Star Trek: Starbase 001


Star Trek Archives > Star Trek: Starbase 001 > Episode 001

Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 06:47 AM

Star Trek: Starbase 001

Beyond the realm of Romulan Space is a vast and uncharted frontier just waiting to be explored and claimed. Ever adventerious, the Starship Columbia and her crew have been assigned to begin the exploration of this vast region of the unknown.

In the heart of this territory sits a long abandoned alien Space Station. Will it become the new Center of Civilization? What technologies were left behind? What will they find and will they survive it?


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 06:53 AM

Lt. Mede Ster Reiziger
Cheif Operations officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58101.03
Location: Personal Quarters
New Beginnings

Turning to Commander Hurst, Mede replied, "Warp engines are fully
functioning. All internal systems reporting 100%. External systems
reporting 98% and climbing. Seems a minor latch on the cargo bay is
being repaired and will be completed within the hour. All restock is
complete. All other maintenance is complete. We have been given
permission from the base commander to disembark at will." Mede
rattled off the current status of all systems and routine reports.
zmonkeyo: It was just part of the normal preflight task. It wasn't
exciting or glorious and she couldn't wait to be done with the
mundane. "All reports are contained in this PADD and awaiting your
signature," Mede finished rising and bringing the aforementioned
PADD to Commander Hurst.

As she approached the Commander Mede was distracted by thoughts
of one Captain Steven Armstrong and her time with him. This mission
would take her far from anything she had ever known. It was going to
be hard and yet Mede looked forward to the challenge. Hurst took the
PADD and Mede returned to her seat just as the Security Chief
stepped off the lift onto the bridge.

Captain Hardgrove stepped from his ready room. Would they leave
now or were there others they were waiting for? Mede hoped they
could get this adventure underway soon. The sooner she was busy, the
sooner she would get over that Captain with his `let me love you'
eyes, bold embrace and tender kisses. "Forever" hadn't lasted very
long for him and it seemed to be burned into her heart.

Shaking her head, Mede vowed to get over it and get on with her
life. "Commander, I have communication from the base," Mede reported
and wondered what further they could want.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:00 AM

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief medical Officer

Ensign Bianca Andronis
Chief helm officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58101.07
Location: Runabout Rowan
"uncomfortable situations"

Ensign Bianca Andronis nervously piloted the runabout Rowan through
the Romulan neutral zone. Although she knew the Romulans were
expecting them at Star Base Makar. Bianca was still was uneasy about
being extremely close to the once sworn enemies of the
Federation. Although she was a fine pilot her nervousness
showed in her piloting , If she had been alone on the runabout it
wouldn't have been noticeable but the Rowan was carrying three
others. All of them had the same destination of the star ship

Looking out the window, Dr Samantha Haliwell honestly wondered
whether or not they'd make it to the actual place in one peace. The
pilot was obviously nervous from the way it rocked from side to side
Bianca gained control of her self and corrected their course hoping
to stop the ships shaking

"So Dr, How old is your son?" she asked trying to break the silence

"Old enough," she replied holding on for dear life.

"Sorry about the bumpy ride I am still a little edgy being in
Romulan space."

Halliwell looked at her, it was understandable, hell they all were a
little on edge. "Nothing to worry about," she commented staring out
the window. "But I do see your hesitation."

Bianca hands tapped the console quickly correcting their course a
final time. The shuttle lurched to one side and then entered a
totally smooth course.

"How long until we get there?" Halliwell asked gently, leaning back
in her seat, just wanting to get this whole thing over and done

Setting the shuttle to auto pilot Bianca rose form her seat and
walked to join the Doctor. " A little over three hours. you know
my older brother is a Doctor may be you know him?"

Giving out a low mutter, Halliwell gave her a smile. Perhaps she did
but automatically assuming that just because she was a doctor that
she would know another doctor. Damn, her head hurt at trying to
puzzle that one. "I may," she said

Bianca smiled "So have you heard what our mission Is going to be? I
mean being inside Romulan space so soon after the assignation of
the Senate is kind of eerie."

"All I know is they need a medical officer."

"Then you know more than I do. I was just handed orders two weeks
after graduation and told to report to the Columbia as the chief
helms man"

"Wow, you must be thrilled. Getting such an esteemed position so
shortly after graduation."

I am, I all growing up all I ever wanted to do was fly. I have been
flying since I was 12

"Really?" Halliwell asked.

Yeah , my parents bout me a little shuttle for my 12 birthday I have
been flying ever since"

Personally she found that a terrible idea, she tried to imagine
Matthew having some sort of gift like that and it made her
shudder. "That's nice

"My parents spoiled us, my parent hold a corner on teraforming
equipment so we never had to want for much."

Bingo, Halliwell thought as much. "Must have been great," she said
looking out at the stars.

"Not really money doesn't buy a lot of things a child needs
growing up"

" Like love?" she asked gently finally looking to the younger woman.

Bianca nodded quietly. quickly changing the subject she asked a
posing question. "Do you know any thing about the Columbia or it's

"Great ship, didn't think to ask about the Captain." Halliwell gave
her the answer, short and sweet.

"I bet it will be great." Bianca said half heartedly Giving a
soft sigh.

"No doubt, what we signed up for."

"Yeah." Bianca said staring out into the stars.

Samantha noticed that she didn't seem to have a good dialogue going
with the woman, being a doctor she should have been able to at least
establish something but her thoughts were elsewhere, as Bianca's
seemed to be.

Bianca seamed extremely sad. It looked as if she might have lost
her best friend which wasn't too far from the truth. This
assignment had divided the best friends for the first time in three

The shuttle started lurching again. "Ensign," Halliwell snapped
gritting her teeth as she held on.

Bianca jumped from her seat perched over the flight controls trying
to regain stability. with in second she got it and they shuttle
returned to a comfortable speed

Halliwell let out the breath she had been holding in. "If I may
suggest, keep your mind on the piloting."

"Sorry doctor" Bianca could already tell the Doctor didn't think to
well of her.

"Thank you"

Bianca spent the rest of the journey in silence concentrating on
her piloting

Thankfully, Bianca didn't seem to be attempting to make anymore
conversation and as long as that meant they could get to the
Columbia in one peace. Halliwell could live with that.

Bianca Piloted the shuttle into the docking bay of the Columbia some
hours later completing their long and some what uncomfortable ride

"Finally," Halliwell said getting out her seat, glad for the chance
to stretch her legs and finally get on with her job.

The shuttles hatch opened allowing the passengers to disembark. As
they exited the were greeted by a young bajoran security officer.

Lt Dep, smiled at them both and introduced himself. "I'm Lt Dep with
security. Dr. Haliwell, Ensign Andronis welcome aboard. would you
fallow me please?

Halliwell motioned to Bianca to go before her.

Bianca took the lead the sound of the shuttle bay swooshed behind
the trio as they left and headed to their new home.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:00 AM


Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Bridge

Commander Jennifer Hurst
Executive officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Bridge

Lt. Dep Ryes
Security officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: ships corridor

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: ships corridor

Ensign Bianca Andronis
Chief helm officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58101.10
Location: ships corridor
"New arrivals "

Captain Hardgrove crossed the deck of the bridge and motioned to Hurst to
give up the center chair. Without missing a beat Hardgrove picked up all
that was going on around him.

“Lt. Reiziger, put the message on screen. “

The star field image on the main viewer changed to a slightly scowling face
of Romulan Sub Commander T’Van . “Captain Hardgrove, You are over due for
departure.” He said politely but dipping with Romulan distrust.

Hardgrove responded with a devilish grin. “My deepest apologizes Sub
Commander, We are still waiting on the arrival of some our senior staff. As
soon as they have arrived We’ll be underway.”

T’Van nodded degradedly “See that it’s soon Captain.” he snarled

Over the last 10 days the Columbia had been temporarily posted to Makar
T’ran had gone out of his way to be rude. It was clear the mistrust he had
for the Federation and Starfleet his every word dripping with the disgust
he must have felt ,having to be forced to service this Federation ship .
Captain Hardgrove had done his best to be Civil and diplomatic to the
Romulan command crew with the Columbias repairs and replenishment. Although
he had to have been a bit forceful on a few occasions to make sure his ship
was their top priority .

Jennifer Hurst listened intently as Hardgrove continued smoothing over
their current situation with the station commanding officer, when the
Tactical officer spoke her name.

The Lt reported that Captain Hardgrove had just received a hail from
Starfleet command marked urgent.

Drayson finished his ego stroking of T’ran and had the channel closed as
Hurst informed him of the message. Hardgrove nodded and gave her command of
the bridge as he returned to his ready room.

Taking the center seat Hurst picked up the pad she had been studding only
to be interrupted by he Com Badge chirping at her.

“Lt .Dep to the Bridge.” Hurst discreetly tapped her com badge in

“Hurst here what is it Lt?”

Lt. Dep lead them down the corridor toward the Turbo lift he replied .
“Runabout Rowan has arrived with ensign Andronis and Dr Halliwell sir.”

Deps communicator replied “Understood Lt., escort them to the bridge the
captain will meet you in his ready room.”

As they walked Halliwell took in the sights as they walked, it really was
impressive to see up close and personal. She actually thought she might
enjoy it here.

Halliwell stepped in and backed herself into the corner, folding her arms.

Bianca followed suit moving to the side her hands folded behind her back.

Lt Dep walked in behind them,the turbo lifts doors swished shut be hind
them. Dep spoke their destination as the turbo lift came to lifeheaded for
the bridge.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:01 AM


Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Captains ready room

Ensign Bianca Andronis
Chief helm officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58101.15
Location: Turbo lift

Bianca Andronis bit her lower lip in frustration. The events of the past
three weeks flashed in front of her eyes. First Graduation, loosing her
best and only friend to Taylas immediate assignment, the eternity it took to
get her posting and then the unforgettable shuttle ride to the station all
came to mind in one great blur. Clearing her head of those thoughts only one
thing came to mind the fact she wouldn’t have a second chance at making a
first impression with the ships doctor.
For Bianca the silence that filled the void between the lifts passengers
was unbearable. As she leaned against the lifts wall trying to relax from
the uncomfortable situation she was currently in.

As the Turbo doors opened Bianca blew out the breath she had been holding
since she had first entered. Bianca watched as Lt .Dep lead the Dr. and
herself onto the bridge she had to restrain herself from running right past
them both to the helm command console.
As Lt Dep reported in to Commander Hurst and Hurst introduced and welcomed
them both to the Columbia., Bianca mind drifted to the idea of flying the
magnificent ship she was now aboard. Her thoughts drifting and soaring the
ships through space at such great speeds that it took her a moment to her
the executive officer calling her name.

“Ensign., Hurst said again sharply drawing Biancas attention back to her
current location “The Captains ready for you please go right in.”

Bianca sheepishly nodded and headed into the ready room to meet her new

Minutes before Ensign Andronis entered Captain Drayson Hardgrove read and
then reread the communicate that had been sent from Starfleet command. As
his eyes skimmed the notice of Dr Rakiol Teigs death. Hardgrove ran his hand
over hind face and took a deep breath. Closing the transmission her ordered
the computer to compile a list of available science officer already onboard
the ship for the chief science position.

Looking up from the compiling PADD Hardgrove motioned to the chair in
front of the desk . Bianca nervously took the seat and waited for him to
address her.
“Welcome aboard Ensign, I hope your journey was an easy one.” Bianca tried
to smile at his comment but found it hard under the circumstances. “We’ve
readied a quarters for you on D deck , Its modest to say the least. I have
you down for alpha shift. That will give you sometime to get settled and
some rest before your shift started.”

Bianca smiled but then spoke up. “Thank you sir, but if it’ alright with
you sir I’d prefer to decline the quarters and volunteer to share a quarters
if that alright sir.” she said with a bit of uneasy smile .

“I don’t think that should be a problem ensign, “He said with a grin “I’ll
make the arrangements have Lt Dep take you to B deck, section 21 alpha
Tango 4 . I’ll inform your room mate. Dismissed.”

Bianca nodded and slowly began to rise ash she did Hardgrove tapped his com
badge. “Hardgrove to Hurst.”

“Hurst here Captain go head,” she responded .

“ Set course for Leo Expa warp 6,”

Hurst hesitated and the responded “Captain, aren’t we still waiting for Dr
Teig? “

“Change of plans number one, “ he replied. “Also please send in the Dr.”

Bianca approached the security officer and explained the captains orders and
the two left the bridge.

Hurst nodded to Halliwell as the other two officers left the bridge.

“Captain Hardgrove will see you now Dr.”


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:02 AM


Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Captains ready room

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58101.15
Location: Captains Ready room
"Words unsaid "

"Captain Hardgrove will see you now Dr." Commander Hurst told her
motioning to the ready room doors.

Captain...Samantha thought to her self as she brushed down her
uniform, not even allowing herself time to finish the thought .
Surely she didn't hear that correctly. Erm thank you," she said

The ready rooms doors parted allowing her access as she approached
Halliwell brushed off her uniform before she stepped through,
carefully she placed one foot over the threshold quickly followed by
the other. She straightened up and held her chin up high.

Hardgrove sat at his desk continuing looking over the data PADD as
she entered

"Captain," she said finding her voice.

Hardgrove looked up at her his whole facial expression changing as
he did . "Sam?"

"Doctor Halliwell. Sir."

"Right of course." He corrected himself "Dr. Halliwell welcome

"Thank you, Captain." Halliwell looked around the ready room, it
wouldn't be right to start off so informal despite of their past.

"Please have a seat "he said motioning to a chair.
Samantha gingerly moved forward and took a seat, resting her hands
in her lap

"How was your trip" he asked

"I've traveled in much calmer mine fields," Halliwell responded.

"I see " he Frowned "Well do understand the Thaylion radiation did
destabilized a lot of the region."

"That and the pilot seemed more absorbed in for looking for anything
remotely Romulan." Halliwell looked down at her nails then back up
to him. "Sorry, long night."

"We're all a little on edge out here Dr".

"I've no doubt."

Hardgrove looked over a bit of information form a second pad and the
quirked a brow. "I see you brought a passenger?"

Without realizing it, Samantha tensed up.

"One young Mathew Halliwell?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No not at all. I simply under the impression you came on board
alone i didn't know you had a child". He said assuming she had moved
on with her life.

"Well I have," Samantha answered.

Hardgrove nodded " I'll have the advise the quartermaster and g et
you a bigger quarters"

"Thank you."

Hardgrove knew he could easily cut the tension in the room with
a Met'leth so he tried to end the situation altogether and try
again another time since this seamed like it was going nowhere at
warp 8. "Well i am sure your tired Dr. and would probably want to
get settled before you see sickbay. so I'll won't keep you any

Halliwell was thankful for the release, and stood up from behind her
seat. "That sounds great," she said more politely, the frown easing
from her face and revealing her beautiful features.

Hardgrove smiled painfully as she did so. but was willing to try
to break this icy tension between them. "Dr?" he asked

"Would you care to join me for dinner later, maybe catch on old

"I wouldn't want to take you away from your duties," Halliwell said

"It wouldn't" He said desperately trying to convince her

One way or another she was going to have to work at establishing
some kind of relationship with her commanding officer, after all
considering her position she would be spending a great deal of time
in briefings with him. "That would be great."
alright then, I'll let you know when i am done and meet you in the
officers lounge

Halliwell nodded firmly.

Hardgrove smiled. "dismissed Dr" he said with a grin

Samantha politely returned the smile, then turned round heading for
the ready room doors. At least this provided her with an opportunity
to practice the speech that she had done for so long.

Once Sam was gone Hardgrove returned his attention back to the PADD
with information on the science officers and arched an eyebrow as
one in particular stood out.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:02 AM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 812
Star Date 58101.20
Captains Ready room

Lt Tayla Tran
Science officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 58101.20
Science lab 3/ Captains Ready room

Captain Hardgrove tapped his fingers on his desk as he read the Pad.
It Seamed Dr Teig had been critically injured on his way to meet the
Columbia and wouldn't be able to make it. Hardgrove went over his
options. Glancing over officer record s he spotted the name of a
newly assigned Science officer. Tapping his COM badge he called
down to the Science lab. Hardgrove to Science lap 3"

"Science lab 3 this is Tayla how can I help you?" the voice on the
other end of the Com asked

"Lt Tran? This is Captain Hardgrove. Are you busy?"

Tayla seamed a bit surprised. She only had just arrived a little
less than a week ago and wondered what the Captain would possibly
needed to see her for
"No sir did you need me for something?" she asked

"If you could, I'd like to see you in my ready room on the bridge"
he replied

"Yes sir, be there in a few minutes" she responded

As she boarded the Turbo lift Taylas mind was racing.

"What the heck could I have done I thought I had done good work so least I thought I had. Oh man I hope I didn't screw up too
bad." She asked herself.

The lift soon arrived at the bridge coming to a complete halt;
Tayla step off looking nervous and unsure of what was s going on.

Commander Hurst stood from the command chair and smiled at her. "Lt,
The Captain is expecting you, go right in." she said gesturing to
the door of the Ready room

Tran nodded and went in. Still nervous but tried to not show it

Hardgrove continued to look over her record for a few moments while
waiting for her.

Captain Hardgrove Smiled as his ready room doors parted and Tayla
slowly walked in.

Standing from his desk he addressed her. "Lt.Tran, Please have a
seat. He said nodding to a chair

Tayla sat and just watched him a bit nervously. Wondering why the
Captain had called her there.

Hardgrove puffed out a short stream of breath and then made eye
contact. "I have been reading over you service record Lt and I am
extremely impressed. It seams your symbioates previous host was a
leader in his field of study." He asked her questioningly

"Yes sir" she reported proudly

"Excellent, I know you have only been here a little over a week but
it Seams Dr Teig will not be joining the crew as our chief Science
officer as we had hoped." He informed her.

"Oh is he alright?" she asked looking concerned.

"Sadly no he was critically injured." He reported.

What a shame I was looking forward for to learning more..."she said

"Well Lt. I am sure you will learn a lot more by taking his place."
He explained

"You would give me such a high honor sir?" she asked as if shocked.

"I need a science officer Lt. are you up to the task?" he asked her

"Yes sir" she responded excitedly

"Excellent, you'll start next shift rotation. That will give you
just enough time to grab something to eat and a quick shower or nap.
One other thing Lt."

"Yes sir?" she ask him looking puzzled

"The quartermaster told me you refused your own quarters and
volunteered to share quarters?" he asked questioningly

"Yes sir I did "she said mater of factually

"I see," he chuckled

"Is that a problem Sir?"

"No there isn't Lt. It's just funny. We have another crew member who
did the same thing."

"May I ask who sir?"

Hardgrove looked up at her with a slight grin.

"Of course Lt, it was our chief Helm officer ensign Andronis"

Oh interesting she thought to her self

"You know her Lt? He asked her questioningly

"Know her we use to be roommates at the academy."

Hardgrove smiled "I see, so this isn't going to be a problem then?"

"No we were... Best friends"

"Well glad to hear this is a good match then"

"Understood Lt." Hardgrove was going to like this young girl. She
was funny and good natured.

"It's getting late and if you want to eat or nap you'd better get
going before your shift starts."

"Yes sir thank you sir" she said as she left the ready room a
satisfying smile on her face.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:02 AM

Rune Sith
Bounty Hunter
Ferengi Marauder - The Jade Fox
Star Date 58101.20
Briefing Room

The lights were dim, as Sith lifted his leg and swung it around
slowly. He then dropped it and forced both his palms out in fast
motion. This type of physical practice was something he tried to do
almost daily. But as he was about to launch another kick into mid-
air, the ship's alert sound went off.

"Computer, lights," Sith returned to a standing position and called
out. The lights went on and he left the Briefing Room for the Bridge.

On the Bridge, he met up with his second and only other crew member,
a 7-inch by 6-inch android spider. The small creature climbed around
the consoles, lining itself into the computer systems.

"Zeta, what is it?" Sith asked.

"Click!" Zeta replied in the only way it could - through clicks and

Sith went over to a control panel and found that another Ferengi
Marauder had approached them and now were tailing closely. He
recieved a hail and acitvated it.

- "Give me back my ship!" The Ferengi on the viewscreen said.

"Tog? ...I've been using this ship for the past three months, and
it's only now that you find me?" Sith replied in surprise.

- "It wasn't easy to fund help. Now give me back my ship!"

"You know, Tog. I thought it would be hard to control a ship of this
size with just myself... but I realized if I shut down more than 3-
quarters of the vessel and utilize only the systems I need-- then
making this a one-man vessel is no easier than say... knocking out a
Ferengi!" he said in amusement.

- "Ugh! Stupid Huuman. Return my ship. You stole it from me!"

"Yeah but you stole it from someone else," he stopped to think for a
second, "Who actually stole it from someone else-- who in turn stole
it from the Alliance."

- "That is besides the point! If you don't give it back to me, I'll
open fire. I swear I will!"

"You won't do that. The repair bills on this thing cost more than
Ferengi Alliance admission fees. Besides, I'm on my way to a Bounty
right now. Can't you attack me some other time?"

- "I've had it up to here with you, Huuman! Tog out!"

The screen clicked off and Tog's Funded Marauder opened fire. The
Jade Fox was hit, illuminating the shield grid.

"Great. He is opening fire," Sith said as he checked the shield

"Click!?" Zeta blurted out.

"I know, I know. We're already running late. I guess we're just
going to have to say goodbye to Tog," Sith took a seat at the giant
orb and placed his hands on it. "Darn. And I was in the mood to play
around too."

He got the Jade Fox to drop a sensor-scattering beacon and then
jumped to Warp. The Jade Fox was out of there.

Sith sat back in his chair and propped his feet on the console,
relaxed. He then yawned, "Hhhhh. Wake me up when we get there, okay
Zeta? All this bounty hunting is a lot of work."

"Chrip!" Zeta replied.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:03 AM

Ensign Bianca Andronis
Chief Helm officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58102.06
Location: Turbo lift
settling in part 2

Lt Tayla Tran
Chief Science officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 58102.06

Bianca Andronis had been grateful for the Captains permission for a
to rest and freshen up before her shift. Her mind fluttered with
excitement as she was lead to her new quarters. Thanking the bajoran
security officer she entered the some what spacious quarters and looked
around as the doors slid shut behind her.

Bianca paid no attention to the belongings that occupied one part of the
living quarters but instead simply tossed her duffle bag on the empty
and let down her hair. She slowly took in the space around her and
tried to
come up with ideas of how to make it home. Taking a deep breath Anca
unfastened her uniform jacket and tossed it on the bed. She then
opened her
duffle and removed some clean comfortable sleep ware and continued to
undress. Now in nothing but underclothes she entered the refresher and
started a shower closing the door behind her.

Tayla walked into the room smiling ear to ear. Hearing the water
running in
the other room she laughed and sat on her own bed eating the small
amount of
food she was able to get before heading back down to her room. Seeing the
Duffle on the other bed she started to giggle and opened it and started
putting Ancas things where she knew the other would put them. She was so
busy doing this and giggling to herself she didn't notice the sound of
water shut off...

Bianca emerged from the shower to the warm steam filled bathroom.
Grabbing a
towel and wrapping her self in it, Anca ran her fingers through her
red and
hair and then stepped out of the refresher in to the main quarters.

Tayla is still putting Anca and her own stuff away and giggling to
as her friend comes in she looks up and just smiles and waves

Bianca still a bit euphoric from her refreshing shower only caught the
glimpse of her new room mate from the corner of her eye until she
caught the
movement of her hand waving at her and saw that she was holding her sleep
ware in her hand. Bianca turned abruptly and was about to scold her new
companion until she noticed who it was "Tayla?"

"Hi sweetie its about time you got out of that shower, I thought I could
speed up our moving process by putting both our stuff away because I knew
where you would want it."
Tayla acts like it’s the most normal thing in the world for her to be
and for them to be in THAT room together

Bianca was in total shock. She couldn't believe her eyes dropping the
in shear excitement Bianca ran to the other girl and wrapped her arms
her. "Oh Tayla, it is you.

Tayla hugged back and giggled "I wanted to surprise you I guess it worked
now you better get dressed before you catch cold"

Bianca just nuzzled her best friends for a moment and then nodded
her tank top and panties from the other girl and hurriedly got dressed

"Why didn’t you tell me where you were getting assigned? I would have
to find you.
Hehehe she laughed "I wanted it to be a surprise maybe.. And well
there was
Dr Tiegs

"Dr Teig?" Bianca asked questionably

I was suppose to be learning under him... oh isn’t important” Tayla

Bianca now dressed spun around and faced her best friend. "So room mates
again hmm? How lucky are we?

“Luckiest girls ever” Tayla teased

"We sure are, Oh Tay I am so glad were together again

“As am I” Tayla beamed

Bianca looked at the chronomiter and frowned. "Drat, not a lot of down
I got to be on duty is five hours and I really need a nap."

“Yea I do too. At about the same time let’s set the alarm and take a nap
before our shift starts”

"Good idea” Bianca said throwing her duffle of her bed and crawling in

As Bianca settled down in her bed Tayla quickly undressed down to her
top and Bikini underwear and then crawled into her own bed and looked
at her

Hey Bianca I've missed ya”

"I missed you too Love" Anca said her eyes sparkling

Bianca resisted the urge to crawl in to Tayla bed with her like she
had done
so many times before at the academy

A few seconds passed then Tayla giggled

"Anca you want to come over and cuddle its too cold in here alone.”

Bianca smiled and nodded and almost vaulted from her bunk into the other
girls bed

Snuggling next to Tayla, Bianca smiled at her best friend "I love you
she said innocently

Tayla gave her friend a hug and closed her eyes ready to sleep "luv ya

Bianca nuzzled up to Tayla and laid her head on the crook of her
friends arm
and fell fast asleep feeling totally safe in her arms


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:03 AM

Lt. Cmdr Koshi Saki
Chief Security
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58102.06
Location: Messhall/Bridge

Koshi sat in the messhall, looking around the room, studying the
crew assembled there. She used this exercise to read body language,
which helped her understand people better. She had been doing it for
some many years now that she hadn't realized that it had become
second nature to her.

It wasn't until a fork hit the floor breaking her concentration that
she realized that she was fixated. She gathered the plate, saucer
and cup, assembling them on the tray before taking them back the
replicator. She took one last look around before heading for the
turbolift, taking her to the bridge.

She smiled when she walked out, finding it bustling with activity.
She casually walked over to her station, bringing it online. She
looked out at the viewscreen which showed the stars streaming by.
She was totally at ease here. She was born for this job.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:03 AM

Lieutenant Aeon Ryku
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 58101.20
Briefing Room

Ryku entered Engineering on the Columbia for the first time. There
he could see his new team at work. Just then, one of his team
noticed him and stood to attention.

"Lieutenant Ryku? Sir, we didn't know you'd be making a surprise

Ryku looked around as he spoke, "I just got here actually. I wanted
to check this place out. You all seem to be doing a good job."

"Yes, sir," the Engineer said. "The Engines have been ready to go
for some

Ryku nodded, "Excellent. I'll be back here when my shift starts. In
the meantime, I'm going to see the Captain."

The Engineer nodded and Ryku left the place. He began to look
forward to the Columbia. It seemed to be a fine ship, and this
promotion was the perfect thing for him.

"Bridge," Ryku said as he approached a Turbolift.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:03 AM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 580107.45
Location: Bridge

Commander Jennifer Hurst
Executive officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 580107.45
Location: Bridge

Lt Tayla Tran
Chief Science officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 58107.45
Location: personal quarters/ bridge

Ensign Bianca Andronis
Chief Helm officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: 58107.45
Location: personal quarters/ bridge

Bianca sighed as she watched the waves crash against the rocky shore; her
body bathed in the mornings first light. She breathed in the moment, and
then slowly blew it out in pure contentment.
Lost in the essence, she felt the arms of her lover drape over her
shoulders, their gentle warmth a breath on her neck.

Her skin blushed as she readied herself to the comforting embrace. She
sighed again in pure happiness at the love she felt. Her beloved's hands
clasped around her abdomen, she could feel the weight of their cherished
loving touch.

In these arms she felt content. In these arms she felt safe and protected
from all the evils of the universe. Longing to hear her lovers’ voice she
spoke just a little louder than a whisper.
"Tell me; tell me again how much you love me." Her true loves voice was
tinny and distant as though... was being carried by the light breeze, growing more and more faint
till it was gone along with her beloved's touch. Bianca turned to face the
vanishing silhouette of her beloved. She faced the void. The sound of her
name echoed in her ears as if the voice had merely been concocted in her

<Bianca Andronis, Ensign Andronis, Ensign Bianca Andronis. It is now time to
prepare for your shift.>

Bianca Andronis stirred to the sound of her name being called from the ships
computer, she half groaned as she almost regretted setting the alarm.

^Ensign Andronis it is now time to prepare for you shift please respond. ^

Tayla bolted upright in the bed jostling the still sleeping Anca in the

"SHIT, Anca we better get up" she alerted Bianca who had rolled over to her
side and was now in a comfortable fetal position.

Tayla frowned as she shook the sleeping girl. "Bianca" she said quietly
laying a hand on her best friends shoulder. "Anca, Anca wake up, ANCA!!!"
she called raising her voice.

"Hmm, huh, wa?" Andronis replied rubbing her eyes as she yawned, looking up
into Taylas eyes

"We over slept again, as usual" Tayla scolded

"Cripes," Bianca cried as she dashed out of bed toward her side of the room
searching for her uniform.

"Why do we always do this? It's the Academy all over again," she continued.

Tayla threw on her own uniform and continued getting ready for duty
"Because it wouldn't be us if we didn't" Tran reminded her while she
straightened her uniform.

"Yeah, I guess not." Bianca giggled finishing dressing and pulling on her

"How is my hair," she asked self consciously?

"Decent; it's passable," Tayla responded hurriedly.

"Yours is perfect as always," Bianca complimented, taking her time tying her

"Yea right, come on lets head on up," Tayla called.

"Yes sir," she giggled acting as if Tayla had given her and order. Boarding
the turbo lift the two continued to chat and giggle until they reached the
bridge. Gaining their composure the pair exited the lift and headed to
their assigned stations. As Bianca walked to the helm console, Tayla walked
two the ajoing hall and ran toward the science laps. Noticing as she did
Bianca folowed her out and then called after her.

"Tayla, You’re a bridge officer now aren't you," Andronis asked before Tayla
got too far.
Spinning Tran looked puzzled for a moment. “Yeah I guess so, I actually
never thought of what this promotion meant. “I guess this will take some
getting accustomed to“ She responded as they walked back on to the bridge
and took their stations.

Captain Drayson Hardgrove raised an eyebrow as he watched the interaction
between his chief helm officer and the new chief science officer. As the
young women took their stations and began their shifts he decided to make
sure there wasn’t a problem.

“Ensign, Lt is everything alright?” he asked with a smirk on his face.
Ensign Andronis blushed with embracement and lowered her head over her
console then replied with a “No sir.” Lt Tran fidgeted in her seat for a
moment and then spoke “Still getting adjusted is all Captain” she said
trying to take a brave front trying to save face in front of all the eyes
she knew were staring at her.

Nodding to both of the officers then he returned his attention back to the
hundreds of planets and stars as they streamed by on the main view screen.

“Lt Saki, what is our current ETA to Leo Expa?”

“We are approaching it now sir.” The tactical officer replied

“Excellent, helm take us out of warp. All stop.”

Ensign Bianca Andronis hands flew over her console reducing the ships speed
and slowly brining it to a dead halt.

Rising from his command chair Hardgrove took in the image of the unexplored
region of space. Moving from her seat Commander Jennifer Hurst joined
Hardgrove at the center of the bridge.

“Looks like one big mystery just waiting for some one to solve it doesn’t?”
Hurst asked with a teasing grin.

“It’s ours to solve, Jen. Who knows what out there, What will we find.?”
Hardgrove asked .

“The anticipation is killing you isn’t it?” she asked a wicked smile forming
on her face.

“You know me too well number one.” He replied
“Well then I suggest we get started. Lt Tran, Lt Saki, prepare the long
range probs.”

Hardgrove smiled as his crew got right to work.

“Looks like you got things under control Commander. You have the bridge
inform me when we have received the results.” the Captain said leaving the

Hurst nodded as he took his leave waited till she had gotten the tactical
and science officer reported the probes were prepared .

“Fire” she ordered folding her arms over her chest as she watched their
adventure begin.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:03 AM

Lieutenant Aeon Ryku
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 58107.45

The Engineer at the Warp Core tapped at a control panel until he
noticed Ryku walk over. He nodded and moved off, allowing Ryku to
begin a maintence program from the panel.

"Warp Core at perfect efficiency," the Computer replied.

Ryku checked the console, and foudn that the Warp Core was actually
running well beyond perfect conditions. "Oh, I guess that's that then."

He walked over to one of his team-members, who were working at the
control table in the middle of Main Engineering.

"Nothing to worry about here, sir," the Engineer said as he noticed
the approach.

Ryku nodded. It seemed like every system he checked, was running
perfectly. There was absolutely nothing to work at, even after the
fact the ship dropped out of Warp.

"Man, this is extremely efficient," he leaned back against a control
deck and looked out into Engineering and the Warp Core. "Is there
anything at all that I can do?" He asked himself.

Then he snapped his fingers in success.

"Of course! I could re-organize and customize my work-stations." He
then walked into his open-office area and began tapping at consoles.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:03 AM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 580107.50
Location: Personal quarters


Hardgrove unfasted his uniform jacket as he left the bridge and made his way
his quarters. Trying to fight the feeling of regret he had he tossed his
uniform on the near by desk chair and lay down on the bed. Had it really
been seven years since he had last seen Sam? As he laid there on his back
his mind drifted to the memories of the past several days and to the past
Seven years.

Ever since meeting her had been taken with Samantha Haliwell, From first
meeting her in nothing but her swim suit on Archer four to the day the
decided to separate he had known he loved her. He had intended to keep a
close friendship with her but duty, promotions and a war had seamed to
widen the gap between them until they fell out of contact with each other.
Now she was back in his life, a fact that opened an old wound that never
had healed. Had he ever stopped loving her he wondered . Would her being
on board give him a second chance to rekindle his friendship with her? He
didn’t know for sure. What he did know for sure was that he was tired. With
all that had happened the last few days he deserved a good night rest . He
closed his eyes and drifted off to


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:04 AM

Commander Jenifer Hurst
Executive Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 580107.50
Location: Bridge

Ensign Quynn Lex
Communication officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 580107.50
Location: Bridge


Commander Jennifer Hurst sat in the Captain's chair, watching the vast,
unexplored region in front of her. "Ensign Quynn, are we picking up any
radio transmissions yet?" she asked, talking to the young Ensign sat at a
console in front of her.

"Not as of yet, Commander. I am trying to boost our signal..." Quynn
explained. She was trying, desperately, to reprogramme things on her
communications station, trying to get a better signal to get some sort of
transmisson. Any transmission at all would be good right about now.

Commander Hurst nodded. "Good, Ensign. I am sure if there is any intelligent
life near by, that they are bound to try and make contact. Keep trying," the
Commander encouraged.

Engisn Bianca Andronis fidgeted in her seat. She was seated at her console,
watching Quynn work.

Ensign Quynn turned, scowling at Bianca and saying, "Can you stop that? I'm
trying to concentrate..." With that, she turned back to her console and
continued to reprogramme it.

Bianca then got up from her post, moving over to stand behind Quynn. She
felt like she had to help. She had known Quynn since her first year at Fleet
Academy, so she felt she knew how to communicate with her and help her along
in her work.

Quynn continued pressing buttons on her console. She had to boost the signal
and get a...transmission...there was static...finally. She turned to the
Commander, momentarily, smiling slightly. "Commander, I think I may be onto
something here..." She turned back to her panel, pressing yet more

Commander Hurst smiled slightly herself too. "Excellent, what do you have,

Quynn scowled slightly. "Static...which means if I can get the signal to go
that little bit further..." She continued entering a new programme. The
static became less crackily. She was definately onto something.

"What type of band is it? Is it more than just radio waves?" the Commander

Quynn scowl deepened. "I'm not sure at the moment...there is definately
something trying to get through..."

"Have you tried bosting it through the deflector dish?" Bianca asked from
her seat at her own console.

Quynn scowled, pretty deeply, over at Bianca. "Of course I have. That's what
I usually start by doing." She drew a sharp, irritable breaht and continued
with another programme. "Come on..." she mumbled through clenched teeth.

Hurst got up from her chair. She moved over to Quynn's side to observe, more
closely, what she was doing.

Quynn fel the Commander's eyes on her. Now, she couldn't fail. She wasn't
one to fold under pressure. She want for one last programme. If it didn't
work, she was going to be completely stumped for any more ideas and would
have to give up before she overloaded the console completely. As she hit the
last key ofthe programme, there was no more static, pumping through the
console speakers. The static had been replaced by quite faint voices.

Hurst heard the voices. "Can you clear that up? Maybe even decypher what
they are saying..."

Quynn smiled, quite proudly. She was glad the Commander was stood behind her
as opposed to in front of her, otherwise she would have looked a fool. She
had successfully gotten through a lot of static and now she had to clear up
and decypher the transmission. "I can indeed," she answered simply, pressing
a few more keys. The voices became a lot clearer and louder, but they were
still a little difficult to make out. "How's that? It's the best I can do
without blowing up the console."

Quynn suddenly scowled, recognising the language. "Klingon? Here? They're
arguing...hard to make out at the bestof times, Klingon..." She bit her lip
slightly. "Something got stolen..." She shook her head. "...cant really tell
you much more. It must have been something important thought. They're VERY
angry..." Quynn looked up at the Commander, waiting for a response.

Commander Hurst scowled. "Ah, they must be further out. I wonder what they
are doing this far out. It's odd that they would be this far outside the
Romulan Neutral Zone." Hurst paused a moment in thought. "Record the
telematry and forward it back to the closet Romulan StarBase and let them
investigate it," Hurst ordered, returning back to her seat.

Quynn nodded and quickly set up the recording sequence. It was pretty
interesting, the Kinglons being all this way out. However, it could never be
a good sign for anyone.

Hurst thought for a moment and then sat forward in her chair, leaning on her
knees, commanding, "Ensign, play back what they said and run it through the
Universal Translator."

Quynn nodded again and set up the recording so the it played directly
through the Translator.

Hurst listened intently and then nodded when she understood what was going
on. "They are scavangers. They are planning to steel something wasn't stolen..."

"Oh..." Quynn hung her head. She had made a wrong translation.
Communications was a major field of hers and she had failed to make a simple

"It's ok, Ensign. Translation, especially Klingon translation, can be hard
if you don't speak the language quite frequently," the Commander said,
noticing Quynn's disappointment in herself.

Quynn raised her head. This was quite true. It wasn't often that she had had
to speak Klingon as of late since they were out this far. She didn't think
they would encounter them for a while either.

Hurst sat backin her chair. "Keep monitoring them and other signals, Ensign.
We need to know if there are any warp drive species out here".


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:04 AM

Name Reyes,Dep
Rank Security officer
Position USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: Star date 580107.50
Location: main Cargo bay
Name Xienna
Rank None
Position USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date: Star date 580107.50
Location: main Cargo bay
Reyes dep walked the lenth of the large Cargo bay
as he did each night on
his regular rounds,having run this route a thousand
before he knew something was wrong-but what? To an
ensign everything would
appear 100% normal but years of training had honed
his skills to that of a
sixth sense. Something just not right this evening
he could feel it in his
soul. To the naked eye nothing seemed out of place,
everything seemed
in order.
Dep took a long breath and blew it out , Tapping his
combadge he contacted
the security office.

"Lieutenant Warez , run a level 2 bio scan on the
main cargo bay" He
ordered {probably just voles, but you never know
with Romulans} he told
himself ,
he was one to be thorough just in case it wasn't.

He checked his data pad and waited for the scans
results as the raspy voice
of Julianna Warez reported back to him

"The scan shows two life forms"

Dep looked up..."two?

"Can you isolate the second reading?" Dep said
pulling his phaser from its'

"It will take a few moments..." Warez replied

Dep drew his phaser and set it to stun- if someone
is here they may just be
lost he thought but he wasn't taking any chances
Since the wars end he was always one to be cautious.
He began slowly
searching the rows of containers holding his breath
waiting , listening for
any signs
of life besides his own.
Dep scanned the containers and spied a raggy bit of
cloth wedged bewteen
it's cover he approached the container cautiously and
knocked hard on its
cover .

"Come out with your hands where I can see them. I
see where you're hideing
, I know you're in there."

"Please dont shoot..." came a feminine plea

Slowly the container lid slid open and young Orion
woman poked her head out, Her dark raven hair
shimmered in the bright
lighting of the cargo bay.

"Alright I am coming out just please dont hurt me"
she said as she daintily
stepped down the stacks of supply storage contaniers
He stepped back and
waited a response.

Reaching the floor she stood in front of him and
fixed her gaze firmly on
the floor. she was about 5'6 with raven hair with
the most gorgeous
eyes...dark like sapphires
they danced when you looked into them. She was green
skinned from head to
toe, slenderly built with a delectable hourglass
figure and very well toned
her ass was pert but round and hung from under what
little clothing she wore . she clearly took care of
Her hair fell about her
shoulders-almost drawing your eye to her nakedness.
She is was wearing a
shirt torn off to resemble a bra her breasts were
ample, her panties were
made out of the same fabric. They. looked home made
and hid only the tiniest
amount of flesh.

Her eyes darted around the room as if assessing the
risk if she were to bolt for a brief second and then
returned her gaze to the
ground .

Dep had his phaser trained on her but gave her space
." Who are you? and
what are you doing here?"

"I am no one Sir, I needed to get away from there so
here I am" the sleek
orion woman replied,looking up for a moment then
firmly fixing her gaze
at his feet realizing that she cannot outrun him
and there is no where to

"Away from where? why are you in this cargo bay?"
he asked questioningly

"I am here because I am not welcome anywhere else"
she replied

Dep scowled, either this girl wasn't understanding
him correctly or he her.

"Alright your ok now, Come with me and I'll take
care of you till we sort
this out". he said motioning twoard the cargo bay

"where are we going?" she asked a bit panicked

"The security office" he asured her

Dep had benn stunned by the girls lack of clothing
and began surmising
what exactly was going on.

Her eyes were brimed with tears "No please i dont
want to go back please
dont make me" she pleaded

As Dep escorted her down the deck he layed a hand
on her bare shoulder

"Go back where?"

"The station" she whispers barely audiably "They
wont understand I cant go
back there please i'm begging you" she continued and
dropped to her knees

"go back where, who won't understand?" he asked

Dep stopped dead in his tracks as she did ,lowering
himself to her level

"The station" she whispers

"Your from Makar?"Dep asked

She straightened up realising this tact isnt
helping "I wont tell if you
dont" she said running her finger down his cheek

"I Can't say anything untill i understand exactly
what going on here

"Maybe its better if we dont talk at all" she lets
her hand brush him

Dep raised an eyebrow "Look your obviously in some
sort of trouble here, I
can help, I'm with Ships Security. If you tell me
whats going on I can

Cocking her head to one side she smiled and said
"You seem troubled sir...I
can help with that I know many ways to solve a mans
troubles "
he wasn't sure about this girl but something about
her made him want to
protect her.

Her gaze fell again when he didn't respond almost as
if her had rejected her
. Dep brushed her green skinned cheek she backed
away a little from him as
he did .

"I.....cant..." she turned and ran down the side

Dep sprinted after her pushing himself into her and
tackling her to the
floor she fought him desperately struggling to free
herself from his grasp.

Reyes straddled her legs and grabbed her wrists to
stop her attack "Look I
could have cuffed you. Now Knock it off, I promise
you won't go back to
that station."

"No you wont understand let me go!!" she is still
struggling to be let

"Look you're on a Federation Star ship ten light years
away from that
station where the hell are you going to go?"

She sank-defeated..."Please I wont be any trouble, no
one needs know
here I'll just.."

"It's ok just come with me " he reassured her

" No!!"she cried "They will want to send me back-you
wont be able to

"Why would they want to send you back? what did you

There was no fight in her voice "Its not what I did
its what I am" she
gestures to her collar around her neck .

"You're a slave?" he said looking at the collar
entirely stunned.

Her eyes brimmed again she looked away from him

"You're a pleasure slave aren't you?" he asked

"Yes" she answered "You can let me up now , that is
unless you want
make use of my services" she said with a wink.

Dep smirked as he got up off of her legs and then
spoke "Look i can
you but you have to trust me. Now please trust me"

"I trust you but i dont want to go back there and i
dont think you can

"The Federation out lawed slavery , if you asked for
asylum you'd be
He rebuttled

Her eyes brightened a little hearing that as he

"That will stop it now please come with me so can get
you some help"

"....okay" she responded

Dep got off her and began showing her to the Tl

She slowly walked along side and slid her hand over
him as though
him in for a hug "Sorry" she said with a plaful

Dep leaned in to the embrace thinking it completely
harmless not
knowing she
had broken his defenses. Her hands move quickly as she
slipped the phaser from the holster and turned it on
him and started to

Dep stood there bewildered watching her as she did so.

"You cant help...I am sorry" she said backing along
the corridor "It's
late" she said disappearing into a service corridor

Dep hit his combadge as she left his line of
sight"Intruder alert deck
main cargo bay area . subject is an Orion female and
is armed.
target "


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:04 AM

Lieutenant Aeon Ryku
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 58107.50

Ryku finished re-adjusting his console. He then began taking a look
at the readings from the Probe as they were being fed into the
computer. Apparently it was picking up faint Klingon transmissions.
As he continued going through them, he found that there wasn't much
to the data it was collecting.

"Hmm. I wonder if I could be of any help on the Bridge?" he said to

Ryku got up and began walking through Engineering. He then suddenly
ran into one of his team, an Ensign Kane.

"Ryku--- err, I mean, sir," said the Ensign.

Ryku stopped when he recognized his friend, "Kane? What are you
doing here?"

"Got transferred from the Pollux just like you. Although, I
obviously didn't recieve the promotion aspect of it," he said

The Chief Engineer smiled, "Heh! I'm shocked. I had no idea you were

"It was a last minute change by Captain Teron. I think he had enough
of my sarcasm on the Pollux. Where you off to?"

Ryku looked ahead, "Off to the Bridge to check things out. I haven't
really got a chance to look around this ship."

"Alright, sir. I'll see you when you get back."

They both nodded and Ryku went to leave Engineering. He recalled his
old friend from the Pollux, and how he always used to drive his old
Captain crazy. 'Those were interesting times...' Ryku
thought. 'They're only going to get more interesting, though.'

He stepped out the door to Engineering, but suddenly bumped into
someone. Holding her away he suddenly saw that it was an Orion woman
on the run.

"What the?? Who are you?" Ryku asked.

"Stay back!" she said, pulling a weapon on him.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:04 AM

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Personal Quarters

"Since You Been Gone"

As promised, the captain had arranged for a much bigger quarters
situated on a different deck to her previous ones. No doubt her son
Matthew would appreciate that, the last thing he wanted to do at his
age was to share with his old mother. Halliwell stepped into the
quarters and found them to be very spacious indeed. "Matthew."
Matthew came strolling out his room. "Hey mom. Nice place huh?"
"Yes," she said looking round then back to him. "It is, the captain
thought it would be best if I had bigger quarters considering there's
two of us." She took a seat at the nearest console, the screen coming
up immediately. "Did you need something?"
"Nah," he answered disappearing into his room. Halliwell shook her
head, allowing herself a small smile.
"Teenagers," she muttered under her breath then straightened up in
her seat. "Computer, access all biographical and medical information
for the crew."
"Identification code."
"Doctor Samantha Halliwell, Alpha Echo 66234."

Instantly, the screen filled with a list of names. If she was going
to get to work with her duties, she had to be able to have a working
knowledge of any immediate medical causes. For example, any of those
who required special attention but she never realized there were so
many people onboard. "Computer, organize the names into different
departments." Another beep then different departments appeared on the
screen. "Computer bring up information for Captain Drayson Hardgrove."
The screen filled with text and a picture, she leaned forward and
carefully read the information. He had been busy since they had last
seen one another, although medically he seemed in the best health
anyone could wish to be in. Halliwell decided it would be best to
carry on manually now, she touched the screen and carried on down the
chain of command, every now and then glancing to Matthew's room. It
would be a shock for both Matthew and Drayson when she told them the

For now, she was going to focus on her job. Or so she told herself
as she stared at vast amounts of records.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:05 AM

Lt Commander Koshi Saki
Chief Of Security
USS Columbia NCC 1812

Koshi Saki responded to Deps transmission by locking down the bridge and
going directly to yellow alert. She nodded to Commander Hurst “Bridge on
lock don Commander “ she reported then began coordinating security teams
to help capture the intruder. Her hands flew feverishly over her console
trying to find the Orions life sign and gain a transporter lock on it. “I
can’t get a lock she is moving and moving fast” she thought out loud, then
continued trying.

Lt Reyes, Dep
Security officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812

Reyes Dep ran down the deck to a small security locker in the bulk head and
retrieved another phaser. Holstering it he continued his pursuit of the
young Orion woman. As he began his search his mind became a bit clearer than
it had when he had first encountered her. She had some kind of effect on
his thinking he surmised. Now his thought were lifted out of the cloud that
had engulfed them . His only thought now were to apprehend her and try to
unravel what exactly was going on. As he rounded the corner he was surprised
to see it empty. Thinking for a second he came to a conclusion based on what
he had found or more appropriately what he hadn’t found. Dep tapped his com
badge “Dep to Security teams she is headed up to engineering”

Orion Civilian
USS Columbia Ncc1812

Xienna had Made off down the corridor at top speed, she knew that Dep
wouldn't be far behind her.
Holding the phaser close to her exposed skin as if her life depended on
it-she looked up as a dark haired man blocked her path

"What the?? Who are you?" He asked. "Stay back!" she said, pulling a
weapon on him.
I said Stay Back"
she saw him look her over, her torn clothes which showed just a little more
than expected, he eyed her curves for a moment
"Go back inside...Now" she said firmly He offered no resistance backing
into the doorway
"Stay there" her eyes danced a little, she knew the hold she had over him.

The sound of running panicked her, they were closer than she thought, the
doors closed behind them as they entered the engineering bay.

"Show me a way out" her eyes scanning for somewhere to hide.
He pointed to the Jeffries tube "In there...Quickly!"

She looked at him suspiciously but realizing this was her only option, she
tucked her phaser into the scrap of cloth that formed her skirt, He moved to
a console and pressed some buttons opening the hatch. She climbed inside

"You will be safe here for a while" he whispered “But you will need to move
soon, they will run a sweep of the tubes”

The hatch closed and she held her breath ...trying to listen but through the
bulkhead she could only hear the engines.
She started off towards the shuttle bays “If I can just make it to a
shuttle...I'll be fine” she thought.

The doors to engineering parted and a small squad of security officers
entered and began their search. The sound of the raised and commanding
voices echoed in the metal walls of the Jeffries tubes. Frightened they
would find her Xienna began crawling through the deep underbelly of the ship
trying to find a way for an escape.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:05 AM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 580108.10
Location Personal quarters

Commander Jennifer Hurst
Executive Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 580108.10
Location Bridge

Lt Commander Koshi Saki
Chief of Security
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star date 580108.10
Location Bridge

Name Reyes, Dep
Rank Lt
Security officer Position
USS Columbia NCC 1812 S
Star date 580108.10
Location: Out side engineering

Name Xienna
Rank None
Position USS Columbia NCC 1812 Star Date:
Location: Jeffries tubes

The sounds of the ship klaxons woke Drayson form what restless sleep he was
having. Not bothering to sit up or check the time he blindly grabbed his COM
badge from his bedside table and activated it.

“Hardgrove to bridge what’s our status? Why are we at yellow alert?” he
asked groggily

Hurst taped her com badge in response to his request and quickly updated
him on what was happening .

“Nothing to worry about Captain, We have a stow away . Commander Saki and I
were about to take control of the search .”

Hardgrove rubbed his hand over his eyes and gave a silent nod. “Good to
hear it Commander you two get this handled Hardgrove out.” he said
deactivating his com unit and rolling back over trying to get at least some

Hurst nodded to Saki and rose from the command chair as she headed toward
the Turbo lift Saki motioned to Quynn giving her the signal to take control
of the Security station in her absence. As the Turbo lift opened as both
officers entered Hurst gave command of the bridge to Lt Commander Reiziger.

As the security detail finished their search, Dep Reyes replayed the past
few minutes events in his mind. With in seconds Dep was making his way out
of engineering and back in to the hall way where Xienna had disappeared.
Taping his com badge he contacted the bridges Science station.

“Tran here what do you need Lt?”

“Tran can you search and locate Orion bio signs on the deck?”

Tran quickly ran the scan and then replied "There is a Female Orion inside
the Jeffries Tubes Dep"

"Can you read her vital signs?" Dep asked impatiently

"subjects heart rate is elevated a bit, Body temp is warmer than normal
heat signatures suggest she is distressed "

"Can you raise a force field behind her?"

“I will try Lt“.

Dep paced as he waited

“Field in Place Lt. She may have exactly 6 meters in each direction”

" Excellent , She can’t go back now-give me a graphical representation of
her location in the tubes "

the display panel in front of him brought up a layout of the ship, it zoomed
in near main
the red dot that represented Xienna, was moving towards the starboard side
of the ship

" Reroute her I want her to come back port side"

"Field raised Sir"

The red dot stopped for a moment then started towards the stern of the ship
only to stop again almost immediately

This time the dot moved towards the port side of the ship

Dep continued to control where Xienna could go after a few minutes he asked
"can you get a lock on her now?"

“Got a lock replied the Tran "

“Beam her directly to me Tran. Good work"

“Hold on a few moments" Tran motioned to Quynn who was at the Tactical
console and gave her a nod to transport to the Security officer

Xienna materialized in front of Dep and found herself immediately surrounded
by a security
team wielding phasers

Taking charge of the situation he step forward from the group of
security officers that surrounded the girl

"Easy now we're not going to hurt you”

Xienna stared longingly towards the corridor but knew she had no way past
the force surrounding her

"What do you want from me?" she asked ,her eyes fixed on his

Koshi Saki stepped forward from the corridor and frowned as she approached.
" We want answers"

"You had them-they're all I have” her gaze remained fixed

Saki shot a look to Dep who answered with all he knew "You said you ran
from your master, that you’re afraid for your life

"Yes, I did and I am" she replied almost in tears

“ You never said why. what happened, why did you run?”

Saki folded her arms over her chest awaiting an answer

"I committed a crime-one punishable by death in the Romulan empire"

Dep looked up the chief who then took over the questioning "What did you
do that would have you killed as punishment

"There are many things which warrant death in Romulan society, any one of
them would make a good enough reason for you to take me back"

Xienna held her wrists up to Dep - her gaze dropped to the floor

"Whether we take you back isn't our Call" Hurst piped in from the open
engineering Doors. "We'd still need to know exactly what you've done”

Xienna shot her a glance "Murder" her wrists remained outstretched They want
me for murder"

Dep slowly placed restraints over her out stretched wrists and lifted her
to her feet

"I don't want to die" she whispered to Dep

Hurst frowned and made her way to meet the young Girl. "Murder is a serious

Dep whispered softly "You won't I swear it"

"I’m scared" she confided in Dep "You are my only hope, you got to protect
me "She hung her head as they escorted her to her holding cell

Hurst followed Saki ,Dep and the rest of the security to the holding cell
and watched as they placed her in.

Hurst had an un-easy feeling about this girl something about her made her a
bit agitated

Immediately Xienna began to pace

“Too small...too small" she muttered to herself as she touched the force
field and let out a yelp

"Who did you murder, Hurst questioned

"I Didn’t mean to" she seemed upset

"Too small...too small" She continued to repeat as

"He beat me-I bled" Xienna continued to explain as she continued to pace

"Who beat you?" Dep asked defensively

The Orion woman backed up into the corner before she answered

"My master" her voice barely audible

Dep shot a look to both Saki and Hurst. "You were a slave? You killed him
in self defense?"

"I..." her lip trembled "can I talk to you alone?" she gazed at Dep

Dep looked at Hurst and Saki for permission

Hurst nodded and left the room followed by Saki

" I killed him after, while he was sleeping-I was too weak to fight him
after the beating" she broke into tears

Dep watched her silently and then Spoke up. "Was he important an officer,
a diplomat?

"He was an ambassador" she touched the force field again

Dep blew out a deep breath. "I'm going to have to Tell Commander Hurt what
you told me as well as Commander Saki, But I think your fate is ultimately
yup to Captain Hardgrove, I am sure he will be willing to hear your story
and try to help you”

She began to pace again "too small...too small" She kept repeating as if
totally distracted

"You’re claustrophobic?

"No way out..." She continued her rant

Xienna touched the force field and let out a yelp as if hoping it had just

"Another way out....can’t escape this one" her eyes darted around

Dep tapped his COM badge

"Dep to medical bay We are going to need to have the prisoner in holding
cell 3 sedated for a while"


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:05 AM

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Medical Bay

"New Patient"


Halliwell was in the middle of her inventory considering she'd been
rudely interupted by the yellow alert when Dep reported that there
was a prisoner in one of the holding cells that needed sedating. She
stopped one of the nurses from answering the call and did it herself,
tapping her comm badge. "This is Doctor Halliwell. What's the
"We have a prisoner onboard who needs sedating," he replied quickly.
That much she already knew and continued to asked him for further
data. "An orion female. She seems very aggitated."
"Is she injured?" Samantha asked while reading information from a
screen, contiuing with her work as she spoke. Completely focused on
both the tasks.
"She claims to have been badly beaten."

This wasn't going to be taken care of within a hurry or over a
communication. "Sit tight Lieutenant," she replied taking out a med
kit and walking out of the medical bay. "I'm on my way down to assess
the situation." Halliwell left instructions with one of the nurses
then quickly made her way to where the prisoner was being held.

As soon as the doors opened, Halliwell was greeted with the howls
and ranting of a female voice. She turned the corner and tilted her
head to one side as she saw Dep watching the Orion. With only the
detached manner of a physician she tried her best to disguise
anything she was feeling, the poor woman seemed completely distressed
as he had already mentioned. "What happened?" she asked, finally
finding her voice.
"We found her in one of the jefferies tubes," Dep managed. "Seems
she stowed away."
"Hell of a place to do it," Halliwell answered moving closer to the
forcefield. Xienna carried on cursing and muttering about "another
cage" and "no way out". "Has she got a name?" Dep looked at her with
a blank expression, sometimes Halliwell wondered why she even
bothered but there was no time for the pleasantries. If she didn't do
something immediately then this woman would hurt herself even more
and she looked worse off as it was. "Lower the forcefield."
"How am I supposed to sedate her?" Samantha asked gently and without
sarcasm. "Telepathy?" Dep realised the medical officers point and
quickly did as ordered. Clenching her kit tightly, Halliwell
carefully approached Xienna who finally shut up and stared at her.

"Hello," Halliwell said kneeling down to where the woman sat. She
made sure not to make any sudden movements or anything that would be
deemed threatening, the Orion female seemed on edge as it was.
Fortunately, lowering the forcefield seemed to calm her some. "I'm
Samantha Halliwell, I'm a doctor." She reached into the kit and
pulled out her tricorder. "I want to help you, tend to your
injuries." There was tears in Xienna's eyes, fresh tears. "I'm not
going to hurt you."
"Too small," she muttered quietly, bringing up her knees she her
chest and wrapping her arms around them. Halliwell called on all her
strength and turned on the tricorder running it over her in a full
body scan, she could see why Dep had asked for sedation.
"What's too small?" Halliwell asked with a frown as she studied the
The cell Halliwell realised, obviously a slave and a very mistreated
one at that. There were minor internal injuries, her temperature was
10 degrees above normal and her heart rate was increasingly rapid. "I
need to get her to Sickbay."
"I've orders to keep her here."

Halliwell turned round and stood up, moving over to him. "I cannot
sedate her without the right equipment to monitor, if I do it with
her in this condition, it could affect her breathing. Those are risks
I'm not willing to take right about now." She didn't care where this
woman came from, or any circumstances surrounding her appearance.
What she did care about was she had a patient and a obligation to
treat her. "Do you really want this hanging over your head?" she
asked facing up to Dep with passion in her voice. "I don't know what
she has done but I can tell you that this woman has been through a
lot and she needs treatment or you'll never get whatever answers you
or Commander Saki want to know. Is that clear?"
"Yes ma'am."

Samantha walked back into the cell and placed a hand on Xienna's
shoulder, she flinched and went to hit Halliwell. Fortunately, she
was prepared and grabbed the other fist flying at her with an
unusually strong grip. "Let me help you," she said gently. Now she
was beginning to seem more of who she used to be, the more gentle and
kind hearted Samantha Halliwell. Not the bitter and sarcastic person
she had seemingly turned into. "Please." Xienna was too tired to
fight any longer. Halliwell stood up and turned to Dep. "I'll arrange
to have her transferred, if anyone has any complaints about that."
She tapped her comm badge to inform her team. "Go see the captain."


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:05 AM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Personal quarters/sickbay: CMO office

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical officer USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Sick Bay, her office


Halliwell continued to monitor Xienna's condition, the hormone
suppressants seemed to be doing the job and the Orion was much more
calmer thanks to the sedative she had administered. She walked over
to her office and sat down, keeping the door open so she could keep
an eye on her patient. She got to thinking about the Orion, about
what she must have gone through and experienced. Hell knows, no one
tried to stow away on a ship without good reason. Especially not
their ship. Halliwell knew that there was only so much she could do
without interferring. But what if she didn't try? "Halliwell to
Captain Hardgrove," she said quickly tapping her com badge.

Drayson laid in bed his eyes watching the ceiling intently, he was
unable to return to a decent sleep after being rudely awaken from
the yellow alert claxons. He slowly reached over to his bedside
table and hit his COM badge in return. "Hardgrove here go ahead Dr"

"I hope I'm not disturbing anything sir," she said carefully, he
didn't sound so pleased for the interruption.

"It's regarding our recently acquired visitor," Halliwell answered,
not even bothering to sugar the pill and going straight to the heart
of the manner. "I need you to come down here."

Hardgrove looked at the chronomiter and then blew out a bit on
air. "I'll be right down Dr, Hardgrove out."

Thankfully that had gone extremely well, at least it had so far.
Halliwell sat back with a frown, now all she had to do was prepare
an argument.

After a quick shower and a fresh uniform Captain Hardgrove entered
the sick bay and scanned the medical staff for Dr Samantha
Halliwell He waited patiently and then went straight to her office.

Halliwell stood up from behind her desk with her arms
folded. "Captain, thank you for coming."

"Any time, what's the status of our visitor

"She's comfortable and resting, no thanks to being sedated."
Halliwell slowly moved round the desk to him and leaned against it,
unfolding her arms. "I've managed to get her temperature and heart
rate back to normal and I've implemented hormone suppressants for
what good it will do."

"That will certainly ease the tension between the crew while she's
onboard. Thankfully only a few of our male crew members were exposed
to her."

"So what did you find about her personally? I read the security
reports but they're a bit vague"

"This is one mistreated slave from what I can gather."

" I gathered that also, did you she tell you any details like her
name, or exactly who she murdered"

"No, she's not talking at all., although I think Dep might know."

Hardgrove nodded. "So what's your professional opinion here Dr. is
she a threat to her self or my crew? "

Halliwell gave the question some serious consideration. "With
help..." she began then shook her head slowly. "I don't think she'll
pose a threat. Drayson, what are you going to do with her?"

"That's a good question Sam, one I honestly don't know how to
answer. This is grey area here. one that could become volatile

"You can't just lock her up," she said, speaking with a passionate
tone as she felt strongly about this,

"I didn't say that

"You implied it," Halliwell said straightening up, a look of disgust
on her face.

"This isn't a cut and dry subject Samantha, I can't just pass
judgment here. I have to way all sides. This isn't just an issue of
this poor woman it is also a political situation"

"You're the captain, can't you give her asylum?"

"I can grant her temporary Asylum but the fact in were in
uncharted space here, she is Romulan property on a federation
vessel. Neither the federation nor the Romulans really have a
jurisdiction in this region."

"Then temporary, until we can build a case," Halliwell said suddenly

"Truth is the Romulans come looking for her I am not sure we can
protect her

Easily said then done, please take in to account she has confessed
to Murder

"I'm sure it was justified."

"It's still murder unless we can some how convey it was self defense

Halliwell didn't like this situation at all, how could a person so
traumatized be capable of carrying out murder with intent. It had to
be in self defense.

This is a delicate situation, one I am obligated to report to
Starfleet about

"I know."

"I understand you compassion, but if Starfleet orders her to go back
my hands are tied

"You can fight it," Halliwell pleaded.

"With things as unstable as they are with this rocky partnership
between the Romulans and the Federation this could turn in to a
large incident

She shook her head slowly, what was the point of all this? If all
they were going to do was turn an innocent woman back to the people
who could have done anything to her. Halliwell was damned if she was
going to let that happen

Looks Sam I am not about to just hand her over, she is the victim
here I am sure and I am not about to let her go be murdered for
reacting against all the oppression and abuse she must have taken

All I am asking is for you to let me try to handle this

"I'm sorry sir but I intend to be a part of this."

"You sponsor ship is noted Dr,"

Halliwell just gave a small nod, her mouth would only get her into

"Don't ever feel just because you serve under me that you can't be
candid with me Dr. I value your council and I would never hold it
against you for speaking you mind"

"Yes sir."

"Dr yours and my personal conversation will always be off the record
so titles are never needed

"I fail to agree," Halliwell replied. "We're still discussing
something that is not of a personal nature. Don't want to fall back
on old habits." She moved around the desk to separate them.

Hardgrove nodded. "I see your point Dr

She gave him a small smile and sat behind her desk.

Drayson took that moment to change the subject

"Dr, If I call I believe we had set a dinner date to catch up did
we not?
Are you able to step out for a bit now?

"My patient needs me,"

"I see later then?"

"Keep me apprised of her condition, and let me know when she regains
conciseness I'll want to speak to her

"Yes captain."

As Hardgrove left the Doctors office and walked through the ships
sick bay he took a moment to speak to Dep Reyes. Dep nodded to his
fellow officer a Lt Jason Sparks who then stood as Hardgrove and Dep
walked through the main doors and out into the hallway


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:05 AM

Rune Sith
Bounty Hunter
Romulan Space Station
Star Date 58108.20
The Soup Bar

The stolen Ferengi starship, the Jade Fox, approached a large
Romulan Space Station. Sith had faked his bio signs to appear
Ferengi, and requested to dock. According to the Intergalactic
Bounty Association, a special subspace channel that transmits
information on Bounty's from every race possible, his latest catch
was last seen heading for this system.

As Sith entered the busy Space Station, he found that the place was
full of Romulans, and that the only area with more of a diverse
array of aliens was a large food emporium called The Soup Bar.

Zeta, his small Android Spider, remained clamped to his shoulder in
a dormant state. Sith focused his attention on his Padd, that listed
the name and picture of the person he was after. "I probably should
have looked at this thing earlier. Hey! We're looking for a girl."

He went to the Bar and glanced around at the surrounding aliens.
Everyone else in this busy place was talking and having a good
time. "I'll have a Romulan Ale," Sith ordered from the bartender.

"My name's Mkrdij. Welcome to the Soup Bar. Although we do serve
Ale, we are restricted to the time it's served. It's too early to
drink that," the Nausicaan bartender said.

Sith looked at him in shock, "Oh. Then, uhh... I'll have any other

"No, drinks. Not until the evening," Mkrdij answered.

Sith nodded, "Then what can I order?"

"Soup," Mkrdij replied. "Romulan Soup."

The human shrugged, "Bring on the soup, I guess." - But before he
could recieve it, a Romulan Sub Commander slammed his hand onto the
bar next to Sith!

"You said you were a Ferengi!" T'Van shouted. It was apparant that
T'Van and his senior staff had been responsible for scanning Sith's
ship and allowing Sith on to the station.

The human shrugged again, "Not really. You just assumed I was."

"You faked your bio-signs, Human! We seem to have a problem here,
because I dislike Human's very much, and I do not like them on my

As Sith glanced over, he noticed two Romulan Security Officer's with
T'Van. "Those fake bio-signs are for the Ferengi. That way they
don't know there's a Human operating the Jade Fox." Sith had found
the very idea of it clever.

T'Vel restrained himself from grabbing the Human and chocking
him, "Arrgghhh! Whatever! I can see that you're merely a Cargo
Runner and that your services are valuable to the Romulan Empire.
But unless you're transferring goods to a customer, I want you off
the Station!"

Sith held up his hands, "Say no more. Oh by the way, you wouldn't
have happened to have seen an Orion female around here, have you?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't have time for this!"
T'Vel turned and walked off in anger with his Security detail. He
had just about enough of Humans, especially after the Columbia had
been docked there for over 10 days.

Mkrdij had been cleaning a bowl and watching from behind the bar,
the whole time.

Sith returned to the table at a loss. None of his scans from the
ship, or from what he could see on the Station showed any signs of
an Orion Slave Girl. But what he did find was a bowl of soup in
front of him. "Ugh! What is in this stuff?"

As he looked down at the questionable contents, the Nausicaan
grabbed Sith's shirt collar for attention.


Mkrdij began speaking in a low tone, "So it's an Orion Slave Girl
you are after, is it?"

"Huh? Uhh, oh yeah," Sith then realized what this intrusion was all
about. "Yeah! Do you know where I can get any?" He then thought of
his best plan, "I've been feeling kind of lonely lately, and I need
a woman to sleep with. Badly."

Mkrdij shoved Sith back away after having gotten his
attention, "It's Xienna you're after. The Orion Slave Girl has a
bounty on her head, and you're a Bounty Hunter," Mkrdij layed out in

"Well at least someone here doesn't think I'm a Cargo Runner."

The Nausicaan smiled at the fact he was right. His intuitive
instincts were as sharp as they used to be. "She was responsible for
killing her master, wasn't she?"

"Yeah. But whatever she did doesn't concern me. I just want my

Mkrdij nodded, "Well you won't find her here... anymore that is. If
she was smart, then she would have escaped on the Federation ship
that left here."

"Federation ship?" Sith asked.

The bartender placed the bowl he was cleaning, down. "Yes. The
U.S.S. Columbia was here for a final shakedown. The first Federation
vessel to do so ever."

"I see the Romulans are making friends. Where did the Columbia go?"

Mkrdij shrugged, "I don't know. But I'm sure a simple look into the
Station's launch records would easily enlighten one."

"Of course!" Sith snapped his fingers. "Sometimes I forget what my
job entitles. Thanks, Nausicaan Bartender-- err, I mean Souptender."

Sith got up to leave, but his wrist was grabbed by Mkrdij, disabling
him from going anywhere, "Upt. I did not give you this information
for free."

"Fine," Sith rolled his eyes, and took out two slips of
latinum, "Just be thankful I found that on the Jade Fox."

Mkrdij let Sith go, and alotted his focus onto the money. Sith
continued on into the Walk-Area of the Station and went to find a
console so that he could hack into the Romulans' database.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:06 AM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: sickbay

Lieutenant Commander Koshi Saki
Chief of Security
USS Columbia NCC1812
Location Security office/sick bay

Lieutenant Leilani Mahala
Chief Counselor
USS Columbia NCC1812
Location Personal quarters/ sick bay

Dr Samantha Haliwell
Chief Medical officer
USS Columbia NCC1812
Location Sick bay

Orion Female Civilian
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location sick bay/ personal quarters

Lt Reye, Dep
Security Officer
USS Columbia NCC1812
Location sick bay

Hargrove listened intently to what Security officer Reyes Dep told
him. Rolling the thoughts around in his head he nodded to the young
Bajoran and reentered sickbay. As he did he tapped his COM badge

"Hargrove to Saki"

"Saki here Sir" the Security chiefs voice responded

"Commander please meets me in sick bay, I think I have a solution to
our stowaway problem

"Right away sir"

She placed the pad she was working on back on her desk and made her
way quickly to sickbay, she snuck a look at her reflection in one of
the com panel

"You will do" she told herself

Saki left her quarters and entered the closest turbo lift and spoke
her destination.

Closing the channel Drayson folded his arms and leaned against the
wall as he fully collected his thoughts on his decision he then
moved closer to the doctor Halliwells office.

Hardgrove was standing near doctor Halliwell office awaiting her

Koshi entered sickbay and caught Hardgroves glance on the way
through the doors "you mentioned a solution Sir?"

"Yes commander I have, Based on your and Lt Deps Reports I have come
to the conclusion her actions were based on self preservation" He
informed her

"Is that grounds enough to keep her here?" she asked cautiously

"Yes, slavery is illegal in the Federation. Under federation law if
a slave is to set foot on a Federation Colony or Federation property
such as this ship that slave is automatically freed" He said with a
slight grin

"She killed sir we can't just ignore that" she scowled thinking he
had overlooked that fact.

"Her actions are justifiable considering she was trying to defend
herself " he reminded her

"What about the warrant for extradition sir? The situation with
Romulans could get ...interesting"

"She was Victim Lt, No one deserves to be a slave, the Federation
council would see it the same way.

"I am sure you are right Sir-so what now?"

"Once She wakes I will question her again along with Lt Mahalana ,
Once we have determined the truthfulness of her story we will
continue on our current mission" Hardgrove said as he

"Can we just let her loose on the ship?" She asked rather accusingly

"Under certain restrictions I will allow it, I will know more once
she regains concusses and we able to speak with her."

Hardgrove then tapped his com badge again this time to call the ship

"Captain Hardgrove to Lt Mahalana

Lt. Leilani Mahala was engrossed in a novel that she'd picked up at
the last station that they'd stopped at. It had caught her attention
because of the image on the cover, that of an old mythic Betazed
symbol meaning "as one". She was just about to enjoy a welcome home
feast with the main characters when she heard her name being called
over her communicator. She touched the reply button just barley
until she knew she would be transmitting. "This is Lt. Mahala," she
answered, wondering what was going on. It was her normal down time,
and the captain sounded as if it were urgent.

"Councilor please report to sick bay I need you to monitor a
conversation with our new guest" Hardgrove informed her. "Commander
Saki and I will be waiting for you ."

Sensing the urgency in the captain's voice, Leilani stood up, marked
her page in her book,
"I'll be right there, sir-" she answered, and left her living

It didn't take her too long to arrive a sick bay. She strode in with
confidence, but was clearly concerned with what was going on . She
was not aware that there were any guests expected, and even if they
were they wouldn't be new guests.
Captain?" she let him know she was there. "Who is...our new guest?"
she asked him, wanting to know a little about the person before she
came in contact with their emotions and psyche.

The Captain spoke in a low voice . "Our guest is a young Orion
woman. She was stowed away in a container of supplies we received
back On Makar station."

Leaving the Councilor and the security chief Drayson approached
the Drs office and informed her they were ready.

"Dr, Councilor Mahalana is here. We'd like to speak to your
patient. Wake her please doctor"
Halliwell looked back at her patient then back to them. Yes there
is," Halliwell answered. "She's in no condition..."

"No condition to talk DR?

"It's not that, I just don't want to put her under any undue

"I can assure you Dr Neither I or the councilor are in any way going
to agitate her

"Oh really?" she asked.

"Councilor Mahalana will be scanning her emotions while I take her

Halliwell was extremely reluctant to put the Orion under any more

"I know. I know."

"Please wake her Doctor

Halliwell stared at him.

Hardgrove raised an eyebrow and then turned to Mahalana and
Saki. "Commanders will you excuse me for a moment. Dr a word."

Oh now she was in for it. "Certainly.

Hardgrove walked toward her office and allowed her to take the lead
As they entered he had the door close behind him and he folded his

"Samantha, I am trying to help this girl
"As am I."
"Your worried about her health just as I am. You asked me not to
send her back
"I asked you not to send her back and I ask that you don't put her
through anything else just yet," Halliwell said passionately.
"I' simply need to make sure she isn't a danger to the ship the
only way to do that is to talk to her

"She isn't a danger under sedation," she retorted.
what about when she wakes up , when she realizes she is in a
strange place and begins to panic
She won't."

"Sam, she has grounds for Asylum I just have to hear her story from

"The longer We wait the more of a chance the Romulans may come after

"I'm not disputing that," she said leaning forward and placing a
hand on his shoulder.

Samantha realized what she was doing and quickly retracted her hand.

Drayson raised an eyebrow at he sudden touch and then returned to
his stoic expression

"I just think that waking her prematurely will do her no good,"
Halliwell said desperately trying to recover. "Just give me a few
more hours captain."

"I don't think We can afford that Dr, Were only 6 days from the
Romulian border depending on when they found her missing and her
master dead that doesn't give us allot of time to waste"

Halliwell placed her hands on her hips and did her best to hide her
anger and disappointment.

"I need you to wake her Dr I'll allow you to continue to monitor
and I will make sure that Lt Mahalana will be available to comfort
her if she becomes agitated"

"Okay," she said although she didn't sound entirely pleased about

"Thank you Sam

Halliwell gave him a small nod then moved back over to her patient
and got out the hypo spray to administer the drug.

Hardgrove folowed her out and back to the isolation unit of the sick

She's awake now Captain" the Dr announced

Hardgrove slowly approached the bio bed and began speaking in her
native tongue.

{It's alright don't be alarmed} he told her in old Orion

Rolling to her side she studied his movement for signs of
aggression; she seamed a bit surprised he spoke her language.

{You're alright; we're going to help you} he assured her

She relaxed a little hearing this; she was at very least awake and
not restrained

{What do you want?} She replied cautiously

"I'm Drayson Hardgrove; I am the Captain of this Vessel."

{I am Xienna} she introduced herself

"Alright Xienna, I hear you're in some trouble" he prompted

She looked crestfallen "Yes Sir I'm afraid I am" she said sitting
up and pulling her knees up to her chin hiding her face from him.

"You were a pleasure slave? He inquired

She peaked her head toward him. "Yes I was property of the Romulan
house E'mbre. Servant of Lord A'damus "

Xienna gracefully unfolded herself from the perch she was sitting on
and crawled her way toward the force field. She lowered her shelf in
to a kneeling pose and placing her dainty hands on her exposed
thigh. "I was sold to house E'mbre as payment of a gambling debt"
she continued. "I was forced to perform what eve acts my master
desired when ever he wished. I was constantly beaten, hardly ever
feed so that I would remain weak and give very little resistance to
him. I hardly ever received medical attention for my injuries or
ailments except for birth protection injections."

Hardgrove listened intently and looked to Dr Halliwell and then to
Councilor Mahalana. Turning back to Xienna he could see tears
welling up in her eyes. "I had tried several times before to escape
but was always caught do to my weakened state. I promised myself I
would escape finally after two years. I saved every little scrap of
food I could so I could secretly build up some strength and planned
my escape."

She straightened her posture and lifted her face from it view of the
floor. "He came for me one night in a fowl mood, and forced himself
on me. I resisted, that earned me a great beating one so bad I was
unable to stand afterward. As he slept I crept toward his clothes
that were flung about the room. I took his honor blade from its
sheath and plunged in into his chest. I then cut my self lose from
my bonds and used the ventilation shaft to escape his chambers out
in to Makar station. I hid for a few hours until I found the
containers of supplies and used them to hide. I didn't know they
were for your ship. I fled for my life knowing that if I was caught
again I would surely be killed. I ran from you security forces only
because I couldn't be sure I was safe from the Romulans."

"Please Sir don't send me back, I don't know what they will do to
me if you do, I'm sure they will kill me and I don't want to die"

"I can assure your safe here Xienna but I need to make sure my crew
is safe from you before I can allow you to stay"

Her eyes brightened then

"I can assure you sir I mean no harm to any of your crew sir"

"I going to grant you asylum on this ship as long as you agree to
adhere by some ground rules


"More percussions for my crew

"If you're to stay on this ship I need to make sure your staying
here will not be a liability

"What exactly do you need me to do?" Xienna looked a little

"Well first off I would require that you continue to take pheromone

She nodded solemnly "anything else?"

"Yes I will need you to keep to a more discrete dress code

She looked in utter disgust..."but this is what I wear"

Understandable, but your attire tends to be distracting to the male
members of my crew

"Is there anywhere I can be myself?" she asked

Hardgrove looked at her questioningly "Meaning what exactly?

"I don't want to distract anyone but I would like to be able to
dress this way occasionally...if that would not be too much of a

"You'll have quarters as well as access to the holo decks

She flushed a little "thank you sir"

A thought passed into her mind "My Quarters?

"Security will assign you quarters

She suddenly seemed cheerful

"Thank you so much:

"You're Welcome Xienna, Security will tell you where you will be
aloud to go and such please use discursion in your recreation

Xienna walked over to Saki "umm?"

Saki chipped in "Follow me"

Dep feel in to step right behind Saki and Xienna

Xienna shot him a smile

"Thank you" she mouthed

Dep smiled sheepishly," Your Welcome, I am glad I could help

Saki led the way to the security office "Dep I need to finish up my
report, could you escort Xienna to Deck 2 please section 12"
"Yes Ma'm, this way please Miss" He said motioning to Xienna to
follow him

Xienna followed Dep to the turbo lift

"A place of my own" she muttered

"Yes, your own little space"

She looked up at

"You will have to answer to the Captain, Commander Hurst, or
Security but for the, most part you will have free reign of the
ships unrestricted areas

"I mean to say ANSWER anyone" I will be free

"Yes you'll be free, you are your own person now miss

The turbo lift stopped to let on another passenger then continued
its journey to deck 2
Her eyes darted around "I forgot to ask-my things, in the cargo

"What things did you need I can make sure they are brought to you

Dep smiled at her shyly and waited till the lift reached deck 2

She thought for a moment "I had a few items in the crate I..." she
broke off "I stowed away in"

"A few mementos"

"Anything particular?

"I had a scan of my family that is important to me"

"I am sure that will be easy to find, anything else?

"What was in the crate is all I have" she explained

They made their way towards the aft of the ship occasionally making
eye contact

"Here we are" Dep remarked after what seemed like an eternity

The doors opened revealing a large living space; off to one side
Xienna could see the bedroom and bathroom

"The replicator is over here, and we have some alternative
furnishings if these are not to your taste" he informed her showing
her around her new home.

Dep watched as Xienna explored her new space with wide eyes.

"All this space-for me??" she ran her hand over the dining
chair "its Perfect"

She moved to Dep and took one of his hands "Thank you so much for
all your help"

"Not thank you needed, I hope this will be sufficient

"It's a lot bigger than I expected"

"Well these are guest quarters they are the smallest we have except
for the Spartan quarters, but I am sure you can arrange it any way
you like to make it more comfortable"

"Can I get you a drink? I need to shower and change but I would feel
better if there was someone here to talk to" she said moving to the
Replicator and ordering a fresh set of clothes.
Looking at Dep she gave him a flirtatious smile she then requested a
Bajoran evening dress and laid it out on the bed

Dep blushed. "I can't drink while on duty but I can take a bit to
give you a tour later. I… uh… I'll stay in the livening room while
you shower and change or I could wait outside"

"Please stay here-I wont be long" Xienna moved toward the bedroom
disrobing as she did

Dep turned his head as he saw her begin to undress.

He rubbed his forehead and tried not to feel too uncomfortable
around the Orion woman

"So tell me about yourself" she called from the bathroom "how did
you come to be stationed here?"

"I came on board little over two years ago right before Bajor joined
the federation

"Do you enjoy your job?"

"I do, I enjoy going on away missions over ship duty"
"Away missions? What do you do when you go on those?"

"For the most part I, Spark and Marquez protect Commander Hurst and
the other officers"

"Oh. Sounds dangerous" Xienna emerged from the bedroom in a towel
carrying a set of clothing which she laid out for her

"These are very...well not me, am I allowed to make alterations to
I would assume so"

Xienna set about making her so called alterations "there...done" She
had torn strips out of what once appeared to be a traditional
bajoran dress, it now measured several inches shorter and had a
neckline which (she informed Dep) most Orion females would barely
tolerate, She slipped the towel down and stepped into the dress

Dep again turned away before he got an eyeful

"Is there something wrong?" Xienna looked confused "don't you like

Dep blushed "Um... uh... Yes, yes you're extremely attractive

"What time do you get off duty-I would very much like to take you up
on that tour" she said shyly trying to be coy.

Dep looked at the chronomiter "Now is as good as time as any"

Xienna looked back over her new home "I think I will be happy here"
she told Dep as her showed her out.


Posted by: The Archiver Apr 10 2006, 07:06 AM

Lieutenant Leilani Mahala

Chief Counselor

USS Columbia NCC1812

Location: Sick Bay

Leilani listened as the captain asked the young girl all her questions. As she talked, Leilani watched her body language, listened to her tone, and used her ability in intuition to read the girls emotions and psyche. She had obviously been through a lot. She was glad that the Captain was giving her free reign to the unrestricted areas. A taste of freedom seemed to be exactly what the girl needed. As she was escorted to her room by Saki and Dep, Leilani turned to the Captain.

“Sir, she is being truthful with you. She fears being caged, quite a bit…but I must let you know, the…services that she provides, they are things that she herself enjoys as well, in an odd sort of way. I would not put it above her to cause many distracts to the male members of the crew. She has lived her whole life in this manner, and is obviously used to the scarcely clad clothing, and the ‘submissions’ of a woman. It is in her nature therefore, to continue to be very sexually active, whether slave or no. While she resents the situation she was in, that is also were she learned her concept of self…of who she is. It is how she identifies herself, and therefore is a sexual being. The learned behaviors that one learns in adolescence, such as known social structures, acceptable behaviors both socially and sexually, and the very idea of self have been corrupted to the views of the Romulan masters that she had. These are affects that she will carry for the rest of her life. The best thing, I believe, that we can do for her is to let her rediscover herself without restraints from anyone…but…I would advise to let the male members of the crew be re-reminded of general ethics and our lateness policies in case any of them get…involved with her,” she smiled lightly. The Betazoid were a race very open to sexuality; their weddings were performed in the nude for goodness sake, but that didn’t lessen one’s responsibility to a duty they promised to do.

-Lt. Leilani Mahala-

Chief Counseling Officer


Posted by: The Archiver May 16 2006, 01:48 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: sickbay


Hardgrove nodded as the councilor finished her assessment.

"I agree wholly couniler, I plan to aloud her to do just that. I am no
stranger when it comes to Orion behavior traits. Still in order to limit the
distractions over the male crew members and the agressive natures of our
female population. I have instructed the Doctor to keep her on Pheromne
supressant therapy. I have also requested her that if she is to indulge in
such activeites to be decreet and to dress a bit more modestly when in
public areas of the ship."


Posted by: The Archiver May 16 2006, 01:48 PM

Lt. Leilani Mahala

Chief Counseling Officer

USS Colombia 1812

Location: Sick Bay

Leilani was relieved that the captain took her advice to heart and it seemed that many of the things she mentioned he had thought of himself. It was a delicate situation, and would get even more so when they had to start being diplomatic with the Romulan Federation. “I don’t see any reason for us to be concerned then…” she commented, but thinking lightly to herself ‘Until the first disturbance is reported’, but she did not, however, express that thought out loud. She did find herself curious about what the captain intended to do about the Romulan Federation, and couldn’t stop from asking. “Sir, do you intend to openly communicate with the Romulans about the situation, or hope that they try to deal with it internally before pointing fingers?” she asked, slightly concerned for the welfare of the whole ship if the Romulans demand to extradite her back to their territory.


Posted by: The Archiver May 16 2006, 01:48 PM

LT. Jason Sparks
Security Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: sickbay

Jason's mind dwelled on Xienna. He had left her in sickbay to do a
patrol. He had returned there and couldn't find her. He figured
she'd pop up somewhere.

Jason walked down the corridors of the ship as he kept a watchful eye
on things. He looked down the corridor to see Xienna with Dep. Jason
smiled and walked to them.

"Hey, Xienna, how are you feeling?"


Posted by: The Archiver May 16 2006, 01:49 PM

Dylan sat on the long-range shuttle that was taking her from Starfleet Headquarters to the ship that she was assigned too. She's a Judge Advocate General Attorney, but she was being assigned to the Columbia under the command of Captain Drayson Hardgrove. She'd done her homework on the current crew of the ship and the ship herself. That was what she does, she looks through the dossier of the ship and her crew, that helps her deal with whatever case she would be on, even though she's not going to be on as a JAG officer but as a security and Intel officer.

The pilot looked at her and informed her that they were about to meet up with the Columbia, ETA being about an hour. As long as the Columbia didn't move in the meantime. She nodded and put the PADD she was reading away and looked out the porthole that was to her left. She stared out at the stars and smiled. This is what she wanted, she wanted to be out in space, she wanted the life that she had gotten herself into and she studied hard to get here. First Law School, then Starfleet Academy and then Officer's School. She smiled as she looked out the porthole as the shuttle took her to the Columbia.

"Commander, We're there."

Dylan smiled and nodded, "Hail them."

The pilot nodded and hailed the Columbia, "Columbia this is the Shuttle Calypso, I've got a Lieutenant Commander Dylan Bryce, Judge Advocate General here."

Commander Hurst was on the bridge, and she responded, "you may dock in docking port three."

The pilot nodded, "Thank you Columbia." The pilot went for docking port three and then released the body of the shuttle and backed into the docking port and opened the door. "It was nice to meet you Commander, and it was good to have company on this flight."

Dylan nodded, "it was nice for me too, thank you Lieutenant." Dylan picked up her case and slung it over her shoulder and headed through the portal.

A young looking ensign appeared at her side, "I am Ensign Porter, I can take you to your quarters commander, then we'll take you to the bridge to meet the captain and the first officer."

Dylan nodded, "that will be fine ensign." She followed the ensign and they went to the quarters and she set her bag down. Seh didn't have any time to freshen up, at least she hadn't, although the ensign had offered her a chance to do so. She shook her head no, "no that's alright ensign."

The ensign led her from her quarters and headed for the bridge...reaching the lift, she stepped on board and when the ensign called for the bridge, the lift took them upwards.

Soon the doors whispered open and she steps out and looks about. A red haired female sat in the command chair. As she's studied the ships manifest, she knew who she was coming up too. "Commander Hurst, it is good to meet you."

Jennifer stood up and took Dylan's hand. "Yes it is, Commander...Bryce."

Dylan nodded, "Lieutenant Commander Dylan Bryce reporting for duty." Dylan smiled at the red head as they stood there shaking hands, her hand remained in Jennifer's a little longer than was necessary, but then Jennifer didn't seem all that eager to pull her hand free either.

Jennifer felt alittle jolt of energy run through her hand as she shook the other woman's hand. Shaking off the feeling, Hurst slowly drew back her hand. "Commander Bryce, has security gotten you quarters yet?"

Dylan nodded, "Yes they did. I just left there and had the ensign bring me here." She watched as the very pretty redhead pulled her hand away and then she stood at attention then, her hand resting at her side.

"Well then how about a tour, my shift is almost done here. Till then feel free to take a seat or feel free to explore the bridge."

She shook her head, "I need to go and meet the captain, can you tell me where I may find him?"

"Actually he was on his way back up when last I spoke to him he was handleing something down in sickbay."

Dylan nodded, well this one seemed to be all business. Perhaps she'd just take that tour of the bridge after all. "I'll stay here then."

"Excellent, I am sure Captain Hardgrove will be along shortly, did you have a nice trip in?"

Dylan looked around the bridge, it wasn't much the room not being all that large, she could run it about ten times in about five minutes... "I'm not going anywhere."

Jennifer smiled there was something aboutm the woman . "Lt, plese don't think this too forward but would you care to get a drink with me after the tour?"

She looked at Jennifer, "Commander, first of all my rank is Lieutenant Commander, and therefore I can be called commander." Her good mood was a little off now. "As for a drink, I don't mind getting a drink however you didn't seem too interested before."

"Please forgive me, where are my manners? Yes Commander your right I should address you correctly, and secondly I apologise if I seamed disinterested i was having an off moment. I would be honored if you joined me for a drink later."

Dylan was flirting openly and her advances were shoved down her throat, well that wasn't something she'd forget quickly. She just nodded, "You could loosen up you know."

Jennifer glance around the bridge and the turned to Dylan. "I'm sorry Dylan, you just caught me off guard, I was trying to keep my composure is all. But I can tell I don't need to with you. Would you care to get some dinner with me after you've spoke with the Captain?"

Dylan looked to Jennifer. "Commander, I believe I shall take my dinner alone, thank you." She came back around and found she was right there in front of the command chair once more...Not much else for her to do now except perhaps take a seat...

Jennifer rose from her chair and walked to the door of the ready room before she turned and spoke, "Commander, a moment of your time, please. In the ready room."

'Now what did I do,' Dylan thought as she stood up to head for the Ready Room, "as you wish, commander." She's sounding rather formal as she made her way towards the ready room.

Jennifer followed her through and then took a deep breath. "This Conversation is totaly off the record Dylan so i am going to be frank. From the second you stepped on the bridge my attention has only been on you. When you shook my had I felt this great jolt of energy. I was instantly attracted to you when you walked on aboard and am sorry if I offended you but I just wasn't sure how you'd react if I just asked you out."

Dylan smirked. What was it with people? "How about saying, 'Dylan, how would you like to go to dinner with me? And maybe some sex while we're at it?' It isn't that hard."

Jennifer smiled, "well if you wanted it that blunt, how about dinner at my place and breakfast at yours?"

Dylan smiled, "are you sure? I'm not much of a cook..."

"Who needs to cook when we have replicators?"

"Oh, you don't care if it's 'homecooked' eh?" Dylan approached the woman, and in spite of them both likely being on duty, she went and wrapped her arms around Jennifer's waist. "that's just fine with me."

Jennifer giggled slightly, "mmm the direct approach I like that in a woman. Just know, I am usually not this easy."

Dylan smirked, "you call this easy?" She kneaded the flesh of Jennifer's back through the uniform, "this was far from easy, commander."

"Jennifer, or if you perfer you can call me Ray. It's short for my middle name."

"Jennifer Raven Hurst, Commander and Executive officer of the USS Columbia. Mother is an ambasador and father was an...Admiral." This all came spouting out from Dylan's mouth and no notes to follow...this could give Jennifer the impression that Dylan did some 'homework' on the way to the ship...

Jennifer smirked "I don't know if i shoul feel flattered or kinda exposed here, It sounds like you knew all about me before you even got aboard."

"I did some research before getting here. I wanted to know who I was dealing with. It's an old habit of mine, I am after all JAG officer, well, I would be normally."

"I see' Hurst said as she leaned into Dylan's embrace "So um are you going to kiss me or are you just teasing."

Dylan smiled, "I didn't think you had any problems taking what you wanted. If you want one, just take it." She pulled closer, "it's very easy, just like this..." Then without much more warning than that, she leans in and kissed Jennifer full on the mouth.

Hurst leaned in to the kiss and returned it passionately. God it had been so long, almost a year, since she had been kissed. And a hell of alot longer since she had sex and oh gods how good the kiss felt to her.

Dylan of course didn't know anything more about Jennifer than what she'd read on her dossier...Well, the kiss told her a lot, but there was a lot more to this woman than a kiss...At least she'd hoped there was. Dylan pulled away though, breathless and a little flushed. "Wow..."

Jennifer blushed and smiled bashfully, "that good hmm?"

Dylan looked at her. "You can't possibly be that insecure in your own sexuality." She reached up to cup Jennifer's cheek, "You are very attractive, I wouldn't have been flirting so outrageously before if I hadn't thought so."

"I was playing coy baby."

"I didn't read it that way." Well, she did want to get in good with the command staff, but this wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but whatever worked...

Jennifer tilted her head slightly "So dinner desert and breakfast together?"

"Do you usually work this fast on new staff?" Okay, she's not usually this overly critical of other's and certainly not higher ranking officers...and of course she really had started it first...but that just didn't seem to factor into what she was asking.

"No I'm not usually that direct. I thought that's what you wanted."

"I'm fickle sometimes, yeah, I would rather someone tell me straight out what they feel rather than trying to be coy. And besides, coy just doesn't work with you..."

"Alright then you, me dinner myplace breakfast your's. Dinner at 2300."

"That's kind of late isn't it?" She thought that 23h00 was very late for dinner... "Most people have dinner by 17h30." Her hands still kneaded the small of Jennifer's back, but she wasn't holding her as closely as she had been.

"18h00 then, casual attire."

"Okay, 18h00 hours, in civvies." She definately understood that...whether Jennifer was meaning Civilian clothes or not, well, that's another story. "One more thing, where are your quarters?" She smiled, she could have cheated and used the computer, or looked at the dossier, but she didn't...this way, she gets the personal touch.

"I'll show you on the tour."


Posted by: The Archiver May 16 2006, 01:51 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: sickbay


Hardgrove smiled at the counciler. "Actually, I am not doing either.
Federation law dicates that any Slave whosteps foot on
Federation property,in example this ship is automaticly freed. As for her
crime of murder. One would argue it was in
self defense."

Hardgrove then turned to the Dr. "Dr., Please continue to keep monotoring
Xiennas treatments. I would like to be continusly
informed of their progress."

Drayson the check the chronomotor on the wall and frowned. "Counciler I
would love to contiue this conversation but
you have to excuse me. I am sure I am needed on the bridge." Nodding to both
women he headed out the sickbays doors and
to the closests Turbo lift. Speaking his destination the lift soon arived at
the bridge.

Stepping into the ships command center he glanced at officers all working
their station but then frowned when he found the
Command chair empty. Glanceing around the bridge he spotted the readyrooms

The ready room doors slowly parted giveing Hardgrove a glimpse of what was
going on inside. Clearing his throat with a"Uh hem"

He arched an eyebrow and that spoke only one other word "Commanders"

Lieutenant Commander Dylan Bryce
Chief JAG, Security
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Stepping into the ships command center he glanced at officers all working their station but then frowned when he found the Command chair empty. Glanceing around the bridge he spotted the readyrooms doors.

The ready room doors slowly parted giveing Hardgrove a glimpse of what was going on inside. Clearing his throat with a"Uh hem" He arched an eyebrow and that spoke only one other word "Commanders"

Dylan had just been staring deep into Jennifer's eyes when the doors to the ready room parted to admit the captain. She stepped back, but she didn't do so in a hurry and in doing so, she even kept her hand at the small of Jennifer's back.

"Ah, you must be the captain. I am Lieutenant Commander Dylan Bryce, reporting for duty as ordered sir..."


Posted by: The Archiver May 16 2006, 01:56 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding Officer
USS. Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Captains Ready room
Time 16.30 hours
Commander Jennifer Hurst
Executive Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location Captains ready room
Time 16.30 hours

Hardgrove smirked at the young woman as she introduced her
self. "Ah Commander Bryce, We've been expecting you. I would have
like to welcome you aboard but it looks like commander Hurst has
already done that." He said shooting Hurst a look.

Jennifer Hurst smirked sheepishly at her Captain. "Commander Bryce
and I were just making dinner arrangements in order to get to know
each other better, Sir" she said matter a factly. "I also will be
giving her a tour of the ship as well as soon as my shift is over ."

Hardgrove nodded "Very good Commander, Now if you don't mind can you
give me a moment with our new jag officer?"

Hurst nodded and smiled and slowly left Bryces embrace. She smiled
as she made for the door, turning she winked at Dylan and then left
the room.

Lieutenant Commander Dylan Bryce
Chief JAG, Security Officer

USS. Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Captains Ready room


Hardgrove smirked at the young woman as she introduced her self. "Ah Commander Bryce, We've been expecting you. I would have like to welcome you aboard but it looks like commander Hurst has already done that." He said shooting Hurst a look.

Jennifer Hurst smirked sheepishly at her Captain. "Commander Bryce and I were just making dinner arrangements in order to get to know each other better, Sir" she said matter a factly. "I also will be giving her a tour of the ship as well as soon as my shift is over."

Hardgrove nodded "Very good Commander, Now if you don't mind can you give me a moment with our new jag officer?"

Hurst nodded and smiled and slowly left Dylan's embrace. She smiled as she made for the door, turning she winked at Dylan and then left the room.
Dylan smirked as the captain spoke. "I bet you are. The Admiral did mention that you would be. Sorry I'm so late in arriving." She smirked again, "Uh, yeah..." She did notice the look the captain gave to Jennifer, but didn't say anything about it.

She looked at Jennifer, and she noticed the expression pass over her face. "I also mentioned that a tour wouldn't be necessary, but that's alright." She turned back to the captain then, her arms still around Jennifer.

Hardgrove spoke again and she wondered what he had to say to her, but she figured that he would tell her once Jennifer had departed.

Then Jennifer pulled from her arms and headed for the door. She smiled as Jennifer winked at her, she smiled and waved back at her then looked at the captain. "Okay, what is it you wished to speak to me about, sir?" She turned formal suddenly...


Posted by: The Archiver May 16 2006, 01:57 PM

Lieutenant Leilani Mahala
Chief Counselor

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Sick Bay/ Personal Quarters

<<Hardgrove smiled at the councilor. "Actually, I am not doing either. Federation law dictates that any Slave who steps foot on Federation property, in example this ship is automatically freed. As for her crime of murder, one would argue it was in self defense."

Hardgrove then turned to the Dr. "Dr., Please continue to keep monitoring Xienna’s treatments. I would like to be continually informed of their progress."

Drayson the check the chronometer on the wall and frowned, "Councilor I would love to continue this conversation but you have to excuse me. I am sure I am needed on the bridge." Nodding to both women he headed out the sickbays doors and to the closest Turbo lift. Speaking his destination the lift soon arrived at the bridge.>>

Leilani watched the captain walk away, and then looked at the doctor, “That doesn’t mean they aren’t going to try…or honor any if our regulations…” she added, a little worried. She trusted the captain though, and was sure that he’d thought of that, and just wasn’t willing to give out orders for something that hadn’t yet come to pass. She could tell that his was confident in his choices, and it was hard to trust someone who was honest like that.

Leilani looked at Dr. Halliwell, “Well, I suppose I am no longer needed here. I would not like to be in your way, I’m sure you’ve got a lot of people to tend to,” she smiled kindly at the doctor. “But if there is anything that you need from me, just let me know,” she nodded respectfully to Samantha, and left sick bay, the situation on her mind. It worried her having that woman aboard a little bit. Her situation was incredibly unfortunate, but the Romulans had a reputation for treating their slaves particularly bad…and no one knew how much that really effected her psyche, her views, and her thoughts of the world. Whose to say that if someone on ship reminded her of her former owner, or said something to trigger a memory that she wasn’t capable of the same act that she displayed towards her master.

Leilani defintily felt that Xienna had the right to free herself, but the effects of her captor are still there. It was evident in every part of her that Leilani had had a chance to see so far. She was still very sexual in nature, as her master desired her to be, she is still submissive to a point, and distrusting. Leilani didn’t blame her for any of it, because it was from no fault of her own. But that didn’t mean those events and qualities in her weren’t going to effect her decisions on board. It was then that she decided she had to tell the captain she wanted an hour with her a day, to help her work out her new life as a free person. It was certainly reasonable request she thought. The girl had to be traumatized, and the only way to establish her mental health was that way.

Once she arrived to her quarters, she sent a written request to the captain which he would receive at his desk at his next convenience, and she sat back down and tried to re-immerse herself in her book


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:16 PM

Lieutenant Commander Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: Intelligence Office
"Title of post" Reflections
Post number 2

As Fianna looked over the files, she decided that interviews with the various members of the crew would be in order. Now who to star with ...


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:16 PM

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Personal Quarters
"Moral Implications"


All this inventory weren't going to get done by itself, that much
was obvious to Samantha. She re-read the report that Leilani had
compiled on their orion guest and then archived for further use when
the time came, perhaps they could use it when and if they spoke with
the Romulans.
That thought sobered her up some, she had been the person who had
told Drayson that it would be best if they kept Xienna onboard which
meant that if something happened then effectively it would be on her
head. But could she live with herself for knowingly letting the poor
woman go back to the Romulans, everyone knew how they treated their
slaves. God knows she'd want someone helping her if she were in that
position. Halliwell visibly shuddered.

"I'm a doctor not a diplomat," she muttered to herself and carried on
finishing up with the inventory that seemed to be taking far longer
than it should have been.

It couldn't have been more than an hour later when she was finally
done and the work was up to her own satisifaction. Halliwell got up
and stretched her legs, reaching for her comm badge as she did so in
order to get an update from Sickbay. "Halliwell to Ensign Wood."
"Go ahead Doctor."
"How's Xienna?" she asked gently.
"Resting comfortable but I've had to give her another 30
milligrams." That was not something Halliwell wanted to hear, they
were supposed to be helping her, not medicating the poor woman. She
put her hands on her hips as Wood carried on giving her an update,
apart from having to sedate her 15 minutes ago she had seemed fine
and they were still in the process of giving her some guest quarters
but it wasn't easy if she kept having these episodes.
"If you have anymore severe problems, restrain her and get the
counsellor." Halliwell was deep in thought for a moment. "If you
can't handle it do not hesitate to contact me."
"Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

Samantha looked down to her feet a moment and shook her head slowly,
she didn't have any other options other than what she had just told
him. How could you help someone after they had been through such a
trauma as this poor woman had faced? Tea and biscuits didn't help the
problem go away and neither did sedation, it just delayed the
inevitable. "No that's it," she said. "Refrain from any further use
of medication from this point."

"Aye doctor."
"Halliwell out."

The silence filled the room once more, Matthew was staying with one
of her insubordinates while she went to dinner with Drayson.
Halliwell looked over to the nearest chronometer. That was not
something she was going to personally enjoy, not that she didn't
enjoy her ex-husband's company it was just that now he was her
commanding officer it proved a little awkard to be around him. She
took her head down and ran her fingers through it, walking over to
the bathroom to have a shower for she didn't have very long to get
ready and she sure as hell didn't want to turn up in her uniform but
then did she want to dress up?

Samantha slipped out of her uniform and stared at herself in the
mirror for a good long while, time had took it's toll on her more
than she would have liked and she realised that it was what had made
her so cynical. She had never been like that before her and Drayson's
divorce, she had been happier and they had been a family. It was no
use reflecting on the past, all that mattered was the present but
sometimes she feared the future. After the Dominion War, things look
set to be more different, more hopeful but this issue with the

Halliwell stepped into the shower and let the water cascade down her
back. "Well that was just downright scary.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:20 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding Officer
USS. Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Captains Ready room

{snip Dylan smirked as the captain spoke. "I bet you are. The Admiral did
mention that you would be. Sorry I'm so late in arriving." She smirked
again, "Uh, yeah..." She did notice the look the captain gave to Jennifer,
but didn't say anything about it.

She looked at Jennifer, and she noticed the expression pass over her face.
"I also mentioned that a tour wouldn't be necessary, but that's alright."
She turned back to the captain then, her arms still around Jennifer.

Hardgrove spoke again and she wondered what he had to say to her, but she
figured that he would tell her once Jennifer had departed.

Then Jennifer pulled from her arms and headed for the door. She smiled as
Jennifer winked at her, she smiled and waved back at her then looked at the
captain. "Okay, what is it you wished to speak to me about, sir?" She turned
formal suddenly. {snip

Hardgrove moved over to his desk and sat down, gesturing to a chair he
motioned for her to sit with his eyes.

“Commander our current mission is one of exploration, that’s being said I
doubt your primary assignment as the ships JAG officer will come in to play
often. Your secondary Training as security officer is a plus since were are
currently sailing into the unknown, yet I believe it may be a waste of your
talents.” Folding his hand on the desk he looked her straight in the eyes
and then continued. “I’d like to assign you to the bridge as my diplomatic
council during this mission. Just before your arrival, we found a stow away
on board. A young Orion woman who was a slave of a Romulan ambassador, she
not only escaped but killed her master in the process. She requested Asylum,
which I granted till we return to Federation space. My concern now is what
options we may have if the Romulans come looking for her.”

<Tag Dylan>


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:21 PM

Lt Mede Reiziger
Ops Officer
USS. Columbia NCC 1812

Having run several checks on the systems she was in charge of and having filed all the reports necessary for Captain Hardgrove, Mede was pleased. He would have his reports at the ready at his earliest convenience. Having checked the systems in the areas where their stow away had been was easy enough. The girl had not done any damage anywhere and that was much to her advantage. Internal scans had subsequently been run on literally every part of the Columbia looking for any others that might have escaped with this woman. Much to every one's relief, none others were found.
Mede's attention was drawn from her work to the arrival of an officer. The electrical charge between the two was intriguing. Though she didn't hear what was said, she could feel the tension. Later when the two went into the ready room and closed the door, Mede could only be curious as to what transpired.
Turning back to her console Mede wondered what would happen. They were only six days out and thus far it was calm. She was grateful and looking forward to dinner with Steven. In fact she knew he was free now so perhaps they could have a little undercover time before going to the dining room. Just the thought of him had her heart rate speeding up. His touch was silken fire. My my, she thought as he approached her station. She could already beel his warm body pressed to hers as his hands traveled.......warmth spread in those place he.....maybe had had the same before dinner thoughts as she.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:21 PM

Lieutenant Commander Dylan Bryce
USS. Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Captains Ready room

>>“Commander our current mission is one of exploration, ththatbeing said I doubt your primary assignment as the ships JAG officer will come in to play often. Your secondary Training as security officer is a plus since were are currently sailing into the unknown, yet I believe it may be a waste of your talents.” Folding his hand on the desk he looked her straight in the eyes and then continued. “I’d like to assign you to the bridge as my diplomatic council during this mission. Just before your arrival, we found a stow away on board. A young Orion woman who was a slave of a Romulan ambassador, she not only escaped but killed her master in the process. She requested Asylum, which I granted till we return to Federation space. My concern now is what options we may have if the Romulans come looking for her.”<<

Dylan listened to what the captain said and she frowned. "murder is a big deal, however, I would need to study up some on Romulan law before I can make a final judgment call. As for the Romulan's coming to call and claim her...first of all, we're not in Romulan Space any longer and secondly, neither are we in Federation space, but this ship is Federation property. That being said, this ship is a Federation base in the midst of hostile space. As a result, anyone who comes asking for asylum can be granted said asylum and protected.

"However, her being a former slave could complicate things. If she killed him in 'self defense', in Federation law, that's legal. But since she was a slave, in a Romulan male's home...On the other hand, she's formerly a Federation Citizen who was forcebly removed from her home and family to serve a foreign diplomat, and as a citizen of the Federation, she has every right to ask protection. This way, she'll be re-patriated back into the Federation. We must protect this girl at all costs captain."

She sat down as she listened and stood up again once she'd started speaking, "captain, our options are minimal, either give the girl back and have her death on our hands, or protect her with all that we are and have...possibly dying in the process...let's just hope the Romulan's don't come after her."


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:21 PM

Reyes Dep smirked as turned his head to the familiar voice of Jason
sparks. Stopping he spun to face his friend. Placing his hand on
Xienna arm he motioned her toward sparks direction .She looked to
his eyes for reassurance, and turned towards sparks

"Xienna, Lt Jason Sparks" Dep introduced them

"Nice to meet you" she said hesitantly offering her hand

Sparks smiled as he softly kissed it.
Xienna smiled sweetly and unfolded her hand from sparks grasp. Then
looked again to Dep

"Sparks, works in security with me he was assigned to guard you
along with me in sickbay"

"Oh" Xienna could see that Dep trusted him
Sparks smiled as he spoke "Where you two off to?"

Dep glanced at sparks the responded "I am taking Xienna on a ships
tour, Then I am going to get some dinner "

Xienna shifted and brushed her hair from her face and then firmly
grasped Deps arm and pulled her self close to him as if she was
afraid to let go of him.

Xienna grasped Deps arm firmly giving it a tug , looking at Dep her
eyes pleaded with him for them to leave. Her eyes scanned the
corridor, "You haven't shown me what's down here yet"
she seemed a little panicked she tugged his arm again hoping,
praying he would move.

Dep nodded to Sparks as if to apologize for blowing his friend off
and then leading Xienna down the hall to the Turbo lift. Entering
the lift he spoke their destination and the lift began move under
their feet

"I'm sorry I..." she broke off, "I wasn't comfortable" she was still
grasping his arm tightly.

Dep smiled reassuringly " I understand, no one is going to hurt
you I assure you Xienna"

Xienna loosened her grip a little then stopped, pulling Dep closer
she peered deep into his eyes. Dep smiled shyly at her, Xienna in
return ran her fingers through his hair and drew him in for a long
tender kiss. Reyes was stunned at first but returned the kiss and
pulled her a bit closer to him .She stopped suddenly
"I...that was too forward I am sorry"
Xienna blushed hoping she had not just blown her chances with Dep.
Xienna took his hand continued down the corridor as soon as the
turbo lift stopped .

"I was afraid I would have scared you off had I done it"

she smiled " wouldn't have"

Xienna's eyes danced a little "not at all"

Dep tried not to seam too forward "I.. uh.. see"

Xienna smiled

"Would you Like to see the holo decks?" He said trying to change the

yes very much so"

Xienna and Dep made their way to the holodeck Five

"Would you like to try a short program?" Dep asked

"Yes please" Xiennas eyes gave her eagerness away

Dep tapped the console "Computer access program Dep Alpha-Two-Zero"
The doors opened inside there was a beautiful garden, Xienna moved
inside and the doors closed behind them

"it's...breathtaking" she whispered.

The apple grove in which she was standing gave way to a small stream
and a cottage, on the far bank of the stream she could see horses

Her eyes met Deps' "how do you...I mean...why would you ever switch

He straightened a little "because I know it isn't real, and I have
my duties to perform"

Xienna looked away "my life is rather empty now that I am a free
woman" she mused

Dep explained "I can get you access to the holodeck but you will
have to book for timeslots, we conduct training here daily"

"is there a program where I could ride?" she looked longingly at the
horses on the far bank.

"Yes, I am sure there is, I will ask Saki if she could loan you her
riding program, in fact the two of you could ride together, maybe
get a little better acquainted."

Xienna felt a little strange about socializing with the chief of
security but she kept it to herself.

Dep led Xienna down to the stream and they dipped their feet in, the
water was cool and refreshing.

After a long silence Dep requested a towel which the computer

"We only have another 5 minutes here Xienna, the suite is booked out
someone else" Xienna nodded and rose to her feet

"Computer end program" the world around them slipped from sight and
Xiennas heart sank a little, she looked around at the construct

"when can I come back?" she asked "I like it here"

"soon" he reassured her.

"may I...may I use this program occasionally?"

"of course you can, in fact I can ask for this to be your default
program until you find another you like"

She smiled "Thank you"

Dep led Xienna back into the hall, having been to all the major
areas Xienna would have access to Dep decided it was time to eat, he
approached a com panel and tapped to access the main
computer "computer -time please"

"The time is 1902 hours" replied the computer in a monochromatic
Xienna took the opportunity to again observe the layout of the ship,
it was a lot bigger than the schematic seemed to allow.

Dep turned to Xienna "are you hungry?"
She looked up from the panel "um-yes...yes I think I am" she

"do they serve any alternative foods here-such as klingon, bajoran
or" she looked hopeful "Orion?"

Dep frowned a little "No Orion food I'm afraid, although for your
quarters I am sure we could have the replicator configured to suit
your needs."

"I just have one more file to upload, then you can have my full

"yes, I will meet you there" she casually replied

Dep walked to the turbo lift and stepped inside, she couldn't make
out which deck he stated but it didn't matter.

Xienna looked again at the panel with the layout of the ship-she
pressed the button "computer show me deck 6" the layout appeared
immediately - she realized that they hadn't actually greed a meeting
place as such-only that it would be deck 6 and that it was a fairly
big area.

"Chiasmus!" she swore-she realized her only option was to wait
outside the turbo lift on deck 6 for Dep arrive. she made her way to
the turbo lift "deck 6 please" after a short wait Dep arrived and
they set off toward the crew lounge

"I requested the alterations to the configuration of your
replicator, I hope the dishes will be to your liking. As they
entered the lounge and approached the replicators. Moved to the side
to allow Xienna do the same. Xienna looked puzzled "do they have a
menu by chance" .

Dep looked again at the schematic "I haven't ever eaten here
myself but I hear the klingon food they served is actually quite

Xienna looked faintly amused "you are not with anyone?" she asked

Oh No" he rushed the reply and she could sense he was nervous "not
in a while actually

Dep shifted a little nervously "I simply have never been inclined to
stay, the patrons tend to be couples, or groups of friends I ussaly
get my tray and eat in my quarters"

She smiled "ok that settles it-your eating here with me"

Xienna smiled "I'm sure I will" Dep picked out a table by the window
so that they could watch the stars whilst they ate.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:22 PM


Lieutenant Commander Koshi Saki

Chief of Security

USS Columbia NCC 1812

Location Security office


Koshi Saki sat at her deck and finished the report that she had been working
on. Placing the pad back
on the desk in front of her. Saki looked over the stack of PADDS that sat on
her desk and smiled
the incident reports for the week were done although the past week had gone
relatively without incident she still had a
lot of work to do.

Running a hand over her face she her work console told her the time.
Grimacing at the amount of work she had left
she opted about taking a few documents back to her quarters to work on them
there, after all she was technically
off duty some 2 hours ago but no one had the nerve to ask her to vacate the

Sighing Saki tapped her Com badge "Saki to Lt Sayan" the response was
slightly longer than anticipated "

“Sayan Here"

“I am taking the internal sensor surveillance reports back to my quarters to
work on them there, when you get off duty please inform the shift supervisor
so that we don’t have them troubling the Captain unnecessarily"

"Yes Ma'am" she replied

"Sayan there are still some reports I will need you to file they are on the
desk in main security,
please ensure this task is completed by 2200 when the shift change takes

"Understood ma'am, on my way" Sayan responded

Saki stood up, as she did she took several pads from the desk and strode out
of the office towards her quarters.

As Saki made her way to the turbo lift something occurred to her-she was off
duty for the next 2 full days.

She made her way back to her quarters, slipping out of her uniform jacket
then set to work on the reports. after about an hour they were ready to be
submitted. Laying the reports on the counter Koshi shed her uniform allowing
it to pool on the floor at her feet. She continued to undress as she made
her way to the refresher. Stepping in to the sonic shower, She basked in
the vibrations as they engulfed her body ,the sensations relaxed her tense
skin and mussels as she danced in their gentle embrace. Koshi exited the
shower stall and instinctively wrapped her self in a towel. She spent the
next few minutes brushing out her hair in front of the mirror. Her thoughts
drifting to Kasen the man she had met a few months back during her posting
on Benzar . As her thoughts drew her away from the Columbia and into the
arms of the muscular arms of Kasen , memories flooded her mind to the
events that had transpired and the gruesome details of Kasens death.
Shaking the visions from her mind Koshi realized how lonely she had become
since his death. Finally reemerging from the shower she checked the
chronomiter and planned the rest of her evening. She was restless and
frustrated, memories had a way of bringing up feelings long thought buried.
Weighting her options she though what would relax her the best. Normally
she and Jennifer Hurst would go for their nightly run but it seamed Jen had
dinner plans this evening . Finally decided that she needed to blow off some
steam rather that head to the lounge and try to find some temporary
stimulation from another shipmate she decided to get physical.

"I think I'll go to the holodeck this evening" she thought to herself.
Dropping the towel she walked to her dresser and retrieved her normal off
duty attire.
Sliding on her yoga pants she stood up and pulled on a small midriff top,
Pulling her hair up into a pony tail she made her way to her desk and pulled
up her desk console and uploaded details of her next mornings class into the
ships database-
She had been teaching yoga classes for 9 months since coming aboard and had
several regular students. Several new faces had joined her classes . The
young science chief had been showing great improvement . Her trill
physiology naturally made her limber ,but the girl showed great promise as a
yoga student. Young Andronis the helms men also seamed to take naturally to
the teachings , Hurst had been a student long before Koshi had come aboard
and continued to progress. Mede Reiziger was a regular in most of Koshi’s
classes along with LeiLani Mahala the ships councilor .Along with yoga she
also taught a Tai chi class as well as some martial arts classes. Koshi
made sure that most of her security staff were enrolled in those classes.
Occasionally Captain Hardgrove would attend when not overly busy . He
studied several different forms and techniques and was always an eager
student. Grabbing a towel from the bathroom cabinet, tossed it over her
shoulder then left her quarters. As she spoke her destination to the turbo
lift she ran through her favorite holo programs in her mind . Stepping off
the turbo lift ,Saki walked toward the holo decks doors . Checking the doors
controls she saw that it was in use. Koshi let out s deep sigh of
disappointment , folding her arms over her chest and further exposing her
midriff she leaned against the deck in a huff . The doors soon parted
and several people filed out a large mans voice could be heard barking

“Alright team, that was one heck of a work out. Let remember not to get
sloppy just because we’re on stand by. You never know when we’ll be needed
at a moments notice. No go get a shower and some chow meet back here in six
hours, dismissed.” the large Capellan man shouted as he exited the holdout.
As the rest of his team began to dispersed down the hallway , he winked at
Koshi as he walked towards the opposite direction.

Koshi frowned as he did so but nodded as he left. Saki surmised she had
just had the honor of meeting the ships Marine detachment. Saki approached
the door controls once again and tapped in her accesses code and program
details. Koshi waited for the doors to open but they seamed to be taking
their time about it . She pressed the controls once again and waited but
again the doors didn’t part. The frustration she had felt before had been
nothing to the rage that was beginning to build in her now. Saki kicked the
door and cursed at it . She then took control of her self and choked down a
growl. “Computer, security override on holodeck 3. Authorization Saki Alpha
grey .” The computer chirped in response to the command and the doors
parted. Koshi composed her self and began to enter through the door until
she was stopped by the bared chest of the man coming out of them .

Koshi looked up and almost screamed in his face but then he spoke. “Geese
you alright, sorry I didn’t see you coming in. I was just finishing up . You

Koshis embarrassed expression changed as she looked up at him and pulled a
strand of her hair out of her eyes. “Yes thank you now would you mind?” she
asked gesturing to the open doors.

“Yes of course” the man replied as he stepped aside and allowed her to
enter the holodeck. He smiled kindly as she disappeared and the doors slid
shut behind her. Not giving a second thought to the man she began her combat
training g regime. After an hour she was dead tired ,bruised and sore .
Leaving the holo program and the pain in the holodeck she headed back to
her quarters with one thing on her mind. Although she hadn’t given the guy
a second thought when she first entered the holodeck, He was surely on her
mind during her work out. His face kept dancing through her minds eye all
during the simulated combat resulting in her burses . Returning to her
quarters Koshi stripped out of her sweat stained clothes and left them where
they were on the floor as she slowly crawled in to bed. Closing her eyes
she quickly feel right to sleep dreaming of the stranger she had just met.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:23 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location. Captains ready room,
Personal ,quarters, Officer dinning hall.

Dr Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC1812
Location Officers dinning hall.


Hardgrove nodded to his new JAG officer. “I’m glad me agree, That was the
same conclusion I came to as well.” Moving to his desk he called up his
desks console screen. He quickly glanced at the message that had been sent
from councilor Mahala, the returned his attention to Commander Bryce. “Thank
you again Commander,” he said rising from his chair . “If you’ll excuse me
I have an appointment I intended to keep and I am sure you don’t want to
keep commander Hurst waiting any longer” he said with a devilish grin.
Leading his newest officer out of the ready room her walked to the Turbo
lift he stated his destination and was off.

Samantha wasn't sure what to wear and had spent the last 20 minutes mixing
and matching outfits, she didn't want to wear something too informal but
then she didn't want to completely go over the top. Instead she had chosen a
purple V neck shirt and a black skirt than didn't fail to show of her
amazing legs, she opted to wear her hair down and right now she stood
outside the dining hall, finger hovering over the button.

Hardgrove had been a bit late arriving since he had been tying up things
with the new jag officer, he had returned to his quarters and taken a quick
shower, as shave and then dressed casually in a nice short sleeved dress top
and a pair of comfortable slacks. Hardgrove slowly approached the officer
dinning rooms door and slowly crept up behind the doctor as she waited
there. She finally mustered up enough courage to press the button and
awaited a response, totally unaware of his presence behind her. Halliwell
put her hands on her hips.

"Going in Dr?" he asked quietly

"Jesus Captain," she muttered turning round to face him. "Don't sneak up on
people like that."
"Didn't mean to sneak, was just waiting my turn to go get some dinner

finally allowing herself to smile a little the Dr. nodded.

Hardgrove took the lead and entered the officers dining room. The semi
private common area was deserted except for a few minor couples. Drayson
motioned to a table and then sat down
Halliwell followed him and quietly took a seat, surveying her surroundings
as she did so. For some reason she was growing increasingly nervous about
being in his company and started absently playing with her hair, twirling a
strand with her finger.

Drayson smiled as she played with her hair, he had always loved that about
her. Her nervous tics had always been so cute and added to her
attractiveness. "Everything alright Dr?"

"Fine," she quickly retorting, ceasing the action immediately.

Hardgrove glanced around until he caught the eye of the dinning attendant
who immediately came to take their order.

“Ladies first " Drayson told her giving Sam a chance to pick her dinner

Halliwell raised an eyebrow then turned to the attendant; she puzzled it
over in her mind and licked her lips.

“I think I'll have chicken salad."
:The Attendant nodded then turned to the Captain. Hardgrove smiled glanced
at Sam.
"I'll have an order of General T'sos chicken, with lo main :

The attendant nodded and then left them quickly, the dinning table then lit
up with a drink order menu and asked for their choices.
"Water with Summer Fruits," she answered.
Dray asked for a bajoran sparkling cider. The drink orders materialized on
the table in front of them. Drayson took a sip and then smiled at his

"I’m glad you finally wanted to have dinner, I am sure the last four days
have been a bit hectic”

"That would be an under statement sir," she replied taking a sip from her
own glass
Samantha glanced round the room then back to him.
:"Were off duty and out of uniform Sam ,no need for protocol

I'll try to remember."

"You know there’s no need to nervous, were old friends remember. I mean if
you think your assignment under my command is going to be a problem you can
request a transfe”r

"No there's no problem," Samantha quickly said to reassure him.
"You just seam a bit out of sorts, is all. So tell me what you have been up
to all this time?”
He said changing the subject

That question stopped her dead in her tracks and it showed as she stopped in
bringing the glass to her lips, Halliwell swallowed gently and placed it
back down on the table.
"Working mainly. You?"

"Just about the same, what made you chose the Columbia”

"I got the opportunity."

"Glad to hear it there isn't anyone else I’d want in charge of sick bay

Samantha smiled gently and picked up her glass once more, hoping she would
get the chance to drink this time. The attendant returned with their orders
and laid them on the table in front of them. Hardgrove looked at his dinner
and smiled at Sam

She downed the rest of the liquid at that comment and placed it down on the
table while thanking the attendant and picking up a fork. Instead of
answering, she shoved a forkful of salad into her mouth and chewed.
"I'm sorry I didn't stay in contact all this time. I had intended to but
there were so much I wanted to say and then days turned to weeks turned to
months and "

"Years," Samantha finished for him after swallowing and placed her fork down
gazing at him. She had missed him more than she thought she had.
"God Sam I am sorry, I hope we can be friends again, Especially working
together like this now

"I'd like that." She mustered a small smile and carried on eating her salad.
Her thoughts went back to their young son Matthew, he'd have to find out
some time about him but she wasn't sure how she was going to break the news
to him. Samantha chewed thoughtfully and stared at the surface of the table.
Drayson began eating his dinner finally and then looked up to Sam.

"So you brought your son aboard.

Tensing up, Samantha forced herself to look back at him. "That's correct."

Drayson had figured Sam would have moved on after they split. He assumed the
child was hers and who ever she had moved on with

She carried on staring down at the table while picking out a piece of
chicken with her fork and quickly shoving it into her mouth, she chewed
fiercely and grabbed the fork so hard that her knuckles began to turn white.
"Sam you alright?" he asked conqueringly

"Hmmm?" Halliwell asked with her mouth still full and nodded.
: Drayson shook his heed silently then changed the subject again” How is
your Dad, does he still hate me?"

"My dad hates everyone," she said with a small chuckle. "He said Matthew was
the only good thing you gave ... me..." Halliwell looked mortified at the
slip and immediately put down the fork.

Hardgrove arched a brow. "I gave you

She picked up her glass and drained it before clasping her hands together on
the table. "Oh hell I didn't mean for it to come out like this...I was
waiting for the right time..."

"Right time for what Sam?" he asked putting down his fork and leaning into
the table

" son...he is...well....that is to say..." Samantha continued

"Mathew your son is?”
“ is what "he urged her
"Samantha?“ he asked her sharply

"Matthew is your son."

Hardgrove looked blown over. "How, you told me you lost the baby, the
medical scans you showed me all of it“.

"It was fabricated," Samantha said, utterly ashamed of her actions.
"Why. Why on earth?" he kept stumbling as he stood up from the table

"Drayson," she said quickly glancing round the room. "Sit down."

Hardgrove reluctantly sat back down and lowered his voice.

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?

"I don't know...I panicked and I thought it was for the best at the time."

"Sam I spent every second of the last Seven years regretting what we did.
You were my best friend. I missed you in every aspect of my life. I pushed
my self in my career just to have something to keep me going” he continued

Halliwell avoided his eyes and shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry."
Hardgrove took her hand in his and looked in to her eyes as they rose to
meet his
." We can't change the past. The question we need to ask is what happens

"I don't know."

"what do you want from this Sam, We share a son.

"That doesn't change anything," she replied.

I know, I know I am just not sure where we stand

"We stand the same as we always did," she answered rather coldly. Samantha
finished off her chicken and got up from her seat. Drayson got up and placed
a hand on her shoulder. "Old friends"
Drayson held her shoulder there for a second and his mind drifted back to
the first time he had met her
Halliwell nodded slowly not moving from his touch and swallowed gently
clearing her throat.

"If you want to meet Matthew then I can arrange a time that's suitable for

"I’d like that; I’d like him to know he has a father he can come to”

"Yeah," she answered gently.
"I'd also like to be more involved with him. And you

"I don't understand."

: "As his father, I want to be able to visit and spend time with you both

"You're welcome to spend as much time with Matthew as you want."

Hardgrove nodded. "Well I am sure you'll want to get back to him.

"I've got time yet," she said but nodded folding her arms. "I do have some
things I'd like to get out of the way before I relieve his babysitter."
I'm sure. If you want to go I understand.

"I'm sure you have plenty go get on with," Samantha answered.
Hardgrove was disappointed but tried not to let it show. "Nothing that can't
keep till morning

She had known her husband quite well when they were married and she was
worried to see that nothing had changed her intuitions, even after all this
years she realized she could still read him like a book. Halliwell
straightened up and smiled.
"God Sam I’ve missed you
"Likewise." She replied
Hardgrove smiled and took his hand from her shoulder
Halliwell gave him a small smile in return.
"Well I'm sure you need to go." he said with a sad smile

"Yes," she replied.
Drayson just nodded and watched as she began to leave
Samantha walked over to the doors and stopped glancing back to him.
Hardgrove continued to stand there watching her go. If she didn't get
moving now she never would have the will to just leave him she thought to
herself Samantha stopped just before to the doors opened for her to exit.
Hardgrove continued to watch her go
:Halliwell turned back to him entirely., Drayson smiled as she did.
She walked back over to him against her better judgment. Drayson continued
to smile as she approached

"It's come to my attention that I'm pretty good at just walking away," she
replied gently.

"You had your reasons, at least now were on the same ship again"

"Yes." She replied . Hardgrove drew closer to her
Halliwell gave him another small smile and tucked a strand of hair behind
her ear looking around.

Drayson placed a hand on her back and drew her a bit closer to him
"Sir..." She questioned him on his actions . He gave her a small hug and
then backed away making a bit of a distance between them. She finally
breathed and looked back up at him.
"I don't want to keep you," she said actually leaving this time.

"I know where to find you." he said
Samantha gave him a bright smile as she looked back. "I know."

Hardgrove fought the urge to tell her he still loved her

he gave him a little wave then eventually left, making her way back out.

Drayson watched her leave and then sat back down at the Table. After a few
moments Hardgrove returned to his quarters and pulled a personal PADD from
his deck drawer. He scrolled through it to the reminder menus and typed in a
quick note that read (make appoint mint with councilor Mahala)


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:23 PM

Lt Tayla Tran
Chief Science officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812

Ensign Bianca Andronis
Chief Helm officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812

==================== =

Tayla Tran sat at the Stellar Cartography console totally engrossed
in her work. She had been compiling the Probe and sensor data for
almost her full shift . The chronometer read 01.30 hours when the
swoosh of the doors opening echoed off the rooms large holographic

Tayla looked up for a second and saw the silhouette of a figure
standing in the rooms door way with something in their hands .

Bianca Andronis entered the room cautiously carrying a small tray
and approached Tayla at the console
as the young woman approached she recognized who was and gave a
slight smile

"Hey Anca hold on just a sec, ." That class J is effecting the solar
effects of the class F yellow star which makes the central planet
a class Y she continued on totally engrossed in her work.

Bianca smiled and placed an hand on her friends shoulder
"You been at this all day Tay Tay maybe you should take a break if
I know you, you worked all day with out stopping for something to
eat didn't you?

*"yea but I just want to live up to expectations" she responded
sounding very tired*

"We have two class K planets, both with at least four inhabitable
Class D Satellite moons…. wait what was that again" Tayla sighs
turns to her friend*

Taking a second to collect her thoughts she responds "Yea ,I
haven't stopped yet but Captain needs this info."

Bianca half smiled and winked at her best friend "I kind of figured
as much so I brought you a salad" she said placing the try next to
the console Andronis looked around at the large 3d projection that
filled the room.

"Wow, this is what it looks like out there?" Bianca asked with

Tayla smelt the food and grabbed it hungrily "I forgot I was this
hungry damn"

"Yea that is what it looks like or at least from the most
information we have that's what it looks like"

Bianca looked at the console and is totally confused. "Tay, what
is this?" she pointing to the console "It looks like a long range
probe found something big."

Tayla looked back at her console and began running her hands over
the display, the holographic responded to her request as it zeroed
on of the location of the probe and then began to focus and
enlarge on the area

" Well its something , something big, something very big very big,
it mass is off the probes charts and metallic I don't recognizes
the material but I haven't seen that kind of metal anywhere
before. "She stated

"Oh cool did I find something ?" Bianca asked excitedly

"Anca Thanks for everything, I promise I will come to the room when
I am done here and we will hang out but I got to get this to
Captain, this is something that definitely needs attention right

Tayla opened a com channel to the Captain . "Tran to Captain
Hardgrove "

"Hardgrove here go ahead Lt"

"Captain we have a very large metal object at 611 x
325 ........... Its a foreign metal object and seems to be
connected to more.."

"Intriguing, compile your data together for a briefing. I'll have
the senior crew assembled at 0800 tomorrow morning"

"Very well sir thank you sir" she responded excitedly

Tayla started making sure all the data there for the briefing by
piling all the PADs she was using together when her she heard the
last part of the Transmission

"And Tayla try to get some rest during this time, you sound
exhausted" Hardgrove continued

"After I get done with this I promise , Sir"

"Good to hear Hardgrove out" the Captain retorted from the bridge .

Tayla closed the channel and continued to organize the data for her
first official briefing.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:23 PM

Lieutenant Aeon Ryku
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 58107.7
Ryku's Quarters

Ryku sat at his Desk trying to forget what he had done. Somehow he
had forgotten his duty and allowed that Orion slave girl to go free.
Luckily they found her and established that she was no threat.

Shaking it off, he decided to get up and go to the replicator. He
was thirsty and needed a drink.

"I'll just have a tea," he suggested to the computer, "Japanese
Brown Tea."

The cup appeared and he took it off. For the past while he had not
reported for duty. It seemed like his actions earlier had plauged
him, and during all this time he had called in sick. Unfortunately,
he had not visited the Sickbay, nor visited the Councillor to talk
about it. He just remained in his Quarters.

"I guess no one noticed," he shrugged. So he sat back at his desk
and activated his computer console. On it were old letters, dated
back during after the end of the Dominion War. In fact, they were
love letters from an old girlfriend he had on the U.S.S. Pollux when
they both served there. After having met with Kane earlier, he began
recalling his days of serving on that ship. He remembered that they
were great and one of a kind. Nothing would compare to those days.

Ryku glanced to the side and sipped his tea. The hum of the
Columbia's engines comforted him.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:24 PM

Lieutenant Commander Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: Intelligence Office
"Title of post" Reflections
Post number 4

"Computer" Fianna ordered.

"Working." Replied the computer.

"Current location of the Ship's Counselor." Fianna asked.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:24 PM

Lieutenant Leilani Mahala
Chief Counselor

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: Personal Quarters / Intelligence Office

Leilani sat up as she heard her name being called over the communicator. She recognized the voice, that of LT. Commander Danu. Leilani set down her book. She had been expecting the call, and quickly responded. She got on her shoes, and pulled her hair out of her face, and made her way to where she had been expecting to meet with the Lt. Commander. It only took her a few minutes to get to the Intelligence Office. One of Danu’s staff was there to greet her, and her wait for her in the front of the office. “Thank you,” she responded kindly, and waited patiently for the Lt. Commander.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:24 PM

Lieutenant Commander Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: Intelligence Office
"Title of post" Reflections
Post number 5

Fia stood up and held out her hand to greet Lt. Mahala as she entered. "I am quite happy to see you." Fia told her. "Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable, would you like refreshments?" She motioned at a chair for the counselor.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:25 PM

Lieutenant Leilani Mahala
Chief Counselor
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: Intelligence Office

<<Fia stood up and held out her hand to greet Lt. Mahala as she entered. "I am quite happy to see you." Fia told her. "Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable, would you like refreshments?" She motioned at a chair for the counselor.>>

Leilani took a seat, and nodded her head, “Well, I wouldn’t mind a cup of coffee,” she smiled sincerely. Fianna had asked her to assist her in her interviews of the crew. With Leilani’s knowledge of the crew, and her ability to read the crew, and her position as the Chief Counselor put her in the right position to be of help to the Intelligence Officer. “I’m at your disposal. What exactly were you wanting to start with? Would you like me to be present at the interviews?” Leilani asked, wanting to know exactly what Lt. Commander Danu would like to have her involved in.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:25 PM

Stow Away
USS Columbia NCC1812
Star Date:
Location: Crew Mess / Personal Quarters

Xienna’s dinner with Lt. Dep went better than she had expected. She had instantly been attracted to him, but thought that surly her forwardness by the lift would have scared him away. She wasn’t sure why she kissed him, but she didn’t know how to act towards a man she was attracted to other than to kiss him. It was clear that social boundaries were much different on the ship than she was used to. In fact…she never really got the chance to socialize with anyone much…other than the man who owned her, and the other’s he’d loan her out to. It was a lot to take in at once, and she was glad that she’d at least had someone that was patient enough to deal with her. While outwardly she seemed confident and aggressive, she was inside only acting in the way she’d been trained to…and felt very little self pride or self worth.

Lt. Dep offered his arm to her, and escorted her out of the crew mess once they were done with their dinner. He got several looks from other crew members, but just ignored them and smiled at Xienna. He felt very sorry for her, and wanted to show her that not all people were judgmental or controlling. Many of the women were giving her looks to kill for some reason or another, but that certainly wasn’t going to help her realize she wasn’t a slave anymore, and she could act on her own will, not on her masters. Even though the symbol was gone, the teachings and influence was ingrained in the poor girl. His first instinct was to help her, but more than that he could feel himself developing feelings for her. He could only wait and see what would happen next.

The two walked through the halls for a bit, and chatted about anything they could find they had in common. Xienna was very closed lipped about her experiences, and didn’t like talking about any of it…which left for very little subject matter on her part, but they seemed to get along just fine. Xienna couldn’t stop thinking about their kiss, and longed to kiss the Lt. again, but wasn’t sure it would be proper. The new surroundings, while much more pleasant, were still just that…new. She was unsure of how to act, who she was in her new life, and even how to socialize. “Well, here we are…” Xienna stopped at her quarters. “Thank you so much for the dinner, sir,” she smiled at him, unable to keep the word “sir” out of the end of her sentences.

Reyez smiled, and placed a hand gently on her cheek, and then retracted it, “No thanks are in order. I should be thanking you for the lovely company. This is a lovely ship, but company such as yours is very hard to find,” he leaned down a kissed her on the cheek.

Xienna’s lips were soon on Dep’s, and she found herself locked in another passionate kiss with him. Her cheeks began to flush, and she pulled him close to her. “Won’t you come inside?” she asked him softly, and looked up at him expectantly.

Dep pulled himself away from her, and regained his composure. She was very attractive, and there was a part of him that wanted nothing more than to take her up on the offer and go past that threshold… but it was her first night as a free woman. He did not feel that he could in good conscience enter the room with her. He would never know if she was with him because it was all she knew right now…or if she really wanted to be with him. His hormones lost the battle, and he shook his head no, “No, I can’t. I’ve got an early shift tomorrow, and I’ve got to be rested up. The captain was very clear that your presence here couldn’t affect anyone’s duties…and I can’t imagine he’d be pleased if I was late,” he told her. “And I think much more of you right now, to think that I deserve such an honor having only spent one night with you. Why don’t you meet me for lunch tomorrow? I’ll be at the mess a quarter after noon.”

Xienna smiled, unsure of how to take his answer, but knew that the captain would be unhappy if she affected someone duties on her first night on the ship. She didn’t want to leave…she never wanted to go back there. So, she respected his answer, and agreed to meet him for lunch the next day, “I’d love to. I’ll be there,” she nodded, and kissed him softly on the lips. “I’ll see ya-“ she smiled, and waved slowly as the door closed. As soon as she was alone, Xienna removed all of her clothes. It was more comfortable for her, and she knew she wouldn’t be bothering anyone in her own room. She looked around the room, and found an entire shelf of books. She had not been permitted to learn to read, but she had picked up a few things on her own. She opened up one of the books, and looked at the foreign words, and she closed it with frustration, and threw it down on the table. The whole place was foreign…and she felt completely out of place.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:25 PM

Lt.Cmdr. Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Intelligence Office

Fia got the counselor a cup of coffee and herself a raktogeno from
the replicator. Then sitting down opposite the counselor. she
began, "I would like to have you present for the initial interviews
and will ask for you impressions afterwards, if that is ok with
you." Fia smiled and took a sip of her drink.

"I would also like your suggestions on where, or whom, to star."


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:26 PM

Lieutenant Leilani Mahala
Chief Counselor
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: Intelligence Office

<<Fia got the counselor a cup of coffee and herself a raktogeno from the replicator. Then sitting down opposite the counselor. she began, "I would like to have you present for the initial interviews
and will ask for you impressions afterwards, if that is ok with you." Fia smiled and took a sip of her drink.

"I would also like your suggestions on where, or whom, to start.">>

“I wouldn’t mind being present at all,” Leilani told her, and nodded slightly. “I believe that it would show good faith we started with the top ranking officers. It would let the ones that are lower ranking really know that it’s not something against them, their job, or their race…” she commented, giving her reason. “I think we might get better responses from those that are lower ranking, knowing that the top ranking officers were subjected to the same questions…and to many. There are a few people on board who are always uncomfortable in my presence…because of my ability to read them. I would like to try and make them feel as comfortable as they can…”


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:27 PM

Rune Sith
Bounty Hunter
Ferengi Marauder - The Jade Fox
Star Date 58108.6

Sith was sleeping in his chair on the Bridge of the Ferengi ship. He
had left the Romulan Station a long time ago and was now in pursuit
of the U.S.S. Columbia. It was on this ship that he knew his bounty
was on: the Orion Slave Girl named Xienna.

Zeta, his hand-sized android spider best friend, was crawling around
the controls and maintaining the Jade Fox's speed and flight path.
The big white globe that represented the main controls were peirced
through by Zeta's metallic web connectors.

"Click!" Zeta alerted as the Jade Fox was nearing the Columbia.

Sith remained with his eyes shut, and curled up on the comfy command
chair. "Not now, Zeta. I'm sleeping."

"Click - chirp!" Zeta called out again, speaking the only way he knew

The Human continued to keep his eyes closed, determined to get a good
rest. "I said not now. I'm having a really good dream! It involves a
Kriosian princess."

Zeta then realized it was up to his small android-self to take care
of things. So the spider activated the weapons controls and loaded
the torpedoes. The spider concluded that if he could disable the
Columbia, it would then be easier for Sith to capture Xienna. Firing
on them wouldn't be so bad. He had no intention on hurting anyone, as
that was never Zeta and Sith's way of doing things.

Suddenly, the Jade Fox opened fire onto the Columbia.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:27 PM

Lieutenant Commander Koshi Saki
Security Chief
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Personal Quarters

Hearing the klaxon, Koshi jumped up, threw on her uniform, and ran to the bridge.

Lieutenant Commander Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Intelligence Office
Her discussion with Lt. Mahala was interrupted by the sound of the Red Alert Klaxon.

"I think we'll have to continue this later." Fia said as she stood and started for the door. "I'm going to the bridge to see what's happening and if I am needed there."


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:28 PM

Lieutenant Dylan Bryce
JAG and Security Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Personal Quarters

Dylan had been getting ready for dinner. She had planned to have dinner with the first officer. She wasn't at all ready to head for the bridge, but she had to go. She was in an off-duty uniform shortly after the klaxons went off, then she was on her way to the bridge...

Her arrival wasn't really noticed, but she was curious as to what was going on, who was this that dared to fire upon the Columbia...? But she wasn't in command here, she was part of her crew...


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:28 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812

Hardgrove tossed and turned in fitful silence. He had spent the last
two hours trying to calm his restless mind. Giving in to his
inability to relax, Drayson began to pace the length of his
quarters reanalyzing the past seven years of his life. At the time
he had been sure of the decisions he came to. But now.. Now he was
questioning every choice he had ever made.

Drayson had come to the Federation with nothing , a refugee, he
traded all he was to them for a new start. Gaining Asylum , he gave
up his birth name and assumed a new identity . Regardless of his new
found citizen ship it still did not change his feeling of
alienation. As a child stability was not a constant ,although born
on a colony of Mina sera , He always felt more at home on board a
starship . Joining Starfleet was the best option available to him at
the time, it got him one step closer to returning to the only place
he felt at home. Dedicating himself to his studies he excelled in
all his classes majoring in Security and Tactical operations..
Unlike the majority of other cadets Hardgrove had no one to return
to during the summer hiatus. Drayson was selected for several
missions during these times. Upon graduation Drayson was posted to
Archer 6 instead of his ideal assignment to a starship. It was
there where he first meet Samantha Halliwell, despite the events
that drew them together , Hardgrove knew this had not been a chance
meeting .

Over the next three years Hardgrove constantly hoped that he'd see
her once again, once reunited and a romance ensued . Drayson knew
she was the one. Their romance continued Hardgrove was sure Sam was
the one for him early on but hesitated on purposing. His plans
were rushed when Sam announced she was pregnant . Hardgrove
purposed and they were soon married. Then it happened War broke
out., the stress of the war began to drive the couple apart.
Hardgroves duties as chief of security kept the couple apart long
hours and some times they wouldn't see each other for days at a
time. Then it happened they day it all ended.

Samantha said she had lost the baby, she had lied, fabricated
documents in order to allow him to peruse a carrier he seamed to
love. That wasn't the case, Drayson truly loved her and wanted
nothing more than to have a family with her. But with the supposed
loss of their child and the continuing war going on around them, the
couple mutually decided to split. Having nothing left with the loss
of his love Drayson threw himself into his carrier.

Now fate had allowed him a second chance and he owed it to himself,
to the son he didn't know to take it.

Jolted out of his chair, Hardgrove picked himself off the floor as
the klaxons blared . His ship his crew were under attack . Getting
up he grabbed his uniform jacket and hurried out of his quarters to
the bridge.

Commander Jennifer Hurst
Executive Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Hurst couldn't help but smiling after her encounter with the
Columbias new JAG officer. As she took the center seat she glanced
about the bridge nodding to the smirking face of Mede Reiziger. The
sound of the ready rooms doors made her look up as Dylan Bryce
exited. Raising form her seat Jennifer went to meet her half way
to the command chair. "Commander, everything all set for our
tour ?" Dylan Bryce nodded and joined the first officer at her
side. The duo moved to the turbo lift in unison, entering Hurst
too the lead and spoke their destination. Hurst spent the next hour
or so giving Dylan her personal attention when showing her the
entire ship making it a point to specifically point out both hers
and Dylans quarters as well as other important points of interest.
Finishing the tour Hurst brushed a stray lock of her hair away from
her face and gave Dylan a sheepish grin. "Well Commander That
concludes our tour, I hope that will help you get around the ship
easier. Now if you'll excuse me, it's now 17.00 hours and I have a
dinner date to get ready for." she said with a wink. Turning to the
corridor Hurst headed to her quarters . She quickly
undressed ,showered and began looking for something to wear for
dinner . Grabbing a black slinky dress with a plunging neckline
Jennifer began to dress. She was suddenly pitched forward as the
ship rocked from at volley of phaser fire. The ship was under
attack, but from where, by whom? Quickly throwing on a uniform she
ran down the hall and took the turbo lift to the bridge.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:29 PM

Lieutenant Commander Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: bridge
Lieutenant Commander Koshi Saki
Security Chief
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date:
Location: bridge
Fianna and Koshi arrived on the bridge together. They separated, each going to her own station.

"Situation!" Commanded Koshi.

Fianna stood in readiness for the answer.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:30 PM

Matthew Halliwell
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Officer's Quarters

Matthew went to his friends where he lived with his parents in their quarters. His mother was going to go out with someone he'd not really met but what was he but a seven-year-old kid. His mother wanted to see this man, what was he to say about it?

He and his friend had just gotten to bed and been asleep for a few hours when the ship listed to one side and then he felt himself fall off the bed. He oompfed as he landed and he found himself rolling under the bed. He felt another crash on the outside hull and the ship shuddered from another something hitting the ship. He didn't know what this was about but he was sure his mother knew. He remained under the bed and peered out across the room at his friend who had also managed to slide under the bed across the room from him.

His friend looked frightened so Matthew crawled over the floor on his belly to him. When he was there, he slid in under the bed with him. Shortly both boys had fallen to sleep side by that they weren't frightened having a friend nearby, they were able to go back to sleep.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:31 PM

Lieutenant Commander Koshi Saki
Security Chief
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: bridge
Seeing one of her officers enter the bridge, Koshi called out, Lt. Bryce, over here."


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:31 PM

Lieutenant Commander Dylan Bryce
Chief JAG, Security Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: bridge

Dylan looked around the bridge till she found who it was who was calling to her. She glanced and spotted Saki looking at her. She quickly made her way over to the Lieutenant Commander. A tone nearly cold as ice came from her throat, "excuse me Lieutenant Commander, my true rank is Lieutenant Commander. Please address me as such." She glanced around the rest of the bridge. She wanted to make sure that the woman knew they were on even ground her, not just some lower ranking officer like the woman seemed to have addressed her as.

She looked around noticed that the captain and Jennifer hadn't returned as yet, so she looked back towards Saki. "So, what exactly is it we need to do, commander?"


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:31 PM

Lieutenant Commander Koshi Saki
Security Chief
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: bridge
"Excuse me. Lt.Cmdr" Koshi answered sarcastically. Then quietly so only Dylan could hear, "Are you certain you want to take that tone with your Security Chief? You may be the JAG officer, but you are assigned to Security, so that makes me your superior officer. Don't make life any harder than it has to be on this ship." Koshi advised her.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:32 PM

Doctor Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: En Route To Sickbay

The sound of the klaxons awoke Doctor Halliwell from her sleep, if it
could be called that. Basically Samantha had been napping on the couch
in her quarters and hadn't even bothered to change out of her uniform.
She muttered some obscenity as she rolled over and onto her feet.
Smoothing back various strands of her hair, Samantha ran for the door
intending to get down Sickbay as soon as possible. If someone required
medical attention, she was more capable of providing it there than
being asleep in her room.

She didn't get very far along the corridor when she was contacted by
one of her staff down. Samantha tapped her communicator. "Halliwell here."
"Doctor, you need to come down to Sickbay there's..."
"An attack," Halliwell replied quickly when the ship shook from one
side to the other from a barage of weapons fire. "It had come to my
attention Ensign," she carried on with a dry tone. She could almost
imagine the look of embarrassment on the kids face but now was
definitely not the time for any irrelevent thinking. "I'm on my way.
Halliwell out."

Deactivating her communicator, she entered one of the lifts and
stated her destination clearly. Halliwell felt the ship shift to one
side and shake once more. Had the Romulans finally caught up with
them? Or was it something far more sinister? The lift stopped its
ascent and she cursed once more looking for the manual override, it
didn't work. "This is not happening," she said gently to herself while
reaching for the hatch overhead.

Samantha climbed on top and looked up to see how far it was to the
next deck, fortunately it had stopped in between decks which meant she
had less distance to climb. Halliwell moved the errant strands of hair
from her face as she approached the ladder.

"Onwards and upwards."


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:32 PM

Name: Lieutenant Leilani Mahala
Position: Chief Counseling Officer

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Intelligence Office / Bridge

<<Her discussion with Lt. Mahala was interrupted by the sound of the Red Alert Klaxon.

"I think we'll have to continue this later." Fia said as she stood and started for the door. "I'm going to the bridge to see what's happening and if I am needed there.">>

Leilani felt the ship shake underneath her, but she didn’t grab the chair for support or in fear. The entire crew had been through attacks before, and had gotten to the point where they were more efficient at their jobs when they were under that kind of stress. “Apparently so…” she commented, getting up. She knew the captain wanted her on the bridge during times like that so she could read the enemy during communications, so she followed Fia to the bridge. She took her seat at her usual spot, and waited for the captain to arrive. The ship rocked again, and the image of their opposing ship flashed on the screen. She hadn’t had contact with the people, or person on the ship yet…but she had a feeling this was about their new arrival.

Lt. Mahala steadied herself, as she couldn’t help but feel the anxiousness of the crew around her. There was a lot of courage in the crew, and she felt very little fear…but a situation like this couldn’t help but cause a little bit of anxiety. She glanced around, still not seeing the captain. Surely he would be arriving soon, and she’d get the chance to see and feel what this person was all about. People lied…especially people who were trying to kill you, so Leilani was happy to lend her skills to be able to hash out these problems. More times than not an attacker of the Columbia was destroyed…but there were those occasional times it was more a cry for help than an honest attack.

Name: Xienna
Position: n/a

USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Guest Quarters

Xienna felt the ship rock, and she stumbled across the room. Suddenly feeling panicked, and watched even she put on a robe, to cover herself. She glanced out in to the vast space before her, and saw a ship rounding about to make another strike against them. Her stomach lurched and she feared that they were coming after her. The ship didn’t look like a Romulan vessel…and a ship like this probably experience a lot of battles…but she couldn’t help feeling like she was putting all these people…who for the most part had been very good to her, in danger. She began to pace her room, grabbing on to stable items as the ship shook under another attack.

“Oh…what have I done?” she asked herself out loud. She didn’t know what to do. The last thing she wanted was to go back to the Romulans. They would torture and then kill her for what she’d done…but how could she bring an entire Starfleet ship down with her? That wasn’t fair to the crew, Starfleet, or anyone else that they could help in the future. She took in deep breaths, and tried to calm herself down. She was terrified to leave her room. Xienna was terrified that they might be killed by the other ship, terrified that they might send her back, and terrified of what the crew members would think of her if they were engaged in an attack because of her.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:33 PM

Doctor Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Still En Route To Sickbay

"I'm really out of shape," Samantha complained as she managed to
access the top of the shaft and worked on prying the doors apart.
Okay, so Halliwell would admit that she was a doctor not an engineer
but when it came to breaking things she was a professional. She only
hoped the captain understood that it had no panels anymore. Halliwell
squeezed herself through the gap and allowed herself a moment to rest.
All she had done was climb a good what? 10, 15 metres and she was in
this state? When all this was over, the doctor was going to do some
serious time in the gym. "Bridge, this is Doctor Halliwell." She
pressed her communicator but nothing, something must have been jamming
their signals, which if it were their Romulan friends wouldn't be

Halliwell picked herself up and got to her feet only to be met with a
cloud of smoke. Trust her to end up on a deck that had seen better
days, carefully she sidestepped blown conduits and walked along the
corridor to the nearest exit. She found crewmembers huddled round
another who she assumed was injured. "What's going on?"
"Ensign Malone was injured Doctor, when one of the conduits blew."
Halliwell insisted on everyone moving out the way so she could tend to
him. Malone was a young man, he couldn't have been no more than a
damned school kid from the looks of him and she knelt down. She gave
him a small smile.
"Hi, I'm Sam. Can you tell me your name?"
"Malone ma'am."
"First name," she said while checking out his injuries. They were
pretty severe but nothing he couldn't survive.
"Matthew," Halliwell said gently while pulling down his collar. He had
recieved some pretty severe wounds to his neck but again, nothing life
threatening. "My son's called Matthew." Malone gave her a small smile
and she patted him on the shoulder. "Can someone get him down to
Sickbay so we can take a better look at his injuries?"

"We can't do that," said a calm voice from behind her. A Vulcan.
Halliwell stood up and spun around.
"Why?" Halliwell paused and looked down to see the rank of the
Vulcan. "Chief?"
"We are effectively blocked off from any escape routes, the ship must
have struck one of our..."
"I don't care where or where they didn't strike," Halliwell snapped
quickly and paused. Damn, she hadn't even thought about their orion
friend. If the Romulans were the ones firing then she was the one they
were after. "You're an operations officer, do you know of any other
escape routes which will be clear?"
"Negative. None that we can access from this side of the hatch."

Things were just getting from bad to worse and the lighting flashed
off then back on again briefly. It was all right, there were backup
systems for this kind of thing and Columbia was one of the most
structurely sound ships ever constructed. Then again, the Titanic did
sink hundreds of years ago and that was unsinkable. 'Sam,' she cursed
herself gently walking back the way she had come. 'This is not the
time for a history lesson.'

One of the bulkhead panels was coming loose on the port side of the
walkway, Samantha ran past it and to the other door. It didn't open at
her approach and none of the over rides were working for her. When
that failed, Halliwell started trying to physically pry them apart in
other to get through. She had to get to Sickbay and be there for
Xienna, if they were coming for her then she would obviously be
extremely frightened and Samantha couldn't let her go through that.
"Come on," she screamed. The ship rocked once more causing more sparks
which surrounded Halliwell.

"Doctor, perhaps you should come back to this side," the Vulcan
stated calmly. Halliwell shielded her eyes with her forearm and
finally relented. She weren't getting through this door anytime soon.
"I am beginning to like that idea Chief," she replied light
heartedly. Another hit. Halliwell saw the panel slipping and tried to
remember what was behind her, something to do with engineering and
something incredibly dangerous no doubt. "I really do need to get to
Sickbay!" She put a hand against the wall to steady herself and there
was impact directly where she was standing, she felt back against the
corridor and into the other wall. Halliwell saw a bright flash and
slid down the wall, slumping to the floor and falling into nothingness.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:33 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812\par
Star Date 58108.6
Location: Bridge

Rune Sith
Bounty Hunter
Ferengi Marauder - The Jade Fox
Star Date 58108.6
Location: Bridge
The sounds of the red alert claxons drowned
out the sound of the turbo lifts doors signature swish as it opened
Drayson Hardgrove stepped out. "Report" he shouted as he
raced across the bridge to his command chair.

Lt Commander Reiziger rose from the chair and began her report. "
Single vessel, Ferengi Marauder. most likely privateers. Minor
damage to shields"

Taking the OPS station Reiziger brought the aft view of the ship on
the main View screen.

Taking his seat, Hardgrove glanced around the bridge.

"Commander Saki Hail them, This is Captain Hardgrove of the USS
Columbia, You have attacked a Federation vessel."

The hail was answered in with the sight of the enemies ships phaser
banks powering up.

The turbo lifts doors flew open and Commander Jennifer Hurst
stumbled out as the ship lurched as the ship was hit by a second
volley of phaser fire.
Hardgrove clutched the arm of his chair and began giving orders.

"Evasive Maneuvers, Saki target their weapons and shields I want
that ship disabled ASAP."

Koshi relieved control from Ens.Kaleigh, taking command of the
Weapons console,

The helm officer glided the Starship away from the attacking vessels
weapons fire and but still in range to deliver the firing shots.

Meanwhile, on the Jade Fox, Sith was still sleeping at his command
chair. The android spider scuttled around the control deck,
maneuvering the Ferengi ship around in attack. The ship suddenly
shook, waking Sith.

"Direct hit to the vessel Sir, moderate damage." Koshi told the

On the Jade Fox, Sith blinked his eyes open and suddenly saw the
Federation Starship Columbia on screen, careening around in battle
with Zeta.

"What the heck...?"

On the Columbia, Hurst took her seat next to the Captain 'Bring us
around for another pass get those weapons offline!"
"Aye!" Koshi continued to fire.

The Jade Fox shook, shot after shot - Sith sat up and clenched the
arm-rests on his chair in shock and fear.

"No Zeta! No attack! We're supposed to infiltrate! INFILTRATE!"

"Click!?" the android spider replied.

Koshi looked up from her console, on the Columbia, "Their weapons

The Jade Fox maneuvered around until it faced the Columbia head on
and then hailed them

"We're re Being hailed, Sir." Koshi reported as she stopped firing
until further orders.

Rune Sith then blinked on-screen with Zeta leaping out of the
foreground and into the back ground wall.

Sith held up his hands quickly, "Wait!! This is all just a big
misunderstanding. I never mean to fire on you. It was Zeta here. You
see, he's... he's an idiot."
"Click!?" the 6-inch spider argued back.

"Lower your shields and prepare to be transported aboard" Hurst

Sith placed his forehead down into his hand in self-defeat,
"Ah, crapies..." he said to himself. He never usually got himself
caught like this. It was a rare occasion, and he knew Zeta was just
trying to help.

Unfortunately it lead to this tight spot. Nevertheless, he knew he
could get out of it. He had before, and he would again.

The screen clicked off to Hardgrove's dismay. "Their shields are
lowering," reported Koshi.
"Transport him aboard, Security to transporter room 4"
Nodding to Saki she and Hurst made their way to the Turbo lift

The transporter pads shimmered to life and materialized what
appeared to be Sith . The security guard confined their new arrival
in a force field. The Security guard peered at Sith - who seemed o
be standing incredibly still-- motionless.

The doors Parted and Hurst Saki entered phasers ready

"Transporter room to the Captain," Hurst tapped his COM
badge, "we've got him."

She then decided to lower the force field to investigate. Sith did
not move. The security officer approached Sith and cautiously
pressed against his chest. Just then the Siths hologram dissipated,
and a holo-emitter module on the floor was revealed.

"Security to Captain Hardgrove! It wasn't the guy. It was a
decoy hologram!"

On the Bridge, Hardgrove widened his eyes in shock. "What!?" He then
turned to tactical.

"Scan the Ferengi ship."
"No life signs," tapped at her console.

"Captain," Aeon Ryku turned from one of the back control panels,

"I've been checking up on the last transport and it appears that
there was a piggy-back signal that went along with it."

"That could be him. Can you tell me where he is?" Aeon shook his
head as he checked,
"I can only pin-point it down to decks 8 through 13."

"Contain those decks, set up force fields all turbo lifts and

Security Teams were quickly dispatched throughout those decks, and
teams marched to and fro from one end to the other. After one Team
passed by, Sith popped his head out a Jefferies Tube and looked
around. There was nobody in the corridor.

"Thanks a lot Zeta. That was my last holo-decoy module," Sith
"Click... chirp..." the spider sat on his shoulder and sulked.
Just then, a passing officer saw Sith and pointed her finger at

"There he is!" The group of Security Officer's ran back in time to
see Sith. The lead one aimed his rifle, which was followed by all
the other's aiming.

"Don't move!!" he yelled. But Sith had already decided on that, and
rolled out the tube into the corridor. As he was rolling the
opened fire at him, missing. Zeta leapt into the air toward the lead
Security officer and clamped its eight metallic legs into his face.
As that officer was taken down, Sith was leaping up and jumping off
the opposite wall.

The Bounty Hunter landed between the group, to their sudden shock,
and he began punching and kicking them back. One Officer lurched the
butt of his rifle at Sith, but Sith grabbed it and let it move
passed him and into an opposite attacking security guard. That
security guard was knocked out, and Sith turned and elbowed the
close guard in the face. He then multi-jabbed him in the stomach and
kicked him into two more guards. With great speed, Sith grabbed the
guard's rifle out of mid air and began blasting each security guard
away before hey knew what was going on. He ducked a beam he saw
coming for him before it was even fired and blasted his own phaser
beam into the second last officer's chest. The last standing officer
was taken down by Zeta, who leapt up and tackled him in the face.
Sith and Zeta then ran at the sound of more incoming guards from
down the hall. The human had pulled out his Tricorder and had
already begun scanning for the Orion.

They both stopped at her Quarters, to which Zeta leapt onto the lock-
pad and linked in to unlock it. Inside was Xienna, the Orion slave
girl that Sith had been tracking this whole time.

Xienna looked over in shock at Sith, who had glanced over at Zeta
andnodded in signal.

The spider crawled onto Xienna's control screen and linked into
the computer systems. Zeta began locking out the Warp drive with
confusing algorhythms, and Sith ran over and placed a hypo-spray on
the Orion's neck. She fell limp and he caught her before she could
hit the floor - and then Sith, Xienna and Zeta all beamed away
before the Security Guards could enter the room. The Columbia's Warp
drive was knocked offline, and Sith had returned to the Jade Fox
with Xienna. He then jumped it to Warp, leaving the Columbia behind.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:34 PM


Major Texas “Tex” Greenwood

Marine XO

USS Columbia

Corridor to Sickbay


Major Greenwood ran down the corridor looking for the intruders with three security officers. Suddenly, he spotted them. “There they are!” That was the last he saw of them, for the next moment the ‘robot bug’ attached itself to his face and began tearing. He snatched and crawed, and scratched at the thing on his face, but it refused to budge. Then it got his eyes, and all he knew was darkness.

Tex awoke lying on a bed of some sort, and assumed he was in sickbay. His eyes felt like they were on fire though he kept them closed. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and his face twitched slightly. “Where am I, Doc?”

“You’re in Sickbay. That robotic spider tore at your eyes. We think we’ll be able to save them. I’m going to give you a sedative. So we can work on your eyes. It will still hurt after we’re done.” He felt something cold on his neck and eased into unconsciousness.

He awoke later, how much, he didn’t know. His eyes still hurt, but not as bad as they did. He couldn’t open his eyes so he reached up a hand and felt them; they were bandaged. “Doc? Why the bandage?”

The doctor came back over and said, “Relax. This is a precaution so you don’t overstrain your eyes while they’re healing. Your face is fine, there’s no permanent scarring. Just relax, and go back to sleep.”

He heard receding footsteps and felt a breeze as the air changed. If he didn’t get out of here soon, he was going to go crazy.



Lounge Owner

USS Columbia

Lounge “Solar Flairs”


Gired was bent over the floor, picking up pieces of glass and ceramicware. So this is how the new Solar Flairs starts, is it? he thought. He looked over at Ranel, and ran over to stop him. “No! Use protective gloves, don’t pick up the glass with your hands. Don’t need you to get cut, too. There are some in that cabinet.”

Ranel nodded and went back to work. Tyler Dane and Jaimie Hudson, his managers, walked in. “The tables and chairs are undamaged. Butch, Austin and Tex are checking the liqueur in storage for the station. Setek, Shrall, and Garrett are checking the liqueur in storage for here. And it appears you have Aylan and Mac helping here.” Tane said.

Jamie cut in. “I have the waiting staff going over the tables and chairs for both here and the station. We’re about half done, and so far so good.”

Gired lifted one Romulan brow for a fraction of a second. “Seems it’s going well so far. Keep it up. Computer, time?”

=/\= The time is 1330 hours =/\=

“Okay, why don’t we stop to get something to eat?”

“Thanks, Gired. We were hoping you’d say that.”


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:34 PM

Lieutenant Commander Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: bridge
"Title of post" Let's get the warp back on-line

Fianna addressed the Captain, "Sir, if I am not needed on the bridge, I would like to head down to Engineering to help decipher the algorythmn to get the warp engines back on-line."


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:34 PM

Captain Drayson Hardgrove
Commanding officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location. Bridge

Commander Jennifer Hurst
Executive officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Transporter room four

Lieutenant Dep Reyes
Security officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812

The flash of the Ferengi vessels warp engines flooded Drayson
Hardgroves vision from the main view screen. Now standing her began
to delegate commands.

"Helm, pursuit course Warp 8 engage."

The helm officer ran his hands over the console inputting the order.
A look of alarm entered the young crew mans eyes as the console did
not respond.

"Captain, warp engines not responding"

Hardgrove turned to face the engineering console. "Mr. Ryku?"

Aeon Ryku checked his monitors and entered commands to no
avail. "No use sir I'm locked out. The controls are locked with
some sort of cryptic algorhythm."

:Snip Fianna addressed the Captain, "Sir, if I am not needed on the
bridge, I would like to head down to Engineering to help decipher
the algorythmn to get the warp engines back on-line."

"Agreed Commander, Mr. Ryku. Will join you .I want those engines
back online Stat" Tapping his com badge

"Hurst, Saki what the hell happened? "

Jennifer Hurst shook her head as she tried to comprehend what had
just transpired.

"We're still investigating sir , it seams we transported some sort
of holo projector on board. It lasted enough to distract us from his
primary goal."

Koshi Saki then continued the report. "I have got reports coming in
from all over the ship. Our assailant had some sort of bionic
spider partner that assisted in the attack . They took out most of
the security detail, Were still assessing what they were after ."

Hardgrove arched an eyebrow ,something about this attack bothered

Dep Reyes rushed in to transporter room 4 folowed by two other
security officers. "Commander, Xienna she is missing. She isn't
onboard the ship anywhere. I think she was his target."

Hardgrove heard everything over the open comms channel . Hardgrove
gave a low growl.

"Hurst, call a senior staff meeting. Main conference room 15

Things were beginning to fit together in to the puzzle before him
and some how is seamed all too familiar.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:35 PM

Lt Tayla Tran
Chief Science officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812

Ensign Bianca Andronis
Chief Helm officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812

==================== =
(OCC, this post take place before the attack and resumes once it is
finished )

Bianca Andronis smiled at her best friend and titled her head to
the side. "Can you officially go on a break now?" referring to the
long hours her friend was working to.

"Let me get this done quick, I'm almost finished , there done"
Tayla said dropping the PADD she was working on.

"Ok I'm free What do you want to do?"

"Hmm not sure, go any ideas?"

"We could go..... I don't know you pick something Relaxing I'm not
up for working out tonight" Tyala told her best friend as they
started to stroll out of the large holographic domed room.

"Sure, a holo a snack and vegging out sounds great to me." Bianca
suggested "Un less you just want to go to the lounge" She retorted

"Naw a Holo it is." Tayla decided

"Great, Comedy, drama, Action?" Bianca batted her eyes at
Tayla "Romance" she tried to look tempting pressing her lips
together and bringing them to a pout.

"Comedy" she responded "I need to laugh, A Girly comedy I need to
relax...." Tayla put her arm around Anca and started heading in to
the turbo lift off to their shared quarters .

Bianca leaned into Taylas embrace as she walked side by side with
her toward the turbo lift "Sounds perfect, oh and I'll replicate
some Chinese too"

"ooh sounds like a full night"

Bianca led the way step by step along with Tayla till they reached
their quarters.

Entering their room, Tayla unbuttoned her uniform jacket and tossed
it on her desks chair. She slowly stepped out of both her uniform
pants and her thonged panties. Rummaging through her closet Tayla
pulled out a dark purple pair of flared legs track pants and
slipped in to the pulling them up till the rested right on her
slender hips Placing her Com badge on the side of her hip she sat
on her bed .

"So how was your day?"

Bianca took her own COM badge off , placed it on her desk then
tossed her uniform jacket on the floor. Turning she to face Tayla
Bianca blushed and turned away as she got a glimpse of Taylas naked
backside. Slipping out of her uniforms pants she pulled her
nightclothes out from under her pillow and began to undress. "Oh
I'm sure I'll get used to it Being the Chief helm has it down
falls." She said as she stepped in to a Pink & Green Lace Cami and
matching Boy shorts.

Tayla now fully dressed turned to back to her friend and smiled. "Ah
that busy huh?"

"No I wasn't busy with flying. It was more training the other helms
men, Just because I am an ensign the other higher ranking officers
think the can push my buttons and not get in trouble"

"If you have more trouble I will come down there" amused expression
on her face

"Well it's not that"

"There is a Lt ,He's kind of cute and he has these really dreamy
eyes, I just kind of go to jello around him" She lied

Tran laughed trying to hide her disappointment and trying to be
encouraging "ahhh its that kind of thing, think you might be

"Me lusting? I haven't been with anyone since ...well you know." she
said shyly

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't, not all guys are like him Anca"

"Yeah but I feel so Un clean when I think of it I feel so

"Come here hon." Tayla opened her arms

Bianca walked to Trans bed and climbed over to Taylas open arms

Tayla pulled Bianca into a hug and squeezed her tight enjoying the
embrace "You can't keep running from guys forever because one was
an ass" she told her as she stroked Ancas hair and held her.

Bianca seamed to relax in Taylas arms and leaned in as she was
stroking her hair

"Maybe you should date him" she giggled teasingly.

"You go out with him I'll find a cute guy we will have a double date
and I won't leave ya for anything this time Promise" Tayla told her
as she kissed the top of her head

Bianca resisted the urge she felt to kiss Tayla back. Instead she
leaned in to her shoulder.

"I am not sure I want to date again just yet" Bianca confessed

"When you want to we will do the double date no rush" Tayla told her
hiding the fact she wasn't ready to date either.

"Don't let that stop you from dating," she said settling in to
Taylas arms

"Bah I don't even know anyone who I want yet anyway" Tayla told her
lying through her teeth. Their was someone who she was interested
she just wasn't totally sure about them yet.

"You wouldn't date right now any way your in love with me" she said
"You know it baby" she said not telling Bianca how true that
comment might be.

Bianca had almost drifted of to sleep not even half way through the
holo movie when she was jolted form Taylas arms on to the floor.

Now in a prone position of the deck, Biancas bewildered look asked
for explanation as to how she was now on the floor.

Tayla Tran offered her hand and helped her back on to her
feet. "We've been hit, The ships shields took the impact. We'd
better get dressed and get to the bridge."

Bianca frowned. She was tired and had relaxed enough after a tough
day to fall asleep. Now the ship was under attack.

Tayla was fully dressed in her uniform and quick out of their
quarters and headed to the turbo lift.

Bianca finished dressing and folowed close behind both headed to the


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:35 PM

Fianna arrived in Engineering. "Ok, I'm here to help solve the algorithm to get the warp back on-line." She announced. "Where do you want me to set up?"

Lieutenant Commander Fianna Danu
Intelligence Chief
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: engineering
"Title of post" Fianna in engineering


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:35 PM

Orion Slave
Jade Fox
Star Date 58108.6
Location: Brig?


Xienna didn’t remember much about the attack. She had been in her quarters, and she felt the ship rock back and forth…and that she understood. The ship was under attack. A sinking feeling took hold of her stomach, and she immediately got scared that they were there for her. She looked around the room for a place that she might be able to hide. Nothing was all that sufficient. She was just about to put her clothes back on, and find safety with one of the officers, but the door burst open. A man stood there. He looked like a rogue, and she was sure that he was taking her back to her captures…and to certain death.

When she woke, her head was pounding, but she was unharmed for the most part. She was tied up to a chair however, and she certainly didn’t have the option of making a run for it. At first, she didn’t see anyone in the room. Her eyes were slowly coming in to focus as she got used to the dim lightly…which was still bright to her as she’d been knocked out. Xienna was unsure if she wanted her captures attention, but she knew she wanted to get out of the situation. It wasn’t until she heard the sound of metal hitting metal, at a rather fast past and weird pattern that she realized she wasn’t alone. A weird spider looking thing looked at her from across the room, and made a weird pattern of clicks and beeps. Xienna jumped in the chair she was tied to, and glanced around. Had it contacted someone? She took a deep breath, trying to keep calm.



Counselor Leilani Mahala
Chief Counselor
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Star Date 58108.6
Location: Bridge

Leilani was grateful to see the other ship turn around, but when she heard that Xienna was missing her heart went out to her. She could tell by Captain Hardgrove’s face that he was resolved to follow her. Fianna Danu left quickly to assist the other engineers, and a few other officers left to go and attend to their stations. Leilani approached the Captain, “Sir, I must let you know that I couldn’t get much from this guy, but I can tell you that his primary motivation is money. He cares just as little for Xienna’s captures as he does for Xienna. I suggest using a method that is perhaps a little less conventional?” she suggested. “If you give me access to the recorded conversation, I might be able to find out a little bit more about him from some personal connections,” she said, trying to stay professional. Although Leilani had a very strict, and very straight laced life, she had some personal contacts that did not live their lives that way. In some cases, they came in handy. “At the very least a name and a personality profile. That will help me to read him a lot quicker during the next chance we have to communicate with him, and give us an idea on what angle…perhaps besides a bribe, that we might be able to use on him…” she told him, waiting to see what he thought.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:36 PM

Conference room :

Drayson Hardgrove paced the length of the conference table, He was
growing impatient. The conference room doors opened and the
remainder of his senior crew entered and took their seats. Once
seated he took notice off all in attendance, Although he wasn't
fully acquainted to all his senior staff one new face stood out form
the others. Sitting in the seat that would be normally taken by
Doctor Haliwell was a young blond headed women he did not
recognize .

Hardgrove took a moment and then began. "Commander Hurst what in
the name of the great bird of the galaxy just happened here?"

Jennifer Hurst turned to her Captain, biting her bottom lift she
began to give him the detailed report.

"Our assailant, sent a piggy backed signal during transport, what
appeared on the transporter pad was a holo decoy. While Commander
Saki and I were waiting his arrival in the Transporter room he
arrived somewhere else on the ship."

Koshi Saki then picked up where Hurst had just finished. "Security
logs show he arrived on the crew quarters level . My security teams
responded to the intrusion but it seams who this is was not alone.
Several of the combined security and marine forces report being
attacked by both our assailant and a large cybernetic arachnid."

Hardgrove stapled his fingers together as his frowned deepened .
Saki continued. "Once he had taken down security, The arachnid
hacked into Xiennas quarters door panel. Form there internal sensors
show that he stunned Xienna, had the spider hack in to the ships
computer lock out warp core control and beam out."

Hardgrove nodded he then turned his attention to the new face at
the table. "Dr?"

Dr Roseanne Tyler nodded as she began her report. "allow me to
introduce myself I'm Dr Tyler, I am assistant medical officer on
board. I am currently filling in Dr Halliwell who was injured during
the attack on the ship. During both the attack and the boarding
we sustained several injuries, We're currently treating numerous
phaser and plasma burns. Concussions , normal scraps and abrasions
currently the most significant patients are those who are those
unconscious and a marine officer whose face wand eyes were damaged
in the attacks."

Hardgrove nodded. "All right people We have a lot of work to do,
both Mr. Ryku and Danu are working on getting through those cryptic
algorithms and getting our warp engines back online. Our top
priority is to get those engines online stat, Lt Tran run some
scans and see if you can find that marauders ion trail . Then
prepare a sensor bowie marking this as our last known whereabouts.
Ensign Quynn work with Tayla on a sup space transceiver to broadcast
our current situation to Star Fleet." "Ensign". He said now
addressing the chief helm officer. "Once you have confirmation on
the ion trial plot an intercept course. Commander Saki, coadunate
your forces with Major Marshells marines I want to ready for all
scenarios, This is now officially a rescue mission people. "

Rising from his chair he tapped his COM badge "Hardgrove to Danu
what the status on those engines? "

Engineering :

Fianna Danu wiped the sweat from her brow, and then responded. "I
think we got it sir, it was a chaotic numeric configuration. Luckily
enough I've seen some thing like this before."

Aeon Ryku then chimed in. "I've got some control back already sir I
can give you warp three at most till full control is restored."

"Negative I want full warp speed Lieutenant"
The sound of a sigh of relief was heard over the open com
channel. "System restored Sir warp engines back online. " Danu

"Excellent work you two, Hurst you have the bridge. Everyone return
to your stations meeting dismissed."

Conference room:

As everyone filed out of the conference room and back to the bridge
Hardgrove stopped both Saki and Councilor Mahala.

"Koshi, the holo devise that was used during beam over do you still
have it?"

Saki nodded "Yes sir, I was going to send it to one of the science
laps to see if they could get any more info from it."

"If you don't mind could I examine it first I have a feeling I
have seen something like it before"

Saki nodded and headed out to retrieve it, as she exited the bridge
she nodded to Dep Reyes who then took her place at the Tactical

"Councilor I would like to discuss what you were saying earlier
further please accompany me my ready room ."


Hurst took the command chair and began reading the arms console
read out when her train of thought was interrupted by the voice of
Tayla Tran from her science station. "Ion trail located Commander."

"Sensor bowie launched as well" Quynn reported

Hurst nodded "Very well Lt, Helm set a course. Warp 9 engage. "

Captains ready room

Hardgrove felt the warp engines engage as he took his desk chair.
LeiLani Mahala took a seat across from him and looked concerned.
His body language alone could tell anyone that something was
bothering him, but what she was reading off him was more mixture of
concern, anger and rage.

"Your analysis of this bounty hunter is probably one of the best I
have ever heard when profiling someone of his occupation Lt . I
agree with your suggestions of how to deal with him, but this is
federation vessel . although we are in unclaimed space federation
laws still apply which means bribery is not a viable option

The ready room doors swished open to allow Koshi Saki entrance. "
Here is the device we recovered from the transporter pad sir ."she
said laying the cylinder containing the device on his desk..

Hardgrove nodded and then continued his conversation with Mahala
as Ski left.

Leilani looked to be in deep thought for a moment then spoke
up. "Perhaps Commander Bryce might have some suggestions perhaps
her insight on both diplomacy and legal issues could be use full
in this situation"

Hardgrove nodded reaching to activate his Com badge, he was
interrupted by the sound of the door chimes.

Giving the entrance command both Drayson and Councilor Leilani
turned to see Science officer Tran enter looking a bit flustered
Hardgrove arched a brow "Lieutenant ?"

"Captain . um while conferring the marauders ion trail, I
discovered it corresponded with the date our sensor probes
collected. When further researching the large unidentified object
we found is on the same course as the ion trail."

Hardgrove eyes seamed to brighten. "Well this is a unexpected in
deed ,maybe we will actually accomplish part of our assignment in
the sector after all., good work Lt"

Picking up the cylinder from the desk shook the holo unit from
inside and examined it

"Tayla, Do you have a second ? I would like your opinion on
something." Hardgrove handed her the holo unit. Trans looked over
the unit a few times and then replied.

"It looks like so sort of holo emitter, but not any type I've ever
seen , not even the type the marines and special ops use. It isn't
federation technology that's for certain."

"Excellent work Lieutenant, your dismissed"

Tayla Tran smiled and then excused her self.

Hardgrove turned back to Leilani, a questioning look was now on her

"What Tayla just told me confirms my suspicions, this device isn't
Federation, Klingon or Romulan in design. This most likely was
bought on the black market. Which means our new friend may likely
have ties to the Orion syndicate."

Mahala nodded as her captain told her his intuitions on the matter
at hand . He seamed certain of the origin of the device, so certain
in fact Leilani suspected he had first hand knowledge on it's true

The Ferengi marauder had sped away at the highest warp possible for
it engines trying to out run a pursuer it had left disabled .
Despite the distant it had crossed the past three weeks were a blur
to it's Captain. He hadn't intentionally burnt out his dilythem
crystals escaping the Federation vessel. The Damage the Jade fox
had sustained to it's engines during their attack had cause a
fracture in the rustication chamber the end result ended in leaving
Himself and his captive stranded. To call for help was both useless
and a waste of energy since there was no one or anything in rage
except for the huge hulking structure that lay in front of him .
The Star field to the aft of the jade fox shimmered as The
Federation ship had dropped from warp. Looking up from the console
Rune Sith had been dozing on he hit the com channel as the sound of
their hail came through . "Jade Fox, this is the USS Columbia .
Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded "


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:36 PM

Rune Sith
Bounty Hunter
Ferengi Marauder - The Jade Fox
Star Date 58108.6
Conference Room

Sith left the Bridge, after having made the get-away successfully.
He then entered the Conference Room where Xienna was taken. Walking
in, he suddenly found that the lights were dimmed. He also noticed
she was tied to a chair.

"Um. Zeta, what are you doing? She's not an animal."

Xienna came back to her consciousness and noticed the man - the one
who had captured her from the safe confines of the Columbia.

Sith turned on the lights, showing that the conference room's table
was moved to the side, and Xienna tied to a chair. Sith also noticed
that she wasn't wearing any clothes. He went over and untied Xienna.

"Don't worry about seducing me. I'm wearing a surpressant...
although you could try seducing him," he nodded his head at
Zeta. "Because he's been acting like such an IDIOT lately!"

"Click!" Zeta argued.

"What are you doing?" she asked as he untied her.

"Giving you some clothes. As much as I love the female body, I'm not
a pervert - and don't you think it's cold in here?"

She stood up and noticed Sith go over to the replicator to replicate

"Your choice what you want to wear. ...Food's replicatable too."
Sith then turned to walk out of there, Zeta lept onto his shoulder.

"What? Please don't do this. Take me back to the Columbia??"

Sith shrugged, "Sorry. The Intergalactic Bounty Association has
other plans for you. I gotta eat to survive, and I need latinum for
that. The replicators on this ship will only last another two weeks,
and the odds of me stealing another ship are slim."

He pointed to another door. "You're free to roam the ship. I've
locked out all computer access to a code only Zeta knows. You're
also unable to sabatoge the ship."

Sith then left for the Bridge. He sat in his chair when he suddenly
noticed that the dilthium crystals were burning out. The Jade Fox
dropped warp, right in front of a large grey structure...

<tag Xienna>


Three weeks later(?), the USS Columbia dropped Warp and approached
the Jade Fox. Sith, Zeta, and Xienna had been trapped abord the
Ferengi Maurader, with no hope.

"Jade Fox, this is the USS Columbia. Lower your shields and prepare
to be boarded."

Sith tapped the controls, and lowered the shields.

<tag anyone>


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:37 PM

Major Tex Greenwood
Marine Squadron Executive Officer
Tex had just gotten out of the blasted doctor's care. He had
insisted on giving all the men sponge baths. Tex still cringed at
the thought. Toras, an Andorian Second Lieutenant, came up to
Tex. "Hello, Sir. I was just thinking about all the good times we
had. You remember that time you bet me inhale that gas and blow it
out my antennae? It wasn't fun at the time, but it is funny now.
We've all done something stupid. Benson dressed up as a woman.
Xaden drank ten tequilas, fought a Klingon woman, and then tried to
have sex with a Nausicaan. Although he did get them mixed up. The
only ones who haven't done anything are you and Voral. Voral is
Vulcan. So you are being inducted."

Tex eyed him suspiciously. "Wha'do I gotta do?"

Toras grinned evilly. "We took a vote. Skip backwards through the
ship, butt naked singing Frere Jacques at the top of your lungs, and
kiss Major Marshall with a mouthful of that tobacco you like so

"You realize this will prob'ly git me kicked out?"

"Nah, he's not that bad. What's the matter? Chicken?"

"No body calls me yella. Alright, Computer where is Major Jack

=/\= Major Jack Marshall is in his office. =/\=

"Okay, that's two sections from here. How much latinum is this

"Five strips." Toras was grinning widely.

Tex disrobed and stuck a wad of tobacco in his mouth and began to
chew, rolling his eyes. A couple of Sciences Ensigns came around
the corner and saw him standing there, naked as a jaybird, and
started eyeing every inch of him. Tex gave Toras a glare. He then
started skipping backwards towards Marshall's office,
DONG!" Toras followed him to the doorway, holding onto the
threshold so he didn't fall for laughing.

from his desk. Tex bent Marshall over backwards, smooched him with
a juicy kiss righted them both and said to Toras, "Where's my money?"

"Sit down! Both of you!"

tag = Marshall

Lounge Manager

Jolan walked up to Gired, a certain look on his face. "Are we on
for tonight?"

Gired looked around. "Not here."

"Why? Why not here? It's not like we're in Starfleet or the
Romulan Military. It's a bar." Gired took a steadying
breath. "Look, just tell me when you're ready to bring our
friendship out of the shadows. But I won't wait forever. I don't
like being hidden in your closet." Gired shot him a look which
Jolan returned before walking off.

Ranel walked over to Gired to have his thumbprint on an order for
replacement chairs. "I don't know what you're so worried about,
really. Everyone knows. Just like they knew with you and me."

"Did you just happen to let it slip?" Gired was getting very testy.

"No. They figured it out on their own." Ranel took the padd from
Gired. "Look, I know you don't want everyone to know that you are
having an affair with an employee. But you know something? No one
cares. Because you're not like others. You know how to act while
doing it. Your employees don't care. The Federation doesn't care.
And your family doesn't care. No one does! So why do you?" Ranel
left and gave it and several others to M'Rowl, who had just had
another sonic shower to Gired's insistance. Rall went over to him
for more orders for food.

Ayla came over to Gired and Rall, close to tears. "They took her!
They took her!"

Rall turned to her. Rall was concerned. "Took who, Ayla?"

"Xienna! They took her!"

"Ayla, I'm so sorry. I know you wanted to do something nice for

"Couldn't do it fast enough, though, could she? It's too bad. I
was looking to hire her as a dancer for the club. Shame." Both
women stared at him. "I didn't know her so I can't be sorry she is

"Romulans.." Ayla muttered. She didn't know what was going through
his mind. If it had been Jolan...

Jolan walked over to Gired, trying to pull him aside. "Come on...I
want to--"

"Jolan. We're still on. If you want us to be...." Gired said,
hoping it wasn't too late.

Grob's head turned as Jolan smiled. "Yes. Yes, I want that." He
leaned in. Gired hesitated, but leaned in to kiss Jolan. When they
broke, everyone was staring at them. Gired looked around. "Okay,
back to work, I want this place ready to roll by tomorrow! We're
three days behind as it is!"

And they headed back to work, with work troubles on their minds and
personal tribulations in their hearts.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:39 PM

SubTaerian Dea Roma
Chief Engineer
Outpost 405
Stardate: 500609.12
Location: command deck,
Outpost 405

Sith then left for the Bridge. He sat in his chair when he suddenly
noticed that the dilthium crystals were burning out. The Jade Fox
dropped warp, right in front of a large grey structure...
[end clip]

Inside Outpost 405(the large grey structure), SubTaerian Dea Roma bent
over the main status display console. She puzzled over the appearance
of the small orange-colored vessel, curious about its oddly designed
hull. She couldn't help thinking how it resembled nothing so much as a
crab from a world she once visited that the natives called 'Earth.'
Still curious about the ship, she began running passive scans of the
little vessel and quickly found the trouble they were having with their
main propulsion system. "It looks as though they are still using a
crude variant of Aira's Gifts*. But theirs seem to be burning out,"
she concluded as she read the results of her scans of the unusual ship.

Dea didn't like the idea of these alien creatures sitting right outside
her home but couldn't justify ignoring their presence either. Moving
across the deck, Dea tapped at the comm panel and activated the auto-
distress beacon. She knew that that would only serve to bring other
alien creatures here but it was the quickest way she could think of to
get the strange orange-colored vessel away from her home.


Several weeks later, Dea was once again standing at the sensor control
console as a second ship dropped out of warp beside the first one.
Running immediate passive scans on this new trespasser, she quickly
noticed the difference in design and construction of this new vessel.
Where the smaller ship was small and seemingly squat, this new one was
large and angular with a flat saucer at one end and three long
projections connected to the other. She watched her sensor display of
the area with interest as she wondered what might be going on the two
ships. "Now how am I to rid myself of /two/ trespassers?" She asked
herself audibly, her body seeming to shimmer slightly for a moment and
then resolidify once again.

[OoC: Tag, Columbia and/or Jade Fox! ]


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:39 PM

Major Jack Marshall

Marine Detachment Commander

USS Columbia


Major Tex Greenwood

Marine Detachment Executive officer

USS Columbia


Lt Toras (npc)

Marine Lieutenant

USS Columbia

NCC 1812

Lieutenant Commander Koshi Saki

Chief of Security

USS Columbia

NCC 1812



Major Jack Marshall waited till his two officers took seat is his office. As the two filed in Marshall grabbed an extra uniform jacket and tossed it at Green wood. “Cover yourself be for I site you for being out of uniform.” Jack ran a hand over his face in discuss. “Gentlemen and I use the term loosely ,The type of Behavior is unacceptable. I can sympathize with being bored with all the down time we have had but this is taking it too far.” Marshall paused and then turned his attention to the Andorrian

“Lt Toras, I’ve about had it with your Fascination with these initiations of yours. Every marine on board this boat have already earned their place.:” Jack then turned to Tex despite himself he couldn’t help but crack a smirk. “Major I taken your maturity level, your behavior doesn’t surprise me. Yet as Xo of this Detachment I expect more, you role is to lead by example and this little stunt is not the type of example I want set of my group.” Stroking his chin for a moment. He raised a brow. “Toras this stops now and won’t happen again, if it does you’ll be transferred to the janitorial staff and spend the rest of your time in service scrubbing the latrines. As for you Major, If I didn’t need your expresses I’d have you thrown. in the brig and make you do a strip tease for all the female crew members on the boat ever night for a month with nothing but a G string that says “size is extremely exaggerated .Don’t even get me started on the contraband issue with your crewing. “

Marshall took a second and then nodded. “Toras report to Captain V’tek, She’ll will get you started on shining the entire contingents boots. Dismissed Mr. Toras “

Marshall then turned back to Tex. “As for you, Next time make sure to spit before you kiss me and no tounge next time , also give me those five bars of latinum. I’m going to need them to pay those poor female ensigns you probably sworn off men for ever. Then go get your self geared up we’ve got our selves a mission.”

Jack left his office and entered the barracks. “Laredo, Venex, K’r’Varn Greenwood gear up and meet me in the security offices 15 minutes.”

Marshall then returned to his office and pulled out a PADD and began entering a report as his marines began to ready themselves.

Koshi Saki looked out of a wheel position at the rest of her yoga class. Her regular students were in attendance but she also saw some new faces as well. Craning her neck slightly she looked at the chronomiter. Pulling herself from the pose she straightened her self up right. “Good job every one, tomorrow morning we’ll work on revolved half moon.” Grabbing her towel and wiping herself down , Koshi slung it over her shoulder. The past three weeks had given the crew a lot of down time since they had been at warp the whole time. Going to join Jen Hurst to discuss a friendly game of racket ball later she was startled as the ship dropped out of warp and went straight to red alert. Hurst basically bolted from the gymnasium be for Koshi was even given a chance to say hello. Koshi grabbed her COM Badge and quickly tapped it. “Saki to Dep.” Lt Reyes Dep answered promptly . “Go ahead Commander.” “Reyes Take the tactical station till I arrive” Wasting no time she hurried to the woman’s locker room quickly showered and dressed in her duty uniform. As she entered the turbo lift the familiar chirping sound of her captains voice spoke to her. “Koshi, coadunate a boarding party with our marine team. Departure 20 mins. Changing the turbo lifts destination she now headed for the security office.

Major Marshall watched as his marines filed out of their staging area and headed to the security offices. Finishing his reports he also headed for the Security office to go coadunate the teams with the security chief. Koshi stepped out of the turbo lift and entered her security office. Upon her arrival, she noted that though most of the marines and some of her security personnel were present, the Marine CO had yet to arrive.

Jack Marshall swaggered in the security office. He began by scanning the room and the occupants in it. Glancing around again this time looking for the Security chief

Koshi noticed Jack Marshall enter the room, her still wet hair framing her face. “Major Marshall glad you could make it” she said sarcastically .

Marshall grinned sheepishly “Sorry about that , had to discipline a couple of children”

Saki smiled at him. "Ahhh , we need to get the boarding team ready to go."

“ Direct and right to the point, alright what are you thinking Commander?

“Since most of your Marines have more experience at this type of thing, the team should consist of them." Koshi told him. "However, I would like to go with them."

“As would I” Came the voice of Reyes Dep as he emerged from then security offices doors.

Saki gave him a stern look. “Lt Kales, has tactical Commander. I feel obligated to go since I promised Xienna she was safe here. I owe it to her to be part of this rescue mission.”

Marshall smirked. “and they chivalry is dead., alright Commander you and Lt Dep grab your gear and meet us in the transporters room in 10 minutes. Major Greenwood , gather your men and move out.”

<Next The raid of the jade fox >


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:40 PM

Dr. Samantha Halliwell
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia NCC 1812
Location: Sickbay
"Making Up For Lost Time"


It had been a long wait to say the least, Doctor Tyler had been
growing more and more concerned each hour Halliwell remained
unconscious. During the attack, she had somehow been thrown across a
corridor and slammed into the nearest bulkhead. However, none of them
had been given an appropriate version of events as the recollection
from those people with her had been vague at best. Every now and again
she would look up from her work just to see if Samantha showed any
signs of regaining counsciousness. She didn't.

Each patient left yet one still remained and Tyler feared that it was
completely pointless. It was most likely the trauma that was what kept
Samantha in her current condition and she had been adament that no one
was to visit her, she had only served under Halliwell a short time but
she knew that no one would want to see her in this condition.
Especially not her young son, Matthew.

She was just running an analysis on some antidotes to certain
diseases when one of the monitors above Halliwell's bed beeped to
alert her of something. Roseanne got up from her desk even though
rightfully it wasn't hers as the woman lying on the bed should have
been up and about, able to do her duties. If it wasn't for the attack,
Xienna would still be here and Halliwell wouldn't be in this state.
Cautiously she approached the bed and studied the monitor for a few
moments, her electroltyes were stablising and her heartrate was

"Doctor Halliwell?" Tyler asked taking her eyes from the small screen
and down to the Chief Medical Officer. Her voice was pleading, she
wanted so desperately for her to open her eyes. To know that her
treatments had worked. "Can you hear me?" she asked again, she placed
her hand down on top of Halliwell's and squeezed. "If you can, squeeze
my hand." Roseanne waited but she got nothing. She looked back to the
monitor as her heart rate increased steadily. "Please?"

There was a small tug on her hand which caused her to look back to
Samantha's face. Her eyes flickered open a moment then closed again,
her mouth moved but nothing came out. Roseanne waited again, this was
a great improvment. "Doctor..."

"Mat..." she tried saying as she opened her eyes again and this time
she kept them open. The light burned her eyes so she closed them
again, Samantha had been in the darkness for so long and she didn't
want to leave. This new enviroment was far too bright and loud. She
tried again. "Matthew?"

"Matthew?" Roseanne repeated confusing then must have realised she
was asking about her son. "He's fine Doctor, he wasn't hurt in the
attack. We have no fatalities."
"What happened?" Halliwell asked, her voice hoarse from no use.

She quickly recalled what she had been told during the briefing and
Halliwell seemed mighty upset to discover who had been taken, she had
treated Xienna but she didn't know that she had formed any kind of
connection to her. Didn't know that it was Halliwell who had pleaded
with the Captain to find a way to help the Orion.

"How long have I been like this? How bad?"
"You've got a few cuts and bruises from where you hit the bulkhead,
the most serious injury you sustained was the concussion," Roseanne
replied quietly.
"How long was I out?" she repeated once more with some irritation in
her voice. Roseanne was about to answer when the Captain walked in.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:40 PM

Drayson Hardgrove entered sick bay and went straight to Samantha
Halliwells bed side.
Looking concerned he turned to Dr Tyler. "What's her status, Dr?"

"She's awake and talking, although she's mainly asking questions for
the time being. I see no evidence of any physical injuries, it was
mainly the trauma received to her head which was keeping her

"I see any swelling our signs of repercussions

"No," Tyler answered. "She's very strong, and stubborn."

Hardgrove smiled "that she is"
"You can talk with her if you like>"
Drayson nodded and went to Sams bedside

Halliwell was staring at the ceiling, Doctors made the worst
patients she had heard when studing at the Starfleet Medical
Academy. It was right.

"Sam? Sam?, Dr. Samantha "Honeywell" Halliwell"

That wasn't a nickname she had heard in a long time, Halliwell
stopped staring at the ceiling and paid her attention
elsewhere. "Captain?"

Drayson smiled. "You ok, Dr. rouge cheeks?" her asked jokingly"

"Never better," she muttered.

"Some how I don't' believe that. What the hell happened here?"

"I remember getting trapped in one of the lifts so I climbed up the
shaft, got to one of the decks, I can't remember now." Halliwell
chuckled bitterly as she stared back at the ceiling.
"As soon as I got to safety there was an explosion..."

"Tazago, what were you doing scaling a turbo shaft"

"I told you, I was stuck in there." Halliwell saw the surprised
expression on his face.

"Oh come on, I had to get to Sickbay and that wasn't going to
happen being stuck in a broken down lift."

"You have a staff Sam they would have coped with out you"

"My duty is to my patients."

Hardgrove frowned. "That's true but in order to do that you need to
believe to do it"
"I'm alive aren't I. What do you care anyway? You said it yourself
there are plenty of people who can replace me."

"No, I said they could cover for you. No one could ever replace you
Rosie cheeks"

Samantha was easily getting irritated by the pet names. They weren't
married anymore so he wasn't entitled to call them her, he was her
commanding officer and this wasn't entirely practical. "Please sir
will you refrain from calling me that."

Drayson smirked. "Were both off duty Dr , titles aren't necessary

"Then address me by my actual name Captain."

"Alight Samantha." he said sternly "while your recuperating is there
anything i can do for an old friend?"

Just hold me and tell me everything will be all right she
thought. "No I think I have everything I need."

"Who is currently looking after Mathew? Do you want me to check on

"I don't remember, he was with a friend during the attack but he's

"Do you think i should go look in on him?


Hardgrove frowned at her tone. "Sam? You care to explain that out

If she were Vulcan she could blame it on not being able to suppress
her emotions, if she were anyone else she could put it down to being
stressed. Having been unconscious for god knows how long, she didn't
have any excuses and came out with the lamest one ever.
"I'm just tired."

"We'll I guess you'll need your rest then . I'll make sure Dr Tyler
keeps you here for observation. I'll also make sure that Mathew is
attended for in your absence."

"There's no need, I can handle it."

"Not Lying in a bio bed you can't. Don't make me order you to
isolation Dr."

"You don't need to handle Matthew's arrangements."

"No, but I would like to at least introduce myself given the

Halliwell tried to sat up but winced in pain.

"Easy Dr."

"I need to get back to work."

"Dr Tyler" Hardgrove called the Assistant medical officer
She walked over to them.

"Dr Halliwell seams to be in a significant amount of pain in her
back as well as delusions she is fit to return to duty. Your
professional opinion?"

Halliwell glared at him.

"It's too soon," Tyler said not looking to Samantha

"I sugest you get your rest Doctor, I'll make sure to see to your
son." He siad with a smirk as her left sick bay.

Drayson Hardgrove had been standing outside the quarters
contemplating ringing the chime for about five minutes now. Finally
chocking down the courage he rang the door.

Matthew sat inside, sitting at the table there working on a jigsaw
puzzle. He had no idea that there was anyone outside the door. His
bruises from the attack some weeks ago had long since faded. Then
the bell rang and he looked over at the door. Even though he wasn't
on Earth anymore, the words of first his grandfather and then his
mother telling him to not allow strangers in rang in his mind. He
went to the door and said, "who's there?"

Hardgrove choked down the lump in his throat. "Captain Hardgrove"

Matthew looked around. He wasn't at all sure he wanted to talk to
the captain. But his mother had told him the captain wasn't all bad.
He hit the pad that allowed the doors to open then he walks back to
the table to finish his jigsaw puzzle. "It's open."

Hardgrove walked in slowly and then took a seat by him at the
table. "Hello Mathew, I'm Captain Hardgrove. I'm an old friend of
your mothers."

Matthew nodded, "mom told me." He seemed mature for his age...being
around mostly adults for the good portion of his life. He found a
piece and then he set it in where it belonged.

Your mom asked me to check in on you while she is recuperating in
sick bay from her fall

He snapped the piece in, "She said she should be back soon.

"Well that all depends on Dr Tylers recommendations. " Hardgrove
now sat down next to him and looked at the puzzle he was doing

"What are you working on there

"A puzzle." He didn't look at the captain, he just kept his eyes on
the puzzle and where the pieces go
Drayson was at a loss here talking to his son, although up untill
this time thwy had never met.

"Did your mother ever tell you about me. About our friendship

"She said you were captain and that you knew each other..."
Apparently he was as in the dark about Captain Hardgrove being his
father as the captain had been about the fact that he'd had a son.

"Yes We have known each other a very long time" Drayson Hardgrove

"I met her back when she was a senior at the academy"

"I was part of a team that rescued her from a planet when her cadet
shuttle crashed

"Did she also tell you she and I dated for quite a while?"

Matthew stood up then went to the replicator and got himself a
glass of juice. "She didn't tell me much of anything. Till she was
assigned here, I hadn't gotten to see a lot of her."

"I see." Hardgrove blew out a short frustrated breath. "Mathew how
would you like to see the bridge?"

He looked over after he drank down about half his juice. "I was
told I wasn't to ever go to the bridge

"Well I'm the Captain, and I'm inviting you
"I'm still working on this puzzle." He doesn't know the captain, and
He wasn't sure he was supposed to leave the quarters he shared with
his mother.
"Well how about I work on it with you"

Matthew looked at him, emptying the glass. "I can do it." He found
another piece and the place where it belonged, this as if to prove
to the captain that he can indeed do it.

"I am sure you can, I was just offering to help.

He looked at the captain again. "Sir, why are you here? If it was
about mom you could have had someone else come here." He doesn't
seem to be all that stupid either.

"Mathew, I came personally for a reason, but I doubt I'm the right
person to tell you it exactly."

He sat down and crossed his arms. "I don't like it when people
start out like that. Makes me suspicious."

"Alright then Let me tell you why I am here, Your mother and I were
married. Be fore we separated she said she was pregnant but then
told me she lost the baby. She lied and went to earth to have you. I
never knew until recently. I'm your father Matthew."

Matthew sat there hearing that. He then stood up and went to his
bedroom. Not a word said. He can't believe that was true...

Hardgrove stood there at a loss, Not since his first coming to the
federation did he feel so empty inside.

Matthew came out again. "Why?" He appeared angry

"why what ?

"Why would she do that? Why wouldn't you even look for me? why
would..." He couldn't think of anything else...he still found it
very strange that he didn't have a father the suddenly he did...and
he's not at all sure he liked it that it was the captain.

I couldn't look for someone i didn't know existed Matthew"

"You knew she existed...You could have looked for her."

"I gave her space, space i felt she needed."

Matthew was angry. He went to the table and swept the puzzle off of
it. The puzzle was swept away and the pieces all landing on the
floor... then he dropped ot the floor. "I hate you...Why did you
ever have to come back?"

"I didn't come back. I never left in the first place your mother
left me


"No Mathew , just ask her

" I never wanted her too but there was a war and she wanted me to
succeed in my carrier

"she felt it better if we separated

"Why wouldn't she tell me this?" He seemed to know he was pitching a
fit, but he didn't care.

"I don't know, only she would know that

Hardgrove "Go away." He's confused and angry...and he didn't like
how any of that felt.

"If that's what you want then" he got up to leave

Hardgrove turned to leave

Matthew didn't know what he was supposed to do with such a
bombshell that hit him like that...He definitely had to talk to his
mother. "S...sorry c...captain. I just don't know what to do..."

Hardgrove turned to the young boy "That's makes two of us." he

He'd wanted a father, but his grandfather had told him that his
father was dead at one point, then not dead but completely worthless
as a man...Matthew didn't know what to think. "I...I'm sorry

"Not as sorry as I, I've lost seven years with you"

Matthew sat there and his fingers run through the puzzle
pieces. "Captain, c...could you help me put the puzzle together

"Of Course, Mathew" he said kneeling down at the table next to the

Hardgrove scooped up a bunch of the pieces and started spreading
them over the table top

Matthew worked on picking up the puzzle pieces as well. He didn't
like that he was completely unaware of who his father was. Now he
wasn't sure who he hated ... but soon they got the puzzle pieces
picked up and he's gone back to work on putting the puzzle together

"I'm sorry Mattie, I wish i could fix the past

He shook his head, "don't call me that."

"All right then Matthew"

He found the pieces that he'd already had together and he put them
back together...then he went back to working the puzzle.

Hardgrove assembled several other pieces and laid them on the table

"'re my father?" He wasn't sure how he liked that one, but
there wasn't much he could to change that...

"Yes, I am. and your my son. Frankly this is just as new to me as it
is to you"

Matthew's hands stopped moving and they now rest in his lap... He's
still a child and as a result this sudden new thing caused him to
burst into tears...not sure what to think of what has suddenly hit
him...the fact that he did have a father and his mother had kept him
a secret...that hurt him more than his mother likely thought it
would have.

"Mathew how would you like to go visit your mom in sickbay with me?"

"I...I don't think I can...not after this."

"Maybe we should both go talk to her" "all right then,

"Your mom has to staying sick bay a while longer. Is there any where
you'd like to stay

"I...I stay at a friends when she goes out...I can stay there."

"all right then I'll make sure that one of the nurses and a Security
guard check in on you from time to time till she gets back.:

"I'm in school most of the time, what else do we need to know?"

"Your quite right, your too old for a baby sitter aren't you?

"Well then, I guess I'll let you finish your puzzle."

Matthew swallowed. "wh...what do I call you now?"

"How about Drayson, that's my name

"I...I don't think I could call you that. I was t...taught to call
anyone older than me Mr. or Miss or Mrs... and then their last

"Well, Were friends now. Friends call each others their first names"

Mathew shook his head. "I'm sorry Captain, not yet " he sad with a
sad smile.

"Very well. I'll tell your mother your alright. I'll check with your
friends parents to make arrangements till your mother returns. Make
sure to finish your homework and get you things to your friends to
get to bed on time. Good night Mathew"

"Good night Captain" he replied.

Hardgrove stepped out of the quarters and smiled silently to
himself . It was a start.


Posted by: The Archiver Nov 2 2006, 08:41 PM

Leilani Mahala
Chief Counselor / Bridge
Location: USS Columbia, Counseling Office

The USS Columbia pursued the elusive ship for three weeks. During the week, Leilani spent her time studying up on some of the cultural aspects of the Orions and searched the computers for any similar incidences, and how it was handled. The Captain was worried about the legality of them pursuing the prisoner, and if they even had any legal backing beside what they’d already decided to do. Leilani was beginning to give up, and loose hope that they’d find it – when the ship lurched as the warp speed stopped, and the small ship hung a few hundred yards away from the ship. She looked up from the computer, and walked to the large windows that looked out into the vast emptiness of space. She crossed her arms, and tried to see if she could even read how many people where there. She couldn’t read emotions or the occasional though from that distance without some sort of contact…but she could sense that there were two life forms aboard…the cybernetic arachnid that Saki had mentioned three weeks earlier wouldn’t send off anything that Leilani could catch on to.

Leilani had not been able to start her sessions with Xienna, and the crew evaluations had been put off. She had a strong inclination that the next few weeks were going to be extremely busy for her. She left her office, and made her way to the Bridge. She wasn’t on the away team, but she wanted to know what was going on, and when she could exam Xienna. She took her usual seat, but the Bridge was quite at the moment. It was the calm before the storm. She hoped that they could avoid another battle, but knew anything was possible.

-Leilani Mahala-



Orion Captive

Location: Jade Fox

Xienna spent her three weeks on the Jade Fox in relative comfort. It was a small ship, and the company wasn’t exactly the best…at least in her eyes. Sith was sending her back to her death, and she was helpless. She tried to play her part, and let her captor know her situation. She kept herself a lot of the time, but watched him from a far. She didn’t know anything about the technologies that made the ship work, but Sith’s body language and tone of voice let her know that they weren’t in the best situation. The ship was deteriorating in some way or another. When Xienna saw the Columbia not far from them out of one of the windows, her heart leapt. It had been so long…and she had thought they had gone on with their original mission without looking for her. She had not expected a kindness such as that.

She crept on to the Bridge of the Jade Fox, and tried to keep out of site of Sith. The Bridge was small however, and once she knew she’d been spotted she just came out into the open. It happened in a second, and someone had grabbed her and she was surrounded by Starfleet officers. An unexplainable relief washed over her, and she felt all the exhaustion fall on her at once. She’d resigned herself to torture and death, and suddenly she was saved again. She looked nervously as Rune laid back comfortably on his consul, and looked as relaxed as possible. Had he given up?

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