in not drinking with my host "
The Captain gave Charlie a side-glance as she downed the last her drink, holding some in her cheeks to let the fake alcohol burn as a distraction.
"Certainly, would you like to join us in a drink Colonel Delorin?" he asked pointing to a couple of spare seats.
"I will drink with you Captain, with pleasure," he replied taking a seat and Renee, taking the other. "Then I have pressing business with my mate that will not wait too much longer. A warrior needs to sharpen his bat'leth, or it becomes blunt and dull with disuse." he replied, roaring with laughter, as he turned to look lustfully at his woman.
Charlie swallowed the remainder hard, tightening her jaw as not to let it hang open freely in shock. Deciding she looked just as awkward as she felt, she smiled as Delorin was just sitting next to her, though making it a point to avoid his gaze; which wasn’t too hard as he seemed completely entranced by the Commander.
"What would you like?" the Captain asked with an awkward smile.
"Bloodwine for myself and scotch on the rocks for my woman," he growled.
"I am surprised you remember after all this time Delorin," Renee chided. Charlie’s avoidant gaze fell out the window of the observatory, into the Starbase’s the inner workings.
"There is nothing I forget about you,” he growled as he reached to pull her to him. The shaking of the floor gained Charlie’s gaze and she watched as Renee sat a little straighter, not allowing his grasp. "Playing hard to get," he growled. "I always liked that in you, only a real man and a warrior could ever possess one like you."
The Captain ordered another round, and Charlie looked silently over at him, giving him a thankful smile. Seeing he was just as silent and awkward, Charlie piped up to fill the mute gap; it wasn’t hard to stroke a Klingon’s ego.
"So Colonel, what is your position in the Klingon Fleet?" Charlie asked, sipping her drink soon after in defense.
"I have several birds of prey under my command. I am also a member of the Klingon High Council," he replied taking a swig from his tankard of blood wine and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Your command vessel?" the Captain asked, his interests being peaked.
"I am the Commanding Officer of the Flagship IKS T'Amar," Delorin replied. Just as Delorin started going into an interesting tale of one of his many adventures, there was a chirp that interrupted.
“Commander Davey to Captain Caius. We have a problem with the power distribution on decks three through five. Teams are working on them. I’ll be in sickbay if you need me, had a slight accident. Davey out.”
Charlie had been watching Reyan as he listened, until her ears perked up at the last of the message. Her never-ending, yet resilient sense of duty struck up. "I am sorry, I think I have something that I need to attend to," she said, slowly standing. “If you will excuse me."
Immediately she fell into duty, waiting for the expected nod before quietly dismissing herself. “Deck three,” Charlie requested, as she straightened her uniform jacket and feeling along her collar to straighten her pips. In times of emergency, she managed to switch on the doctor mode, and listening to Davey’s voice made it so. After so many years of attending patients, Charlie knew that she was more than just ‘slightly’ injured.
Entering Sickbay, Charlie found the EMH already attending to Davey’s hand, but she was quick to be at his side, looking over his holographic shoulder. “I found her right down the corridor, exiting a Jefferies Tube,” he said as he implemented treatment.
“How are you feeling, Lieutenant Commander?” Charlie asked, putting a comforting hand on the woman’s shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. She could feel the woman’s body shaking beneath her light grip. Davey was silent as she sat watching the EMH tend to the wound. “What did you give her for the pain?”
“The basic dosage of Hydrocortilene,” the EMH said before pausing from his skin regenerative treatment. “Why?”
“We may have to up the dosage,” Charlie said, loading another small amount into a hypospray. “She’s unresponsive and could go into shock.”
The EMH turned to Davey’s, who wore a blank expression, nodding his agreement before returning to the lengthy regeneration. Charlie placed her hand back on the Operations officer.
“Lieutenant Commander,” Charlie said before placing the device against her neck. “I’m going to give you another dosage; now, you may feel a little numbness in your appendages and slightly tired. If your heart rate continues to remain this high, we’re going to have to sedate you.”
Davey made no response as Charlie administered the drug. Charlie stood back up, setting the hypospray back onto the cart and looking over the back of the bed to see her readout.
“Can you hurry?” Charlie asked, biting her lip. The combination of even the lightest sedative and the amount of analgesic currently in her bloodstream could prove to knock the woman out for a good while, and she knew how the Captain hated it when he had second-string officers on the Bridge.
“I’m performing delicate cosmetic surgery,” the EMH retorted, his voice growing high. “She’s lucky to have such a precise instrument as me aboard; I’ll be able to give her fingerprints back exactly as they were.”
Charlie couldn’t argue with that and sighed impatiently, her gaze passing over Davey’s face before freezing. “LC?” she asked, shortening her rank. Davey’s eyes were glazed. Charlie opened the drawer next to her, taking out a penlight, clicking it on and shining it into the woman’s eyes. “She’s going into shock. She won’t remember any of the last hour or so,” Charlie sighed, dropping the penlight back into the drawer. “Help me lay her back before you continue.” The EMH, as programmed to, paused his work, laid the utensil down and assisted Charlie in laying Davey’s back against the bed. Once rested against the bed, the EMH began his work again. “I’m going to prepare some Dermaline Gel and Dermatiraeliene Plasticine,” Charlie said, walking over to another room and gathering the supplies, sitting down and preparing the materials that would aid in the restoration of the hand.
Finding her own pulse quick, Charlie took a deep breath. She remembered earlier, the serenity she found in her superior's company, finding him easy to talk to and oddly, to trust in. Her relentless conscience went off in a barrage of questions, mostly about well defined ethics and the fact she was kind of already seeing someone. Kind of, her mind emphasized. And he's mostly a friend. With Reyan I feel-
“Would you like me to leave you and the medicine cabinet alone?"
Charlie's liquid smile quickly fell as she looked to the doorway. She gave the EMH a flat look.
"Well I’m finished,” the EMH continued. “And I administered the lowest dosage possible of Ambrazine.” Charlie nodded, knowing that the sedative was precautionary and easily lifted after a period of time. “She should make a full recovery, thanks to my skillful hand,” he said. “Better than new if you ask me.”
“I’m not,” Charlie muttered, looking over at the computer that displayed Davey’s medical record. She pulled up her last physical, using the data to configure the right amount of each medication to use.
“Hmmm?” the EMH said, his face still glowing with a smile of pride.
“Nothing,” Charlie sighed. “Did you use any other drugs?”
“Hypercoagulin to stop the bleeding, and a basic dosage of Kelotane to help in the initial burn treatment,” he replied, his face thoughtful now. “You could just mix some more Kelotane with the Dermatiraeliene Plasticine, rather than use Dermaline Gel.
“Dermaline Gel would be a prescription,” Charlie said, taking the Kelotane the EMH handed her. “Thanks.”
“Not that it’s a hologram’s business, but is something troubling you, Doctor?”
“You’re right,” Charlie said, pausing from her work to look up at him with a dry smile. “It’s not your business.”
The EMH shrugged. “Until you get an ACMO, you’re stuck with me,” he replied. Charlie grimaced.
“It’s nothing,” Charlie said, shaking her head with a sigh, her thoughts falling back to earlier as the EMH left. What was she getting herself into this time?
Posted by: Renee Weist Sep 5 2006, 07:31 PM
"It has been too long Parmaq." he said, his deep voice husky with need.He felt her nails drag like sharpened daggers down his back, sending his blood to boiling as she again began to fight beneath him. Renne found her mark, as she brought both feet up between them, and finding a hold, she tossed Delorin off her, and against the far wall. He shook his head, as she rolled off the bed, and crouched into a fighting stance.
"You grow weak in the company of these...humans..." he spat, lunging at her.
Renee sidestepped Delorin, just as he reached her, her arm crashing down heavily across his back.
"P'marg!" Renee spat back. "You grow careless!"
Delorin circled her, as she kept her body facing his, once he regained his footing. His arms were longer than hers, and in an instant, he had reached out and backhanded her hard across the face. She recoiled without losing her balance, but in that instant, Delorin grabbed her, and again tossed her ruffly to the bed, grabbing both hands at the wrists and weilding them high above her head. A low gutteral growl resounded though his being, as he held her firm.
"My Warrior," she growled, her voice ragged and husky.
Some time later, the quarters now looking like something that needed to be claimed a disaster area, Renee lay breathless in the arms of her mate.
"You stay away to long, my love," she whispered, the bloodlust sated in them both for the moment.
"Duty calls us both, Parmaq. You could always give this up," he said, waving his hand about indicating the room, but Starfleet was his meaning, "And join me."
"No more than you could give up your life to join me. We both knew this," she sighed.
"I know, but it does not make me like it," he growled.
Renee ran her fingers in the hair on his bare chest, as she listened to the sounds of his heart. She smiled.
"Just keep me here, and I am satisfied," she said, rubbing the area above his heart.
"And you hold me here," he replied, his voice less gruff, as he placed his hand over her heart.
"Always, my Warrior. Always," she whispered.
"I will never be far from you. Never so far you cannot but think my name and I will appear. This is my promise to you," he said, pulling her closer.
"I know my love," she said, her heart full and her mind again at ease.
Posted by: Delorin Sep 6 2006, 09:27 AM
Some time later, the quarters now looking like something that needed to be claimed a disaster area, Renee lay breathless in the arms of her mate."You stay away to long, my love," she whispered.
"Duty calls us both, Parmaq. You could always give this up," he said, waving his hand about indicating the room, but Starfleet was his meaning, "And join me."
"No more than you could give up your life to join me. We both knew this," she sighed.
"I know, but it does not make me like it," he growled.
Renee ran her fingers in the hair on his bare chest, as she listened to the sounds of his heart...the heart beating of a warrior. She smiled.
"Just keep me here, and I am satisfied," she said, rubbing the area above his heart.
"And you hold me here," he replied, his voice less gruff, as he placed his hand over her heart.
"Always, my Warrior. Always," she whispered.
"I will never be far from you. Never so far you cannot but think my name and I will appear. This is my promise to you," he said, pulling her closer.
"I know my love," she said, her heart full and her mind again at ease.
He held her in his arms caressing her as they lay in silence enjoying the warmth of each others bodies. His large, callused hands began to caress her more intimately and a low moan escaped her causing the spark within him to ignite once more, the fire fueled by her passion again burning like lava through his veins. He pulled her roughly to him and kissed her hard as he rolled her over onto her back. Their 'play' was again hard, passionate, violent and fulfilling. Again he held her as they regained their breath.
"You are a match for me in every way." he growled, looking deep into her eyes and pulling her head towards him and kissing her again.
“..and you I, my warrior.” She replied.
“You know I will kill any man who dares touch you?” he snarled, his voice venoment looking deep into her eyes for her response. “You are my woman and my mate.”
“Yes.” She replied simply, her eyes not wavering from his.
“Your Captain..he has discomfort..he holds some feeling for you that is not reserved for a CO towards his Executive officer.” He growled.
She looked surprised for a moment. “Why do you say this?” she asked.
“His eyes betray him.” He growled.
“I would take no other man.” She replied her eyes holding his. He could see the honesty of this statement and the flash of anger and fire within them. “No man will have me, I am your Mate. I wish no other I will have no other. I will accept no other. No other could match you in battle nor in love. We are mated for life.” She growled, her own voice as venemont as his own had been earlier.
He growled as she leaned down and kissed him hard on the lips, again the spark igniting, for a third time. Again the passion flared and the bloodlust ignited and fueled them. She nuzzled his neck and then bit down hard at the base of it as again they began the battle of love among the ruins of the bedroom. They fought long and hard until she screamed as the battle was concluded, mingling with his own howl that echoed round the room.
They lay on the floor among the debris both regaining their breath as he held her once more, cradled in his arms, the sweat pouring off him. Finally she sat up and looked down at him, tracing her fingers across his ridges.
“You look like you could do with a drink my warrior.” She smiled.
“My hunger is for the moment sated, but my thirst is great parmaq.” He replied.
“Then I shall get us both something to drink my love.” She replied.
He watched her beautiful battered body as she stood up and walked to the door and vowed again to himself that he would kill any man who so much as looked at her in any manner than with respect. She was his woman and his mate and she would be treated with respect or he would exact his honor in blood. He finally stood and looked around him at the ruins of the room.
“Flimsy……weak….not furnishing for a warrior.” He growled as he turned and made his way to the sitting room and sat down on the sofa as Renee walked out of the kitchen with two mugs in her hand.
She handed him a mug and sat down beside him.
“What is it.” He asked taking it from her.
“Raktajino.” She replied. “I too remember everything that my mate enjoys.”
He grinned as he sipped it enjoying the acrid taste.
“So how long will you be here?” she asked as she sipped her own drink.
“Where? Here with you? Or at the Base? “ he asked.
“Both I guess.” She replied.
“With you Parmaq, until I am forced to leave, by your call to duty and/or departure. The base…I have my crew on leave, they have the need to unwind. We shall leave as soon as I have paid restitution to the base CO for the damage they have caused, letting off steam and have them released from the brig.”
“They are already incarcerated?” she asked.
“I do not know, but I would be surprised if they are not” He laughed uproariously.
Posted by: Reyan Caius Sep 6 2006, 10:27 AM
Following his drink, Reyan had felt compelled to visit Lieutenant-Commander DaveyHe walked into sickbay, another unfamiliar part of the ship, and looked for Doctor Dixon, spotting her stood over Commander Davey with a medical tricorder
"Commander Davey - how are you?" he asked
"Fine now, thanks to the good Doctor" she replied, receiving an indignant snort from the EMH
"...And the EMH" she continued
"Just pleased you are okay - I intend for the Pulsar to depart in one hour and thirty minutes - if you feel up it, I'd like you on the bridge" Reyan stated, prompting a smile from Commander Davey.
He then turned and approached Doctor Dixon, his heart skipping a beat as she turned to face him
"Sorry our drink was interrupted, Charlie - can I offer you another, or dinner perhaps?" he asked, choosing not to add the fact that he was finding it very difficult to stop thinking about her
Sorry it's short, people - pressed for time
Posted by: Dixon Sep 6 2006, 12:47 PM
“Hey.”Charlie jumped, completely focused on applying the cream to the now soundly sleeping Lieutenant Commander Davey. She spun around, inches away from Marix’s face, as he was leaning over her shoulder and watching her do so. She swallowed hard as she hesitantly stepped back, laughing nervously for some reason. “Hey,” Charlie replied finally, setting the equipment down. “Aren’t you here a little early?”
“If I’m ever going to overtake your position, then I have to start kissing up somehow,” Marix smirked. “What can I do for you, Chief?”
Charlie rolled her eyes, her apprehensions instantly melting away at his humorous tone. “I’m not sure. The EMH is part maid apparently because a while ago this room was a mess,” she said, looking around the room. Her brow rose as she saw the EMH at her desk, deep in thought. “Quite the hologram,” she murmured, walking back into the room where the less commonly used medicines were kept. “I guess you could clean up in here. I was in here a while.”
Marix had followed her, and picked up one of the containers. “Kelotane?” he asked. “She was burned?” he said, turning back into the room to see the unconscious Davey.
“Pretty bad,” Charlie said, absentmindedly cleaning up on her own, screwing a lid on a jar. “Cosmetic surgery, muscle reconstruction and tissue regeneration. The ever confident EMH boasted that it should be good as new.” Charlie stretched to get the jar on the top shelf.
“But you don’t think so?” Marix asked, reaching up to help. Charlie slowly retracted her hand as he took the jar and set in on the top shelf. She looked him over with a careful eye, something else developed from being a doctor. As her eyes met his face, she saw he was looking at her as well. “Charlie?”
“No,” Charlie said, stepping back into Sickbay.
“What?” Marix asked with confusion, a few steps behind.
“So much treatment in such a little amount of time, especially being so extensive, will influence healing time,” Charlie said, busying herself at a nearby console, updating Davey’s report. “Scarring is inevitable, not to mention plausible emotional trauma.”
“Are you okay?” Marix asked with a hesitant laugh as he crossed his arms.
“You know, I forgot to prepare the prescription,” she said, ignoring him and walking back into the small room.
“Charlie,” Marix said, his hesitant laugh quieter as he rushed to catch up with her.
“Dermaline Gel,” Charlie said, taking it out of a lower cabinet.
“Justin, stop,” Charlie said, slamming the jar on the table, looking at it with wet eyes, biting her lip. It was completely silent. Her heart was pounding as her mind streamed with thoughts, her merciless conscience screaming over everything. Suddenly there was a hand on her chin, turning her face to his. She looked at his blurry figure, his deep concern penetrating through his dark eyes. Using his thumb, he wiped away the confused tears. All of a sudden, his face began to descend towards hers, and she closed her eyes.
“Doctor Dixon, I think I’ve found a suitable-”
The two repelled like matching poles on a magnet, and Charlie hurriedly wiped away the remnants of tears as Marix reached for the Dermaline Gel on the desk. “This does seem like a good post-treatment. How many dosages were you saying?”
“Uh,” Charlie coughed, looking briskly at the frozen EMH before turning to Marix, whose brow was still rose in question, his eyes widening the emphasis of the escape route. “We’ll start out three times a day, and from there it’ll be based on the progress observed in her check-up. Which reminds me, EMH, can you go wake Davey’s and start post-treatment procedures? I’ll take-over in a moment, let me just check the schedule to see when I can get Davey in for her first check-up.”
The EMH looked between the two, but in actuality hadn’t seen anything except their awkward demeanors when he had approached. He nodded, and turned back into the room to comply. Charlie sat down next to Marix, turning the computer towards her. The two were silent, and cast careful glances into Sickbay.
Charlie brought up her own schedule and Davey’s, comparing the two. As she typed with one hand, she suddenly felt a warm sensation on the other, glancing out of the corner of her eye to see Marix’s hand on top of her own. She gave a sideways smile, looking over at him briefly as she stood up and went back into the main room where the doctor was gently talking to Davey.
“How are you feeling?” he asked as he handed Charlie Davey’s file.
“Like hell,” she muttered groggily, lifting up her bandaged hand so she could see it. The bandages were moist with first treatment of Dermaline Gel. “All I remember is crawling down the Jefferies Tube and now I’m here.”
“That’s more than we thought you would remember,” Charlie commented with a smile. “You went into shock and we had to sedate you to finish treating your burn.”
“So what’s it going to take to get my hand back?” she said, looking at the mitten-shaped wrapping.
“Doctor, can you go check on Doctor Marix?” Charlie requested, the EMH silently dismissing himself. “He should be preparing the cream now for your hand. It should be soothing, considering it is mainly derived from aloe.”
“To be honest, it’s kind of tingly,” Davey admitted. The doors parted, but used to the sound, Charlie made no effort to the unannounced entrance.
"Commander Davey, how are you?" he asked. Charlie flushed a dark shade of pink as she busily typed what Davey had said. A quiet murmur of earlier thoughts echoed through her mind as she immediately realized the voice from not too long ago.
"Fine now, thanks to the good Doctor," she replied, receiving an indignant snort from the EMH. Charlie’s thoughts were momentarily interrupted as she raised an amused brow in the hologram’s direction.
"...And the EMH," she continued.
"Just pleased you are okay. I intend for the Pulsar to depart in one hour and thirty minutes; if you feel up it, I'd like you on the bridge," Reyan stated, prompting a smile from Commander Davey.
Charlie felt the pause ending the conversation and she looked up to finally see Reyan, hoping he was in some degree color blind to the shade of light red she was turning in his presence.
"Sorry our drink was interrupted, Charlie; can I offer you another, or dinner perhaps?" he asked, rocking on his heels, hands folded neatly behind him.
His voice soothed the conflicting emotions and she took a deep breath to fill the gap of relief it left. A second informal meeting? Was he feeling the same way? Did he have some secret agenda with her? Charlie realized her mouth was slightly parted, a quiet questionable, “Um,” escaping her. She glanced back over her shoulder to see Marix working on the medicine, the EMH hovering close by. She turned back to Reyan, seeing a confused look cross his face. “Well, it’s just that I have the night shift tonight.”
Reyan smiled, seeming accepting that it was the only reason she was hesitating. “Oh, well how about lunch tomorrow?”
Charlie smiled, nodding slowly. She couldn’t quite place it, but she desired to be in his company again, to find out more about him. “Lunch,” she repeated.
Reyan’s smile grew and he had a certain glow about him. “I’ll see you then,” he said, nodding his dismissal. “Davey, I’ll see you on the Bridge first thing upon your release?”
“Aye,” she replied with a smile. Charlie watched as Reyan left, his eyes locked firmly with hers as he reached the doors, turning and walking off. Charlie sighed, her stature slumping a little. She was seriously getting in over her head.
Posted by: Renee Weist Sep 6 2006, 08:12 PM
Renee loved Delorin with all her soul, and trusted him without hesitation. They had been mated a long time, and she never tired of him. They had sated the passion from within, and now thirst had them in its grasp. Renee went to the replicator and returned with two mugs. She adored him with her eyes, as she looked over his masculine form, as yet unclad on her sofa. He was perfection personified, and a massive Warrior.She handed him his drink, remembering he loved raktajino, and sat beside him.
“So how long will you be here?” she asked as she sipped her own drink.
“Where? Here with you? Or at the Base? “ he asked.
“Both I guess.” She replied.
“With you Parmaq, until I am forced to leave, by your call to duty and/or departure. The base…I have my crew on leave, they have the need to unwind. We shall leave as soon as I have paid restitution to the base CO for the damage they have caused, letting off steam and have them released from the brig.”
“They are already incaserated?” she asked.
“I do not know, but I would be surprised if they are not” He laughed uproariously
Renee laughed with his, as it was near customary to have to relieve one or two of his men from the brig from every port of call they entered. She remembered that from her stay aboard his ship. Then she noticed his many bruises, and then her own.
"We are a mess, my love," she smiled.
"As always when we battle," he grinned, again pulling her ruffly to him. "You are not the weakling most humans are. I have known human men who have cowered at one blow of my fist, yet you stand me firm. You honor me," he said in a guteral growl.
"It is you, my Warrior, who honor me. Your prowess and strength gives me strength. All I know of combat I learned from you, and of love. I desire it no other way," she said, pressing close to him, his warmth engulfing her. "Although, we should probably clean up, and dress. I believe this ship leaves once all officers have reported on."
"Then we will shower together, to save time," he grinned, his voice low and deep.
"My bathroom cannot take a battle," she giggled. "It would crumble around us."
"Flimsy human dwellings. Come home, Renee. Come live amoung our people once again, as a warrior should," he tried, as he always did when good bye was near.
"I have my duty, Delorin, and you know it. I would not dishonor you by leaving my command. Although it keeps us apart at times, it must be endured. One day, I will attend your side and never leave," she said softly, tracing her fingers across his ridged forehead, and down his cheek.
"I await that day eagerly," he replied, setting his cup down, and then standing.
Taking Renee by the hand, he hoisted her up effortlessly, and tossed her over his shoulder. Laughing all the way, they made their way to the showers.
Posted by: Delorin Sep 7 2006, 10:47 AM
Renee laughed and then commented as she noticed his cuts and bruises."We are a mess, my love," she smiled.
"As always when we battle," he grinned, again pulling her ruffly to him. "You are not the weakling most humans are. I have known human men who have cowered at one blow of my fist, yet you stand me firm. You honor me," he said in a guteral growl.
"It is you, my Warrior, who honor me. Your prowess and strength gives me strength. All I know of combat I learned from you, and of love. I desire it no other way," she said, pressing close to him, his warmth engulfing her. "Although, we should probably clean up, and dress. I believe this ship leaves once all officers have reported on."
"Then we will shower together, to save time," he grinned, his voice low and deep.
"My bathroom cannot take a battle," she giggled. "It would crumble around us."
"Flimsy human dwellings. Come home, Renee. Come live amoung our people once again, as a warrior should," he tried, as he always did when good bye was near.
"I have my duty, Delorin, and you know it. I would not dishonor you by leaving my command. Although it keeps us apart at times, it must be endured. One day, I will attend your side and never leave," she said softly, tracing her fingers across his ridged forehead, and down his cheek.
"I await that day eagerly," he replied, setting his cup down, and then standing.
Taking Renee by the hand, he hoisted her up effortlessly, and tossed her over his shoulder. Laughing all the way, they made their way to the showers. He continued to hold her as he adjusted the heat setting, then grunted when it was to his satisfaction. He let her down in the cubicle and stepped in with her. She stood the water pounding down on her, her eyes closed. He watched her in awe for a moment, her beauty was one of the few things that could still take his breath away. Then her eyes opened and she reached her hand out to him.
"Are you just going to stand there." she smiled, then an evil glint sparkled mischieviously in her eyes. "Or is my warrior afraid of a little soap and water."
He growled low in his throat and it built to a loud echoing laugh. "I am not afraid of the water, or the soap it is the she devil beconning me that brings fear to this warrior."
Renee laughed as he moved under the water and pulled her roughly to him, his lips meeting hers as again he felt the stirring in his blood.
"Woman, you will be the death of me." he growled as he pinned her against the wall, the water washing over them both.
"But what a glorious way to die." she half growled, half purred, moving against him.
"Then one last time we battle." He growled.
Mindful of the damage they had wreaked, he took her more gently, but with no less passion. They battled beneath the water struggling for control, neither winning nor losing. He breathed heavy as she fought, her own breath labored. Her strength an staminor equaled his in passion as they made love, one last time, before he must again leave her. Finally repleated, they tended each other, her hands gentle on his body, his own large, rough hands as gentle as they could be.
"I love you," she whispered.
"parmaq..I love you as I have loved no other and will love no other." he replied, his voice deep with emotion.
They finished showering and Renee, retrieved a fresh uniform from the cupboard as he kicked the rubble aside in the search for his clothing. Finally he had retrieved it all and they dressed.
"It is not too late to change your mind." he told her as he watched her finish dressing.
"Not to late for what, my warrior?" she asked.
"To come with me." he replied. "You will grow weak among these..." he waved his arm around "....Star Fleet personel...these," he stood, looking for the words. "...sterile, suroundings." he spat them as if they left a bad taste in his mouth. ".they are not for the likes of you. You are a woman....a real woman..a woman with a warriors heart and soul..." he growled.
"Have I weakened my love?" she asked.
He laughed again uproariously as if the very thought was beyond even considering.
"No Parmaq." he said at last, "that is one thing no one will ever call you...Your point is well taken."
"Then for now, my path lay, to reach honor in my own way and yours your own, my warrior. The time will come when our paths will join and travel to the end together, but for now they will cross once in a while and we will make the best of it. Our bond knows no bounderies of time, space or distance." she smiled. "We are mated for life. Nothing can ever tear us apart."
He grunted and acknowledged that she was right. He may be a warrior, but she knew how to tame him.
Posted by: Sashela Kerrigan Sep 7 2006, 12:34 PM
EngineeringWatching the El Aurian leave stabbed at her heart for being so mean and she decided to make it up to him later. At the moment, it was the ship that needed attention from the Trill. You keep me from making friends! She thought hitting the display. The Chief Engineer gave several instructions to her team before excusing herself from the busy engine room to seek out the helpful Chief of Security. Sas made her way to the Security office, "computer locate Lieutenant Commander Tekari?" She asked as she walked.
[Lieutenant Commander Tekari is located in the shuttlebay.]
"Oh well der!" Sas said as she recalled him telling her that. Stupid me! She thought.
Sas spotted the El Aurian and made her way over but remained out of the security personnel's way. However, she did move into Tekari's field of vision and leaned against a shuttle while she awaited him and his teams to be finished. He is a bit of all right! She thought as she eyed him up and down while he conferenced with the teams.
Posted by: Renee Weist Sep 7 2006, 07:19 PM
She adored Delorin, and inher heart or in her mind there could never be another. He was all she had ever wanted, or needed, and more. He loved her as deeply, and of that she never had the first doubt. He was a man among men, and a Warrior first and foremost."I will see if the Captain will allow me to escort you up," Renee said, as the time grew near once again.
She tapped her comm.

She and Delorin strode out of her quarters, Delorin well over a foot taller than she, his size dwarfing her in comparison as they made their way to the airlock. They exited the airlock, and Delorins XO was waiting in the lounge just down the corridor.
"Commander, Colonel," he said standing.
"Commander," Renee returned.
"Go and see to the release of our men, and report to the ship, We leave at once," Delorin commanded, his broad shoulders set squarely firm.
"At once," the Commander said.
Once alone inside the lounge, Delorin again pulled Renee to him ruffly, pressing his large form to her own, as he kissed her deeply with much passion. She held him close, not daring to let one tear escape her eyes. She was the Mate of a Warrior, and would not show that weakness, even though her heart broke.
"Until we meet again, my love," she said, as the kiss ended. "I will hold your honor with a vengence, and your love securely tucked inside of me, throughout my being. I could not love you more."
Posted by: Reyan Caius Sep 8 2006, 08:26 AM
The hour had passed, a lot more slowly then Reyan would have liked, but he was pleased to note that everyone was where they should be when he arrived on the bridge"Report" he asked
"All systems operational" Lieutenant-Commander Davey replied
"Good to see you, Commander" Reyan stated, moving to sit in the Command chair
Commander Weist emerged from the turbolift and moved to join him
"I think it's about time that we gave this ship a chance to do what it was designed to do" Reyan stated
Commander Weist nodded in silent agreement, looking as eager to get underway as
"Release docking clamps, Clear all morings" Reyan ordered
"Aye Sir" Ensign T'Las replied
"Commander Davey - has Captain Marks cleared our departure
"Yes Sir" Jules replied
Reyan smiled
"Ahead half-thrusters" Reyan continued
The gigantic space doors began to part, and the Pulsar began to move slowly foward toward them, slipping past the larger ships that she had been docked with, until she reached the spacedoor approach
"Full thrusters, full impulse once we're clear of the doors" Commander Weist ordered
The Pulsar passed through the still-opening doors, her size meaning that she did not require the doors to be fully opened
"Full impulse" Reyan confimed
"Sir - another vessel pulling alongside us" Ensign T'Las advised
"It's Colonel Delorin" Commander Davey replied
"Giving us a honourable sendoff" Commander Weist stated, grinning
"Ensign T'Las - lay in course for the Celendi system, heading 239 mark 121 - warp 7"
"Aye Sir" the Ensign replied
"Engage" Reyan ordered, and the Pulsar burst away from Starbase Hyperion, heading toward it's new mission
Posted by: Delorin Sep 8 2006, 10:44 AM
Delorin and Renee made their way to the airlock. His heart was heavy, knowing that he would be soon leaving his mate yet again. They exited the airlock, and Delorins XO was waiting in the lounge just down the corridor."Commander, Colonel," he said standing.
"Commander," Renee returned.
"Go and see to the release of our men, and report to the ship, We leave at once," Delorin commanded, his broad shoulders set squarely firm.
"At once," the Commander said.
Once alone inside the lounge, Delorin again pulled Renee to him ruffly, pressing his large form to her own, as he kissed her deeply with much passion. She held him close. He looked deep into her eyes and felt pride. Any other woman would have broken down and put on an exhibition. She stood firm and proud. She was the Mate of a Warrior, and would not show that weakness, even though her heart broke.
"Until we meet again, my love," she said, as the kiss ended. "I will hold your honor with a vengence, and your love securely tucked inside of me, throughout my being. I could not love you more."
"Parmaq." he said, his voice full of love and passion. " You hold not only my honor, but my heart. I know it will be safe, yours is the heart of a warrior. I have rarely seen such a heart, let alone in a woman. I have love for noone but you and no matter where you are, I will be with you. If you need me..I shall come to you..You will never truly be alone my love." he growled, pulling her in close against him and kissing her again passionately.
Eventually they parted and with one last look, she walked away. He bowed his head for a moment, then growled.

Delorin was soon aboard, he sat in his command chair staring straight ahead. They had been given permission to depart and they had moved out from the base and stood leyside waiting as he watched the Pulsar move out of dock.
"Prepare to come along side." He growled.
He watched as they moved into formation beside the Pulsar.
He watched in silence his face set.
"Give her escort into open space, hold steady." T'Ker ordered.
They travelled alongside for some distance.
"Peal off, Cloak." Delorin ordered.
The Bird of Prey moved away from the Pulsar.
Goodbye Parmaq, I shall return for you.
Posted by: Dixon Sep 8 2006, 02:42 PM
“Davey went to the Bridge.”Charlie jumped, looking up from her absentminded look boring into her computer. “Thanks,” she said quietly, clearing her throat before standing. “So I guess I’ll be back to relieve you tonight.”
Marix stepped in from his position of leaning in the doorframe, approaching her slowly, almost cautiously. He laid a hand on her shoulder. “Look,” he sighed, “I don’t know how to help with emotional problems. If what happened earlier in anyway transformed our relationship, friendship, whatever we have, then I’m sorry.”
Charlie gave a sideways smile. “It’s… complicated,” she said, finally looking up at him. “Just be patient, for me,” she requested, biting her lip nervously. His dark eyes searched her own before he sighed, nodding.
“Alright,” he said, confirming the nod. “Now get out of here, it’s my turn to sit on the throne,” he said, ushering her aside and sitting at her desk. Charlie laughed, shaking her head as she left the room.
Her quarters were a mess. Her definition of ‘loosely unpacking’ was to basically strewn everything out of the bags and toss them lazily around. The lights still dim, Charlie sighed as she fell back onto the pile of clothes on her bed. “Computer, set alarm for 0700 hours,” she muttered with a yawn. The computer beeped its confirmation. Before her mind tried to interfere her thoughts with its thinkfulfness, Charlie fell dead asleep.
0700 came too soon. When the alarm roared its ugly head, Charlie groaned, rolling over, her hand falling onto the nightstand. She frowned when she felt something she knew wasn’t there before, and sat up to see a small black box. Rubbing her tired eyes, Charlie ordered the alarm off before taking the box and opening it. In it lay her new pip, black with a gold around it. “Lieutenant Commander,” she muttered groggily with a half-awake smile. Noticing that she had fallen asleep in her earlier uniform, Charlie quickly showered, and changed, somewhat in a positive mindset. Maybe all she needed was a good nap. Putting a fresh uniform, Charlie gleamed in the mirror as she set the new pip in its place. With some last minute picking at herself, Charlie headed down the hall.
“It’s about time,” Marix said, yawning and stretching when she entered her office. His legs had been propped up on the desk and she gave him a disapproving look.
“You know, if this is your definition of sucking up, you seriously need to reevaluate yourself,” Charlie said flatly before taking his arms and pulling him out of her chair. “So nothing happened in the last 3 hours?”
“An eager ensign came in for his physical,” Marix shrugged. “That was right after you left though. Since then, I’ve helped the EMH clean up and finish stocking the closet, read up on sports at home, and started strategizing against you in tomorrow’s game.”
Charlie frowned, taking her seat. “Game?”
Marix laughed. “Yeah, you were going to give it to me ‘Dixon style’, remember?”
“Oh football,” Charlie said, nodding. “I maybe a little late. I have lunch plans.”
Marix raised an amused brow. “Should I be jealous?”
“Of what? The fact that I’m going to eat lunch tomorrow?”
“Did you get a date with the dreamy Lieutenant Darkon?”
“Actually,” Charlie said over the lump that had gather in her throat. “It’s with the Captain.”
Marix sneered as he laughed. “Right, and I’m the Queen of England.”
“Well then, all hail the Queen,” she said, giving him a mock salute. Marix went to say something, but suddenly a young woman walked in, eager but shy.
“Ensign Kim Campbell,” she said quietly, nodding her head.
“Hello,” Charlie said, smiling warmly as she remembered meeting Kaoru; she wanted to make a similar impression, that she was trustworthy and intelligent, but gentle and kind. “Last minute transfer?”
The woman nodded, blushing slightly.
“Well, I’m Doctor Charlie Dixon, and this is Doctor Justin Marix,” she said, standing as she shook Kim’s hand. “I assume you’re here for the red-eye shift?”
“Aye, sir,” she said with a smile.
“Well it was nice meeting you, but I’m off the clock,” Marix said, dismissing himself, but turning around after passing Kim to give Charlie a wink. Charlie blushed lightly.
“Well,” Charlie said. “Considering I haven’t the vaguest idea where anything is either, let’s take a look around.”
Posted by: Tekari Sep 8 2006, 07:43 PM
"...so have the Station guards reminded of our departure. We've got our people back and they have thiers," Tekari spoke to two Security officers who had guarded the air-locks earlier.After having spoken to the entire Security detail, Tekari excused the ones needed at thier stations and spoke to the smaller groups who needed to be briefed. He had noticed Sashela standing next to one of the Shuttle's, looking at him.
"Thanks," he said to the two officer's, prompting them to leave.
Tekari began walking for Sashela when he was suddenly approached by his Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical.
"I'd just like to thank you, once again for giving me the Assistant position," Vein said.
The El Aurian stopped for him, "the Captain wanted me to appoint one for the mission. There were others to choose from, but you had the most Bridge experience."
"It was nothing compared to Andrews - but I hope I can live up to expectations, now that he's gone aswell."
Tekari nodded and patted the guy against his shoulder, "Trust yourself and you'll do fine."
The officer nodded and headed off to the Bridge. Whenever Tekari wasn't on the Bridge, he was to take over.
Sashela continued to wait patiently as Tekari approached her. The last of the officer's had left the Shuttle Bay. "Lieutenant," Tekari said, "this is quite a surprise."
"I thought you'd be in your Office, when I realized you just said you'd be down here," she said light-heartedly.
Tekari chuckled, "I probably won't make a habit of it. I'm sure I won't need to meet with the whole Security team all the time." He stopped to think about it. "Everyone seems so..." Tekari wasn't sure the word he was looking for, "so young," he decided.
"You look like you're 30," Sashela remarked. "How old are you exactly?"
Tekari smiled, "I believe the human tradition goes that a man never tells his age."
"Heh heh," Sashela laughed, "Actually, it goes that a woman never tells her age."
The El Aurian then thought about it. He suddenly did remember something along those lines once. "Oh yeah. Err-- Well in that case, I'm 100." Tekari stopped, "When you finally reach the big three-digits, you suddenly realize all the time you have in life, and it all just slows down."
It was then the senior staff was called to thier positions because the Pulsar was preparing to leave the Station.
Tekari and Sashela walked out into the corridors. "I guess we're departing."
Posted by: Renee Weist Sep 8 2006, 09:57 PM
"Parmaq." he said, his voice full of love and passion. " You hold not only my honor, but my heart. I know it will be safe, yours is the heart of a warrior. I have rarely seen such a heart, let alone in a woman. I have love for noone but you and no matter where you are, I will be with you. If you need me..I shall come to you..You will never truly be alone my love." Delorin growled, pulling her in close against him and kissing her again passionately.Eventually they parted and with one last look, she walked away. She made her way back to the airlock, and took the short ride to the bridge. Exiting the lift, she joined the Captain in the command center.
Commander Davey confirmed clearance from Hyperion, and the departure commands were given. Renee watched as the space doors opened, allowing the ship to pass easily through.
"Full impulse" the Captain stated once the doors were cleared.
"Sir - another vessel pulling alongside us" Ensign T'Las advised
"It's Colonel Delorin" Commander Davey replied.
Renee's heart lept, as she saw her beloved's ship alongside her own.
"Giving us a honourable sendoff" Renee said, her grin showing her pride in her mate.
She would miss him terriably, but such was the way with the life they had chosen. He would never be far from her, not in any way that mattered.
"Ensign T'Las - lay in course for the Celendi system, heading 239 mark 121 - warp 7" the Captain said.
"Aye Sir" the Ensign replied
"Engage" Reyan ordered, and the Pulsar lept into warp, the starscape quickly passing them as the view changed from the standard departure angle, to the forward view on the main viewer.
"Initial system check," Renee called.
"All systems seem to be functioning within norms, Commander. No variations or anomolies noted," Commander Davey said.
Renee sat back. They were on their way. The small compliment of crew made for a more "family" type close atmpsohere. She felt certain those she did not know well already, she would in a short time in the close accomidations.
Initial reports were incoming on the status of the ships first warp. She was a brand new ship, so there would certainly be a few bugs to work out, as was always the case right off the production line. She quietly thought of Delorin as she went through the reports.
Posted by: Gideon Sep 10 2006, 04:08 AM
Gideon arranged his quarters in the evening and toiled over what to tell his crew in the morning. Nighttime set in and he fell asleep reading a datapadd. The alarm awoke him at 0600 and at 0800 he was addressing a dozen plus three enlisted crewmen and one Ensign in the science laboratories. Sixteen people stood at attention when Gideon demanded, "Please, at ease. Sit down." Then, he paused only briefly to regain their eyes before speaking."Good morning to you," he began. "I am Lieutenant Gideon Darkon. I first of all want to let everyone know that there are protocols which should be followed on this ship, so whenever you see myself or any other officer, you should all give us the respect appropriate to that rank. I haven't heard of any incidents, but I wanted to remind you of these protocols because as soon as you enter those doors, the pips come off. Rank means nothing unless someone with more pips than I have enters them. I don't want anyone in this wing calling me Lieutenant or sir. I don't want to see anyone standing at attention or parade rest. Please, call me Gideon. I look forward to meeting each of you as well. I'm giving you this courtesy because we are all professional scientists inside these doors. Everyone's input is not only valued but desired. I don't want science to be interrupted by military protocols.
"That being said, the Captain has accepted our first mission aboard this fine vessel. Personally, I think that the use of this ship in this case is an extreme overkill, but we are professionals. We will accomplish the mission, even if this may prove quite beneath our talents, without complaint or begruntlement. And later we'll get to missions that are more designed for the tasks our team is capable. In other words, this simple stuff we're about to do should get over with quickly so we can get onto the more complicated things that we as scientists live to accomplish.
"A little about my personal background, I've been at Spacedock for three years, was aboard the Meridian for two days, and now I'm here. As all of you are scientists, I'm sure you will read further into my history and possibly my paper from the Academy, although I will never require it. I'd like to thank Chief Young for making me feel comfortable and helping me in this transition. It was a genuine shock because I'd never had crewmen assigned under me before. In that regard, if you ever feel as though you need to talk to me, please do not hesitate. I will make time for each of you.
"Please, this is our work, but it's also our home. I want you to enjoy your time, enjoy your research and reach your dreams while you are here. All that being said, we're going to perform well together and get all research completed thoroughly and on time."
The crew listened in complete silence and to Gideon's shock, they even clapped when he was done. Did they perhaps respect him? Maybe this job of leading crewmen wasn't so bad after all....
Posted by: Reyan Caius Sep 10 2006, 07:41 AM
The Pulsar sprinted toward her destination, a long journey, but one that afforded the crew time to accustom themselves with their new shipReyan, sat in the Command chair, pleased with how everything was going
"I have to admit, I'm impressed - she's an efficent ship" Reyan stated
"I agree - it's a pity that so many people only see the Nova class for it's size" Commander Weist replied
"Let's see if engineering have made any progress with the warp-drive - Ensign T'las, increase our speed to warp 8.5" he ordered
"Captain - the recommended maximum speed of this class of Starship is warp 8" the young Vulcan Ensign stated
"And I am recommending warp 8.5, Ensign" Reyan replied, grinning
The Ensign paused, before replying
"Increasing speed to warp 8.5"
"Vulcans!" he whispered to Renee
"Give it a few minutes, Engineering will be complaining" Renee stated
"Probably - but I'm pretty sure they're on top of it" Reyan replied, confident in the abilities of his Engineering team
"The ship seems to be managing this speed without too much effort" Ensign T'las advised
"And again, the Pulsar proves that being smaller is far from being inferior" Reyan excalimed
Thanks everyone - will move on to mission 1 now

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